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We examined how community composition of benthic invertebrates was related to current velocities and other environmental variables within the Sacramento River in California, USA. Invertebrates were collected in 1998 and 1999 from 10 sites over a gradient of 187 river kilometers. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that current velocity was the most important variable explaining community composition. Other predicator variables that influenced community composition included periphyton biomass, altitude, and disturbance. Because of the importance of velocity in structuring benthic communities in this system, alterations of flow caused by changes in river regulation structures should be carefully considered.  相似文献   

Most of the tested water quality factors increase downstream coinciding with changes in the aquatic vegetation, from typical species of fast-flowing oligotrophic waters to those of slower-flowing eutrophic waters. Several statistic analyses were carried out to relate physical and chemical parameters with plant distribution. Five vegetation types are found in a longitudinal distribution along the river system. They are dominated by bryophytes in the initial parts before the reservoirs and by higher plants in the final parts after the reservoirs.  相似文献   

科尔沁草地不同大气稳定度下湍流特征谱分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用科尔沁半干旱风沙草原区涡度相关观测数据,计算并分析了不同大气稳定度条件下湍流的功率谱和协谱.结果表明:经向风速与纬向风速的功率谱在大气不稳定层结、近中性层结、稳定层结条件下谱形均相似,并遵循-2/3定律;近中性层结条件下垂直风速的功率谱没有惯性子区,此时仪器对脉动信号的捕捉不够完全,稳定层结条件下垂直风速功率谱表明观测层产生了泄流和平流;CO_2和H_2O浓度的功率谱分析表明,红外气体分析仪对高频信号的响应能力能够满足实际观测的需要,其功率谱的谱峰随大气稳定度的增强而向高频转移;垂直风速与3种标量的协谱谱形相似,不同大气稳定度下协谱惯性子区长度随大气稳定度的增强而变短,且均符合-4/3定律,说明三维超声风速仪与红外气体分析仪的空间间隔不会对通量观测结果造成显著影响.  相似文献   

云南蚤类区系及分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】在收集汇总以往野外调查资料以及已经发表的历史文献资料基础上,归纳云南蚤类的分布特点,分析云南地理小区对蚤类的影响。【方法】在实地采集和补充文献记录基础上,对收集到的蚤类进行系统分类整理;运用SPSS13.0的主成分分析及系统聚类对数据进行处理。【结果】本研究共记录云南蚤类9科45属144种,其中古北种15种,东洋种 108种,东洋、古北两界兼有种15种,广布种6种。144种蚤中,属于云南特有蚤类有75种;横断山中部小区记载蚤类122种,横断山南部小区26种,滇东高原小区41种,滇西高原小区28种,滇南山地小区25种。主成分分析和聚类分析结果基本一致,均可聚为两类:一类为横断山南部小区、滇南山地小区、滇西高原小区及滇东高原小区; 另一类为横断山中部小区。【结论】云南省蚤类分布明显受到地理小区环境的影响。云南省蚤类昆虫种类繁多,蚤类的自然分布受到云南省特定地形地貌影响。  相似文献   

1. The single station diel oxygen curve method was used to determine the response of system metabolism to backfilling of a flood control canal and restoration of flow through the historic river channel of the Kissimmee River, a sub‐tropical, low gradient, blackwater river in central Florida, U.S.A. Gross primary productivity (GPP), community respiration (CR), the ratio of GPP/CR (P/R) and net daily metabolism (NDM) were estimated before and after canal backfilling and restoration of continuous flow through the river channel. 2. Restoration of flow through the river channel significantly increased reaeration rates and mean dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations from <2 mg L−1 before restoration of flow to 4.70 mg L−1 after flow was restored. 3. Annual GPP and CR rates were 0.43 g O2 m−2 day−1 and 1.61 g O2 m−2 day−1 respectively, before restoration of flow. After restoration of flow, annual GPP and CR rates increased to 3.95 O2 m−2 day−1 and 9.44 g O2 m−2 day−1 respectively. 4. The ratio of P/R (mean of monthly values) increased from 0.29 during the prerestoration period to 0.51 after flow was restored, indicating an increase in autotrophic processes in the restored river channel. NDM values became more negative after flow was restored. 5. After flow was restored, metabolism parameters were generally similar to those reported for other blackwater river systems in the southeast U.S.A. Postrestoration DO concentrations met target values derived from free flowing, minimally impacted reference streams.  相似文献   

极端降水条件下延河水沙特征对比分析及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探究延河流域在开展水土保持工程前后极端降水条件下水沙特征变化情况,采用统计学方法对比分析了延河流域1977年和2013年7月两次极端降水条件下的水沙特征变化情况。结果表明:1977年7月极端暴雨具有降雨强度大和降雨量峰值大、降雨强度空间分布极不均匀的特征;2013年7月极端暴雨具有降雨总量和时段降雨量大、暴雨频率高、降雨强度空间分布较均匀的特征。2013年7月洪水洪峰流量、洪水总径流量、洪峰含沙量等特征值较1977年7月显著减小,输沙量随径流量的减小而显著减小。1977年7月洪水表现为陡涨陡落,洪水历时较短;2013年7月洪水表现为缓涨缓落,洪水历时明显延长。与1977年相比,2013年泥沙颗粒明显细化。该研究表明1990年代以来水土保持高水平的规模化治理改变了流域产、汇流的下垫面条件,是导致1977年和2013年7月极端降水条件下的水沙特征表现迥异的主要原因。该研究为应对极端降水引发的洪灾和防治水土流失提供可靠的科学理论依据。  相似文献   

While the decrease in flow is obvious in the Kikuletwa River, the mechanism leading to the decrease is unclear. We assessed the influence of vegetation cover change on dry season flow in the Kikuletwa River. The combined cover of closed and open forests decreased by 68% while closed and open forests decreased by 56% and 64% respectively. Land under agroforestry decreased by 25%, while that under annual crops increased by 41%. Grasslands increased by 116% and riverine vegetation decreased by 53%. Daily dry season flow showed a slightly decreasing trend in one of the stations despite all of them receiving water from the Rundugai natural springs. On the other hand, low flow indices indicated no statistically significant changes in the long-term average flow and there was no identifiable change in the rainfall amount. The majority (93%) of the local people perceived a changing rainfall pattern and decline in dry season flow in the Kikuletwa River. Changes in the dry season flow then can be associated with the identified land cover changes. Further research to substantiate the local people perceptions is important as indigenous knowledge may be good evidence for ascertaining changes in the natural environment.  相似文献   

Pulsatile flow in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) models has been examined in order to understand the hemodynamics that may contribute to growth of an AAA. The model studies were conducted by experiments (flow visualization and laser Doppler velocimetry) and by numerical simulation using physiologically realistic resting and exercise flow conditions. We characterize the flow for two AAA model shapes and sizes emulating early AAA development through moderate AAA growth (mean and peak Reynolds numbers of 362<Remean<1053 and 3308<Repeak<5696 with Womersley parameter 16.4<<21.2). The results of our investigation indicate that AAA flow can be divided into three flow regimes: (i) Attached flow over the entire cycle in small AAAs at resting conditions, (ii) vortex formation and translation in moderate size AAAs at resting conditions, and (iii) vortex formation, translation and turbulence in moderate size AAAs under exercise conditions. The second two regimes are classified in the medical literature as disturbed flow conditions that have been correlated with atherogenesis as well as thrombogenesis. Thus, AAA disturbed hemodynamics may be a contributing factor to AAA growth by accelerating the degeneration of the arterial wall. Our investigation also concluded that vortex development is considerably weaker in an asymmetric AAA. Furthermore, turbulence was not observed in the asymmetric model. Finally, our investigation suggests a new mode of transition to turbulence: vortex ring instability and bursting to turbulence. The transition process depends on a combination of the pulsatile flow conditions and the tube cross-sectional area change.  相似文献   

The relationship between river flow and rod and net catches of salmon and grilse have been analysed for four of the major fisheries on the Aberdeenshire Dee. On the lower two fisheries there is a good correlation between the rod catch and the average flow on the day of the catch and the preceding 3 days but there is no such correlation at the highest fishery. There is also a good correlation between the annual flow during the rod season and the total annual rod catch at the lowest fishery, while there is an inverse correlation between the flow during the rod season and the net catch. When the nets are off there is no longer any correlation between river flow and rod catch at the lowest fishery.  相似文献   

We monitored habitat use and movement of 27 adult shovelnose sturgeon in Pool 13 of the upper Mississippi River, Iowa-Illinois, by radio-telemetry in April through August 1988. Our objective was to determine the response of this species to unusually low water conditions in the upper Mississippi River in 1988. Most (94%) telemetry contacts were made in 3 habitat types: main channel (50%), main channel border where wing dams were present (29%), and tailwaters of Lock and Dam 12 (15%). Habitat use in spring was affected by the extreme low flows. We often found tagged shovelnose sturgeon in the main channel and tailwaters during the spring period (11 March–20 May) where water velocities were highest. This was in contrast to other studies where shovelnose sturgeon did not occupy those areas during years with normal spring flows. Shovelnose sturgeon were typically found in areas with a sand bottom, mean water depth of 5.8 m, and mean bottom current velocity of 0.23 m sec-1. They occupied areas of swifter current but were not always found in the fastest current in their immediate vicinity. Tagged shovelnose sturgeon tended to remain in the upper, more riverine portion of the pool, and we observed no emigration from the study pool. Linear total range of movement from the tagging site ranged from 1.9 to 54.6 km during the study period.  相似文献   

The abundance and growth history of larval and juvenile Japanese seaperch Lateolabrax japonicus were investigated in the Chikugo River estuary, upper Ariake Bay, from 1990 to 2000. Growth during the larval period (up to 15 mm standard length, L S, the size at recruitment into the estuary) was backcalculated using sagittal otolith microstructures by the biological intercept method. Growth rates in length declined at body sizes >14 mm L S. High freshwater discharge through the Chikugo River was associated with high temperatures of the upper Ariake Bay where the larvae spend their planktonic life. Mean larval stage duration (days) from hatch to 15 mm ( D 15) varied between 48·8 and 76·2 days and was inversely correlated with the estimated mean temperature history [mean daily temperature (° C) experienced by the larvae during the period from hatch to 15 mm, T 15]. Mean abundance (number m−2) of larvae and juveniles was highest in years when T 15, D 15 and freshwater discharge were at intermediate levels. Although the abundance was not correlated with either of these variables, an exponential relationship between abundance and D 15 was found when data collected during the highest river discharge years (1990, 1991 and 1998) were excluded. The increase in freshwater discharge through the Chikugo River probably had the potential to enhance or diminish Japanese seaperch recruitment in two ways: 1) it could increase recruitment probability by increasing temperature and larval growth and 2) high river flow also had the potential to decrease the probability of immigration into the river by increasing larval seaward dispersion, predation due to decreased turbidity and starvation due to decreased zooplankton prey abundance in the estuary.  相似文献   

The possible links between river flow, zooplankton abundance and the responses of zooplanktivorous fishes to physico‐chemical and food resource changes are assessed. To this end, the seasonal abundance, distribution and diet of the estuarine round‐herring Gilchristella aestuaria and Cape silverside Atherina breviceps were studied in the Kariega Estuary. Spatio‐temporal differences were determined for selected physico‐chemical variables, zooplankton abundance and zooplanktivorous fish abundance and distribution. Results indicated that, following a river flood event in winter (>30 m3 s?1), altered physico‐chemical conditions occurred throughout the estuary and depressed zooplankton stocks. Abundance of G. aestuaria was highest in spring, with this species dominant in the upper and middle zones of the estuary, while A. breviceps was dominant in summer and preferred the middle and lower zones. The catch per unit of effort of both zooplanktivores also declined significantly following the flooding, thus suggesting that these fishes are reliant on zooplankton as a primary food source for healthy populations. Copepods dominated the stomach contents of both fish species, indicating a potential for strong interspecific competition for food, particularly in the middle reaches. Temporal differences were evident in dietary overlap between the two zooplanktivorous fish species and were correlated with river flow, zooplankton availability and fish distribution. The findings of this study emphasize the close trophic linkages between zooplankton and zooplanktivorous fishes under changing estuarine environmental conditions, particularly river flow and provide important baseline information for similar studies elsewhere in South Africa and the rest of the world.  相似文献   

变异条件下淮河流域生态径流变化特征及驱动因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
温庆志  姚蕊  孙鹏  张强  顾然 《生态学报》2020,40(8):2621-2635
基于淮河流域7个水文站点1956—2016年逐日径流量和72个雨量站点1960—2016的逐日降水量数据,利用Pettitt变异点检测、生态赤字和生态剩余等生态径流指标,定量分析淮河流域水文变异特征,根据生物多样性指标和水文变异指数间的关系,分析该流域水文变异的生态效应,利用位置、尺度、形状的广义可加模型(Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape,GAMLSS)理论框架量化气候因子对生态径流变化的贡献。研究表明:(1)水文变异后生态剩余减少,生态赤字增多,干流流量历时曲线比支流下移更明显;年生态剩余/赤字与面降水距平变化一致,水利工程调蓄作用是夏季生态径流与降水距平相关性差的主要原因;(2)除冬季外,淮河流域年、季尺度生态赤字(生态剩余)逐年增加(减小),春季增加最为明显。尽管冬季生态剩余比其他季节高,但生态剩余整体减小,21世纪干流生态剩余达最低,香农指数表明淮河流域生物多样性逐年下降。生态径流指标与水文改变指标(Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration,IHA)指标相关达0.45...  相似文献   

Geochemical characteristics of heavy metals in the Xiangjiang River,China   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Shen  Zhang  Wenjiang  Dong  Licheng  Zhang  Xibao  Chen 《Hydrobiologia》1989,176(1):253-262
The concentration of the heavy metals Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn in surface water and sediment samples taken from the length of the Xiangjiang River in China, revealed significant pollution in the vicinity of two industrial centres (Shuikoushan & Zhuzhou). Additional insight into the potential adverse effects of these elevated concentrations was obtained from studies of the physiochemical forms (speciation) of these metals in the water column and in sediments.  相似文献   

1. River flow alterations due to climate change and increasing water usage affect freshwater biodiversity including fish species richness. Here, we statistically explored the relationships of fish species richness to 14 ecologically relevant flow metrics as well as basin area and latitude in 72 rivers worldwide. 2. The statistical models best supported by the data included three variables with positive coefficients (mean river discharge, basin area and the maximum proportion of no‐flooding period) and three variables with negative coefficients (latitude, coefficients of variation in the frequency of low flow and the Julian date of annual minimum flow). 3. The model outputs have provided the first empirical indication that specific low‐ and high‐flow characteristics may be important in explaining variations in basin‐scale fish species richness. Our findings can be useful in identifying high‐risk basins for conservation of fish species diversity. 4. The results not only support the adoption of mean discharge as a predictor, but also suggest the importance of basin area in predicting basin‐scale fish species richness around the world.  相似文献   

The Butgenbach dam, built on the Warche River (Ardennes, Belgium) in 1931 brought about two major changes: a significant reduction in the frequency and magnitude of the minimum discharges during the growing season (April–September) and the formation of numerous new geomorphological features (islets, pebble bars and rock outcrops) in the low flow channel. These changes have lead to an increase in the number of vascular plants downstream from the dam. Between 1994 and 1997, 74 species (bryophytes and phanerogams) were found downstream from the dam and 12 species were identified upstream. Downstream, most of the species are typical of damp semi-natural grasslands and of the banks of the Haute Ardennes—environments both characterised by oligotrophy. Euryoecious species (with a wide ecological range) and nitrophile species (that indicate pollution of the Warche from urban effluents and agricultural fertilisers) are also present. However, the distribution of plant species in the low flow channel is very heterogeneous. The number of species varies from one geomorphological unit to another. Species are more numerous on islets (54 species) than on rock outcrops (35 species) and gravel bars (28 species). On the islets, the number of species present varies in accordance with the degree of erosion. The islets that are most eroded and those that are least eroded display a poor range of flora. The degree of erosion influences the depth of silt, pebbles and litter on the islets. With regard to rock outcrops, the wealth of flora present depends on the form they take. Stratified outcrops are richer in flora than protruding outcrops. The number of plant species present on gravel bars depends on the frequency and the scale of remobilisation of pebbly material by floods. Following large floods, the vegetation cover and the number of different species decreases. But, if the sites remain stable, the number of species first of all increases, only then to decrease due to the proliferation of competitive species such as Phalaris arundinacea L. The ranges of species found on the different geomorphological features do not display a high degree of similarity. Canonical correlation analysis reveals that the density and the total number of species on geomorphological features are most strongly influenced by the proportion of fine particulates (<2 mm).  相似文献   

Restoration of the Kissimmee River should have multiple ecological benefits including improved dissolved oxygen (DO) within the river channel. Channelization of the Kissimmee River virtually eliminated flow through the natural river channel. After channelization, chronically low DO concentrations were observed in the stagnant remnant channel. Although no DO data from before channelization exist, reference estimates of pre‐channelization conditions were derived from seven relatively unimpacted streams. Stations along the Kissimmee River were sampled for 3 years before construction of the first phase of the restoration project began and for up to 8 years after the completion of construction. After Phase I construction, DO concentrations in the area of the river channel to which flow had been restored increased significantly from 2.2 to 4.9 mg/L, which is similar to DO concentrations observed in the reference streams. Mean DO concentrations for the reference streams ranged from 4.6 to 6.7 mg/L. Comparison of reference data to data from the pre‐Phase I and post‐Phase I system suggests that channelization had a negative impact on DO and that DO concentrations in the post‐Phase I Kissimmee River channel have made a significant recovery. Long‐term data trends demonstrate that DO concentrations can be negatively impacted by high flow events and that recovery from these events is generally quick, suggesting some degree of resilience in the system.  相似文献   

Nagy  G.J.  Gómez-Erache  M.  López  C.H.  Perdomo  A.C. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):125-139
In this paper we discuss nutrient dynamics and the effects of eutrophication in the Rio de la Plata River Estuary System since 1980. The tidal river was characterized by high suspended particulate matter (SPM), nutrients, and N:P ratio (>25), moderate chlorophyll a values, an inverse relationship between SPM and phosphate, and cianobacteria blooms. Seaward of the salinity front, where both SPM and nutrient concentrations are lower and chlorophyll a values greater, the net ecosystem metabolism is positive. Permanent stratification controls nutrient, organic matter and oxygen dynamics leading to biological stress and hypoxia below the halocline. Non conservative behavior of nitrogen in the estuary leads to a low N:P ratio (<3) because of both phytoplankton assimilation of nitrogen and denitrification, and benthic flux of phosphate. Periodic nuisance and toxic blooms occur at high salinities along the Uruguayan coast (Canal Oriental). Over the recent decades, changes in freshwater inflow, point and non-point nutrient load, and stratification, triggered by ENSO events, seem to have controlled the ecosystem metabolism, nutrient-oxygen dynamics, and the development of harmful blooms. The assessment of the regional and overall ranking of eutrophic conditions determines that the system is moderately eutrophied. Nevertheless, increasing trends in quantity of freshwater and nutrient loads, and the low potential to dilute and flush nutrients, suggest that the Rio de la Plata, in particular the Canal Oriental is prone to worsening eutrophication conditions like oxygen stress and harmful blooms.  相似文献   

A. Acou    A. Legault    P. Laffaille    E. Feunteun 《Journal of fish biology》2009,74(9):1985-2001
The influence of environmental factors (mainly the river flow) on the year-to-year variability of European eel Anguilla anguilla fluvial recruitment in a small coastal catchment, the Frémur River (north-west France) was examined. A comprehensive survey of catches from fixed traps at two weirs located at 4·5 km (Pont es Omnes Dam) and 6·0 km (Bois Joli Dam) above the river mouth was carried out between 1997 and 2004. Young pigmented elvers (mean ± s.d. total length, 133·7 ± 29·6 mm) were recruited in eel-passes from February to October, but the main runs followed a modal curve from April to September with a peak centred in May to June. Catches varied greatly between years, from 381 to 26 765 elvers. For each trap, a positive linear relationship between monthly mean river flow that preceded the maximal intensity of captures and annual total catches was observed. These relationships explained 73·1% ( P < 0.01) and 89·0% ( P < 0.001) of the year-to-year variability of the recruitment observed in the Pont es Omnes and Bois Joli traps respectively. A significant increase in river flow at the beginning of the migration peak would thus trigger a greater proportion of A. anguilla settled in the estuary and in the downstream zone of the Fremur River to begin their freshwater colonization. The physicochemical roles of changes in river discharge in stimulating upstream migration are discussed. It is concluded that fluvial recruitment in the Fremur River is mainly determined by environmental factors.  相似文献   

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