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In physiological experiments, it is essential to measure arterial pressure (AP) and heart rate (HR) in animals. Tail cuff pressure (TCP) measurement using photoelectric volume oscillometry has been commonly used. We designed a new technique for continuous measurement of AP and HR in conscious, unrestrained rats. This is based on the observation that fixation of the rat's tail with tape keeps the animal in position without struggling. The animal is free to move its body. To test the accuracy of this new technique, Sprague-Dawley rats underwent four AP and HR measurement techniques. These included a new unrestrained method (UR), which was compared to the following three methods: traditional restrained TCP method with restrainer, direct monitoring of AP and HR with femoral artery catheterization and a combination of photoelectric volume oscillometry (with body heating to 37 degrees C) and femoral arterial recording. The results show that the modified UR measurement provides accurate data on AP and HR. This method obtains a lower value of HR and similar mean AP when compared to direct monitoring from femoral arterial catheterization. Accordingly, the modified unrestrained TCP measurement can be used in conscious rats as a noninvasive method.  相似文献   

As a prelude to investigating the mechanism of regression of pressure overload-induced left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy (LVH), we studied the time course for the development and subsequent regression of LVH as well as accompanying alterations in cardiac function, histology, and gene expression. Mice were subjected to aortic banding for 4 or 8 wk to establish LVH, and regression was initiated by release of aortic banding for 6 wk. Progressive increase in LV mass and gradual chamber dilatation and dysfunction occurred after aortic banding. LVH was also associated with myocyte enlargement, interstitial fibrosis, and enhanced expression of atrial natriuretic peptide, collagen I, collagen III, and matrix metalloproteinase-2 but suppressed expression of alpha-myosin heavy chain and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase. Aortic debanding completely or partially reversed LVH, chamber dilatation and dysfunction, myocyte size, interstitial fibrosis, and gene expression pattern, each with a distinct time course. The extent of LVH regression was dependent on the duration of pressure overload, evidenced by the fact that restoration of LV structure and function was complete in animals subjected to 4 wk of aortic banding but incomplete in animals subjected to 8 wk of aortic banding. In conclusion, LVH regression comprises a variety of morphological, functional, and genetic components that show distinct time courses. A longer period of pressure overload is associated with a slower rate of LVH regression.  相似文献   

A method of continuously measuring left ventricular (LV) pressure in an isolated buffer-perfused working rat heart is described. Transvalvular placement of a micromanometer through the aorta is the unique feature of this procedure. Advantages include catheter stability and lack of myocardial trauma. Changes in cardiac function were quantified by exposing hearts to either isoproterenol (10(-9) M) or halothane (1.5% vol/vol). To examine if any obstruction to LV outflow was caused by the micromanometer, cardiac performance was assessed during pullback from the ventricle to the aorta. Complications such as aortic insufficiency and ventricular arrhythmias were also studied. The results indicate that the transvalvular placement of a micromanometer can provide continuous, high-fidelity reproduction of LV pressure in this small-organ preparation. The presence of the micromanometer did not significantly alter cardiac performance, and proper catheter placement was achieved easily in a high percentage (> 90%) of cases.  相似文献   

We describe the feasibility of chronic measurement of cardiac output (CO) in conscious mice. With the use of gas anesthesia, mice >30 g body wt were instrumented either with transit-time flow probes or electromagnetic probes placed on the ascending aorta. Ascending aortic flow values were recorded 6-16 days after surgery when probes had fully grown in. In the first set of experiments, while mice were under ketamine-xylazine anesthesia, estimates of stroke volume (SV) obtained by the transit-time technique were compared with those simultaneously obtained by echocardiography. Transit-time values of SV were similar to those obtained by echocardiography. The average difference +/- SD between the methods was 2 +/- 7 microl. In the second set of studies, transit-time values of CO were compared with those obtained by the electromagnetic flow probes. In conscious resting conditions, estimates +/- SD) of cardiac index (CI) obtained by the transit-time and electromagnetic flow probes were 484 +/- 119 and 531 +/- 103 ml x min(-1) x kg body wt(-1), respectively. Transit-time flow probes were also implanted in mice with a myocardial infarction (MI) induced by ligation of a coronary artery 3 wk before probe implantation. In these MI mice (n = 7), average (+/- SD) resting and stimulated (by volume loading) values of CO were significantly lower than in noninfarcted mice (n = 15) (resting CO 16 +/- 3 vs. 20 +/- 4 ml/min; stimulated CO 20 +/- 5 vs. 26 +/- 6 ml/min). Finally, using transfer function analysis, we found that, in resting conditions for both intact and MI mice, spontaneous variations in CO (> 0.1 Hz) were mainly due to those occurring in SV rather than in heart rate. These data indicate that CO can be measured chronically and reliably in conscious mice, also in conditions of heart failure, and that variations in preload are an important determinant of CO in this species.  相似文献   

Determination of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in conscious mice is cumbersome for the experimenter and stressful for the animals. Here we report on a simple new technique allowing the transcutaneous measurement of GFR in conscious mice. This approach extends our previously developed technique for rats to mice. The technique relies on a miniaturized device equipped with an internal memory that permits the transcutaneous measurement of the elimination kinetics of the fluorescent renal marker FITC-sinistrin. This device is described and validated compared with FITC-sinistrin plasma clearance in healthy, unilaterally nephrectomized and pcy mice. In summary, we describe a technique allowing the measurement of renal function in freely moving mice independent of blood or urine sampling as well as of laboratory assays.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of HCI-induced metabolic acidaemia on cardiac output, contractile function, myocardial blood flow, and myocardial oxygen consumption in nine unanaesthetized newborn lambs. Through a left thoracotomy, catheters were placed in the aorta, left atrium and coronary sinus. A pressure transducer was placed in the left ventricle. Three to four days after surgery, we measured cardiac output, dP/dt, left ventricular end diastolic and aortic mean blood pressures, heart rate, aortic and coronary sinus blood oxygen contents, and left ventricular myocardial blood flow during a control period, during metabolic acidaemia, and after the aortic pH was restored to normal. We calculated systemic vascular resistance, myocardial oxygen consumption and left ventricular work. Acidaemia was associated with reduction in cardiac output, maximal dP/dt, and aortic mean blood pressure. Left ventricular end diastolic pressure and systemic vascular resistance increased, and heart rate did not change significantly. The reduction in myocardial blood flow and oxygen consumption was accompanied by fall in cardiac work. Cardiac output returned to control levels after the pH had been normalized but maximal dP/dt was incompletely restored. Myocardial blood flow and oxygen consumption increased beyond control levels. This study demonstrates that HCI-induced metabolic acidaemia in conscious newborn lambs is associated with a reduction in cardiac output which could have been mediated by the reduction in contractile function and/or the increase in systemic vascular resistance. The decreases in myocardial blood flow and oxygen consumption appear to reflect diminished cardiac work. The restoration of a normal cardiac output after normalization of the pH appears to have resulted from the increases in heart rate and left ventricular filling pressures in conjunction with an incomplete restoration of contractile function.  相似文献   

Myoglobin-deficient mice are viable and have preserved cardiac function due to their ability to mount a complex compensatory response involving increased vascularization and the induction of the hypoxia gene program (hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha, endothelial PAS, heat shock protein27, etc.). To further define and explore functional roles for myoglobin, we challenged age- and gender-matched wild-type and myoglobin-null mice to chronic hypoxia (10% oxygen for 1 day to 3 wk). We observed a 30% reduction in cardiac systolic function in the myoglobin mutant mice exposed to chronic hypoxia with no changes observed in the wild-type control hearts. The cardiac dysfunction observed in the hypoxic myoglobin-null mice was reversible with reexposure to normoxic conditions and could be prevented with treatment of an inhibitor of nitric oxide (NO) synthases. These results support the conclusion that hypoxia-induced cardiac dysfunction in myoglobin-null mice occurs via a NO-mediated mechanism. Utilizing enzymatic assays for NO synthases and immunohistochemical analyses, we observed a marked induction of inducible NO synthase in the hypoxic myoglobin mutant ventricle compared with the wild-type hypoxic control ventricle. These new data establish that myoglobin is an important cytoplasmic cardiac hemoprotein that functions in regulating NO homeostasis within cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

To determine whether pericardial liquid pressure accurately measures pericardial constraint, we developed a technique in which a catheter was positioned perpendicular to the epicardial surface. This device, which occupies little or no pericardial space, couples the thin film of liquid to a transducer. In six open-chest dogs, we also measured left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) and anteroposterior and septum-to-free wall diameters. LVEDP was raised incrementally to approximately 25 mmHg by saline infusion. With the use of the product of the two diameters as an index of area (A(LV)), LVEDP-A(LV) relationships were obtained with the pericardium closed and again after the pericardium had been widely opened to obtain the isovolumic difference in LVEDP (DeltaLVEDP). In all dogs, the technique yielded values of pericardial pressure equal to DeltaLVEDP as well as equal to that measured using a previously placed balloon transducer in the same location and at the same A(LV). We conclude that, when the pressure of the pericardial liquid is appropriately measured, it (in addition to the balloon-measured contact stress) defines the diastolic constraining effect of the pericardium. Furthermore, we suggest that earlier measurements of pericardial "liquid pressure" were low, due to an artifact of measurement.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to test for a reliable method of characterizing the isovolumic left ventricular pressure fall in isolated ejecting hearts by one or two time constants, tau. Alternative nonlinear regression models (three- and four-parametric exponential, logistic, and power function), based upon the common differential law dp(t)/dt = - [p(t)-P ]/ tau(t) are compared in isolated ejecting rat, guinea pig, and ferret hearts. Intraventricular pressure fall data are taken from an isovolumic standard interval and from a subinterval of the latter, determined data-dependently by a statistical procedure. Extending the three-parametric exponential fitting function to four-parametric models reduces regression errors by about 20-30%. No remarkable advantage of a particular four-parametric model over the other was revealed. Enhanced relaxation, induced by isoprenaline, is more sensitively indicated by the asymptotic logistic time constant than by the usual exponential. If early and late parts of the isovolumic pressure fall are discarded by selecting a subinterval of the isovolumic phase, tau remains fairly constant in that central pressure fall region. Physiological considerations point to the logistic model as an advantageous method to cover lusitropic changes by an early and a late tau. Alternatively, identifying a central isovolumic relaxation interval facilitates the calculation of a single ("central") tau; there is no statistical justification in this case to extend the three-parametric exponential further to reduce regression errors.  相似文献   

The left ventricular dysfunction following acute pulmowary hypertension remains unexplained. We wondered if acute pulmonary hypertension could alter the transmural flow distribution within the left ventricular myocardium, independent of coronary flow and perfusion pressure. We used a canine preparation in which the left coronary system was perfused at constant flow and induced a two- to three-fold increase in pulmonary artery pressure by banding the pulmonary artery. Regional myocardial blood flow of the left coronary system was measured using radioactive microspheres, injected into the left coronary system before and after 10-30 min of banding of the pulmonary artery. The left ventricular subendocardial:epicardial ratio fell by 12 and 31% (p less than 0.05) of control value, 10 and 30 min, respectively, after banding of the pulmonary artery, the total flow to the left coronary system being kept constant. Left atrial mean pressure increased from 2.9 +/- 2.4 to 3.6 +/- 1.9 and 6.0 +/- 2.1 (p less than 0.05) following banding. The mechanism of the redistribution of coronary flow may relate to inappropriate vasodilation of the right septal myocardium with consequent relative left ventricular subendocardial hypoperfusion which might aggravate left ventricular ischemia in the presence of hypotension and hypoxia.  相似文献   

Using Bluetooth wireless technology, we developed an implantable telemetry system for measurement of the left ventricular pressure-volume relation in conscious, freely moving rats. The telemetry system consisted of a pressure-conductance catheter (1.8-Fr) connected to a small (14-g) fully implantable signal transmitter. To make the system fully telemetric, calibrations such as blood resistivity and parallel conductance were also conducted telemetrically. To estimate blood resistivity, we used four electrodes arranged 0.2 mm apart on the pressure-conductance catheter. To estimate parallel conductance, we used a dual-frequency method. We examined the accuracy of calibrations, stroke volume (SV) measurements, and the reproducibility of the telemetry. The blood resistivity estimated telemetrically agreed with that measured using an ex vivo cuvette method (y=1.09x - 11.9, r2= 0.88, n=10). Parallel conductance estimated by the dual-frequency (2 and 20 kHz) method correlated well with that measured by a conventional saline injection method (y=1.59x - 1.77, r2= 0.87, n=13). The telemetric SV closely correlated with the flowmetric SV during inferior vena cava occlusions (y=0.96x + 7.5, r2=0.96, n=4). In six conscious rats, differences between the repeated telemetries on different days (3 days apart on average) were reasonably small: 13% for end-diastolic volume, 20% for end-systolic volume, 28% for end-diastolic pressure, and 6% for end-systolic pressure. We conclude that the developed telemetry system enables us to estimate the pressure-volume relation with reasonable accuracy and reproducibility in conscious, untethered rats.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe degree of left ventricular overload in patients with aortic valve insufficiency (AI) plays an important role in determining the need and timing of surgical intervention. Because hemodynamic evaluation of AI may potentially predict the effects of an insufficient valve on the ventricle before they occur, it would be useful to guide valve surgery with such a diagnostic tool. The purpose of this study was to test the performance of a new hemodynamic index based on mechanical energy loss for the measurement of the effects of insufficiency on ventricular workload.Methods and resultsAn intact and subsequently perforated aortic bioprosthesis was tested within an in vitro model of the left heart, varying cardiac output, diastolic aortic pressure, and the size of perforation. Regurgitant orifice area (ROA), regurgitant volume (RV), regurgitant fraction (RF), and energy loss index (ELI) were measured for each experimental condition and plotted against the increase in workload per unit volume net forward flow (ΔWPV) due to perforation. ROA, RV, and RF showed good correlations with ΔWPV, but the relationship between these variables and ΔWPV became ambiguous as their magnitudes increased. ELI had a near perfect linear relationship with ΔWPV (slope=1.00, r2=0.98) independent of the experimental condition.ConclusionsRV, RF, and ROA do not by themselves fully describe the increase in difficulty the ventricle has in moving the blood across an insufficient valve. ELI, in contrast, was found to be a very good measure of the decrease in pump efficiency due to aortic valve insufficiency.  相似文献   

Genetically modified mice have created the need for accurate noninvasive left ventricular mass (LVM) measurements. Recent technical advances provide two-dimensional images adequate for LVM calculation using the area-length method, which in humans is more accurate than M-mode methods. We compared the standard M-mode and area-length methods in mice over a wide range of LV sizes and weights (62-210 mg). Ninety-one CD-1 mice (38 normal, 44 aortic banded, and 9 inherited dilated cardiomyopathy) were imaged transthoracically (15 MHz linear transducer, 120 Hz). Compared with necropsy weights, area-length measurements showed higher correlation than the M-mode method (r = 0.92 vs. 0.81), increased accuracy (bias +/- SD: 1.4 +/- 27.1% vs. 36.7 +/- 51.6%), and improved reproducibility. There was no significant difference between end-systolic and end-diastolic estimates. The truncated ellipsoid estimation produced results similar in accuracy to the area-length method. Whereas current echocardiographic technology can accurately and reproducibly estimate LVM with the two-dimensional, area-length formula in a variety of mouse models, additional technological improvements, rather than refinement of geometric models, will likely improve the accuracy of this methodology.  相似文献   

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