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The Canterland Den locality in the Midland Valley of Scotland exposes sediments belonging to the Arbuthnott Group. They consist of typical Lower Old Red Sandstone terrestrial fluviatile deposits, which probably accumulated in an inland intermontane basin. Palynological investigation of these sediments has yielded diverse and well preserved palynomorph assemblages dominated by land-derived forms: spores, phytodebris (dispersed cuticles and tubular structures) and rare fragments of arthropod cuticle. Interestingly, rare acritarchs interpreted as deriving from non-marine algae are also present. The spore assemblages all belong to the lower subzone of the micrornatusnewportensis Spore Assemblage Biozone, indicating an early Lochkovian (Early Devonian) age. They are similar in general characteristics to previously described spore assemblages from the Arbuthnott Group, but exhibit minor differences in terms of taxon composition. They differ more significantly from coeval spore assemblages from the lowland floodplain deposits of the Anglo-Welsh basin, in terms of both relative abundance of morphotypes and taxon composition. An intriguing feature of the assemblage is the high abundance of undissociated spore tetrads. It is suggested that such tetrads are a genuine feature of Lochkovian spore assemblages, perhaps reflecting more flexible and unconventional reproductive strategies exhibited by early land plants.  相似文献   

Rooting structures preserved as casts in alluvial deposits of the Lower Devonian Lower Old Red Sandstone occur more extensively than previously thought in the Anglo-Welsh Basin. Two rooting structure morphotypes are identified: morphotype 1 being predominantly horizontal, and morphotype 2 comprising vertical forms. Both morphotypes taper along their length, are oval in cross-section, branch, and can be linear or sinuous. Fills are heterolithic in nature. The rooting structures are observed in sediments deposited in a wide variety of environments including both low-sinuosity within-channel bar-tops and accretionary bar surfaces (inclined-heterolithic stratification); accretionary banks of sinuous ephemeral channels (inclined-heterolithic stratification); floodplains (including margins of shallow floodplain ponds) of both ephemeral and perennial river channels, and well-developed calcic Vertisols. Although a vascular plant origin to the rooting structures cannot be discounted, there is circumstantial evidence that the structures were produced by the enigmatic Prototaxites, recently reinterpreted as a giant fungus. It is possible that they represent underground aggregates (rhizomorphs or cords) of hyphae involved in anchorage and nutrient foraging. Organic matter associated with biofilms and crusts is hypothesized as a source of nutrients for the presumed saprotroph.  相似文献   

A new monotypic genus is described from impression and compression fossils preserved in the Senni Beds of the Lower Old Red Sandstone of S Wales. The new species has scattered reniform lateral sporangia suggesting zosterophyll affinity, but supporting anatomical evidence is lacking. The axes of the plant are characterized by occasional large surface protuberances, sometimes extended into lateral projections of variable length and morphology. Taphonomic factors account for some of the observed features of the fossils, and their unusual orientation in the sediment suggests that Tarella may have grown on exposed point bars.  相似文献   

Palynological samples from two boreholes drilled in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia contain a rich assemblage of cryptospores and trilete spores. They are dated as most probably Lochkovian in age. Intriguingly, the cryptospores are very similar to those from a coeval continental palynomorph assemblage from the Old Red Sandstone Continent, whereas the trilete spores show a strong affinity with miospore assemblages from Western Gondwana. It is suggested that cryptospore-producing plants inhabited confined, damp biotopes and had a wide range of climatic tolerance. On the other hand, trilete spore-producing plants inhabited a wider variety of biotopes but were more sensitive to climatic variations. The high degree of similarity between Old Red Sandstone and Saudi Arabian cryptospore assemblages favours palaeogeographic reconstructions where there is close proximity between Western Gondwana and Euramerica and/or a land connection between these palaeoplates. Climatic differences between the Old Red Sandstone Continent and the northern part of Western Gondwana can be invoked to explain the variations in the trilete spore assemblages.  相似文献   

Two moderately diverse, moderately abundant miospore assemblages are recorded from the Lower Mississippian Coldwater Shale and Marshall Sandstone of the Michigan Basin. The microfloral assemblage from the older Coldwater Shale is similar to assemblages of the Spelaeotriletes balteatus-Rugospora polyptycha Biozone of western Europe. This biozone is generally absent from North America. The overlying Marshall Sandstone has a miospore assemblage representative of the oldest Osagean Spelaeotriletes pretiosus-Raistrickia clavata Biozone of western Europe. Identification of these assemblages indicates the presence of the Kinderhookian-Osagean boundary within or between the two clastic units. The identification of this boundary has important stratigraphical and sedimentological implications for age relations with Lower Mississippian rocks in adjacent basins and also provides information on regional sedimentology and depositional patterns.  相似文献   

中国泥盆纪含鱼化石地层的世界对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要回顾泥盆纪含鱼化石地层分层的进展及现状,总结中国泥盆纪含鱼化石地层的层位,横向地比较了主要鱼化石的系统关系,再结合具体的地质历史背景,对比世界有关的地层。  相似文献   

Dispersed cuticles with surface ornamentation recovered from the Lower Old Red Sandstone (Gedinnian) of Hereford and Worcester, England, are described, named and placed in an artificial, morphologically based classification system. Four species of the new genus Cosmochlaina are distinguished on the nature of the ornament. The affinities of the plants covered by such cuticles remain unknown: the cuticles are named to facilitate their use in biogeographic, stratigraphic and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Dispersed cuticles with surface ornamentation recovered from the Lower Old Red Sandstone (Gedinnian) of Hereford and Worcester, England, are described, named and placed in an artificial, morphologically based classification system. Four species of the new genus Cosmochlaina are distinguished on the nature of the ornament. The affinities of the plants covered by such cuticles remain unknown: the cuticles are named to facilitate their use in biogeographic, stratigraphic and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

江苏北部晚志留世“植物碎片“的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王怪  李军 《古生物学报》2001,40(1):51-60
系统研究江苏北部晚志留世地层中的植物碎片,包括表皮(3个类型)、管状体(3属5种)和其它分子,这些植物碎片与世界上(如:Anglo-Welsh Basin和Scotland)同时期地层中的植物碎片相似,通过研究认为,这些表皮可能产自较高等陆生植物和Nematophytes;管状体来自Nematophyte。根据研究结果,并结合已有的资料,认为华南地区Ludlow-Pridoli期发育的6个沉积区。  相似文献   

From the fluvial Old Red Sandstone (ORS) of the Lower to Middle Devonian Wood Bay Formation (NW-Spitsbergen), a diverse trace fossil assemblage, including two new ichnotaxa, is described: Svalbardichnus trilobus igen. n., isp. n. is interpreted as the three-lobed resting trace of an early phyllocarid crustacean (Rhinocarididae). Cruziana polaris isp. n. yields morphological details that point towards a trilobite origin. This occurence of presumably marine trace makers in a fluvial red bed sequence raises the question of whether we are dealing with marine ingressions that are not sedimentologically expressed, with homeomorphy, or with an adaptation of marine groups to non-marine environments.  相似文献   

EE WARDS, D., KENRICK, P. & CARLUCCIO, L. M., 1988. A reconsideration of cf. P lophyton princeps (Croft & Lang, 1942), a zosterophyll widespread in the Lower Old Rt 1 Sandstone of South Wales. The Lower Devonian plant from Llanover Quarry, Gwent, cal ed cf. Psilophyton princeps , is shown to be a zosterophyll and placed in a new genus. It comprises an ere t planar pseudomonopodial and isotomously branching system of spiny axes with subaxillary pre ections (axillary tubercles) with circinate tips, sometimes replaced by a downwardly directed, spiring, branching axis. Its xylem, strap-shaped in cross-section and exarch, is composed of directly and ndirectly connected annular thickenings. An extended distal fertile zone consists of axes with spot ingia in two opposite or sub-opposite rows. Each sporangium comprises two equal valves, ellip'ical to reniform in face view, and is held upright on a short curved stalk. Dehiscence is around the convex margin which is bordered by a narrow strip of thickening. The Welsh plants are comp ired with other zosterophylls and appear closest to Sawdonia ornata except that they possess sub-axillay branches and lack the characteristic dark-tipped spines. Detailed analysis of coalified mater: and the distribution and fabric of pyrite in permineralizations shows that the original structure of the tracheids was similar to that in Gosslingia and most other zosterophylls, and that the taphonomic processes, with lignified walls preserved as coalified layers and softer tissues replaced by pyrite, were also broadly the same. Permineralizations in pyrite and limonite allow an evaluation of the effects of oxidation of pyrite on original cell structure.  相似文献   

A fertile rhyniophytoid is discovered from the Lower Devonian of Guangxi, southwestern China, which is characterised by small size, dichotomous branchings and terminal sporangia. This plant is similar to the genus Aberlemnia Gonez et Gerrienne and also, is comparable to some mesofossil morphotypes of early land plants from the Early Devonian (Lochkovian) Old Red Sandstone floras. This study adds new data to the generally zosterophyll-dominated Early Devonian floras of South China and sheds some lights on the palaeophytogeography of rhyniophytoids.  相似文献   

A rich variety of vertebrate footprints is known from a number of Upper Eocene to Lower Miocene localities of Navarre (western Pyrenees). The sediments were deposited in a wide range of depositional environments, from marginal marine to diversified terrestrial. Abundant bird tracks have been found in the coastal deposits of the Upper Eocene Liedena Sandstone of the Yesa and Itzagaondoa areas. Ciconiiformes-like (Leptoptilostipus pyrenaicus) and Charadriiformes-like (Charadriipeda ichnospp.) footprints have been recognized. Mammal ichnites have been discovered in the Oligocene and Lower Miocene deposits of Navarre. Equoid perissodactyl ichnites similar to those of Plagiolophustipus occur in the Oligocene fluviatile rocks of the Mués Sandstone of Olexoa and the Rocaforte Sandstone near Oibar and Sada. Trackways of entelodontids (Entelodontipus) are known in fluviatile-palustrine beds of the Oligocene Mués Sandstone of Olkotz. Additionally, bird (Charadriiformes-like) tracks are known in fluviatile-palustrine floodplain deposits of the Lower Miocene Ujué Formation of Los Arcos. In the same area, the Desoio and Los Arcos outcrops have also yielded perissodactyl trackways of possible Equoidea. Trackways of rhinocerotids (?) and artiodactyls (possibly Pecoripeda) are described from the Lower Miocene (Ramblian) palustrine limestones marginal to the Lerín Formation of Kaparroso and from alluvial fan deposits of the Uncastillo-Perdón Formation of Altzorritz, respectively.  相似文献   

The following material is described: (a) a climatiid shoulder girdle from the Old Red of Podolia and the British Lower Old Red Sandstone, and (b) ischnacanthid jaw-elements and a fin spine from the Lower Devonian of Vestspitsbergen. A discussion is given of the shoulder girdle in Climatius reticulatus and of the characters distinguishing the dentigerous jaw-bones of the Ischnacanthidae from those of the early Climatiidae. It is pointed out that in the dermal skeleton of the Climatiidae one may trace phylotie changes in the structure of mesodentine and bone tissue closely paralleling those of the corresponding hard tissues in the Osteostraei. A trend towards the emergence of acellular bone tissue is traceable not only in the Climatiidae but also in certain parts of the dermal skeleton of the Ischnacanthidae.  相似文献   

Isopodichnus stromnessi sp. nov. from the Lower Stromness Flags of Orkney is described in detail, and the range of variation in the traces ascribed to different habits of different sized individuals producing the traces. Activity diagrams illustrate scme of the burrowing habits of the organism. Isopodichnus is typical of non-marine strata, particularly those of shallow impermanent lacustrine environments, and can be distinguished from Cruziana on the basis of the shape of the trace ending. AsSociated burrows are briefly described and indicate the presence of a hitherto undescribed invertebrate fauna associated with the Orcadian flagstone sequence of the Middle Old Red Sandstone.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal dynamics of myriapod assemblages in the Preduralye protected area (Kishertskii District, Perm Territory) is studied. There are 10 species found, which have been assigned to three landscape groups (floodplain, terrace, and forest species) and four phenological groups (spring-summer, summer, latesummerautumn, and autumn species). Seasonally stable differences are found between myriapod assemblages of riverine biotopes (floodplain and fluvial terraces) and those of drainage divides (hillsides and uplands). The structure of the myriapod assemblage changes thrice in the course of the growing season. The spring-early-summer pattern develops without drastic transformations into the summer one, which is characterized by maximum diversity. The establishment of the autumn pattern is marked ubiquitously by stronger dominance of two eurybiont species, a lithobiomorph centipede Lithobius curtipes (C.L. Koch, 1847) and a millipede Altajosoma golovatchi (Shear, 1990), which is accompanied by the simplification of the species structure and the reduction of diversity of taxocenes. The horizons of the application of the landscape-phenological classification of species are briefly discussed, as well as the consideration of phenological patterns during invertebrate surveys.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of actinolepid arthrodire, Aleosteus eganensis , is described from the Lower Devonian (Late Emsian) Sevy Dolomite in the Egan Range of east-central Nevada. A cladistic analysis of the family Actinolepidae is presented for the first time and shows the Baltic Actinolepis species form the primitive sister-group of all other actinolepids. Rapid evolution of the Actinolepidae during the Lochkovian is reflected in the dispersal of the family around the Old Red Sandstone Continent at this time followed by the development of endemic faunas through the Lower Devonian and into the Middle Devonian.  相似文献   

The Devonian marine and non marine deposits were widely distributed in East Yunnan, where rich marine faunas and floras were present. The Middle and early Upper Devonian miospores of Eastern Yunnan were also abundant and usually well- preserved. The present paper provides both analysis of qualitative and quantitative composition development of Middle and early Upper Devonian spore assemblage in Eastern Yunnan, and a palynological zonatlon containing four successive assemblage zones: 1.Zone of Calyptosporites velatus-Rhabdosporites langii (VL); 2. Zone of Archaeozonotriletes variabilis-Calyptosporites proteus (VP); 3. Zone of Geminospora lemurata-Cristatisporites triangulatus (LT); 4. Zone of Archaeoperisaccus ovalis-Lagenicula bullosum (OB). The Middle and early Upper Devonian spore assemblages of Eastern Yunnan may be compared with those in South China and West Qinling. The spore zonation possesses stratigraphical dating of the Devonian megafloras of the region, particularly those from the Middle and Upper Devonian. The proposed spore zonation is closely compared with that erected for the Middle and early Upper Devonian of Old Sandstone Continent and adjacent Region. Based on palynological data, the reconstruction of Paleogeography and Paleoecology are discussed.  相似文献   

Well preserved and diversified miospore assemblages have been recorded from a relatively continuous sequence in borehole A1-61 which spans the Silurian–Devonian boundary in the northwestern part of the Ghadamis Basin, Libya. The sequence is represented by early Devonian Lochkovian beds of the Tadrart Formation that transgress onto the Silurian Ludlow-Pridoli beds of the upper part of the ‘Alternances Argilo-gréseuses’ Formation. The present work demonstrates a succession of miospore assemblages from closely sampled layers that have been stratigraphically dated as Ludlow–middle Pridoli and early Lochkovian by chitinozoans and acritarchs. Over 80 species of cryptospores and trilete spores have been identified. Modified detailed morphological interpretations are given. The miospore assemblages are correlated with miospore zonation schemes established for the type sequences of the Welsh Borderland, and those previously described from Libya. Early occurrences of some species as Streelispora newportensis on the western Gondwana plate, are put forward by comparison with the Old Red Sandstone continent. Phytogeographic and palaeobotanic implications based on these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

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