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The number of chromosomes in the yeast Saccharomyces exiguuswas determined to be thirteen by two-dimensional pulsed-fieldgel electrophoresis. The thirteen chromosomes ranged in DNAsize from 520 to 2,600 kbp, with a total length of approximately14 Mbp. Numbers I to XIII were assigned to the chromosomes indecreasing order of DNA length. Southern hybridization analysisusing total DNAs from S. exiguus and S. cerevisiae as probesshowed that there was no significant homology between the chromosomalDNAs of the two species, except in the case of the chromosomalDNA that included rDNA. When rDNA and genes LEU2, TRP1, URA3and HO of S. cerevisiae were used as hybridization probes, itwas apparent that S. exiguus had DNA sequences homologous tothe rDNA and to the LEU2 and HO genes. In S. exiguus, rDNA-likeand LEU2-like DNAs were located on chromosomes I and IX, respectively,and HO-like DNA was located on chromosome VI or VII. (Received May 17, 1993; Accepted July 15, 1993)  相似文献   

Buchnera aphidicola is an intracellular prokaryote (endosymbiont)that lives in the body cavity of the aphid. Phylogenetic studiesindicated that it is closely related to Escherichia coli andmembers of Enterobacteria. The gene order of the region containingthe dnaA gene is well conserved in many bacteria. Seven genesof the endosymbiont of the aphid Schizaphis graminum, gyrB,dnaN, dnaA, rpmH, rnpA, yidD, and 60K, were found to be homologousin sequence and relative location to those of E. coli. We havefurther sequenced the region downstream of the 60K gene to elucidatethe boundary of the conserved region, and found that one moregene, thdF , is conserved. The comparison of gene organizationsof the dnaA region of the related bacteria supported the closephylogenetic relationship of B. aphidicola to E. coli. In addition,we have identified groES and groEL genesnext to the thdF gene.GroEL protein was reported to be expressed at an elevated levelin the endosymbionts of aphids, and is considered to play animportant role in their association with the aphid host. Comparisonof the structure of the groE operon with that of the endosymbiontof the aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum revealed the conservation ofa sequence resembling the E. coli consensus heat shock promoter,and this sequence may be responsible for the high expressionof the groEL gene in aphid endosymbionts.  相似文献   

Hybrids (F1) between Nicotiana glauca and N. langsdorffii areprone to develop tumorous tissues on normaltype F1 tissues,namely, genetic tumors. To investigate the patterns of expressionof Ngrol genes during the development of genetic tumors, weperformed an analysis of transgenic genetic tumors that harboredthe promoters of the NgrolB and NgrolC genes fused to a reportergene for rß-glucuronidase (GUS) using a tumorization-redifferentiationsystem derived from F1 plants in vitro. Histochemical analysis of the expression of NgrolB-GUS in normal-typeF1 transgenic plants revealed GUS activity in meristematic zones,while in NgrolC-GUS transformed plants the activity was detectedmainly in the vascular systems of various organs. Tumorous tissues,which arose spontaneously as a consequence of aging or wereinduced by cutting, showed high levels of GUS expression underthe control of promoters of both the NgrolB and the NgrolC gene.Time course analysis during tumorization that followed cuttingof leaves of normal-type F1 plants showed clearly that NgrolB-GUSwas expressed in all dividing cells in the cut region after3 days. By contrast, the expression of NgrolC-GUS was detectedin organized tissues, such as procambium in teratomatous tumors,7–10 days after cutting treatment. During redifferentiationfrom genetic tumors to normal-type plants, the expression ofGUS under control of both Ngrol promoters decreased and expressionresembled that in normal-type tissues. These results suggestthe possibility that the Ngrol genes might be involved in formationof genetic tumors and, moreover, that the expression of NgrolBmight be linked to mitosis and while that of NgrolC might berelated to differentiation of tissues, such as the vascularsystem, in F1 plants. (Received January 19, 1996; Accepted March 24, 1996)  相似文献   

Genetic analysis and a comparison of endogenous levels of gibberellinsbetween the semi-dwarf rice cultivar Tan-ginbozu and the correspondingnormal cultivar Ginbozu have confirmed that Tan-ginbozu is agibberellin deficient mutant and that the semi-dwarfism of Tan-ginbozuis controlled by a single recessive gene. A step in the biosynthesisof gibberellins that is blocked by the mutation in Tan-ginbozuhad been considered to be the synthesis of ent-kaurene or anearlier step. However, the rate of production of ent-kaureneby Tan-ginbozu was almost the same as that by Ginbozu. By contrast,accumulation of only a small amount of ent-kaurene was detectedin Tan-ginbozu, and the amount that accumulated was similarto that in Ginbozu that had been treated with 6.9 x 10-8 M uniconazole-P(an effective inhibitor of three oxidative steps in the pathwayfrom ent-kaurene to ent-kaurenoic acid via entkaurenol and ent-kaurenal).The height of the treated Ginbozu plants was reduced to thesame as that of Tanginbozu plants. Resembling Tan-ginbozu plants,Ginbozu plants that had been treated with uniconazole-P respondedwell to ent-kaurenoic acid and slightly to ent-kaurene and ent-kaurenol.Since the growth-promoting activity of enf-kaurenal in Tan-ginbozuwas similar to that of ent-kaurene, our results suggest thatthe mutation in Tan-ginbozu blocks the three oxidative stepswhereby ent-kaurene is converted to ent-kaurenoic acid. (Received June 9, 1995; Accepted February 15, 1996)  相似文献   

REID  J. B. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(2):163-173
Late cultivars of peas behave as quantitative long day plants.The reason that they flower between nodes 20 and 35 under an8 h photoperiod is shown to be because the leaves and maturestem produce a more promotory ratio of the flowering hormonesas they age. Later formed leaves may also start with a slightlymore promotory ratio than the leaves produced at a lower node.The gene Sn controls the production of a flower inhibitor andit is suggested that the activity of this gene in a leaf isgradually reduced as the leaf ages. From grafting experiments,the site of action of the gene Hr is shown to be in the leavesor mature stem and not at the shoot apex. This supports a previoussuggestion that the gene Hr is a specific inhibitor of the ageingresponse of gene Sn. Gene Hr is shown to cause a substantial delay in the floweringnode of decotyledonized plants of genotype If e sn hr undershort day conditions, suggesting that Hr has little effect inthe cotyledons. It is argued that the gene sn is a leaky mutantand that gene Hr does not control a photoperiod response inits own right but has its effect through the Sn locus. From a comparison of intact plants and self-grafts of the lategenotype If e Sn hr it is shown that under the conditions usedphysiological age may be of more importance than chronologicalage in determining flowering in peas. Reasons for the smalleffect of defoliation treatments on flowering are discussedas well as possible reasons for the promotory effect of decotyledonizationon the flowering node of late lines. Pisum sativum L, flowering, ageing, genetic control  相似文献   

Analysis of the Promoter of the Auxin-Inducible Gene, parC, of Tobacco   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The auxin-responsive region (AuxRR) in the promoter of the parCgene was analyzed in transgenic tobacco plants in which the5' flanking region of the parC promoter was placed upstreamof the gene for rß-glucuronidase (GUS). The AuxRRwas located between nucleotides (nt) –226 and –54.Detailed dissection of this segment revealed that the presenceof the non-contiguous sequences from nt –226 to –151and from nt –84 to –54 was required for the expressionof the auxin responsiveness of the parC promoter. The sequencefrom nt –226 to –151 was found to contain a sequencewhich resembles the as-1 element in the 35S promoter of cauliflowermosaic virus (CaMV). Although it has been reported that theas-1 element is involved in auxin responsiveness [Liu and Lam(1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269: 668], we showed that introductionof a point mutation into the as-1-like sequence completely eliminatedauxin responsiveness, a result that suggests that the sequenceis indispensable for auxin responsiveness. However, the presenceof the as-1-like sequence alone was not sufficient for auxinresponsiveness, since the segment (nt –226 to –84)that included the as-1-like sequence failed to confer auxinresponsiveness on the core promoter. It is possible that thetwo separately located sequences play specific roles in interactionswith trans-factors that are required for the expression of theauxin responsiveness of the parC promoter. (Received March 11, 1996; Accepted July 9, 1996)  相似文献   

A study of the inflorescences ofMonsteraandAnthuriumwas usedto establish a relationship between biological and physicalconstraints for the structure of plant organs. The physicalconstraint between flowers in the compact inflorescences ofAnthuriumandMonsteraisexpressed by Aboav-Weaire's law. The application of this lawto inflorescences indicates a linear relationship between thenumber of sides of a flower and the number of sides of neighbouringflowers. However, the slope of this straight line is significantlyhigher forAnthuriumandMonsterathan that expected in theory.This deviation from the law is attributable to a biologicalcause that can be estimated using Aboav-Weaire's law. Actingalone, the biological constraint tends to produce four-sidedflowers. The equilibrium between biological and physical constraintsreduces the number of sides per flower from six (theoreticalvalue) to 5.9 (inAnthurium) or 5.8 (inMonstera) with a varianceof the measures less than that expected in theory. Furthermore,when flower density in an inflorescence increases (towards themiddle of the inflorescence inMonsteraand towards the lowersection forAnthurium) the number of sides approaches six (i.e.the physical constraint dominates). When flower density decreases(towards the top of the inflorescence) the number of sides approaches5.5 (i.e. the biological constraint dominates). The geometryof the inflorescences ofAnthuriumandMonsterais the result ofthe joint action of biological and physical constraints.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company Monstera,Anthurium, Araceae, Aboav-Weaire, inflorescence, constraint, flower.  相似文献   

A carrot gene homologous to the ABI3 gene of Arabidopsis wasisolated from a carrot somatic embryo cDNA library and designatedC-ABI3. The sequence of C-ABI3 was very similar to those ofABI3 of Arabidopsis and VP1 of maize in certain conserved regions.The expression of C-ABI3 was detected specifically in embryogeniccells, somatic embryos and developing seeds. Thus, expressionof C-ABI3 was limited to tissues that acquired desiccation tolerancein response to endogenous or exogenous abscisic acid (ABA).Endogenous levels of ABA in seeds increased transiently andthen desiccation of seeds started. The expression of C-ABI3in developing seeds was observed prior to the increase in levelsof endogenous ABA that was followed by desiccation of seeds.In transgenic mature leaves in which C-ABI3 was ectopicallyexpressed, expression of ECP31, ECP63 and ECP40 was inducedby treatment with ABA, which indicates that the expression ofECP genes was controlled by the pathway(s) that involved C-ABI3and ABA. This suggests that C-ABI3 has the same function asVP1/ABI3 factor in carrot somatic embryos. (Received March 4, 1998; Accepted September 4, 1998)  相似文献   

Genomic or cDNA clones for the glycolytic enzyme enolase wereisolated from the amitochondriate pelobiont Mastigamoeba balamuthi,from the kinetoplastid Trypanosoma brucei, and from the euglenidEuglena gracilis. Clones for the cytosolic enzyme were foundin all three organisms, whereas Euglena was found to also expressmRNA for a second isoenzyme that possesses a putative N-terminalplastid-targeting peptide and is probably targeted to the chloroplast.Database searching revealed that Arabidopsis also possessesa second enolase gene that encodes an N-terminal extension andis likely targeted to the chloroplast. A phylogeny of enolaseamino acid sequences from 6 archaebacteria, 24 eubacteria, and32 eukaryotes showed that the Mastigamoeba enolase tended tobranch with its homologs from Trypanosoma and from the amitochondriateprotist Entamoeba histolytica. The compartment-specific isoenzymesin Euglena arose through a gene duplication independent of thatwhich gave rise to the compartment-specific isoenzymes in Arabidopsis,as evidenced by the finding that the Euglena enolases are moresimilar to the homolog from the eubacterium Treponema pallidumthan they are to homologs from any other organism sampled. Inmarked contrast to all other glycolytic enzymes studied to date,enolases from all eukaryotes surveyed here (except Euglena)are not markedly more similar to eubacterial than to archaebacterialhomologs. An intriguing indel shared by enolase from eukaryotes,from the archaebacterium Methanococcus jannaschii, and fromthe eubacterium Campylobacter jejuni maps to the surface ofthe three-dimensional structure of the enzyme and appears tohave occurred at the same position in parallel in independentlineages.  相似文献   

To compare patterns of expression between the Ngrol genes ofN. glauca and the Rirol genes of Agrobacterium rhizogenes, weperformed fluorometric and histochemical analysis of transgenicgenetic tumors on the hybrid of Nicotiana glauca x N. langsdorffü(Fl) that harbored a rß- glucuronidase (GUS) reportergene fused to the promoter of NgrolB, NgrolC, RirolB or RirolC The promoters of NgrolB and NgrolCNgrolC had 2- to 3-fold loweractivity than those of RirolB and RirolC However, the changesin patterns of GUS activity caused by deletion of NgrolB andNgrolCpromoters were similar to those of RirolB and RirolC promoters.This result suggests that the cis-acting sequences that regulatethe level of expression of RirolB and RirolC are conserved inthe NgrolB and NgrolC promoters. Furthermore, an auxin dependent(NAA-dependent) increase in GUS activity was observed in thecase of NgrolB-GUS and RirolB-GUS. Histochemical analysis showedGUS activity encoded by both NgrolB-GUS and RirolB-GUS in normal-typeFl transgenic plants was located in meristematic zones, whilethat encoded by NgrolC-GUS and RirolC-GUS was detected mainlyin vascular systems of various organs. Thus, the patterns ofexpression of the Ngrol genes were the same as those of theRirol genes in terms of promotion by auxin and tissue-specificity,indicating that regulatory mechanisms for both sets of geneshave been conserved during the evolution of the genus Nicotianaafter transfer from a progenitor of Agrobacterium to that ofNicotiana. (Received May 2, 1995; Accepted June 13, 1995)  相似文献   

The frxC gene, found in liverwort chloroplast DNA, encodes aprotein of unknown function. The deduced amino acid sequenceof the protein shows significant homology to that of ni-trogenaseFe-protein encoded by the nifH gene. We have cloned the frxCand nifH genes from the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Plectonemaboryanum, using frxC- and nifH-specific probes, and have determinedtheir nucleotide sequences. The amino acid sequence deducedfrom the frxC gene of P. boryanum exhibits 83% homology to thatof the protein encoded by the/rxCgene from liverwort, whereasit exhibits only 34% homology to that encoded by the nifH genefrom the same organism, namely, P. boryanum. Northern blot analysisshowed that the frxC gene was transcribed more actively undernitrogenase-repressed conditions than under nitrogenase-inducedconditions, suggesting that the FrxC protein has a functiondistinct from nitrogen fixation. These results, together withthe phylogenetic relationship between the nifH and frxC genes,indicate that the frxC and nifH genes are derived from a commonancestral gene but have evolved independently to encode proteinswith different functions. (Received April 27, 1991; Accepted August 12, 1991)  相似文献   

A spontaneously occurring somatic mutant of Triticum turgidumdicoccoides showed close morphological resemblance to T. timopheevi(AAGO). The hybrid between the mutant and the T. turgidum dicoccoides‘ mother’ plant was completely sterile, with verylow pollen fertility (0·33 percent). It exhibited a reasonablyhigh frequency of trivalents and quadrivalents at first metaphaseof meiosis, indicating that the mutation involved substantiallevels of chromosome rearrangement. The hybrid between the mutantand T. timopheevi had reasonably high fertility (53·5per cent) and high pollen fertility (86·6 per cent) andalmost regular bivalent formation at first metaphase of meiosis. It is proposed that T. timopheevi could have arisen in consequenceof somatic macromutation from T. turgidum dicoccoides givingrise to spontaneous speciation. The G genome of T. timopheeviis possibly monophyletic in origin, arising from rearrangementof chromosomes of the B genome of tetraploid wheat. Triticum turgidum dicoccoides, wheat, G genome, mutant  相似文献   

This study reports the ability of Fusarium to induce orchidseed colouration and germination. The in vitro bioassay germinationtest, using a Fusarium isolate from the protocorm of Cypripediumreginae, was compared with standard chemical procedures of triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) and acid fuchsin (AC) for testingseed viability. With Cypripedium reginae, Cypripedium parviflorumand Platanthera grandiflora, the efficiency of the bioassaywas similar to that of the TTC and AC procedures. However, thebioassay was more appropriate for estimating embryo viabilityafter a prolonged seed pretreatment (more than 2 h) in 10% sodiumhypochlorite, a surface sterilant often used to enhance germinationof terrestrial species. We also obtained in vitro Cypripediumreginae seed germination induction and protocorm formation bythe same Fusarium isolate. This is the first confirmation ofBernard's early reports that orchid fusaria could stimulateseed germination (Bernard N. 1990.Révue Généralede Botanique12 : 108–120). However, the importance ofthe non-mycorrhizal Fusarium fungus in promoting germinationseems to be relatively minor compared to that of specificRhizoctoniaorchid mycorrhizas. Our results are discussed in light of thecurrent North American strategy on orchid conservation methodswhich proposes the use of symbiotic germination.Copyright 2000Annals of Botany Company Orchid, Cypripedium, Platanthera, seed, Fusarium, bioassay, staining, viability, germination, protocorm, mycorrhiza  相似文献   

NIKLAS  KARL J. 《Annals of botany》1991,68(3):253-262
The flexural stiffness EI, elastic modulus E, second momentof area I, length L, and weight Wt of foliage leaves from 26species of pine were measured to determine the manner in whichEI is scaled to leaf size (L or Wt, or both) and to determineif the biomechanical attributes of foliage leaves could be juxtaposedwith the systematic affiliations of species within Pinus Biomechamcaland morphometric data were explored based on a model from engineeringtheory that predicts the relationships among EI, Wt and L providedthat the maximum tip-deflection max of an untapered cantileveredbeam sustaining its own weight is maintained as the beam eitherincreases in length or weight, or both, I e max = Wt L2/8EIThe data show that EI disproportionately increased as eitherWt or L, or both increased The allometry of leaves did not conformto that predicted by the model Rather, EI was proportional tothe product of Wt and L raised to an exponent slightly greaterthan one Thus, Omax was predicted not to be maintained as eitherWt or L, or both, increased, as verified by observations Therelationship between El and Wt(L) differed for species typicallyproducing two leaves per fascicle and those bearing more thantwo leaves per fascicle Also, El is geometrically constrainedby the number of leaves produced per fascicle, principally interms of the effects of the number of leaves per fascicle onI Pinus, pine, leaves, biomechanics, Young's modulus  相似文献   

Investigations using the Ouchtlerlony double-diffusion techniqueand immuno-electrophoretic analysis showed a much greater numberand diversity of antigens amongst the North American speciesof Solomon than had been found previously amongst the SouthAmerican ones. Double diffusion against antisera to S. tuberosum,S. acaule, S. iopetalum, S. bulbocastanum, and S. cardiophyllumsubsp. ehrenbergii, showed a difference between the speciesin series Bulbocastana and Pinnati-secta, and those in seriesLongipedicellata and Demissa. This technique did not providemuch information on the similarities or differences betweenthe species within these two groups. However, immuno-electrophoreticanalysis of the same species with the antisera to S. bulbocastanumand to S. iopetalum gave results which were easier to analyse,and provided much greater resolution of the individual species. At least one identical antigen was found in all the speciesstudied. Some antigens were consistently present in all speciesin certain series, while others had no apparent significancein their occurrence. Three fast-moving antigens were found tohave different, but characteristic, relative mobilities in differentspecies in the series Bulbocastana and Pinnatisecta. The relativemobilities of these three components were similar in the twosubspecies of S. cardiopkyllum and in S. sam-budnum which isconsidered to be a hybrid of subsp. ehrenbergii with S. pinnatisectum. A separate study on S. moreUiforme and S. clarum emphasizedthe distinctness of S. moreUiforme from all other potatoes,but indicated that S. clarum was more closely related to S.bulbocastanum and subsp. ehrenbergii than to S. tuberosum. With antisera to S. tuberosum and S. iopetalum on the one hand,and to S. bulbocastanum on the other, extracts of S. polyadeniumwere found to react more strongly than the species in seriesBulbocastana and Pinnatisecta with the first two antisera, andmore strongly than those in Longipedicellata and Demissa withthe other antiserum. This indicated that S. polyadenium hadsome of the group-specific antigens from both groups, and therefore,that it may be in some intermediate position between these twomajor groups of species. Problems of evolutionary relationship between Mexican speciesand series are discussed in the light of serological, morphological,arid cytogenetical evidence.  相似文献   

We measured ingestion and clearance rates of two Baltic Seacalanoid copepods, Eurytemora affinis and Acartia bifilosa,on toxic and non-toxic cyanobacteria Nodularia sp. using theisotope technique. Eurytemora affinis fed actively on the non-toxicstrain and moderately actively on the toxic strain, whereasA.bifilosa totally avoided feeding on both strains. This suggeststhat A.bifilosa rejected cyanobacterial filaments due to theirnutritional inadequacy or difficult manageability. The differentresponse of E.affinis to the non-toxic and toxic strains, inturn, shows that this copepod species was able to sense thepresence of the toxin in cyanobacterial filaments and thereforefed less on the toxic strain. The interaction between A.bifilosaand Nodularia sp. was further examined (with the particle countingmethod) by measuring the clearance rates of A.bifilosa on ediblegreen flagellates in the presence of cyanobacteria. The presenceor concentration of toxic Nodularia sp. did not affect grazingrates of A.bifilosa on Brachiomonas submarina. Since earlierstudies have shown that ingestion of Nodularia sp. decreasesegg production and increases mortality in E.affinis, we suggestthat the occurrence of Nodularia sp. blooms in the Baltic Seamay favour individuals of copepod species capable of selectivefeeding, such as A.bifilosa.  相似文献   

Near-isogenic lines have been produced in pea to examine theeffects of genes at the r and rb loci on the growth and developmentof the seed. The rb alleles were found to have an effect onthe growth of the testa as well as on that of the embryo incontrast to those at the r locus which only affect the latter.The relationship between the fresh and dry weights of the embryosof rb isoline and the double mutant differed from that of theround-seeded wild-type line. Furthermore, for this relationship,the double mutant line very closely resembled the rr isoline.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Embryo, growth, pea, Pisum sativum L., rugosus loci, seed development, testa, wrinkled-seeded  相似文献   

Electrophysiological, multi-unit responses from the ethmoidbranch of the trigeminal nerve to chemical stimuli (amyl acetate,d-carvone, l-carvone, l-menthol and toluene) were examined,using self- and cross-adaptation paradigms, to address the questionof whether different chemical stimuli may stimulate trigeminalnerve fibers using different ‘receptive pathways’and thus to suggest whether qualitative distinctions betweendifferent compounds may be made by trigeminal chemoreceptors.No adaptation occurred between l-menthol and toluene, suggestingthat these two compounds activate different receptive pathwaysin the trigeminal nerve which may be capable of making qualitativediscriminations between these two compounds. Symmetrical adaptationoccurred between amyl acetate and d-carvone, amyl acetate andl-carvone, amyl acetate and toluene, and l-carvone and d-carvonesuggesting that these compounds may activate the same receptivepathways in the trigeminal nerve which may not be capable ofmaking qualitative discriminations between these compounds.Asymmetrical adaptation occurred between amyl acetate and l-menthol,d-carvone and l-menthol, l-carvone and l-menthol, d-carvoneand toluene, and l-carvone and toluene. This implies that theprocessing of these stimuli by trigeminal nerve fibers may bemore complex than anticipated previously.  相似文献   

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