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Black-crested gibbons (Hylobates concolor concolor), which inhabit the subtropical forests of southern China and northern Vietnam, have until now never been the subject of any systematic behavioral or ecological field study. This report presents the findings of a three-month field study of wild black-crested gibbons in the Wuliang and Ailao Mountain Game Reserves in Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China. The sites visited consisted of temperate, subtropical, broadleaf evergreen forests, with trees belonging to the families Elaeocarpaceae, Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, and Theaceae. Black-crested gibbons were documented from four sites visited and were found to be polygynous, with an average group size of seven to eight animals. The family groups were observed to comprise one adult male, from one to four adult females, and numerous offspring of various ages. Both sexes of this species emit interactive songs, and various features of this loud vocal behavior were analyzed and are discussed here. Since all other gibbon species were found to inhabit only tropical rain forests and live in strictly monogamous family groups, some of the ecological and evolutionary implications of these findings are also presented.  相似文献   

Predation on vertebrates is infrequent in gibbons. In a 14-month field study of the central Yunnan black crested gibbon (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis) at Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan, China, we observed gibbons attacking, killing and eating giant flying squirrels (Petaurista philippensis). During 845 h of observation on one study group, the gibbons attacked giant flying squirrels 11 times, and succeeded in 4 cases. Although all members of the group attempted to attack the squirrels, all four successful attacks were made by the same adult female. The victims were infants in three cases and a juvenile or sub-adult in one case. Black crested gibbons also attacked adult giant flying squirrels by grabbing their long tails and throwing them from the canopy, but they failed to catch or kill the prey in three cases observed. Passive meat sharing occurred in three out of four successful cases. Besides hunting giant flying squirrels, the black crested gibbons also ate eggs or chicks in two birds’ nests and one lizard.  相似文献   

Many short-term studies have reported groups of black crested gibbons containing ≥2 adult females (Nomascus concolor). We report the stability of multifemale groups in this species over a period of 6 yr. Our focal group and 2 neighboring groups included 2 breeding females between March 2003 and June 2009. We also habituated 1 multifemale group to observers and present detailed information concerning their social relationships over a 9-mo observation period. We investigated interindividual distances and agonistic behavior among the 5 group members. The spatial relationship between the 3 adult members (1 male, 2 females) formed an equilateral triangle. A subadult male was peripheral to the focal group, while a juvenile male maintained a closer spatial relationship with the adult members. We observed little agonistic behavior among the adult members. The close spatial relationship and lack of high rates of agonistic behavior among females suggest that the benefits of living in a multifemale group were equal to or greater than the costs for both females, given their ecological and social circumstances. The focal group occupied a large home range that was likely to provide sufficient food sources for the 2 females and their offspring. Between March 2003 and June 2009, 1 adult female gave 2 births and the other one gave 1 birth. All individuals in the focal group survived to June 2009. A long-term comparative study focused on females living in multifemale groups and females living in pair-living groups would provide insight into understanding the evolutionary mechanisms of the social system in gibbons.  相似文献   

In Cameroon, the social ropalidiine wasp Belonogaster juncea juncea mostly selects human constructions for nesting, but nests installed in the shelter of large boulders were also noted. Nests were founded throughout the year by one female (25.5%) or by associations of two to eight females. Among the 49 colonies studied from foundation, 24 produced at least one adult, and only 5 produced males among the eight that succeeded in producing sexual individuals. After the first dominant female disappeared (died or abandoned the nest, from 77 to 196 days after foundation) the remaining females fought among themselves, leading to a drastic decrease in the total number of brood. They completely abandoned 22 of 24 surviving nests, over a mean colony cycle lasting about 7 months. Hence the colony and nesting cycles were congruent, illustrating that determinate nesting corresponds to the majority of the cases in this species. In the other two nests, some females remained on the nest and began a new colonial cycle illustrating semi-independence between colony and nesting cycles. Up to four successive cycles were completed in this way in the same nest, thus illustrating the phenomenon of serial polygyny (intermediate between determinate and indeterminate nesting cycles). Serial polygyny in independent founding polistine wasps, previously documented only once, has implications for studies attempting to identify factors involved in regulating the colony and nesting cycles in tropical social wasps.  相似文献   

Data concerning the status, habitat, and vocalizations of yellow-cheeked crested gibbons (Hylobates gabriellae) were collected during a short field trip to the Nam Bai Cat Tien National Park (southern Vietnam). Nam Bai Cat Tien may be the southernmost locality where crested gibbons (i.e. theHylobates concolor group) still survive. Fewer songs were heard at Nam Bai Cat Tien National Park than at other crested gibbon sites visited by the author. At least two gibbon groups appear to have been greatly reduced in number since previous surveys in the park. There is some evidence that both the gibbon population and the gibbon habitat in Nam Bai Cat Tien are disturbed. The first case of a great call solo song in wild gibbons of theconcolor group is reported. Great calls ofH. gabriellae are described and documented with sonagrams for the first time. They differ from those previously described forH. leucogenys.  相似文献   

黑长臂猿的群体大小及组成   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
黑长臂猿(Hylobatesconcolor)是长臂猿科中较为原始的类群,对其野外行为生态习性近年来已有所报道,但意见不一。本文根据近两年的野外观察,认为黑长臂猿的群体大小为4.3±1.0只,(范围3—6,n=7),群体组成为1成年雄性,1—2成年雌性,1—3后代个体,群体之大小除与其本身的特点有关外,还与其赖以生存的生境条件好坏有关。  相似文献   

黑长臂猿是猿类中野外行为生态研究最少的一种,因而对其社群结构及配偶体制一直有着很大争议.本文基于近两年在无量山和哀牢山10个月的野外工作,着重阐述了黑长臂猿的配偶体制,我们认为黑长臂猿是以一夫一妻和一夫多妻(至少是一夫两妻)的形式存在,并与其行为、生态及系统发育相关联.黑长臂猿的系统发育地位、成年雌性的领域性及群体的领域性不强和群体的领域较其它长臂猿类大得多可能是形成一夫多委的原因;而黑长臂猿在中国各分。布区的生境均受到不同程度的破坏,这在一定程度上也影响着其社群结构,特别是狩猎有着更直接的影响,活动范围的限制等,可能是形成一夫一妻的原因.  相似文献   

Survey and census of the hoolock gibbon in West Garo Hills,Northeast India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During a long-term study on the hoolock gibbon in Northeast India, a detailed survey was made in West Garo Hills District of the Meghalaya, India from July 1985 to March 1987. Approximately 5,075 km2 of the area was covered. Groups and individuals were counted in 32 localities (812 km2). Interestingly only 1,395 ha was the actual forest area occupied by these gibbons. Forty-two family groups and four floating individuals of gibbons made up the total count. Of these the adult males and females comprised of nearly 67% while the sub-adults, juveniles, and infants were 6%, 12%, and 15%, respectively. Each family group's territory ranged from 14 to 55 ha. Of the 32 localities only 6 had more than one family group. The present paper deals with the diminishing habitats for these gibbons. The discussion is based on the available small forest patches throughout the district (a common feature for the whole of Northeast India) surrounded by bare hills due to shifting cultivation. A strategy for conservation is also outlined.  相似文献   

The black-crested gibbon,Hylobates concolor, is one of the few species of gibbons that has not yet been the subject of a long term field study. Field observations in the Ai Lao and Wu Liang Mountains of Yunnan Province, China indicate that in this area the habitat and ecology of this species differ markedly from those of other gibbons that have been studied to date. These differences are correlated with some behavioral differences. In particular, these gibbons apparently have greater day ranges than other gibbons. It has also been suggested that this species lives in polygynous groups. To demonstrate this requires observation of groups with two or more females with young. Our own observations and those from other recent studies suggest that there are alternative explanations consistent with available data.  相似文献   

We present observations on the breeding patterns in a free-ranging population of common marmosets, Callithrix jacchusWe found evidence of the simultaneous presence of two reproductively active females in all three monitored groups. We recorded at least one full reproductive cycle (conception-birth) for two females in each group, but other adult females did not breed. An overview of data from other callitrichid field studies indicates that the observed pattern may be an additional characteristic of the flexibility of the social organization of common marmosets. Comparisons with data from other sites where callithrixhas been studied indicate that the presence of a second breeding female in a group may be related to high population density, though the underlying mechanisms remain unclear.  相似文献   

Gibbons are characterized by their species-specific calls, or songs. There are few studies of songs of Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus). To study the sound spectrum characteristics and test for intergroup differences in Hainan gibbon song, we studied the singing behavior of Hainan gibbons in Bawangling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Province, China, intermittently from August 2002 to February 2013, collecting 184 recordings. Our results show that: 1) Hainan gibbon song bouts occur mainly 0–4 h after dawn. 2) The songs of adult males living in groups are composed mainly of one to three short notes and one to five long notes, while solitary adult male songs consist only of long frequency modulated notes and no short or single notes. 3) The song chorus is dominated by adult males, while females add a great call. Males do not have a great call, unlike those in other gibbon species. There are no female solos. 4) The sound spectrum frequency is similar in adult males living in two different groups, but the duration of the first long note differed significantly between the groups. The sonic frequencies of male and female songs are lower than those of other gibbons: no more than 2 kHz. Hainan gibbon sound structure is simple, although females participate in the chorus, reflecting their primitive status among gibbon species.  相似文献   

2003年8月—2005年8月,对无量山大寨子5个黑长臂猿群体的结构和组成进行了观察。当一个群体在早晨鸣叫或依次通过树冠时,记录群体的结构和组成。每个群体都由1个成年雄性、2个成年雌性及其后代组成。2003年8月平均群体大小为6·2只;到2005年8月,平均群体大小发展为6·4只,其中有2个亚成年雄性从出生群迁出,且有3只幼猿出生。在3个群体(G1、G2和G3)中两个成年雌性都成功繁殖了后代。同一群体内两个成年雌性间无攻击或等级行为。2005年4月15日,当一只亚成年雌性进入G3的领域后,两只成年雌性对其进行追逐驱赶,并且干扰其与成年雄性配合进行二重唱,成年雄性没有直接驱赶流浪的亚成年雌性,10天后这只亚成年雌性离开了G3的领域。亚成年雄性经常与群体其他成员保持一定距离,并且在出生地通过独唱练习鸣叫。黑长臂猿可能通过亚成年雄性和雌性的迁出,及成年雌性对外来流浪雌性的驱赶维持这种一夫二妻的群体结构。  相似文献   

Black-crested gibbons (Hylobates concolor concolor) inhabit the subtropical forests of Southern China and Northern Vietnam, and have never previously been the subject of any systematic behavioral or ecological study. This report presents the findings of a three-month census and survey of black-crested gibbons in the Wuliang and Ailao Mountain Game Reserves in Yunnan province, China. The censusing methods used here were similar to those techniques used during other census studies of gibbons. The sites visited were subtropical broadleaf evergreen forests, with trees belonging to the families Fagaceae, Theaceae, Magnoliaceae, Lauraceae and Elaeocarpaceae. A total of 23-25 groups of black-crested gibbons were documented from 4 sites visited, and a group density estimate from all sites averaged 0.82 groups/km2. These gibbons were found to be polygynous with an average family group size of 7-8 animals, comprising 1 adult male, 1-4 adult females and numerous offspring of various ages. Some of the ecological and evolutionary implications of these findings are also presented.  相似文献   

Multiple births are very rare among gibbons. The birth of siamang twins at the Zürich Zoo in 1992 therefore presented a valuable opportunity to observe the development of the twins and to contrast it with a survey of previous reports on the development of single offspring of siamang and gibbons of thelar group. Furthermore, the hypothesis that the presence of twins among siamang may facilitate the occurrence of helping behaviour (defined as the care of offspring by individuals other than their parents) was re-examined (Dielentheis et al., 1991). The Zürich twins (one male and one female) were observed for a total of 74 hr during their first year of life. The results show that: (1) The twins exhibited more rapid behavioural development than that reported for single offspring. (2) A clear difference between the twins was observed: the female twin developed more rapidly than the male. (3) Neither the twins' father nor their older sisterRama was ever observed carrying the twins. The hypothesis ofDielentheis et al. (1991) is hence not supported by the present study, although it is possible that the older sisterRama did not carry the twins because she was younger than the juvenile in that study. (4) Siamangs may have a longer maturation period than gibbons of thelar group.  相似文献   

Summary A pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) population in southernmost Sweden was studied for eight consecutive breeding seasons by means of bat boxes. Survival rates were calculated using Cormack's stochastic technique. The mean survival rate of adult females exceeded that of territorial males. Annual variations in survival rates were most evident in males, low rates being observed in years following wet autumns. Energy constraints imposed on territorial males by the mating system, a resource defence polygyny, were assumed to account for the differences obtained in survival rates between the sexes.  相似文献   

The siamang (Hylobates syndactylus) is exceptional among gibbons in that its area of distribution almost completely overlaps those of other gibbons, namely the white-handed gibbon (H. lar) and the agile gibbon (H. agilis) of the lar group. The siamang has almost twice the body weight of the gibbons of the lar group (ca. 11 kg vs. 5–6 kg), and it has been suggested that distinct ecological and behavioural differences exist between the siamang and its two sympatric species. The siamang has been claimed to differ from the white-handed gibbon “in the closer integration and greater harmony of group life” (Chivers, 1976, p. 132). However, few quantitative data exist to support this hypothesis. In the present study, intra-group interactions in captive family groups of white-handed gibbons and siamangs (two groups of each species) were recorded by focal-animal sampling. These data failed to show a consistent association between species and most of the behavioural patterns recorded, such as frequency of aggression, percentage of successful food transfer, frequency of social grooming bouts, and duration of social grooming/animal/hr. A significant difference was found for only two of the variables: Individual siamangs in this study showed longer grooming bout durations, and made fewer food transfer attempts than lar individuals. Only the first of these two differences is consistent with the hypothesis mentioned above, whereas the lower frequency of food transfer attempts in siamangs is the opposite of what should be expected under the hypothesis. On the other hand, two of these behavioural patterns showed a significant correlation with the parameters group size and individual age: Both individuals in larger groups and younger individuals tended to show shorter grooming bouts and a smaller proportion of successful food transfers. Our findings indicate that social cohesion within these gibbon groups may be much more flexible according to and depending on social or ecological influences and less rigidly linked to specific gibbon taxa than previously assumed. A considerably larger number of gibbon groups would have to be compared to provide reliable evidence for or against species-specific differences in group cohesion. Another finding of this study—a positive correlation between the frequency of aggression and grooming—is discussed in the light of the functional interpretations commonly attributed to allogrooming behaviour in primates.  相似文献   

Neonatal and birth weights of gibbons have mostly been reported for single individuals, and larger samples (n = 2–8) have apparently been published for only two species of gibbons (Hylobates lar and H. syndactylus). In addition, a critical examination of the few published neonatal weights of gibbons shows that several of them should not be used. Neonatal weights are here defined as weights taken on infants up to seven days old, whereas birth weights include only those taken on the day of birth. This paper presents neonatal weights for six representative species of gibbons (H. lar, H. leucogenys, H. moloch, H. muelleri, H. pileatus, H. syndactylus) and some of their hybrids. Most of our data stem from surviving animals that were subsequently hand-reared and include 80 infants, thus making the previously available dataset 5 times larger. Our neonatal weights fall roughly into three different classes: neonates of the lar group (about 390 g, n = 27), the concolor group (about 510 g, n = 7), and the siamang (about 540 g, n = 46). This grouping corresponds not only to taxonomic units within the hylobatids, but also to grouping of gibbons by adult body weight. No weight difference between males and females is evident in our sample, and hybrids of the lar group do not appear to differ in weight from pure species. True birth weights (i.e., weights recorded on the day of birth) are available for only a few individuals. These weights are, on average, 7% higher than neonatal weights, but the difference is not statistically significant. Additional samples of neonatal weights suggest that infants that die on the day of birth weigh, on average, 17% less, twins weigh 29% less, and infants born by Cesarean section weigh 19% more than our reference sample of neonates. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the space use of individuals in a multi-male group of the armadillo lizard Cordylus cataphractus . Specific focus was on the adult males and females of the group, because, ultimately, the manner in which adult males and females utilize space determines the mating system. A two-dimensional (2D) grid pattern was delineated at the crevice of a free-living, multi-male group to facilitate the recording of the positions of individuals during observations. All marked individuals ( n =55) that were visible were scanned through a telescope, and their respective positions were recorded at 30-min intervals over several days during the breeding season. Arcview 3.2 Geographical Information Software was used to create a computerized replicate of the 2D grid pattern at the crevice and to depict graphically the recorded positions for each individual using a minimum convex polygon procedure. From the polygons generated by this procedure, it was clear that the space use of adult males overlapped greatly with the space use of adult females, but that there was no overlap in space-use among adult males. Space use overlapped greatly among subadults and juveniles and also among these size classes and adult males and females. Adult male C. cataphractus are territorial, defending specific sites at the crevice. The territory of each male in the group incorporated at least one female. The space use of several females overlapped with the space use of two or more males. Males were observed to mate with one or more females, and one female was observed to mate with two different males on more than one occasion. Cordylus cataphractus males display typical territorial polygyny whereas females may be promiscuous.  相似文献   

Successful or unsuccessful female transfers were observed seven times during a 32-month field study of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) inhabiting a riverine forest along a tributary of the Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia. In all cases, the females voluntarily left their own groups and immediately joined with another one. When adult females tried to shift to other groups, adult males called them back to their own groups, but appeared to be indifferent to subadult females. When the adult females returned, the males never attacked the females physically, but instead often emitted herding sounds to them. One subadult female was repelled by a resident adult female. When one adult female transferred into a new one-male group, she left her behind son in an all-male group. The number of females often fluctuated in most study groups, with this fluctuation being more prominent among subadult females than adult females. It is likely that female transfer in proboscis monkeys is not a rare occurrence and that it is especially common among sub-adult females.  相似文献   

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