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It is generally believed that molecular mimicry between bacterial lipooligosaccharide (LOS) and nerve glycolipids may play an important pathogenic role in immune-mediated peripheral neuropathy. One of the putative infectious agents is Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni). To elucidate the structural basis for the molecular mimicry, we investigated the structure of the lipooligosaccharide (LOS) fraction of C. jejuni, strain HS19, and found that it includes at least two components, characterized as fast-and slow-moving bands (LF and LS) by thin-layer chromatography as revealed by cholera toxin B subunit (Ctxb) overlay. Structural analysis of the oligosaccharide portion of LS established that it had the following structure: Gal-GalNAc-(NeuAc)Gal-Hep-(Glc;PO3H)Hep-Kdo. The GM1-like epitope was validated by a terminal tetrasaccharide unit within this structure. On the other hand, analysis of LF revealed an entirely different structure: 1, 4′-bisphosphoryl glucosamine disaccharide N, N’-acylated by 3-(2-hydroxytetracosanoyloxy)octadecanoic acid at 2- and 2′-positions, which is consistent with that of lipid A. No GM1-like epitope was observed in LF. Both LS and LF interacted with Ctxb as demonstrated by TLC-overlay and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Surprisingly, LF does not have the basic GM1 structure for interacting with Ctxb. Instead, the affinity of LF to Ctxb required that one or both of the phosphate groups be present in the glucosamine disaccharide residue because after alkaline phosphatase treatment the dephosphorylated LF was unable to bind to Ctxb. We conclude that LS is likely the component contributing to GM1-mimicry in autoimmune peripheral neuropathy and that the role of LF is not clear but may be associated with the initial activation of autoreactive T cells. Ganglioside nomenclature is based on that of Svennerholm [50]  相似文献   

采用间接酶联免疫法,即用神经节苷脂包被,加入待检样品,再加入兔抗霍乱毒素B亚单位抗体,用标准样品的吸光值(A值)对标准样品的浓度绘制4-参数拟合曲线,根据标准曲线计算出待测样品中的CT浓度。结果显示,在浓度范围(0.6~16)ng/ml之间,CT标准浓度和检测浓度成线性关系,r2=0.9986。精确度在浓度范围(0.6~16)ng/ml,CT的平均回收率在96.24%~114.44%之间。精密度:批内变异CV%≤12.98%,批间变异CV%≤18.48%。特异性CT浓度在10ng/ml时,平均回收率为102.6%;CT浓度在5ng/ml时,平均回收率为111.17%;CT浓度在2.5ng/ml时,平均回收率为123.83%。实验表明该方法可检测霍乱疫苗原液中CT的含量。  相似文献   

Enterotoxin and cytotoxin production of 10 strains of Campylobacter spp. were examined by ELISA and HeLa cells assay, respectively. Both toxins were produced in high concentrations by strains freshly isolated from patients. The maximum enterotoxin activity was found to be at 24 h after incubation, at which time cell growth reached the stationary phase. On the other hand, production of cytotoxin increased after the logarithmic phase of the growth.  相似文献   

A cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) gene-based species-specific multiplex PCR assay for the detection of cdtA, cdtB or cdtC gene of Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli or Campylobacter fetus, respectively, was developed and evaluated with 76 Campylobacter strains belonging to seven different species and 131 other bacterial strains of eight different genera. The cdtA, cdtB or cdtC gene of C. jejuni, C. coli or C. fetus, respectively, could be successfully amplified using the corresponding set of primers in a highly species-specific manner. Furthermore, the specific primer set for the cdtA, cdtB or cdtC gene of a particular species could amplify the desired gene from a mixture of DNA templates of any of two or all three species. The detection limit of C. jejuni, C. coli or C. fetus was 10-100 CFU tube(-1) by the multiplex PCR assay on the basis of the presence of the cdtA, cdtB or cdtC gene. These data indicate that the cdt gene-based multiplex PCR assay may be useful for rapid and accurate detection as well as identification of Campylobacter strains in a species-specific manner.  相似文献   

Charge heterogeneity of cholera toxin and its subunits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Analytical isoelectric focusing (IEF) in thin layers of polyacrylamide gels resolved cholera toxin into 3 isomeric forms differing in charge (isoelectric points 6.80, 6.65 and 6.55). All these forms had identical molecular weights, and were also antigenically similar, as demonstrated by their reactivity to antisera to cholera toxin. Both the B and A subunits possessed charge heterogeneity. The B subunit was detected in a free form when a solution of cholera toxin was aged for a few days. Antisera to cholera toxin, irrespective of mode of immunisation, contained antibodies to both the intact cholera toxin and the free B subunit as demonstrated by the immunoblotting technique based on IEF.  相似文献   

目的 通过诱导空肠弯曲菌进入活的不可培养(VBNC)状态建立细胞学模型,用VeroE6细胞和HeLa细胞检测空肠弯曲菌产细胞膨胀性肠毒素(cytotoxic distendingtoxin,CDT)能力的改变,并在RNA水平上进一步验证毒素的表达。方法 采用4℃冷藏及-70℃冷冻的方法诱导空肠弯曲菌进入VBNC状态,利用细胞总数计算、活细胞染色计数及可培养细胞计数间接确证VBNC状态细菌的存在,细胞对于VBNC状态下的细菌仍然敏感,并用反转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)证实空肠弯曲菌毒素基因的表达。结果 3种不同状态的细胞计数结果表明存活细胞进入了VBNC状态,细菌经4℃冷藏及-70℃冷冻后数量减少约1个数量级,在冷冻前,细菌对细胞毒性较强,72h时70%以上细胞凋亡,冷冻后的VBNC状态细菌对VeroE6和HeLa细胞的生长仍有影响,72h时约有40%细胞进入凋亡状态。结论 低温、贫养条件下空肠弯曲菌可进入VBNC状态,用常规传统的羊血平板培养基仅能使不到10%的空肠弯曲菌复苏生长,从而可以检测,在VBNC状态时,空肠弯曲菌产毒素能力改变较大,远远低于正常状态,但仍具备产毒素的能力,也从RNA水平实验得到证实。  相似文献   

Abstract Two strains of cholera toxin (CT) gene-positive Vibrio cholerae O1, Ogawa, isolated from patients with diarrhoea and the hypertoxigenic V. cholerae O1, Inaba (569B), were found to produce the new cholera toxin that has earlier been demonstrated to be elaborated by CT gene-negative human and environmental isolates of V. cholerae O1. The CT gene-positive strains produce the new cholera toxin simultaneously with CT, indicating that they contain the gene coding for the new cholera toxin in addition to that of CT.  相似文献   

A synthetic medium for production of Campylobacter jejuni enterotoxin was developed for the purposes of its purification by modifying syncase medium, replacing sucrose with glucose, and supplementing with 0.025% sodium pyruvate, 0.25% sodium metabisulphite, 0.001% ferric chloride and 0.1% L-cysteine, adjusted to pH 6.7. Culture filtrates of a human diarrhoeal and a chicken isolate, grown in this medium caused fluid accumulation ranging between 0.50-0.70 ml/cm of rat ileal loop. The kinetics of toxin production indicated a peak at 36 h and decline by 72 h, coinciding with the period of release of protease by the organism. At least 0.4 rat ileal loop units of enterotoxic activity was recovered per ml of culture filtrates and one unit of this toxin contained only 14 micrograms of protein. The toxin is heat-labile, pH dependent, nonhaemolytic, resistant to trypsin, sensitive to papain and pronase and may show subunit molecular weight analogy with CT subunits.  相似文献   

The topology of the interaction of cholera toxin with ganglioside and detergent micelles was studied with the technique of hydrophobic photolabelling. Cholera toxin α and γ polypeptide chains appear to penetrate into the hydrophobic core of ganglioside micelles. Micelles of SDS cause the labelling also of the β polypeptide chains, while Triton X-100 micelles have little ability to mediate the labelling of the toxin. The specific reduction of the α-γ disulfide bond allows the penetration of the α polypeptide chain into Triton X-100 micelles, but does not affect the interaction of cholera toxin with either ganglioside or SDS micelles. Thus, ganglioside micelles appear to cause a conformational change of the native toxin, such as to induce the penetration of the α chain into the micelle hydrophobic core.  相似文献   

霍乱毒素B亚单位(CTB)在大肠杆菌表达体系中不能实现良好的分泌性表达。本文拟利用ctxb的自身启动子来实现CTB的高效分泌性表达。PCR方法扩增ctxb的调控序列和结构基因,克隆至pGEM-T载体,并在其下游链上肠杆菌核糖体基因的转录终止信号rmBT1T2,构建的表达质粒pGEM-T48和霍乱弧菌IEM101都实现了CTB的分泌性表达。但在pGEM-T48*TEM101)中CTB的分泌性表达量明显高于pGEM-T48(JM109)中的量,两者比较为50:1。因此,pGEM-T48(IEM101)表达体系较为理想的CTB分泌性表达体系。  相似文献   

Ricin, cholera, and Shiga toxin belong to a family of protein toxins that enter the cytosol to exert their action. Since all three toxins are routed from the cell surface through the Golgi apparatus and to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) before translocation to the cytosol, the toxins are used to study different endocytic pathways as well as the retrograde transport to the Golgi and the ER. The toxins can also be used as vectors to carry other proteins into the cells. Studies with protein toxins reveal that there are more pathways along the plasma membrane to ER route than originally believed.  相似文献   

BT23, a Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor isolate, possesses the cholera toxin (CT) gene as determined by PCR. However, CT was not detected in the culture medium by the reversed passive latex agglutination test, nor in the whole cell lysate as examined by Western blotting. The toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) was not detected by Western blotting. This suggests the presence of defects in the regulatory cascade. toxR, toxS and toxT, members of the regulatory cascade, were examined by PCR. toxR and toxS were conserved but toxT was not. CT and TCP production was complemented by transformation of toxT. The lack of toxT was suspected to be the cause of the undetectable production of CT in strain BT23.  相似文献   

A rapid, colourimetric assay for cytotoxin activity in Campylobacter jejuni   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Cell extracts and culture supernates of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC 11168 and three isolates from faecal samples from patients with enteritis were tested for cytotoxic activity on HeLa and Vero cells using a sensitive and rapid dye reduction assay which represents a simple assay for cytotoxin activity that can be assessed visually or spectrophotometrically in the wells of microplates. The assay was as sensitive as trypan blue exclusion and did not require the use of radioisotopes. A low level of cytotoxin activity, compared to that produced by a control verotoxin 2-producing Escherichia coli strain, was detected in cell extracts of all four strains, but no activity was detected in culture supernates. Production of an enterotoxin was evaluated by reverse passive latex agglutination with anti-cholera toxin antibody, a procedure which also represents a rapid and simple assay for this toxin. No enterotoxin activity was detected in cell extracts or culture supernates from any of the isolates.  相似文献   

Abstract By means of a newly developed medium, cholera-like enterotoxin production by Campylobacter jejuni could be shown in 25 C. jejuni strains isolated from diarrheic cases. This new medium was found to yield a higher amount of enterotoxin than the two previously reported media for this purpose. Neutralization of the activity of the toxin to cause morphological changes of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells by antisera against cholera toxin and heat-labile enterotoxins of Escherichia coli (LTh and LTp) was also demonstrated, indicating a close immunological relation of these toxins.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin (CT) is transported from the cell surface to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) from where it is translocated to the cytosol in a process depending on ATP and luminal ER proteins. To test whether the molecular chaperone BiP (heavy chain binding protein), which is an ER-luminal ATPase, was one of the required proteins the export of CT was analyzed using ER-derived CT-loaded microsomes. The resubstitution of extracted export-incompetent microsomes with purified BiP was sufficient to restore the export of CT. As BiP protected CT from aggregation it is proposed that BiP maintains CT in a soluble, export-competent state.  相似文献   

Six previously published polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays each targeting different genes were used to speciate 116 isolates previously identified as Campylobacter jejuni using routine microbiological techniques. Of the 116 isolates, 84 were of poultry origin and 32 of human origin. The six PCR assays confirmed the species identities of 31 of 32 (97%) human isolates and 56 of 84 (67%) poultry isolates as C. jejuni. Twenty eight of 84 (33%) poultry isolates were identified as Campylobacter coli and the remaining human isolate was tentatively identified as Campylobacter upsaliensis based on the degree of similarity of 16S rRNA gene sequences. Four of six published PCR assays showed 100% concordance in their ability to speciate 113 of the 116 (97.4%) isolates; two assays failed to generate a PCR product with four to 10 isolates. A C. coli-specific PCR identified all 28 hippuricase gene (hipO)-negative poultry isolates as C. coli although three isolates confirmed to be C. jejuni by the remaining five assays were also positive in this assay. A PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism assay based on the 16S rRNA gene was developed, which contrary to the results of the six PCR-based assays, identified 28 of 29 hipO-negative isolates as C. jejuni. DNA sequence analysis of 16S rRNA genes from four hipO-negative poultry isolates showed they were almost identical to the C. jejuni type strain 16S rRNA sequences ATCC43431 and ATCC33560 indicating that assays reliant on 16S rRNA sequence may not be suitable for the differentiation of these two species.  相似文献   

AIM: To enumerate Campylobacter spp. on the external surface and internal portions of chicken livers, and to assess the cooking required to inactivate naturally present cells. METHODS AND RESULTS: Of 30 livers tested all yielded Campylobacter spp. on their surfaces and 90% were found to contain the organism in internal tissue. Four (13%) livers contained >10(4) MPN campylobacters, and an additional seven (23%) contained >10(3) MPN campylobacters per liver. The internal temperature of pan-fried livers under the conditions used reached a maximum of 70-80 degrees C, and maintaining this temperature for 2-3 min was necessary to inactivate naturally occurring Campylobacter spp. All isolates identified were either C. jejuni or C. coli. CONCLUSIONS: Chicken livers represent a potential source of human campylobacteriosis as they contained >10(4) MPN per liver in 13% of the samples tested. Pan-frying can produce an acceptable product that is safe to eat. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THIS STUDY: The data provided can be used in exposure assessments of Campylobacter in poultry products in terms of both quantitative data and assessing pan-frying and its ability to destroy campylobacters.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence comparisons of the heat-labile enterotoxin (LTh) genes of E. coli pathogenic for humans with cholera toxin (CT) genes suggest that the two toxin genes have evolved from a common ancestry by a series of single base changes, while conserving the catalytic fragment A1 (ADP-ribose transferase). Based on the local hydrophilicity profiles of LTh and CT peptides, a transmembrane segment appears to be present in A1 in both toxins.  相似文献   

Abstract An improved synthetic medium (M4) comprising syncase medium supplemented with sodium chloride (1%) and sucrose (0.5%) pH adjusted to 7.4 was developed for a better production of the new cholera toxin (NCT). The culture filtrates prepared in the M4 medium caused significantly ( P < 0.05) more fluid accumulation than that in syncase medium. Crude toxin, prepared in the M4 medium with V. cholerae O1 strains (X-392 and 2740-80) caused a reaction similar to that of the same amount of NCT (32 μg) prepared in the syncase medium. The neutralization of the optimal loop reacting dose of the NCT prepared in the M4 medium by anti-NCT raised against syncase prepared toxin indicates the release of the same kind of toxin in both media. These observations indicate that the modified M4 medium may be used for NCT preparation and further characterization. All the strains of Vibro cholerae O139 used in this study produced a toxin antigenically similar to NCT.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin, through adenylate cyclase activation reproduced cyclic AMP-mediated effects of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in dog thyroid slices, i.e protein iodination, [1-14C]glucose-oxidation and hormone secretion. Iodide and carbamylcholine decreased the cyclic AMP accumulation induced by cholera toxin as well as by TSH, which supports the hypothesis of an action of these agents beyond the steps of hormone-receptor and receptor-adenylate cyclase interaction. Cooling to 20°C did not impair the TSH induced cyclic AMP accumulation in thyroid slices, but completely suppressed the cholera toxin effect.This observation has been extended to other hormones and target tissues, such as the parathyroid hormone (PTH) (kidney cortex), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) (adrenal cortex)_and luteinizing hormone (LH) (ovary systems). As in thyroid, cooling dissociated the cholera toxin and hormonal effects on cyclic AMP accumulation. In homogenate, cooling decreased cyclic AMP generation in the presence of cholera toxin but at 20°C and 16°C a cholera toxin stimulation was still observed. These results bear strongly against the hypothesis that the glycoprotein hormones TSH and LH activate adenylate cyclase by a mechanism identical to cholera toxin.  相似文献   

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