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Sphingolipids are a family of lipids that play essential roles both as structural cell membrane components and in cell signalling. The cellular contents of the various sphingolipid species are controlled by enzymes involved in their metabolic pathways. In this context, the discovery of small chemical entities able to modify these enzyme activities in a potent and selective way should offer new pharmacological tools and therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Mammalian ceramide synthases 1 to 6 (CerS1-6) generate Cer in an acyl-CoA-dependent manner, and expression of individual CerS has been shown to enhance the synthesis of ceramides with particular acyl chain lengths. However, the contribution of each CerS to steady-state levels of specific Cer species has not been evaluated. We investigated the knockdown of individual CerS in the MCF-7 human breast adenocarcinoma cell line by using small-interfering RNA (siRNA). We found that siRNA-induced downregulation of each CerS resulted in counter-regulation of nontargeted CerS. Additionally, each CerS knockdown produced unique effects on the levels of multiple sphingolipid species. For example, downregulation of CerS2 decreased very long-chain Cer but increased levels of CerS4, CerS5, and CerS6 expression and upregulated long-chain and medium-long-chain sphingolipids. Conversely, CerS6 knockdown decreased C16:0-Cer but increased CerS5 expression and caused non-C16:0 sphingolipids to be upregulated. Knockdown of individual CerS failed to decrease total sphingolipids or upregulate sphingoid bases. Treatment with siRNAs targeting combined CerS, CerS2, CerS5, and CerS6, did not change overall Cer or sphingomyelin mass but caused upregulation of dihydroceramide and hexosyl-ceramide and promoted endoplasmic reticulum stress. These data suggest that sphingolipid metabolism is robustly regulated by both redundancy in CerS-mediated Cer synthesis and counter-regulation of CerS expression.  相似文献   

Context: Fumonisins (FNs), a group of mycotoxins produced mainly by Fusarium species, are ubiquitous food contaminants, especially for maize. Fumonisin B1 (FB1) caused severe toxicities in farm animals, induced kidney and liver tumours in rodents and is associated with many human adverse health effects, including oesophageal cancer. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) categorizes FB1 as a possible human carcinogen (Group 2B). Inhibition of ceramide synthesis and disruption of sphingolipids metabolism are well studied as the major mechanisms of FB1-induced toxicity. Increases in sphinganine (Sa) and decrease in sphingosine (So) levels and their ratio are validated biomarkers of FB1 effects.

Methods: In this study, we measured urinary levels of Sa, So and Sa/So in 284 children aged 1–14?years who consume maize as a staple diet. Exfoliated cells from urine were processed and sphingolipids quantified by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography.

Results and conclusions: Sa and So were detectable in 95.07% and 98.94% of samples, respectively. Creatinine adjusted mean levels and standard deviation of Sa, So and Sa/So ratio were 1.23?±?2.18, 4.99?±?8.3 and 0.296?±?0.587?nM. These results further confirmed the findings in studies with human adults, i.e. urinary Sa, So levels and Sa/So ratio are good biomarkers to assess FNs exposure in children.  相似文献   

Data from animal experiments strongly suggest that ceramide is an important mediator of lipotoxicity in the heart and that accumulation of ceramide contributes to cardiomyocyte apoptosis associated with type 2 diabetes and obesity. However, it remains unknown whether a similar relationship is present also in the human heart. Therefore, we aimed to examine whether myocardial apoptosis in obese and type 2 diabetic patients is associated with elevated ceramide level. The study included 11 lean and 26 overweight or moderately obese subjects without (n = 11, OWT) or with (n = 15, T2D-OWT) a history of type 2 diabetes. Samples of the right atrial appendage were obtained from patients at the time of coronary bypass surgery. Compared with lean subjects, the extent of DNA fragmentation (a marker of apoptosis) was significantly higher in the myocardium of OWT patients and increased further in T2D-OWT subjects. However, the content of ceramide and sphingoid bases remained stable. Interestingly, the mRNA level of enzymes involved in synthesis and degradation of ceramide including serine palmitoyltransferase, sphingosine kinase 1, neutral sphingomyelinase, and ceramidases was markedly higher in the myocardium of OWT and T2D-OWT patients compared with lean subjects. Our results indicate that in the human heart, or at least in the atrium, ceramide is not a major factor in cardiomyocyte apoptosis associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids are the structural components of membrane lipid bilayers and act as signaling molecules in many cellular processes.Serine palmitoyltransferase(SPT) is the first committed and rate-limiting enzyme in the de novo sphingolipids biosynthetic pathway.The core SPT enzyme is a heterodimer consisting of LONG-CHAIN BASE1(LCB1) and LCB2 subunits.SPT activity is inhibited by orosomucoid proteins and stimulated by small subunits of SPT(ssSPTs).However,whether LCB1 is modified and how such modi...  相似文献   

The nectrotrophic fungus Alternaria alternata f.sp. lycopersici infects tomato plants of the genotype asc/asc by utilizing a host-selective toxin, AAL-toxin, that kills the host cells by inducing programmed cell death. Asc-1 is homologous to genes found in most eukaryotes from yeast to humans, suggesting a conserved function. A yeast strain with deletions in the homologous genes LAG1 and LAC1 was functionally complemented by Asc-1, indicating that Asc-1 functions in an analogous manner to the yeast homologues. Examination of the yeast sphingolipids, which are almost absent in the lag1Deltalac1Delta mutant, showed that Asc-1 was able to restore the synthesis of sphingolipids. We therefore examined the biosynthesis of sphingolipids in tomato by labeling leaf discs with l-[3-3H]serine. In the absence of AAL-toxin, there was no detectable difference in sphingolipid labeling between leaf discs from Asc/Asc or asc/asc leaves. In the presence of pathologically significant concentrations of AAL-toxin however, asc/asc leaf discs showed severely reduced labeling of sphingolipids and increased label in dihydrosphingosine (DHS) and 3-ketodihydrosphingosine (3-KDHS). Leaf discs from Asc/Asc leaves responded to AAL-toxin treatment by incorporating label into different sphingolipid species. The effects of AAL-toxin on asc/asc leaflets could be partially blocked by the simultaneous application of AAL-toxin and myriocin. Leaf discs simultaneously treated with AAL-toxin and myriocin showed no incorporation of label into sphingolipids or long-chain bases as expected. These results indicate that the presence of Asc-1 is able to relieve an AAL-toxin-induced block on sphingolipid synthesis that would otherwise lead to programmed cell death.  相似文献   

Twenty-four structures of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzymes that represent five different folds are shown to share a common recognition pattern for the phosphate group of their PLP-ligands. All atoms that interact with the phosphate group of PLP in these proteins are organized within a two-layer structure so that the first interacting layer contains from five to seven atoms and parallel with this is a second layer containing from three to seven interacting atoms. In order to identify features of the phosphate-binding site common to PLP-dependent enzymes, a simple procedure is described that assigns relative positions to all interacting atoms unambiguously, such that the networks of interactions for different proteins can be compared. On the basis of these diagrams for 24 enzyme-cofactor complexes, a detailed comparison of the two-layer structures of PLP-dependent enzymes, with both similar and different folds, was made. A majority of the structurally defined PLP-dependent proteins use the same atom types in analogous "key" positions to bind their PLP-ligands. In some instances, proteins use water molecules when a key position is unoccupied. A similar two-layer recognition pattern extends to protein recognition of at least one other, non-PLP ligand, glucosamine 6-phosphate. We refer to this three-dimensional recognition pattern as the phosphate-binding cup. In general, the phosphate-binding cup provides a very stable anchoring point for PLP. When numerous water molecules occur within the cup, however, then the phosphate group of PLP participates directly in the enzymatic reactions with inorganic phosphate replacing the water molecules of the cup. With glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase, the water molecules of the phosphate-binding cup facilitate the entry of substrate and the exit of product.  相似文献   

The epidermal permeability barrier of mammalian skin is localized in the stratum corneum. Corneocytes are embedded in an extracellular, highly ordered lipid matrix of hydrophobic lipids consisting of about 50% ceramides, 25% cholesterol and 15% long and very long chain fatty acids. The most important lipids for the epidermal barrier are ceramides. The scaffold of the lipid matrix is built of acylceramides, containing ω-hydroxylated very long chain fatty acids, acylated at the ω-position with linoleic acid. After glucosylation of the acylceramides at Golgi membranes and secretion, the linoleic acid residues are replaced by glutamate residues originating from proteins exposed on the surface of corneocytes. Removal of their glucosyl residues generates a hydrophobic surface on the corneocytes used as a template for the formation of extracellular lipid layers of the water permeability barrier. Misregulation or defects in the formation of extracellular ceramide structures disturb barrier function. Important anabolic steps are the synthesis of ultra long chain fatty acids, their ω-hydroxylation, and formation of ultra long chain ceramides and glucosylceramides. The main probarrier precursor lipids, glucosylceramides and sphingomyelins, are packed in lamellar bodies together with hydrolytic enzymes such as glucosylceramide-β-glucosidase and acid sphingomyelinase and secreted into the intercelullar space between the stratum corneum and stratum granulosum. Inherited defects in the extracellular hydrolytic processing of the probarrier acylglucosylceramides impair epidermal barrier formation and cause fatal diseases: such as prosaposin deficiency resulting in lack of lysosomal lipid binding and transfer proteins, or the symptomatic clinical picture of the “collodion baby” in the absence of glucocerebrosidase. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled The Important Role of Lipids in the Epidermis and their Role in the Formation and Maintenance of the Cutaneous Barrier. Guest Editors: Kenneth R. Feingold and Peter Elias.  相似文献   

Survival of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, like most microorganisms, requires switching from a rapidly dividing to a non-dividing or stationary state. To further understand how cells navigate this switch, we examined sphingolipids since they are key structural elements of membranes and also regulate signaling pathways vital for survival. During and after the switch to a non-dividing state there is a large increase in total free and sphingolipid-bound long chain-bases and an even larger increase in free and bound C20-long-chain bases, which are nearly undetectable in dividing cells. These changes are due to intrinsic factors including Orm1 and Orm2, ceramide synthase, Lcb4 kinase and the Tsc3 subunit of serine palmitoyltransferase as well as extrinsic factors including glucose and iron. Lowering the concentration of glucose, a form of calorie restriction, decreases the level of LCBs, which is consistent with the idea that reducing the level of some sphingolipids enhances lifespan. In contrast, iron deprivation increases LCB levels and decreases long term survival; however, these phenomena may not be related because iron deprivation disrupts many metabolic pathways. The correlation between increased LCBs and shorter lifespan is unsupported at this time. The physiological rise in LCBs that we observe may serve to modulate nutrient transporters and possibly other membrane phenomena that contribute to enhanced stress resistance and survival in stationary phase.  相似文献   

The human intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) is a small (131 amino acids) proteinwhich binds dietary long-chain fatty acids in the cytosol of enterocytes. Recently, an alanineto threonine substitution at position 54 in I-FABP has been identified which affects fatty acidbinding and transport, and is associated with the development of insulin resistance in severalpopulations including Mexican-Americans and Pima Indians. To investigate the molecularbasis of the binding properties of I-FABP, the 3D solution structure of the more commonform of human I-FABP (Ala54) was studied by multidimensional NMR spectroscopy.Recombinant I-FABP was expressed from E. coli in the presence and absence of 15N-enriched media. The sequential assignments for non-delipidated I-FABP were completed byusing 2D homonuclear spectra (COSY, TOCSY and NOESY) and 3D heteronuclear spectra(NOESY-HMQC and TOCSY-HMQC). The tertiary structure of human I-FABP wascalculated by using the distance geometry program DIANA based on 2519 distance constraintsobtained from the NMR data. Subsequent energy minimization was carried out by using theprogram SYBYL in the presence of distance constraints. The conformation of human I-FABPconsists of 10 antiparallel -strands which form two nearly orthogonal -sheets offive strands each, and two short -helices that connect the -strands A and B. Theinterior of the protein consists of a water-filled cavity between the two -sheets. TheNMR solution structure of human I-FABP is similar to the crystal structure of rat I-FABP.The NMR results show significant conformational variability of certain backbone segmentsaround the postulated portal region for the entry and exit of fatty acid ligand.  相似文献   

A DNA sequence-dependent nucleosome structural and dynamic polymorphism was recently uncovered through topoisomerase I relaxation of mononucleosomes on two homologous approximately 350-370 bp DNA minicircle series, one originating from pBR322, the other from the 5S nucleosome positioning sequence. Whereas both pBR and 5S nucleosomes had access to the closed, negatively crossed conformation, only the pBR nucleosome had access to the positively crossed conformation. Simulation suggested this discrepancy was the result of a reorientation of entry/exit DNAs, itself proposed to be the consequence of specific DNA untwistings occurring in pBR nucleosome where H2B N-terminal tails pass between the two gyres. The present work investigates the behavior of the same two nucleosomes after binding of linker histone H5, its globular domain, GH5, and engineered H5 C-tail deletion mutants. Nucleosome access to the open uncrossed conformation was suppressed and, more surprisingly, the ability of 5S nucleosome to positively cross was largely restored. This, together with the paradoxical observation of a less extensive crossing in the negative conformation with GH5 than without, favored an asymmetrical location of the globular domain in interaction with the central gyre and only entry (or exit) DNA, and raised the possibility of the domain physical rotation as a mechanism assisting nucleosome fluctuation from one conformation to the other. Moreover, both negative and positive conformations showed a high degree of loop conformational flexibility in the presence of the full-length H5 C-tail, which the simulation suggested to reflect the unique feature of the resulting stem to bring entry/exit DNAs in contact and parallel. The results point to the stem being a fundamental structural motif directing chromatin higher order folding, as well as a major player in its dynamics.  相似文献   

Septic encephalopathy with confusion and agitation occurs early during sepsis and contributes to the severity of the disease. A decrease in the sphingosine‐1‐phosphate (S1P) blood levels has been shown in patients and in animal models of sepsis. The lipid mediator S1P is known to be involved in endothelial barrier function in a context‐dependent manner. We utilized lipopolysaccharide (LPS )‐injected mice as a model for septic encephalopathy and first performed tracer permeability assays to assess the blood–brain barrier (BBB ) breakdown in vivo. At time points corresponding to the BBB breakdown post LPS injection, we aimed to characterize the regulation of the sphingolipid signaling pathway at the BBB during sepsis. We measured sphingolipid concentrations in blood, in mouse brain microvessels (MBMV s), and brain tissue. We also analyzed the expression of S1P receptors, transporters, and metabolizing enzymes in MBMV s and brain tissue. Primary mouse brain microvascular endothelial cells (MBMEC s) were isolated to evaluate the effects of LPS on transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER ) as a measure of permeability in vitro . We observed a relevant decrease in S1P levels after LPS injection in all three compartments (blood, MBMV s, brain tissue) that was accompanied by an increased expression of the S1P receptor type 1 and of sphingosine kinase 1 on one hand and of the S1P degrading enzymes lipid phosphate phosphatase 1 (LPP 1) and S1P phosphatase 1 on the other hand, as well as a down‐regulation of sphingosine kinase 2. Application of LPS to a monolayer of primary MBMEC s did not alter TEER , but serum from LPS ‐treated mice lead to a breakdown of the barrier compared to serum from vehicle‐treated mice. We observed profound alterations of the sphingolipid metabolism at the BBB after LPS injection that point toward a therapeutic potential of drugs interfering with this pathway as novel approach for the detrimental overwhelming immune response in sepsis.

Read the Editorial Highlight for this article on page 115 . Cover Image for this Issue: doi. 10.1111/jnc.14161 .

Sphingolipid biosynthesis commences with the condensation of L-serine and palmitoyl-CoA to produce 3-ketodihydrosphingosine (KDS). This reaction is catalysed by the PLP-dependent enzyme serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT; EC, which is a membrane-bound heterodimer (SPT1/SPT2) in eukaryotes such as humans and yeast and a cytoplasmic homodimer in the Gram-negative bacterium Sphingomonas paucimobilis. Unusually, the outer membrane of S. paucimobilis contains glycosphingolipid (GSL) instead of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and SPT catalyses the first step of the GSL biosynthetic pathway in this organism. We report here the crystal structure of the holo-form of S. paucimobilis SPT at 1.3 A resolution. The enzyme is a symmetrical homodimer with two active sites and a monomeric tertiary structure consisting of three domains. The PLP cofactor is bound covalently to a lysine residue (Lys265) as an internal aldimine/Schiff base and the active site is composed of residues from both subunits, located at the bottom of a deep cleft. Models of the human SPT1/SPT2 heterodimer were generated from the bacterial structure by bioinformatics analysis. Mutations in the human SPT1-encoding subunit have been shown to cause a neuropathological disease known as hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type I (HSAN1). Our models provide an understanding of how these mutations may affect the activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Kacher Y  Futerman AH 《FEBS letters》2006,580(23):5510-5517
Although diseases in the pathway of sphingolipid degradation have been known for decades, the first disease in the biosynthetic pathway was only reported in 2004, when a form of infantile-onset symptomatic epilepsy was described as a genetic defect in GM3 synthase. Presumably other diseases in the sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway will yet be discovered, although many may remain undetected due to their putative lethal phenotypes. In contrast, diseases are known for essentially every step in the pathway of SL degradation, caused by the defective activity of one or other of the lysosomal hydrolases in this pathway. Despite the fact that some of these storage disorders were first discovered in the 19th century, the cellular and biochemical events that cause pathology are still poorly delineated. In this review, we focus on recent advances in our understanding of how defects in the pathways of sphingolipid metabolism may lead to pathology. In addition, we discuss currently-available and emerging therapeutic options.  相似文献   

Ole H. Petersen   《Cell calcium》2003,33(5-6):337
Studies of Ca2+ transport pathways in exocrine gland cells have been useful, chiefly because of the polarized nature of the secretory epithelial cells. In pancreatic acinar cells, for example, Ca2+ reloading of empty intracellular stores can occur solely via Ca2+ entry through the basal part of the plasma membrane. On the other hand, the principal site for intracellular Ca2+ release—with the highest concentration of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors—is in the apical secretory pole close to the apical plasma membrane. This apical part of the plasma membrane contains the highest density of Ca2+ pumps and is therefore the principal site for Ca2+ extrusion. On the basis of the known properties of Ca2+ entry and exit pathways in exocrine gland cells, the mechanisms controlling Ca2+ exit and entry are discussed in relation to recent direct information about Ca2+ transport into and out of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the mitochondria in these cells.  相似文献   

Evolution of enzymes in metabolism: a network perspective   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Several models have been proposed to explain the origin and evolution of enzymes in metabolic pathways. Initially, the retro-evolution model proposed that, as enzymes at the end of pathways depleted their substrates in the primordial soup, there was a pressure for earlier enzymes in pathways to be created, using the later ones as initial template, in order to replenish the pools of depleted metabolites. Later, the recruitment model proposed that initial templates from other pathways could be used as long as those enzymes were similar in chemistry or substrate specificity. These two models have dominated recent studies of enzyme evolution. These studies are constrained by either the small scale of the study or the artificial restrictions imposed by pathway definitions. Here, a network approach is used to study enzyme evolution in fully sequenced genomes, thus removing both constraints. We find that homologous pairs of enzymes are roughly twice as likely to have evolved from enzymes that are less than three steps away from each other in the reaction network than pairs of non-homologous enzymes. These results, together with the conservation of the type of chemical reaction catalyzed by evolutionarily related enzymes, suggest that functional blocks of similar chemistry have evolved within metabolic networks. One possible explanation for these observations is that this local evolution phenomenon is likely to cause less global physiological disruptions in metabolism than evolution of enzymes from other enzymes that are distant from them in the metabolic network.  相似文献   

Mitotic entry and exit are switch‐like transitions that are driven by the activation and inactivation of Cdk1 and mitotic cyclins. This simple on/off reaction turns out to be a complex interplay of various reversible reactions, feedback loops, and thresholds that involve both the direct regulators of Cdk1 and its counteracting phosphatases. In this review, we summarize the interplay of the major components of the system and discuss how they work together to generate robustness, bistability, and irreversibility. We propose that it may be beneficial to regard the entry and exit reactions as two separate reversible switches that are distinguished by differences in the state of phosphatase activity, mitotic proteolysis, and a dramatic rearrangement of cellular components after nuclear envelope breakdown, and discuss how the major Cdk1 activity thresholds could be determined for these transitions.  相似文献   

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