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Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) with amperometric or potentiometric measuring tips was used to investigate biocatalytic reactions inside the enzyme layer of a biosensor during its operation. The well known glucose oxidase catalyzed oxidation of glucose has been selected for the studies. Local, instantaneous concentration of dissolved oxygen and hydrogen peroxide was studied observing the amperometric current while miniaturized potentiometric tip served for local pH measurements. Liquid enzyme layer immobilized with Cellophane membrane or cross linked polyacrilamide gel membrane containing entrapped enzyme served for biocatalytic media in the SECM imaging. Local maximum of H(2)O(2) and minimum of O(2) profiles were found at approximately 200 microm far from the substrate/enzyme layer boundary. From the experimental findings guidelines to design well functioning biocatalytic sensors could be concluded. The concentration profiles obtained with SECM techniques were compared with the results of simple model calculations carried out with the method of finite changes. Most of earlier made SECM studies dealing with enzyme reactions imaged the electrolyte being in contact with the immobilized enzyme. The data in our investigation, however, were collected inside the working catalytic layer.  相似文献   

A microbial array chip with collagen gel spots entrapping living Escherichia coli (E. coli) DH5alpha was applied for the screening of recombinant protein solubilities. The alpha-fragment of beta-galactosidase (betaGal) was fused to the target protein, namely, maltose-binding protein (MBP), to monitor the solubility of MBP. Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) was used to detect the release of p-aminophenol from E. coli cells catalyzed by intracellular betaGal. Comparison of the SECM-based method with the Western blotting-based method indicated that the current response obtained using SECM increased with an increase in the betaGal activity and therefore, with the soluble fraction of MBP in the host cells.  相似文献   

The supposed repelling mode of scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) allows truly label-free electrochemical recognition of the presence and hybridisation of nucleic acids that are immobilised on conducting DNA chips. Basically, the SECM-based detection of single- and double-stranded DNA profits from the electrostatic repulsion between deprotonated phosphate groups at the backbone of the oligonucleotides and a free-diffusing negatively charged redox mediator (e.g. [Fe(CN)(6)](3-/4-)). In electrolytes of proper pH and ionic strength, this coulomb interaction is heavily influencing the diffusion properties of the mediator in the vicinity of the surface-anchored DNA strands. This charge interaction modulates the diffusional mass transport for the charged redox species in the DNA modified regions, and thus locally decreases the positive feedback currents measured with a SECM tip placed within the electrochemical nearfield of the chip surface. This approach was used to study arrays of synthetic 20-base oligonucleotide probes that were immobilised on monolayer-modified gold surfaces. Evidence is provided that the density of probes, the ionic strength of solution and the tip-to-sample distance have a strong impact on the capability of the repelling mode of SECM to visualise probe spots and hybridisation while the concentration of the chosen mediator did not significantly affect detection.  相似文献   

Abstract Confocal laser scanning microscopy has become a valuable tool for a wide range of investigations in the biological sciences, but its use in insect systematics has been neglected. Confocal microscopy depends on the degree of fluorescence of the examined specimens, which is aided either by fluorescent dyes or autofluorescence of the specimen. This study provides methods for using a combination of fluorescent dyes and autofluorescence to provide images that document the value of confocal microscopy for systematic research with insects. Fluorescence was compared from Lepidoptera genitalia dissections that were unstained or stained with merbromin (mercurochrome), safranine, chlorazol black E, eosin Y, eosin Y + chlorazol black E, and orange‐G. The unstained specimen showed that chitin autofluorescences to a small degree. The comparison of stains showed that use of eosin Y provides the best images, followed by safranine and mercurochrome. Orange‐G and chlorazol black are the least fluorescent and provide poor images, even when chlorazol black is combined with eosin.  相似文献   

We constructed the fusion of peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase 3 and the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) for fluorescent labeling of Yarrowia lipolytica peroxisomes. Using the spectral overlap between EYFP and FM4-64, we developed a procedure for simultaneous observation of Y. lipolytica peroxisomes and vacuoles with the single fluorescein isothiocyanate filter set. Using this procedure we were able to follow the Y. lipolytica peroxisome-vacuole dynamics under pexophagy conditions and show that Y. lipolytica peroxisomes are degraded in the vacuoles by a macropexophagic mechanism.  相似文献   

The patch-clamp technique has enabled functional studies of single ion channels, but suffers limitations including lack of spatial information and inability to independently monitor currents from more than one channel. Here, we describe the use of total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy as an alternative, noninvasive approach to optically monitor the activity and localization of multiple Ca(2+)-permeable channels in the plasma membrane. Images of near-membrane Ca(2+) signals were obtained from >100 N-type channels expressed within restricted areas (80 x 80 micro m) of Xenopus oocytes, thereby permitting simultaneous resolution of their gating kinetics, voltage dependence, and localization. Moreover, this technique provided information inaccessible by electrophysiological means, demonstrating that N-type channels are immobile in the membrane, show a patchy distribution, and display diverse gating kinetics even among closely adjacent channels. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy holds great promise for single-channel recording of diverse voltage- and ligand-gated Ca(2+)-permeable channels in the membrane of neurons and other isolated or cultured cells, and has potential for high-throughput functional analysis of single channels.  相似文献   

We have developed a high-resolution scanning surface confocal microscopy technique capable of imaging single virus-like particles (VLPs) on the surfaces of cells topographically and by fluorescence. The technique combines recently published single-molecule-resolution ion-conductance microscopy that acquires topographical data with confocal microscopy providing simultaneous fluorescent imaging. In our experiments we have demonstrated that the cell membrane exhibits numerous submicrometer-sized surface structures that could be topographically confused with virus particles. However, simultaneous acquisition of confocal images allows the positions of fluorescently tagged particles to be identified. Using this technique, we have, for the first time, visualized single polyoma VLPs adsorbed onto the cell membrane. Observed VLPs had a mean width of 108 ± 16 nm. The particles were randomly distributed across the cell membrane, and no specific interactions were seen with cell membrane structures such as microvilli. These experiments demonstrate the utility of this new microscope for imaging the interactions of nanoparticles with the cell surface to provide novel insights into the earliest interactions of viruses and other nanoparticles such as gene therapy vectors with the cell.  相似文献   

AIMS: To study the viability of a culture of the rumen protozoon Entodinium caudatum after a cryopreservation procedure by a fluorescence microscopy staining method. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fluorescence method is based on the different colour of cells depending on their membrane integrity. When the temperature effect was studied either by fluorescence or motility, the techniques were correlated (r = 0.727) and their slopes and intercepts were not different (P > 0.05). However, motility showed a higher variation coefficient (0.40 vs 0.12). There were no differences between cooling rates at cryopreservation (1 and 4 degrees C min-1) at 38, 15 or 5 degrees C, nor after thawing. CONCLUSIONS: Fluorescence staining is more accurate than motility for assessing protozoal viability. Viability after thawing was 0.50, and the number of viable cells per 250 microl straw was 320 and 420 for 1 and 4 degrees C min-1. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This cryopreservation procedure seems to ensure culture recovery for E. caudatum.  相似文献   

Cells cultured on glass substrates have been investigated by phase contrast method. After freeze-thawing the same cells were stained for identification of damage by fluorescent dyes and studied by the phase contrast method, fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy. The method has revealed correlations between the damage of cell surface and the cell damage manifestation at morphological level.  相似文献   

Naiki T  Karino T 《Biorheology》2000,37(5-6):371-384
To substantiate the occurrence of flow-dependent concentration or depletion of atherogenic lipoproteins, which has been theoretically predicted to take place at a blood/endothelium boundary, we have studied the effects of perfusion pressure and wall shear rate on the accumulation and uptake of microspheres by cultured vascular endothelial cells in a monolayer. The study was carried out by flowing a cell culture medium containing fetal calf serum and fluorescent microspheres through a parallel-plate flow chamber having a cultured bovine aortic endothelial cell (BAEC) monolayer on one wall of the chamber. The microspheres had a nominal diameter of 19 nm, approximately the same as that of low-density lipoproteins, and thus served as models and tracers of plasma proteins and lipoproteins. Experiments were carried out in steady flow in the physiological range of wall shear rate and water filtration velocity at the monolayer, while monitoring the intensity of fluorescence of the spheres accumulated at and taken up by the endothelial cells. It was found that in a perfusate containing only fluorescent microspheres, due to increased phagocytic activity of the endothelial cells, the intensity of fluorescence which reflected the number of the microspheres taken up by the endothelial cells, increased almost linearly with time and independently of wall shear rate. However, with perfusates containing fetal calf serum, this abnormal phenomenon did not occur, and the intensity of fluorescence increased with increasing perfusion pressure and decreasing wall shear rate. It was also found that the number of fluorescent microspheres accumulated at and taken up by the BAEC monolayer was shear-dependent only at low wall shear rates, and increased sharply when the flow rate was reduced to zero. These results provided solid experimental evidence that flow-dependent concentration or depletion of macromolecules occurs at the luminal surface of the endothelium at physiological wall shear rates and water filtration velocities, and strongly supports the hypothesis that flow-dependent concentration polarization of lipoproteins plays an important role in the localization of atherosclerosis and intimal hyperplasia in man by facilitating the uptake of atherogenic lipoproteins by endothelial cells.  相似文献   



Particokinetic models are important to predict the effective cellular dose, which is key to understanding the interactions of particles with biological systems. For the reliable establishment of dose–response curves in, e.g., the field of pharmacology and toxicology, mostly the In vitro Sedimentation, Diffusion and Dosimetry (ISDD) and Distorted Grid (DG) models have been employed. Here, we used high resolution scanning electron microscopy to quantify deposited numbers of particles on cellular and intercellular surfaces and compare experimental findings with results predicted by the ISDD and DG models.


Exposure of human lung epithelial A549 cells to various concentrations of differently sized silica particles (100, 200 and 500 nm) revealed a remarkably higher dose deposited on intercellular regions compared to cellular surfaces. The ISDD and DG models correctly predicted the areal densities of particles in the intercellular space when a high adsorption (“stickiness”) to the surface was emulated. In contrast, the lower dose on cells was accurately inferred by the DG model in the case of “non-sticky” boundary conditions. Finally, the presence of cells seemed to enhance particle deposition, as aerial densities on cell-free substrates were clearly reduced.


Our results further validate the use of particokinetic models but also demonstrate their limitations, specifically, with respect to the spatial distribution of particles on heterogeneous surfaces. Consideration of surface properties with respect to adhesion and desorption should advance modelling approaches to ultimately predict the cellular dose with higher precision.

Scanning near-field optical/atomic-force microscopy (SNOAM) provided us with simultaneous topographical and optical images of human chromosomes using a sharp and bent optical fiber as a near-field optical probe. Native chromosomes were spread out onto a coverslip using the surface-spreading whole-mount method. The SNOAM system does not need pretreatment of samples such as metal coating or chemical immobilization. Near-field topographic and fluorescence images provided useful information on native chromosome structure.  相似文献   

The determination of pH in the cell cytoplasm or in intracellular organelles is of high relevance in cell biology. Also in plant cells, organelle-specific pH monitoring with high spatial precision is an important issue, since e.g. ΔpH across thylakoid membranes is the driving force for ATP synthesis critically regulating photoprotective mechanisms like non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence or the xanthophyll cycle. In animal cells, pH determination can serve to monitor proton permeation across membranes and, therefore, to assay the efficiency of drugs against proton-selective transporters or ion channels. In this work, we demonstrate the applicability of the pH-sensitive GFP derivative (eGFP-pHsens, originally termed deGFP4 by Hanson et al. [1]) for pH measurements using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) with excellent precision. eGFP-pHsens was either expressed in the cytoplasm or targeted to the mitochondria of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1) cells and applied here for monitoring activity of the M2 proton channel from influenza A virus. It is shown that the M2 protein confers high proton permeability of the plasma membrane upon expression in CHO-K1 cells resulting in rapid and strong changes of the intracellular pH upon pH changes of the extracellular medium. These pH changes are abolished in the presence of amantadine, a specific blocker of the M2 proton channel. These results were obtained using a novel multi-parameter FLIM setup that permits the simultaneous imaging of the fluorescence amplitude ratios and lifetimes of eGFP-pHsens enabling the quick and accurate pH determination with spatial resolution of 500 nm in two color channels with time resolution of below 100 ps. With FLIM, we also demonstrate the simultaneous determination of pH in the cytoplasm and mitochondria showing that the pH in the mitochondrial matrix is slightly higher (around 7.8) than that in the cytoplasm (about 7.0). The results obtained for CHO-K1 cells without M2 channels in comparison to M2-expressing cells show that the pH dynamics is determined by the specific H+ permeability of the membrane, the buffering of protons in the internal cell lumen and/or an outwardly directed proton pump activity that stabilizes the interior pH at a higher level than the external acidic pH. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: Keys to Produce Clean Energy.  相似文献   

The cellular response to external mechanical forces has important effects on numerous biological phenomena. The sequences of molecular events that underlie the observed changes in cellular properties have yet to be elucidated in detail. Here we have detected the responses of a cultured cell against locally applied cyclic stretching and compressive forces, after creating an artificial focal adhesion under a glass bead attached to the cantilever of an atomic force microscope. The cell tension initially increased in response to the tensile stress and then decreased within ∼1 min as a result of viscoelastic properties of the cell. This relaxation was followed by a gradual increase in tension extending over several minutes. The slow recovery of tension ceased after several cycles of force application. This tension-recovering activity was inhibited when cells were treated with cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of actin polymerization, or with (−)-blebbistatin, an inhibitor of myosin II ATPase activity, suggesting that the activity was driven by actin-myosin interaction. To our knowledge, this is the first quantitative analysis of cellular mechanical properties during the process of adaptation to locally applied cyclic external force.  相似文献   

We investigated the possibility of monitoring promoter activity with flow cytometry by using green fluorescent protein (GFPmut2) and red fluorescent protein (drFP583) in a single bacterial cell. The drFP583 was used as an intrinsic marker of the bacterial cells, because it was expressed constantly in Escherichia coli MC1061 strain. The GFPmut2 expressed under the control of the Hg(2+) ion inducible mer promoter/operator, was used to study promoter activity. Over 75% of the cells were positive for red and green fluorescence in flow cytometric analysis. The average green fluorescence of the whole population increased from 6.7 to 1700 when the mercury concentration was increased from 0 to 1 x 10(-4) M, while the red fluorescence was unaffected by the mercury concentration. These results show that gfpmut2 and drFP583 could be expressed under different promoters in one bacterial cell and measured independently with a flow cytometer.  相似文献   

A novel fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) method is presented that allows the combination of epifluorescence and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to identify single microbial cells. First, the rRNA of whole cells is hybridised with horseradish peroxidase-labelled oligonucleotide probes and this is followed by catalysed reporter deposition (CARD) of biotinylated tyramides. This facilitates an amplification of binding sites for streptavidin conjugates covalently labelled with both fluorophores and nanogold particles. The deposition of Alexa Fluor 488 fluoro-nanogold–streptavidin conjugates was confirmed via epifluorescence microscopy and cells could be quantified in a similar way to standard CARD–FISH approaches. To detect cells by SEM, an autometallographic enhancement of the nanogold particles was essential, and allowed the in situ localisation of the target organisms at resolutions beyond light microscopy. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used to verify the effects of CARD and autometallography on gold deposition in target cells.  相似文献   

Ex-vivo fluorescence confocal microscopy (FCM) has been used on fresh tissue, but there is little experience on frozen sections. We evaluated the applicability of FCM on frozen sections of basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), stained with acridine orange and digitally colored to simulate hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) dyes. We compared our diagnostic accuracy in detecting and subtyping BCCs with FCM to our gold standard (H&E stained frozen sections used in 3D horizontal micrographic surgery). Fourty-six primary BCCs were analyzed for free margins as well as histological subtype with all FCM modes and conventional H&E staining. Adnexa, artifacts and diagnostic confidence were evaluated. Free margins were identified with a sensitivity and specificity of 92% and 91%. Concordance for tumor subtype was 88%. FCM may be used on both fresh tissue and frozen samples, although with reduced performance and different artifacts. The device is useful for the intraoperative diagnosis, subtyping and margin-mapping of BCCs.   相似文献   

Metabolic activity of cultured cells can be monitored by measuring changes in the pH of the surrounding medium caused by metabolic products such as protons, carbon dioxide or lactic acid. Although many systems designed for this purpose have been reported, almost all of them are based on bulk measurements, where the average metabolic activity of all cells in contact with the device is recorded. Here, we report on a novel biosensor, based on a modified light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) device, which enables the metabolic activity of cultured cells to be measured with spatial resolution. This is demonstrated here by detecting the differential sensitivity to a cholinergic receptor agonist of two different co-cultured cellular populations. By making simultaneous measurements of the metabolic activity of different cell types seeded on different segments of one sensor, this device not only provides a rapid means of assessing cellular specificity of pharmaceutical compounds but also has the potential of being used to non-invasively monitor humoral as well as synaptic communication between different cell populations in co-culture. The temporal and spatial resolution of the device were investigated and are discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of an artificial pulmonary surfactant was studied by scanning force- and fluorescence light microscopy (SFM, and FLM, respectively). The surfactant – a mixture of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) and recombinant surfactant-associated protein C (SP-C) – was prepared at the air-water interface of a Langmuir film balance and imaged by FLM under various states of compression. In order to visualize their topography by SFM, the films were transferred onto a solid mica support by the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique. We found that a region of high film compressibility of the spread monolayer close to its equilibrium surface pressure (π=50 mN/m) was due to the exclusion of layered protrusions with each layer 5.5 to 6.5 nm thick. They remained associated with the monolayer and readily reinserted upon expansion of the film. Comparison with the FLM showed that the protrusions contained the protein in high concentration. The more the film was compressed, the larger was the number of layers on top of each other. The protrusions arose from regions of the monolayer with a distinct microstructure that may have been responsible for their formation. The molecular architecture of the microstructure remains to be elucidated, although some of it can be inferred from spectroscopic data in combination with the SFM topographical images. We illustrate our current understanding of the film structure with a molecular model. Received: 20 September 1996 / Accepted: 22 May 1997  相似文献   

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