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Studies on Differentiation Without Cleavage in Chaetopterus 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
H. ALEXANDRE B. DE PETROCELLIS J. BRACKET 《Differentiation; research in biological diversity》1982,22(1-3):132-135
Aphidicolin, a powerful inhibitor of nuclear DNA replication, has been used to establish the level of polyploidisation required for the realization of the late morphogenetic events (segregation, pseudogastrulation and ciliation) of differentiation without cleavage in Chaetopterus -activated eggs. A parallel has been drawn between cytophotometric estimations of the DNA content and cytoplasmic differentiation in eggs treated with aphidicolin under different experimental conditions: either pulses with aphidicolin were followed by culture in sea water or the eggs were treated with aphidicolin after development had taken place in sea water for various lengths of time. The results suggest that a'quantal' monasterial cycle might take place 3 h after activation, corresponding presumably to the fourth or fifth replication cycle. Moreover, early DNA replication seems to be more important for morphogenesis than late DNA replication. 相似文献
Consequences of polyspermy in man 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Polyspermy occurs with a frequency of about 12% under some hormonal regimens currently being used for in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. Oocytes with three pronuclei usually show normal cleavage and are morphologically indistinguishable from embryos produced by normal fertilization. Chromosome studies and DNA measurements on dispermic embryos show that about one-half are triploid, the others having either a normal diploid chromosome complement or a severely depleted chromosome complement. The evidence suggests that these errors must arise at the first mitotic division of the oocyte. Aberrant spindle formation is implicated. 相似文献
Chaetopterus tubes: Ultrastructural architecture 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The wall of the tube 'house' constructed by the polychaetc, Chaelopterus variopedatus, was examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy and polarizing and phase-contrast light microscopy. The tube wall consists of alternating plies of aligned protein fibres imbedded in an unstructured matrix. The protein fibres range in diameter from 50-400 mmu and have an axial periodicity of about 641 A. The relative proportion of fibres to matrix, the total number of plies, and the number of fibres per ply vary throughout the tube. 相似文献
The rapid electrical depolarization of the egg's plasma membrane which protects sea urchin ova against polyspermy in the interval between stimulation by the fertilizing spermatozoon and completion of the cortical reaction is believed to be mediated by the influx of sodium (Na+) ions. This hypothesis was tested in Arbacia punctulata and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus by inhibiting the rapid block to polyspermy with low-Na+ (choline-substituted) seawater, and the cortical granule secretion-mediated block with soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI). Eggs inseminated in low-Na+ seawater or SBTI became heavily polyspermic. Polyspermy elicited by low Na+ or SBTI was increased in dejellied Strongylocentrotus eggs. However, the severity of polyspermy was not enhanced in low Na+ plus SBTI because the fertilizing capacity of sperm and gamete binding were reduced in low-Na+ media. Since SBTI completely suppresses the cortical granule secretion-mediated block to polyspermy in Arbacia for about 3 min postinsemination, the rate at which SBTI-treated eggs became polyspermic was used to measure the duration and efficacy of the rapid block. The half-time for SBTI-treated Arbacia eggs to become polyspermic in natural (425 mM Na+) seawater was 89.9 ± 4.7 sec (N = 4). The plot of incidence of polyspermy vs time was essentially an inverse mirror image of electrophysiologic data on repolarization of the oolemma during fertilization. The rapid block is also Na+ dependent, since SBTI-treated eggs became polyspermic more rapidly in 26 mM Na+ seawater (half-time, 15.8 ± 1.6 sec; N = 3, P < 0.01). 相似文献
In order to test the involvement of Ca2+ in maturation and activation of eggs, we have treated Chaetopterus eggs with ionophore A23187 and quercetin, an inhibitor of Ca2+-dependent ATPase. Ionophore A23187 induced rapid germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and activated eggs as evidence by fertilization envelope elevation at a wide range of concentrations. Higher concentrations of A23187 induced GVBD in Ca2+-free artificial sea water, demonstrating the independence of GVBD in Chaetopterus from external Ca2+. At high concentrations of ionophore, eggs became ameboid and underwent the initial phases of differentiation without cleavage. Low concentrations of quercetin induced GVBD with or without external CA2+. This treatment did not activate eggs, but allowed them to be fertilized and undergo some development. The results of these experiments indicate 1) that Ca2+ fluxes regulate GVBD and activation in Chaetopterus, 2) that these fluxes can be internally generated, and 3) that Ca2+ sequestration by Ca2+-dependent ATPase may have a role in maintaining the intact germinal vesicle. 相似文献
Changes in protein tyrosine phosphorylation are an essential aspect of egg activation after fertilization. Such changes result from the net contributions of both tyrosine kinases and phosphatases (PTP). This study was conducted to determine what role(s) PTP may have in egg activation. We identified four novel PTP in Chaetopterus pergamentaceus oocytes, cpPTPNT6, cpPTPNT7, cpPTPR2B, and cpPTPR2A, that have significant homology to, respectively, human PTPsigma, -rho, -D2 and -BAS. The first two are cytosolic and the latter two are transmembrane. Several PTP inhibitors were tested to see if they would affect Chaetopterus pergamentaceus fertilization. Eggs treated with beta-bromo-4-hydroxyacetophenone (PTP inhibitor 1) exhibited microvillar elongation, which is a sign of cortical changes resulting from activation. Those treated with Na3VO4 underwent full parthenogenetic activation, including polar body formation and pseudocleavage and did so independently of extracellular Ca2+, which is required for the Ca2+ oscillations that initiate development after fertilization. Fluorescence microscopy identified phosphotyrosine-containing proteins in the cortex and around the nucleus of vanadate-activated eggs, whereas in fertilized eggs they were concentrated only in the cortex. Immunoblots of vanadate-activated and fertilized eggs showed tyrosine hyperphosphorylation of approximately 140 kDa protein. These results suggest that PTP most likely maintain the egg in an inactive state by dephosphorylation of proteins independent of the Ca2+ oscillations in the activation process. 相似文献
A cell surface block to polyspermy occurs in golden hamster eggs 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
We have examined the frequency and fate of supernumerary sperm in the perivitelline space (PVS) of in vitro fertilized hamster eggs to determine if there is a cell surface block to polyspermy. The zona pellucida block to polyspermy is very effective since only one sperm penetrated the zona pellucida in 72.8% of the 876 fertilized eggs examined. Of the polypenetrated eggs, 41.6% had a supernumerary sperm within the PVS. The proportion of polypenetrated eggs with PVS sperm did not change when the duration of coincubation was increased from 3 to 6 hr. PVS sperm were found in 67% of the inseminations. From these data we conclude that there is a cell surface block to polyspermy in the hamster. To investigate the mechanism of the cell surface block, we used the Hoechst-transfer technique (R. Hinkley, B. Wright, and J. Lynn, 1986, Dev. Biol. 118, 148-154) to monitor sperm-egg fusion. We first demonstrated that dye transfer from zona pellucida-free eggs to sperm only occurred when fusion was possible, i.e., in the presence of calcium, and that dye was transferred to all fused sperm. When cumulus-free, zona-intact eggs were preloaded with Hoechst dye and viewed 3 hr postinsemination, three classes of eggs with supernumerary sperm in the PVS were observed: eggs with only Hoechst-positive sperm (62%), eggs with only Hoechst-negative sperm (27%), and eggs with both a Hoechst-positive and a Hoechst-negative sperm (11%). Because of the limited time resolution of the Hoechst-transfer technique, the cell surface block could operate by preventing sperm fusion (Hoechst-negative), by the failure of the eggs to incorporate fused sperm (Hoechst-positive), and/or by the "unfusing" of fused sperm (Hoechst-positive and Hoechst-negative). We are unable at this time to differentiate between these mechanisms. 相似文献
J. BRACHET B. DE PETROCELLIS A. FICQ H. ALEXANDRE 《Differentiation; research in biological diversity》1980,17(1-3):63-76
Activation of unfertilized Chaetopterus eggs by treatment with an excess of KCl may lead to the production of unicellular ciliated larvae (Lillie's differentiation without cleavage). The effects of a number of inhibitors of protein (puromycin, cycloheximide, emetin), RNA (actinomycin D), and DNA (hydroxyurea) synthesis on differentiation without cleavage and on normal development have been studied in Chaetopterus . Incorporation of radioactive leucine, uridine, and thymine has been followed by biochemical methods and by autoradiography. The DNA content of the large polyploid nucleus has been estimated by cytophotometry. The initial pseudocleavage period of differentiation without cleavage is characterized by a burst in DNA and protein synthesis; the inhibitors have little or no effect on this burst and on pseudocleavage itself. Protein and DNA synthesis levels off during the following phase (segregation), but the inhibitors become more effective. RNA synthesis is almost linear for 20 h. These results are compared with those obtained on eggs from other species. 相似文献
Successful collision rates of sperm with eggs and oocytes of the sea urchins Psammechinus microtuberculatus and Paracentrotus lividus have been studied using an electrophysiological method. A monospermic response in eggs consists of a 1- to 2-mV step depolarization of the egg plasma membrane accompanied by an increase in voltage noise. The step precedes the main positive-going depolarization by approximately 13 sec at room temperature. If other successful collisions occur during this 13-sec period (indicated by additional steps), the egg is polyspermic. It is shown by direct observation that each step depolarization signifies the entry of a single sperm. No evidence for an electrically mediated fast block was found. The average rate of successful sperm-egg encounters increases with sperm density, although individual steps appear to occur randomly. Step depolarizations also occur in oocytes, however, they usually decay after several seconds and are not followed by a large, positive-going depolarization. The rate of occurrence of such steps increases with sperm density over the range 105 to 109 sperm/ml. The original evidence of Rothschild and Swann for a fast partial block is compared with a model of polyspermy suggested by our experiments. Reasonable agreement between our method of counting successful collisions (in oocytes and eggs) and the method used by Rothschild and Swann (for eggs) was obtained for sperm densities below 106/ml. The results diverge for higher sperm densities, our method giving higher values. A test for the hypothesis of a fast partial block to polyspermy is suggested, using our method of counting successful sperm-egg collisions. 相似文献
The cortex of Chaetopterus eggs contains a cytoskeletal domain (CD) which includes a specific class of dense granular organelles and a large proportion of the maternal mRNA. This CD, along with its constituent dense granular organelles and mRNA, can be displaced to atypical locations in the egg by centrifugation. To investigate the developmental significance of the CD, we have examined the early development of egg and zygote fragments, prepared by centrifugation, which contained the CD, the nucleus, or both. Specifically, we prepared nucleate egg and zygote fragments depleted in the CD, and two-cell embryos in which the CD was present in only one cell. Nucleate centripetal egg fragments were both unable to develop after fertilization and were depleted in the CD, as shown by electron microscopy, acridine orange staining of cortical organelles, and hybridization with poly(U) and cloned DNA probes. In contrast, about 20-35% of the nucleate centripetal fragments derived from one-cell zygotes developed into swimming larva. Correlated with this improved success of development, we found that these zygotic centripetal fragments contained significant levels of the CD, using the same methods listed above. More effective removal of the CD from zygotic centripetal fragments by stratification prior to fragmentation virtually eliminated their ability to develop. The CD and associated components could be displaced into only one of the first two blastomeres by centrifugation of zygotes immediately prior to the first cleavage. Embryos containing the CD in only one blastomere continued to cleave, but formed defective larva. The results suggest that the cortical CD is necessary for normal embryonic development. 相似文献
The block to polyspermy in golden hamster eggs is believed to operate only at the zona pellucida. However, changes in the egg vitellus also prevent further entry of capacitated sperm. When zona-free hamster eggs spontaneously activated in vitro, and in vivo fertilized eggs at pronuclear stage were inseminated with capacitated human sperm, penetration did not occur. In the case of a homologous system using hamster sperm and in vivo fertilized hamster eggs, slight attachment of sperm was observed but no penetration. The cortical granules were found to be released in spontaneously activated and in fertilized eggs as observed by phase contrast microscopy. These observations suggest that the egg vitellus plays a role in the block to poiyspermy in addition to that of the zona block. 相似文献
Fertilization by more than one sperm in sea urchins inevitably leads to uneven division and death of the embryo. We provide evidence for a block against this polyspermy involving the hydrogen peroxide release by the egg during fertilization that is triggered by entry of the successful sperm. Polyspermy in 100% of fertilized eggs was demonstrated when catalase was added to destroy hydrogen peroxide immediately after fertilization. Soybean trypsin inhibitor, another polyspermic agent, is shown to prevent the formation of hydrogen peroxide in the fertilized egg. This suggests that the protease released from egg cortical granules during fertilization plays a role in the hydrogen peroxide generating system. 相似文献
Peter M. Horvath Theresa Kellom Jeanne Caulfield Jeffrey Boldt 《Molecular reproduction and development》1993,34(1):65-72
The mechanisms responsible for the plasma membrane associated block to polyspermy in mouse eggs were studied. Reinsemination experiments using zona-free eggs indicated that, after fertilization, the egg plasma membrane is altered such that sperm binding to the egg plasma membrane is blocked, except in the region of the second polar body. Activation of the egg with either ethanol or strontium chloride did not result in a block to polyspermic penetration, as artificially activated eggs displayed identical penetration levels as to nonactivated control eggs. The penetrability of activated eggs was not altered by the presence or absence of the zona pellucida during activation. Lectin staining for egg cortical granule material indicated that activation did cause cortical granule exocytosis; however, activated eggs remained penetrable. These data support the following conclusions: (1) an alteration in the ability of the egg plasma membrane to allow sperm adherence accounts for the block to polyspermy; (2) establishment of the plasma membrane block to polyspermy is sperm dependent, since artificial egg activation does not result in a block response; (3) the contents of the egg's cortical granules do not play a role in the establishment of the plasmalemma block response. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
We report the isolation of calmodulin from oocytes of Chaetopterus pergamentaceus. The identification of this protein is based on (1) activation of beef heart cAMP phosphodiesterase, (2) heat stability, (3) sensitivity to chlorpromazine, and (4) electrophoretic mobility identical to that of porcine brain calmodulin after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of either Ca2+ or EGTA. We treated oocytes with chlorpromazine and W-7 to investigate the involvement of calmodulin in meiosis initiation and egg activation. Very low concentrations of chlorpromazine inhibited germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). This effect was shown to be dependent upon bright indirect light, since the drug was much less effective at GVBD inhibition under conditions of very low illumination. Higher concentrations of chlorpromazine and W-7 (100 microM) inhibited GVBD and activated eggs with intact germinal vesicles as determined by fertilization envelope formation and the onset of ameboid activity. Neither egg activation nor inhibition of calmodulin stimulation of phosphodiesterase activity in vitro was affected by light. These results are consistent with a role for calmodulin in egg activation and GVBD, but suggest that chlorpromazine in bright light may prevent GVBD by some mechanism other than calmodulin inhibition. 相似文献
S H Brawley 《Developmental biology》1987,124(2):390-397
More than 70% of Pelvetia fastigiata eggs and about 15% of Fucus distichus eggs become polyspermic when fertilized at natural sperm concentrations in a low-sodium (2.5 mM Na+, 450 mM N-methyl glucamine) artificial seawater. Natural levels of polyspermy are 1-3% for both species. Polyspermic eggs germinate and respond to photopolarization, but do not develop beyond an abnormal, "stumpy," four-cell stage. They die within 1-1.5 weeks. The sodium-dependent block is a fast block, and it is replaced by a second block (probably cell wall formation) no later than 9 min (Pelvetia) after eggs are shed. The sodium-dependent block in Pelvetia is very efficient; when external sodium is raised to only 47.5 mM, the level of polyspermy drops to about 25%. These results are compared with data on marine invertebrates in the context of factors such as the sperm/egg concentration at fertilization and natural, osmotic (salinity) stress. 相似文献