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The zebrafish enteric nervous system (ENS), like those of all other vertebrate species, is principally derived from the vagal neural crest cells (NCC). The developmental controls that govern the migration, proliferation and patterning of the ENS precursors are not well understood. We have investigated the roles of endoderm and Sonic hedgehog (SHH) in the development of the ENS. We show that endoderm is required for the migration of ENS NCC from the vagal region to the anterior end of the intestine. We show that the expression of shh and its receptor ptc-1 correlate with the development of the ENS and demonstrate that hedgehog (HH) signaling is required in two phases, a pre-enteric and an enteric phase, for normal ENS development. We show that HH signaling regulates the proliferation of vagal NCC and ENS precursors in vivo. We also show the zebrafish hand2 is required for the normal development of the intestinal smooth muscle and the ENS. Furthermore we show that endoderm and HH signaling, but not hand2, regulate gdnf expression in the intestine, highlighting a central role of endoderm and SHH in patterning the intestine and the ENS.  相似文献   

Midbrain, hindbrain and vagal neural crest (NC) produced abundant enteric nervous system (ENS) in co-grafted aneural hindgut and midgut, using chick-quail chorio-allantoic membrane grafts, forming complete myenteric and submucosal plexuses. This ability dropped suddenly in cervical and thoracic NC levels, furnishing an incomplete ENS in one or both plexuses. Typically, one plexus was favoured over the other. This deficiency was not caused by lower initial trunk NC number, yet overloading the initial number decreased the deficiency. No qualitative difference in neuronal and glial differentiation between cranial and trunk levels was observed. All levels formed HuC/D+ve, NOS+ve, ChAT+ve, and TH-ve enteric neurons with SoxE+ve, GFAP+ve, and BFABP+ve glial cells. We mathematically modelled a proliferative difference between NC populations, with a plexus preference hierarchy, in the context of intestinal growth. High proliferation achieved an outcome similar to cranial NC, while low proliferation described the trunk NC outcome of incomplete primary plexus and even more deficient secondary plexus. We conclude that cranial NC, relative to trunk NC, has a positionally-determined proliferation advantage favouring ENS formation. This has important implications for proposed NC stem cell therapy for Hirschsprung's disease, since such cells may need to be optimised for positional identity.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system is thought to originate solely from the neural crest. Transgenic lineage tracing revealed a novel population of clonal pancreatic duodenal homeobox-1 (Pdx1)-Cre lineage progenitor cells in the tunica muscularis of the gut that produced pancreatic descendants as well as neurons upon differentiation in vitro. Additionally, an in vivo subpopulation of endoderm lineage enteric neurons, but not glial cells, was seen especially in the proximal gut. Analysis of early transgenic embryos revealed Pdx1-Cre progeny (as well as Sox-17-Cre and Foxa2-Cre progeny) migrating from the developing pancreas and duodenum at E11.5 and contributing to the enteric nervous system. These results show that the mammalian enteric nervous system arises from both the neural crest and the endoderm. Moreover, in adult mice there are separate Wnt1-Cre neural crest stem cells and Pdx1-Cre pancreatic progenitors within the muscle layer of the gut.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system (ENS) is a vital part of the autonomic nervous system that regulates many gastrointestinal functions, including motility and secretion. All neurons and glia of the ENS arise from neural crest-derived cells that migrate into the gastrointestinal tract during embryonic development. It has been known for many years that a subpopulation of the enteric neural crest-derived cells expresses pan-neuronal markers at early stages of ENS development. Recent studies have demonstrated that some enteric neurons exhibit electrical activity from as early as E11.5 in the mouse, with further maturation of activity during embryonic and postnatal development. This article discusses the maturation of electrophysiological and morphological properties of enteric neurons, the formation of synapses and synaptic activity, and the influence of neural activity on ENS development.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system (ENS) forms from migrating neural crest-derived precursors that differentiate into neurons and glia, aggregate into ganglion cell clusters, and extend neuronal processes to form a complex interacting network that controls many aspects of intestinal function. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have diverse roles in development and influence the differentiation, proliferation, and survival of ENS precursors. We hypothesized that BMP signaling might also be important for the ENS precursor migration, ganglion cell aggregation, and neurite fasciculation necessary to form the enteric nervous system. We now demonstrate that BMP signaling restricts murine ENS precursors to the outer bowel wall during migration. In addition, blocking BMP signaling causes faster colonization of the murine colon, reduces ganglion cell aggregation, and reduces neurite fasciculation. BMP signaling also influences patterns of neurite extension within the developing bowel wall. These effects on ENS precursor migration and neurite fasciculation appear to be mediated at least in part by increased polysialic acid addition to neural cell adhesion molecule (Ncam1) in response to BMP. Removing PSA enzymatically reverses the BMP effects on ENS precursor migration and neurite fasciculation. These studies demonstrate several novel roles for BMP signaling and highlight new functions for sialyltransferases in the developing ENS.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system (ENS) is derived from neural crest cells that migrate along the gastrointestinal tract to form a network of neurons and glia that are essential for regulating intestinal motility. Despite the number of genes known to play essential roles in ENS development, the molecular etiology of congenital disorders affecting this process remains largely unknown. To determine the role of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in ENS development, we first examined the expression of bmp2, bmp4, and bmprII during hindgut development and find these strongly expressed in the ENS. Moreover, functional BMP signaling, demonstrated by the expression of phosphorylated Smad1/5/8, is present in the enteric ganglia. Inhibition of BMP activity by noggin misexpression within the developing gut, both in ovo and in vitro, inhibits normal migration of enteric neural crest cells. BMP inhibition also leads to hypoganglionosis and failure of enteric ganglion formation, with crest cells unable to cluster into aggregates. Abnormalities of migration and ganglion formation are the hallmarks of two human intestinal disorders, Hirschsprung's disease and intestinal neuronal dysplasia. Our results support an essential role for BMP signaling in these aspects of ENS development and provide a basis for further investigation of these proteins in the etiology of neuro-intestinal disorders.  相似文献   

Enteric nervous system (ENS) precursors undergo a complex process of cell migration, proliferation, and differentiation to form an integrated network of neurons and glia within the bowel wall. Although retinoids regulate ENS development, molecular and cellular mechanisms of retinoid effects on the ENS are not well understood. We hypothesized that retinoids might directly affect ENS precursor differentiation and proliferation, and tested that hypothesis using immunoselected fetal ENS precursors in primary culture. We now demonstrate that all retinoid receptors and many retinoid biosynthetic enzymes are present in the fetal bowel at about the time that migrating ENS precursors reach the distal bowel. We further demonstrate that retinoic acid (RA) enhances proliferation of subsets of ENS precursors in a time-dependent fashion and increases neuronal differentiation. Surprisingly, however, enteric neurons that develop in retinoid deficient media have dramatically longer neurites than those exposed to RA. This difference in neurite growth correlates with increased RhoA protein at the neurite tip, decreased Smurf1 (a protein that targets RhoA for degradation), and dramatically decreased Smurf1 mRNA in response to RA. Collectively these data demonstrate diverse effects of RA on ENS precursor development and suggest that altered fetal retinoid availability or metabolism could contribute to intestinal motility disorders.  相似文献   

Normal development of the enteric nervous system (ENS) requires the coordinated activity of multiple proteins to regulate the migration, proliferation, and differentiation of enteric neural crest cells. Much of our current knowledge of the molecular regulation of ENS development has been gained from transgenic mouse models and cultured neural crest cells. We have developed a method for studying the molecular basis of ENS formation complementing these techniques. Aneural quail or mouse hindgut, isolated prior to the arrival of neural crest cells, was transplanted into the coelomic cavity of a host chick embryo. Neural crest cells from the chick host migrated to and colonized the grafted hindgut. Thorough characterization of the resulting intestinal chimeras was performed by using immunohistochemistry and vital dye labeling to determine the origin of the host-derived cells, their pattern of migration, and their capacity to differentiate. The formation of the ENS in the intestinal chimeras was found to recapitulate many aspects of normal ENS development. The host-derived cells arose from the vagal neural crest and populated the graft in a rostral-to-caudal wave of migration, with the submucosal plexus being colonized first. These crest-derived cells differentiated into neurons and glial cells, forming ganglionated plexuses grossly indistinguishable from normal ENS. The resulting plexuses were specific to the grafted hindgut, with quail grafts developing two ganglionated plexuses, but mouse grafts developing only a single myenteric plexus. We discuss the advantages of intestinal coelomic transplants for studying ENS development. This work was supported by NIH K08HD46655 (to A.M.G.).  相似文献   

Neural crest-derived cells that form the enteric nervous system undergo an extensive migration from the caudal hindbrain to colonize the entire gastrointestinal tract. Mice in which the expression of GFP is under the control of the Ret promoter were used to visualize neural crest-derived cell migration in the embryonic mouse gut in organ culture. Time-lapse imaging revealed that GFP(+) crest-derived cells formed chains that displayed complicated patterns of migration, with sudden and frequent changes in migratory speed and trajectories. Some of the leading cells and their processes formed a scaffold along which later cells migrated. To examine the effect of population size on migratory behavior, a small number of the most caudal GFP(+) cells were isolated from the remainder of the population. The isolated cells migrated slower than cells in large control populations, suggesting that migratory behavior is influenced by cell number and cell-cell contact. Previous studies have shown that neurons differentiate among the migrating cell population, but it is unclear whether they migrate. The phenotype of migrating cells was examined. Migrating cells expressed the neural crest cell marker, Sox10, but not neuronal markers, indicating that the majority of migratory cells observed did not have a neuronal phenotype.  相似文献   

The vasculature and nervous system share striking similarities in their networked, tree-like architecture and in the way they are super-imposed in mature organs. It has previously been suggested that the intestinal microvasculature network directs the migration of enteric neural crest cells (ENCC) along the gut to promote the formation of the enteric nervous system (ENS). To investigate the inter-relationship of migrating ENCC, ENS formation and gut vascular development we combined fate-mapping of ENCC with immunolabelling and intravascular dye injection to visualise nascent blood vessel networks. We found that the enteric and vascular networks initially had very distinct patterns of development. In the foregut, ENCC migrated through areas devoid of established vascular networks. In vessel-rich areas, such as the midgut and hindgut, the distribution of migrating ENCC did not support the idea that these cells followed a pre-established vascular network. Moreover, when gut vascular development was impaired, either genetically in Vegfa120/120 or Tie2-Cre;Nrp1fl/− mice or using an in vitro Wnt1-Cre;Rosa26Yfp/+ mouse model of ENS development, ENCC still colonised the entire length of the gut, including the terminal hindgut. These results demonstrate that blood vessel networks are not necessary to guide migrating ENCC during ENS development. Conversely, in miRet51 mice, which lack ENS in the hindgut, the vascular network in this region appeared to be normal suggesting that in early development both networks form independently of each other.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system (ENS) forms from the neural crest-derived precursors that colonize the bowel before differentiating into a network of neurons and glia that control intestinal function. Retinoids are essential for normal ENS development, but the role of retinoic acid (RA) metabolism in development remains incompletely understood. Because RA is produced locally in the tissues where it acts by stimulating RAR and RXR receptors, RA signaling during development is absolutely dependent on the rate of RA synthesis and degradation. RA is produced by three different enzymes called retinaldehyde dehydrogenases (RALDH1, RALDH2 and RALDH3) that are all expressed in the developing bowel. To determine the relative importance of these enzymes for ENS development, we analyzed whole mount preparations of adult (8–12-week old) myenteric and submucosal plexus stained with NADPH diaphorase (neurons and neurites), anti-TuJ1 (neurons and neurites), anti-HuC/HuD (neurons), and anti-S100β (glia) in an allelic series of mice with mutations in Raldh1, Raldh2, and Raldh3. We found that Raldh1−/−, Raldh2+/−, Raldh3+/− (R1KOR2HetR3Het) mutant mice had a reduced colon myenteric neuron density, reduced colon myenteric neuron to glia ratio, reduced colon submucosal neuron density, and increased colon myenteric fibers per neuron when compared to the wild type (WT; Raldh1WT, Raldh2WT, Raldh3WT) mice. These defects are unlikely to be due to defective ENS precursor migration since R1KOR2HetR3KO mice had increased enteric neuron progenitor migration into the distal colon compared to WT during development. RALDH mutant mice also have reduced contractility in the colon compared to WT mice. These data suggest that RALDH1, RALDH2 and RALDH3 each contribute to ENS development and function.  相似文献   

We have systematically examined the developmental potential of neural crest stem cells from the enteric nervous system (gut NCSCs) in vivo to evaluate their potential use in cellular therapy for Hirschsprung disease and to assess differences in the properties of postmigratory NCSCs from different regions of the developing peripheral nervous system (PNS). When transplanted into developing chicks, flow-cytometrically purified gut NCSCs and sciatic nerve NCSCs exhibited intrinsic differences in migratory potential and neurogenic capacity throughout the developing PNS. Most strikingly, gut NCSCs migrated into the developing gut and formed enteric neurons, while sciatic nerve NCSCs failed to migrate into the gut or to make enteric neurons, even when transplanted into the gut wall. Enteric potential is therefore not a general property of NCSCs. Gut NCSCs also formed cholinergic neurons in parasympathetic ganglia, but rarely formed noradrenergic sympathetic neurons or sensory neurons. Supporting the potential for autologous transplants in Hirschsprung disease, we observed that Endothelin receptor B (Ednrb)-deficient gut NCSCs engrafted and formed neurons as efficiently in the Ednrb-deficient hindgut as did wild-type NCSCs. These results demonstrate intrinsic differences in the migratory properties and developmental potentials of regionally distinct NCSCs, indicating that it is critical to match the physiological properties of neural stem cells to the goals of proposed cell therapies.  相似文献   

Development of the enteric nervous system is critical for normal functioning of the digestive system. In vertebrates, enteric precursors originate from the neural crest and migrate into the digestive system. Enteric neurons enable the digestive system to sense and respond to local conditions without the need for central nervous system input. Here we describe major steps in differentiation of the zebrafish enteric nervous system. During migration and neural differentiation of enteric precursors, we identify regions of the enteric nervous system in different phases of differentiation. Early in migration, a small group of anterior enteric neurons are first to form. This is followed by an anterior to posterior wave of enteric neural differentiation later in the migratory phase. Enteric precursors continue proliferating and differentiating into the third day of embryogenesis. nNOS neurons form early while serotonin neurons form late toward the end of enteric neural differentiation. Numbers of enteric neurons increase gradually except during periods of circular and longitudinal intestinal smooth muscle differentiation.  相似文献   

We review morphogenesis of the enteric nervous system from migratory neural crest cells, and defects of this process such as Hirschsprung disease, centering on cell motility and assembly, and cell adhesion and extracellular matrix molecules, along with cell proliferation and growth factors. We then review continuum and agent-based (cellular automata) models with rules of cell movement and logistical proliferation. Both movement and proliferation at the individual cell level are modeled with stochastic components from which stereotyped outcomes emerge at the population level. These models reproduced the wave-like colonization of the intestine by enteric neural crest cells, and several new properties emerged, such as colonization by frontal expansion, which were later confirmed biologically. These models predict a surprising level of clonal heterogeneity both in terms of number and distribution of daughter cells. Biologically, migrating cells form stable chains made up of unstable cells, but this is not seen in the initial model. We outline additional rules for cell differentiation into neurons, axon extension, cell-axon and cell–cell adhesions, chemotaxis and repulsion which can reproduce chain migration. After the migration stage, the cells re-arrange as a network of ganglia. Changes in cell adhesion molecules parallel this, and we describe additional rules based on Steinberg's Differential Adhesion Hypothesis, reflecting changing levels of adhesion in neural crest cells and neurons. This was able to reproduce enteric ganglionation in a model. Mouse mutants with disturbances of enteric nervous system morphogenesis are discussed, and these suggest future refinement of the models. The modeling suggests a relatively simple set of cell behavioral rules could account for complex patterns of morphogenesis. The model has allowed the proposal that Hirschsprung disease is mostly an enteric neural crest cell proliferation defect, not a defect of cell migration. In addition, the model suggests an explanations for zonal and skip segment variants of Hirschsprung disease, and also gives a novel stochastic explanation for the observed discordancy of Hirschsprung disease in identical twins.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of intercommunication between the immune and nervous systems are not fully understood. In the case of the intestine, the enteric nervous system is involved in the regulation of immune responses. It was therefore decided to employ immunohistochemical techniques to investigate the structural organization of the enteric nervous system in Peyer's patches of the porcine small intestine. Using antibodies against various nervous system-specific markers (protein gene product 9.5, neuron-specific enolase, neurofilament 200, S-100 protein and the glial fibrillary acidic protein), an intimate and specific structural association could be demonstrated between enteric nerves and the compartments of Peyer's patches: follicles, interfollicular regions and domes. Peyer's patches have a close topographical relationship to the two submucosal plexuses. Enteric nerves are located around the follicle in the interfollicular area — the so-called traffic area-and in the dome area, which plays an important role in the uptake and presentation of antigens.  相似文献   

Mutations in the genes encoding endothelin receptor-B (Ednrb) and its ligand endothelin-3 (Edn3) affect the development of two neural crest-derived cell types, melanocytes and enteric neurons. EDNRB signaling is exclusively required between E10.5 and E12.5 during the migratory phase of melanoblast and enteric neuroblast development. To determine the fate of Ednrb-expressing cells during this critical period, we generated a strain of mice with the bacterial beta-galactosidase (lacZ) gene inserted downstream of the endogenous Ednrb promoter. The expression of the lacZ gene was detected in melanoblasts and precursors of the enteric neuron system (ENS), as well as other neural crest cells and nonneural crest-derived lineages. By comparing Ednrb(lacZ)/+ and Ednrb(lacZ)/Ednrb(lacZ) embryos, we determined that the Ednrb pathway is not required for the initial specification and dispersal of melanoblasts and ENS precursors from the neural crest progenitors. Rather, the EDNRB-mediated signaling is required for the terminal migration of melanoblasts and ENS precursors, and this pathway is not required for the survival of the migratory cells.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system (ENS) is derived from vagal and sacral neural crest cells that migrate, proliferate, and differentiate into enteric neurons and glia within the gut wall. The mechanisms regulating enteric neural crest-derived cell (ENCC) migration are poorly characterized despite the importance of this process in gut formation and function. Characterization of genes involved in ENCC migration is essential to understand ENS development and could provide targets for treatment of human ENS disorders. We identified the extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin-C (TNC) as an important regulator of ENCC development. We find TNC dynamically expressed during avian gut development. It is absent from the cecal region just prior to ENCC arrival, but becomes strongly expressed around ENCCs as they enter the ceca and hindgut. In aganglionic hindguts, TNC expression is strong throughout the outer mesenchyme, but is absent from the submucosal region, supporting the presence of both ENCC-dependent and independent expression within the gut wall. Using rat–chick coelomic grafts, neural tube cultures, and gut explants, we show that ENCCs produce TNC and that this ECM protein promotes their migration. Interestingly, only vagal neural crest-derived ENCCs express TNC, whereas sacral neural crest-derived cells do not. These results demonstrate that vagal crest-derived ENCCs actively modify their microenvironment through TNC expression and thereby help to regulate their own migration.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system (ENS) derives from migratory neural crest cells that colonize the developing gut tube, giving rise to an integrated network of neurons and glial cells, which together regulate important aspects of gut function, including coordinating the smooth muscle contractions of the gut wall. The absence of enteric neurons in portions of the gut (aganglionosis) is the defining feature of Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR) and has been replicated in a number of mouse models. Mutations in the RET tyrosine kinase account for over half of familial cases of HSCR and mice mutant for Ret exhibit aganglionosis. RET exists in two main isoforms, RET9 and RET51 and studies in mouse have shown that RET9 is sufficient to allow normal development of the ENS. In the last several years, zebrafish has emerged as a model of vertebrate ENS development, having been supported by a number of demonstrations of conservation of gene function between zebrafish, mouse and human. In this study we further analyse the potential similarities and differences between ENS development in zebrafish, mouse and human. We demonstrate that zebrafish Ret is required in a dose-dependent manner to regulate colonization of the gut by neural crest derivatives, as in human. Additionally, we show that as in mouse and human, zebrafish ret is produced as two isoforms, ret9 and ret51. Moreover, we show that, as in mouse, the Ret9 isoform is sufficient to support colonization of the gut by enteric neurons. Finally, we identify zebrafish orthologues of genes previously identified to be expressed in the mouse ENS and demonstrate that these genes are expressed in the developing zebrafish ENS, thereby identifying useful ENS markers in this model organism. These studies reveal that the similarities between gene expression and gene function across vertebrate species is more extensive than previously appreciated, thus supporting the use of zebrafish as a general model for vertebrate ENS development and the use of zebrafish genetic screens as a way to identify candidate genes mutated in HSCR cases.  相似文献   

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