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In 1897, Paul Ehrlich published a selection theory of antibody formation that anticipated the theories of Jerne and Burnet by some 60 years. Ehrlich introduced into immunology the concept of the interaction of physiologically active substances with specific receptors, an idea that still dominates modern immunological thought. In this paper, we point out how Ehrlich's concept matured over 20 years, while it governed his studies in histological staining, in cell physiology, in hematology, and finally in his major contributions in experimental immunology.  相似文献   

"The Iliac Passion" traces a return from the new but busy and rapidly growing discipline of "bioethics" to its source in "fundamental philosophical inquiry." The dilemma between bioethics and medicine is examined in two ways. First, the philosophical concept of the "big question" is presented. If we ask of life or of human experience "What does it all mean?", the "it" needs to be defined, and what I propose to do is to "take on" the "it." In Part Two, the task of combining the medical-technical objectifying mode of thinking about patients, necessary to treat them effectively, with the ability to understand and sympathize with their pain and distress, is illustrated by means of a personal story or parable.  相似文献   

I am honored to be the first recipient of the Women in Cell Biology Sustained Excellence in Research Award. Since my graduate school days, I have enjoyed being part of a stimulating scientific community the American Society for Cell Biology embodies. Having found myself largely by accident in a career that I find deeply enjoyable and fulfilling, I hope here to convey a sense that one need not have a “grand plan” to have a successful life in science. Simply following one''s interests and passions can sustain a career, even though it may involve some migration.  相似文献   

Sex differences in passion and play   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A sap-transmissible virus, provisionally named Sri Lankan passion fruit mottle virus (SLPFMV), was isolated from Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa and shown to induce leaf mottling and distortion in that host. The virus infected 23 species in five plant families with systemic infection being common in the Passifloraceae. Chenopodium amaranticolor was a good local lesion host and Passiflora foetida was a useful systemic host for purification. In P. foetida extracts, SLPFMV lost infectivity after 10 min between 70–75°C, 6–7 days at 20–23°C and at dilutions of 10--5 -W-6. The virus had flexuous, filamentous particles with a normal length of c. 841 nm. Two polypeptides of mol. wt c. 33 200 and 28 700 were detected in purified virus preparations, and a major species of double-stranded RNA (mol. wt 7.0 × 106), was detected in infected plants. Pinwheels, tubular and laminated inclusions were found in ultrathin sections of infected P. edulis f. plavicurpa and cylindrical inclusions were observed in epidermal strips. SLPFMV was transmitted by the aphids Myzus persicae, Aphis spiraecola, A. gossypü and A. cruccivora after brief acquisition feeds. SLPFMV reacted with antisera to several potyviruses including passion fruit woodiness virus, passion fruit ringspot virus, potato virus Y and watermelon mosaic virus 2 and thus, apparently, is a member of the potyvirus group.  相似文献   

In this review is summarized my research in the adenosine field from the beginning of my carrier to day. My research began preparing the degree thesis with Prof. Carlo Alfonso Rossi, about the purification and characterization of adenosine deaminase. My scientific interest for adenosine has spread during the years and I have been interested in the study of ARs and their related transduction and in the study of molecular mechanisms involved in homologous and heterologous AR receptor regulation.  相似文献   

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