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Whenever life wants to invade a new habitat or escape from a lethal selection pressure, some mutations may be necessary to yield sustainable replication. We imagine situations like (i) a parasite infecting a new host, (ii) a species trying to invade a new ecological niche, (iii) cancer cells escaping from chemotherapy, (iv) viruses or microbes evading anti-microbial therapy, and also (v) the repeated attempts of combinatorial chemistry in the very beginning of life to produce self-replicating molecules. All such seemingly unrelated situations have a common structure in terms of Darwinian dynamics: a replicator with a basic reproductive ratio less than one attempts to find some mutations that allow indefinite survival. We develop a general theory, based on multitype branching processes, to describe the evolutionary dynamics of invasion and escape.  相似文献   

The classic prisoner's dilemma model of game theory is modified by introducing occasional variations on the options available to players. Mutation and selection of game options reliably change the game matrix, gradually, from a prisoner's dilemma game into a byproduct mutualism one, in which cooperation is stable, and "temptation to defect" is replaced by temptation to cooperate. This result suggests that when there are many different potential ways of interacting, exploring those possibilities may make escape from prisoner's dilemmas a common outcome in the world. A consequence is that persistent prisoner's dilemma structures may be less common than one might otherwise expect.  相似文献   

Evolutionary and biomedical consequences of internal melanins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The adaptive function of melanin located in the integument is well known. Although pigments are also deposited in various internal organs, their function is unclear. A review of the literature revealed that ‘internal melanin’ protects against parasites, pollutants, low temperature, oxidative stress, hypoxemia and UV light, and is involved in the development and function of organs. Importantly, several studies have shown that the amount of melanin deposited on the external body surface is correlated with the amount located inside the body. This finding raises the possibility that internal melanin plays more important physiological roles in dark than light‐colored individuals. Internal melanin and coloration may therefore not evolve independently. This further emphasizes the major role played by indirect selection in evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Identifying the causes of interannual variability in disease dynamics is important for understanding and managing epidemics. Traditionally, these causes have been classified as intrinsic (e.g. immunity fluctuations) or extrinsic (e.g. climate forcing); ecologists determine the relative contributions of these factors by applying statistical models to time series of cases. Here we address the problem of isolating the drivers of pathogen dynamics that are influenced by antigenic evolution. Recent findings indicate that many pathogens escape immunity in a punctuated manner; for them, we argue that time series of cases alone will be insufficient to isolate causal drivers. We detail observations that can reveal the presence of punctuated immune escape, and which can be used in new statistical approaches to identify extrinsic and intrinsic regulators of disease.  相似文献   

Evolutionary dynamics of microsatellite DNA   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
Schlötterer C 《Chromosoma》2000,109(6):365-371
Within the past decade microsatellites have developed into one of the most popular genetic markers. Despite the widespread use of microsatellite analysis, an integral picture of the mutational dynamics of microsatellite DNA is just beginning to emerge. Here, I review both generally agreed and controversial results about the mutational dynamics of microsatellite DNA. Microsatellites are short DNA sequence stretches in which a motif of one to six bases is tandemly repeated. It has been known for some time that these sequences can differ in repeat number among individuals. With the advent of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology this property of microsatellite DNA was converted into a highly versatile genetic marker (Litt and Luty 1989; Tautz 1989; Weber and May 1989). Polymerase chain reaction products of different length can be amplified with primers flanking the variable microsatellite region. Due to the availability of high-throughput capillary sequencers or mass spectrography the sizing of alleles is no longer a bottleneck in microsatellite analysis. The almost random distribution of microsatellites and their high level of polymorphism greatly facilitated the construction of genetic maps (Dietrich et al. 1994; Dib et al. 1996) and enabled subsequent positional cloning of several genes. Almost at the same time, microsatellites were established as the marker of choice for the identification of individuals and paternity testing. The high sensitivity of PCR-based microsatellite analysis was not only of great benefit for forensics, but opened completely new research areas, such as the analysis of samples with limited DNA amounts (e.g., many social insects) or degraded DNA (e.g., feces, museum material) (Schl?tterer and Pemberton 1998). More recently, microsatellite analysis has also been employed in population genetics (Goldstein and Schl?tterer 1999). Compared with allozymes, microsatellites offer the advantage that, in principle, several thousand potentially polymorphic markers are available. Nevertheless, the application of microsatellites to population genetic questions requires a more detailed understanding of the mutation processes of microsatellite DNA as the evolutionary time frames covered in population genetics are often too long to allow novel microsatellite mutations to be ignored. Additional interest in the evolution of microsatellite DNA comes from the discovery that trinucleotide repeats, a special class of microsatellites, are involved in human neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., fragile X and Huntington's disease). A detailed understanding of the processes underlying microsatellite instability is therefore an important contribution toward a better understanding of these human neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Foote M 《Biology letters》2012,8(1):135-138
The distribution of species among genera and higher taxa has largely untapped potential to reveal among-clade variation in rates of origination and extinction. The probability distribution of the number of species within a genus is modelled with a stochastic, time-homogeneous birth-death model having two parameters: the rate of species extinction, μ, and the rate of genus origination, γ, each scaled as a multiple of the rate of within-genus speciation, λ. The distribution is more sensitive to γ than to μ, although μ affects the size of the largest genera. The species : genus ratio depends strongly on both γ and μ, and so is not a good diagnostic of evolutionary dynamics. The proportion of monotypic genera, however, depends mainly on γ, and so may provide an index of the genus origination rate. Application to living marine molluscs of New Zealand shows that bivalves have a higher relative rate of genus origination than gastropods. This is supported by the analysis of palaeontological data. This concordance suggests that analysis of living taxonomic distributions may allow inference of macroevolutionary dynamics even without a fossil record.  相似文献   

Evolutionary dynamics of grass genomes   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:27  

Evolutionary dynamics of Ralstonia solanacearum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated the genetic diversity, extent of recombination, natural selection, and population divergence of Ralstonia solanacearum samples obtained from sources worldwide. This plant pathogen causes bacterial wilt in many crops and constitutes a serious threat to agricultural production due to its very wide host range and aggressiveness. Five housekeeping genes, dispersed around the chromosome, and three virulence-related genes, located on the megaplasmid, were sequenced from 58 strains belonging to the four major phylogenetic clusters (phylotypes). Whereas genetic variation is high and consistent for all housekeeping loci studied, virulence-related gene sequences are more diverse. Phylogenetic and statistical analyses suggest that this organism is a highly diverse bacterial species containing four major, deeply separated evolutionary lineages (phylotypes I to IV) and a weaker subdivision of phylotype II into two subgroups. Analysis of molecular variations showed that the geographic isolation and spatial distance have been the significant determinants of genetic variation between phylotypes. R. solanacearum displays high clonality for housekeeping genes in all phylotypes (except phylotype III) and significant levels of recombination for the virulence-related egl and hrpB genes, which are limited mainly to phylotype strains III and IV. Finally, genes essential for species survival are under purifying selection, and those directly involved in pathogenesis might be under diversifying selection.  相似文献   

Iwasa Y  Michor F 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e17866
Intraneoplastic diversity in human tumors is a widespread phenomenon of critical importance for tumor progression and the response to therapeutic intervention. Insights into the evolutionary events that control tumor heterogeneity would be a major breakthrough in our comprehension of cancer development and could lead to more effective prevention methods and therapies. In this paper, we design an evolutionary mathematical framework to study the dynamics of heterogeneity over time. We consider specific situations arising during tumorigenesis, such as the emergence of positively selected mutations ("drivers") and the accumulation of neutral variation ("passengers"). We perform exact computer simulations of the emergence of diverse tumor cell clones over time, and derive analytical estimates for the extent of heterogeneity within a population of cancer cells. Our methods contribute to a quantitative understanding of tumor heterogeneity and the impact of heritable alterations on this tumor trait.  相似文献   

Many scenarios in the living world, where individual organisms compete for winning positions (or resources), have properties of auctions. Here we study the evolution of bids in biological auctions. For each auction, n individuals are drawn at random from a population of size N. Each individual makes a bid which entails a cost. The winner obtains a benefit of a certain value. Costs and benefits are translated into reproductive success (fitness). Therefore, successful bidding strategies spread in the population. We compare two types of auctions. In “biological all-pay auctions”, the costs are the bid for every participating individual. In “biological second price all-pay auctions”, the cost for everyone other than the winner is the bid, but the cost for the winner is the second highest bid. Second price all-pay auctions are generalizations of the “war of attrition” introduced by Maynard Smith. We study evolutionary dynamics in both types of auctions. We calculate pairwise invasion plots and evolutionarily stable distributions over the continuous strategy space. We find that the average bid in second price all-pay auctions is higher than in all-pay auctions, but the average cost for the winner is similar in both auctions. In both cases, the average bid is a declining function of the number of participants, n. The more individuals participate in an auction the smaller is the chance of winning, and thus expensive bids must be avoided.  相似文献   

Evolutionary dynamics of habitat use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I examine the evolution of alternate genotypes that use two habitats that differ in vegetative cover, focusing on the interplay between ecological dynamics of the community and changes in selective advantage. Facultative habitat choice can stabilize a predator population that would cycle if isolated in the more open habitat. This has important implications for the evolution of habitat use strategies. Local stability arising from facultative habitat use allows any number of behavioural genotypes to co-exist: selective use of the open habitat, selective use of the dense habitat, opportunistic use of both habitats in proportion to availability, and facultative switching between habitats to maximize energy gain. Co-existence occurs because the fitness landscape is flat at the ecological equilibrium imposed by the facultative genotype. In contrast, ecological instability favours the evolution of genotypes with behavioural flexibility to avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time or selective exploitation of one of the habitats. Uncertain information about habitat quality erodes the adaptive advantage of otherwise optimal behaviours, favouring a bet-hedging behavioural strategy synonymous with partial habitat preferences. These results suggest that ecological dynamics could have a strong influence on behavioural heterogeneity within forager populations and that a mixed ESS for habitat use should predominate.  相似文献   

The genetic trajectory leading to viral attenuation was studied in a canine parvovirus (CPV) strain grown on dog kidney cells for 115 transfers. Consensus sequences of viral populations at passages 0, 3, 30, 50, 80, and 115 were obtained from PCR products covering 86% of the genome; clones from each of the 80th and 115th passages were also sequenced, covering 69% of the genome. Sixteen changes were fixed in the 115th-passage virus sample. Levels of polymorphism were strikingly different over time, in part because of a plaque-cloning step at passage 112 that reduced variation: passage 80 had 19 variants common among the clones, but passage 115 had only a single common variant. Several mutations increased in the culture at the same time, with most reaching fixation only after the 80th passage. The pattern of evolution was consistent with recombination and not with separate selective sweeps of individual mutations. Thirteen of the changes observed were identical to or at the same positions as changes observed in other isolates of CPV or feline panleukopenia virus.  相似文献   

Aim model in terms of differential equations is used to explain mammalian ovulation control, in particular regulation for a prescribed number of mature eggs. NIH Grant RO1 GM 32153-01GE  相似文献   

Evolutionary dynamics shape the living world around us. At the centre of every evolutionary process is a population of reproducing individuals. The structure of that population affects evolutionary dynamics. The individuals can be molecules, cells, viruses, multicellular organisms or humans. Whenever the fitness of individuals depends on the relative abundance of phenotypes in the population, we are in the realm of evolutionary game theory. Evolutionary game theory is a general approach that can describe the competition of species in an ecosystem, the interaction between hosts and parasites, between viruses and cells, and also the spread of ideas and behaviours in the human population. In this perspective, we review the recent advances in evolutionary game dynamics with a particular emphasis on stochastic approaches in finite sized and structured populations. We give simple, fundamental laws that determine how natural selection chooses between competing strategies. We study the well-mixed population, evolutionary graph theory, games in phenotype space and evolutionary set theory. We apply these results to the evolution of cooperation. The mechanism that leads to the evolution of cooperation in these settings could be called ‘spatial selection’: cooperators prevail against defectors by clustering in physical or other spaces.  相似文献   

Disruptive selection, emerging from frequency-dependent intraspecific competition can have very exciting evolutionary outcomes. One such outcome is the origin of new species through an evolutionary branching event. Literature on theoretical models investigating the emergence of disruptive selection is vast, with some investigating the sensitivity of the models on assumptions of the competition and carrying capacity functions’ shapes. What is seldom modeled is what happens once the population escapes its effect via increase phenotypic or genotypic variance. The expectation is mixed: disruptive selection could diminish and ultimately disappear or it could still exist leading to further speciation events through multiple evolutionary branching events. Here, we derive the conditions under which disruptive selection drives two subpopulations that originated at a branching point to other points in trait space where each subpopulation again experiences disruptive selection. We show that the general pattern for further branchings require that the competition function to be even narrower than what is required for the first evolutionary branching. However, we also show that the existence of disruptive selection in higher dimensional systems is also sensitive to the shapes of the functions used.  相似文献   

Bacterial symbionts of insects are pervasive and influence several ecologically relevant traits of their hosts. Although there has been rapid progress in understanding the extent and phenotypic outcome of these associations, there is a paucity of empirical data on fine-scale evolutionary processes that operate between the genomes of host and symbiont. Recently published papers examining symbiont relationships of aphids, fruit flies and butterflies are starting to reveal that these associations might be more dynamic than was appreciated previously.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to study the evolutionary divergence of vibrational protein dynamics. To this end, we used the Gaussian Network Model to perform a systematic analysis of normal mode conservation on a large dataset of proteins classified into homologous sets of family pairs and superfamily pairs. We found that the lowest most collective normal modes are the most conserved ones. More precisely, there is, on average, a linear correlation between normal mode conservation and mode collectivity. These results imply that the previously observed conservation of backbone flexibility (B-factor) profiles is due to the conservation of the most collective modes, which contribute the most to such profiles. We discuss the possible roles of normal mode robustness and natural selection in the determination of the observed behavior. Finally, we draw some practical implications for dynamics-based protein alignment and classification and discuss possible caveats of the present approach.  相似文献   

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