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The modern domestic dog's primary function is as a human companion. A strong human–dog relationship may be beneficial to both parties but not all relationships are successful. There is currently no consensus on why some dog–owner relationships flourish and others fail, but relationship quality may be partly influenced by canine characteristics. The extent to which canine cuteness and canine personality factors predict human–dog relationship quality was examined. In study 1, 668 dog owners completed two relationship-quality surveys, rated their dog's personality and physical cuteness, and were invited to submit a photograph of their dog. Personality measures and cuteness ratings predicted each measure of relationship quality, with cuteness being the strongest unique predictor in three of seven standard multiple regression models (all p<0.001). In study 2, 873 independent participants were presented with one of 42 images selected from those provided in study 1. Participants rated the dog's cuteness and its likely personality attributes. Strangers (M=6.69, SD=0.83) typically rated each dog as being less cute than did the owner (M=8.93, SD=1.80; t(41)=7.39, p<0.001, two tailed), and how cute they perceived the dog to be influenced their ratings of some aspects of its likely personality. Measures of relationship quality provided by owners were not significantly associated with stranger cuteness ratings or with the degree of difference between owner and stranger cuteness ratings. These results suggest a bi-directional relationship between perceived cuteness and other attributes: cute dogs are perceived to have more desirable personality traits, but having a strong relationship with a dog may also inflate its perceived cuteness. These findings have implications for those involved in dog breeding, selection, and training, as well as shelter management.  相似文献   

Nanoparticle (NP) use in everyday applications creates the potential for NPs to enter the environment where, in aquatic systems, they are likely to settle on substrates and interact with microbial communities. Legionella pneumophila biofilms are found as part of microbial communities in both natural and man-made environments, especially in man-made cooling systems. The bacterium is the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease. Legionella requires a host cell for replication in the environment, and amoebae commonly serve as this host cell. Our previous work demonstrated significant changes in Legionella biofilm morphology after exposure to 0.7 μg/L gold NPs (AuNPs). Here, we investigate how these morphology changes alter host–bacteria interactions using Acanthamoeba polyphaga as a model. Host–bacteria–NP interactions are affected by NP characteristics. Biofilms exposed to 4- and 18-nm, citrate-capped, spherical AuNPs significantly altered the grazing ability of A. polyphaga, which was not observed in biofilms exposed to 24-nm polystyrene beads. Uptake and replication of NP-exposed planktonic L. pneumophila within A. polyphaga were not altered regardless of NP size or core chemistry. Nanomaterial effects on the interaction of benthic organisms and bacteria may be directly or, as shown here, indirectly dependent on bacterial morphology. NP contamination therefore may alter interactions in a normal ecosystem function.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2014,24(2):165-169
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Phagocytosis of invading microorganisms by specialized cells such as macrophages and neutrophils is a key component of the innate immune response. These cells capture and engulf pathogens and subsequently destroy them in intracellular vacuoles—the phagosomes. Pathogen phagocytosis and progression and maturation of pathogen-containing phagosomes, a crucial event to acquire microbicidal features, occurs in parallel with accentuated formation of lipid-rich organelles, termed lipid bodies (LBs), or lipid droplets. Experimental and clinical infections with different pathogens such as bacteria, parasites, and viruses induce LB accumulation in cells from the immune system. Within these cells, LBs synthesize and store inflammatory mediators and are considered structural markers of inflammation. In addition to LB accumulation, interaction of these organelles with pathogen-containing phagosomes has increasingly been recognized in response to infections and may have implications in the outcome or survival of the microorganism within host cells. In this review, we summarize our current knowledge on the LB-phagosome interaction within cells from the immune system, with emphasis on macrophages, and discuss the functional meaning of this event during infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Dog-assisted educational programs, including reading programs, are becoming an area of research focus, based on claims of various advantages for children. However, while available findings typically indicate benefits for the children involved, the low quality of evidence makes it difficult to draw valid inferences. In the current study three dog-assisted programs with clearly defined parameters were developed and evaluated. Sixty-three children, aged 6 to 8 years, were matched on age and gender and pseudo-randomly allocated to one of the three conditions. In one condition the children participated in eight 15–20 minute sessions over a four-week period, in which they worked in pairs to train a dog to complete obstacle course tasks. In a second condition the children spent the same amount of time reading out loud, in pairs, to a stationary dog. In the third condition children participated in normal classroom activities with a dog present in the classroom. This intervention ran for up to four hours per week over the four-week period. Validated measures were used to assess reading abilities pre- and post-intervention. From the results it appeared that children showed significant improvements across time for reading ability for all three conditions, including the condition with minimal dog contact, with no significant group or interaction effects. Exploratory analyses unexpectedly indicated that children who had lower starting abilities displayed the greatest levels of reading improvement. While it cannot be determined that these findings are the result of the presence of the dog alone, they nonetheless may indicate that dog-assisted reading programs are an effective means of benefitting those children who most need help to become fluent readers.  相似文献   

Temperature, humidity, and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere of a closed object were studied by the method of daily monitoring. The analysis of the results of monitoring was performed using a system with variation of body temperature (T) parameters of healthy subjects. Experimental data were obtained by the method of autothermotopometry in the state of rest (including rhythmic changes in these parameters during the morning–evening cycle) using medical thermometers. Four healthy volunteer subjects were tested. They were confined for 240 days to a simulator of the main unit of the Mir space station. Technogenic parameters of surrounding medium were ranked in accordance with a four-point scale of the degree of physiological impact (neutral–threshold–negative–significantly negative). The first stage of the two-factor analysis included the valuation of the state of the closed system medium (temperature–concentration of CO2). The second stage of the two-factor analysis included the evaluation of technogenic (i.e., attributed to surrounding medium) and physiological (i.e., attributed to human body) parameters of the system human body–closed medium. It was shown that, among eight parameters of thermal homeostasis (THS), a statistically significant correlation with technogenic parameters was observed for the parameter of deep body T (with CO2) and two T-gradients of human body (external longitudinal and internal radial) (with air T and CO2). According to the degree of strain of the body thermoregulation system in subjects, an increase in air T (above >23°) and a separate increase in the concentration of CO2 (above 0.4%) were found to be intermediate between threshold and negative physiological impacts. Combined application of the two factors distinctly potentiated a negative effect of surrounding medium on human body, the effect of carbon dioxide being more significant. Experimental evidence was obtained that factors of the closed environmental medium (falling within the normal range) exerted an unfavorable effect on the thermal balance of human body. This raises the problem of the revision of standards of basic physical parameters of surrounding medium in hermetic objects of various purposes.  相似文献   



Diarrhea is one of the leading causes of childhood morbidity and mortality. Hospitalization for diarrhea can pose a significant burden to health systems and households. The objective of this study was to estimate the economic burden attributable to hospitalization for diarrhea among children less than five years old in Rwanda. These data can be used by decision-makers to assess the impact of interventions that reduce diarrhea morbidity, including rotavirus vaccine introduction.


This was a prospective costing study where medical records and hospital bills for children admitted with diarrhea at three hospitals were collected to estimate resource use and costs. Hospital length of stay was calculated from medical records. Costs incurred during the hospitalization were abstracted from the hospital bills. Interviews with the child’s caregivers provided data to estimate household costs which included transport costs and lost income. The portion of medical costs borne by insurance and household were reported separately. Annual economic burden before and after rotavirus vaccine introduction was estimated by multiplying the reported number of diarrhea hospitalizations in public health centers and district hospitals by the estimated economic burden per hospitalization. All costs are presented in 2014 US$.


Costs for 203 children were analyzed. Approximately 93% of the children had health insurance coverage. Average hospital length of stay was 5.3 ± 3.9 days. Average medical costs for each child for the illness resulting in a hospitalization were $44.22 ± $23.74 and the total economic burden was $101, of which 65% was borne by the household. For households in the lowest income quintile, the household costs were 110% of their monthly income. The annual economic burden to Rwanda attributable to diarrhea hospitalizations ranged from $1.3 million to $1.7 million before rotavirus vaccine introduction.


Households often bear the largest share of the economic burden attributable to diarrhea hospitalization and the burden can be substantial, especially for households in the lowest income quintile.  相似文献   

Changes in the quantitative characteristics and functioning of phytoplankton in Lake Bol’shie Shvakshty have been assessed. The changes are evoked by the introduction of herbivorous fishes into the lake and the resulting disturbance of ecological balance in the ecosystem and the shift of the lake into a hypertrophic state from a weakly eutrophic state. Human interference has caused the cyanobacteria density (abundance) and biomass values in the overall phytoplankton composition to strongly exceed (3.5 × 109 cells/L and above 68 μg/L chlorophyll-а, respectively) the threshold value for safe recreational use of water bodies (20 million cells/L and 10 μg/L chlorophyll-а) established by the World Health Organization (WHO). The lake can be assigned to the third level of hazard to human health within the classification proposed by the WHO, as the cyanobacteria density is higher than 100 million cells/L and chlorophyll-а content is higher than 50 μg/L. MC-producing Microcystis species were identified among the cyanobacteria that has propagated in the lake in recent years, and five microcystin variants, including the highly toxic MC-LR, have been detected in the water.  相似文献   

Tian  Yuzhen  Lv  Qianqian  Chen  Zhongjian  Wang  Dongdong  Mao  Xia  Sun  E.  Zuo  Cunwu  Chen  Baihong 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2023,42(2):854-866
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Pear production was seriously threatened by Valsa canker, a notorious disease caused by the necrotrophic fungus Valsa pyri (Vp), but the molecular mechanism is...  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - In 1974, A.I. Morozov and L.S. Solov’ev derived a general system of time-independent equations of two-component ideal plasma hydrodynamics [1]. This system is...  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2016,22(6):689-698
Objective: We aimed to compare metabolic control in adults with diabetes in the general population to those newly referred to a diabetes center and after 1 year of specialty care.Methods: We performed a retrospective comparison of adults with diabetes aged ≥20 years data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES, n = 1,674) and a diabetes center (n = 3,128) from 2005–2010. NHANES participants represented the civilian, non-institutionalized U.S. population. Diabetes center referrals lived primarily around eastern Massachusetts. The proportion attaining targets for glycated hemoglobin A1c (A1c), blood pressure (BP), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, or all 3 (ABC control) and the proportion prescribed medications to lower A1c, BP, or cholesterol were evaluated.Results: Compared to the general sample, a smaller proportion of new diabetes center referrals had A1c <7% (<53 mmol/mol, 24% vs. 53%, P<.001), BP <130/80 mm Hg (38% vs. 50%, P<.001), and ABC control (5.6% vs. 17%, P<.001) but not LDL<100 mg/dL (<2.6 mmol/L, 54% vs. 53%, P = .65). After 1 year, more diabetes center referrals attained targets for A1c (40%), BP (38%), LDL (67%), and ABC control (15%) (P<.001 for all versus baseline). ABC control was not different between the general sample and diabetes center referrals at 1 year (P = .16). After 1 year, a greater percentage of diabetes center referrals compared to the general sample were prescribed medications to lower glucose (95% vs. 72%), BP (79% vs. 64%), and cholesterol (77% vs. 54%)(all P<.001).Conclusion: Compared to the general population, glycemic control was significantly worse for adults newly referred to the diabetes center. Within 1 year of specialty care, ABC control increased 270% in the setting of significant therapy escalation.Abbreviations:A1c = glycated hemoglobin A1cABC = composite of A1c, blood pressure, and cholesterolACEi = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitorARB = angiotensin receptor blockerBMI = body mass indexBP = blood pressureEHR = electronic health recordLDL = low-density lipoproteinNCHS = National Center for Health StatisticsNHANES = National Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyPCP = primary care provider  相似文献   

This article traces a critical change in the professional therapy of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): from treatment of a disorder borne by individuals to treatment of an anticipated disorder to be prevented by fortifying the entire population. A community resilience program in the city of Sderot in southern Israel, which has been subjected to Qassam rockets by its Palestinian neighbors across the border, serves as our case study. Drawing on an ethnographic study of this new therapeutic program, we analyze how the social body that the professionals attempt to immunize against trauma was treated. In particular, we follow the various practices used to expand the clinical. We found that the population was split into several groups on a continuum between the clinical and the preclinical, each receiving different treatment. Moreover, the social body managed according to this new form of PTSD was articulated through ethnic and geopolitical power relations between professionals from the country’s center and professionals from its periphery, and between the professionals and the city’s residents. Finally, we discuss how this Israeli case compares with other national sites of the growing globalization of PTSD, like Bali, Haiti and Ethiopia, which anthropologists have been exploring in recent years.  相似文献   

In this study we describe a novel method to investigate the RNA–RNA interactions between a small RNA and its target that we termed ‘RNA walk’. The method is based on UV-induced AMT cross-linking in vivo followed by affinity selection of the hybrid molecules and mapping the intermolecular adducts by RT–PCR or real-time PCR. Domains carrying the cross-linked adducts fail to efficiently amplify by PCR compared with non-cross-linked domains. This method was calibrated and used to study the interaction between a special tRNA-like molecule (sRNA-85) that is part of the trypanosome signal recognition particle (SRP) complex and the ribosome. Four contact sites between sRNA-85 and rRNA were identified by ‘RNA walk’ and were further fine-mapped by primer extension. Two of the contact sites are expected; one contact site mimics the interaction of the mammalian Alu domain of SRP with the ribosome and the other contact sites include a canonical tRNA interaction. The two other cross-linked sites could not be predicted. We propose that ‘RNA walk, is a generic method to map target RNA small RNAs interactions in vivo.  相似文献   

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