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The structure of microbial communities of brown algae, red algae, and of the red alga Gracilaria verrucosa, healthy and affected with rotten thallus, were comparatively investigated; 61 strains of heterotrophic bacteria were isolated and characterized. Most of them were identified to the genus level, some Vibrio spp., to the species level according to their phenotypic properties and the fatty acid composition of cellular lipids. The composition of the microflora of two species of brown algae was different. In Chordaria flagelliformis, Pseudomonas spp. prevailed, and in Desmarestia viridis, Bacillus spp. The composition of the microflora of two red algae, G. verrucosa and Camphylaephora hyphaeoides, differed mainly in the ratio of prevailing groups of bacteria. The most abundant were bacteria of the CFB cluster and pseudoalteromonads. In addition, the following bacteria were found on the surface of the algae: Sulfitobacter spp., Halomonas spp., Acinetobacter sp., Planococcus sp., Arthrobacter sp., and Agromyces sp. From tissues of the affected G. verrucosa, only vibrios were isolated, both agarolytic and nonagarolytic. The existence of specific bacterial communities characteristic of different species of algae is suggested and the relation of Vibrio sp. to the pathological process in the tissues of G. verrucosa is supposed.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics in the level of fucose-containing sulfated polysaccharides (fucoidans) have been studied in three brown alga species from Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan: Saccharina japonica, Sargassum pallidum, and Stephanocystis crassipes. In the latter two species, seasonal variations in the fucoidan content have been analyzed for the first time. During the year, the level of fucoidan in S. japonica varied from 0.98 to 4.19% dry weight; in S. crassipes, from 2.50 to 5.23%; in S. pallidum, from 1.86 to 6.31%. The maximum amount of this polysaccharide is accumulated in algae during reproduction: in August–October for S. japonica; in June and July for S. crassipes; and in July for S. pallidum. No significant correlation has been found between the level of fucoidan in algal tissues and the annual dynamics in sea water temperature, salinity, and concentration of biogenic elements. The obtained data can be helpful in determining the time to harvest algae for fucoidan extraction.  相似文献   

Concentrations of heavy metals Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, and Ni were determined in the thalluses of the green alga Ulva fenestrata sampled from different locations in Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan). According to the metal concentrations in Ulva, the degree of pollution of the surveyed areas in Peter the Great Bay decreases in the following series: Amur Bay > Ussuri Bay > Nakhodka Bay > Vostok Bay > the water area of Far Eastern State Marine Nature Biosphere Reserve. The microelement composition of Ulva from open-shore stations reflects the heavy metal pollution level of water areas as a whole. The concentrations of trace elements in U. fenestrata from closed coastal areas are indicative of marine coastal water pollution from local sources. Generally, metal concentrations in U. fenestrata from Peter the Great Bay are similar to heavy metal levels in non-polluted or weakly polluted coastal areas of the world.  相似文献   

Algae of Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan) were for the first time bioassayed as a source of lectins. From 28 algal species of three orders, only some extracts from brown (Phaeophyta) and red (Rhodophyta) seaweeds were found to cause agglutination of human erythrocytes. The hemagglutinating activity of extracts from three species of brown algae and the red alga Tichocarpus crinitus was caused by lectins; for a majority of extracts from the investigated algae, this activity was due to the presence of substances of non-lectin nature.  相似文献   

Free amino acids, amino sulfonic acids, sugars and sterols have been examined and quantitatively determined in 10 brown seaweeds. Acidic amino acids and their amides are the main components of the amino acid fraction. Cysteinolic acid, taurine and its N-methyl derivatives have been identified in most of the species examined. In all the algae, mannitol is present, sometimes in very large amounts. The sterol fractions of all the species contain fucosterol, cholesterol and 24-methylenecholesterol; minute amounts of 22-dehydrocholesterol and 24-methylcholesta-5, 22-dien-3β-ol have also been frequently detected.  相似文献   

Members of various algal lineages are known to be strong producers of atmospherically relevant halogen emissions, that is a consequence of their capability to store and metabolize halogens. This study uses a noninvasive, synchrotron‐based technique, X‐ray absorption spectroscopy, for addressing in vivo bromine speciation in the brown algae Ectocarpus siliculosus, Ascophyllum nodosum, and Fucus serratus, the red algae Gracilaria dura, G. gracilis, Chondrus crispus, Osmundea pinnatifida, Asparagopsis armata, Polysiphonia elongata, and Corallina officinalis, the diatom Thalassiosira rotula, the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum and a natural phytoplankton sample. The results highlight a diversity of fundamentally different bromine storage modes: while most of the stramenopile representatives and the dinoflagellate store mostly bromide, there is evidence for Br incorporated in nonaromatic hydrocarbons in Thalassiosira. Red algae operate various organic bromine stores – including a possible precursor (by the haloform reaction) for bromoform in Asparagopsis and aromatically bound Br in Polysiphonia and Corallina. Large fractions of the bromine in the red algae G. dura and C. crispus and the brown alga F. serratus are present as Br? defects in solid KCl, similar to what was reported earlier for Laminaria parts. These results are discussed according to different defensive strategies that are used within algal taxa to cope with biotic or abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

We studied the karyotype of the frog sculpinMyoxocephalus stelleri Tilesius (Cottidae) from Peter the Great Bay: 2n=40; NF=46. In the series of two-armed chromosomes, there is a pair of large submetacentric ones, while there are two pairs of large subtelocentric chromosomes in the one-armed series. Ag-NOR staining revealed nucleolus organizer regions in the short arms of two pairs of subtelocentric chromosomes that differed in size. We found neither differences between male and female karyotypes nor variability of any type. The karyotype ofM. stelleri is compared with that of the short-spined sea scorpionM. scorpius.  相似文献   

Koh  C. H.  Shin  H. C. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):225-231
About fifty individuals of four dominant large brown algae were collected by random sampling at monthly intervals using SCUBA. Size frequencies of Sargassum confusum and S. horneri were concentrated mainly in the small size classes during the initial growth phase, but were more or less evenly distributed in most size classes during the fast growing phase. Undaria pinnatifida and Costaria costata showed the same tendency as Sargassum spp., that frequency distribution became even when the plants reached their maximum growth. The kelp species recorded their maximum lengths in March, whereas Sargassum spp. showed their peaks in early summer. The relationships between the length and weight in different growth phases appeared to be dependent on the phenology of each species.  相似文献   

Eight polymorphic loci were surveyed in three samples of the gastropodTegula rustica collected in a clean area of Peter the Great Bay and in three samples from a heavily polluted area of the bay. Macrospatial, microspatial, and temporal differences in allele frequencies and heterozygosity were found at some of the loci; however, the genetic similarity among the samples was very high. It is concluded that allozyme variability at the surveyed loci ofT. rustica cannot be used in pollution monitoring of Peter the Great Bay.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - The composition and seasonal dynamics of meroplankton in Amurskii Bay (Sea of Japan) were studied for the first time. The total survey period exceeded two years....  相似文献   

The first records of 11 species of rotifers from Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan) are reported. Of these, Synchaeta grimpei, Aspelta clydona, Encentrum algente, and E. graingeri are the first records for the Pacific Ocean. Synchaeta pacifica and S. posjetica described from Peter the Great Bay by Chaga (1984) are considered as nomen dubium.Original Russian Text Copyright ¢ 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Chernyshev.  相似文献   

Callus induction and thallus regeneration in some species of red algae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Callus induction was obtained from axenic explants of 14 species of red algae. ASP12NTA solid medium (1.5% agar) supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) was used for callus induction. In most of the species, addition of IAA or BAP at 0.1 mg/L or 1.0 mg/L enhanced callus induction rate or callus size. The combination of IAA (0.1 mg/L) and BAP (0.1 mg/L) was more effective among eight species, while high concentrations of IAA (10 mg/L) showed an inhibitory effect. Great variation in callus form, source tissue, and color of the induced callus were observed. The callus mainly originated from medullary and cortical tissue of the explant. Callus with filamentous, oval and spherical cell chains or disorganized cell mass was observed. The excised calluses from the explants of six species showed sustained growth on subculture. On transfer of the subdivided callus mass of seven species to PES liquid medium, shoot formation and thallus regeneration were observed.  相似文献   

The sterol composition of 17 red algae has been determined. Only C-27 sterols have been found in substantial amounts; details of the structural elucidation of liagosterol (cholesta-5,23-diene-3β,25-diol) are given. The possible taxonomic significance of the sterol distribution is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This review summarizes information published in the 1980s–1990s about anthropogenic pollution in Peter the Great Bay, the largest of the bays in the northwestern part of the Sea of Japan. The coastal zone of the bay occupies about 12% of the area of Primorskii Province and is the most heavily populated. The bulk of the human settlements, the seaports of Vladivostok and Nakhodka, railways, industrial enterprises, and developed agriculture are located in the coastal zone. Sewage waters containing multicomponent mixtures of polluting agents of both mineral and organic origin are discharged into the coastal waters of the bay. This paper presents information about the concentration of major classes of polluting agents (oil hydrocarbons, polychlorinated hydrocarbons, surfactants, heavy metals, and radionuclids) in the water and bottom sediments of the bay. The results of physico-chemical and biogeochemical investigations performed in the 1970s–1990s justify considering Zolotoi Rog Bay, Bosfor Vostochnyi Strait, Nakhodka Bay (especially its innermost portion, around the harbor of Nakhodka), and Amurskii Bay to be the most polluted areas in Peter the Great Bay. The information about the biological consequences of pollution in these water areas is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the gametes in six sea urchin species of the Sea of Japan was studied. The sperm in Strongylocentrotus nudus, S. intermedius, Echinocardium cordatum, Scaphechinus mirabilis, Sc. griseus and Echinarachnius parma are species-specific. The conical head and symmetrically disposed ring-shape mitochondrion are common to regular sea urchin sperm cells. S. nudus is characterized by the bulb-shaped head of the sperm; S. intermedius, by a bullet-shaped one. The sperm spearhead and small amount of post-acrosome material are common to irregular sea urchins; the sperm width: length ratio varies for different species, with the highest for Sc. mirabilis. The sperm of Sc. griseus is characterized by two lipid drops in the middle part of sperm. Asymmetrical mitochondrion disposal is usual for E. parma. Actin filaments are found in the postacrosome material in the sperm of heart-shaped sea urchins. The differences in the fine structure of sperm in cosmopolitan species Ech. cordatum inhabiting the Sea of Japan and coastal areas of the Northeast Atlantic may bear record to the complex existence of species Ech. cordatum. The fine structure of sperm is unique for each of the studied families, Strongylocentrotidae, Scutellidae, and Loveniidae. The eggs of all the species are characterized by vitelline and jelly-like membranes. The vitelline membrane is formed by cytoplasm protrusions; the area between them is filled with fibrillar material. The jelly-like membrane is formed by fibrillar material associated with apical parts of microvilli of the vitelline membrane. The irregular sea urchins Sc. griseus, Sc. mirabilis and E. parma are characterized by chromatophores situated in the jelly-like membrane, with the highest abundance in Sc. mirabilis.  相似文献   

The contents of heavy metals in Sargassum algae and seagrasses from Pos'et Bay in the Sea of Japan were studied. The concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, and Cr in the algae and seagrass leaves were correlated with each other. The concentrations of heavy metals in brown algae and seagrasses from Pos'et Bay were largely close to background levels. Increased contents of some metals found in macrophytes in the area of the port of Pos'et were due to local environmental pollution; around Furugel'm Island, to periodical upwelling and drift currents from the mouth of the Tumannaya River; and, at Cape Deger, to the cyclonic current.  相似文献   

We studied the fouling of piers and quays in Amurskii and Pos’et bays, the Sea of Japan. The main fouling communities and groupings were identified. They were usually dominated by bivalves, the musselMytilus trossulus and the oysterCrassostrea gigas. The exotic speciesBalanus improvisus was found to naturalize in the fouling on the hydrotechnical structures of the Amurskii Bay. The qualitative composition of the fouling of the structures examined was compared using cluster analysis.  相似文献   

Amino acids and low-MW carbohydrates of 18 red algae have been analyzed. Several non-protein amino acids have been identified, including pyrrolidine-2,5-dicarboxylic acid (3c) and N-methylmethionine sulfoxide (5), new natural products, and 13 known compounds, citrulline, β-alanine, γ-aminobutyric acid, baikiain (1), pipecolic acid (2), domoic acid (3a), kainic acid (3b), azetidine-2-carboxylic acid (4), methionine sulfoxide taurine, N-methyltaurine, N,N-dimethyltaurine and N,N,N-trimethyltaurine. Sugars present were mainly floridoside, isofloridoside and mannoglyceric acid. Details of the structural elucidation of new compounds are also given.  相似文献   

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