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Field experiments have shown that avian predators in the wildcan select for similarity of warning signals in aposematic prey(Müllerian mimicry) because a common signal is better protectedthan a signal that is novel and rare. The original theory ofMüllerian mimicry assumes that the mechanism promotingmimicry is predator learning; by sharing a signal, the comimicspecies share the mortality that is due to sampling by inexperiencedpredators. Predation events have not been observed in the wild,and learning experiments with naive bird predators in a laboratoryhave not unambiguously shown a benefit of a uniform signal comparedwith different signals. As predators in the field experimentsare likely to be more experienced compared with previous laboratoryexperiments, we studied selection by experienced predators ona novel imperfect mimic. We trained great tits Parus major toavoid artificial aposematic models and subsequently introducedperfect and imperfect mimics at different frequencies. Birdswith prior experience on the models selected against the imperfectmimics that were at a disadvantage also in a memory test conducteda week after their introduction. Selection against the imperfectmimics was antiapostatic. However, the imperfect mimics alsobenefited from some signal generalization to the models andpossibly gained protection because the birds were familiar withthe alternative cryptic prey that was also present. Our resultssuggest that experienced predators might be more important tothe evolution of mimicry than the learning-based theory assumes.  相似文献   

Today's intensive farming practices are known to have affected farmland biodiversity negatively in many different ways. As far as birds are concerned, they are known to have suffered during both summer and winter. Relatively little is known about the effects on birds during migration. We studied the stopover ecology of the Eurasian golden plover Pluvialis apricaria, a species listed in EU Birds Directive, in intensively farmed arable land in southernmost Sweden in the autumns of 2003–2007. We used key ecological variables (length of stay, fat deposition and moult) as fitness proxies to evaluate how the birds manage in this habitat. Eurasian golden plovers were present in large numbers mainly on arable fields from early August to November and radio‐tagged birds were found to stay in the area for up to three months. Adult birds carried out a substantial part of their flight feather moult during their stay. Body mass increased only somewhat during moult, but from the last stages of moult and onwards fuel loads corresponding to 24% above lean body mass (LBM) were accumulated at a rate of 0.5% of LBM per day, before the birds departed. Juveniles arrived later, from mid Sep., and had a similar pattern of fuel deposition. The fact that the birds choose to stay for long periods, moult in the area, and manage to store substantial fuel loads strongly suggests that Eurasian golden plovers do well in this intensively farmed arable land.  相似文献   

Boyle WA 《Oecologia》2008,155(2):397-403
Migration is among the best studied of animal behaviors, yet few empirical studies have tested hypotheses explaining the ultimate causes of these cyclical annual movements. Fretwell’s (1980) hypothesis predicts that if nest predation explains why many tropical birds migrate uphill to breed, then predation risk must be negatively associated with elevation. Data from 385 artificial nests spanning 2,740 m of elevation on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica show an overall decline in predation with increasing elevation. However, nest predation risk was highest at intermediate elevations (500–650 m), not at lowest elevations. The proportion of nests depredated by different types of predators differed among elevations. These results imply that over half of the altitudinal migrant bird species in this region migrate to safer breeding areas than their non-breeding areas, suggesting that variation in nest predation risk could be an important benefit of uphill migrations of many species. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The consequences of early developmental conditions for performance in later life are now subjected to convergent interest from many different biological sub-disciplines. However, striking data, largely from the biomedical literature, show that environmental effects experienced even before conception can be transmissible to subsequent generations. Here, we review the growing evidence from natural systems for these cross-generational effects of early life conditions, showing that they can be generated by diverse environmental stressors, affect offspring in many ways and can be transmitted directly or indirectly by both parental lines for several generations. In doing so, we emphasize why early life might be so sensitive to the transmission of environmentally induced effects across generations. We also summarize recent theoretical advancements within the field of developmental plasticity, and discuss how parents might assemble different ‘internal’ and ‘external’ cues, even from the earliest stages of life, to instruct their investment decisions in offspring. In doing so, we provide a preliminary framework within the context of adaptive plasticity for understanding inter-generational phenomena that arise from early life conditions.  相似文献   

Many types of predators depredate bird nests and thus potentiallyinfluence the spatial distribution of their prey. We used asimulation model of a double-brooded songbird's nesting seasonto test three predictions about the selective advantage ofdispersing different distances after nest predation by predatorswith varying home range sizes. Our results supported the predictions that (1) dispersing birds had higher success than nondispersingbirds after predation of the first nest, (2) dispersing beyondthe home range of the nest predator increased the success ofthe second nest, and (3) birds whose first nests were depredatedearly in the nesting cycle did better by dispersing fartherthan birds whose nests were depredated later in the nestingcycle. Our results provide evidence that predation and predatorcharacteristics may cause variation in adult dispersal distancesduring the breeding season. However, we did not find an advantagefor long-distance dispersal when predators with small- or medium-sizedhome ranges were responsible for the predation event. The criticaldecisions of dispersal and dispersal distance made by adultbirds are complex, but our model demonstrates that predationevents can create a selective advantage to disperse.  相似文献   

Abstract Long‐distance plant dispersal explains the rapid northward migration of plant species during the Holocene but the mechanisms by which it occurred are poorly understood. Given that Native Americans spread numerous cultigens over thousands of kilometres during the late Holocene, I examined historical literature for evidence of non‐cultigen dispersal or cultivation in North America's eastern woodlands. Cultivation references are included because a strong relationship between dispersal and indigenous flora husbandry is assumed. Sixty‐seven texts describing Native American lifestyle, cultural activities, and land management reported some form of plant use. Most accounts, however, focus on cultigen production or the use of indigenous flora for medicine or food without mention of dispersal. Twenty‐four of the texts described the trade, transport, or cultivation of plants indigenous to eastern North American woodlands. Most accounts focus on the informal production of food plants, especially trees and shrubs. Confounding these reports was clear evidence of observer bias, limited botanical knowledge, acculturation, and secrecy by Native American informants. Because of these shortcomings, the likelihood of widespread long‐distance plant dispersal by Native Americans could not be determined using historical literature. This activity was either not widespread or was not observed by, or revealed to, Europeans. To adequately test the Native American plant dispersal hypothesis, direct evidence from other sources (e.g. archaeobotancial data) will be required.  相似文献   

Three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) which had previously fed on Daphnia in a high density swarm subsequently attacked a prey swarm (which had all known characteristics enhancing confusion) differently from fish fed equal numbers of Daphnia from a lower density swarm. Predators which had previously encountered low density prey hesitated longer before the first attack, attacked less and at a lower rate, and ceased hunting earlier than those fish that had previously prefed upon the high density Daphnia. Possible causes of the difference in attack behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   

Many migratory waterbird populations are declining and wetland connectivity is a major conservation challenge. The importance of stopover sites has been typically assessed by peak counts of birds, which underestimate the total number of individuals using the site over a migratory season, especially in small wetlands. We analysed the accuracy of different daily count schemes to estimate the total number of Eurasian Spoonbill that stop over at two tidal wetlands during their autumn migration and compared them with the birds observed leaving the area each day. Total number of birds was obtained by combining numbers of each flock of birds leaving during the season. We obtained different accurate predictors for birds departing daily from each stopover area. Daily low-tide counts were the best predictor of the daily number of birds that stopover in a tidal wetland mainly used to refuel (staging site), whereas daily high-tide counts were best at a wetland mainly used to rest (stopover site). Each measure also accurately predicted annual trends for each area, respectively. Daily low-tide counts could be used as an easy census method to estimate the daily number of individuals using a staging site consistently during the entire migratory season, as well as indicating trends, without the necessity of estimating turnover rates. By contrast, daily high-tide counts would be especially suitable for determining the minimum relevance and the population trends of other tidal wetlands (especially the smaller ones), which regularly support moderate numbers of spoonbills during migration where birds use to stop over for less than one day. This method developed for the spoonbill, a flagship and umbrella species, could represent a first step in improving the conservation of other endangered migratory waterbird populations.  相似文献   

Can road mortality limit populations of pool-breeding amphibians?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We integrated road maps, traffic volume data, and pool locations in a modeling study to estimate the potential effects of road mortality on populations of pool-breeding spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum Shaw). Population projections based on spotted salamander life tables imply that an annual risk of road mortality for adults of >10% can lead to local population extirpation; mitigation efforts (tunnels, road closures, and other measures) should seek to reduce road mortality rates to below this threshold. For central and western Massachusetts, we estimated that salamanders would be exposed to at least this threshold level of risk at 22–73% of populations (assuming a 100 vs. 500 m migration distance, respectively). We conclude that road mortality can be a significant source of additive mortality for individual spotted salamanders in many parts of the species’ range. Efforts to prevent such mortality by transportation planners are likely warranted strictly on a biological basis in areas with road densities >2.5 km per km2 of landscape and traffic volumes >250 vehicles/lane/day within the migration range of a breeding population of spotted salamanders.  相似文献   

Digestive capabilities, such as the rates nutrient hydrolysis and absorption, may affect energy intake and ultimately feeding behavior. In birds, a high diversity in gut biochemical capabilities seems to support the existence of a correlation between the morphology and physiology of the intestinal tract and chemical features of the natural diet. However, studies correlating the activity of digestive enzymes and the feeding habits at an evolutionary scale are scarce. We investigated the effect of dietary habits on the digestive physiological characteristics of eight species of passerine birds from Central Chile. The Order Passeriformes is a speciose group with a broad dietary spectrum that includes omnivorous, granivorous and insectivorous species. We measured the activity of three enzymes: maltase, sucrase and aminopeptidase-N. Using an autocorrelation analysis to remove the phylogenetic effect, we found that dietary habits had no effect on enzymatic activity. However, we found that granivorous and omnivorous species had higher levels of disaccharidase activities and insectivores had the lowest. The major difference in enzymatic activity found at the inter-specific level, compared to the reported lower magnitude of enzyme modulation owing to dietary acclimation, suggests that these differences to some extent have a genetic basis. However, the lack of a clear association between diet categories and gut physiology suggested us that dietary categorizations do not always reflect the chemical composition of the ingested food.  相似文献   

A frequently advocated approach for forecasting the population‐level impacts of climate change is to project models based on historical, observational relationships between climate and demographic rates. Despite the potential pitfalls of this approach, few historically based population models have been experimentally validated. We conducted a precipitation manipulation experiment to test population models fit to observational data collected from the 1930s to the 1970s for six prairie forb species. We used the historical population models to predict experimental responses to the precipitation manipulations, and compared these predictions to ones generated by a statistical model fit directly to the experimental data. For three species, a sensitivity analysis of the effects of precipitation and grass cover on forb population growth showed consistent results for the historical population models and the contemporary statistical models. Furthermore, the historical population models predicted population growth rates in the experimental plots as well or better than the statistical models, ignoring variation explained by spatial random effects and local density‐dependence. However, for the remaining three species, the sensitivity analyses showed that the historical and statistical models predicted opposite effects of precipitation on population growth, and the historical models were very poor predictors of experimental responses. For these species, historical observations were not well replicated in space, and for two of them the historical precipitation‐demography correlations were weak. Our results highlight the strengths and weaknesses of observational and experimental approaches, and increase our confidence in extrapolating historical relationships to predict population responses to climate change, at least when the historical correlations are strong and based on well‐replicated observations.  相似文献   

Capsule: Current UK distributions of non-native birds poorly match areas identified as being climatically suitable.

Aims: Non-native species are spreading at unprecedented rates and though invasions are expected to increase under climate change, evidence for this is mixed. We assess climatic suitability throughout the UK based on the apparent match to the climate in species’ native ranges and investigate potential climatic limitation within the non-native range.

Methods: Climate was characterized within polygons representing the native ranges of 167 potentially invasive species. Parts of the UK with current and future climate similar to that in the native range were deemed climatically suitable. The incidence of recent observations inside and outside suitable areas was used to test hypotheses about climatic limitation of non-native ranges.

Results: Climate matching suggests that 69 of 167 non-native bird species could currently find climatically suitable areas for establishment in the UK. Future climate change would see this number increase by 14% by 2080. However, observed occurrences of non-native species in the UK were not significantly correlated to climatic suitability. Only 44 of the 69 species with suitable climate in the UK were present. Moreover, 85% of species observed in the UK had some UK occurrences in climatically unsuitable areas and for 57 species their entire UK range was in climatically unsuitable areas. Similar results were apparent for the subset of 12 species with established UK populations.

Conclusions: Climate matching provides a relatively poor indication of the extent of current and future suitable areas because species can adapt to new climates or other factors constrain the native range and many climatically suitable areas are currently unoccupied. Improvements to climate matching techniques and ongoing surveillance are required to refine predictions to support effective management policies.  相似文献   

Birds use stopovers during migration to interrupt endurance flight in order to minimize immediate and/or future fitness costs. Stopovers on ships is considered an exceptional and anecdotal event in the ornithological literature. This does not match the experience we had in the summer of 2021, during an oceanographic campaign in the Central Mediterranean, when we regularly observed on average 2.8 birds, of at least 13 species, stopping on board during the 25 days of the campaign. The median stopping time was 42 min, ranging from a few minutes to overnight stays on board. The probability of finding a bird stopping aboard increased with wind force and cloud cover. Birds also stopped more often in a headwind and did not stop when the wind came from different directions other than the headwind. The Central Mediterranean is one of the busiest sea routes in the world, combining the mean daily number of birds on board with the thousands of ships that pass through it during the 3 months of summer migration; we estimate that nearly 4 million birds could use ships as stopover sites. This behaviour may represent a modern-day strategy that uses ships as stopovers in the event of adverse weather conditions or could act as an ecological trap, increasing the mortality of migrants. This phenomenon deserves more research attention and further studies recording body condition and tagging of individuals on board would be informative.  相似文献   

C. A. Woodward  R. G. McAuley 《CMAJ》1983,129(6):567-569
Performance ratings were obtained by the clinical supervisors of four graduated classes of McMaster University medical students during internship. The supervisors detected no difference in performance between the graduates who met the "traditional" admissions criteria (both an undergraduate grade point average of 3.1 or greater on a 4-point scale and previous training in biology, general and organic chemistry, and physics) and those who lacked one or both of these prerequisites. These data suggest that medical schools can expand their admissions criteria without fearing that their graduates will perform less well as interns because of a lack of traditional academic preparation for medical school.  相似文献   

Although a number of studies have demonstrated a correlation between ambient temperature and the timing of reproductive behavior in many bird species, the relationships between temperature, activation of the hypothalamus–pituitary–gonad (HPG) axis, laying, and hatching in free-living birds, remain unclear. We investigated the relationships between spring temperature, reproductive hormones, and behavior, in a population of the Asian short-toed lark (Calandrella cheleensis) on the Inner Mongolian Grasslands in 2014, 2015 and 2016. LH and T levels peaked earliest in the year with the highest April temperature (2014) and latest in the year with the lowest April temperature (2016), and rose faster in 2014 than in 2015 or 2016. Laying and hatching occurred earliest in 2014 and latest in 2016. E2 also peaked earlier in 2014 than in the other two years but there was no significant difference in peak E2 levels among the three years. The peak of hatching only coincided with the peak in grasshopper nymph (the main food of nestlings) abundance in 2015 and the nestling fledging rate in 2015 was significantly higher than that in 2014 and 2016. We also conducted a controlled experiment on the effect of temperature on plasma LH, T and E2 levels in wild-caught larks, which shows that mean plasma LH, T and E2 levels in the 16 °C group all peaked 4 days earlier than in the 13 °C group. All these results suggest that activation of HPG endocrine axis in the Asia short-toed lark population is closely related to ambient temperature, and that this subsequently influences the timing of laying and hatching. The HPG axis' endocrine function is a physiological factor that mediates effects of ambient temperature on the timing of breeding. Temperature induced annual variation in the timing of hatching was, however, insufficient to synchronize the nestling period with the annual peak in grasshopper nymph abundance. Unusually warm, or cold, spring temperatures advanced, or delayed, grasshopper nymph development to an extent that exceeded the Asian short-toed lark's capacity to advance or delay the onset of breeding and reproductive success was lower in the two years of the study in which the nestling period was asynchronous with the peak of grasshopper nymph abundance. Long-term research on the relationship between the timing of reproduction and population demographics of the Asian short-toed lark is required to understand the effects of climate change on this species and on temperate birds in general.  相似文献   

Cell migration is critical for proper development of the embryo and is also used by many cell types to perform their physiological function. For instance, cell migration is essential for immune cells to monitor the body and for epithelial cells to heal a wound whereas, in cancer cells, acquisition of migratory capabilities is a critical step towards malignancy. Migratory cells are often categorized into two groups: mesenchymal cells, produced by an epithelium-to-mesenchyme transition, that undergo solitary migration and epithelial-like cells which migrate collectively. However, on some occasions, mesenchymal cells may travel in large, dense groups and exhibit key features of collectively migrating cells such as coordination and cooperation. Here, using data published on Neural Crest cells, a highly invasive mesenchymal cell population that extensively migrate throughout the embryo, we explore the idea that other mesenchymal cells, including cancer cells, might be able to undergo collective cell migration under certain conditions and discuss how they could do so.  相似文献   

1. Correlational studies of reproductive success are plagued by difficulty over the direction of causation. For example, improved reproductive success with age can result from increased experience or reproductive effort, or selection against low-quality phenotypes that survive poorly. An association between supernumeraries and reproductive success in cooperative breeders can arise either because supernumeraries boost productivity, or productive territories accumulate supernumeraries. 2. Paired comparisons of parents sampled with and without supernumeraries have recently been widely applied to quantify help. However, Dickinson & Hatchwell (2004) have argued that this approach is flawed. They conjectured that those groups that gain supernumeraries are a biased superior sample of those that initially lack supernumeraries, while groups that lose supernumeraries will be a sample of inferior cooperative groups. They predict that these biased comparisons will underestimate the effect of help. 3. This conjecture has neither been explored theoretically, nor empirically tested. We use data from a 19-year study of the superb fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus to examine the conjecture and derive predictors of annual reproductive success in this species. 4. We introduce statistical models of reproductive success based on a zero-inflated Poisson link function to identify three strong correlates of reproductive success: high spring rainfall, progress from the first to later years of life, and acquisition of supernumeraries. 5. First year females that died after breeding and those that survived to breed again had similar productivity. As female productivity improves with age, increased reproductive skill or effort is implicated rather than selection against inferior phenotypes. 6. We argue that the Dickinson-Hatchwell conjecture does not constrain paired comparisons in M. cyaneus. The dominant male and breeding female gain no immediate fecundity advantage from supernumeraries. 7. Effects on the future survival of dominants are even more difficult, as while helpers could enhance survival of dominants, a territory that facilitates survival should also accumulate philopatric supernumeraries. Males, the philopatric sex, did not survive better on territories with supernumeraries. However, females, the dispersive sex, had higher survival as the number of supernumeraries increased, because helpers allowed them to reduce the costs of reproduction. These data exacerbate the paradox posed by previously reported costs that supernumeraries impose on dominant males.  相似文献   

Cell migration is critical for proper development of the embryo and is also used by many cell types to perform their physiological function. For instance, cell migration is essential for immune cells to monitor the body and for epithelial cells to heal a wound whereas, in cancer cells, acquisition of migratory capabilities is a critical step toward malignancy. Migratory cells are often categorized into two groups: (1) mesenchymal cells, produced by an epithelium-to-mesenchyme transition, that undergo solitary migration and (2) epithelial-like cells which migrate collectively. However, on some occasions, mesenchymal cells may travel in large, dense groups and exhibit key features of collectively migrating cells such as coordination and cooperation. Here, using data published on neural crest cells, a highly invasive mesenchymal cell population that extensively migrate throughout the embryo, we explore the idea that mesenchymal cells, including cancer cells, might be able to undergo collective cell migration under certain conditions and discuss how they could do so.Key words: collective cell migration, epithelium-to-mesenchyme transition, neural crest cells, contact-inhibition of locomotion, cancer, metastasis  相似文献   

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