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According to many investigations, changes in mandibular morphology can occur synchronously with changes in the environment, and sexual dimorphism of the mandible can be influenced by the environment. Sexual dimorphism during the last 1200 years was evaluated using geometric morphometric analysis of virtual cranial models. The method of geometric morphometrics allows differences in size and shape to be assessed separately. We analyzed groups of adult individuals dating to Early Middle Ages, High Middle Ages, Early Modern Ages and from a modern Czech population (21st century). Significant sexual dimorphism in mandibular size was found in all populations. A trend in the sexual dimorphism of size was seen, with differences between the sexes increasing gradually over time. Size changes in female mandibles were a better reflection of environmental conditions and climate than size changes in male mandibles. Regarding changes in the sexual dimorphism of shape, significant dimorphism was found in all four samples. However, the pattern of mandibular shape dimorphism was different and varied considerably between samples. There was only one stable shape trait showing sexual dimorphism across all four samples in our study: the gonion lies more laterally in male than in female mandibles and male mandibles are relatively wider than female mandibles. Sexual dimorphism of shape is not influenced by the climate; instead sexual selection might play a role. This research supports earlier studies that have found that the degree and pattern of sexual dimorphism is population-specific and the factors regulating sexual dimorphism today may not be the same as those in the past.  相似文献   

We compared the shape of the mandible among New World tree squirrels and selected outgroup taxa using linear measurements and areas defined by the median axis and conventional anatomical landmarks. We modified the median axis technique to define novel measurements, which proved complementary to those obtained from conventional landmarks. Allometric analyses showed that the scaling of the mandible among the New World tree squirrels is generally isometric (as has been observed in other groups of mamimals), but diverges from isometry in a tendency in smaller animals for the masseteric ridge to be displaced anteriorly, the condylar process and posterior portion of the ascending ramus to be relatively elongated, and the coronoid process to be shortened. Allometric analyses also revealed the ways and extent that outgroup taxa deviated from the scaling pattern observed for the New World tree squirrels. A flying squirrel (subfamily Pteromyinae), a moderate-sized callosciurine squirrel, and three species of pygmy tree squirrels from Asia and Africa show mandibular proportions very similar to those predicted for New World tree squirrels of corresponding size. Ground squirrels (tribe Marmotini) and successively more distant relatives such as Aplodontia, two myomorph rodents, and a rabbit show greater differences from the New World tree squirrels in their mandibular proportions. Combining the use of median-axis and conventional measurements makes it possible to examine changing relationships between locations of anatomically homologous landmarks and the geometry of the form. J Morphol 232:107–132, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

It was the purpose of this study to determine and analyse strains in the bone of posterior mandible below the removable and fixed partial dentures using Digital Image Correlation Method. Dried mandible with shortened dental arch (Kennedy Class 1) was used in the experiment. The mandible model was prepared for accepting two types of restorations for bilaterally missing molars conventional therapy, and removable and fixed partial dentures were manufactured following standard prosthetic protocol. The models with prosthetic restorations placed in situ were subjected to loading of 50-300 N, and photographed using two digital cameras as part of the digital image correlation method equipment. Afterwards, the obtained data for strains within restored mandible during loading ciclus were analysed in the software Aramis and graphically presented. Percentage size of the mandible strains within the line section are from 0.14 to 0.19% for the removable partial denture experimental model and 0-0.14% for the fixed partial denture experimental model. The study has demonstrated that Digital Image Correlation method can be used to measure strain on the mandible surface and replacements during loading and that from biomechanical perspective both therapeutic modalities can be equally useful for the restoration of the mandible with bilaterally distal edentulous spaces.  相似文献   

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