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Thermodynamic and kinetic parameters for the binding of the bovine basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI, Kunitz inhibitor) to human Glu1-, Lys77-, Val442- and Val561-plasmin (EC have been determined between pH 3.0 and 9.5, and from 5.0 to 45.0 degrees C. The inhibitor-binding properties to human Glu1-, Lys77-, Val442- and Val561-plasmin suggest a possible role of BPTI in modulating plasmin activity when the inhibitor is used therapeutically.  相似文献   

The effect of pH and temperature on the apparent association equilibrium constant (Ka) for the binding of the bovine basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI, Kunitz inhibitor) to human and bovine factor Xa (Stuart-Prower factor; EC has been investigated. Under all the experimental conditions, values of Ka for BPTI binding to human and bovine factor Xa are identical. On lowering the pH from 9.5 to 4.5, values of Ka (at 21.0 degrees C) for BPTI binding to human and bovine factor Xa decrease, thus reflecting the acidic pK shift of the His57 catalytic residue from 7.1, in the free enzyme, to 5.2, in the proteinase-inhibitor complex. At pH 8.0, values of the apparent thermodynamic parameters for BPTI binding to human and bovine factor Xa are: Ka = 2.1 x 10(5)M-1 (at 21.0 degrees C), delta G degree = -29.7 kJ/mol (at 21.0 degrees C), delta S degree = +161 entropy units (at 21.0 degrees C), and delta H degree = +17.6 kJ/mol (temperature-independent over the explored range, from 5.0 degrees C to 45.0 degrees C). Thermodynamics of BPTI binding to human and bovine factor Xa have been analysed in parallel with those of related serine (pro)enzyme/Kazal- and /Kunitz-type inhibitor systems. Considering the known molecular models, the observed binding behaviour of BPTI to human and bovine factor Xa was related to the inferred stereochemistry of the proteinase/inhibitor contact region.  相似文献   

Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters for the binding of the bovine basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI, Kunitz inhibitor) to human alpha-, beta- and gamma-thrombin have been determined, between 5 and 45 degrees C, at pH 7.5. BPTI-binding properties to human thrombins have been analyzed in parallel with those of serine (pro)enzymes acting on cationic and non-cationic substrates, with particular reference to the bovine beta-trypsin/BPTI system. The observed binding behaviour of BPTI to human alpha-, beta- and gamma-thrombin has been related to the inferred stereochemistry of the enzyme/inhibitor contact region(s).  相似文献   

The effect of pH and temperature on the apparent association equilibrium constant (Ka) for the binding of the bovine basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI, Kunitz inhibitor) to the 33,000 Mr and 54,000 Mr species of human urokinase (EC has been investigated. Under all the experimental conditions, values of Ka for BPTI binding to the 33,000 Mr and 54,000 Mr species of human urokinase are identical. On lowering the pH from 9.5 to 4.5, values of Ka (at 21.0 degrees C) for BPTI binding to human urokinase (33,000 Mr and 54,000 Mr species) decrease thus reflecting the acidic pK-shift of the His-57 catalytic residue from 6.9, in the free enzyme, to 5.1, in the proteinase:inhibitor complex. At pH 8.0, values of the apparent thermodynamic parameters for BPTI binding to human urokinase (33,000 Mr and 54,000 Mr species) are: Ka = 4.9 x 10(4) M-1, delta G degree = -6.3 kcal/mol, and delta S degree = -37 entropy units (all at 21.0 degrees C); and delta H degree = +4.6 kcal/mol (temperature independent over the explored range, from 5.0 degrees C to 45.0 degrees C). Thermodynamics of BPTI binding to human urokinase (33,000 Mr and 54,000 Mr species) have been analyzed in parallel with those of related serine (pro)enzyme Kazal- and /Kunitz-type inhibitor systems. Considering the known molecular models, the observed binding behaviour of BPTI to human urokinase (33,000 Mr and 54,000 Mr species) was related to the inferred stereochemistry of the proteinase/inhibitor contact region.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the formation of the complex between bovine β-trypsin and the bovine basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) was investigated using three different signals: the displacement of proflavine, the optical density changes in the UV region, and the loss of the enzymatic activity. For the three different signals, with inhibitor in excess over bovine β-trypsin ([BPTI] ≥ 5 × [bovine β-trypsin]), the time course of the reaction corresponds to a pseudo-first-order process. The concentration dependence of the rate is second order at low BPTI concentrations and tends to first order at high inhibitor concentrations. This behavior may be explained by relatively rapid preequilibria followed by limiting first-order processes according to The values of Ki, k+i, and k(on)i ( = k+i/Ki) have been determined for the different reactions at three pH values: 6.80, 4.80, and 3.50. The kinetic parameters differ widely for the processes reflected by the various signals; the difference increases upon lowering pH. The results indicate that the formation of the bovine β-trypsin–BPTI complex is not an all-or-nothing process, but involves several intermediates corresponding to discrete reaction steps, which are differently affected by ionization processes.  相似文献   

Four protein protease inhibitors (I, II, III, IV) having low molecular weights (10 600-6500) and basic isoelectric points were isolated by affinity chromatography from bovine spleen. Inhibitor IV was identified as the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz inhibitor); the presence and distribution of components I, II and III vary in the different bovine organs. Spleen inhibitors I, II, III and IV were purified by ion-exchange chromatography; they form 1:1 complexes with trypsin and inhibit enzymatic activity of trypsin, chymotrypsin and kallikrein. Inhibitors I, II and III contain carbohydrate moieties (7-4%) covalently bound to the polypeptide chain. Specific basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor antiserum has shown the complete identity between inhibitor IV and the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, while partial cross-reactivity between the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and inhibitors I, II and III can be seen from a double immunodiffusion test.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature and pH on the association equilibrium constant (Ka) for the binding of the bovine pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (bovine PSTI, type I; Kazal inhibitor) to bovine β-trypsin, bovine α-chymotrypsin and bovine trypsinogen has been investigated. The results suggest that serine (pro)enzyme inhibitor interaction involves both rigorous spatial configuration and molecular flexibility.  相似文献   

The formation of the bovine beta-trypsin-bovine basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz) (BPTI) complex was monitored, making use of three different signals: proflavine displacement, optical density changes in the ultraviolet region, and the loss of the catalytic activity. The rates of the reactions indicated by the three different signals were similar at neutral pH, but diverged at low pH. At pH 3.50, proflavine displacement precedes the optical density changes in the ultraviolet and the loss of enzyme activity by several orders of magnitude in time (Antonini, E., Ascenzi, P., Menegatti, E., and Guarneri, M. (1983) Biopolymers 22, 363-375). These data indicated that the bovine beta-trypsin-BPTI complex formation is a multistage process and led to the prediction that, at pH 3.50, BPTI addition to the bovine beta-trypsin-proflavine complex would remove proflavine inhibition and the enzyme would recover transiently its catalytic activity before being irreversibly inhibited by completion of BPTI binding. The kinetic evidences, by completion of BPTI binding. The kinetic evidences, here shown, verified this prediction, indicating that during the bovine beta-trypsin-BPTI complex formation one transient intermediate occurs, which is not able to bind proflavine but may bind and hydrolyze the substrate. Thus, the observed peculiar catalytic behavior is in line with the proposed reaction mechanism for the bovine beta-trypsin-BPTI complex formation, which postulates a sequence of distinct polar and apolar interactions at the contact area.  相似文献   

The stability of native and reduced bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz inhibitor) in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride and their reaction with acetamidomethanol, in the same solvent, have been investigated. The bovine Kunitz inhibitor appears to be stable in liquid hydrogen fluoride but the reduced molecule loses about 50% of its ability to regain inhibitory power, upon air oxidation, by exposure to this solvent. Tyrosine residues appear to be affected by acetamidomethylation of the native protein to give a modified inhibitor which is still highly active in inhibiting trypsin. The extent of correct refolding, upon reoxidation, of the reduced tyrosine modified-inhibitor is greatly diminished. Tyrosine modification can be prevented by carrying out the acetamidomethylation reaction in the presence of excess anisole. The stability constants and the standard free energies of binding of the complexes between trypsin and the native and the tyrosine modified-inhibitor have been determined.  相似文献   

The effect of pH and temperature on the apparent association equilibrium constant (Ka) for the binding of the bovine and porcine pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (Kazal-type inhibitor, PSTI) to human leukocyte elastase has been investigated. At pH 8.0, values of the apparent thermodynamic parameters for human leukocyte elastase: Kazal-type inhibitor complex formation are: bovine PSTI--Ka = 6.3 x 10(4) M-1, delta G degree = -26.9 kJ/mol, delta H degree = +11.7 kJ/mol, and delta S degree = +1.3 x 10(2) entropy units; porcine PSTI--Ka = 7.0 x 10(3) M-1, delta G degree = -21.5 kJ/mol, delta H degree = +13.0 kJ/mol, and delta S degree = +1.2 x 10(2) entropy units (values of Ka, delta G degree and delta S degree were obtained at 21.0 degrees C; values of delta H degree were temperature independent over the range (between 5.0 degrees C and 45.0 degrees C) explored). On increasing the pH from 4.5 to 9.5, values of Ka for bovine and porcine PSTI binding to human leukocyte elastase increase thus reflecting the acidic pK-shift of the His57 catalytic residue from congruent to 7.0, in the free enzyme, to congruent to 5.1, in the serine proteinase: inhibitor complexes. Thermodynamics of bovine and porcine PSTI binding to human leukocyte elastase has been analyzed in parallel with that of related serine (pro)enzyme/Kazal-type inhibitor systems. Considering the known molecular models, the observed binding behaviour of bovine and porcine PSTI to human leukocyte elastase was related to the inferred stereochemistry of the serine proteinase/inhibitor contact region(s).  相似文献   

We have investigated the binding of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) to bovine trypsinogen by combining ultrasonic velocimetry, high precision densimetry, and fluorescence spectroscopy. We report the changes in volume, adiabatic compressibility, van't Hoff enthalpy, entropy, and free energy that accompany the association of the two proteins at 25 degrees C and pH 8.0. We have used the measured changes in volume and compressibility in conjunction with available structural data to characterize the binding-induced changes in the hydration properties and intrinsic packing of the two proteins. Our estimate reveals that 110 +/- 40 water molecules become released to the bulk from the hydration shells of BPTI and trypsinogen. Furthermore, we find that the intrinsic coefficient of adiabatic compressibility of the two proteins decreases by 14 +/- 2%, which is suggestive of the binding-induced rigidification of the proteins' interior. BPTI-trypsinogen association is an entropy-driven event which proceeds with an unfavorable change in enthalpy. The favorable change in entropy results from partial compensation between two predominant terms. Namely, a large favorable change in hydrational entropy slightly prevails over a close in magnitude but opposite in sign change in configurational entropy. The reduction in configurational entropy and, consequently, protein dynamics is consistent with the observed decrease in intrinsic compressibility. In general, results of this work emphasize the vital role that water plays in modulating protein recognition events.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the formation of the complex between bovine β-trypsin and the porcine pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (PSTI; Kazal-type inhibitor) was investigated following the spectral changes associated with the displacement of proflavine from the enzyme, upon inhibitor binding, between pH 3.5 and 8.0 (I = 0.1M) at 21 ± 0.5°C. With inhibitor in excess over the enzyme ([PSTI] ≥ 5 × [bovine β-trypsin]), the time course of the reaction corresponds to a pseudo-first-order process. Over the whole pH range explored, the concentration dependence of the rate is second order at low PSTI concentrations but tends to first order at high inhibitor concentrations. This behavior may be explained by a relatively fast pre-equilibrium followed by a limiting first-order process. Values of kinetic parameters for PSTI binding to bovine β-trypsin depend, between pH 3.5 and 8.0, on the acid–base equilibrium of a single ionizing group (probably His-57 of bovine β-trypsin) that undergoes an acidic pKa shift from 7.0 in the free bovine β-trypsin to 5.5 in the enzyme:PSTI complex. Kinetics of the bovine β-trypsin:PSTI adduct formation has been analyzed and compared with that of other (pro)enzyme:inhibitor reactions. Considering the known molecular structures of free serine (pro)enzymes, of Kazal- and Kunitz-type inhibitors, as well as of their complexes, the binding behavior of PSTI to bovine β-trypsin has been related to the inferred stereochemistry of the proteinase:inhibitor contact region.  相似文献   

Chang J  Ballatore A 《FEBS letters》2000,473(2):183-187
In the presence of denaturant and thiol initiator, the native bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) denatures by shuffling its native disulfide bonds and converts to a mixture of scrambled isomers. The extent of denaturation is evaluated by the relative yields of the scrambled and native species of BPTI. BPTI is an exceedingly stable molecule and can be effectively denatured only by guanidine thiocyanate (GdmSCN) at concentrations higher than 3-4 M. The denatured BPTI consists of at least eight fractions of scrambled isomers. Their composition varies under increasing concentrations of GdmSCN. In the presence of 6 M GdmSCN, the most predominant fraction of scrambled BPTI accounts for 56% of the total structure of denatured BPTI. Structural analysis reveals that this predominant fraction contains the bead-form isomer of scrambled BPTI, bridged by three pairs of neighboring cysteines, Cys5-Cys14, Cys30-Cys38 and Cys51-Cys55. The extreme conformational stability of BPTI has important implications in its distinctive folding pathway.  相似文献   

The native conformation of a protein may be expressed in terms of the dihedral angles, phi's and psi's for the backbone, and kappa's for the side chains, for a given geometry (bond lengths and bond angles). We have developed a method to obtain the dihedral angles for a low-energy structure of a protein, starting with the X-ray structure; it is applied here to examine the degree of flexibility of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Minimization of the total energy of the inhibitor (including nonbonded, electrostatic, torsional, hydrogen bonding, and disulfide loop energies) yields a conformation having a total energy of -221 kcal/mol and a root mean square deviation between all atoms of the computed and experimental structures of 0.63 A. The optimal conformation is not unique, however, there being at least two other conformations of low-energy (-222 and -220 kcal/mol), which resemble the experimental one (root mean square deviations of 0.66 and 0.64 A, respectively). These three conformations are located in different positions in phi, psi space, i.e., with a total deviation of 81 degrees, 100 degrees and 55 degrees from each other (with a root mean square deviation of several degrees per dihedral angle from each other). The nonbonded energies of the backbones, calculated along lines in phi, psi space connecting these three conformations, are all negative, without any intervening energy barriers (on an energy contour map in the phi, psi plane). Side chains were attached at several representative positions in this plane, and the total energy was minimized by varying the kappa's. The energies were of approximately the same magnitude as the previous ones, indicating that the conformation of low energy is flexible to some extent in a restricted region of phi, psi space. Interestingly, the difference delta phi i+1 in phi i+1 for the (i + 1)th residue from one conformation to another is approximately the same as -delta psi i for the ith residue; i.e., the plane of the peptide group between the ith and (i + 1)th residues re-orient without significant changes in the positions of the other atoms. The flexibility of the orientations of the planes of the peptide groups is probably coupled in a cooperative manner to the flexibility of the positions of the backbone and side-chain atoms.  相似文献   

P Brandt  C Woodward 《Biochemistry》1987,26(11):3156-3167
Hydrogen exchange rates of six beta-sheet peptide amide protons in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) have been measured in free BPTI and in the complexes trypsinogen-BPTI, trypsinogen-Ile-Val-BPTI, bovine trypsin-BPTI, and porcine trypsin-BPTI. Exchange rates in the complexes are slower for Ile-18, Arg-20, Gln-31, Phe-33, Tyr-35, and Phe-45 NH, but the magnitude of the effect is highly variable. The ratio of the exchange rate constant in free BPTI to the exchange rate constant in the complex, k/kcpIx, ranges from 3 to much greater than 10(3). Gln-31, Phe-45, and Phe-33 NH exchange rate constants are the same in each of the complexes. For Ile-18 and Tyr-35, k/kcpIx is much greater than 10(3) for the trypsin complexes but is in the range 14-43 for the trypsinogen complexes. Only the Arg-20 NH exchange rate shows significant differences between trypsinogen-BPTI and trypsinogen-Ile-Val-BPTI and between porcine and bovine trypsin-BPTI.  相似文献   

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