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Changes in protein biosynthesis were examined during the early stages of differentiation of Eucalyptus grandis-Pisolithus tinctorius ectomycorrhizas by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of 35S-labelled proteins. Three distinct isolates of P. tinctorius Coker & Couch were chosen based on the rate of ectomycorrhizal formation (i.e. infectivity) with E. grandis W. Hill ex Maiden. The isolate H506 was not able to induce mycorrhiza, isolate 441 showed moderate infectivity and isolate H2144 exhibited a very high infectivity. Mycorrhiza were produced in vitro in a system where seeds were germinated in the presence of fungal mycelium and exudates. The non-mycorrhizal isolate caused no changes in root protein biosynthesis as analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, whereas drastic alterations in protein biosynthesis were observed from initial contact with the aggressive mycobionts. During mycorrhizal development, there was a marked inhibition of plant polypeptides synthesis, enhanced accumulation of some fungal polypeptides and the emergence of symbiosis-specific polypeptides, the so-called ectomycorrhizins. The major changes were observed in a group of fungal acidic polypeptides (apparent molecular weight 28–32 kDa) including the ectomycorrhizin E32. These polypeptides first appeared at contact and their synthesis increased during mycorrhizal formation, suggesting a role in mycorrhizal development, most likely as structural proteins. Up-regulation of the synthesis of fungal symbiosis-related polypeptides was tightly correlated to the infectivity of the strain.Abbreviations FW fresh weight - MW molecular weight - pI isoelectric point - SR-polypeptides symbiosis-related polypeptides This work was supported by a research grant from the Eureka-Eurosilva programme (Changes in Gene Expression during Ectomycorrhiza Differentiation and Function) to F.M. and a Murdoch University Special Research Grant to B.D; T.B. was a recipient of a Doctoral Fellowship from the INRA and an Australian Postgraduate Scholarship. We would like to thank Dr Denis Tagu and Dulcinéia de Carvalho (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Nancy, France) for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

Chen YL  Kang LH  Malajczuk N  Dell B 《Mycorrhiza》2006,16(4):251-259
Plantation forestry with exotic trees in south China needs compatible symbionts to improve the growth of seedlings in nurseries and to enhance establishment and growth in the field. Scleroderma, a potentially suitable symbiont for inoculation, is not being used in containerized nurseries in the region due to poor knowledge of its host range. The ability of 15 collections of Scleroderma, nine from Australia and six from Asia, to colonize and promote growth of four important exotic plantation trees (Eucalyptus globulus Labill., Eucalyptus urophylla ST Blake, Pinus elliottii Engl., and Pinus radiata D. Don) was examined in a nursery potting mix. There was generally low host specificity of Scleroderma between tree genera. At 12 weeks after inoculation, 13 to 14 of the 15 spore collections formed ectomycorrhizas on seedlings of eucalypts or pines. The extent of colonization differed between spore treatments with two or four collections forming abundant mycorrhizas (>50% fine roots colonized) on E. globulus or E. urophylla, respectively, and three or five on P. radiata or P. elliottii, respectively. Three collections from Australia strongly colonized all hosts resulting in 26 to 100% of short roots being colonized. Chinese Scleroderma collections resulted in fewer mycorrhizas on eucalypts than on pines. Inoculation stimulated the growth (shoot height and dry weight) of eucalypt and pine seedlings by up to 105% where Scleroderma mycorrhizas developed. The results suggest that there is a need to source Scleroderma from outside China for inoculating eucalypts in Chinese nurseries whereas Chinese collections of Scleroderma could be used in pine nurseries. Further screening of Australian and Chinese Scleroderma should be performed in Chinese nurseries and in the field before final commercial decisions are made.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. seedlings inoculated with Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch and Thelephora terrestris Ehrl. per Fr. were grown in well watered soil (s –0.03 MPa) or subjected to a long-term soil water stress of up to –1.0 MPa over 13-week period in a glasshouse. After 13 weeks, all seedling containers were watered to field capacity and then water was withheld from the E. camaldulensis seedlings to induce a short-term drought. Diurnal measurements of seedling photosynthesis rate (A), leaf stomatal conductance (g) and leaf water potential (p) were completed before, during, and after the short term drought. Although they were growing in an equal soil volume, photosynthesis rate (A), leaf stomatal conductance and leaf water potential (p) of larger seedlings with P. tinctorius ectomycorrhizae were similar to those of smaller seedlings colonized with T. terrestris during the short-term drought period. Seedlings inoculated with Pisolithus tinctorius maintained higher photosynthesis rates over the course of the short-term drought. Thus, P. tinctorius ectomycorrhizae appear to be more efficient than those of T. terrestris in assisting seedlings to maintain gas exchange and photosynthesis under limited soil moisture conditions.  相似文献   

The inoculation ofEucalyptus pilularis seedlings withPisolithus tinctorius and the subsequent development of ectomycorrhizas, led to an improved acquisition of phosphorus (P) from three different sources of P. These sources included insoluble phytate. Dry weight gain of seedlings was increased by inoculation in those treatments where growth was limited by P supply.  相似文献   

D. J. Carr  S. G. M. Carr 《Protoplasma》1980,104(3-4):239-251
Summary This paper describes variations of a mode of stomatal development already described in a species (E. orbifolia) ofEucalyptus L'Herit. (Carr andCarr, Protoplasma 96, 127, 1978) in which the outer part of the stomatal pore (ostiole) is formed by the creation of a break in the thin layer of cuticle lying over the stomatal chamber. In a number of species with a thick cuticle (e.g., E. cooperana) the process of breakthrough is different: additions to the guard cell upper thickenings extend from them as ridges, pressing the leaf cuticle outwards. Breakthrough of the cuticle occurs above the tips of these extensions. The anterior chamber is lined throughout by the extensions, which become heavily cutinized. This mode of stomatal development is typical of many other species of eucalypts, including those dealt with in this paper.In addition, inE. halophila thickenings develop on the end walls of the anterior chamber above the unusual upturned poles of the guard cells. Cutinized thickenings, pseudo-outer stomatal ledges are also formed on the upper guard cell walls. All these wall thickenings occlude the anterior chamber, leaving only a narrow passage in the form of a letter H.Similar occlusions are found inE. balladoniensis but here the thickenings are developed into the chamber from its lateral walls. InE. gracilis, and the related speciesE. celastroides andE. calycogona, less regular occluding thickenings develop principally from the lateral walls of the chamber. In addition, large pseudo-outer stomatal ledges may be formed.These phenomena are discussed in terms of the mechanism underlying the formation of the occluding thickenings and the possibility of their adaptive significance.  相似文献   

Pisolithus basidiomes were found under different forest trees in Hokkaido Island, Japan. These basidiomes were characterized morphologically and molecularly. Although presenting different basidiome morphology and growing under different hosts, specimens presented similar spores ornamentation, and diameters. These spores had coarse, crowded, and blunted spines with three to eight basidiospores per basidium. Ribosomal DNA-based phylogenetic analysis indicated that variability of Pisolithus in this area is low. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Pisolithus analyzed in this study did not group with Pisolithus specimens from other geographical origins. These results suggest that Pisolithus from this area should be taxonomically distinguished from other Pisolithus.  相似文献   

Paul C. F. Tam 《Mycorrhiza》1994,4(6):255-263
Dichotomous mycorrhizas were induced in Pinus massoniana and Pinus elliottii seedlings inoculated with Pisolithus tinctorius growing under non-axenic conditions. Six months after inoculation, Pinus massoniana seedlings exhibited a higher degree of infection, bore more mycorrhizas and had developed more abundant extramatrical mycelium than seedlings of Pinus elliottii. Nevertheless, seedlings of Pinus massoniana were stunted and exhibited chorosis of the needles, indicating a possible nutrient deficiency. Histological examination of these pine mycorrhizas showed an ectomycorrhizal association typical of gymnosperms with an intercellular Harting net penetrating between several layers of cortical cells close to the endodermis. However, strong polyphenolic reactions, intracellular hyphae and wall modifications were occasionally observed, indicating that both host-tissue incompatibility and ectendomycorrhizal association can occur in pine species under stressed conditions.  相似文献   

Zimpfer  J. F.  Kaelke  C. M.  Smyth  C. A.  Hahn  D.  Dawson  J. O. 《Plant and Soil》2003,254(1):1-10
The effects of soil biota, Frankia inoculation and tissue amendment on nodulation capacity of a soil was investigated in a factorial study using bulked soil from beneath a Casuarina cunninghamiana tree and bioassays with C. cunninghamiana seedlings as capture plants. Nodulation capacities were determined from soils incubated in sterile jars at 21 °C for 1, 7, and 28 days, after receiving all combinations of the following treatments: ± steam pasteurization, ± inoculation with Frankia isolate CjI82001, and ± amendment with different concentrations of Casuarina cladode extracts. Soil respiration within sealed containers was determined periodically during the incubation period as a measure of overall microbial activity. Soil respiration, and thus overall microbial activity, was positively correlated with increasing concentrations of Casuarina cladode extracts. The nodulation capacity of soils inoculated with Frankia strain Cj82001 decreased over time, while those of unpasteurized soils without inoculation either increased or remained unaffected. The mean nodulation capacity of unpasteurized soil inoculated with Frankia CjI82001 was two to three times greater than the sum of values for unpasteurized and inoculated pasteurized soils. Our results suggest a positive synergism between soil biota as a whole and Frankia inoculum with respect to host infection.  相似文献   

Arbutoid mycorrhizae were synthesized in growth pouches between Arbutus menziesii Pursch. (Pacific madrone) and two broad host range basidiomycete fungi, Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch and Piloderma bicolor (Peck) Jülich. P. tinctorius induced the formation of dense, pinnate mycorrhizal root clusters enveloped by a thick fungal mantle. P. bicolor mycorrhizae were usually unbranched, and had a thin or non-existent mantle. Both associations had the well-developed para-epidermal Hartig nets and intracellular penetration of host epidermal cells by hyphae typical of arbutoid interactions. A. menziesii roots developed a suberized exodermis which acted as a barrier to cortical cell penetration by the fungi. Ultrastructurally, the suberin appeared non-lamellar, but this may have been due to the imbedding resin. Histochemical analyses indicated that phenolic substances present in epidermal cells may be an important factor in mycorrhiza establishment. Analyses with X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy showed that some of the granular inclusions present in fungal hyphae of the mantle and Hartig net were polyphosphate. Other inclusions were either protein or polysaccharides.  相似文献   

The effect of different carbon sources on the growth of Frankia isolates for Casuarina sp. was studied. In addition, regulation of nitrogenase and uptake hydrogenase activity by carbon sources was investigated. For each of the three isolates, JCT287, KB5 and HFPCcI3, growth was greatest on the carbon sources pyruvate and propionate. In general the carbon sources which gave the greatest growth gave the highest levels of nitrogenase activity, but repressed the activity of uptake hydrogenase. The regulation of growth, uptake hydrogenase activity and nitrogenase activity is discussed.  相似文献   

Allocasuarina verticillata is an actinorhizal tree that lives in symbiotic association with a nitrogen fixing actinomycete called Frankia. In the search for promoters that drive strong constitutive expression in this tropical tree, we studied the organ specificity of four different constitutive promoters (CaMV 35S, e35S, e35S-4ocs and UBQ1 from Arabidopsis thaliana) in stably transformed A. verticillata plants. The ß-glucuronidase (gus) gene was used as a reporter and expression studies were carried out by histochemical analyses on shoots, roots and actinorhizal nodules. While the 35S promoter was poorly expressed in the shoot apex and lateral roots, both the e35S and e35S-4ocs were found to drive high constitutive expression in the transgenic non-nodulated plants. In contrast, the UBQ1 promoter was very poorly expressed and appeared unsuitable for A. verticillata. We also showed that none of the promoters studied were active in the nodule infected cells, whatever the developmental stage studied.  相似文献   

Interactions between an isolate of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus sp. and Afzelia africana Sm. seedlings were studied at the structural and ultrastructural levels. Several different conditions were tested with or without sugar and in a sterile or nonsterile medium. In the growth cabinet, the A. africana/Pisolithus sp. interactions did not produce ectomycorrhizas. A fungal sheath was formed but no Hartig net, and an unusual host epidermal cell wall was observed. Hyphae of Pisolithus sp. induced modifications of epidermal cells of 15-day-old A. africana seedlings indicative of non-mycorrhizal interactions, such as wall thickening, wall ingrowth, papillae formation, degraded host wall material and the presence of intracellular hyphae. Wall ingrowth consisted of depositions of host cell wall materials giving a positive reaction for polysaccharides; however, wall thickenings and papillae showed no homogeneous reactions for polysaccharides. In glasshouse conditions, inocula of Pisolithus sp. in the form of spores or mycelia entrapped in peat-vermiculite added to sterilized soil produced typical ectomycorrhizae only with 6-month-old A. africana seedlings. Under these conditions, no conspicuous cell wall reactions occurred on A. africana roots. The results demonstrate that the establishment of an association between an ectomycorrhizal fungus and a potential host plant is strongly influenced by seedling age and/or environmental conditions. Therefore, in vitro synthesis is not a conclusive demonstration of a symbiotic relationship.  相似文献   

Fabião  A.  Madeira  M.  Steen  E.  Kätterer  T.  Ribeiro  C.  Araújo  C. 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):215-223
The distribution along the soil profile of Eucalyptus globulus root biomass was followed in a plantation in central Portugal at 1, 2 and 6 years after planting, using an excavation technique. The experimental design consisted of a control (C) and 3 treatments: application of solid fertilizers twice a year (F), irrigation without the application of fertilizers (I) and irrigation combined with liquid fertilizers (IL). Below- and above-ground biomass decreased as follows: IL>I>F>C. So, water stress limited growth more severely than nutrient stress. The roots rapidly colonized the top soil volume (0–20 cm depth) during the first year after planting. Fine root biomass 6 years after planting was 2.2, 1.8 and 1.6 times higher in IL treatment than it was respectively in control, and in F and I treatments. The distribution of fine roots along the soil profile 6 years after planting was more even in IL compared to the other treatments. However, fine roots in the top soil were more concentrated along the tree rows in the irrigated treatments than in the others. The proportion of below-ground biomass relative to the total tree biomass and the root/shoot ratio were higher in C than in the treatments at early growth stages. This pattern was not so clear 6 years after planting, due to the increased proportion of the tap root relative to total biomass, especially in the IL treatment.  相似文献   

Effective conservation that preservesevolutionary entities and processes requiresconservation action that is targeted atappropriate taxonomic units. Molecularphylogenetics can contribute to the resolutionof taxonomic uncertainties by defining therelationships between populations and species,and allowing the recognition of taxonomicentities that reflect evolutionary history.Some uncertainty surrounds the status of taxain the Eucalyptus angustissima complex,which includes threatened taxa with restricteddistributions. The phylogenetic relationshipsbetween populations and taxa in the E.angustissima complex were investigated usingnuclear and chloroplast RFLP analysis.Phylogenetic relationships confirmed thegenetic differentiation of two taxa, identifiedspecies level divergence between two taxacurrently recognised at subspecies level, andestablished the identity of a previouslyundetermined population. Phylogeneticrelationships between the taxa were notcongruent with presumed relationships based onmorphological characters alone.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus microsatellites mined in silico: survey and evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eucalyptus is an important short rotation pulpy woody plant, grown widely in the tropics. Recently, many genomic programmes are underway leading to the accumulation of voluminous genomic and expressed sequence tag sequences in public databases. These sequences can be utilized for analysis of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) available in the transcribed genes. In this study, in silico analysis of 15,285 sequences representing partial and full-length mRNA from Eucalyptus species for their use in developing SSRs or microsatellites were carried out. A total of 875 EST-SSRs were identified from 772 SSR containing ESTs. Motif size of 6 for dinucleotide and 5 for trinucleotide, tetranucleotide, and pentanucleotides were considered in locating the microsatellites. The average frequency of identified SSRs was 12.9%. The dinucleotide repeats were the most abundant among the dinucleotide, trinucleotide and tetranucleotide motifs and accounted for 50.9% of the Eucalyptus genome. Primer designing analysis showed that 571 sequences with SSRs had sufficient flanking regions for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer synthesis. Evaluation of the usefulness of the SSRs showed that EST-derived SSRs can generate polymorphic markers as all the primers showed allelic diversity among the 16 provenances of E. tereticornis.  相似文献   

Mapping candidate genes in Eucalyptus with emphasis on lignification genes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We used the single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) technique to map eight genes on Eucalyptus urophylla and Eucalyptus grandis linkage maps. These included four genes involved in the common phenylpropanoid pathway (caffeic acid 3-0-methyltransferase, caffeoyl CoA 3-O-methyltransferase, 4-coumarate CoA ligase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase), two genes involved in the `lignin specific' pathway (cinnamoyl CoA reductase and cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase), and two symbiosis regulated genes (EgHypar and EgTubA1). A novel source of variation which affects the SSCP pattern, i.e. the presence or absence of electrophoresis buffer upon loading the samples into the polyacrylamide gel, was found. The placement of these genes on the Eucalyptus maps was carried out using an interspecific hybrid mapping population. This will further facilitate the identification or exclusion of `positional' candidate genes for characterizing quantitative trait loci (QTL) for wood quality and vegetative propagation related traits.  相似文献   

The plant growth retardant paclobutrazol was applied by foliar spray to seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) to determine its effects on reproductive activity. It was shown to induce flowering in vegetatively juvenile seedlings and increase reproductive activity in vegetatively adult material. The former case represented a 50% (three year) reduction in generation time for commercial seedlings. Paclobutrazol treatment did not appear to have a negative effect on any aspect of reproductive development, germination of new seed, or early seedling growth, while having a distinct positive effect on reproductive output. This suggests that paclobutrazol may be an effective tool enabling tree breeders to reduce generation time and increase reproductive output in E. globulus. Foliar spraying during autumn was shown to be an effective means and timing of paclobutrazol application, with results evident in the following flowering season. Considerable persistence of paclobutrazol effects was noted in the second season after application. Pot size and growth temperatures also play roles in determining the extent of new reproductive activity each season in E. globulus seedlings.  相似文献   

Egerton-Warburton  L. M.  Kuo  J.  Griffin  B. J.  Lamont  B. B. 《Plant and Soil》1993,(1):481-484
The distribution of Al, Ca, Mg and P in the lateral roots and leaves of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal seedlings of Eucalyptus rudis grown with and without Al was analysed using energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis on a cryo-scanning electron microscope. Al accumulated in all tissues of nonmycorrhizal plants: the endodermis was not a barrier to the translocation of Al. In mycorrhizal roots, Al was concentrated within the sheath. The presence of Al reduced the levels of Ca and Mg in both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal roots and shoots in comparison with control plants. The presence of mycorrhizas increased the levels of Ca and Mg in plants grown with Al in comparison with non-inoculated plants, although there was no evidence that mycorrhizas increased the levels of P in plants grown in Al-amended soils. P levels were higher in the mycorrhizal sheath of plants grown with Al than the controls.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to establish an efficient in vitro nodulation device for producing actinorhizal root nodules on Allocasuarina verticillata and Casuarina glauca. Seeds from the two species were germinated aseptically and seedlings with at least two photosynthetic branchlets and a 3–5 cm long root system were transferred into Petri dishes containing a biphasic (solid/liquid) medium. To assess the nodulation capacity, four different culture media were tested. As soon as the root system developed and spread adequately on the surface of the medium, plants were deprived of nitrogen for at least 1 wk and inoculated with the Frankia strain. The time course nodulation for A. verticillata showed that the basal Hoagland medium supplemented with CaCO3 and KNO3 was most efficient, with 83% of plantlets forming nodules, while the medium supplemented with CaCO3 reached 100% nodulation for C. glauca. This procedure can provide a valuable tool for the study of early events of actinorhizal nodulation and spatio-temporal expression of symbiotic genes in transgenic Casuarinaceae.  相似文献   

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