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Studies have shown a link between Q-fever positive farms (QFPFs) and community cases of human Q-fever. Our study is the first to investigate the potential role of contaminated land-applied manure in human Q-fever, based on a large set of nationwide notification and farm management data. Time between manure application and disease onset in geographically linked notified human cases coincided with the incubation period of Q-fever. Proximity of contaminated land parcels predicted human cases better than proximity of QFPFs (80% vs. 58%, 0–5 km in 2009). Incidence around QFPFs and contaminated land parcels decreased with distance, but not around non-contaminated land parcels. Incidence was higher around contaminated land parcels than non-contaminated land parcels (RR = [10],95%CI = [7], [1][14,2]). Our findings deliver evidence that, apart from QFPFs, land-applied contaminated manure may be another source of human Q-fever.  相似文献   

Most studies on felid depredation of livestock have focused on big cats, and little attention has been paid to this type of conflict in smaller species. The medium-sized Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is not thought to be affected by conflict with humans. However, parallel to an increase in the range of the Iberian lynx in Andújar-Cardeña, an increased incidence of Iberian lynx attacks on livestock has been recorded. A 6-year overview of Iberian lynx predation on livestock in this population shows a total of 40 attacks involving 716 kills (31 attacks on poultry and nine on sheep). Although the majority of these attacks (78 %) were carried out against poultry, sheep depredation resulted in higher economic losses, mainly in extensive flocks (4.6 times more than semi-intensive flocks). An effective compensation program has been implemented in order to mitigate the consequences of the human–lynx conflict in this area. Given that this sort of conflict could become an acute impediment to future conservation of the most endangered felid, managers should anticipate and prevent the potential conflicts that could arise as Iberian lynx colonizes more developed areas.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(6):1039-1059
The endogenous circadian oscillator (the body clock) is slow to adjust to altered rest–activity patterns. As a result, several negative consequences arise during night work and after time‐zone transitions. The process of adjustment can be assessed by measurements of the sleep electroencephalogram (EEG), core temperature or melatonin secretion, for example, but these techniques are very difficult to apply in field studies, and make very great demands upon both experimenters and subjects. We have sought to establish if the activity record, measured conveniently and unobtrusively by a monitor attached to the wrist, can be treated in ways that enable estimates to be made of the disruption caused by changes to the rest–activity cycle, and the process of adjustment to them. In Part A, we describe the calculation and assessment of a series of “activity indices” that measure the overall activity pattern, activity when out of bed or in bed, or the activity in the hours adjacent to going to bed or getting up. The value of the indices was assessed by measuring changes to them in subjects undergoing night work or undergoing time‐zone transitions. In both cases, there is a large body of literature describing the changes that would be expected. First, night workers (working 2 to 4 successive night shifts) were investigated during rest days and night shifts. The indices indicated that night work was associated with lower activity when the subjects were out of bed and higher activity when in bed. Some indices also measured when subjects took an afternoon nap before starting a series of night shifts and gave information about the process of adjustment to night work and recovery from it. Second, in studies from travelers crossing six or more time zones to the east or west, the indices indicated that there were changes to the rest–activity cycle immediately after the flights, both in its overall profile and when activity of the subjects in bed or out of bed was considered, and that adjustment took place on subsequent days. By focusing on those indices describing the activity records during the last hour in bed (LHIB) and the first hour out of bed (FHOB), some evidence was found for incomplete adjustment of the body clock, and for differences between westward and eastward flights. In Part B, the battery of indices are applied to the activity records of long‐haul pilots, whose activity patterns showed a mixture of effects due to night work and time‐zone transitions. Actimetry was performed during the flights themselves and during the layover days (which were either rest or work days). The indices indicated that all pilots had disrupted rest–activity cycles caused by night flights, and that there were added problems for those who had also undergone time‐zone transitions. Rest days were valuable for normalizing the activity profile. For those pilots who flew to the west, adjustment was by delay, though not all aspects of the rest–activity cycle adjusted immediately; for those who flew to the east, some attempted to advance their rest–activity cycle while others maintained home‐based activity profiles. The indices indicated that the activity profile was disrupted more in those pilots who attempted to advance their rest–activity cycle. We conclude that objective estimates of the disruption caused to the rest–activity cycle and the circadian system can be obtained by suitable analysis of the activity record.  相似文献   



The majority of emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic (transmissible between animals and humans) in origin, and therefore integrated surveillance of disease events in humans and animals has been recommended to support effective global response to disease emergence. While in the past decade there has been extensive global surveillance for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) infection in both animals and humans, there have been few attempts to compare these data streams and evaluate the utility of such integration.


We compared reports of bird outbreaks of HPAI H5N1 in Egypt for 2006–2011 compiled by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) EMPRESi reporting system with confirmed human H5N1 cases reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) for Egypt during the same time period.

Principal Findings

Both human cases and bird outbreaks showed a cyclic pattern for the country as a whole, and there was a statistically significant temporal correlation between the data streams. At the governorate level, the first outbreak in birds in a season usually but not always preceded the first human case, and the time lag between events varied widely, suggesting regional differences in zoonotic risk and/or surveillance effectiveness. In a multivariate risk model, lower temperature, lower urbanization, higher poultry density, and the recent occurrence of a bird outbreak were associated with increased risk of a human case of HPAI in the same governorate, although the positive predictive value of a bird outbreak was low.


Integrating data streams of surveillance for human and animal cases of zoonotic disease holds promise for better prediction of disease risk and identification of environmental and regional factors that can affect risk. Such efforts can also point out gaps in human and animal surveillance systems and generate hypotheses regarding disease transmission.  相似文献   

A thousand cases of consecutive radiographic examinations of the chest, consisting of postero-anterior and left lateral views, were reviewed.In seven cases (0.7 per cent) the lateral view revealed clinically significant lesions which were not seen on the postero-anterior view.In 30 cases (3 per cent) the lateral view demonstrated clinically significant added information permitting more definite diagnosis.Addition of the lateral view to the routine roentgen study of the chest gives a more thorough and complete examination at minimal expense and permits a more definite diagnosis in a significant number of cases.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Cerebral ischemia and reperfusion induce several changes on the endothelial cells at the microcirculatory level.2. Vasogenic brain edema due to compromised blood–brain barrier, transformation of the endothelial cell surface from an anticoagulant to a procoagulant property are important factors in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke.3. Release of prostaglandins, endothelin-1, complement proteins, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 by microvascular endothelial cells are other components in the complex mechanism of brain ischemia/hypoxia.4. Ultrastructural studies documented the opened paracellular avenues in the course of vasogenic edema in different experimental models.5. Tight junctions of endothelial cells have been characterized with freeze fracture electron microscopy, and the process of transvesiculation was analyzed using rapid freeze and freeze substitution procedure before electron microscopy studies.6. In endothelial cell-culture experiments, we used rodent and later human brains.7. Endothelial cells co-cultured with astroglia resulted in an elaborate tight junctional complex.8. This co-culture technique becomes the basis of in vitro blood–brain barrier studies. On endothelial cells of human brain origin, different regulatory factors found to be responsible for the complex mechanism of ischemic stroke.This paper is dedicated to the memory of F. Joó, the good friend and pioneer in endothelial cell research.This revised article was published online in May 2005 with a February 2005 cover date.  相似文献   

The catalytic monoclonal antibody 9A8 (MA 9A8), antiidiotypic to the antibody AE-2 (MA AE2) produced to the active site of acetyl cholinesterase from human erythrocytes, was subjected to a structure–function study. The specific binding of MA 9A8 to MA AE2 (K 2.26 × 109 M–1) was found by the method of surface plasmon resonance, and the functional activity of MA 9A8 was demonstrated. Unlike acetyl cholinesterase, this antibody specifically reacted with the irreversible phosphonate inhibitors of esterases. A peptide map of MA 9A8 was analyzed by MALDI mass spectrometry. The Ser99 residue of its heavy chain was shown to be within the active site of the catalytic antibody. A computer modeling of the MA 9A8 active site suggested the existence of a catalytic dyad formed by Ser99 and His35. A comparison of the tertiary structures of the MA 9A8 and the 17E8 monoclonal antibody, which also exhibited the esterase activity and was produced to the stable analogue of the reaction transition state, indicated a practically complete coincidence of the structures of their presumed active sites.  相似文献   

Understanding how human presence influences animal behavior, specifically the behavior of nonhuman primates, has important implications for methodology in cognitive and behavioral studies, for our understanding of human–animal relationships and for animal welfare in captive settings. Conducted in the San Diego Zoo, this study partially replicates an existing study on human–animal relationships, which focused on familiarity effects on the human-directed behavior of great apes residing in the Toronto Zoo. Such a replication in a new location and with different individuals is necessary to expand sample size and to better understand how ontogeny and living environment influence human-directed ape behavior. All-occurrence sampling of human-directed behavior was used to gather data on two gorilla groups and one orangutan group, all housed at the San Diego Zoo. The aim was to compare ape-initiated behaviors toward zoo staff with apeinitiated visitor-directed behavior, in accordance with predictions of the Human–Animal Relationship (HAR) model. Overall, human-directed behaviors were more frequent toward visitors than toward staff, mainly caused by increased visitor-directed visual behavior, specifically brief glances. Given that visual monitoring has been seen as fearful behavior, potentially related to predator monitoring, this would confirm the expectation that lack of familiarity will lead to increased visual vigilance. However, the visitor-directed visual behaviors may not be antagonistic or fearful. Considering the specific behaviors and exhibit designs, curiosity may be an equally likely explanation in this context. Aiming to also understand whether these groups exhibited species differences in human-directed behavior, it was found that orangutans engaged in more affiliative behavior overall than gorillas. Comparing our results with the previous study, we conclude that while effects of familiarity are present, those effects are modulated by both individual ontogeny and exhibit design. While the HAR model is partially supported, additional factors may need to be included to fully interpret the observed behavior. Additional research is needed to further understand the effects of species, sex, and ontogeny on the predictions of the HAR model.  相似文献   

A number of recent advances in the field of magic-angle-spinning (MAS) solid-state NMR have enabled its application to a range of biological systems of ever increasing complexity. To retain biological relevance, these samples are increasingly studied in a hydrated state. At the same time, experimental feasibility requires the sample preparation process to attain a high sample concentration within the final MAS rotor. We discuss these considerations, and how they have led to a number of different approaches to MAS NMR sample preparation. We describe our experience of how custom-made (or commercially available) ultracentrifugal devices can facilitate a simple, fast and reliable sample preparation process. A number of groups have since adopted such tools, in some cases to prepare samples for sedimentation-style MAS NMR experiments. Here we argue for a more widespread adoption of their use for routine MAS NMR sample preparation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present work was to evaluate the iron bioavailability of a new ferric pyrophosphate salt stabilized and solubilized with glycine. The prophylactic–preventive test in rats, using ferrous sulfate as the reference standard, was applied as the evaluating methodology both using water and yogurt as vehicles. Fifty female Sprague–Dawley rats weaned were randomized into five different groups (group 1: FeSO4; group 2: pyr; group 3: FeSO4 + yogurt; group 4: pyr + yogurt and group 5: control). The iron bioavailability (BioFe) of each compound was calculated using the formula proposed by Dutra-de-Oliveira et al. where BioFe % = (HbFef − HbFei) × 100/ToFeIn. Finally, the iron bioavailability results of each iron source were also given as relative biological value (RBV) using ferrous sulfate as the reference standard. The results showed that both BioFe % and RBV % of the new iron source tested is similar to that of the reference standard independently of the vehicle employed for the fortification procedure (FeSO4 49.46 ± 12.0% and 100%; Pyr 52.66 ± 15.02% and 106%; FeSO4 + yogurth 54.39 ± 13.92% and 110%; Pyr + yogurt 61.97 ± 13.54% and 125%; Control 25.30 ± 6.60, p < 0.05). Therefore, the stabilized and soluble ferric pyrophosphate may be considered as an optimal iron source for food fortification.  相似文献   


Flagship species play an important role in promoting nature conservation. However, although the significance of invertebrates in biodiversity and ecosystem services is undisputed, they are rarely used as flagship species. A focused approach to better understand the drivers of differences in attitudes toward invertebrates, and insects in particular, would be helpful for selecting and establishing insects as flagship species, especially in a local context for local conservation purposes. Using a standard questionnaire, a total of 363 children, predominantly aged 10 to 12 years, were asked about their attitudes toward 18 invertebrate species indigenous to Switzerland. The species, 14 insect species and four other invertebrates, were individually presented in a color photograph without any background information. Based on ordinal regression models, the survey revealed substantial affinity rating differences across the invertebrates selected. Gender, species knowledge, preferred leisure activities, and family membership of a nature protection organization proved to be significant predictors for children's attitudes in general, and for some specific species in particular. Additionally, existing species knowledge was analyzed and was found to neither depend on school location (urban/rural) nor on gender. The authors propose the inclusion of local invertebrates and species knowledge in the curriculum in early years at primary school while applying teaching methods that allow for real-life experience.  相似文献   

Abstract Previously, we discovered the phenomenon of wavelike spatial distributions of bacterial populations and total organic carbon (TOC) along wheat roots. We hypothesized that the principal mechanism underlying this phenomenon is a cycle of growth, death, autolysis, and regrowth of bacteria in response to a moving substrate source (root tip). The aims of this research were (i) to create a simulation model describing wavelike patterns of microbial populations in the rhizosphere, and (ii) to investigate by simulation the conditions leading to these patterns. After transformation of observed spatial data to presumed temporal data based on root growth rates, a simulation model was constructed with the Runge–Kutta integration method to simulate the dynamics of colony-forming bacterial biomass, with growth and death rates depending on substrate content so that the rate curves crossed over at a substrate concentration within the range of substrate availability in the model. This model was named ``BACWAVE,' standing for ``bacterial waves.' Cyclic dynamics of bacteria were generated by the model that were translated into traveling spatial waves along a moving nutrient source. Parameter values were estimated from calculated initial substrate concentrations and observed microbial distributions along wheat roots by an iterative optimization method. The kinetic parameter estimates fell in the range of values reported in the literature. Calculated microbial biomass values produced spatial fluctuations similar to those obtained for experimental biomass data derived from colony forming units. Concentrations of readily utilizable substrate calculated from biomass dynamics did not mimic measured concentrations of TOC, which consist not only of substrate but also various polymers and humic acids. In conclusion, a moving pulse of nutrients resulting in cycles of growth and death of microorganisms can indeed explain the observed phenomenon of moving microbial waves along roots. This is the first report of wavelike dynamics of microorganisms in soil along a root resulting from the interaction of a single organism group with its substrate. Received: 2 October 1999; Accepted: 9 March 2000; Online Publication: 28 August 2000  相似文献   

The frequency of the GstM1 gene deletion homozygotes in eight populations of the Volga–Ural region belonging according to linguistic classification to Turkic (Bashkirs, Tatars, and Chuvashs), Finno–Ugric (Maris, Komis, Mordovians, and Udmurts), and Eastern–Slavic (Russians) ethnic groups, was examined by means of PCR technique. The frequency of the deletion homozygotes varied from 41.4% in Bashkirs to 61.3% in Mordovians. The mean deletion frequency comprised 50.1%, which was consistent with the data for European populations (2= 0.009).  相似文献   

Class 1 integrons play a role in the emergence of multi-resistant bacteria by facilitating the recruitment of gene cassettes encoding antibiotic resistance genes. 512 E. coli strains sourced from humans (n = 202), animals (n = 304) and the environment (n = 6) were screened for the presence of the intI1 gene. In 31/79 integron positive E. coli strains, the gene cassette regions could not be PCR amplified using standard primers. DNA sequence analysis of 6 serologically diverse strains revealed atypical integrons harboured the dfrA5 cassette gene and only 24 bp of the integron 3′-conserved segment (CS) remained, due to the insertion of IS26. PCR targeting intI1 and IS26 followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis identified the integron-dfrA5-IS26 element in 27 E. coli strains of bovine origin and 4 strains of human origin. Southern hybridization and transformation studies revealed the integron-dfrA5-IS26 gene arrangement was either chromosomally located or plasmid borne. Plasmid location in 4/9 E. coli strains and PCR linkage of Tn21 transposition genes with the intI1 gene in 20/31 strains, suggests this element is readily disseminated by horizontal transfer.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend an existing approach to biotechnologically assess grazer–prey interactions between the crustacean Artemia salina (grazer) and the toxic dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum (prey). The applied strategy is presented as a bioprocessing tool for enhancing the production of toxins and bioactive compounds in dinoflagellate cultures. Interactions were based on direct and indirect contact between the grazer and the prey, as well as on the use of different extracts from A. salina cysts and supernatants from cultures in which A. salina had been grown. Several treatments were found to stimulate the growth and yessotoxin production of P. reticulatum mainly due to the action of dissolved excreted substances and/or metabolites released and/or extracted from A. salina. One of the best results was obtained with a culture medium formulation containing 10 % (v/v) supernatant from a culture of A. salina nauplii. This treatment was scaled up to a 15-L photobioreactor. The average maximum specific growth rate (μ max) of P. reticulatum in this photobioreactor, operated in batch mode, increased by 27 %, whereas the maximum cell concentration (C max) decreased by 20 % relative to the corresponding control culture. An average increase in yessotoxin production of 50 % with respect to the control culture was observed.  相似文献   

This paper aims at bridging a gap between the history of American animal behavior studies and the history of sociobiology. In the post-war period, ecology, comparative psychology and ethology were all investigating animal societies, using different approaches ranging from fieldwork to laboratory studies. We argue that this disunity in “practices of place” (Kohler, Robert E. Landscapes & Labscapes: Exploring the Lab-Field Border in Biology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002) explains the attempts of dialogue between those three fields and early calls for unity through “sociobiology” by J. Paul Scott. In turn, tensions between the naturalist tradition and the rising reductionist approach in biology provide an original background for a history of Edward Wilson’s own version of sociobiology, much beyond the William Hamilton’s papers (Journal of Theoretical Biology 7: 1–16, 17–52, 1964) usually considered as its key antecedent. Naturalists were in a defensive position in the geography of the fields studying animal behavior, and in reaction were a driving force behind the various projects of synthesis called “sociobiology”.  相似文献   

Vicki E. Hutton 《Anthrozo?s》2013,26(2):199-214

Research on the relationship between humans and animals has identified some links between companion animals and physiological, psychological, and social benefits for the human. Adopting Robert Weiss's (1974) Theory of Social Provisions as a framework, this qualitative study explores the role of the human-animal relationship amongst 30 people living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in Australia. Despite the transition of HIV from a terminal to chronic condition in many developed nations, there can still be personal and social challenges accompanying an HIV-diagnosis. Thematic analysis of the 30 interviews identified themes of Attachment, Opportunity for Nurturance, Reassurance of Worth, Reliable Alliance, Obtaining of Guidance/Emotional Support, and Social Integration. Extracts coded to these themes indicated that many participants believed their companion animal motivated them to remain socially and physically active; provided an outlet for love and attachment; remained non-judgmental irrespective of the human's physical or social status; and was capable of providing both day-to-day comfort through their reliable presence, and episode-specific supportive responses during periods of heightened stress. It was proposed that for people living with a chronic and/or stigmatized condition like HIV, these aspects of the human-animal relationship may play an important part in their overall wellbeing. In conclusion, this study contributes to a greater understanding of the lived experience of HIV and provides a conceptually sound mechanism for validating the love and support that some HIV-positive people perceive in their relationship with a companion animal. This knowledge draws attention to the need to normalize, validate, and support the human-animal relationship throughout the animal's life, and death.  相似文献   

The ability of dogs to use human communicative signals has been exhaustively studied. However, few studies have focused on the production of communicative signals by dogs. The current study investigated if dogs are able to communicate by using directional signals towards some desirable object in the environment and also if they show an apparent intention to manipulate their owner’s behavior in order to receive it. Some operational criteria were used to investigate referential and intentional communication: the signal should be influenced by the audience and by the recipient’s direction of visual attention; the sender should display gaze alternations between the recipient and the object and attention-getting behaviors, and, finally, the sender should persist and elaborate the communication when attempts to manipulate the recipient failed. Aiming to investigate these criteria in dogs, 29 subjects were tested using an experimental set up in which they could see a desirable but unreachable food and they needed the cooperation of their owners in order to receive it. This study found evidence of all operational criteria, especially for gaze alternation between the owner and the food, which suggested that some dogs’ communicative behaviors could be functionally referential and intentional. Nevertheless, similar to other studies about social cognition in animals, it is not possible to distinguish if the dog’s behaviors are based on simple mechanisms or on a theory of mind about their owners.  相似文献   

This research integrates different social psychological theories to test whether human–animal similarity promotes affiliation with animals and lowers the need to affirm humans’ superiority relative to animals. On the basis of theories of intergroup relations, terror management theory, and work conducted in the field of human–animal relations, we expected that higher human–animal similarity would decrease the need to affirm humans’ superiority relative to animals, by triggering a greater sense of shared social identity. Two correlational studies (ns = 187 and 191) tested a mediation model whereby perceived human–animal similarity was expected to predict a lower need to differentiate the perceived status of humans from animals through a process of social identification with animals. Mediated regressions provided support for these associations. A repeated-measures experiment (n = 176) replicated these findings by systematically comparing objectively (phylogenetically) more vs. less similar animals and assessing perceived status and identification. Results are discussed in light of theories of intergroup relations, terror management theory, as well as recent advances in the field of social psychology and self and identity processes.  相似文献   

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