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Following previous cloning and expression studies of Xenopus aldolase C (brain-type) and A (muscle-type) cDNAs, we cloned here two Xenopus aldolase B (liver-type) cDNAs (XALDB1 and XALDB2, 2447 and 1490 bp, respectively) using two different liver libraries. These cDNAs had very similar ORF with only one conservative amino acid substitution, but 3'-UTR of XALDB1 contained ca. 1 kb of unrelated reiterated sequence probably ligated during library construction as shown by genomic Southern blot analysis. In adult, aldolase B mRNA (ca. 1.8 kb) was expressed strongly in kidney, liver, stomach, intestine, moderately strongly in skin, and very weakly in all the other tissues including muscles and brain, which strongly express aldolase A and C mRNAs, respectively. In oocytes and early embryos, aldolase A and C mRNAs occurred abundantly as maternal mRNAs, but aldolase B mRNA occurred only at a residual level, and its strong expression started only after the late neurula stage, mainly in liver rudiment, pronephros, epidermis and proctodeum. Thus, active expression of the gene for aldolase B, involved in dietary fructose metabolism, starts only later during development (but before the feeding stage), albeit genes for aldolases A and C, involved in glycolysis, are expressed abundantly from early stages of embryogenesis, during which embryos develop depending on yolk as the only energy source.  相似文献   

We previously cloned cDNAs for all the members (A, B and C) of Xenopus aldolase gene family, and using in vitro transcribed RNAs as references, performed quantitative studies of the expression of three aldolase mRNAs in embryos and adult tissues. A Xenopus egg contains ca. 60 pg aldolase A mRNA and ca. 45 pg aldolase C mRNA, but contains only ca. 1.5 pg aldolase B mRNA. The percent composition of three aldolase mRNAs (A:B:C) changes from 56:1.5:42.5 (fertilized egg) to 54:10:36 (gastrula), to 71:14.5:14.5 (neurula) and to 73:20:7 (tadpole) during development. These results are compatible with the previous results of zymogram analysis that aldolases A and C are the major aldolases in early embryos, whose development proceeds depending on yolk as the only energy source. Aldolase B mRNA is expressed only late in development in tissues such as pronephros, liver rudiment and proctodeum which are necessary for the future dietary fructose metabolism, and the expression pattern is consistent to that in adult tissues. We also show that three aldolase genes are localized on different chromosomes as single copy genes.  相似文献   

From whole genome sequencing of an allotetraploid frog, Xenopus laevis, two homeologous sets (L and S) of four Hox clusters A through D (HoxA.L/S, HoxB.L/S, HoxC.L/S, and HoxD.L/S) and 13 paralogous groups (PGs) with 76 genes were identified, allowing us to carry out the first comprehensive analyses of hox gene expression in vertebrates. Expression of all hox genes during development and in adult tissues was analyzed by RNA‐sequencing. The expression levels of most hox genes were similar between homeologs, but in some pairs, large differences were observed and several of these were confirmed by RT‐PCR and whole mount in situ hybridization experiments. These results indicate that subfunctionalization of hox genes may have occurred since allotetraploidization. Furthermore, comprehensive analysis of hox gene expression during early development did not agree with the hypothesis of temporal collinearity especially in genes belonging to PG2 to PG10 .  相似文献   

Summary Plasma membranes were isolated in high yield from Xenopus gastrulae by repeated sedimentation in discontinuous sucrose gradients. Most of the yolk was separated by lowspeed sedimentation before centrifugation on the discontinuous sucrose gradients. The isolation of plasma membranes was followed by covalent labelling of the surface of dissociated gastrula cells with diazoniobenzene sulphonate, by electron microscopy and the distribution of enzymatic markers. The isolated plasma membranes have a low neural inducing activity as compared to other cell constituents.  相似文献   

Isolation of CpG islands from large genomic clones   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The amphibian Xenopus laevis has been successfully used for many years as a model system for studying vertebrate development. Because of technical limitations, however, molecular investigations have mainly concentrated on early stages. We have developed a straightforward method for stage-specific induction of gene expression in transgenic Xenopus embryos [1] [2]. This method is based on the Xenopus heat shock protein 70 (Xhsp70 [3]) promoter driving the expression of desired gene products. We found that ubiquitous expression of the transgene is induced upon relatively mild heat treatment. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) was used as a marker to monitor successful induction of gene expression in transgenic embryos. We used this method to study the stage specificity of Wnt signalling function. Transient ectopic Wnt-8 expression during early neurulation was sufficient to repress anterior head development and this capacity was restricted to early stages of neurulation. By transient over-expression at different stages of development, we show that frizzled-7 disrupted morphogenesis sequentially from anterior to posterior along the dorsal axis as development proceeds. These results demonstrate that this method for inducible gene expression in transgenic Xenopus embryos will be a very powerful tool for temporal analysis of gene function and for studying molecular mechanisms of vertebrate organogenesis.  相似文献   

Murine transforming growth factor-beta 2 (TGF-beta 2) cDNAs were isolated from cDNA libraries derived from a differentiated murine embryonic carcinoma cell line, PCC3. The composite cDNA sequence is 4267 nucleotides long, including a 1217 nucleotides 5'-untranslated sequence, and encodes a murine TGF-beta 2 precursor of 414 amino acids with 96% identity to its human counterpart. Several consensus polyadenylation sequences are present in the 1807 nucleotides 3'-untranslated sequence. Five TGF-beta 2 mRNA species are observed in the developing mouse fetus and they show different patterns of expression during development. TGF-beta 2 mRNA expression was also examined in adult mouse tissues, in which four of the five RNA species were observed. TGF-beta 2 mRNAs were present in all adult mouse tissues examined, except liver, and was most abundant in placenta, the male submaxillary gland and lung. The patterns of expression suggest a physiological role for TGF-beta 2 both in embryonic development and in the maintenance of adult tissues.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase was obtained by treating embryos of Xenopus laevis with n-butanol at different developmental stages from gastrula to tadpole; the enzyme was also obtained from adult kidney, liver, and intestinal mucosa. Purification was carried out by gel filtration and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme activity is chromatographically spearated into two peaks, with molecular weights of approximately 200,000 and 400,000. Alternatively, two groups may be characterized on the basis of their electrophoretic mobilities, which correspond to the different molecular weight classes. Effects of pH, temperature, inhibitors, and substrate concentration were studied. The kinetic and physical properties of the two alkaline phosphatase isozymes are similar, and are comparable to the properties reported for this enzyme from other vertebrates. Alkaline phosphatase activity increased sharply at the gastrula stage and reached a plateau at the late tailbud stage. During this period there was an 18-fold increase in activity.  相似文献   

Lamin proteins are components of metazoan cell nuclei. During evolution, two classes of lamin proteins evolved, A- and B-type lamins. B-type lamins are expressed in nearly all cell types and in all developmental stages and are thought to be indispensable for cellular survival. In contrast, A-type lamins have a more restricted expression pattern. They are expressed in differentiated cells and appear late in embryogenesis. In the earliest steps of mammalian development, A-type lamins are present in oocytes, pronuclei and during the first cleavage stages of the developing embryo. But latest after the 16-cell stage, A-type lamin proteins are not any longer detectable in embryonic cells. Amphibian oocytes and early embryos do not express lamin A. Moreover, extracts of Xenopus oocytes and eggs have the ability to selectively remove A-type lamins from somatic nuclei. This observation and the restricted expression pattern suggest that the presence of lamin A might interfere with developmental processes in the early phase of embryogenesis. To test this, we ectopically expressed lamin A during early embryonic development of Xenopus laevis by microinjection of synthetic mRNA. Here, we show that introducing mature lamin A does not interfere with normal development. However, expression of prelamin A or lamin A variants that cannot be fully processed cause severe disturbances and lead to apoptosis during gastrulation. The toxic effect is due to lack of the conversion of prenylated prelamin A to its mature form. Remarkably, even a cytoplasmic prelamin A variant that is excluded from the nucleus drives embryos into apoptosis.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A is a phosphoserine/threonine phosphatase implicated in many cellular processes. The core enzyme comprises a catalytic and a PR65/A-subunit. The substrate specificity and subcellular localization are determined by a third regulatory B-subunit (PR55/B, PR61/B' and PR72/130/B"). To identify the proteins of the B" family in Xenopus laevis oocytes, a prophase Xenopus oocyte cDNA library was screened using human PR130 cDNA as a probe. Three different classes of cDNAs were isolated. One class is very similar to human PR130 and is probably the Xenopus orthologue of PR130 (XPR130). A second class of clones (XN73) is identical to the N-terminal part of XPR130 but ends a few amino acids downstream of the putative splicing site of PR130. To investigate how this occurs, the genomic structure of the human PR130 gene was determined. This novel protein does not act as a PP2A subunit but might compete with the function of PR130. The third set of clones (XPR70) is very similar to human PR48 but has an N-terminal extension. Further analysis of the human EST-database and the human PR48 gene structure, revealed that the human PR48 clone published is incomplete. The Xenopus orthologue of PR48 encodes a protein of 70 kDa which like the XPR130, interacts with the A-subunit in GST pull-down assays. XPR70 is ubiquitously expressed in adult tissues and oocytes whereas expression of XPR130 is very low in brain and oocytes. Expression of XN73 mainly parallels XPR130 with the exception of the brain.  相似文献   

Neural cell adhesion molecule expression in Xenopus embryos   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The spatiotemporal pattern of expression of the neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM was mapped immunohistochemically in embryos of the frog Xenopus, from blastula to early swimming stages, using a polyclonal antibody that recognizes Xenopus NCAM. The neural plate stage was the earliest at which NCAM could be detected. The initial sites of NCAM immunoreactivity were neural ectoderm, somitic mesoderm, and chordamesoderm. During formation of the neural tube, NCAM immunoreactivity became restricted to the neuroectoderm and its derivatives. During closure of the neural tube and for 2-4 hr thereafter, NCAM was expressed in a distinctive radial pattern in coronal sections of the neural tube. NCAM was observed in neural crest cells before migration and after formation of cranial and spinal ganglia. During the period of initial neurite outgrowth, NCAM became concentrated in the developing central nerve fiber pathways. NCAM was seen on peripheral nerves from the time of their initial outgrowth and it was strongly expressed at neuromuscular junctions during the period of their formation. These results show that NCAM is expressed after neural induction and functions during morphogenesis of the neural plate and tube, some neural crest derivatives, development of nerve fiber tracts, and formation of neuromuscular connections.  相似文献   

A series of overlapping recombinant clones, which cover the vitellogenin gene, has been isolated from a phage-lambda linked chicken gene library. The DNA of the overlapping clones spans 28 kb of contiguous DNA sequences in the chicken genome. Electron microscopic analysis of hybrids between vitellogenin mRNA and the genomic clones indicates that the chicken vitellogenin gene has a length of approximately 22 kb, about 3.8 times the size of the mRNA. The mRNA sequence is interrupted by at least 33 intervening sequences (introns). Comparison with the vitellogenin gene A2 from Xenopus laevis (Wahli et al., 1980, Cell 20: 107-117) indicates conservation of the number and length of the exons during evolution. Heteroduplex analysis reveals a short stretch of sequence homology between the genes from chicken and frog.  相似文献   

A Xenopus laevis complementary DNA (cDNA) library prepared from messenger RNAs extracted from embryos has been screened for actin-coding sequences. Two cDNA clones corresponding to an alpha cardiac and an alpha skeletal muscle actin mRNA have been identified and characterized. From a genomic library, we have furthermore isolated the genes that correspond to the characterized cDNAs. In addition we have identified an actin processed gene which seems to be derived from a second type of skeletal muscle actin gene. Southern blot analysis of X. laevis DNA reveals that each of the three genes is present in at least two copies. In Xenopus tropicalis, a similar Southern blot analysis demonstrates that the three alpha actin genes exist as single copy. This result correlates with the genome duplication that has been proposed to have occurred recently in a X. laevis ancestor. A sequence comparison of the X. laevis cardiac and skeletal muscle actin cDNAs shows that the encoded peptides are highly conserved. Nevertheless, the numerous nucleotide changes at silent mutation sites suggest that the genes originated before the amphibia/reptile-bird divergence, more than 350 million years ago. Comparison of the promoters of the cardiac and skeletal actin genes, which are co-expressed in embryos, reveals a few common structural sequence elements.  相似文献   

Kindlin-2 functions in the maintenance of homeostasis and in human diseases. This study investigated the interrelationship between Kindlin-2 expression in tissues and the corresponding germ layers from which these tissues originated. Kindlin-2 expression was examined in normal adult human organs and human cancer tissues by immunohistochemical analyses. Analysis of Kindlin-2 mRNA levels in adult human organs in the Oncomine dataset revealed Kindlin-2 is highly expressed in mesoderm-derived organs. However, Kindlin-2 was negative or weakly expressed in endoderm/ectoderm-derived organs. Interestingly, the abnormal expression of Kindlin-2 was observed in a variety of human cancers. In agreement with its expression profile in humans, Kindlin-2 was also highly expressed in mesoderm-derived organs in mouse embryos with the exception of strong Kindlin-2 expression in ectoderm-derived spinal cord and ganglia, tissues that are highly mobile during embryonic development. Importantly, we demonstrated the expression level of Kindlin-2 in adult organs correlated with their embryonic dermal origins and deregulation of Kindlin-2 in tissues is associated with tumor progression. This finding will help us understand the dual role of Kindlin-2 in the regulation of tumor progression and embryonic development.  相似文献   

Ectopic expression of N-cadherin perturbs histogenesis in Xenopus embryos   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Xenopus embryos express N-cadherin in a pattern similar to that observed in other species, and cells expressing Xenopus N-cadherin can bind to cells expressing chicken N-cadherin in vitro. To investigate the developmental role of this molecule, we injected mRNA encoding chicken N-cadherin into one blastomere of 2-cell-stage Xenopus embryos and examined the effect of its expression on their development. The ectopic expression of N-cadherin occurred in various regions of the injected embryos and induced abnormal histogenesis, such as thickening, clumping or fusion of cell layers. These results suggest that the precise quantitative and qualitative regulation of the expression of cadherins is essential to embryonic morphogenesis.  相似文献   

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