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Effect of compression pressure on forced expiratory flow in infants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effect of the force of compression on expiratory flow was evaluated in 19 infants (2-13 mo of age) with respiratory illnesses of varying severity. An inflatable cuff was used to compress the chest and abdomen. Expiratory flow and volume, airway occlusion pressure, cuff pressure (Pc), and functional residual capacity were measured. Transmission of pressure from cuff to pleural space was assessed by a noninvasive occlusion technique. Close correlations (P less than 0.001) were found between Pc and the change in pleural pressure with cuff inflation (delta Ppl,c). Pressure transmission was found to vary between two cuffs of different design and between infants. Several forced expirations were then performed on each infant at various levels of delta Ppl,c. Infants with low maximal expiratory flows at low lung volumes required relatively gentle compression to achieve flow limitation and showed decreased flow for firmer compressions. Flow-volume curves in each infant tended to become more concave as delta Ppl,c increased. These findings underline the importance of knowledge of delta Ppl,c in interpreting expiratory flow-volume curves in infants.  相似文献   

Effect of dichloroacetate on lactate concentration in exercising humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The precise mechanism responsible for the increase in plasma lactate concentration during exercise in humans is not known. We have used dichloroacetate to test the hypothesis that a limitation in pyruvate dehydrogenase activity is responsible for the rise in plasma lactate. Dichloroacetate stimulates the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase, which is normally the regulatory enzyme in the oxidation of glucose when tissue oxygenation is adequate. Six subjects were studied twice according to a randomized, crossover protocol, involving one test with saline infusion and another with dichloroacetate infusion. Exercise load on a bicycle ergometer was increased progressively until exhaustion. Blood samples were drawn each minute throughout exercise and periodically throughout 120 min of recovery. Dichloroacetate significantly lowered the lactate concentration during exercise performed at less than 80% of the average maximal O2 consumption. The peak concentration of lactate at exhaustion was not affected by dichloroacetate treatment, but dichloroacetate did lower lactate concentration throughout recovery. These results suggest that a limitation in pyruvate dehydrogenase activity contributes to the increase in plasma lactate during submaximal exercise and recovery.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of external mechanical loading on glottic dimensions in 13 normal subjects. When flow-resistive loads of 7, 27, and 48 cmH2O X l-1 X s, measured at 0.2 l/s, were applied during expiration, glottic width at the mid-tidal volume point in expiration (dge) was 2.3 +/- 12, 37.9 +/- 7.5, and 38.3 +/- 8.9% (means +/- SE) less than the control dge, respectively. Simultaneously, mouth pressure (Pm) increased by 2.5 +/- 4, 3.0 +/- 0.4, and 4.6 +/- 0.6 cmH2O, respectively. When subjects were switched from a resistance to a positive end-expiratory pressure at comparable values of Pm, both dge and expiratory flow returned to control values, whereas the level of hyperinflation remained constant. Glottic width during inspiration (unloaded) did not change on any of the resistive loads. There was a slight inverse relationship between the ratio of expiratory to inspiratory glottic width and the ratio of expiratory to inspiratory duration. Our results show noncompensatory glottic narrowing when subjects breathe against an expiratory resistance and suggest that the glottic dimensions are influenced by the time course of lung emptying during expiration. We speculate that the glottic constriction is related to the increased activity of expiratory medullary neurons during loaded expiration and, by increasing the internal impedance of the respiratory system, may have a stabilizing function.  相似文献   

Reflex control of expiratory airflow and duration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The upper airway is a complicatedstructure that is usually widely patent during inspiration. However, oninspiration during certain physiological and pathophysiological states,the nares, pharynx, and larynx may collapse. Collapse at theselocations occurs when the transmural pressure (Ptm) at a flow-limitingsite (FLS) falls below a critical level (Ptm'). On airwaycollapse, inspiratory airflow is limited to a maximal level(Imax)determined by (Ptm')/Rus, where Rus is the resistanceupstream to the FLS. The airflow dynamics of the upper airway areaffected by the activity of its associated muscles. In this study, weexamine the modulation ofImaxby muscle activity in the nasal airway under conditions of inspiratoryairflow limitation. Each of six subjects performed sniffs through onepatent nostril (pretreated with an alpha agonist) while flaring thenostril at varying levels of dilator muscle (alae nasi) EMG activity(EMGan). For each sniff, we located the nasal FLS with an airwaycatheter and determinedImax,Ptm', and Rus. Activation of the alae nasi from the lowest to thehighest values of EMGan increasedImaxfrom 422 ± 156 to 753 ± 291 ml/s (P < 0.01) and decreasedPtm' from 3.6 ± 3.0 to 6.0 ± 4.7 cmH2O (P < 0.05). Activation of the alaenasi had no consistent effect on Rus.Imaxwas positively correlated with EMGan, and Ptm' was negativelycorrelated with EMGan in all subjects. Our findings demonstrate thatalae nasi activation increasesImaxthrough the nasal airway by decreasing airway collapsibility.


Effects of expiratory loading on respiration in humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The adaptation of muscle structure, power output, and mass-specific rate of maximal O2 consumption (VO2max/Mb) with endurance training on bicycle ergometers was studied for five male and five female subjects. Biopsies of vastus lateralis muscle and VO2max determinations were made at the start and end of 6 wk of training. The power output maintained on the ergometer daily for 30 min was adjusted to achieve a heart rate exceeding 85% of the maximum for two-thirds of the training session. It is proposed that the observed preferential proliferation of subsarcolemmal vs. interfibrillar mitochondria and the increase in intracellular lipid deposits are two possible mechanisms by which muscle cells adapt to an increased use of fat as a fuel. The relative increase of VO2max/Mb (14%) with training was found to be smaller by more than twofold than the relative increase in maximal maintained power (33%) and the relative change in the volume density of total mitochondria (+40%). However, the calculated VO2 required at an efficiency of 0.25 to produce the observed mass-specific increase in maximal maintained power matched the actual increase in VO2max/Mb (8.0 and 6.5 ml O2 X min-1 X kg-1, respectively). These results indicate that despite disparate relative changes the absolute change in aerobic capacity at the local level (maintained power) can account for the increase in aerobic capacity observed at the general level (VO2max).  相似文献   

We examined the effects of expiratory resistive loads of 10 and 18 cmH2O.l-1.s in healthy subjects on ventilation and occlusion pressure responses to CO2, respiratory muscle electromyogram, pattern of breathing, and thoracoabdominal movements. In addition, we compared ventilation and occlusion pressure responses to CO2 breathing elicited by breathing through an inspiratory resistive load of 10 cmH2O.l-1.s to those produced by an expiratory load of similar magnitude. Both inspiratory and expiratory loads decreased ventilatory responses to CO2 and increased the tidal volume achieved at any given level of ventilation. Depression of ventilatory responses to Co2 was greater with the larger than with the smaller expiratory load, but the decrease was in proportion to the difference in the severity of the loads. Occlusion pressure responses were increased significantly by the inspiratory resistive load but not by the smaller expiratory load. However, occlusion pressure responses to CO2 were significantly larger with the greater expiratory load than control. Increase in occlusion pressure observed could not be explained by changes in functional residual capacity or chemical drive. The larger expiratory load also produced significant increases in electrical activity measured during both inspiration and expiration. These results suggest that sufficiently severe impediments to breathing, even when they are exclusively expiratory, can enhance inspiratory muscle activity in conscious humans.  相似文献   

Effect of beta-adrenoceptor blockade on H+ and K+ flux in exercising humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of beta-adrenoceptor blockade (beta B) on muscle release and uptake of H+ and K+ in humans during maximal exercise has been investigated. Eight volunteers cycled intermittently at power outputs corresponding to 100% of maximal O2 uptake. Prior to exercise either propranolol (beta B) or saline (control) was infused into the femoral vein. Arterial and femoral venous blood samples were drawn at rest, during exercise, and during 30-min recovery. Peak arterial blood values for K+, lactic acid (LA), and base deficit (BD) (mean +/- SE) were respectively 5.5 +/- 0.1, 9.5 +/- 0.6, and 11.7 +/- 0.9 mmol/l during beta B and 5.1 +/- 0.1, 8.3 +/- 0.6, and 10.3 +/- 1.0 for control (P less than 0.05). The release of K+ from the working leg did not differ between treatments during exercise, but K+ uptake during late recovery (5-30 min) was slightly lower during beta B. Thus the higher arterial K+ levels during exercise (beta B) cannot be attributed to greater release by active muscle but are likely due to decreased K+ uptake by noncontracting muscle. Arterial-femoral venous differences for LA and BD did not differ significantly between treatments. Additionally LA exchange across the leg was similar to H+ exchange (arterial-femoral venous differences for BD) under all conditions. During early recovery (1-5 min), regardless of experimental treatment, BD levels iin arterial blood were higher than LA (P less than 0.05). These elevated BD levels may be due to unequal removal rates between LA and H+ equivalents by nonexercised tissue.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of strength training on muscle pressor reflex responses was investigated. Ten young, healthy volunteers and eight arm wrestling athletes performed forearm exercises at 30% of maximal voluntary effort until exhaustion. The exercises were either static or rhythmic, with alternating 20-s periods of muscle contraction and relaxation, followed by postexercise forearm arterial occlusion (PEAO). Heart rate, blood pressure (BP), and sympathetic nerve activity directed to muscle blood vessels (MSNA) were continuously recorded during the exercises. MSNA recordings were obtained from the peroneal nerve using a microneurographic method. During static exercises followed by PEAO, there were no differences in BP or MSNA between athletes and nonathlets. In contrast, a significant decrease in muscle pressor reflex responses was observed in the athletes during rhythmic exercises followed by PEAO. The possible relationship between this effect and changes in muscle energy supply, increased wash-out of metabolites, and reduced sensitivity of the muscle receptors in athletes is discussed.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory sweating [total body (m sw,b), chest (m sw,c) and thigh (m sw,t) sweating], body temperatures [oesophageal (T oes) and mean skin temperature (T sk)] and heart rate were investigated in five sleep-deprived subjects (kept awake for 27 h) while exercising on a cycle (45 min at approximately 50% maximal oxygen consumption) in moderate heat (T air andT wall at 35° C. Them sw,c andm sw,t were measured under local thermal clamp (T sk,1), set at 35.5° C. After sleep deprivation, neither the levels of body temperatures (T oes,T sk) nor the levels ofm sw, b,m sw, c orm sw, t differed from control at rest or during exercise steady state. During the transient phase of exercise (whenT sk andT sk,1 were unvarying), them sw, c andm sw, t changes were positively correlated with those ofT oes. The slopes of them sw, c versusT oes, orm sw, t versusT oes relationships remained unchanged between control and sleep-loss experiments. Thus the slopes of the local sweating versusT oes, relationships (m sw, c andm sw, t sweating data pooled which reached 1.05 (SEM 0.14) mg·cm–2·min–1°C–1 and 1.14 (SEM 0.18) mg·cm–2·min–1·°C–1 before and after sleep deprivation) respectively did not differ. However, in our experiment, sleep deprivation significantly increased theT oes threshold for the onset of bothm sw, c andm sw, t (+0.3° C,P<0.001). From our investigations it would seem that the delayed core temperature for sweating onset in sleep-deprived humans, while exercising moderately in the heat, is likely to have been due to alterations occurring at the central level.  相似文献   

The effect of gas density on the spectral content of forced expiratory wheezes was studied in the search for additional information on the mechanism of generation of respiratory wheezes. Five normal adults performed forced vital capacity maneuvers through four or five orifice resistors (0.4-1.92 cm ID) after breathing air, 80% He-20% O2, or 80% SF6-20% O2. Tracheal lung sounds, flow, volume, and airway opening (Pao) and esophageal (Pes) pressures were measured during duplicate runs for each orifice and gas. Wheezes were detected in running spectra of lung sounds by use of a frequency domain peak detection algorithm. The wheeze spectrograms were presented along side expiratory flow rate and transpulmonary pressure (Ptp = Pao - Pes) as function of volume. The frequencies and patterns of wheeze spectrograms were evaluated for gas density effects. We found that air, He, and SF6 had similar wheeze spectrograms. Both wheeze frequency and patterns (as function of volume) did not exhibit consistent changes with gas density. Speech tone, however, was substantially affected in the usual pattern. These observations support the hypothesis that airway wall vibratory motion, rather than gas phase oscillations, is the source of acoustic energy of wheezes.  相似文献   

High-intensity exercise (> or =90% of maximal O(2) uptake) sustained to the limit of tolerance elicits expiratory muscle fatigue (EMF). We asked whether prior EMF affects subsequent exercise tolerance. Eight male subjects (means +/- SD; maximal O(2) uptake = 53.5 +/- 5.2 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) cycled at 90% of peak power output to the limit of tolerance with (EMF-EX) and without (CON-EX) prior induction of EMF and for a time equal to that achieved in EMF-EX but without prior induction of EMF (ISO-EX). To induce EMF, subjects breathed against an expiratory flow resistor until task failure (15 breaths/min, 0.7 expiratory duty cycle, 40% of maximal expiratory gastric pressure). Fatigue of abdominal and quadriceps muscles was assessed by measuring the reduction relative to prior baseline values in magnetically evoked gastric twitch pressure (Pga(tw)) and quadriceps twitch force (Q(tw)), respectively. The reduction in Pga(tw) was not different after resistive breathing vs. after CON-EX (-27 +/- 5 vs. -26 +/- 6%; P = 0.127). Exercise time was reduced by 33 +/- 10% in EMF-EX vs. CON-EX (6.85 +/- 2.88 vs. 9.90 +/- 2.94 min; P < 0.001). Exercise-induced abdominal and quadriceps muscle fatigue was greater after EMF-EX than after ISO-EX (-28 +/- 9 vs. -12 +/- 5% for Pga(tw), P = 0.001; -28 +/- 7 vs. -14 +/- 6% for Q(tw), P = 0.015). Perceptual ratings of dyspnea and leg discomfort (Borg CR10) were higher at 1 and 3 min and at end exercise during EMF-EX vs. during ISO-EX (P < 0.05). Percent changes in limb fatigue and leg discomfort (EMF-EX vs. ISO-EX) correlated significantly with the change in exercise time. We propose that EMF impaired subsequent exercise tolerance primarily through an increased severity of limb locomotor muscle fatigue and a heightened perception of leg discomfort.  相似文献   

Inspiratory and expiratory flow via the nose and via the mouth during maximum-effort vital capacity (VC) maneuvers have been compared in 10 healthy subjects. Under baseline conditions maximum flow via the nose was lower than that via the mouth in the upper 50-60% of the VC on expiration and throughout the VC on inspiration. The mean ratio of maximum inspiratory to maximum expiratory flow at mid-VC was 1.38 during mouth breathing and 0.62 during nasal breathing. Inspiratory flow limitation with no increase in flow through the nose as driving pressure was increased above a critical value (usually between 12 and 30 cmH2O) was found in all six subjects studied. Stenting the alae nasi in seven subjects increased peak flow via the nose from a mean of 3.49 to 4.32 l/s on inspiration and from 4.83 to 5.61 l/s on expiration. Topical application of an alpha-adrenergic agonist in seven subjects increased mean peak nasal flow on inspiration from 3.25 to 3.89 l/s and on expiration from 5.03 to 7.09 l/s. Further increases in peak flow occurred with subsequent alan stenting. With the combination of stenting and topical mucosal vasoconstriction, nasal peak flow on expiration reached 81% and, on inspiration, 79% of corresponding peak flows via the mouth. The results demonstrate that narrowing of the alar vestibule and the state of the mucosal vasculature both influence maximum flow through the nose; under optimal conditions, nasal flow capacity is close to that via the mouth.  相似文献   

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