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The common methods for inactivation of bacteria involve heating or exposure to toxic chemicals. These methods are not suitable for heat-sensitive materials, food, and pharmaceutical products. Recently, a complete inactivation of many microorganisms was achieved with high-pressure carbon dioxide at ambient temperature and in the absence of organic solvent and irradiation. The inactivation of spores with CO(2) required long residence time and high temperatures, such as 60 degrees C. In this study the synergistic effect of pulsed electric field (PEF) in combination with high-pressure CO(2) for inactivation was investigated. The bacteria Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus cereus were suspended in glycerol solution and treated in the first step with PEF (up to 25 KV/cm) and then with high-pressure CO(2) not higher than 40 degrees C and 200 bar. The inactivation efficiency was determined by counting the colony formation units of control and sample. Samples of the cells subjected to PEF treatment alone and in combination with CO(2) treatment were examined by scanning electron microscopy to determine the effect of the processes on the cell wall. Experimental results indicate that the viability decreased with increasing electrical field strength and number of pulses. A further batch treatment with supercritical CO(2) lead to complete inactivation of bacterial species and decreased the count of the spores by at least three orders of magnitude, the inactivation being enhanced by an increase of contact time between CO(2) and the sample. A synergistic effect between the pulsed electric field and the high-pressure CO(2) was evident in all the species treated. The new low temperature process is an alternative for pasteurization of thermally labile compounds such as protein and plasma and minimizes denaturation of important nutrient compounds in the liquid media.  相似文献   

It is well known that in Mammals, spermatogenesis requires a temperature lower than that of the body. In Ectotherms, for example in Insects, male sterility/ fertility according to environmental conditions also remains a neglected field. In Drosophila melanogaster, a complete male sterility after development at 30 degrees C was described in 1971. A similar phenomenon, observed at low temperature, was described two years later. Recent comparative investigations have shown that what was found in D. melanogaster was also valid in other species. In each case, it is possible to define a range of temperatures compatible with a complete development. According to the investigated species, however, this range is very variable, for example 6-26 degrees C or 16-32 degrees C. In each case, the occurrence of sterile males is observed before the lethality threshold is reached. Such a phenomenon is probably important for understanding the geographic distributions of species. The cosmopolitan D. melanogaster lives under very different climates and exhibits corresponding adaptations. In countries with a very hot summer, such as India or the African Sahel, male sterility appears only at 31 degrees C. Crosses between a temperate population from France and a heat-resistant Indian population revealed that a large part of the genetic difference was carried by the Y chromosome. Such a result is surprising since the Y chromosome harbors only a very small number of genes. In conclusion, drosophilid species, during their evolution, were able to adapt to very different climates and the thermal sterility thresholds have changed, following these adaptations. But we still lack an evolutionary hypothesis for explaining why sterile males are, in all cases, produced at extreme, low or high temperatures.  相似文献   

Spores ofBacillus subtilis have been exposed to the conditions of extreme dehydration (argon/silica gel; simulated space vacuum) for up to 12 weeks at 298 K and 80 K in the dark. The inactivation has been correlated with the production of DNA-double strand-breaks. The temperature-dependence of the rate constants for inactivation or production of DNA-double strand-breaks is surprisingly low. Controls kept in the frozen state at 250 K for the same period of time showed no sign of deterioration. In another series of experiments the spores have been UV irradiated (253.7 nm) at 298 K, 200 K and 80 K after exposure to dehydrating conditions for 3 days. Fluence-effect relationships for inactivation, production of DNA-double strand-breaks and DNA-protein cross-links are presented. The corresponding F37-values for inactivation and production of DNA lesions are significantly increased only at 80 K (factor of 4 to 5). The data indicate that the low temperatures that prevail in the outer parts of the Solar System or at the nightside of Mars or the Moon are not sufficiently low to crucially inhibit inactivation by dehydration. Our data place further constraints on the panspermia hypothesis.  相似文献   

Thomas  S. M.  Long  S. P. 《Planta》1978,142(2):171-174
The metabolism of 14CO2 in the cool temperate saltmarsh grass Spartina townsendii was investigated in plants grown in their natural habitats at two temperatures. Both in the spring at 10°C and in the late summer at 25°C radioactivity was initially incorporated into the organic acids malate and aspartate and then transferred to 3-phosphoglycerate in the manner characteristic of the C4 pathway of photosynthesis. Metabolism was not disrupted at the lower temperature as in some C4 plants. Radioactivity was transferred more slowly from malate into alanine, glycine and serine at 10°C, but sugars were labelled equally at both temperatures.  相似文献   

The thermal inactivation of 11 strains of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis at pasteurization temperatures was investigated. Cows' milk inoculated with M. paratuberculosis at two levels (10(7) and 10(4) CFU/ml) was pasteurized in the laboratory by (i) a standard holder method (63.5 degrees C for 30 min) and (ii) a high-temperature, short-time (HTST) method (71.7 degrees C for 15 s). Additional heating times of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 40 min at 63.5 degrees C were included to enable the construction of a thermal death curve for the organism. Viability after pasteurization was assessed by culture on Herrold's egg yolk medium containing mycobactin J (HEYM) and in BACTEC Middlebrook 12B radiometric medium supplemented with mycobactin J and sterile egg yolk emulsion. Confirmation of acid-fast survivors of pasteurization as viable M. paratuberculosis cells was achieved by subculture on HEYM to indicate viability coupled with PCR using M. paratuberculosis-specific 1S900 primers. When milk was initially inoculated with 10(6) to 10(7) CFU of M. paratuberculosis per ml, M. paratuberculosis cells were isolated from 27 of 28 (96%) and 29 of 34 (85%) pasteurized milk samples heat treated by the holder and HTST methods, respectively. Correspondingly, when 10(3) to 10(4) CFU of M. paratuberculosis per ml of milk were present before heat treatment, M. paratuberculosis cells were isolated from 14 of 28 (50%) and 19 of 33 (58%) pasteurized milk samples heat treated by the holder and HTST methods, respectively. The thermal death curve for M. paratuberculosis was concave in shape, exhibiting a rapid initial death rate followed by significant "tailing." Results indicate that when large numbers of M. paratuberculosis cells are present in milk, the organism may not be completely inactivated by heat treatments simulating holder and HTST pasteurization under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Microbial lipolysis at low temperatures.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
It was found that lipase production during the growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens was not a function of the total number of bacteria. The optimal temperatures for bacterial growth and lipase production were determined as 20 and 8 degrees C, respectively. The lipolytic activity was studied in emulsions of olive oil at temperatures ranging from +8 to -30 degrees C. After an initially rapid lipolysis, the reactions retarded at different levels depending on storage temperature. Transference to a higher temperature resulted in a resumed lipolysis. Also, at low temperatures, lipolysis was studied as a function of water activity and was found to occur in dehydrated substrates.  相似文献   

A novel potassium-based dry sorbent (KZrI) was developed for CO2 capture at a low temperature range between 50 °C and 200 °C. The CO2 absorption and regeneration properties of this novel regenerable potassium-based dry sorbent were measured in a fixed-bed reactor during multiple absorption/regeneration cycles at low temperature conditions (CO2 absorption at 50–100 °C and regeneration at 130–200 °C). The total CO2 capture capacity of the KZrI sorbent was maintained during the multiple CO2 absorption/regeneration cycles. The XRD patterns and FTIR analyses of the sorbents after CO2 absorption showed the KHCO3 phase only except for the ZrO2 phase used as support. Even after 10 cycles, any other new structures resulting from the by-product during CO2 absorption were not observed. This phase could be easily converted into the original phase during regeneration, even at a low temperature (130 °C). The KZrI sorbent developed in this study showed excellent characteristics in CO2 absorption and regeneration in that it satisfies the requirements of a large amount of CO2 absorption (91.6 mg CO2/g sorbent) and the complete regeneration at a low temperature condition (1 atm, 150 °C) without deactivation.  相似文献   

The applicability of a fluidized-bed reactor (FBR)-based sulfate reducing bioprocess was investigated for the treatment of iron-containing (40-90 mg/L) acidic wastewater at low (8 degrees C) and high (65 degrees C) temperatures. The FBRs operated at low and high temperatures were inoculated with cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) originally enriched from arctic and hot mining environments, respectively. Ethanol was supplemented as carbon and electron source for SRB. At 8 degrees C, ethanol oxidation and sulfate reduction rates increased steadily and reached 320 and 265 mg/L.day, respectively, after 1 month of operation. After this point, the rates did not change significantly during 130 days of operation. Despite the complete ethanol oxidation and iron precipitation, the average sulfate reduction efficiency was 35 +/- 4% between days 30 and 130 due to the accumulation of acetate. At 65 degrees C, a rapid startup was observed as 99.9, 46, and 29% ethanol, sulfate, acetate removals, in respective order, were observed after 6 days. The feed pH was decreased gradually from its initial value of 6 to around 3.7 during 100 days of operation. The wastewater pH of 4.3-4.4 was neutralized by the alkalinity produced in acetate oxidation and the average effluent pH was 7.8 +/- 0.8. As in the low temperature FBR, acetate accumulated. Hence, the oxidation of acetate is the rate-limiting step in the sulfidogenic ethanol oxidation by thermophilic and psychrotrophic SRB. The sulfate reduction rate is three times and acetate oxidation rate is four times higher at 65 degrees C than at 8 degrees C.  相似文献   

Summary Respiration of an undescribed species of soil nematode of the genus Chiloplacus from the Canadian High Arctic was measured at 2°, 5°, 10°, 15°, 20° and 25°C. The corresponding metabolic rates were 0.2697×10-3 l, 0.3406×10-3 l, 0.8408×10-3 l, 0.8539×10-3 l, 1.8420×10-3 l and 2.9360×10-3 l O2 ind-1 h-1, respectively, for a nematode of 1.0 g dry weight. The relationship between respiration and dry weight for Chiloplacus sp. at 10°C is described by the function log R=-3.0693+0.8844 log W. Q10 values for the 2°–5°, 5°–10°, 10°–15°, 15°–20° and 20°–25°C temperature intervals were 2.18, 6.09, 1.03, 4.65 and 2.54, respectively. Chiloplacus sp. showed raised metabolic rates at low tempetatures compared with species from warmer environments. Metabolic rates of representative samples of the soil, nematode fauna (dominated by individuals of the genus Plectus) from the same location were 0.1593×10-3 l, 0.3603×10-3 l and 0.5332×10-3 l O2 ind-1 h-1 at 5°, 10° and 15°C for an average nematode of 0.4297 g dry weight.  相似文献   

Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. was grown at two temperatures, 20 and 4°C. The protonemata grown at 4°C fixed more CO2 at low temperatures; but their frost tolerance, tested as the recovery of photosynthesis after frost treatment, was not better than in the protonemata grown at 20°C. The effects of the growth temperature were studied on the membrane lipids of intact protonemata and on the lipid and protein contents of isolated thylakoid membranes. A large proportion, 70 to 90%, of the thylakoid membrane lipids was lost unless precautions were taken to inhibit the lipid-degrading enzyme activities. The lipid content of the thylakoid membranes of protonemata grown at 20 and 4°C was 3.9 and 4.8 mol (mol chlorophyll)−1, respectively. Only minor differences were found in the lipid class composition. Monogalactosyldi-acylglycerol constituted more than 50 mol-% of the thylakoid membrane lipids at both 20 and 4°C. However, each lipid class had a higher average number of double bonds per lipid molecule in cold growth conditions. The protein content of the thylakoid membranes was low at both 20 and 4°C. These characteristics of the thylakoid membranes may be a prerequisite for the observed ability of protonemata to photosynthesize even at subzero temperatures.  相似文献   

Previous attempts to determine the distribution of ice in frozen tissues at high sub-zero temperatures generally called for the further cooling of the tissues in question to facilitate freeze-drying, freeze-substitution, and freeze-fracture replication. Direct cryomicroscopic determinations, free from uncertainties stemming from changes in sample temperature could, it seemed, only be made in certain special cases. We have presented an isothermal “freeze-fixation” procedure designed to permit, instead, the postthaw retention of the freezing pattern and the conventional processing, afterward, of the thawed specimen. The method demands the exposure of the frozen tissues to fixative solutions incapable of dissolving ice. Frozen specimens are immersed in aqueous fixative solutions prepared in each instance (1) to freeze at a temperature equal to that at which fixation is to be conducted, (2) to contain quantities of finely divided ice sufficient to guarantee the maintenance of a constant water activity. Frozen frog and rat hearts and skeletal muscle tissues were exposed to formaldehyde, formaldehyde/ glutaraldehyde, and glutaraldehyde solutions at ?2, ?5, and ?10 °C, the temperatures being maintained in each case to ± 0.1 °C, or better. Tissues withdrawn at intervals were thawed, postfixed, dehydrated, embedded, and sectioned. The sections demonstrated the retention, after thawing, of structural features characteristic of the frozen state. The small hearts we exposed to formaldehyde were fixed throughout in 3 hr at ?2 ° and in 20 hr at ?5 °C. The action of osmium tetroxide was investigated. The method appears to be well-suited to numerous experimental applications.  相似文献   

Two strains of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (3644/02 and ATCC 19698) were inoculated (approximately 6 log CFU/ml) into sterilized milk to evaluate inactivation by high hydrostatic pressure. Reductions of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis increased with pressure level. Significant differences were also found between M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis strains and between the media used. Average reductions of 4 log CFU/ml after treatment with 500 MPa are comparable to those caused by thermal treatments.  相似文献   

To determine how long spores of Encephalitozoon cuniculi, E. hellem, and E. intestinalis remain viable in seawater at environmental temperatures, culture-derived spores were stored in 10, 20, and 30 ppt artificial seawater at 10 and 20 C. At intervals of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 wk, spores were tested for infectivity in monolayer cultures of Madin Darby bovine kidney cells. Spores of E. hellem appeared the most robust, some remaining infectious in 30 ppt seawater at 10 C for 12 wk and in 30 ppt seawater at 20 C for 2 wk. Those of E. intestinalis were slightly less robust, remaining infectious in 30 ppt seawater at 10 and 20 C for 1 and 2 wk, respectively. Spores of E. cuniculi remained infectious in 10 ppt seawater at 10 and 20 C for 2 wk but not at higher salinities. These findings indicate that the spores of the 3 species of Encephalitozoon vary in their ability to remain viable when exposed to a conservative range of salinities and temperatures found in nature but, based strictly on salinity and temperature, can potentially remain infectious long enough to become widely dispersed in estuarine and coastal waters.  相似文献   

To determine how long waterborne spores of Encephalitozoon cuniculi, E. hellem, and E. intestinalis could survive at environmental temperatures, culture-derived spores were stored in water at 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 C and tested for infectivity in monolayer cultures of Madin Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells. At 10 C, spores of E. intestinalis were still infective after 12 mo, whereas those of E. hellem and E. cuniculi were infective for 9 and 3 mo, respectively. At 15 C, spores of the same species remained infective for 10, 6, and 2 mo, and at 20 C, for 7, 5, and 1 mo, respectively. At 25 C, spores of E. intestinalis and E. hellem were infective for 3 mo, but those of E. cuniculi were infective for only 3 wk. At 30 C, the former 2 species were infective for 3 wk and 1 mo, respectively, and the latter species for only 1 wk. These findings indicate that spores of different species of Encephalitozoon differ in their longevity and temperature tolerance, but at temperatures from 10 to 30 C, all 3 have the potential to remain infective in the environment long enough to become widely dispersed.  相似文献   

Manganese binding and oxidation by spores of a marine bacillus.   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Mature, dormant spores of a marine bacillus, SG-1, bound and oxidized (precipitated) manganese on their surfaces. The binding and oxidation occurred under dormant conditions, with mature spores suspended in natural seawater. These heat-stable spores were formed in the absence of added manganese in the growth medium. The rate and amount of manganese bound by SG-1 spores was a function of spore concentration. Temperatures greater than 45 degrees C, pH values below 6.5, or the addition of EDTA or the metabolic inhibitors sodium azide, potassium cyanide, and mercuric chloride inhibited manganese binding and oxidation. However, SG-1 spores bound and oxidized manganese after treatment with glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde, ethylene oxide gas, or UV light, all of which killed the spores. Manganese oxidation never occurred in the absence of manganese binding to spores. The data suggest that Mn2+ was complexed by a spore component, perhaps an exosporium or a spore coat protein: once bound, the manganese was rapidly oxidized.  相似文献   

Mushroom strains able to grow at high temperatures and low pH values   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Seven strains of edible mushrooms were studied with regard to mycelial growth on different growth media and culture conditions. Medium WDA (wheat/dextrose/agar) promoted higher rates of mycelial growth for all the mushrooms investigated. The majority of the strains presented higher growth rates at 30°C, but only Lentinus edodes kept maximum rates at low pH (pH 4.0), followed by Stropharia rugosoannulata and Pleurotus ostreatus (pH 5.0). Absence of light favoured rapid mycelium development in all the strains tested.  相似文献   

Adhesion of bacillus spores in relation to hydrophobicity   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
R önner , U., H usmark , U. & H enriksson , A. 1990. Adhesion of bacillus spores in relation to hydrophobicity. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 69 , 550–556.
The adhesion of spores of five different Bacillus species to solid surfaces of different hydrophobicity was evaluated. The spore surface hydrophobicity was measured using hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). A large variation in hydrophobicity was found among the spores of the different species tested. The degree of adhesion of spores to the solid surfaces was consistent with the results obtained using the HIC method. The most hydrophobic spores, according to the HIC method, adhered in a much larger extent to the hydrophobic surfaces. Furthermore, spores generally adhered to a greater extent to hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces than did the vegetative cells.  相似文献   

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