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Vibrio cholerae O1 can cause life threatening diarrheal disease if left untreated. T cells can play critical roles in inducing B cell mediated immunity. As the mechanism of T cell dependent B cell maturation is not well established, we hypothesized that a specific population of T (follicular helper T, Tfh) cells, are involved in B cell maturation following cholera. We found flowcytometrically that V. cholerae infection induces significant increases in circulating Tfh cells expressing B cell maturation associated protein CD40L early in disease. The increased Tfh cells expressing CD40L recognize cholera toxin most prominently, with lessened responses to V. cholerae membrane preparation (MP) and V. cholerae cytolysin (VCC). We further showed that early induction of Tfh cells and CD40L was associated with later memory B cell responses to same antigens. Lastly, we demonstrated in vitro that Tfh cells isolated after cholera can stimulate class switching of co-cultured, isolated B cells from patients with cholera, leading to production of the more durable IgG antibody isotype colorimetrically. These studies were conducted on circulating Tfh cells; future studies will be directed at examining role of Tfh cells during cholera directly in gut mucosa of biopsied samples, at the single cell level if feasible.  相似文献   

In vitro human plasma cell generation induced by both T-dependent (PWM) and T-independent (NWSM) mitogens was found to be suppressed by peripheral blood lymphocytes preincubated with human aggregated IgG. T cells, but not B lymphocytes, were able to mediate the suppressive activity; since aggregated (Fab)'2 fragments were found unable to generate suppressor cells, it was concluded that the suppressor cell was a T lymphocyte bearing Fcgamma receptors. These cells appeared to be largely radiosensitive. In most cases the proliferative responses remained unchanged. Since NWSM-induced activation is not dependent on the presence of T cells, these results show that, at least in this case, T cells exert their suppressor function directly on B lymphocytes. Whether PWM-induced B cell differentiation is suppressed by the same mechanism or/and by inactivation of T helper lymphocytes remains under investigation.  相似文献   

To determine the requirements underlying the antigen specificity observed in T cell-mediated immune response suppression, cloned major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted T suppressor (Ts) cells specific for keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) and cloned MHC-restricted T helper (Th) cells specific for fowl gamma-globulin (FGG) were employed to study the regulation of trinitrophenyl (TNP)-specific B cell responses. Neither antigen bridging between Ts cells and Th cells (FGG=KLH) nor bridging between Ts cells and B cells (TNP-KLH) was sufficient to allow suppression; a mixture of FGG=KLH and TNP-KLH was also insufficient for suppression. In contrast, suppression was induced by KLH-specific Ts cells only when suppressor determinants (KLH), helper determinants (FGG), and B cell determinants (TNP) were covalently linked on the same molecule (TMP-FGG)=(TNP-KLH) or TNP-(FGG=KLH)). These findings imply that a tripartite antigen-mediated interaction of Ts cells, Th cells, and responding B cells is necessary for the mediation of this antigen-specific suppression.  相似文献   

T Owens 《Cellular immunology》1991,133(2):352-366
The mechanism whereby noncognate contact with activated IL-2-producing Type 1 helper T cells (TH1) induces B cell activation was examined. Small resting B cells from C57B1/6 mice were cultured, in the absence of any ligand for surface Ig, with irradiated cells of the hapten-specific, CBA-derived, F23.1+ TH1 clone E9.D4 in F23.1 (anti-T cell receptor V-beta 8)-coated microwells. This induced polyclonal B cell activation to enter cell cycle (thymidine incorporation) at 2 days and to secrete immunoglobulin at 5 days. An anti-IL-2 mAb (S4B6) inhibited antibody production completely. Anti-IL-2 did not inhibit either LPS-induced B cell responses, or T cell activation (measured as IL-3 secretion). Anti-IL-2 receptor (anti-Tac) mAbs also inhibited T-dependent B cell responses, without affecting LPS responses. An anti-IFN-gamma mAb partially inhibited Ig secretion, without affecting entry into cycle. LPS responses or T cell activation. Other antibodies (anti-IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, Thy-1.2, CD5) were not inhibitory. After 2 days of culture with F23.1-activated T cells, B cells appeared to have become responsive to IL-2, in that they could be driven to immunoglobulin production by the addition of IL-2. Flow cytometry showed no expression by these B cells of 55-kDa (Tac) IL-2 receptors. Also, rigorous removal of T cells from 2-day cocultures prevented the response to IL-2, and readdition of T cells restored it. Because the reconstituted responses were inhibited both by anti-IL-2 and by anti-Tac, IL-2 must have acted indirectly, via the T cells that were present in these cultures. Continued contact with T cells was therefore necessary for the progression of B cells to antibody secretion.  相似文献   

The T suppressor (Ts) cell population that functions to regulate antigen-specific MHC-restricted T helper (Th)-B cell interactions also regulates the activation of B cells by cloned autoreactive Th cells. Activated Ts cells were generated by in vivo priming and restimulation in vitro with high concentrations of the specific priming antigen. Once generated, this Ts population inhibits the Th-dependent activation of primed B cells by both antigen-specific and autoreactive T cells in an antigen-nonspecific manner. This suppression requires the participation of both Lyt-1+2- and Lyt-1-2+ T cells. It was also demonstrated that accessory cells were required for the induction of Ts cells. Moreover, the generation of suppression was MHC-restricted and required the recognition by T cells of Ia antigens on accessory cells. These studies demonstrate that the same or a very similar Ts cell population can function to inhibit the activation of B cells by antigen-specific as well as autoreactive T cells.  相似文献   

Summary The temporal relationships involved in T cell induction of immunoglobulin-secreting B cells have been studied by employing a pulse label technique, in vitro. It was shown that addition of rabbit thymocytes or splenic T cells to B cell-enriched splenocyte populations at the time of initiation of cultures resulted in a marked enhancement in induction of immunoglobulin-secreting cells. However, even a two-hour delay in the addition of thymus cells was sufficient to reduce substantially the extent of induction when measured 70 hours later. Besides this early requirement for thymocytes, a late requirement was also detectable. Thus, thymus cells and splenocyte populations upon being mixed, subsequent to being cultured separately for 72 hours, yielded a several-fold enhancement in [3H]-immunoglobulin secreted during the course of a 90-minute labeling period with [3H]-leucine. Moreover, both the early and late thymocyte effects were lost after treatment with anti-thymocyte serum and complement.The thymocyte-mediated enhancement of immunoglobulin secretion by splenocytes that occurs late in the induction process was detected with spleen cells cultured for two or three days but not with freshly-isolated splenocytes. Although the rate of appearance of extracellular immunoglobulins was markedly enhanced by fresh thymus cells, the rate of appearance of intracellular immunoglobulins in such spleen cells was unchanged. The secretion-stimulating (secretagogue) activity of thymocytes appeared to be specific in that thymus cells were without effect on the rate of secretion of serum albumin by liver cells.In regard to the induction of immunoglobulin-secreting cells, both B and T cell-enriched population's were sensitive to mitomycin C treatment performed before initiation of cell culture, indicating that not only B cells but also T cells undergo some form of differentiation or maturation prior to functioning in the induction of immunoglobulin-producing cells. It should be noted in this context that the late T cell requirement was unaffected by prior mitomycin C treatment of thymocytes. On the other hand, thymocytes heated at 60°C for 5 minutes did not enhance immunoglobulin secretion when added at any time and the late thymocyte requirement could not be replaced with medium in which thymocytes had been previously cultured.  相似文献   

B cell maturation factor: effects on various cell populations   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
B cell maturation factor (BMF) is a lymphokine that promotes the maturation of resting murine splenic B lymphocytes, and the analogous B cell tumor line WEHI-279, to the state of active immunoglobulin (Ig) secretion. All subsets of normal B cells examined, including neonatal and adult B cells, B cells from various organs, and B cells from CBA/N mice, are inducible by BMF. Induction of Ig secretion is independent of thymus-derived cells, LPS receptors, and MHC haplotype, because nude, C3H/He, and mice of many strains are equally responsive to BMF. Purified B cells prepared by using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter also respond to BMF, showing that BMF directly interacts with and triggers Ig secretion by B cells. In limiting dilution cultures, most normal resting splenic B cells or WEHI-279 B tumor cells are inducible by BMF. By using the WEHI-279 cells as a model system, specific aspects of the BMF response have been analyzed. In terms of the degree of stimulation observed, the primary mechanism for the induction of Ig secretion by BMF is an enhanced and balanced synthesis of Ig heavy (H) and light (L) chains. A less significant component of the induced Ig secretion is an increase in the ratio of secretory to membrane H chains produced. Kinetically, the shift in the ratio of secretory to membrane H chain forms occurs first, and this is followed by the increased synthesis of both L and H chains. Responding B cells also die during this induction process. Although the changes in the ratio of H chain forms, H and L synthesis, and cell viability take several days to occur, BMF will program significant later responses after only 1 or a few hr of interaction with target B cells.  相似文献   

The localization of many membrane proteins within cholesterol- and sphingolipid-containing microdomains is essential for proper cell signaling and function. These membrane domains, however, are too small and dynamic to be recorded, even with modern super-resolution techniques. Therefore, the association of membrane proteins with these domains can only be detected with biochemical assays that destroy the integrity of cells require pooling of many cells and take a long time to perform. Here, we present a simple membrane fluidizer–induced clustering approach to identify the phase-preference of membrane-associated molecules in individual live cells within 10–15 min. Experiments in phase-separated bilayers and live cells on molecules with known phase preference show that heptanol hyperfluidizes the membrane and stabilizes phase separation. This results in a transition from nanosized to micronsized clusters of associated molecules allowing their identification using routine microscopy techniques. Membrane fluidizer-induced clustering is an inexpensive and easy to implement method that can be conducted at large-scale and allows easy identification of protein partitioning in live cell membranes.  相似文献   

Previously we showed that unlike normal, nude, or X-linked immune deficient (xid) mice, nude.xid mice are deficient in bone marrow pre-B cell targets for Abelson murine leukemia virus transformation. We show that nude.xid bone marrow is deficient in both CD45(B220)+ and CD45(B220)- surface (s)IgM- progenitors that give rise to B cell colonies in Whitlock-Witte cultures. CD45(B220)+ precursors had normal differentiation potential in vitro. CD45(B220)- precursors differentiated into CD45(B220)+ cells at the same rate as normal controls, but acquired sIgM at a much slower rate. These results correlated with the observation that in nude.xid mice the severity of B lineage defects correlates with maturity: a profound (ninefold) deficit of sIgM+, CD45(B220)+ mature B cells, a fivefold deficit in the sIgM-, CD45(B220)+ precursors of short term B cell colonies (colonies forming within 4-5 days in Whitlock-Witte cultures), and a moderate (twofold) decrease in the frequency of sIgM-, CD45(B220)- (less mature) precursors of long term B cell colonies (colonies forming after 14 days of Whitlock-Witte culture. Thus the combination of the nude and xid mutations produces a deficiency in early B cell progenitors and the deficiency becomes more profound with further maturation. Therefore the lack of mature B cells is the result of a cascade effect. Inasmuch as bone marrow progenitors are affected, and these are the source of the vast majority of B cells, most B cells are affected by the xid mutation and the xid defect cannot be attributed to a loss of a fetal lineage of B cells. These results suggest that xid affected cells lack the capacity to progress efficiently through differentiation in the absence of an exogenous factor(s) that is dependent on the product of a normal allele at the nude locus. This product might be supplied in vivo by a T cell or T cell-dependent source and/or epithelial elements such as bone marrow stromal cells all of which are known to be affected by the nude mutation.  相似文献   

Although it is clear that the final phases of B cell maturation occur after newly formed B cells exit the bone marrow, the mechanisms underpinning the maturation, selection, and long-term survival of immature peripheral B cells remain poorly understood. Here, we review recent advances in our understanding of how B cell receptor (BCR)-mediated signaling events integrate with additional environmental cues to promote the selection and differentiation of immature B cells into functionally distinct subpopulations of mature B cells. We pay particular attention to the role of the Baff cytokine family and the Notch receptor-ligand family and their unique roles in promoting B cell survival and differentiation into follicular and marginal zone B cells.  相似文献   

It has been assumed that physical interaction between B cells and helper T cells in the presence of specific antigen is an early and essential step in the physiologic antibody response to thymus-dependent antigens. The present studies were designed to examine this physical interaction by employing carrier-specific T hybridoma cells that can provide help to highly enriched hapten-binding B cells. Direct conjugation of the B and T cells can be visualized at both the light and electron microscopic level and the number of conjugates can be directly quantified. Before their effective conjugation with T cells, the B cells must be incubated with specific antigen for 4 to 6 hr. After this time, the T cells form conjugates with the B cells within 5 min. Conjugate formation requires hapten specificity, carrier specificity, covalent linkage between hapten and carrier, and is MHC restricted. Two types of T-B conjugates were observed by electron microscopy: an antigen-independent attachment of B cell microvilli to small portions of the T cell surface and an antigen-dependent, intimate apposition of large areas of the plasma membranes of the T and B cells. The kinetics of development of the two modes of interaction suggest that the second type may be important for signal transduction, since the number of T and B cells showing intimate interactions increases with time. Monoclonal antibodies directed against Thy-1.2, LFA-1 alpha, L3T4, and I-A partially block conjugation of the two cell types, suggesting that these surface molecules are involved in T-B interaction.  相似文献   

Previous experiments with mouse chimeras demonstrated that cellular competition for antigen-specific survival signals plays a crucial role in the maintenance of the naive B cell repertoire. Transgenic (Tg) B cell populations in these chimeras have a shortened lifespan and poor competitive abilities as compared to more diverse non-Tg populations in the same mice. We develop a mathematical model to investigate the mechanism of B cell competition. The model allows for various B cell clones, generated in the bone marrow, to go into the peripheral circulation, where they compete specifically for various ligands providing survival signals. In the model we also find the observed poor competitive abilities of the Tg repertoire. Investigating the nature of the competition in the model, we find that most of the competition is "intraspecific" occurring largely within the clone of truly Tg B cells, and within the repertoire of leaky Tg and non-Tg B cells. This is confirmed by analysing a simplified version of the model, which only allows for intraspecific competition, and resembles a simple ecological model with density-dependent death. The fact that our model accounts for the data, casts doubt on a previous interpretation of the same data arguing that more diverse repertoires outcompete repertoires of lower diversity. Here, we conclude that most of the data can be explained with intraspecific competition, and formulate an experimental prediction that allows one to distinguish between the previous interpretation of inter-specific competition between repertoires, and the current interpretation of intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

Natural regulatory T cells (Tregs) are present in high frequencies among tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and in draining lymph nodes, supposedly facilitating tumor development. To investigate their role in controlling local immune responses, we analyzed intratumoral T cell accumulation and function in the presence or absence of Tregs. Tumors that grew in normal BALB/c mice injected with the 4T1 tumor cell line were highly infiltrated by Tregs, CD4 and CD8 cells, all having unique characteristics. Most infiltrating Tregs expressed low levels of CD25Rs and Foxp3. They did not proliferate even in the presence of IL-2 but maintained a strong suppressor activity. CD4 T cells were profoundly anergic and CD8 T cell proliferation and cytotoxicity were severely impaired. Depletion of Tregs modified the characteristics of tumor infiltrates. Tumors were initially invaded by activated CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells, which produced IL-2 and IFN-gamma. This was followed by the recruitment of highly cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells at tumor sites leading to tumor rejection. The beneficial effect of Treg depletion in tumor regression was abrogated when CD4 helper cells were also depleted. These findings indicate that the massive infiltration of tumors by Tregs prevents the development of a successful helper response. The Tregs in our model prevent Th cell activation and subsequent development of efficient CD8 T cell activity required for the control of tumor growth.  相似文献   

We used an adoptive transfer system and CD4+ T cell clones with defined lymphokine profiles to examine the role of CD4+ T cells and the types of lymphokines involved in the development of B cell memory and affinity maturation. Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)-specific CD4+ Th2 clones (which produce IL-4 and IL-5 but not IL-2 or IFN-gamma) were capable of inducing B cell memory and affinity maturation, after transfer into nude mice or after transfer with unprimed B cells into irradiated recipients and immunization with TNP-KLH. In addition, KLH-specific Th1 clones, which produce IL-2 and IFN-gamma but not IL-4 or IL-5, were also effective in inducing B cell memory and high affinity anti-TNP-specific antibody. The induction of affinity maturation by Th1 clones occurred in the absence of IL-4, as anti-IL-4 mAb had no effect on the affinity of the response whereas anti-IFN-gamma mAb completely blocked the response. Th1 clones induced predominantly IgG2a and IgG3 antibody, although Th2 clones induced predominantly IgG1 and IgE antibody. We thus demonstrated that some Th1 as well as some Th2 clones can function in vivo to induce Ig synthesis. These results also suggest that a single type of T cell with a restricted lymphokine profile can induce both the terminal differentiation of B cells into antibody secreting cells as well as induce B cell memory and affinity maturation. Moreover, these results suggest that B cell memory and affinity maturation can occur either in the presence of Th2 clones secreting IL-4 but not IFN-gamma, or alternatively in the presence of Th1 clones secreting IFN-gamma but not IL-4.  相似文献   

The effect of thymus environment on T cell development and tolerance   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
During development in the thymus, T cells are deleted if their receptors are able to recognize self major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins. We show that such clonal deletion can occur because of interaction between receptors on T cells and MHC expressed on bone marrow-derived cells. In addition, development in the thymus picks out T cells to mature if their receptors will be restricted for antigen recognition in association with self MHC alleles expressed on thymus epithelial cells. This process is usually thought to involve positive selection of T cells bearing receptors with high and low affinity for MHC on thymus epithelium, and subsequent deletion of high affinity cells by interaction with bone marrow-derived cells. Our data do not fit such a model, but rather suggest that MHC molecules on thymus epithelium and bone marrow-derived cells may not be seen identically by T cell receptors.  相似文献   

T cell maturation was once thought to occur entirely within the thymus. Now, evidence is mounting that the youngest peripheral T cells in both mice and humans comprise a distinct population from their more mature, yet still naive, counterparts. These cells, termed recent thymic emigrants (RTEs), undergo a process of post-thymic maturation that can be monitored at the levels of cell phenotype and immune function. Understanding this final maturation step in the process of generating useful and safe T cells is of clinical relevance, given that RTEs are over-represented in neonates and in adults recovering from lymphopenia. Post-thymic maturation may function to ensure T cell fitness and self tolerance.  相似文献   

B cells leave the bone marrow as transitional B cells. Transitional B cells represent a target of negative selection and peripheral tolerance, both of which are abrogated in vitro by mediators of T cell help. In vitro, transitional and mature B cells differ in their responses to B cell receptor ligation. Whereas mature B cells up-regulate the T cell costimulatory molecule CD86 (B7.2) and are activated, transitional B cells do not and undergo apoptosis. The ability of transitional B cells to process and present Ag to CD4 T cells and to elicit protective signals in the absence of CD86 up-regulation was investigated. We report that transitional B cells can process and present Ag as peptide:MHC class II complexes. However, their ability to activate T cells and elicit help signals from CD4-expressing Th cells was compromised compared with mature B cells, unless exogenous T cell costimulation was provided. A stringent requirement for CD28 costimulation was not evident in interactions between transitional B cells and preactivated CD4-expressing T cells, indicating that T cells involved in vivo in an ongoing immune response might rescue Ag-specific transitional B cells from negative selection. These data suggest that during an immune response, immature B cells may be able to sustain the responses of preactivated CD4(+) T cells, while being unable to initiate activation of naive T cells. Furthermore, the ability of preactivated, but not naive T cells to provide survival signals to B cell receptor-engaged transitional immature B cells argues that these B cells may be directed toward activation rather than negative selection when encountering Ag in the context of a pre-existing immune response.  相似文献   

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