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A 5‐year field survey examined western corn rootworm (WCR) (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) beetle density in Serbia from 2002 to 2006. First‐, second‐, third‐, fourth‐ and fifth‐year maize fields were sampled; they represented 64.61%, 21.66%, 9.45%, 3.53% and 0.75% of all sampled fields respectively. Results showed that the mean WCR beetle population density from 794 maize fields differed depending on cropping history. Minimum mean WCR/trap/day was 0.0 in the first‐year maize fields in 2002 and 2006. Maximum mean WCR/trap/day was registered in the fourth‐year and the fifth‐year maize fields (27.8 and 21.2 respectively). Mean population density of WCR adults increased with the number of years of continuous maize from 1.17, 4.61, 6.41, 10.30 up to 13.53 WCR/trap/day for first‐fifth‐year maize fields respectively. Mean WCR/trap/day ± SE exceeded the economic population threshold of >6 WCR/trap/day in third‐year continuous maize fields. Out of 794 maize fields, 697 (87.78%) registered a mean population density below the <6 beetles/trap/day threshold. In only 97 fields was WCR population density >6 beetles/trap/day, a finding that predicts a risk of economic damage to a subsequent maize planting. These data are representative of the Serbian situation from 2002 to 2006; they indicate that WCR are well dispersed across commercial maize fields in Serbia. These results provide new insight into the current low WCR population densities in maize fields managed by crop rotation, a finding that can help in creating long‐term management strategy.  相似文献   

We evaluated whether protected European butterflies can potentially be at risk if transgenic maize is extensively grown in Central Europe. We explored potential consequences of both insect resistant (IR) and herbicide resistant (HR) transgenic maize. IR maize can produce pollen that is toxic to lepidopteran larvae, and this puts butterfly species at possible risk if the presence of young larvae coincides with maize flowering, during which large quantities of maize pollen can be deposited on vegetation. By considering the timing of maize flowering in Europe and the phenology of the protected Lepidoptera species, we found that 31 species had at least one generation where 50% of the larval stage overlapped with maize flowering, and 69 species for which first instar larvae were present during maize pollen shedding. HR maize allows high concentration herbicide treatments on fields without seasonal limitation, which can drastically reduce weed densities. In cases where such weed species are host plants for protected butterflies, reduced host plant/food availability can result, causing population decreases. By using published information, we first identified the important weed species in major maize-growing European countries. Subsequently, we checked whether the host plants of protected Lepidoptera included species that are common maize weeds. We identified 140 protected species having food plants that are common weeds in one or more of the major European maize-growing countries. If HR maize is grown in Europe, there is a potential hazard that their food plants will seriously decline, causing a subsequent decline of these protected species.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The effect of any management strategy on pest population levels must be researched and determinations need to be made as to how that strategy might work based on the control objectives. In certain areas of Europe, the objective is to contain or eradicate the western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, population. In order to evaluate the impact of insecticide seed coatings and/or planting-time applications of insecticides as WCR population suppressors, plot trials and large field observations were carried out in Italy over a 5-year period. Larval, pupal and adult densities, along with root damage ratings, were estimated at different locations. Data from these studies revealed that the number of WCR adults emerging from untreated plots did not differ from the number of beetles emerging from those treated with insecticides, whether as seed coating or in-furrow applications. Both seed insecticide coatings (imidacloprid, fipronil, thiamethoxam, tefluthrin) and soil insecticides applied in-furrow (chlorpyrifos, diazinon, tefluthrin) did not reduce the number of beetles emerging from monoculture fields, either in plot trials or large field observations. Observations in the USA had previously shown that soil insecticides applied at planting time partially protected basal roots from economic damage, but did not reduce corn rootworm populations. Similarly, in Europe, it has been demonstrated that not only the application of soil insecticides at planting time but also insecticide seed coatings have no role in the containment and/or eradication of WCR. Although insecticide seed coatings and soil insecticides applied in-furrow may provide protection against economic damage to roots, these management strategies do not have an impact on WCR populations and therefore are useless in WCR containment and eradication programmes.  相似文献   

Environmental impacts of genetically modified crops are mandatorily assessed during their premarket phase. One of the areas of concern is the possible impact on nontarget organisms. Crops expressing Cry toxins might affect Lepidoptera larvae living outside cultivated fields, through pollen deposition on wild plants, which constitute their food source. While pollen toxicity varies among different events, possible exposure of nontarget species depends on the agro‐environmental conditions. This study was conducted in two protected areas in Italy, characterized by different climatic conditions, where many Lepidoptera species thrive in proximity to maize cultivations. To estimate the possible exposure in absence of the actual stressor (e.g., Cry1‐expressing maize plants), we conducted a two‐year field survey of butterflies and weeds. Indicator species were selected—Aglais (Inachis) io in the Northern site and Vanessa cardui in the Southern site—and their phenology was investigated. Pollen dispersal from maize fields was measured by collection in Petri dishes. Duration and frequency of exposure was defined by the overlap between pollen emission and presence of larvae on host plants. Different risk scenarios are expected in the two regions: highest exposure is foreseen for A. io in the Northern site, while minimal exposure is estimated for V. cardui in the Southern site. In the latter case, locally grown maize cultivars flower in mid‐summer in coincidence with an aestivation period for several butterfly species due to hot and dry conditions. Moreover, host plants of V. cardui are at the end of their life cycle thus limiting food availability.  相似文献   

Western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is the most destructive insect pest of corn (Zea mays L.) in the United States. The adult WCR beetles derive their nourishment from multiple sources including corn pollen and silks as well as the pollen of alternate hosts. Conversely, the corn foliage is largely neglected as a food source by WCR beetles, leading to a perception of a passive interaction between the two. We report here a novel recessive mutation of corn that was identified and named after its foliar susceptibility to corn rootworm beetles (crw1). The crw1 mutant under field conditions was exceptionally susceptible to foliar damage by WCR beetles in an age-specific manner. It exhibits pleiotropic defects on cell wall biochemistry, morphology of leaf epidermal cells and lower structural integrity via differential accumulation of cell wall bound phenolic acids. These findings indicate that crw1 is perturbed in a pathway that was not previously ascribed to WCR susceptibility, as well as implying the presence of an active mechanism(s) deterring WCR beetles from devouring corn foliage. The discovery and characterization of this mutant provides a unique opportunity for genetic analysis of interactions between maize and adult WCR beetles and identify new strategies to control the spread and invasion of this destructive pest.  相似文献   

One of the major concerns regarding the release of Bt maize is its potential negative impact on non-target organisms present in this crop. In this paper, we compare the temporal phenology and community structure of the aboveground arthropods in commercial Bt maize fields in Central Spain with those of conventional maize crops, with or without an insecticide (imidacloprid) seed treatment, over a period of three years. Spiders, harvestmen, centipedes, ground beetles, rove beetles, carrion beetles, click beetles, earwigs and damsel bugs were captured in pitfall traps every year in sufficient number to provide meaningful phenological data. One predator spider and three omnivorous species of ground beetles have been consistently present in the maize fields: Pardosa occidentalis, Poecilus cupreus, Pseudophonus rufipes and Pseudophonus griseus, respectively. Rove beetles were caught to a lesser extent, with three dominant species: Acrotona aterrima, Philonthus varians and Platystethus nitens. The variability in activity–density patterns of the aboveground fauna was mainly influenced by the year, but no detrimental effects could be attributed to Bt maize. The only exception being the changes detected in rove beetles, although these differences were transitory and varied from year to year. No changes in species richness and diversity indices for spiders and ground beetles resulted from treatments. However, imidacloprid-treated maize caused a reduction in species richness of rove beetles, even though the abundance of the main species was not reduced. Our results suggest that Bt maize could be compatible with natural enemies that are common in maize fields in Spain.  相似文献   

Halo-nitrophilous scrubs are characterised by their floristic richness in species of the family Amaranthaceae (include Chenopodiaceae) and the Mediterranean saltbush (Atriplex halimus L.) is one of the most characteristic species in the Mediterranean region. Pollen from Amaranthaceae is the main cause of pollinosis at the end of summer and autumn. In this study, the floral phenology of the species Atriplex halimus L., was studied relating it to the atmospheric concentration of Amaranthaceae pollen with the aim to know if it can serve as an indicator of the maximum pollen concentrations. Observations of the male floral phenology of Atriplex halimus were performed over the course of three years in the central Iberian Peninsula (Spain) and the aerobiological pollen data of Amaranthaceae were obtained using a Hirst-type volumetric trap. The results demonstrated that the flowering period of Atriplex halimus closely coincided with the peak pollen levels. Besides, the prevailing movements of air masses in relation to the distribution and abundance of the halo-nitrophilous scrub during the flowering period of Atriplex halimus were studied using a back-trajectory analysis. The results showed that distinct predominant wind patterns led to differences in the quantity of pollen recorded during the pollen season and in the behaviour of the evolution of airborne pollen concentrations.  相似文献   

1 This review presents the latest research regarding maize resistance breeding against western corn rootworm (WCR) in the U.S.A. and Europe.
2 Investigations in Europe on the development of maize cultivars possessing resistant mechanisms against WCR are just beginning. In 2003, the European Commission implemented measures aimed at slowing down the spread of the WCR in Europe. Nevertheless, this pest has already been found in 20 countries of the European region. To establish a sustainable production system, the evaluation of native (nontransgenic) resistance in maize cultivars is essential.
3 This review emphasizes the future challenges involved in the research of native resistance breeding in maize against the insect.  相似文献   

1 The western corn rootworm (WCR) is a historic pest with a legacy of resistance and behavioural plasticity. Its behaviour and nutritional ecology are important to rootworm management. The success of the most effective and environmentally benign rootworm management method, annual crop rotation, was based on an understanding of rootworm behaviour and host–plant relationships. Enthusiastic adoption of crop rotation, provided excellent rootworm management, but also selected for behavioural resistance to this cultural control.
2 Though well-studied, significant gaps in WCR biology remain. Understanding the topics reviewed here (mating behaviour, nutritional ecology, larval and adult movement, oviposition, alternate host use, and chemical ecology) is a starting point for adapting integrated pest management and insect resistance management (IRM) to an expanding WCR threat. A presentation of significant questions and areas in need of further study follow each topic.
3 The expansion of WCR populations into Europe exposes this pest to new environmental and regulatory conditions that may influence its behaviour and ecology. Reviewing the state of current knowledge provides a starting point of reference for researchers and pest management decision-makers in North America and Europe.
4 The trend toward increasing adoption of transgenic maize will place an increasing premium on understanding WCR behaviour. IRM plans designed to promote sustainable deployment of transgenic hybrids are grounded on assumptions about WCR movement, mating and ovipositional behaviour. Preserving the utility of new and old management options will continue to depend on a thorough understanding of WCR biology, even as the ecological circumstances and geography of WCR problems become more complex.  相似文献   

Mark-release-recapture experiments were undertaken in order to investigate the movement of adult Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte from accidental introduction points towards suitable habitats, such as its host plant, Zea mays L. In Hungary in 2003 and 2004, nine mark-release-recapture experiments were carried out in a grass steppe area and lucerne field, in which two small maize fields (10x10 m) had been planted 300 m distant from the central release point. After each release of 5500 to 6000 marked D. v. virgifera, beetle recaptures were recorded three times using non-baited yellow sticky traps placed on 30, 105, 205 and 305 m radii around the release point. In seven out of 15 recapture periods (47%), beetle populations showed no directional movements, and their movements towards any particular habitat cannot be predicted. During five recapture periods (33%), beetle populations showed a uni-directional movement, and in three cases (20%) a bi-directional movement was observed. In 10 out of 15 recapture periods (67%), the released populations moved in a direction that was comparable with the mean wind direction during these periods; thus, beetle movements were slightly correlated with wind direction. On average over sites and years, beetles were not preferentially moving towards the two small maize fields (located 300 m from the release point) compared to other directions. However, beetles moved significantly more frequently in the direction of naturally-occurring maize fields within a radius of 1500 m than towards other habitats. Beetles stayed more frequently within flowering lucerne fields out to a radius of 300 and 600 m than in non-flowering lucerne or other habitats. On average, 2.8% (SD 3.2) of all recaptured beetles arrived in one of the two small maize fields located 300 m from their release point indicating that there is a high risk of a founder population establishing. Habitat management cannot be suggested as a means of preventing the beetle's initial dispersal because movement was usually non-directional, and alternative food plants were used prior to reaching maize.  相似文献   

Semi‐field‐scale arrays of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) (Brassicaceae) plants were used to observe the development of distributions of pollen beetles (Meligethes aeneus Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) in a simulated trap crop system where inflorescence growth stage alone was used to manipulate the pest. Over two successive years, pairs of 1 m spaced square arrays of 100 glasshouse‐grown plants were placed 40 m apart in the field in May, and were subject to natural infestation by pollen beetles. The test plot of each pair had a simulated trap crop, with an outer row of plants at early flowering stage intended to protect more susceptible inner plants at late bud stage, and the control plot had all plants at the late‐bud stage, simulating a standard crop situation. Pollen beetles were counted daily on each plant for 10–13 days. The spatio‐temporal development of plot infestation was analysed in relation to the distribution of racemes in bud and raceme in flowers using Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs (SADIE), and tests of edge and centre distribution. Inflorescence growth stage characteristics were shown to be important in determining the spatial distributions of pollen beetles. In control plots, the numbers of racemes in bud and in flower were never edge or centre distributed. In test plots, racemes in flower were always edge distributed, and racemes in bud began edge distributed and became centre distributed. Pollen beetle numbers were usually spatially associated with the abundance of racemes in bud and/or in flower. In control plots, pollen beetles were neither edge nor centre distributed, but in test plots they maintained a significant edge distribution for 7–10 days. At the end of the experiments, females were more centre distributed in the test plots than males, and were more closely associated with racemes with buds, whereas males were more associated with racemes with flowers. In early flowering stage plants, the number of racemes in flowers were a good indicator of the abundance of racemes in buds, but this relationship was lost as flowering progressed. Although flowering racemes provide strong cues for immigrating pollen beetles, the abundance of buds may be a more important determinant of residence time, particularly for females, and is therefore a critical determinant of trap crop effectiveness.  相似文献   

The cumulative (season-long) incidence of heterospecific pollen transfer (HPT) was examined using nine sympatric species in a midsuccessional old field. Inflorescences were collected weekly during the flowering season, and the proportion of foreign pollen/stigma was recorded. Flowering phenologies of sympatric species and ovule and seed counts of study species were also recorded. Heterospecific pollen was detected on some stigmas of each species. Medicago sativa (Fabaceae) received the most foreign pollen; in some cases, all of the grains on a stigma were heterospecific. Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae) received the least amount of foreign pollen; the incidence of heterospecific pollen was near zero in most cases. The mean and range of foreign pollen received varied by as much as an order of magnitude between species. The six species with zygomorphic flowers, all Fabaceae, received more heterospecific pollen than the three species with actinomorphic flowers, Potentilla recta and P. simplex (Rosaceae) and Ranunculus acris (Ranunculaceae). This probably reflects a bias because our data were analyzed on a cumulative basis and the Fabaceae had longer flowering phenologies. HPT was not correlated with the species' relative abundance within the community. Proportion of foreign pollen received varied temporally within species, and this variation generally was not related to phenology of any sympatric taxa or the species' own phenology. Pollen grain diameter was positively related to levels of foreign pollen received by species. This might be caused by poor adhesion of large pollen grains to small stigmatic papillae or if generalist pollinators carrying large amounts of heterospecific pollen visit the large-grained species and specialists with little foreign pollen visit the small-grained species. The large proportions of heterospecific pollen on stigmas of many species indicate that HPT occurs frequently in the community we studied and the implications may include reduced seed set because of occlusion by foreign grains. As yet, however, it is unclear how important a factor HPT is in mediating pollen limitation of reproductive success.  相似文献   

Abstract: The western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, Col.; Chrysomelidae) is an alien invasive species in Europe. It is a univoltine species with eggs that overwinter in the soil and larvae that hatch in spring. Three larval instars feed on maize roots, which can cause plant lodging and yield loss of economic importance. Adults emerge between mid‐June and early August and can reduce yields through intensive silk feeding. In order to provide a thorough understanding of the population dynamics of this invasive pest species in the invaded European region, complete age specific life‐tables were constructed in two maize fields in southern Hungary assessing the significance of natural mortality factors acting on D. v. virgifera populations. This information provides a rational basis for devising sustainable integrated pest management programmes, in particular, by enabling the identification of vulnerable pest age intervals for the timely application of various management tools. The life‐table for D. v. virgifera in Europe resulted in a total mortality of about 99% from the egg stage in the autumn to the emergence of adult females in the following year (KTotal = 2.48), which is comparable with North America. The highest reduction of D. v. virgifera numbers resulted from the mortality in first instar larvae (94% marginal death rate) and from the unrealized fecundity (80%). However, only the variation in mortality between years can change the generational mortality and thus influence population growth. High variation in the marginal death rate between fields and years was found in the second and third instar larval stages, and in the overwintering egg stage. These mortality factors therefore have the potential to cause changes in the total generational mortality. Furthermore, the life‐table suggested that a high fecundity could compensate for a high generational mortality and would lead to population increase.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteinases predominate in the midgut fluid (MF) and oral secretion (OS) of adult western corn rootworm (WCR) based on their mild acidic pH optima (pH 6.0), enhanced activities after treatment with thiol reducing agents, and inhibition by selective cysteine proteinase inhibitors (PIs). Four cysteine PIs including E-64, calpeptin, calpain inhibitor II, and leupeptin (also a serine PI) strongly inhibited azocaseinolytic activity in a dose-dependent manner in both the MF and OS. The most significant effect on adult female WCR of cysteine PI consumption with corn pollen was the reduction in fecundity, but female survival was not apparently affected. Mean fresh weights for all PI-fed females were also lower than control groups. All PI-fed groups [E-64, calpain inhibitor I (Cal I) and leupeptin] had a significantly lower daily egg production than respective corn pollen-fed controls. E-64 was more potent than leupeptin and Cal I on inhibiting fecundity, which correlates with their relative anti-proteinase potency in vitro. E-64, Cal I, and leupeptin at 1.5-2 nmol/beetle/day reduced fecundity down to 25-45% of control values. Reduced egg production by PI-fed beetles results from a combination of the direct inhibition of protein digestion and a post-ingestive negative feedback mechanism, which reduces food intake. The supplement of ten essential amino acids into the E-64-treated pollen enhanced up to 3.7-fold the number of eggs laid compared to the E-64-fed group without these amino acids, suggesting that egg production is dependent on the supply of essential amino acids from corn pollen proteolysis.  相似文献   

  1. Species exhibit a range of specialisation in diet and other niche axes, with specialists typically thought to be more efficient in resource use but more vulnerable to extinction than generalists. Among herbivorous insects, dietary specialists seem more likely to lack acceptable host plants during the insect's feeding stage, owing to fluctuations in host-plant abundance or phenology. Like other herbivores, bee species vary in host breadth from pollen specialisation (oligolecty) to generalisation (polylecty).
  2. Several studies have shown greater interannual variation in flowering phenology for earlier-flowering plants than later-flowering plants, suggesting that early-season bees may experience substantial year-to-year variation in the floral taxa available to them.
  3. It was therefore reasoned that, among bees, early phenology could be a more viable strategy for generalists, which can use resources from multiple floral taxa, than for specialists. Consequently, it was expected that the median dates of collection of adult specimens to be earlier for generalist species than for specialists. To test this, phenology data and pollen diet information on 67 North American species of the bee genus Osmia was obtained.
  4. Controlling for latitude and phylogeny, it was found that dietary generalisation is associated with significantly earlier phenology, with generalists active, on average, 11–14 days earlier than specialists.
  5. This result is consistent with the generalist strategy being more viable than the specialist strategy for species active in early spring, suggesting that dietary specialisation may constrain the evolution of bee phenology—or vice versa.

Oilseed rape (Brassica napus) is a valuable crop, attacked by several insect pests, of which the pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus) is one of the most widespread and important in Europe. The relative attractiveness for the pollen beetle of Brassica nigra, Eruca sativa and Raphanus sativus was compared with that of spring oilseed rape, to assess the potential of these plant species as trap crops for the pest. At early growth stages, B. nigra and R. sativus were more attractive to over-wintered adult pollen beetles than B. napus. At the bud and flowering stages, B. nigra was the most attractive while E. sativa was the least attractive. At flowering, B. nigra was more attractive for oviposition than the other species. Thus, of the species tested, B. nigra has the most potential as a prospective trap crop to protect spring oilseed rape before flowering when it is at its most vulnerable developmental phase, due to its faster development and its acceptability both for feeding and oviposition to overwintered pollen beetle adults. Raphanus sativus was accepted both for feeding and oviposition, but pollen beetle larvae failed to develop in its flowers; it therefore has the potential for use as a dead-end crop. At the end of the growing season, both E. sativa and R. sativus, as late-flowering species, attracted the new generation of pollen beetles and thereby have potential to extend the effectiveness of a trap-cropping system at this time.  相似文献   

1 The western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte is a major insect pest of field maize, Zea mays L. Larvae can cause substantial injury by feeding on maize roots. Larval feeding may destroy individual roots or root nodes, and reduce plant growth, stability, and yield. Costs associated with managing corn rootworms in continuous maize are annually one of the largest expenditures for insect management in the United States Corn Belt.
2 Even though D. virgifera virgifera has been studied intensively for over 50 years, there is renewed interest in the biology, ecology, and genetics of this species because of its ability to rapidly adapt to management tactics, and its aggressive invasive nature.
3 This article provides a comprehensive review of D. virgifera virgifera population dynamics, specifically: diapause, larval and adult development, seasonality, spatial and temporal dynamics at local and landscape scales, invasiveness in North America and Europe, and non-trophic interactions with other arthropods.
4 Gaps in current knowledge are identified and discussed especially within the context of challenges that scientists in North America and Europe are currently facing regarding pest dynamics and the need to develop appropriate management strategies for each geographic area.  相似文献   

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