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Small increases in physiological nitrite concentrations have now been shown to mediate a number of biological responses, including hypoxic vasodilation, cytoprotection after ischemia/reperfusion, and regulation of gene and protein expression. Thus, while nitrite was until recently believed to be biologically inert, it is now recognized as a potentially important hypoxic signaling molecule and therapeutic agent. Nitrite mediates signaling through its reduction to nitric oxide, via reactions with several heme-containing proteins. In this report, we show for the first time that the mitochondrial electron carrier cytochrome c can also effectively reduce nitrite to NO. This nitrite reductase activity is highly regulated as it is dependent on pentacoordination of the heme iron in the protein and occurs under anoxic and acidic conditions. Further, we demonstrate that in the presence of nitrite, pentacoordinate cytochrome c generates bioavailable NO that is able to inhibit mitochondrial respiration. These data suggest an additional role for cytochrome c as a nitrite reductase that may play an important role in regulating mitochondrial function and contributing to hypoxic, redox, and apoptotic signaling within the cell.  相似文献   

The cytochrome cbb3 is an isoenzyme in the family of cytochrome c oxidases. This protein purified from Pseudomonas stutzeri displays a cyanide-sensitive nitric oxide reductase activity (Vmax=100+/-9 mol NO x mol cbb3(-1) x min(-1) and Km=12+/-2.5 microm), which is lost upon denaturation. This enzyme is only partially reduced by ascorbate, and readily re-oxidized by NO under anaerobic conditions at a rate consistent with the turnover number for NO consumption. As shown by transient spectroscopy experiments and singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis, these results suggest that the cbb3-type cytochromes, sharing structural features with bacterial nitric oxide reductases, are the enzymes retaining the highest NO reductase activity within the heme-copper oxidase superfamily.  相似文献   

The ascorbate-TMPD-cytochrome c oxidase and succinate cytochrome c reductase activities and the redox potentials of native and chemically modified cytochromes c—NBS-cytochrome c with modification of Trp-59 and Met-65, nitro-cytochrome c with modification of Tyr-67, and a new preparation, Chloramine-T-cytochrome mc with modification of Met-80 and -65 to methionine sulfoxide—have been compared at pH 7.8 in 25 mM cacodylate-Tris buffer. These modifications exhibit (i) a slight lowering of redox potential, from 260 mV to 180, 215 and 170 mV, respectively, (ii) destabilization of the cytochrome c-reductase complex, 6 to 12 fold, but without alteration of the cytochrome c-oxidase complex, and (iii) a slight lowering of the maximum velocity for both the oxidase and reductase reactions. The selective destabilization of the cytochrome c-reductase complex is interpreted as an indication of a two-path, two-function model for the oxido-reduction function of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

1. Differential and density-gradient centrifugation were used to fractionate mitochondria and fluffy layer from normal and regenerating rat liver. The iron, cytochrome a and cytochrome c contents and cytochrome c-oxidase activity were studied as well as the uptake of (59)Fe into protein and cytochrome c. 2. A certain degree of heterogeneity was evident between the heavy-mitochondrial and light-mitochondrial fractions, and in their behaviour during liver regeneration. 3. The specific content of light-mitochondrial iron and cytochrome a was 1.3-1.4 times that of heavy mitochondria. Changes in cytochrome c-oxidase activity closely followed those of cytochrome a content during liver regeneration, but not for light mitochondria after 10 days. 4. Radioactive iron ((59)Fe) was most actively taken up by well-washed light mitochondria during early liver regeneration. After 22 days fluffy layer became preferentially labelled. This substantiates the view that fluffy layer partially represents broken-down mitochondria. 5. During early regeneration, light-mitochondrial fractions separated along a density gradient were about 3 times as radioactive, and showed distinct heterogeneity of (59)Fe-labelling, in contrast with near homogeneity for heavy mitochondria. 6. Immediately after partial hepatectomy fractions corresponding to density 1.155 were 5-10 times as radioactive as particles of greater density. The radioactivity decreased sharply after 6 days. 7. These particles of low density possessed higher NADH-cytochrome c-reductase (1.5-5-fold) and succinate-dehydrogenase (1.1-2-fold) activities than typical mitochondrial fractions. Their succinate-cytochrome c-reductase and cytochrome c-oxidase activities were slightly lower. 8. The results are discussed in relation to mitochondrial morphogenesis, and a possible route from submitochondrial particles is suggested.  相似文献   

G. Gebauer  A. Melzer  H. Rehder 《Oecologia》1984,63(1):136-142
Summary With Rumex obtusifolius L., the influence of some environmental conditions on nitrate uptake and reduction were investigated. Nitrate concentrations of plant material were determined by HPLC, the activity of nitrate reductase by an in vivo test. As optimal incubation medium, a buffer containing 0.04 M KNO3; 0.25 M KH2PO4; 1.5% propanol (v/v); pH 8.0 was found. Vacuum infiltration caused an increase of enzyme activity of up to 40%.High nitrate concentrations were found in roots and leaf petioles. Nitrate reductase activity of these organs, however, was low. On the other hand, the highest nitrate reductase activity was observed in leaf laminae, which contained lowest nitrate concentrations.In leaves, nitrate content and nitrate reductase activity exhibited inverse diurnal fluctuations. During darkness, decreasing activities of the enzyme were followed by increasing nitrate concentrations, while during light the contrary was true. In petioles diurnal fluctuations in nitrate content were observed, too. No significant correlations with illumination, however, could be found.Our results prove that Rumex obtusifolius is characterized by an intensive nitrate turnover. Theoretically, internal nitrate content of the plant would be exhausted within a few hours, if a supply via the roots would be excluded.  相似文献   

A. Melzer  G. Gebauer  H. Rehder 《Oecologia》1984,63(3):380-385
Summary The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of nitrogen starvation and subsequent fentilization with nitrate or ammonium on nitrate content and nitrate reductase activity of Rumex obtusifolius L. under natural conditions.When plants were transplanted to nitrate-poor media, endogenous nitrate was reduced within a few days. In parallel, nitrage reductase activities dropped to about 25% of the initial values. As a consequence of nitrate fertilization (1; 10 or 100 mmol KNO3/l substrate), endogenous nitrate content of the plant abruptly increased within one day. In extreme cases, nitrate concentrations of up to 10% of plant dry weight could be observed without being lethal. High external nitrate concentrations caused an inhibition of nitrate reductase within the leaves, while low external concentrations provoked an increase in the enzyme activity of about 450% within one day. Ammonium fertilization (5 mmol (NH4)2SO4/l substrate) also caused an increase in nitrate reductase activity and nitrate content within leaf blades. This observation indicates a rapid nitrification of ammonium in the substrate. When plants were fertilized with ammonium plus nitrate (2.5 mmol (NH4)2SO4+ 5 mmol KNO3/l substrate), an extremely high and long term increase in nitrate reduction could be observed. Due to an intensive enzymatic nitrate turnover, the nitrate content of leaf blades then remained relatively low. Our observations do not point to an inhibition of nitrate reductase activity in leaves of Rumex obtusifolius by ammonium. Despite temporarily high endogenous nitrate concentrations, Rumex obtusifolius may not be termed as a nitrate storage plant, since the accumulation of nitrate is a short term process only.  相似文献   

The induction in rat liver of a specific variant(s) of cytochrome P450 (PB-P450) by phenobarbital and its repression by β-naphthoflavone occur through corresponding changes in the levels of mRNA coding for the protein(s). The level of translatable mRNA coding for NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase in rat liver increases on treatment with phenobarbital but not β-naphthoflavone.  相似文献   

Tissue, cellular, and subcellular distributions of OM cytochrome b-mediated NADH-semidehydroascorbate (SDA) reductase activity were investigated in rat. NADH-SDA reductase activity was found in the post-nuclear particulate fractions of liver, kidney, adrenal gland, heart, brain, lung, and spleen of rat. Liver, kidney, and adrenal gland had higher NADH-SDA reductase activity than other tissues, and OM cytochrome b-dependent activity was 60-70% of the total activity. On the other hand, almost all of the reductase activity of heart and brain cells was mediated by OM cytochrome b. The ratio of the OM cytochrome b-mediated activities of NADH-SDA reductase to rotenone-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase varied among these tissues. OM cytochrome b-mediated NADH-SDA reductase and rotenone-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase activities were mainly present in the parenchymal cells of rat liver. The localization of the cytochrome-mediated reductase activities in the outer mitochondrial membrane was confirmed by subfractionation of liver mitochondria. Among the submicrosomal fractions, OM cytochrome b-mediated NADH-SDA reductase activity was highest in the cis-Golgi membrane fraction, in which monoamine oxidase activity was also highest. On the other hand, OM cytochrome b-mediated rotenone-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity showed a slightly different distribution pattern from the NADH-SDA reductase activity. Thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTFA), a metal chelator, effectively inhibited the NADH-SDA reductase activity, though other metal chelators did not affect the activity. TTFA failed to inhibit rotenone-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity at the concentration which gave complete inhibition of NADH-SDA reductase activity.  相似文献   

The induction in rat liver of a specific variant(s) of cytochrome P450 (PB-P450) by phenobarbital and its repression by β-naphthoflavone occur through corresponding changes in the levels of mRNA coding for the protein(s). The level of translatable mRNA coding for NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase in rat liver increases on treatment with phenobarbital but not β-naphthoflavone.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1997,130(1):41-49
Arabidopsis thaliana was engineered to over-express nitrate reductase (NR) by virtue of the light inducible chimeric gene Lhcb1*3::Nia1*2. The transgenic lines obtained displayed NR activity 2–4 times the level in the wild type, depending on the line. While not displaying advantage with respect to fresh or dry weight, 7-day-old transgenic seedlings did show up to 200% higher protein content than the wild type when grown on solid medium. Up to 30% increase in protein content was also obtained when grown in peat moss for at least 3 weeks. The increase in protein content was evident in several protein bands but was most apparent in that of the large subunit of RuBisCo.  相似文献   

The ratio between the nitrite reductase and cytochrome oxidase activities of Pseudomonas aeruginosa nitrite reductase [EC] varies with kind of C-type cytochrome used as the electron donor. Withe cytochrome c-548, 554 (Micrococcus sp.), the nitrite reductase activity is greater than the cytochrome oxidase activity, while the former is smaller than the latter with cytochrome c-554 (Navicula pelliculosa). The aerobic oxidation catalyzed by this enzyme of denitrifying bacterial ferrocytochrome c is greatly accelerated on addition of nitrite, while that of the algal ferrocytochrome c is not affected or is even depressed by the salt. An accelerative effect of nitrite is generally observed with many kinds of C-type cytochromes which react with the enzyme very or fairly rapidly. The difference in the ratio of the two activities of the enzyme seems to arise according to whether or not nitrite affects the interaction of C-type cytochrome with the enzyme.  相似文献   

Y. Lam  D. J. D. Nicholas 《BBA》1969,180(3):459-472
The formation of nitrite reductase and cytochrome c in Micrococcus denitrificans was repressed by O2. The purified nitrite reductase utilized reduced forms of cytochrome c, phenazine methosulphate, benzyl viologen and methyl viologen, respectively, as electron donors. The enzyme was inhibited by KCN, NaN3 and NH2OH each at 1 mM, whereas CO and bathocuproin, diethyl dithiocarbamate, o-phenanthroline and ,'-dipyridyl at 1 mM concentrations were relatively ineffective. The purified enzyme contains cytochromes, probably of the c and a2 types, in one complex. A Km of 46 μM for NO2 and a pH optimum of 6.7 were recorded for the enzyme. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be around 130000, and its anodic mobility was 6.8·10−6 cm2·sec−1·V−1 at pH 4.55.

The most highly purified nitrite reductase still exhibited cytochrome c oxidase activity with a Km of 27 μM for O2. This activity was also inhibited by KCN, NaN3 and NH2OH and by NO2.

A constitutive cytochrome oxidase associated with membranes was also isolated from cells grown anaerobically with NO2. It was inhibited by smaller amounts of KCN, NaN3 and NH2OH than the cytochrome oxidase activity of the nitrite reductase enzyme and also differed in having a pH optimum of about 8 and a Km for O2 of less than 0.1 μM. Spectroscopically, cytochromes b and c were found to be associated with the constitutive oxidase in the particulate preparation. Its activity was also inhibited by NO2.

The physiological role of the cytochrome oxidase activity associated with the purified nitrite reductase is likely to be of secondary importance for the following reasons: (a) it accounts for less than 10% of total cytochrome c oxidase activity of cell extracts; (b) the constitutive cytochrome c oxidase has a smaller Km for O2 and would therefore be expected to function more efficiently especially at low concentrations of O2.  相似文献   

Upon cardiolipin (CL) liposomes binding, horse heart cytochrome c (cytc) changes its tertiary structure disrupting the heme-Fe-Met80 distal bond, reduces drastically the midpoint potential, binds CO and NO with high affinity, displays peroxidase activity, and facilitates peroxynitrite isomerization. Here, the effect of CL liposomes on the nitrite reductase activity of ferrous cytc (cytc-Fe(II)) is reported. In the absence of CL liposomes, hexa-coordinated cytc-Fe(II) displays a very low value of the apparent second-order rate constant for the NO2 ?-mediated conversion of cytc-Fe(II) to cytc-Fe(II)-NO (k on = (7.3 ± 0.7) × 10?2 M?1 s?1; at pH 7.4 and 20.0 °C). However, CL liposomes facilitate the NO2 ?-mediated nitrosylation of cytc-Fe(II) in a dose-dependent manner inducing the penta-coordination of the heme-Fe(II) atom. The value of k on for the NO2 ?-mediated conversion of CL-cytc-Fe(II) to CL-cytc-Fe(II)-NO is 2.6 ± 0.3 M?1 s?1 (at pH 7.4 and 20.0 °C). Values of the apparent dissociation equilibrium constant for CL liposomes binding to cytc-Fe(II) are (2.2 ± 0.2) × 10?6 M, (1.8 ± 0.2) × 10?6 M, and (1.4 ± 0.2) × 10?6 M at pH 6.5, 7.4, and 8.1, respectively, and 20.0 °C. These results suggest that the NO2 ?-mediated conversion of CL-cytc-Fe(II) to CL-cytc-Fe(II)-NO could play anti-apoptotic effects impairing lipid peroxidation and therefore the initiation of the cell death program by the release of pro-apoptotic factors (including cytc) in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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