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目的:探讨葡萄球菌烫伤样皮肤综合征(Staphylococcal Scald Skin Syndrome,SSSS)的临床特点及治疗措施.方法:回顾性分析9例1岁至5岁葡萄球菌烫伤样皮肤综合征患儿的临床表现、治疗措施及其疗效.结果:9例患儿均有泛发性红斑、皮肤触痛、口周放射状皲裂,尼氏征阳性.细菌培养出金黄色葡萄球菌2例,表皮葡萄球菌1例.患者在接受抗感染、适当的皮肤护理联合其他支持治疗后,全部治愈出院,疗程7~16d.结论:葡萄球菌烫伤样皮肤综合征好发于婴幼儿,早期应用足量耐β-内酰胺酶抗生素治疗和合理的局部护理是治疗的关键.  相似文献   

生物三维打印技术可以在计算机控制下,将多种生物材料和细胞精准定位组装到设计位置形成三维类组织,是目前制造复杂多层结构皮肤组织最具潜力的新技术.本文在分析人体皮肤结构和组成基础上,首先综述了生物三维打印皮肤的结构建模、生物材料和种子细胞等基本流程和关键要素;然后系统介绍了激光打印皮肤、喷墨打印皮肤、连续挤出打印皮肤和原位打印皮肤的原理和研究现状,总结了它们的优缺点;在此基础上,探讨了三维打印皮肤技术未来的发展方向,系统归纳了生物三维打印皮肤在临床治疗、药物筛选和基础研究领域的价值.  相似文献   

该文报道1例固定型皮肤孢子丝菌病.患者女,51岁,农民,因鼻部结节2个月就诊,皮损表现为鼻尖部增生物,其上覆有黑褐色厚痂.根据病史、临床表现、组织病理、真菌镜检及培养诊断为固定型皮肤孢子丝菌病.经过3个月冷冻联合碘化钾口服治疗后,皮损完全消失.  相似文献   

通过对国内外皮肤无绿藻病的相关文献报道进行分析,总结概括了皮肤无绿藻病的病原学、发病机制、流行病学特点、临床表现及其诊治.  相似文献   

皮肤念珠菌病是由念珠菌属的某些致病菌种引起的皮肤浅表念珠菌感染.临床类型多样化,直接涂片检查见到念珠菌特有的假菌丝和孢子即可确诊.必要时进行真菌培养并体外药敏试验、组织病理检查和血清学检查.大多需要局部外用抗真菌药物治疗,部分需要系统抗真菌药物治疗.  相似文献   

目的总结与探讨中国大陆慢性皮肤黏膜念珠菌病(chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis,CMC)的病因、流行病学、临床特征及诊疗情况。方法检索分析中国知网、万方、维普及PubMed等数据库中1980—2020年中国大陆确诊为慢性皮肤黏膜念珠菌病的相关文献资料。结果共纳入文献24篇,病例61例。患者平均发病年龄为3.38岁,本病以反复发作的皮肤(57.38%)、口腔黏膜(95.08%)、甲(63.93%)念珠菌感染为特点。信号转导和转录活化子1功能获得性突变(STAT1 gain-of-function,STAT1 GOF)为最常见病因,治疗以唑类药物最常用,复发率高。结论慢性皮肤黏膜念珠菌病是一种少见的免疫缺陷病,临床表现多样,可有多器官和系统的异常,早期诊断和治疗非常重要。  相似文献   

目的:探讨奶蛋白过敏患儿的临床特点及诊治方法。方法:收集2012年2月-2013年2月我院接诊的21例奶蛋白过敏患儿的临床资料,将临床表现、特异性皮肤点刺试验、回避试验等结果进行总结分析。结果:患儿皮肤粘膜、消化道等症状出现时间较早,湿疹症状出现最多(71.43%),仅有1例患儿出现发育迟缓(4.76%);皮肤点刺试验奶蛋白阳性者12例(57.14%),回避试验阳性率为100.00%;经过改善饮食及对症治疗,21例患儿皮肤粘膜、消化道、呼吸道系统等症状一般在4周内消失,发育迟缓在正规治疗2.4周开始缓解,8周内消失。结论:奶蛋白过敏缺乏特异症状表现,临床在出现症状后加强实验室检查。结合详细病史进行确诊,才能减少误诊的发生,及时治疗,保证患儿的正常生长发育。  相似文献   

目的探讨皮肤奴卡菌病的临床特征、诊断和治疗。方法临床诊断1例特殊皮肤表现的奴卡菌病,进行文献回顾。结果 22例患者中,健康者14例,8例有基础疾病者都有使用糖皮质激素或使用免疫抑制剂者。常见临床表现:脓肿、溃疡、包块、肿块可伴有发热、乏力等全身症状。感染途径:外伤3例,来源于肺部3例,医源性注射2例,感染途径不明14例。22例患者均通过组织培养确诊,治疗主要为单用磺胺类药物或联合其他药物治疗或联合外科切开引流治疗。结论皮肤奴卡菌病可能更多见于免疫功能正常者,临床表现无特异性,多数找不到明确的感染途径,其中医源性注射也是其感染途径之一,病原菌培养为主要确诊手段,治疗以磺胺类药物为主或联合手术切开引流。  相似文献   

皮肤瘢痕的治疗是临床难题,近年开展的干细胞移植为皮肤瘢痕的治疗开辟了一种新的治疗方法。为评估干细胞对皮肤瘢痕的治疗作用,探索皮肤疤痕的有效治疗方法,本文对干细胞对皮肤瘢痕的治疗作用进行了综述。已报道的临床多种干细胞治疗皮肤疤痕,均取得了较为肯定的治疗效果,但从整体水平观察,还处于初步探索阶段,积极开展不同种类干细胞对不同种类皮肤瘢痕类型的治疗效果,给药途径、干细胞浓度、剂量和安全性等多中心系统的规范研究,及治疗机制的深入探讨,将有力促进干细胞治疗皮肤瘢痕的广泛临床应用。  相似文献   

肥大细胞增生症(mastocytosis)是由多种临床表现组成的一组疾病谱,其特征表现以肥大细胞在一个或多个器官异常浸润和积聚为主,常累及皮肤、消化道、骨髓、肝脾以及淋巴结,临床表现为皮肤瘙痒、潮红、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、腹痛等改变。针对存在以下情况需考虑本病:不明原因的溃疡或吸收不良;影像学检查发现骨骼扫描异常、肝脾肿大、淋巴结肿大;外周血异常;速发型过敏反应;或原因不明的低血压;一旦确定为肥大细胞增生症引起,应对疾病活动性、亚型和预后进行评估,并进行适当治疗;肥大细胞增多症根据临床表现、病理改变和预后分为7种不同类型,皮肤性及惰性系统性肥大细胞增多症预后较好,肥大细胞肉瘤预后最差。本文对肥大细胞增生症发病机制、临床特征、诊断、治疗及预后等方面的研究现状进行综述。  相似文献   

Ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma (CCC) is the second most common subtype of ovarian cancer after high-grade serous adenocarcinomas. CCC tends to develop resistance to the standard platinum-based chemotherapy, and has a poor prognosis when diagnosed in advanced stages. The ANXA4 gene, along with its product, a Ca++-binding annexin A4 (ANXA4) protein, has been identified as the CCC signature gene. We reported two subtypes of ANXA4 with different isoelectric points (IEPs) that are upregulated in CCC cell lines. Although several in vitro investigations have shown ANXA4 to be involved in cancer cell proliferation, chemoresistance, and migration, these studies were generally based on its overexpression in cells other than CCC. To elucidate the function of the ANXA4 in CCC cells, we established CCC cell lines whose ANXA4 expressions are stably knocked down. Two parental cells were used: OVTOKO contains almost exclusively an acidic subtype of ANXA4, and OVISE contains predominantly a basic subtype but also a detectable acidic subtype. ANXA4 knockdown (KO) resulted in significant growth retardation and greater sensitivity to carboplatin in OVTOKO cells. ANXA4-KO caused significant loss of migration and invasion capability in OVISE cells, but this effect was not seen in OVTOKO cells. We failed to find the cause of the different IEPs of ANXA4, but confirmed that the two subtypes are found in clinical CCC samples in ratios that vary by patient. Further investigation to clarify the mechanism that produces the subtypes is needed to clarify the function of ANXA4 in CCC, and might allow stratification and improved treatment strategies for patients with CCC.  相似文献   

Guo Y  Manatunga AK 《Biometrics》2007,63(1):164-172
Assessing agreement is often of interest in clinical studies to evaluate the similarity of measurements produced by different raters or methods on the same subjects. Lin's (1989, Biometrics 45, 255-268) concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) has become a popular measure of agreement for correlated continuous outcomes. However, commonly used estimation methods for the CCC do not accommodate censored observations and are, therefore, not applicable for survival outcomes. In this article, we estimate the CCC nonparametrically through the bivariate survival function. The proposed estimator of the CCC is proven to be strongly consistent and asymptotically normal, with a consistent bootstrap variance estimator. Furthermore, we propose a time-dependent agreement coefficient as an extension of Lin's (1989) CCC for measuring the agreement between survival times among subjects who survive beyond a specified time point. A nonparametric estimator is developed for the time-dependent agreement coefficient as well. It has the same asymptotic properties as the estimator of the CCC. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimators. A real data example from a prostate cancer study is used to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method discriminating between covalently closed circular (CCC), open circular (OC), and linear (L) forms of plasmid DNA is presented. Two consecutive steps of agarose gel electrophoresis with a single DNA sample are used; use is made between the steps of ultraviolet light irradiation which introduces single-strand nicks in ethidium bromide-stained DNA, converting CCC into OC forms. Unambiguous assignments of OC and CCC forms are possible in samples containing several plasmids.  相似文献   

Carrasco JL  Jover L 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):849-858
The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) are two of the most popular measures of agreement for variables measured on a continuous scale. Here, we demonstrate that ICC and CCC are the same measure of agreement estimated in two ways: by the variance components procedure and by the moment method. We propose estimating the CCC using variance components of a mixed effects model, instead of the common method of moments. With the variance components approach, the CCC can easily be extended to more than two observers, and adjusted using confounding covariates, by incorporating them in the mixed model. A simulation study is carried out to compare the variance components approach with the moment method. The importance of adjusting by confounding covariates is illustrated with a case example.  相似文献   

Summary Gibberellin (GA) production inFusarium moniliforme (Gibberella fujikuroi) is suppresed by adding the plant growth retardant CCC [(2-chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride] to the culture medium. A concentration of 0.1 mg/l of CCC causes 50% inhibition whereas 10 mg/l and higher concentrations fully suppress GA production. Dry weight of the mycelium is not, or only slightly reduced in the presence of CCC.Thin-layer chromatography of acidic fractions of CCC-free cultures reveals fluorescent spots at 4 differentR f values. No fluorescent spots can be detected on chromatograms of acidic fractions obtained from CCC cultures, thus demonstrating that production of all GA's is inhibited by CCC.If CCC is added to the medium 2 or 3 days after inoculation, further GA production is blocked, but the level of GA present at the time of CCC application is maintained. CCC does not enhance inactivation of GA3 in sterile culture medium, nor in the presence of the fungus. It is therefore concluded that CCC inhibits the biosynthesis of GA in the fungus.Transfer of thoroughly washed mycelium from medium with CCC to fresh medium does not result in GA production because sufficient CCC is carried over in the mycelium to block GA biosynthesis completely.  相似文献   

Anthocyanin synthesis in radish ( Raphanus sativus L. cv. Scarlet Globe) seedlings after treatment with chlorocholine chloride (CCC) and gibberellic acid (GA) has been investigated. CCC promotes and GA3 inhibits the synthesis. When both substances are given together, CCC reverses the inhibition caused by GA3. Simultaneous external feeding of anthocyanin precursors (sucrose and phenylalanine) reverses the GA3 inhibition. A higher amount of total free amino acids, in particular phenylalanine, was present in CCC-treated seedlings compared to controls grown on distilled water. The amount of phenylalanine was lower in seedlings treated with both CCC and GA3 as compared to seedlings treated with CCC alone, and total free sugars (reducing plus non-reducing) was lower in CCC treated seedlings than in controls grown on distilled water. We conclude that CCC and GA3 control the anthocyanin synthesis at the level of precursors.  相似文献   

Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to study the effect of two plant growth retardants, Chlorocholine chloride (CCC) and Paclobutrazol (PBZ), on growth, Steviol glycosides (SVglys) content and antioxidant capacity in Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni). Five concentrations of CCC (0, 250, 500, 750 and 1,000 ppm) and PBZ (0, 6, 12, 18 and 24 ppm) with three replications were applied to Stevia plants as treatments based on completely randomized design. CCC was sprayed on Stevia shoots, but PBZ was applied as a drench. The obtained results showed that CCC reduced plant height but improved leaf and stem dry weight, especially with 750 ppm concentration. Total SVgly content and consequently SVglys yield were significantly reduced by CCC application, and 1,000 ppm of CCC concentration was more effective than other treatments. PBZ had no effect on Stevia height while it significantly enhanced stem and dry weight at 12 ppm. Moreover, PBZ remarkably increased total SVglys contents, SVglys yield, and Rebaudioside A/Stevioside ratio. Total antioxidant capacity significantly varied with CCC and PBZ and the highest activity was obtained with 1,000 and 12 ppm of CCC and PBZ, respectively. The results of these experiments indicated that, although CCC and PBZ are plant growth retardants and act as anti-gibberellins, only CCC reduced plant height and SVglys production in Stevia. On the contrary, PBZ at 12 ppm concentration, improved Stevia growth, SVglys production, and antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

The growth retardant (2-chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride(CCC) induced swollen root tips on seedlings of grape vines(Vilis vinifera L.) as well as on plants grown from cuttings.In both cases CCC had to be applied to the growth medium forthe response to be expressed; spraying the shoots reduced stemgrowth without inducing swollen roots. N-dimethylarminosuccinamicacid (B995) was ineffective in causing these root symptoms ongrapes, nor did root swellings appear on five other speciestreated with CCC. On the other hand, kinetin resulted in graperoots which in some respects resembled those treated with CCC. Two regions of cytokinin activity were detected on chromatogramsof bleeding sap from grape-vines grown in serated nutrientculture solutions compared with only one region in sap fromplants grown in soil or other solid media. Activity of a regionof high mobility was increased by CCC applications to the culturesolutions; effects of CCC on a region of low mobility, whichmay be a bound derivative of the other, were variable. Boththe concentration and absolute amounts of cytokinin activityin the sap were increased by CCC, indicating that this retardantprobably affected cytokinin synthesis by the root tip. The effectof CCC on cytokinin levels in the sap diminished during thebleeding period. The results are interpreted to indicate that in grapes, CCCacts directly on the root meristem to increase cytokinin production.Swelling of the tips is probably a consequence of the elevatedcytokinin levels in this region.  相似文献   

A clone of cells derived from a continuous line of cat cells (CCC) spontaneously produced an RNA C-type virus (CCC virus) which did not have the group-specific antigen of the standard strains of feline leukemia viruses but did have that of the RD-114 virus. Single-hit infection of a virus yielding CCC cell with only the feline leukemia virus pseudotype of murine sarcoma virus [MSV(FeLV)] resulted in the release of a pseudotype of MSV coated with the CCC virus envelope. Host range, transmission of virus, helper functions, interference properties, and specific neutralization showed that the CCC and the RD-114 isolates as well as their respective MSV pseudotypes are closely similar if not identical. Parental, virus-negative cells frozen before the existence of RD-114 were chemically induced to yield CCC-like virus de novo. Infection of susceptible human cells with the chemically induced virus resulted in interference with the CCC virus pseudotype of MSV but not with the FeLV pseudotype of MSV.  相似文献   

Barley seedlings were grown in darkness on filter paper saturated with phosphate buffer or CCC and Amo-1618 buffered solutions. The effects of CCC and Amo-1618 on growth, catalase, peroxidase and lAA-oxidase were studied on coleoptile and primary leaves. Both growth-retarding chemicals cause an inhibition of growth, Amo-1618 being more effective than CCC. They have no effect on catalase activity. Increasing concentrations of CCC and Amo-1618 progressively stimulate peroxidase and IAA-oxidase activities (Amo-1618 more than CCC). The enzymatic activity in short-treated plants is higher than in the corresponding control plants of the same height. It is proposed that CCC and Amo-1618 exert their effect on the growth of barley by acting on auxin catabolism.  相似文献   

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