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Summary Statistically significant correlations were obtained between a chemical assay for the proportion of colonic epithelial glycoprotein sialic acids with side chainO-acyl substituents and two histochemical methods, the PBT-KOH-PAS sequence (r s=0.7485 forN=31,P=0.01, one-sided test) and the PAPT-KOH-Bh-PAS procedure (r s=0.7024 forN=34). A positive correlation (r s=0.8654 forN=30,P=0.01) was also obtained between the results of the two histochemical procedures. It is concluded that, on average, histochemical observations are a reliable semiquantitative comparative method for the estimation of side chainO-acetylated sialic acids.  相似文献   

Summary A differential diagnostic scheme is described for the division of colonic epithelial glycoproteins into eleven histochemically distinct classes. The scheme depends upon the use of seven histochemical techniques which, collectively, permit the differential staining ofO-sulphate ester, sialic acid and its side chainO-acyl variants and vicinal diols located on carbohydrate residues other than sialic acids. Elements of the scheme also provide a general approach to the classification of epithelial glycoproteins in anatomic sites other than the colon.Application of the scheme permitted the classification of the epithelial glycoproteins in the mucosa 0.5–5.0 cm from human colonic tumours and provided direct confirmation of previous observations that changes from normal in the relative proportions of either side chainO-acylated sialic acids or sialic acids andO-sulphate esters can occur independently of one another.  相似文献   

Summary Comparative chemical and histochemical studies were performed on formalin-fixed, surgical specimens of human small intestine from cases of Crohn's disease and normal controls. The sialic acids of the crude glycoproteins isolated from normal ileum were significantly less neuraminidase-susceptible and more C4 substituted (P<0.01) than those of the glycoproteins isolated either from normal upper small intestine (duodenum and jejunum) or from cases of Crohn's disease of the ileum. Fractionation yielded two major sialic acid-containing fractions, eluting from DEAE-cellulose with 0.2m or 0.3m sodium chloride. Both fractions contained fucose, galactose, glucosamine and galactosamine in addition to sialic acids both with and withoutO-acyl substituents at position C4 and/or in the side-chain (side-chainO-acylated sialic acids were also detected by histochemical procedures). The fractions differed significantly from one another with respect to the neuraminidase susceptibility of their sialic acids (P<0.01), the percentage of C4 (P<0.01) and side-chain substituted sialic acids (P<0.05), and the molar fucose-sialic acid ratio (P<0.05). TheO-acyl substitution patterns of the sialic acids of both the 0.2m and 0.3m fractions of the upper small intestine glycoproteins differed significantly from those of the corresponding fractions from normal ileum, while the sialic acids of the 0.2m fractions from Crohn's disease of the ileum differed significantly from normal with respect to neuraminidase susceptibility (P<0.01) and percentage C4 substitution (P<0.01); the 0.3m fractions differed only in the percentage of sialic acids substituted at C4. The differences between the sialic acids from the normal and Crohn's disease specimens were shown to be independent of either the anatomical origin of the specimen or the histopathological sub-group of the Crohn's disease specimens; no significant differences were noted between the sub-groups but all the sub-groups differed from normal.  相似文献   

Summary Histochemical, chemical and histological studies were performed on 26 specimens of human colonic tumours and 62 specimens of mucosa taken at distances of 0.5–5.0 cm from the tumour. The tumour glycoproteins were divided almost equally between three anionic types, sulphomucin, sialomucin and mixed sialomucin and sulphomucin. All showed a reduction in staining for side chainO-acylated sialic acid. In 56% of the tumours, this was accompanied by loss of glycoprotein while, in 44%, abundant mucin was still present.Histochemical examination of the mucosal specimens indicated that in 24.2% the side chainO-acylated sialic acids did not differ from normal. In 41.9% there was a focal change and in 33.9% there was a generalized field reduction in the proportion of side chainO-acyl sialic acids. The latter were subdivided into moderate and severe. Chemical analyses correlated well with the histochemical classification of the mucosal specimens and showed that, on average, the classifications focal and severe field change were not due to sampling error. Forty-five per cent of the cases showed only focal change and 40% only field change. Mucosal specimens associated with 60% of the moderately differentiated tumours showed only focal change while those associated with 75% of well-differentiated tumours showed only field change. Abnormal patterns of staining for side chainO-acylated sialic acids (a) were largely independent of the distance from the tumour, (b) occurred in the presence of a normal pattern of staining for sialomucins and sulphomucins and (c) were associated with 61.4% of the specimens that showed no discernible evidence of histological abnormality. In contrast, only one specimen showed evidence of histological change without a corresponding change inO-acylated sialic acids. The data suggest that abnormal patterns of staining forO-acylated sialic acids may represent premalignant change but their precise significance and specificity requires further studies of non-neoplastic diseases of the colon.  相似文献   

Summary Chemical and histochemical methods were used to compare the epithelial glycoproteins from formalin-fixed surgical specimens of normal human large intestine, colonic tumours, ulcerative colitis and diverticular disease. All the epithelial glycoproteins contained fucose, galactose, glucosamine, galactosamine and, in addition, sialic acids both with and withoutO-acyl substituents in the side chain and/or at position C4. The glycoproteins of the normal ascending and descending colons differed significantly with respect to the percentage of the sialic acids released following digestion of the de-O-acylated glycoprotein withVibrio cholera neuraminidase and to the molar fucose-sialic acid ratio. Statistical analysis of the chemical data showed that (a) compared to normal, the sialic acids of the tumour and ulcerative colitis glycoproteins from the descending colon were significantly less substituted in the side chain and at position C4; (b) theO-acetyl substitution pattern of the sialic acids of the ulcerative colitis glycoproteins from the ascending colon and the quantitative composition of the carbohydrate prosthetic groups of the ulcerative colitis glycoproteins from both ascending and descending colons differed from normal; (c) it was not always possible to distinguish between the ulcerative colitis and tumour glycoproteins on the basis of theO-acetyl substitution pattern of their sialic acids; and (d), there were minor differences between normal glycoproteins and those from cases of diverticular disease.  相似文献   

A new histochemical method is described for the differentiation of mucins that utilizes two different Schiff reagents and allows single section identification of side chain O-acylated, and nonacylated, sialic acids in contrasting colors. In the event of mucins containing only one type of sialic acid, it may allow their specific identification (e.g., C7 or C8 side chain O-acylated). It has been shown to be useful in the identification of some metastases from adenocarcinomas of colon (where the primary is potassium hydroxide/periodic acid-Schiff positive) and should prove of great value in the investigation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and particularly those of the colon. It should also be valuable in the general field of epithelial mucin histochemistry, particularly for those mucins of the salivary and parotid glands, etc.  相似文献   

Summary Fluorescent histochemical studies have been made on the mucosa of the gut of a mammal (guinea-pig) and of some lower vertebrates (trout, eel, toad and lizard). Adrenergic nerves in the mucosa generally occur in perivascular plexuses. There appears to be no adrenergic innervation of the muscularis mucosae.Yellow fluorescent enterochromaffin cells were observed in the mucosal epithelium of all species, including fish. Autofluorescent structures in the mucosa of these animals have also been described and were particularly prominent in the large intestines of teleost fish.  相似文献   

Advances in our understanding of the complex, dynamic interactions that exist among the gastrointestinal microflora, the epithelium of the gastrointestinal mucosae, and the immune system have been facilitated by powerful new genetic tools. Recent understanding that the gastrointestinal epithelium performs not only a barrier function but is also an active sensor of the microflora and an important intermediary in regulating and integrating cross-talk between it and cells of the innate and adaptive immune systems provides one of the most fertile and challenging areas for application of these technologies. The intestinal epithelium also represents an important model system for study of programs of cell lineage commitment and differentiation, given its continual and rapid regeneration throughout life and the regional differences in these programs that exist along the gastrocolonic and crypt-villous axes. This review will highlight current and emerging technologies that are available in the mouse model for identification and manipulation of genetic elements that regulate the normal and pathological physiology of the intestinal tissues in the post-genomic era.  相似文献   

Summary Evaluation of the intensity of the periodic acid—Schiff (PAS) staining produced following oxidation for 1 h at 4°C with 0.4mm periodic acid in approximately 1m hydrochloric acid indicated that this reagent completely oxidized all available sialic acid residues of either the sialo- or sialosulphoglycoproteins of human and rat colon or the sialoglycoproteins of rat sublingual gland. These conditions produced no visible Schiff staining of either neutral macromolecules orvicinal diols located on hexose, 6-deoxyhexose orN-acetylhexosamine residues (neutral sugars) of sialo- and sialosulphoglycoproteins. Furthermore, there was no extraction of epithelial glycoproteins or de-O-acylation of side chain substituted sialic acid residues. These data demonstrate that 0.4mm periodic acid in approximately 1m hydrochloric acid can be used as a specific reagent for the selective visualization of sialic acids in the PAS procedure.Studies of the mechanism of the oxidation of neutral sugars with 0.4mm periodic acid in approximately 1m hydrochloric acid indicated that their lack of PAS reactivity was not due to the production of Schiff unreactive hemiacetals or hemialdals. It is suggested that the selectivity of 0.4mm periodic acid in approximately 1m hydrochloric acid is a result of an increase in the rate of the oxidation of the sialic acid residues together with a decrease in the rate of oxidation of neutral sugars.  相似文献   

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