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Blood metabolites and urea kinetics were determined in starveling elephant seal pups to assess the transition to stage III fasting in this fasting-adapted species. Five postmolt and two premolt starvelings, denned as having a mass <50 kg, were studied until death or departure to sea. Premolt starvelings died on the rookery while postmolt starvelings departed to sea. Increased mass loss and a significant inverse relationship between mass and the ratio of blood urea nitrogen to creatinine suggested that premolt starvelings had enrered stage III starvation prior to death while urea kinetics suggested that postmolt pups engaged stage III starvation prior to departure. The mean rate of protein catabolism was estimated at 19.4 g/d for departing starvelings, twice the absolute rate and about four times the mass-specific rate estimated in healthy weanlings after eight weeks of fasting. Three starvelings stranded after departure, possibly as a result of thermoregulatory challenges and inefficient dive behavior. Entrance into stage III fasting interrupts the development of diving in emaciated pups (<50 kg) suggesting that an increased rate of protein catabolism might be linked to the cue to forage. This biochemical trigger is possibly different than the cue to feed in healthy weanlings, which depart the rookery with substantial fat stores.  相似文献   

Spotted seals (Phoca largha) are a critically endangered pinniped in China. Artificial rescue of newborn pups is a conventional method to enhance their survival and maintain the population. However, little is known about the variations in the physiological state of spotted seal pups following artificial rescue. Here, an integrated proteomics and metabolomics study was performed on spotted seal pups by using whole blood samples to characterize the molecular response to artificial rescue. The proteome was characterized as having 1165 proteins that were predominantly associated with the metabolic pathways, and the complement and coagulation cascades. Remarkable variation was found in spotted seal pup blood following artificial rescue, whereby the levels of 193 proteins and 32 metabolites significantly varied in some metabolic pathways, including glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchor biosynthesis, focal adhesion, cardiac muscle contraction, and fatty acid beta-oxidation. After rescue, spotted seal pups had a higher risk to mild hemolytic disorder due to the energy metabolism in the red blood cells was possibly suppressed. Moreover, spotted seal pups after rescue could have stronger anaerobic exercise abilities, while their capacity for long-term high-intensity exercise was weaker.  相似文献   

This study compared the efficacy of longitudinal and cross-sectional sampling regimes for detecting developmental changes in total body oxygen (TBO2) stores that accompany behavioral development in free-ranging harbor seal pups. TBO2 stores were estimated for pup (n = 146) and adult female (n = 20) harbor seals. Age related changes were compared between pups captured repeatedly during the lactation period (longitudinal dataset) and a second group of pups handled only once (cross-sectional dataset). At each handling, hematocrit, hemoglobin, red blood cell count, total plasma volume, blood volume, muscle myoglobin concentration, and blood and muscle oxygen stores were determined. Comparisons across age categories revealed newborn blood oxygen stores were initially elevated, declined to low values by early lactation, and increased through post-weaning. Muscle oxygen stores remained low and constant throughout lactation and only increased significantly post-weaning. Overall TBO2 stores increased 17% during lactation, and weaned pups had TBO2 stores that were 55% as large as those of adults. Thus, significant increases in TBO2 stores must occur after weaning, as pups begin to forage independently. Results from the two sampling schemes did not differ, indicating that the logistically simpler cross-sectional design can be used to monitor physiological development in harbor seals.  相似文献   

Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) populations in the inland waters of Washington and British Columbia are at or near carrying capacity. Stranded pups often are collected and admitted to rehabilitation centers, and then released when they reach a weight of 22 kg and meet a variety of preestablished health and release conditions. While rehabilitation is common practice, it is unclear if rehabilitated seal pups behave like wild weaned pups. Using satellite transmitters, we compared movement patterns of 10 rehabilitated pups with 10 wild weaned pups. When released, rehabilitated seals were longer and heavier than wild pups, while wild pups had a larger mean axillary girth. No clinically different blood parameters were detected. On average, rehabilitated harbor seal pups traveled nearly twice as far cumulatively, almost three times as far daily, and dispersed over three times as far from the release site compared to wild weaned seals. Additionally, wild harbor seals transmitted nearly twice as long as did rehabilitated seals. These patterns suggest that learned behavior during the brief 3–4 wk nursing period likely enables wild harbor seal pups to move less daily and remain closer to their weaning site than rehabilitated pups.  相似文献   

Red blood cell (RBC) aggregation and blood viscosity are important determinants of in vivo blood flow dynamics and, in marine mammals, these parameters may impact diving physiology by altering blood oxygen delivery during the diving response. Weddell seals are superb divers and exhibit age-related patterns in blood oxygen chemistry and diving ability. By contrast, bowhead whales are not long duration divers, and little is known of their blood properties relative to diving. The present study was designed to compare rheological characteristics of blood from Weddell seal pups, Weddell seal adults, and from adult bowhead whales: blood viscosity and RBC aggregation in plasma and in polymer solutions (i.e., RBC "aggregability") were measured. Salient findings included: (1) significant 4- to 8-fold greater aggregation in blood from adult seals compared with pups and human subjects; (2) 2-to 8-fold greater aggregation in bowhead whale blood compared with human blood; (3) compared to human red cells, enhanced RBC aggregability of RBC from adult seals and whales as determined by their greater aggregation in polymer solutions; (4) increasing RBC aggregation and aggregability of seal pup blood over a seven day period following birth; (5) significantly greater blood viscosity for adult seals compared with pups at both native and standardized hematocrits. These results indicate that, for both species, hemorheological parameters differ markedly from those of humans, and suggest progressive changes with seal age; the physiological implications of these differences have yet to be fully defined.  相似文献   

Unlike most mammals, hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) pups are born with a substantial layer of adipose tissue. Subsequently, during the brief lactation period of only 4 days, fasting mothers mobilize enormous amounts of lipid from blubber and secrete milk (60% fat) at rates of 10 kg·day-1. Pups gain 7 kg·day-1 due primarily to the deposition of fat in blubber. We measured blubber content and fatty acid composition of blubber and milk in hooded seal mother-pup pairs at birth and over the 4-day lactation period to examine the nature and source of fetal lipids, the incorporation of maternal blubber fatty acids into milk lipid, and patterns of fatty acid deposition in suckling young. The fatty acid composition of the blubber of the newborn was notably different from that of its mother. Fetal deposition was likely due to a combination of both fetal synthesis and direct placental transfer of maternal circulating fatty acids. The blubber of the newborn was characterized by high levels (>90% of total fatty acids) of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids of primarily endogenous origin. In particular, the fetus appeared to have high Δ-9 desaturase activity as evidenced by the large amounts of 14:1n-5 (4.2%) and 16:1n-7 (37.0%) in newborn blubber compared to maternal blubber (0.2% and 14.1%, respectively). Nevertheless, essential and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-3 and n-6 families, which could only have originated by direct transfer from the mother, comprised>7% of pup blubber fatty acids and indicated greater rates of placental transfer than found in humans. In hooded seal mothers, rapid lipid transfer during the brief lactation period appeared to be facilitated by direct incorporation of mobilized fatty acids into milk. Although some differences in proportions of specific fatty acids were found between milk and maternal blubber, most of these differences declined over the course of lactation. However, selective mobilization of 20:5n-3 from maternal blubber into milk was apparent throughout lactation and resulted in elevated levels in pup blubber at weaning compared to maternal blubber. Ingested fatty acids were deposited directly and without modification into the blubber of pups, and by 4 days the fatty acid composition of pup blubber was virtually identical to that of the milk consumed.  相似文献   

This study on harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) pups of the North Sea evaluated concentrations of 14 essential and non-essential elements (Al, As, Be, Ca, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, and Zn) in whole blood samples. The essential elements are analyzed to give references for health status determinations of pups. The measurement of classic toxic metals, like Pb or Cd, and other elements that may be in toxic concentrations in blood, is important due to their influence on health, particularly on the immune system. Blood samples of six seal pups found on the German Wadden Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein in 2004 and transported to the Seal Centre Friedrichskoog, Germany were collected. The blood sampling was performed three times, immediately after collection of the newborns, after 1.5 months, and after 2 months before their release back into the wild. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry were used to determine the element concentrations. We found higher concentrations of Al, As, Fe, Mo, and Zn in blood samples of newborns compared to samples collected later, probably due to transplacental and lactational transfer from mother to fetus. Furthermore, there is a high need for, in particular, Fe and Zn in the developing organism, which may cause reduced values after some month. In contrast, the concentrations of Be, Cd, Ca, Cr, Pb, Mn, Ni, Se, and Sn, which were low in newborns and increased during the study, may be due to the fish fed to infant pups. Compared to free-ranging adults, in pups, the concentrations of Al, Ni, and Pb were higher in contrast to lower concentrations of As, Mn, and Mo. This case study is the first report on element levels in harbor seal pups of the North Sea.  相似文献   

Brown hyenas (Parahyaena brunnea) scavenge and kill seal pups at mainland Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) colonies. The prey encounter interval and interval between kills depended on seal density, and increased density resulted in an increase of the capture rate and increase in hunting efficiency from 14% in November to 47% in January. The time brown hyenas spent at the seal colony decreased with increasing seal density and increasing air temperatures. Nevertheless, they were regularly active during the day when less adult seals were present at the colony, which indicates that the attendance of adult seals might play a role in the choice of foraging time. Brown hyenas killed seal pups throughout the study period. The predation rate was independent of the availability of non-violent mortalities, but the absolute number of kills was positively density-dependent. Mass kill events were recorded throughout the study period and are therefore not unusual occurrences. The overabundance of easy and vulnerable prey may lead to an over stimulus situation that triggers killing independent of the consumption of the prey or the hunger state.  相似文献   

Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) pups begin diving within hours of birth, stimulating the development of the blood oxygen (O2) stores necessary to sustain underwater aerobic metabolism. Since harbor seals experience a brief nursing period, the early-life development of these blood O2 stores is necessary for successful post-weaning foraging. If mothers and pups become prematurely separated, the pup may be transported to a wildlife rehabilitation center for care. Previous studies suggest that the shallow pools and lack of diving in rehabilitation facilities may lead to under-developed blood O2 stores, but diving behavior during rehabilitation has not been investigated. This study aimed to simultaneously study the diving behaviors and blood O2 store development of rehabilitating harbor seal pups. Standard hematology measurements (Hct, Hb, RBC, MCV, MCH, MCHC) were taken to investigate O2 storage capacity and pups were equipped with time-depth recorders to investigate natural diving behavior while in rehabilitation. Linear mixed models of the data indicate that all measured blood parameters changed with age; however, when compared to literature values for wild harbor seal pups, rehabilitating pups have smaller red blood cells (RBCs) that can store less hemoglobin (Hb) and subsequently, less O2, potentially limiting their diving capabilities. Wild pups completed longer dives at younger ages (maximum reported <25 days of age: 9 min) in previous studies than the captive pups in this study (maximum <25 days of age: 2.86 min). However, captivity may only affect the rate of development, as long duration dives were observed (maximum during rehabilitation: 13.6 min at 89 days of age). Further, this study suggests that there may be a positive relationship between RBC size and the frequency of long duration dives. Thus, rehabilitating harbor seal pups should be encouraged to make frequent, long duration dives to prepare themselves for post-release foraging.  相似文献   

In phocid seals, blubber serves as the main thermal insulation instead of fur. The thermal function of fur, at least in adult phocid seals, has therefore been questioned. We measured the relative contribution of fur to the combined thermal resistance (insulation) offered by blubber, skin, and fur in newborn and adult harp ( Pagophilus groenlandicus ) and hooded ( Cystophora cristata ) seals, in air and water, to elucidate the role of fur as insulation in phocid seals. In air the fur contributed 90% of the combined thermal resistance of blubber, skin, and fur in newborn harp seal pups and 29% in adulrs, whereas in hooded seals the fur contributed 73% in newborn pups and 34% in adults. When submerged the thermal resistance of the fur was reduced by 84%-92%, and contributed 65% to the total insulation in newborn harp seal pups and 3% in adults, and 26% in newborn hooded seal pups and 5% in adults. We conclude that in air the fur of phocid seals makes an important contribution to the insulation of pups, and also contributes considerably to the insulation of adult animals. In water, even though the thermal resistance of the fur is dramatically reduced, the fur still contributes substantially to the insulation of pups, but its contribution in adults is negligible.  相似文献   

Grey seals among other phacoids represent a good model to study the mobilisation, transfer and deposition of fat-soluble components such as vitamins in lactating females and suckling pups because during the lactation period mothers may fast completely while secreting large quantities of high fat milks, and pups deposit large amounts of fat as blubber. The level of vitamins A and E in different tissues (liver, adipose tissue, kidney, heart, skeletal muscle, testis) and blood plasma of adult grey seal females and males changed as a result of fasting and lactation; changes were also observed in pups. The most obvious effects were a significant increase of retinol and a decrease of vitamin E levels in plasma of females with the onset of lactation as well as a substantial decrease in liver vitamin E. In suckling pups both retinol and vitamin E levels in plasma increased with the onset of suckling; after weaning no changes in retinol but a significant decrease in plasma vitamin E was observed. While liver vitamin A levels tended to be unaffected by suckling or post-weaning fast, liver vitamin E levels increased with the uptake of milk substantially (P<0.01) and returned at weaning to low levels similar to that in fetuses. Adipose tissue levels of vitamin A and E in both females and pups were only marginally affected by lactation, suckling or post-weaning fast. Results indicate that both plasma and liver levels of vitamin A and E are affected by the mobilisation, absorption and deposition of these components during lactation in seals to a much greater extent than adipose tissue, from which fat-soluble vitamins are mobilized at rates similar to that of lipids.  相似文献   

Standard hematologic and serum chemistry parameters were determined from 28 harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) and 20 hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) sampled from 6 March 2001 to 13 March 2001 during the breeding season. Whole blood was collected immediately postmortem from harp seal mother-pup pairs and from six hooded seal pups, and from live-captured adult hooded seals and three hooded seal pups; blood was analyzed within 24 hr at a local human hospital. A certified veterinary laboratory validated subsamples of whole blood and analyzed all serum chemistry parameters. Significant interlaboratory differences in mean values of packed cell volume (PCV) and mean cell volume (MCV) were found. Significant differences were found between samples from the five seal groups (adult male hooded seals, lactating female hooded seals, unweaned hooded seal pups; lactating female harp seals, and unweaned harp seal pups) for hematology and most serum chemistry parameters. In general, age-class influenced mean values of PCV, hemoglobin (HB), red blood cell (RBC) counts, MCV, mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and nucleated red blood cell (NRBC) counts per 100 leucocytes, but most age-related variations were species specific. Harp seal pups had significantly lower mean values of HB, PCV, MCH, and MCHC than did other seal groups, and significantly lower mean RBC counts than did hooded seal pups. Mean NRBC counts per 100 leukocytes were more than three times higher in harp seal pups than in hooded seal pups, but this difference was not statistically significant. Mean MCV were significantly lower in harp and hooded seal pups compared to those of adult harp and hooded seals. Differences in hemograms between pup species were likely because of the precocious development of hooded seal pups, which are weaned within 4 days, compared to 12 days for harp seal pups. Among adult seal groups, male hooded seals had significantly higher mean values of PCV and HB than did female harp and hooded seals, and significantly higher mean RBC counts than did adult female hooded seals. Among adult females, mean values of MCH and MCHC were statistically higher in hooded seals than in harp seals. Adult female harp and hooded seals did not differ significantly in other RBC parameters and mean leukocyte counts. Mean values of glucose, blood urea nitrogen, total bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total protein, and albumin showed species-specific variations between adults and pups. Except for ALP, few significant differences in mean enzyme activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), ALT, creatine kinase and gamma-glutamyltransferase were found between seal groups. Mean concentrations of electrolytes (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, and total carbon dioxide) varied with age class, but variations in potassium and magnesium were species specific. Harp seal pups had significantly higher mean phosphorus and potassium levels compared to other seal groups.  相似文献   

Summary This study examined circulatory water concentrations in the neonatal northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) in order to determine how suckling and fasting would alter the percentage of water in the whole blood, plasma, and red blood cells (RBC). Plasma water concentration dropped by about 3% during suckling and recovered about 1% during the fast (92.38±0.48% <1 week old, 90.15±0.36% weaning, 91.02±0.68% end of fast). RBC water values during this time were more variable than plasma values: RBC water increased about 1% during the first 2 weeks of suckling (from 67.80±0.28% to 68.68±0.51%) but dropped to slightly below original neonatal values by weaning 67.15±0.63%. The first several weeks of fasting were marked by wide variability in RBC water, but by the end of the fast RBC water was comparable to that at weaning. These results indicate: 1) Northern elephant seal pups do not exhibit circulatory dehydration during 10 weeks of fasting; 2) Measurements of plasma or RBC metabolites (such as plasma glucose or RBC hemoglobin) may show variations or trends due not to metabolic regulation but rather to changes in circulatory water concentration.Abbreviations Hb Hemoglobin - Hct Hematocrit - MCHC Mean corpuscular - RBC Red blood cell - WB Whole blood  相似文献   

It is noteworthy that exposure to opiates during fetal development results in permanent changes in adults related to morphological, behavioral and biochemical measures; however little is known concerning the effects of such drugs in early postnatal life. We investigated in newborn rats the effects of prenatal morphine-exposure on both—the hypothalamic metabolism of norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (5 HT) and neuropeptide Y (NPY)—the activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary gonadal and adrenal axes. In a previous study performed in newborns of untreated mothers, we reported some sex-dependent changes in the metabolism of NE, 5 HT and NPY in the hypothalamus and an early activation of the gonadostimulating function and of the corticostimulating one. In control newborns from saline-treated mothers, a slight increase in the hypothalamic metabolism of NE (males) and 5 HT (males and females) was observed and it was comparable in both sexes. On the other hand, the hypothalamic content of NPY was unaffected in early postnatal period in newborn males as well as in females. These changes observed on hypothalamic metabolisms are temporally correlated with the early postnatal activation of the corticostimulating function in neonates of both sexes and that of the gonadostimulating one, mainly in males. Prenatal morphine exposure altered the hypothalamic metabolism of 5 HT which was increased mainly in newborn females but did not affect either the metabolism of NE or the NPY content of the hypothalamus. The more drastic effect of the prenatal morphine treatment is the atrophy and hypoactivity of the adrenals in newborns of both sexes at birth time and during the early postnatal period. In contrast morphine did not impair postnatal surge of the plasma testosterone level in male pups as well as late and slight increase of plasma estradiol in female ones.  相似文献   

Rehabilitating pinniped pups are often admitted to care centers as neonates and generally lack maternal investment and are in poor body condition. Upon admittance to a rehabilitation facility, pups are typically fed a milk replacement formula via gavage, which is switched to frozen fish upon weaning. While rehabilitation has been successful in terms of recovery and release, preweaning growth rates in captivity are consistently lower than in the wild. Indicators of stress (cortisol and total thyroxine; TT4), and standard morphometrics, of harbor seal pups in rehabilitation (n = 20) were determined for both preweaned and weaned pups. Hormone concentrations and standard morphometrics from pups in care were compared with free‐ranging harbor seal pups (n = 59). Pups in rehabilitation gained mass on both milk and fish diets. Preweaned pups had greater mean serum cortisol and similar TT4 concentrations than weaned pups. Free‐ranging harbor seal pups were heavier and longer than preweaned and weaned pups in rehabilitation. The free‐ranging pups had the lowest cortisol and highest TT4 concentrations of any of the pups. These results suggest that weaned pups that have undergone rehabilitation are not physiologically equivalent to free‐ranging weaned pups. Additional research is needed regarding physiological changes in endocrine values during early development under captive care conditions. This information should be useful to marine mammal rehabilitation centers in their development of care protocols and release criteria for rehabilitating harbor seal pups. Zoo Biol. 32:134–141, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The aerobic dive limit, as defined by an increase in plasma lactate levels following dives, has to date only been determined in adult and juvenile Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii). However, theoretical aerobic dive limits based on calculated total body oxygen stores, estimated metabolic rates, and dive duration frequencies have been published for several species. Using data collected over the past 3 years in McMurdo Sound. Antarctica, the aerobic dive limit of Weddell seal pups was determined by both the physiological and modeling methods. Time-depth diving recorders deployed on 36 pups between 2 and 14 weeks of age allowed the aerobic dive limit to be predicted from duration-frequency histograms. The aerobic dive limit was also calculated from estimates of total body oxygen stores and predicted diving metabolic rates. Finally, these two estimates were compared with aerobic dive limits determined from post-dive lactate levels in three pups between 5 and 7 weeks old. The aerobic dive limits of pups increased with age, but pup aerobic dive limits were still significantly shorter than those of yearlings and adults. In addition, the aerobic dive limits determined by the three methods were not equivalent for pups, yearlings, or adults, and indicate that care should be taken when modeling methods are used to estimate the aerobic dive limit in other species. Changes in hematocrit, plasma glucose, and plasma lactate levels during and between rest, diving, and recovery in pups were compared to known values for juveniles and adults. Plasma metabolite levels were more highly regulated in older pups, and together with the increasing aerobic dive limit, suggest that Weddell seal pups are not refined divers until after they are weaned, and that their diving ability continues to develop over several years.  相似文献   

To date, few consistent relationships between survival in rehabilitation programs and diagnostic measures recorded upon admission have been identified for harbor seal pups. Veterinary records for 718 unweaned Pacific harbor seal pups (Phoca vitulina richardii) admitted to a rehabilitation center were examined to identify clinical factors associated with preweaning survival and develop a triage tool to stratify pups according to their risk of mortality. Physical, serum chemical, and hematological variables were examined and their relationship with survival to weaning was assessed by logistic regression and classification and regression tree (CART) analysis. Survival to weaning was 85.1% and many clinical variables reflecting the pups’ age, size, growth, injuries, and blood parameters were associated with the likelihood of survival. A decision tree model, consisting of serum concentrations of phosphorus, sodium, and calcium, successfully stratified harbor seal pups into clinical subgroups according to their preweaning mortality risk. For both the derivation and validation cohorts, pups classified as “high risk” had significantly lower odds of survival, while those classified as “low risk” had significantly greater odds of survival. This simple decision tree could serve as a practical triage tool to help identify and direct care towards pups at higher risk of preweaning mortality.  相似文献   

Harbor seal pups are highly precocial and can swim and dive at birth. Such behavioral maturity suggests that they may be born with mature body oxygen stores or that stores develop quickly during the nursing period. To test this hypothesis, we compared the blood and muscle oxygen stores of harbor seal pups, yearlings, and adults. We found that pups had smaller oxygen stores than adults (neonates 57%, weaned pups 75%, and yearlings 90% those of adults), largely because neonatal myoglobin concentrations were low (1.6+/-0.2 g% vs. 3.8+/-0.3 g% for adults) and changed little during the nursing period. In contrast, blood oxygen stores were relatively mature, with nursing pups having hematocrit (55%+/-0.2%), hemoglobin (21.7+/-0.4 g%), and blood volume (12.3+/-0.5 mL/kg) only slightly lower than the corresponding values for adults (57%+/-0.2%, 23.8+/-0.3 g %, and 15.0+/-0.5 mL/kg). Because neonatal pups had relatively high metabolic rates (11.0 mL O2/kg min), their calculated aerobic dive limit was less than 50% that of adults. These results suggest that harbor seals' early aquatic activity is primarily supported by rapid development of blood, with immature muscle oxygen stores and elevated use rates limiting aerobic diving ability.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors affecting individual harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) survival is essential for determining population level health risks. We estimated postweaning dispersal, and modeled the effects of morphology, hematology, and blubber contaminants on the survival of recently weaned harbor seal pups using a mark recapture framework. We deployed satellite transmitters on apparently healthy pups captured in San Francisco Bay (SFB, n = 19) and Tomales Bay (TB, n = 7), and pups released after rehabilitation that stranded along the central California coast preweaning (n = 21). Dispersal distances were further than previously reported for harbor seal pups (maximum = 802 km) which has implications for understanding risks to this vulnerable age class. We found differences in body condition, serum immunoglobulin and thyroxine (T4) concentrations, white blood cell count, and blubber organohalogen contamination (OH) among the three groups. Overall, increased T4, decreased OH, and increased mass were associated with greater survival probabilities; whereas, among stranded seals, greater mass gain, shorter time in rehabilitation, and admission to rehabilitation earlier in the season were associated with greater survival probabilities. Attention to these latter factors may improve the success of rehabilitation efforts. For wild pups, reduction of legacy contaminants and direct causes of mortality, such as ship strike, may enhance pup survival.  相似文献   

It is cited results of investigation of amino acid composition of blood serum of harp seal pups in the first days after catch adaptation in conditions of oceanarium. It is shown that changes of amino acid composition are most expressed in the first ten-day period of observation and manifest itself by increase of free amino acid concentration at the expense of their endogenous entrance in blood. At the same time it was detected amino acid imbalance which is conditioned by stress of animals. Results of investigation witness intensification of protein catabolism under conditions of stress. Because of it it is necessary to correlate protein metabolism for prophylaxis of hypotrophy seal pups.  相似文献   

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