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Selenomonas ruminantium is an obligate anaerobe that is very important for the provision of vitamin B12 to ruminants, which are particularly dependent upon this cofactor. One important use for vitamin B12 in anaerobic bacteria is for the utilization of glycerol as carbon source. A new flavoprotein has been found expressed by Escherichia coli from a plasmid created as part of a gene library of S. ruminantium. The 2.5-kb fragment of chromosomal DNA responsible for protein expression contains parts of two operons. Only one polypeptide (the flavoprotein) encoded by the S. ruminantium DNA is produced in E. coli in large amounts. The gene for the flavoprotein has been identified and is probably transcribed as part of an operon involved in glycerol metabolism in S. ruminantium. The flavoprotein has been purified and its molecular properties have been examined. Sequence analysis showed that this protein is a divergent member of the family of nitroreductases. Pure protein is a homodimer with a molecular weight of 44,500, containing one molecule of FMN per dimer. Like other nitroreductases, this protein forms a complex with pyridine nucleotide (NADPH), but unlike other nitroreductases, it fails to be reduced in this complex at a biologically significant rate. It has none of the common catalytic properties of other members of the nitroreductase family.  相似文献   

Thirteen species of methanogenic bacteria were analyzed for corrinoids. Pseudo vitamin B12 (Co-[-(7-adenyl)]-cobamide) was the predominant cobamide of methanococcales and Methanoplanus. All other methanogens contained factor III (Co-[-(5-hydroxybenzimidazolyl)]-cobamide). Vitamin B12 (Co-[-(5,6-dimethylbenzimidazolyl)]-cobamide) was not detected in any of these archaebacteria. Their cobamide content was 100 to 1400 nmol per gram cell dry weight, indicating that abundant cobamides are essential for methanogens.  相似文献   

The vitamin B12 requirement of Rhodocyclus purpureus 6770, Rhodospirillum tenue 1/67, and Rhodopseudomonas palustris G 53/2 was determined. A wide variety of biogenetic precursors of the vitamin including cobinamide, cobyric acid, cobinic acid and several partially amidated cobyrinic acids showed growth-promoting activity in all three strains. In R. purpureus vitamin B12 could even be substituted by cobyrinic acid which is the first cobalt-containing precursor of vitamin B12 so far established. Neither methionine, deoxynucleosides, dimethylbenzimidazole nor increased amounts of cobalt could replace vitamin B12 as growth factor.Cupribalamin, which is a strong antimetabolite of vitamin B12 in Escherichia coli 113-3 and Lactobacillus leichmannii ATCC 7830, exhibited only a weak antagonistic effect on growth of R. purpureus and R. tenue. Growth of R. palustris was not inhibited by cupribalamin. The cells of all three strains were shown to contain metal-free corrinoids in addition to cobalt-containing corrinoids. The principal products were identified as 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin and hydrogenobalamin, the metal free analogue of vitamin B12. The latter does not originate from the vitamin by removal of cobalt but is de novo biosynthesized as could be demonstrated in the case of R. purpureus by a labelling experiment with [13C] methyl-l-methionine.  相似文献   

The edible blue-green alga (cyanobacterium), Suizenji-nori, contained 143.8±22.4 μg of vitamin B12 per 100 g dry weight of the alga (mean±SE, n=4). A corrinoid compound was purified from the dried Suizenji-nori, and partially characterized. The silica gel 60 TLC and reversed-phase HPLC patterns of the purified corrinoid compound were not identical to those of true vitamin B12, but to those of pseudovitamin B12 which is inactive for humans.  相似文献   

Hypoallergenic wheat products in the form of pasta-like noodles and bread were fabricated. Wheat flour was added with a 0.6-fold weight of water dissolving collagenase to obtain hypoallergenic flour batter. Methods for producing hypoallergenic pasta-like noodles and bread from the batter were designed. In the noodle making, the batter was mixed with an oligosaccharide with a mild sweetness, a surfactant, and salt, and the mixture was extruded under heating. Both retorting and refrigerating processes were applied to the noodles. In the bread making a mixture of the batter, glucose, citric acid, sodium hydrogen carbonate and salt was baked at 180°C. The addition of glucose contributed to generation of faborable flavor and color.  相似文献   

We previously reported that mild food restriction induces a reduction in tryptophan–nicotinamide conversion, which helps to explain why death secondary to pellagra is pandemic during the hungry season. In this study, we investigated the levels of B-group vitamins in the liver, kidney, blood, and urine in rats that underwent gradual restriction of food intake (80, 60, 40, and 20% restriction vs. ad libitum food intake). No significant differences in the B-group vitamin concentrations (mol/g tissue) in the liver and kidney were observed at any level of food restriction. However, the urine excretion rates exhibited some characteristic phenomena that differed by vitamin. These results show that the tissue concentrations of B-group vitamins were kept constant by changing the urinary elimination rates of vitamins under various levels of food restriction. Only vitamin B12 was the only (exception).  相似文献   

Lactobacillus helveticus B-1 is assumed to have a vitamin B(12)-targeting (or B(12)-binding) site on the cells, since the binding reaction of vitamin B(12) with L. helveticus B-1 cells proceeded instantly and quantitatively. This reaction is specific to complete B(12) compounds, cobalamins, and can be used for a vitamin B(12) assay method by chemiluminescence. The calibration graph was linear from 0.1 to 10.0 ng/mL. The B(12) contents in oyster and sardine were 75.9 and 39.4 microg/100g, respectively. These values were very close to those obtained using a chemilumi-ADVIA Centaur immunoassay system with intrinsic factor and to those obtained by microbiological assays.  相似文献   

Increased serum homocysteine (Hcy) can induce liver diseases and can play a remarkable role in hepatic disorders. The purpose of the present study therefore was to investigate the relationship between serum vitamin B(12), folate, zinc and copper, cysteine, and Hcy level differences between cirrhotic patients and healthy subjects. We studied 32 cirrhotic patients (12 females and 20 males) aged 45 +/- 11 years and 32 control subjects (12 females and 20 males) aged 39 +/- 9 years. There was an inverse correlation between Hcy and vitamin B(12) in controls (r = -0.442, p < 0.011) but not in cirrhotic patients (r = -0.147, not significant). Also, mean plasma folate was decreased in cirrhotic patients compared to controls (p < 0.001). Copper increased whereas zinc decreased significantly in cirrhotic patients. A positive correlation was seen between the Cu/Zn ratio and Cu in controls (r = 0.690, p < 0.01), but the correlation between the Cu/Zn ratio and Cu was not significant in the cirrhotic group. Negative correlations were seen between plasma concentration of zinc and the Cu/Zn ratio in controls and cirrhotic patients (r = -0.618, p < 0.01 and r = -0.670, p < 0.01, respectively). Cirrhotic patients displayed multiple abnormalities, including changes in cysteine metabolism and in zinc and copper levels. Although hyperhomocysteinemia is known as an atherogenic and thrombogenic risk factor for cardiovascular disease, it might also be a risk factor for cirrhotic patients. Plasma Hcy, vitamin B(12), and folic acid measurement may be useful in the evaluation of cirrhotic patients.  相似文献   

The crystallographic structure of the Pseudomonas denitrificans S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent uroporphyrinogen III methyltransferase (SUMT), which is encoded by the cobA gene, has been solved by molecular replacement to 2.7A resolution. SUMT is a branchpoint enzyme that plays a key role in the biosynthesis of modified tetrapyrroles by controlling flux to compounds such as vitamin B(12) and sirohaem, and catalysing the transformation of uroporphyrinogen III into precorrin-2. The overall topology of the enzyme is similar to that of the SUMT module of sirohaem synthase (CysG) and the cobalt-precorrin-4 methyltransferase CbiF and, as with the latter structures, SUMT has the product S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine bound in the crystal. The roles of a number of residues within the SUMT structure are discussed with respect to their conservation either across the broader family of cobalamin biosynthetic methyltransferases or within the sub-group of SUMT members. The D47N, L49A, F106A, T130A, Y183A and M184A variants of SUMT were generated by mutagenesis of the cobA gene, and tested for SAM binding and enzymatic activity. Of these variants, only D47N and L49A bound the co-substrate S-adenosyl-L-methionine. Consequently, all the mutants were severely restricted in their capacity to synthesise precorrin-2, although both the D47N and L49A variants produced significant quantities of precorrin-1, the monomethylated derivative of uroporphyrinogen III. The activity of these variants is interpreted with respect to the structure of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Vitamin B12-deficiency may induce specific symptoms as neurological alterations and unspecific symptoms such as anaemia and growth retardation. In this study, maternal vitamin B12 deficiency from end of gestation to weaning was evaluated in mouse dams, which was provoked by feeding a vitamin B12-deficient diet. The animals were divided into two groups (control and deficient). The control group received the vitamin B12-deficient diet supplemented with commercial vitamin B12. Compared to the control, the vitamin B12-deficient dams and their offspring showed a significant decrease of body weight (by 20 and 39%, respectively), serum vitamin B12 concentration (by 61 and 67%, respectively), haematological values as haematocrit (25 and 26%, respectively), and IgA producer cells (by 36 and 54%, respectively). In both, vitamin B12-deficient mouse dams and their offspring, histological alterations of small intestine were observed, whereas growth retardation occurred in the offspring only. This experimental murine model allows assessing the incidence of maternal cobalamin deficiency in offspring and would be useful for evaluating novel adjuncts such as functional foods to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the concentration changes of 13 elements in erythrocytes and plasma after the removal of dental amalgam, and other metal alloys. Blood samples from 250 patients were collected, separated into erythrocytes and plasma, and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The 250 patients were divided into 3 groups (Negative, Zero, and Positive) depending on their estimation of quality of life in an earlier study. Magnesium in plasma, selenium and mercury in plasma, and erythrocytes showed decreased concentrations after amalgam removal in all groups (p<0.05). Titanium in plasma, copper in plasma, and erythrocytes and zinc in plasma exhibited decreased concentrations after amalgam removal in the Negative and Positive groups (p<0.05), Silver in plasma and gold in erythrocytes decreased in the Zero and Positive groups after amalgam removal (p<0.05). Copper in erythrocytes and silver and gold in plasma showed higher concentrations after amalgam removal in the Negative compared to the Positive group (p<0.05), suggesting that patients in the Negative group excrete metals slowly. Moreover, the cobalt levels in plasma were lowest in the Negative group and only this group showed a significant increase in vitamin B12 levels in blood after amalgam removal.  相似文献   

Porphyra yezoensis (Susabinori, an edible purple laver), which was cultured aseptically for 12 weeks and then lyophilized, contained 50±2 μg/g of vitamin B12 per 100 g dry weight. Coenzyme forms of vitamin B12 (about 60% of the total vitamin B12) were found in the cultured purple laver aseptically, which may have the ability to biosynthesize the coenzymes.  相似文献   

3-Hydroxypropionic acid (3-HP) is a valuable platform chemical that can be produced biologically from glucose or glycerol. This review article provides an overview and the current status of microbial 3-HP production. The constraints of microbial 3-HP production and possible solutions are also described. Finally, future prospects of biological 3-HP production are discussed.  相似文献   

Glutathionylcobalamin (GSCbl) is a biologically relevant vitamin B12 derivative and contains glutathione as the upper axial ligand thought formation of a cobalt-sulfur bond. GSCbl has been shown to be an effective precursor of enzyme cofactors, however processing of the cobalamin in intracellular B12 metabolism has not been fully elucidated. In this study, we discovered that bCblC, a bovine B12 trafficking chaperone, catalyzes elimination of the glutathione ligand from GSCbl by using the reduced form of glutathione (GSH). Deglutathionylation products are base-off cob(II)alamin and glutathione disulfide, which are generated stoichiometrically to GSH. Although cob(I)alamin was not detected due to its instability, deglutathionylation is likely analogous to dealkylation of alkylcobalamins, which uses the thiolate of GSH for nucleophilic displacement. The catalytic turnover number for the deglutathionylation of GSCbl is ?1.62 ± 0.13 min−1, which is, at least, an order of magnitude higher than that for elimination of upper axial ligands from other cobalamins. Considering the prevalence of GSH at millimolar concentrations in cells, our results explain the previous finding that GSCbl is more effective than other cobalamins for synthesis of enzyme cofactors.  相似文献   

The first development of an α-face-specific radioimmunoassay for vitamin B12 is described. Sheep, fed a cobalt-deficient diet, and immunized with a conjugate between Co-β carboxypropyl cobalamin and keyhole limpet hemocyanin, were used to produce antisera. The antisera crossreacted with Co-β derivatives of vitamin B12, but did not crossreact with the α-face vitamin B12 analog cobinamide. The antisera were used to develop a sensitive and reproducible radioimmunoassay that was free from contamination with the nonspecific vitamin B12 binding protein, R-protein. Both the radioimmunoassay and measurements of plasma concentrations of methylmalonic acid were applied to the diagnosis of cobalt/vitamin B12 deficiency in sheep. The assay correlated well with a commercially available radioassay and did not falsely detect normal vitamin B12 concentration in plasma samples containing elevated concentrations of methylmalonic acid.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria possess specialized active transport systems that function to transport organometallic cofactors or carriers, such as cobalamins, siderophores, and porphyrins, across their outer membranes. The primary components of each transport system are an outer membrane transporter and the energy-coupling protein TonB. In Escherichiacoli, the TonB-dependent outer membrane transporter BtuB carries out active transport of cobalamin (Cbl) substrates across its outer membrane. Cobalamins bind to BtuB with nanomolar affinity. Previous studies implicated calcium in high-affinity binding of cyanocobalamin (CN-Cbl) to BtuB. We previously solved four structures of BtuB or BtuB complexes: an apo-structure of a methionine-substitution mutant (used to obtain experimental phases by selenomethionine single-wavelength anomalous diffraction studies); an apo-structure of wild-type BtuB; a binary complex of calcium and wild-type BtuB; and a ternary complex of calcium, CN-Cbl and wild-type BtuB. We present an analysis of the binding of calcium in the binary and ternary complexes, and show that calcium coordination changes upon substrate binding. High-affinity CN-Cbl binding and calcium coordination are coupled. We also analyze the binding mode of CN-Cbl to BtuB, and compare and contrast this binding to that observed in other proteins that bind Cbl. BtuB binds CN-Cbl in a manner very different from Cbl-utilizing enzymes and the periplasmic Cbl binding protein BtuF. Homology searches of bacterial genomes, structural annotation based on the presence of conserved Cbl-binding residues identified by analysis of our BtuB structure, and detection of homologs of the periplasmic Cbl-binding binding protein BtuF enable identification of putative BtuB orthologs in enteric and non-enteric bacterial species.  相似文献   

Cbl (cobalamin) utilization as an enzyme cofactor is dependent on its efficient transit through lysosomes to the cytosol and mitochondria. We have previously proposed that pathophysiological perturbations in lysosomal function may inhibit intracellular Cbl transport with consequences for down-stream metabolic pathways. In the current study, we used both HT1080 fibroblasts and SH-SY5Y neurons to assess the impact that protease inhibitors, chloroquine and leupeptin (N-acetyl-L-leucyl-L-leucyl-L-argininal), have on the distribution of [57Co]Cbl in lysosomes, mitochondria and cytosol. Under standard cell culture conditions the distribution of [57Co]Cbl in both neurons and fibroblasts was ~5% in lysosomes, 14% in mitochondria and 81% in cytosol. Treatment of cells with either 25 μM chloroquine or 40 μM leupeptin for 48 h significantly increased the lysosomal [57Co]Cbl levels, by 4-fold in fibroblasts and 10-fold in neurons, and this was associated with reduced cytosolic and mitochondrial [57Co]Cbl concentrations. Based on Western blotting of LAMP2 in fractions recovered from an OptiPrep density gradient, lysosomal Cbl trapping was associated with an expansion of the lysosomal compartment and an increase in a subpopulation of lysosomes with increased size and density. Moreover, the decreased mitochondrial Cbl that was associated with lysosomal Cbl trapping was correlated with decreased incorporation of [14C] propionate into cellular proteins/macromolecules, indicating an inhibition of Cbl-dependent Mm-CoA (methylmalonyl-coenzyme A) mutase activity. These results add support to the idea that lysosomal dysfunction may significantly impact upon Cbl transport and utilization.  相似文献   

The major cobamide-containing protein from methanol-utilizing Sporomusa ovata was 8-fold enriched to apparent homogeneity. The protein exhibited a molecular mass of 40 kDa and of 38 kDa determined by gel filtration and by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. This finding indicates a monomeric protein structure. Monospecific polyclonal antisera raised against the protein did not cross react with another cobamide-containing protein from Sporomusa cells. Only the 40 kDa cobamide-containing protein was induced by methanol, since proteins from cells grown on 3,4-dimethoxybenzoate, betaine H2/CO2, or fructose showed faint or no cross reaction. Hence, the 40 kDa cobamide-containing protein is presumably involved in the methyltransfer reaction of the methanol metabolism. The purified enzyme revealed 1.1 mol of p-cresolyl cobamide per mol of protein, but it lacked of iron-sulfur centers. Remarkably, the cofactor was firmly bound to its protein.  相似文献   

Because nickel may have a biological function in a pathway in which vitamin B12 is important, an experiment was performed to determine the effects of nitrous oxide exposure in rats deprived of nickel. Exposure to nitrous oxide (N2O) causes inactivation of cobalamin and a subsequent decrease in the vitamin B12-dependent enzymes methionine synthase and methylmalonyl CoA mutase. Rats were assigned to dietary groups of 12 in a factorially arranged experiment with dietary variables of nickel (0 or 1 μg/g) and vitamin B12 (0 or 50 ng/g). After 6 wk, one-half of the rats from each dietary group were exposed to 50% N2O/50% O2 for 90 min/d for the last 28 d of the experiment. Vitamin B12, N2O, or their interaction had numerous effects; classical findings included N2O-induced reduction in plasma vitamin B12 and decreases in the vitamin B12-dependent enzymes. Inactivation of vitamin B12 by N2O, however, did not exacerbate signs of nickel deprivation, possibly because the rats were able to metabolically compensate to N2O exposure. Mention of a trademark or proprietary product in this article does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the United States Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

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