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微藻生物技术新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

国外螺旋藻生物技术的现状及发展趋势   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  

微藻生物技术是较新的生物技术领域之一。藻的生物技术本质上与农业相同,即利用光合成机制生产生物量,用作食物、饲料、化学药品和能源。 培养微藻作生物量的主要优点为: 1.藻是很有效的生物系统,是以太阳能通过光合成生产有机化合物的。  相似文献   

浅谈食品生物技术的现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要地介绍了近十多年来,轻工业食品生物技术取得的主要成就,现状及发展趋势。  相似文献   

酶是工业过程中最有效的催化剂.由于商业上对新型和更高效酶的需求不断增长,许多研究着重开发可再生和环境可持续的原材料来生产酶类.目前,细菌或真菌来源的酶(如纤维素酶、淀粉酶、蛋白酶)在全球酶市场占据主导地位.微藻作为生境多样(有时甚至是极端环境)的多系群生物,具有与碳、氮和磷生物地球化学循环相关的代谢途径,这些特性及其代...  相似文献   

生物技术领域十个方面的发展趋势   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
罗明典 《生物工程进展》1997,17(2):13-16,26

经济微藻高密度培养技术及其生物资源化利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济微藻富含不饱和脂肪酸、蛋白质、碳水化合物等多种生物活性物质, 可以应用于食品加工业、水产养殖业、医药与美容业、废水处理环保业和生物能源业等各行业。开发和利用微藻生物资源将是解决人类能源需求的重要途径, 微藻产业化的发展进程与社会经济、生态环境和人类健康有密切的关系。微藻高密度培养是提高微藻生物质产量和活性代谢产物, 发展生物质能源的关键环节。论文综述了微藻的社会经济价值, 指出了其在能源、食品、水产等行业的重要作用; 介绍了开放式培养和封闭式培养的两大类技术体系, 比较分析了柱状光反应器、平板光反应器和管状光反应器的特点; 概括了影响经济微藻生长和油脂含量的主要因素, 包括光照、温度、pH、营养元素等, 最后展望了经济微藻培养及其生物资源化利用的前景。  相似文献   

碳中和是指CO2"零排放",在一段时间内通过节能减排、增加碳汇等途径,抵消各类活动所产生的CO2的排放.微藻是含有叶绿素a的原生生物,可以利用太阳能通过浓缩机制(CCM)进行光合作用高效固定CO2、通过异养同化作用转化固定有机碳.微藻生物质可转化为生物燃料、生物材料及生物肥料等,实现对传统化石燃料、塑料及化肥等的替代....  相似文献   

微藻是能以自养模式固定二氧化碳,生成生物能源的原料,对可持续发展具有重要意义。微藻也能以异养模式生长,用于废水处理和积累高附加值物质。目前,微藻收获的成本占总成本的20%~30%。微藻收获技术已经成为研究热点。本文从文献计量的角度分析了各国微藻收获的研究进展以及我国的研究现状,并展望了微藻收获技术发展趋势,为进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Owing to certain drawbacks, such as energy-intensive operations in conventional modes of wastewater treatment (WWT), there has been an extensive search for alternative strategies in treatment technology. Biological modes for treating wastewaters are one of the finest technologies in terms of economy and efficiency. An integrated biological approach with chemical flocculation is being conventionally practiced in several-sewage and effluent treatment plants around the world. Overwhelming responsiveness to treat wastewaters especially by using microalgae is due to their simplest photosynthetic mechanism and ease of acclimation to various habitats. Microalgal technology, also known as phycoremediation, has been in use for WWT since 1950s. Various strategies for the cultivation of microalgae in WWT systems are evolving faster. However, the availability of innovative approaches for maximizing the treatment efficiency, coupled with biomass productivity, remains the major bottleneck for commercialization of microalgal technology. Investment costs and invasive parameters also delimit the use of microalgae in WWT. This review critically discusses the merits and demerits of microalgal cultivation strategies recently developed for maximum pollutant removal as well as biomass productivity. Also, the potential of algal biofilm technology in pollutant removal, and harvesting the microalgal biomass using different techniques have been highlighted. Finally, an economic assessment of the currently available methods has been made to validate microalgal cultivation in wastewater at the commercial level.  相似文献   

A new methodology to use efficiently flue gases as CO(2) source in the production of photosynthetic microorganisms is proposed. The CO(2) is absorbed in an aqueous phase that is then regenerated by microalgae. Carbonated solutions could absorb up to 80% of the CO(2) from diluted gas reaching total inorganic carbon (TIC) concentrations up to 2.0 g/L. The pH of the solution was maintained at 8.0-10.0 by the bicarbonate/carbonate buffer, so it is compatible with biological regeneration. The absorption process was modeled and the kinetic parameters were determined. Anabaena sp. demonstrated to tolerate pH (8.0-10.0) and TIC (up to 2.0 g/L) conditions imposed by the absorption step. Experiments of regeneration of the liquid phase demonstrated the feasibility of the overall process, converting CO(2) into organic matter. The developed process avoids heating to regenerate the liquid whereas maximizing the efficiency of CO(2) use, which is relevant to achieve the commercial production of biofuels from microalgae.  相似文献   

微藻固定燃烧烟气中CO2 的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空气中CO2浓度升高导致的气候变暖问题已经成为全球性的环境、科学、政治、经济问题。近年来,对可用于直接固定工业废气尤其是燃烧烟气中CO2的捕捉和封存 (CCS) 技术进行了广泛的研究。在这些技术中,微藻生物固定CO2是一种具有大规模应用前景和经济上可行的CCS技术。以下从藻种的筛选、烟气条件对微藻固定CO2的影响、高效光生物反应器的开发和微藻产物的利用等方面对微藻生物固定烟气中CO2的现状和发展以及作者所在实验室在这一领域的研究情况进行了分析和总结,最后对其技术前景进行了展望,以期对微藻固定燃烧烟气中CO  相似文献   

An overview of the various aspects, promises and limitations of microalgal biotechnology is presented. The factors of importance in microalgal cultivation as well as the culture systems are briefly described. Microalgal biomasses can fulfil the nutritional requirements of aquatic larvae and organisms. The biochemical composition of algae can be improved by the manipulation of culture conditions. The nutritive value of the microalgal biomasses for human and animal consumption is also commented upon as well as some socio-economical aspects. Among the sources of required nutrients (N, P), wastewaters and manures can upgraded as culture media for microalgae the safety of which has to be evaluated. Harvesting of the biomass is one of the bottlenecks. The various techniques, physical, physico-chemical and biological are outlined and their feasibility and economic interest examined. Microalgal biomasses can be submitted to various technological transformations. Various processes are reviewed in the light of their effects on safety and nutritional value. The possible extraction of fine chemicals and the preparation of protein concentrates is also reported on. The various uses of microalgae lead to a possible competition, to be evaluated, between systems for the production of food, energy and chemicals. The review finally covers the application of genetic manipulation to microalgae.  相似文献   

The impact of microalgae (including blue-green algae or cyanobacteria) on human life can be both beneficiary and deleterious. While microalgae can be cultivated and used as feedstocks for the production of bioenergy and high value-added products in nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and aquaculture feeds, some microalgae cause harmful algal blooms (HABs) that cause large-scale mortality in aquatic environments around the world. Thus, with the development of microalgal biotechnology and increasing concern about HABs, research on microscopic algae has increased significantly. However, this growth of academic research and application fields has been hindered by difficulties in obtaining axenic cultures. Therefore, this review provides a brief explanation of diverse establishment techniques, along with their strengths and weaknesses, with the hope of facilitating successful axenic cultures. A compilation of research fields and relevant important findings is also presented to clarify the importance of pure algal cultures. Finally, several controversial and sometimes overlooked issues related to the establishment, maintenance, and utilization of axenic cultures are discussed.  相似文献   

汤章城 《生命科学》2002,14(6):375-378
由于空间生物技术潜在重大社会和经济效益。加强探索空间生物技术的发展。目前已经成为空间科学技术发展的重点之一。我国的空间技术在系列应用卫星成功发展的基础上,已将进入到更先进的载人飞船阶段。我国的科技人员将会有更多的机会,更好的条件在空间开展生物技术的研究。以促进其发展和应用,造福于人类,本文简要地介绍了空间发展生物技术的优越性。空间生物技术发展的热点和趋势,以及空间生物技术硬件发展的动态。  相似文献   


The importance of highly efficient wastewater treatment is evident from aggravated water crises. With the development of green technology, wastewater treatment is required in an eco-friendly manner. Biotechnology is a promising solution to address this problem, including treatment and monitoring processes. The main directions and differences in biotreatment process are related to the surrounding environmental conditions, biological processes, and the type of microorganisms. It is significant to find suitable biotreatment methods to meet the specific requirements for practical situations. In this review, we first provide a comprehensive overview of optimized biotreatment processes for treating wastewater during different conditions. Both the advantages and disadvantages of these biotechnologies are discussed at length, along with their application scope. Then, we elaborated on recent developments of advanced biosensors (i.e. optical, electrochemical, and other biosensors) for monitoring processes. Finally, we discuss the limitations and perspectives of biological methods and biosensors applied in wastewater treatment. Overall, this review aims to project a rapid developmental path showing a broad vision of recent biotechnologies, applications, challenges, and opportunities for scholars in biotechnological fields for “green” wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

现代生物技术的发展,尤其是蛋白质纯化技术及基因分子生物学技术的发展大大地推动了血友病甲的预防、诊断和治疗。  相似文献   

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