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The dynamics of adsorption and desorption of gaseous molecules on the external surface of a crystal and a membrane of zeolite silicate-1 is investigated by molecular dynamics simulation. The gases are argon and three hydrocarbons, n-heptane, n-butane and ethylene. The sticking coefficient and the desorption coefficient are calculated for different coverages. The results clearly show that the desorption coefficients increase with the coverage contrary to the sticking coefficients. To have a better insight in the process, the desorption and adsorption time are computed, they are very similar and they show an increase with the coverage except for n-heptane which exhibit a specific decreasing behaviour at high loading.  相似文献   

The affects of differences in amino acid sequence on the temperature stability of the three-dimensional structure of the small beta-sheet protein, rubredoxin (Rd), was revealed when a set of homology models was subjected to molecular dynamics simulations at relatively high temperatures. Models of Rd from the hyperthermophile, Pyrococcus furiosus (Pf), an organism that grows optimally at 100 degrees C, were compared to three mesophilic Rds of known X-ray crystal structure. Simulations covering the limits of known Rd thermostabilities were carried out at temperatures of 300 K, 343 K, 373 K, and 413 K. They suggest that Rd stability is correlated with structural dynamics. Because the dynamic behavior of three Pf Rd models was consistently different from the dynamic behavior of the three mesophilic Rd structures, detailed analysis of the temperature-dependent dynamic behavior was carried out. The major differences between the models of the protein from the hyperthermophile and the others were: (1) an obvious temperature-dependent transition in the mesophilic structures not seen with the Pf Rd models, (2) consistent AMBER energy for the Pf Rd due to differences in nonbonded interaction terms, (3) less variation in the average conformations for the Pf Rd models with temperature, and (4) the presence of more extensive secondary structure for the Pf Rd models. These unsolvated dynamics simulations support a simple, general hypothesis to explain the hyperthermostability of Pf Rd. Its structure simplifies the conformational space to give a single minimum accessible over an extreme range of temperatures, whereas the mesophilic proteins sample a more complex conformational space with two or more minima over the same temperature range.  相似文献   

The effects of environmental anoxia and anoxic sulphide exposure on metabolism are measured in tissues of the clam, Arctica islandica. Under anoxia the total activity of glycogen phosphorylase and the percentage of the enzyme in the active a form are significantly reduced. Alterations in pyruvate kinase kinetics produce slightly increased Vmax values, strongly increased S0.5 PEP, slightly increased S0.5 ADP in the muscular tissues and mantle, and strongly reduced I50 for alanine (up to 90-fold increased sensitivity). Anoxia also stimulates a reduction of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate levels, an effector of phosphofructokinase, in all tissues tested. These effects are consistent with enzyme modifications induced by phosphorylation to produce a restricted activity. Anoxic sulphide exposure produced similar effects on the glycogenolytic enzyme glycogen phosphorylase (GP), as does anoxia alone. In the course of the experiments, mitochondrial energy metabolism is not affected by sulphide. The accumulation of the anaerobic indicator metabolite succinate is almost identical in adductor and foot under both stresses. The data suggest a similar coordinated metabolic rate control under environmental anoxia and anoxic sulphide exposure, i.e. H2S has no distinctly different effects on the parameters tested. This study provides evidence that while being burrowed in anoxic sediments, the clams are able to withstand the detrimental effects of sulphide for a substantial period of time.  相似文献   

Acylpeptide hydrolases (APH) catalyze the removal of an N-acylated amino acid from blocked peptides. APH is significantly more sensitive than acetylcholinesterase, a target of Alzheimer’s disease, to inhibition by organophosphorus (OP) compounds. Thus, OP compounds can be used as a tool to probe the physiological functions of APH. Here, we report the results of a computational study of molecular dynamics simulations of APH bound to the OP compounds and an exploration of the chlorpyrifos escape pathway using steered molecular dynamics (SMD) simulations. In addition, we apply SMD simulations to identify potential escape routes of chlorpyrifos from hydrolase hydrophobic cavities in the APH-inhibitor complex. Two previously proposed APH pathways were reliably identified by CAVER 3.0, with the estimated relative importance of P1 > P2 for its size. We identify the major pathway, P2, using SMD simulations, and Arg526, Glu88, Gly86, and Asn65 are identified as important residues for the ligand leaving via P2. These results may help in the design of APH-targeting drugs with improved efficacy, as well as in understanding APH selectivity of the inhibitor binding in the prolyl oligopeptidase family.  相似文献   

The adsorption and immobilisation of human insulin onto the bio-compatible nanosheets including graphene monoxide, silicon carbide and boron nitride nanosheets were studied by molecular dynamics simulation at the temperature of 310 K. After equilibration, heating and 100 ns production molecular dynamic runs, it was found that the insulin was adsorbed and immobilised onto the considered surfaces in a native folded state. The structural parameters, including root-mean-square deviation and fluctuation, surface accessible solvent area, radius of gyration (Rg) and the distance between the centre of the mass of immobilised protein and the surface of the considered nanosheets, were measured, analysed and discussed. The energetics of the studied systems such as the interaction energy between protein and nanosheet was also measured and addressed. The discussions were centred on the structural and energetic parameters of the protein and nanosheets, including charge density, hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity and residue polarity. The results also showed that the active site of C-termini of chain B played an important role in the adsorption process and this could be helpful in the protection of insulin in its smart delivery and release applications.  相似文献   

In computational drug design, ranking a series of compound analogs in a manner that is consistent with experimental affinities remains a challenge. In this study, we evaluated the prediction of protein–ligand binding affinities using steered molecular dynamics simulations. First, we investigated the appropriate conditions for accurate predictions in these simulations. A conic harmonic restraint was applied to the system for efficient sampling of work values on the ligand unbinding pathway. We found that pulling velocity significantly influenced affinity predictions, but that the number of collectable trajectories was less influential. We identified the appropriate pulling velocity and collectable trajectories for binding affinity predictions as 1.25 Å/ns and 100, respectively, and these parameters were used to evaluate three target proteins (FK506 binding protein, trypsin, and cyclin-dependent kinase 2). For these proteins using our parameters, the accuracy of affinity prediction was higher and more stable when Jarzynski’s equality was employed compared with the second-order cumulant expansion equation of Jarzynski’s equality. Our results showed that steered molecular dynamics simulations are effective for predicting the rank order of ligands; thus, they are a potential tool for compound selection in hit-to-lead and lead optimization processes.  相似文献   

The mechanism of welding of Au–Au, Ag–Ag and Au–Ag nanowires (NWs) with head-to-head contact is studied using molecular dynamics simulations based on the second-moment approximation of the many-body tight-binding potential. The effect of temperature in the range of 300–900 K is investigated. Simulation results show that at the initial welding, an incomplete jointing area forms through the interactions of the van der Waals attractive force, and that the jointing area increases with increasing the extent of contact between the two NWs during the welding process and temperature. Few defects form along the (1 1 1) close-packed plane during the welding process because the acting stress is quite low. Among the three NW pairs, the Au–Au NWs have the best cold-welding quality, whereas the Au–Ag NWs have the worst cold-welding quality due to the welding of different materials. With an increase in temperature, the weld stress and the mechanical strength of the NWs significantly decrease, and the number of disordered structures increases. The welding fails when the temperature exceeds the molten temperature of the NWs.  相似文献   


Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was applied to investigate the adsorption mechanism of chlortetracycline (CTC) antibiotic molecule as the aqueous pollutant on the Fe3O4 nanoparticle (NP). Two different NP sizes with a diameter of about 1.4?nm and 3.5?nm were selected. Initially, the stability of both NPs in water was investigated by calculating radial distribution function curves of NP atoms. Simulation results confirmed the stable crystallographic structures of both NPs. However, small NP induce greater structural stabilization. Then, CTC molecules were adsorbed on NPs surface in various pollutant concentrations. Electrostatic and hydrogen bond were the major types of interactions between CTC molecules and the adsorbent surface. CTC molecules formed a complex with NP surface from their amine side chains; while they were parallel to each other in their aromatic rings and π-π bond between two CTC molecules was formed. Diffusion rate of CTC molecules could predict the adsorption mechanism. At lower concentration of CTC, CTC molecules tend to adsorb on the NP surface. At these concentrations, the diffusion rate of CTC was high. By increasing the CTC concentration, the pollutant agglomeration was enhanced which decreased the diffusion rate. At this time, the surface of NP was saturated. In addition, the results of isotherm curves showed that CTC adsorption on small NPs could be defined with both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models, while Freundlich isotherm model was more appropriate for larger NPs. In conclusion, observations confirmed that MD simulation could successfully predict the behavior of CTC adsorption on the Fe3O4 NP surface.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Acylaminoacylpeptidase (AAP) belongs to peptidase protein family, which can degrade amyloid β-peptide forms in the brains of patients, and hence leads to Alzheimer’s disease. And so, AAP is considered to be a novel target in the design of drugs against Alzheimer’s disease. In this investigation, six molecular dynamics simulations were used to find that the interaction between the wild-type and R526V AAP with two different substrates (p-nitrophenylcaprylate and Ac-Leu-p-nitroanilide). Our results were as follows: firstly, Ac-Leu-p-nitroanilide bound to R526V AAP to form a more disordered loop (residues 552–562) in the α/β-hydrolase fold like of AAP, which caused an open and inactive AAP domain form, secondly, binding p-nitrophenylcaprylate and Ac-Leu-p-nitroanilide to AAP can decrease the flexibility of residues 225–250, 260–270, and 425–450, in which the ordered secondary structures may contain the suitable geometrical structure and so it is useful to serine attack. Our theoretical results showed that the binding of the two substrates can induce specific conformational changes responsible for the diverse AAP catalytic specificity. These theoretical substrate-induced structural diversities can help explain the abilities of AAPs to recognize and hydrolyze extremely different substrates.  相似文献   

The folding of a polypeptide from an extended state to a well-defined conformation is studied using microsecond classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations in explicit solvent and in vacuo. It is shown that the solvated peptide folds many times in the REMD simulations but only a few times in the conventional simulations. From the folding events in the classical simulations we estimate an approximate folding time of 1-2 micros. The REMD simulations allow enough sampling to deduce a detailed Gibbs free energy landscape in three dimensions. The global minimum of the energy landscape corresponds to the native state of the peptide as determined previously by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments. Starting from an extended state it takes about 50 ns before the native structure appears in the REMD simulations, about an order of magnitude faster than conventional MD. The calculated melting curve is in good qualitative agreement with experiment. In vacuo, the peptide collapses rapidly to a conformation that is substantially different from the native state in solvent.  相似文献   

The local segmental dynamics of cis-1,4-polybutadiene, polypropylene and polyethylene terephthalate have been investigated via isothermal-isobaric molecular dynamics simulations. The simulation pressure was 1 atm for all systems, with all simulation temperatures being at least 150 K above the polymer's glass transition temperature. The trajectories have been analysed via autocorrelation functions (ACFs) of chord vectors spanning different number of chain backbone bonds. Inverse Laplace transformations of these ACFs using the CONTIN algorithm afforded the corresponding distribution of relaxation times (DRTs) for the simulated dynamics. All DRTs illustrated a peak on fast timescales corresponding to short length scale segmental motion and a peak at longer timescales corresponding to longer length scale relaxations. A third peak, intermediate between the fast and slow processes, appears as the relaxation of chord vectors spanning increasing number of backbone bonds is considered. The temperature dependence of the relaxation dynamics is also investigated.  相似文献   

By employing a series of MD simulations, buckling behaviour of penta-graphene and functionalised penta-graphene having different hydrogen (H) coverage is presented in this study. To this end, the buckling onset strain is determined for different systems. The results reveal that the new allotrope is slightly stiffer than graphene. Moreover, the effect of H adatoms in the range 0–56% on buckling behaviour is investigated. Finally it is shown that the H coverage has an influence on stability, and ripple-type destortion of the penta-graphene under compression.  相似文献   

The use of organic solvents as reaction media for enzymatic reactions has many advantages. Several organic solvents have been proposed as reaction media, especially for transesterifications using Candida antarctica lipase B (CalB). Among organic solvents, tert-butanol is associated with an enhanced conversion rate in bio-diesel production. Thus, it is necessary to understand the effect of tert-butanol on CalB to explain the high-catalytic efficiency compared with the reaction in other hydrophilic organic solvents. In this study, the effects of tert-butanol on the structure of CalB were investigated by MD simulations. The overall flexibility was increased in the presence of tert-butanol. The substrate entrance and the binding pocket size of CalB in tert-butanol were maintained as in TIP3P water. The distance between the catalytic residues of CalB in tert-butanol indicated a higher likelihood of forming hydrogen bonds. These structural analyses could be useful for understanding the effect of tert-butanol on lipase transesterification.  相似文献   

A refinement protocol based on physics‐based techniques established for water soluble proteins is tested for membrane protein structures. Initial structures were generated by homology modeling and sampled via molecular dynamics simulations in explicit lipid bilayer and aqueous solvent systems. Snapshots from the simulations were selected based on scoring with either knowledge‐based or implicit membrane‐based scoring functions and averaged to obtain refined models. The protocol resulted in consistent and significant refinement of the membrane protein structures similar to the performance of refinement methods for soluble proteins. Refinement success was similar between sampling in the presence of lipid bilayers and aqueous solvent but the presence of lipid bilayers may benefit the improvement of lipid‐facing residues. Scoring with knowledge‐based functions (DFIRE and RWplus) was found to be as good as scoring using implicit membrane‐based scoring functions suggesting that differences in internal packing is more important than orientations relative to the membrane during the refinement of membrane protein homology models.  相似文献   

We have performed 40–80 ns-long molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the GCN4 leucine zipper and synthetic coiled coils using the GROMOS96 (43a2) and OPLS-AA force fields, with the aim of predicting coiled coil stability. Starting with an initial configuration of two peptides placed in an ideal coiled coil configuration, we find that changing the amino acid sequence modestly or decreasing peptide length can lead to a decrease in the final α-helicity of coiled coils, although for peptides as long or longer than 16 residues, the values of helicity do not decrease to the low values seen in the experimental results of Lumb et al. (Biochemistry. 1994, 33, 7361–7367) or of Su et al. (Biochemistry. 1994, 33, 15501–15510), presumably because the simulations are not long enough. We find, however, that helicity correlates positively with the number of close hydrophobic interactions between the two peptides, showing that stable coiled coils in the simulations are tightly packed. The minimum interhelical distances are 0.50–0.66 nm for charged groups, indicating that favorable charge interactions are also important for the stability of the coiled coil.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations at the atomistic level were performed to investigate the glass transition of a highly crosslinked thermoset epoxy resin system composed of diglycidyl ether bisphenol A and isophorone diamine. The crosslinked model was first constructed using a cyclic dynamic method, and extended by investigating the effect of conversion degree on the static properties of local structure, internal energy and volume shrinkage. Based on this model, a systematic investigation on volume, energy and dynamic properties against temperature was made, which determined the glass transition temperature (Tg). The Tgs obtained from various volumetric and energy properties agree well with the differential scanning calorimetry experimental data available, yet a dynamic Tg obtained from the diffusion coefficient is relatively higher. Moreover, the investigation on epoxy segmental dynamics confirmed that the glass transition of the highly crosslinked epoxy resin has a strong dependence on the backbone bond torsional kinetics.  相似文献   

Alkylation of guanine at the O6 atom is a highly mutagenic DNA lesion because it alters the coding specificity of the base causing G:C to A:T transversion mutations. Specific DNA repair enzymes, e.g. O6‐alkylguanin‐DNA‐Transferases (AGT), recognize and repair such damage after looping out the damaged base to transfer it into the enzyme active site. The exact mechanism how the repair enzyme identifies a damaged site within a large surplus of undamaged DNA is not fully understood. The O6‐alkylation of guanine may change the deformability of DNA which may facilitate the initial binding of a repair enzyme at the damaged site. In order to characterize the effect of O6‐methyl‐guanine (O6‐MeG) containing base pairs on the DNA deformability extensive comparative molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on duplex DNA with central G:C, O6‐MeG:C or O6‐MeG:T base pairs were performed. The simulations indicate significant differences in the helical deformability due to the presence of O6‐MeG compared to regular undamaged DNA. This includes enhanced base pair opening, shear and stagger motions and alterations in the backbone fine structure caused in part by transient rupture of the base pairing at the damaged site and transient insertion of water molecules. It is likely that the increased opening motions of O6‐MeG:C or O6‐MeG:T base pairs play a decisive role for the induced fit recognition or for the looping out of the damaged base by repair enzymes. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 103: 23–32, 2015.  相似文献   

The human gut harbors diverse bacterial species in the gut, which play an important role in the metabolism of food and host health. Recent studies have also revealed their role in altering the pharmacological properties and efficacy of oral drugs through promiscuous metabolism. However, the atomistic details of the enzyme-drug interactions of gut bacterial enzymes which can potentially carry out the metabolism of drug molecules are still scarce. A well-known example is the FDA drug amphetamine (a central nervous system stimulant), which has been predicted to undergo promiscuous metabolism by gut bacteria. Therefore, to understand the atomistic details and energy landscape of the gut microbial enzyme-mediated metabolism of this drug, molecular dynamics studies were performed. It was observed that amphetamine binds to tyramine oxidase from the Escherichia coli strain present in the human gut microbiota at the binding site harboring polar and nonpolar amino acids. The stability analysis of amphetamine at the binding site showed that the binding is stable and the free energy for the binding of amphetamine was found to be ~ −51.71 kJ/mol. The insights provided by this study on promiscuous metabolism of amphetamine by a gut enzyme will be very useful to improve the efficacy of the drug.  相似文献   

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