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An assay to determine the binding of pig spermatozoa to the zona pellucida (ZP) of pig oocytes was developed using conditions compatible with in-vitro fertilization of pig eggs and with pig sperm penetration of zona-free hamster ova. These conditions were used to define which of the pig oocyte ZP components were involved in sperm binding by a competitive inhibition approach. Assay variables that were optimized included: the method of sperm preparation; sperm preincubation time; sperm-oocyte coincubation time; sperm concentration and temperature; and methods for the separation of free from oocyte-bound spermatozoa. Inclusion of solubilized ZP in the sperm preincubation medium inhibited sperm binding approximately 50%. Both the 55K and 90K components inhibited sperm binding although the 55K component was more effective. The two polypeptides derived from chemical deglycosylation of the 55K families did not inhibit sperm binding. Of several monoclonal antibodies to the ZP components tested, only one directed against the 55K alpha glycoprotein family inhibited sperm binding. Sperm binding to pig oocyte ZP is therefore dependent on the carbohydrate moiety of the glycoproteins and appears to involve more than a single ZP glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The binding of sperm to the zona pellucida is an integral part of the mammalian fertilization process, investigated most extensively in the mouse. Several sperm receptors for the murine zona pellucida have been studied (Snell WJ, White JM. 1996. Cell 85:629-637; Wassarman PM. 1999. Cell 96:175-183), but the most compelling evidence exists for beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase (GalTase). Considering that GalTase is present on the surface of porcine sperm (Larson JL, Miller DJ. 1997. Biol Reprod 57:442-453), we investigated the role of GalTase in porcine sperm-zona binding. Sperm surface GalTase catalyzed the addition of uridine diphosphate-[(3)H]galactose to the 55 kDa group of the porcine zona pellucida proteins implicated in sperm binding, demonstrating that GalTase binds the porcine zona. The functional importance of GalTase-zona pellucida binding was tested. Addition of uridine diphosphate galactose, a substrate that completes the GalTase enzymatic reaction and disrupts GalTase mediated adhesion, had no effect on binding of sperm to porcine oocytes. Furthermore, removal of the GalTase zona ligand by incubation of oocytes with N-acetylglucosaminidase had no effect on binding of sperm to oocytes. These results suggest that GalTase is not necessary for sperm to bind to the zona pellucida. Digestion of isolated porcine zona proteins with N-acetylglucosaminidase did not affect the biological activity of soluble porcine zona proteins in competitive sperm-zona binding assays, suggesting that GalTase alone is not sufficient to mediate sperm-zona attachment. From these results, it appears that, although GalTase is able to bind porcine zona proteins, its function in porcine sperm-zona binding is not necessary or sufficient for sperm-zona binding. This supports the contention that porcine sperm-zona binding requires redundant gamete receptors.  相似文献   

Sperm binding characteristics of the murine zona pellucida.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The regulation of acrosomal exocytosis in capacitated bovine spermatozoa by soluble extracts of zonae pellucidae was examined. Kinetic studies demonstrated that zonae pellucidae stimulated synchronous acrosome reactions. The t1/2 of this process was 5-10 min and response was maximal at 20 min. The apparent initial rate of exocytosis in sperm populations was dependent upon the concentration of zona pellucida protein, with an ED50 and a maximally effective dosage of 20 and 50 ng protein/microliter, respectively. Zonae pellucidae caused up to a 48-fold increase in the apparent initial rate and a 3- to 4-fold stimulation in the net occurrence of exocytosis. In contrast, solubilized zonae pellucidae did not induce acrosome reactions in uncapacitated sperm. The development of a capacitated state, as assayed by the ability of sperm to fertilize eggs in vitro, was compared to the expression of zona pellucida-regulated acrosome reactions in a series of kinetic experiments. Both activities were manifest with similar kinetics and displayed identical dependencies toward stimulatory and inhibitory agents in vitro. It is concluded that capacitation is an essential prerequisite for the induction of acrosomal exocytosis in bovine sperm by the zona pellucida.  相似文献   

Sperm binding activity of the zona pellucida of immature mouse oocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immature oocytes taken from ovarian follicles are sometimes used in studies of sperm-zona interaction in species for which it is difficult to obtain ovulated eggs. As yet, however, there has been no quantitative comparison of the sperm binding capacities of immature and ovulated oocytes. We report here that in mice there is no significant difference in the numbers of sperm which bind to the zonae pellucidae of immature and ovulated oocytes in vitro. These results support the use of immature oocytes in studies of sperm-zona interaction. We have also analyzed the sources of variability in sperm binding assays, and we make suggestions for the most efficient design of experiments.  相似文献   

Whether the main energy source for sperm motility is from oxidative phosphorylation or glycolysis has been long-debated in the field of reproductive biology. Using the rhesus monkey as a model, we examined the role of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation in sperm function by using alpha-chlorohydrin (ACH), a glycolysis inhibitor, and pentachlorophenol (PCP), an oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler. Sperm treated with ACH showed no change in percentage of motile sperm, although sperm motion was impaired. The ACH-treated sperm did not display either hyperactivity- or hyperactivation-associated changes in protein tyrosine phosphorylation. When treated with PCP, sperm motion parameters were affected by the highest level of PCP (200 microM); however, PCP did not cause motility impairments even after chemical activation. Sperm treated with PCP were able to display hyperactivity and tyrosine phosphorylation after chemical activation. In contrast with motility measurements, treatment with either the glycolytic inhibitor or the oxidative phosphorylation inhibitor did not affect sperm-zona binding and zona-induced acrosome reaction. The results suggest glycolysis is essential to support sperm motility, hyperactivity, and protein tyrosine phosphorylation, while energy from oxidative phosphorylation is not necessary for hyperactivated sperm motility, tyrosine phosphorylation, sperm-zona binding, and acrosome reaction in the rhesus macaque.  相似文献   

Induction of acrosome reactions by the human zona pellucida   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have used two approaches to test the ability of the human zona pellucida to induce acrosome reactions in human sperm. First, nonviable human oocytes were incubated for 1 min in a suspension of capacitated sperm (of which fewer than 5% were acrosome-reacted) to allow binding of about 200 sperm per oocyte. Some of the oocytes were fixed immediately, and the remainder were fixed after a further 1-h incubation without free-swimming sperm. As determined by light microscopy, sperm on the zona were only 3 +/- 2% (avg. +/- SD) acrosome-reacted at 1 min, and the incidence increased to 46 +/- 15% during the next hour. Electron microscopy confirmed that most sperm on the zona at 1 min were acrosome-intact. A few sperm were in an early stage of the acrosome reaction. Acrosome reactions occurring on the zona during the subsequent hour appeared to be morphologically normal. Second, treatment of sperm in suspension with acid-disaggregated zonae (2 to 4 zonae/microliter) increased the incidence of acrosome-reacted sperm from 3 +/- 1% to 24 +/- 4%. We conclude that the human zona pellucida, or material intimately associated with it, can induce acrosome reactions in human sperm.  相似文献   

Sperm binding to the zona pellucida is a prerequisite for fertilization, and tests that evaluate this function have been described for several species. When carrying out such tests in the canine species, ovaries or oocytes have to be stored to obtain a sufficient number of oocytes at the time of testing. In the present study, the sperm binding capacities of salt-stored oocytes and oocytes from deep frozen ovaries were measured and compared with that of fresh oocytes. Two different procedures for washing the sperm-oocyte complexes (gentle and tough) were used before evaluating the number of bound spermatozoa. The total number of oocytes that bound spermatozoa was significantly lower for both salt-stored and deep frozen oocytes compared with fresh oocytes. Significantly fewer spermatozoa bound to stored oocytes than to fresh oocytes (P 相似文献   

Sperm selection capacity of the human zona pellucida.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Previous hemizona assay (HZA) results have illustrated a positive and significant correlation between the percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa in the semen and the number of spermatozoa tightly bound to the zona pellucida. The present study was designed to evaluate the morphologic features using strict criteria of spermatozoa tightly bound to the zona pellucida. Semen samples of 4 normozoospermic and 11 teratozoospermic men were used to compare the percentage of normal spermatozoa in the semen with that found 1) after swim-up separation and 2) bound to the zona under HZA conditions. The mean (+/- SEM) % normal forms for normozoospermic men in semen, after swim-up and zona-bound spermatozoa were 21.5 +/- 1.6, 27.5 +/- 2.9, and 44.8 +/- 3.4, respectively. A significantly higher % of normal forms were found among zona-bound sperm compared to swim-up forms (p = 0.02) and seminal sperm (p = 0.02). The mean % of normal sperm forms present in semen, after swim-up and zona pellucida-binding for teratozoospermic men, were 3.7 +/- 0.9, 5.8 +/- 1.6 and 15.6 +/- 3.1, respectively. Significant differences existed between the % of normal sperm forms found in the swim-up and zona-bound spermatozoa (P = less than 0.01 and P = less than 0.0003, respectively) compared to the original ejaculates. Results indicate that a selective process against abnormal spermatozoa occurs at the site of the zona pellucida.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mammalian fertilization requires sperm to penetrate the cumulus mass and egg zona pellucida prior to fusion with the egg. Although sperm penetration through these physical barriers is essential, the molecular mechanism has not yet been completely elucidated. In addition to sperm motility, hyaluronan-hydrolyzing and proteolytic enzymes of sperm have been suggested to participate in the penetration events. Here we focus on the functional roles of hyaluronidase and protease in sperm passage through the cumulus mass and zona pellucida.  相似文献   

Zona pellucida binding protein 1 (ZPBP1), a spermatid and spermatozoon protein that localizes to the acrosome, was originally identified in pigs and named for its binding to the oocyte zona pellucida. In an in silico search for germ cell-specific genes, Zpbp1 and its novel paralog, Zpbp2, were discovered and confirmed to be expressed only in the testes in both mice and humans. To study the in vivo functions of both ZPBP proteins, we disrupted Zpbp1 and Zpbp2 in mice. Males lacking ZPBP1 were sterile, with abnormal round-headed sperm morphology and no forward sperm motility. Ultrastructural studies demonstrated that absence of ZPBP1 prevents proper acrosome compaction, resulting in acrosome fragmentation and disruption of the Sertoli-spermatid junctions. Males null for ZPBP2 were subfertile, demonstrated aberrant acrosomal membrane invaginations, and produced dysmorphic sperm with reduced ability to penetrate zona pellucida. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of ZPBPs from amphibians, birds, and mammals suggests that these paralogous genes coevolved to play cooperative roles during spermiogenesis. Whereas ZPBP1 was discovered for an in vitro role in sperm-egg interactions, we have shown that both ZPBP proteins play an earlier structural role during spermiogenesis.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa from the sperm-rich fractions of the semen of 6 beagle dogs were capacitated and the effect of both zona pellucida (ZP) proteins and progesterone on calcium flux and the acrosome reaction measured. Sperm calcium flux was determined using the dual wavelength calcium probe indo-1/AM (6 microM) in a flow cytometric assay (one ejaculate from each dog examined; n = 6). No calcium flux was observed in the negative control treatments (RPMI medium or DMSO). Both heat-solubilized bitch ZP proteins and progesterone caused a similar response characterized by a gradual but marked influx of calcium ions which was sustained over 2 min. Acrosomal status was assessed by indirect immunofluorescence using a specific monoclonal antibody following 1 hr incubation for each treatment (four ejaculates from each dog examined; n = 24). The level of acrosomal exocytosis was very high for samples treated with ZP proteins (70.3 +/- 2.1%) and progesterone (84.6 +/- 1.5%) and was significantly different from the respective controls (P < 0.001). Interestingly the patterns of calcium flux in response to both ZP proteins and progesterone were in contrast to the situation in other species studied to date raising the possibility that the mechanism for triggering the acrosome reaction may be different in dog spermatozoa. In addition the high degree of progesterone-induced acrosomal exocytosis compared to other species raises the probability that the majority of dog spermatozoa are already undergoing the acrosome reaction before they reach the egg ZP.  相似文献   

Endometriosis is a common gynaecological disorder of unknown aetiology. Among the several factors, estrogen has been implicated as a causative factor in endometriosis. In the present study using mouse model, we assessed the role of estrogen in the initial implantation and growth of endometrium in ectopic locations. Uterine tissues from green fluorescent protein (GFP) mice were transplanted in to the peritoneum of wild type mice in presence and absence of estrogen. As compared to untreated controls, the implantation of uterine tissue at ectopic locations was higher when estrogen was administered to both host and donor animals. However, this effect was not sustained as lesions regressed within 14 days of treatment. Irrespective of the treatment, peritoneal adipose was the most preferred site of lesion establishment. The lesions did not have typical features of the endometriosis (presence of glands and stroma) even after estrogen treatment and the ectopic tissue underwent regression by apoptosis irrespective of treatment. Since estrogen promotes implantation of endometrial tissue to ectopic locations but failure of these ectopic lesions to grow and sustain even in high estrogenic environment we propose that estrogen is necessary but not sufficient to sustain endometriosis.  相似文献   

Changes in binding affinity, acrosomal status, and motility of living sperm on the zona pellucida were for the first time in any mammalian species directly observed and analyzed with video microscopy. A single zona was air-dried and rehydrated on a microscope slide, and a coverslip supported by glass beads was added. Capacitated sperm were added together with Alexa-SBTI, a probe for acrosin that can detect the acrosome reaction. The heads of loosely attached sperm oscillated on the zona and the flagella beat symmetrically with a sigmoid-shaped waveform. Tight binding was observed after 16 sec as the sperm head became fixed in place on the zona. The shape of the flagellar beat simultaneously shifted to a more rigid, C-shaped waveform. The first signs of the acrosome reaction were detected within 11 sec of tight binding. Rapid flushing removed approximately 65% of sperm that were loosely attached but only 2% of those that were tightly bound. In the 2 min following the onset of tight binding, the lateral displacement of the flagellum increased by approximately 30% and the beat frequency decreased by 25%. Lignosulfonic acid (LSA) inhibited loose sperm attachment and the development of tight binding. LSA had no effect on the time of the acrosome reaction following tight binding or on changes in motility that followed tight binding. These data suggest that LSA affects the initial attachment or docking of sperm to the zona, a step that may align or recruit one or more specific zona receptors to be responsible for mediating the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

The binding of zona pellucida (ZP) glycoprotein ZP3 to mouse sperm surface receptors is mediated by protein-carbohydrate interactions. Subsequently, ZP3 induces sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction, an obligatory step in fertilization. We have previously identified Lewis X (Le(x); Gal beta 4[Fuc alpha 3]GlcNAc) as a potent inhibitor of in vitro sperm-ZP binding (Johnston et al. J Biol Chem 1998; 273:1888-1895). This glycan is recognized by approximately 70% of the ZP3 binding sites on capacitated, acrosome-intact mouse sperm, whereas Lewis A (Le(a); Gal beta 3[Fuc alpha 4]GlcNAc) is recognized by most of the remaining sites (Kerr et al. Biol Reprod 2004; 71:770-777). Herein, we test the hypothesis that Le(x)- and Le(a)-containing glycans, when clustered on a neoglycoprotein, bind ZP3 receptors on sperm and induce sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction via the same signaling pathways as ZP3. Results show that a Le(x)-containing neoglycoprotein induced the acrosome reaction in a dose-dependent and capacitation-dependent manner. A Le(a)-containing neoglycoprotein also induced sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction but was less potent than Le(x)-containing neoglycoproteins. In contrast, neoglycoproteins containing beta4-lactosamine (Gal beta 4GlcNAc), Lewis B (Fuc alpha 2Gal beta 3[Fuc alpha 4]GlcNAc), and sialyl-Le(x) glycans were inactive, as were four other neoglycoproteins with different nonfucosylated glycans. Consistent with these results, unconjugated Le(x)- and Le(a)-capped glycans were dose-dependent inhibitors, which at saturation, reduced the ZP-induced acrosome reaction by about 60% and 30%, respectively. Experiments utilizing pharmacological inhibitors suggest that induction of the acrosome reaction by solubilized ZP and Le(x)- and Le(a)-containing neoglycoproteins require the same calcium-dependent pathway. However, only the ZP-induced acrosome reaction requires a functional G(i) protein. Thus, Le(x)-containing neoglycoproteins bind to a major class of ZP3 receptors on capacitated sperm. A Le(a)-containing neoglycoprotein binds a second ZP3 receptor but is a less-potent inducer of the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

The question of whether the acrosome reaction, which leads to fertilization, occurs in intact sperm bound to the zona pellucida of the egg or in intact sperm before contact with the egg, was addressed by assessing the effect of 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) on the two types of acrosome reaction. QNB is a specific inhibitor of the fertilization of zona-intact mouse eggs by mouse sperm. Mouse spermatozoa in suspension underwent acrosome reactions at a low rate, which could be accelerated by addition of 5 μM divalent cation ionophore A23187; the occurrence of such acrosome reactions was not inhibited by QNB. The rate at which acrosome reactions occurred in sperm bound to the zona pellucida of cumulus-free eggs, bound to isolated zonae, or exposed to acid-solubilized zona components, was greatly accelerated relative to that observed in the absence of zonae. These acrosome reactions were strongly inhibited by QNB at concentrations which inhibit the fertilization of zona-intact mouse eggs in vitro. These data suggest that the zona pellucida can induce acrosome reactions in mouse spermatozoa and that these acrosome reactions are the ones which lead to the fertilization of zona-intact eggs. In contrast, the acrosome rection in sperm which are not in contact with the zona is not associated with fertilization of zona-intact eggs.  相似文献   

In fertilization in vitro, the penetration rate of zona-intact porcine oocytes by cryopreserved epididymal spermatozoa was about 100% while that of zona-free oocytes was only 30%. Spermatozoa treated with calcium ionophore A23187 penetrated both zona-intact and zona-free oocytes at the rate of more than 90%. Treatment of spermatozoa with solubilized procine zonae pellucidae hardly induced acrosome reaction and did not increase the penetration rate. These results suggest that the structure of the zona is necessary for completion of acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

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