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The genus Plagiolepis Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Late Eocene Baltic, Bitterfeld, Rovno, and Scandinavian ambers is revised. Two new species, Plagiolepis wheeleri sp. nov. and P. paradoxa sp. nov., are described. A lectotype of Plagiolepis klinsmanni Mayr, 1868 and neotypes of P. kuenowi Mayr, 1868 and P. solitaria Mayr, 1868 are designated. Rhopalomyrmex pygmaeus Mayr, 1868 (= Plagiolepis balticus Dlussky, 1997) is recognized as a new synonym of P. kuenowi Mayr, 1868. A key for identification of the Late Eocene species of Plagiolepis from the European ambers is provided.  相似文献   

The history of ecology and evolutionary biology is rife with attempts to define and delimit species. However, there has been confusion between concepts and criteria, which has led to discussion, debate, and conflict, eventually leading to lack of consistency in delimitation. Here, we provide a broad review of species concepts, a clarification of category versus concept, an account of the general lineage concept (GLC), and finally a way forward for species discovery and delimitation. Historically, species were considered as varieties bound together by reproduction. After over 200 years of uncertainty, Mayr attempted to bring coherence to the definition of species through the biological species concept (BSC). This has, however, received much criticism, and the last half century has spawned at least 20 other concepts. A central philosophical problem is that concepts treat species as ‘individuals’ while the criteria for categorization treats them as ‘classes’. While not getting away from this problem entirely, the GLC attempts to provide a framework where lineage divergence is influenced by a number of different factors (and correlated to different traits) which relate to the different species concepts. We also introduce an ‘inclusive’ probabilistic approach for understanding and delimiting species. Finally, we provide a Wallacean (geography related) approach to the Linnaean problem of identifying and delimiting species, particularly for cases of allopatric divergence, and map this to the GLC. Going one step further, we take a morphometric terrain approach to visualizing and understanding differences between lineages. In summary, we argue that while generalized frameworks may work well for concepts of what species are, plurality and ‘inclusive’ probabilistic approaches may work best for delimitation.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis is made of Ernst Mayr’s treatment of the biological species definition over time. To avoid misunderstandings, it is important to distinguish between the varying conceptual assumptions which Mayr associates with this definition and the unchanged wording of the definition. A polytypic species, that is a geographical aggregate of allopatric populations, does not fit the biological species definition very well. There is an undeniable tension between these two aspects [the polytypic and nondimensional] of the word species and from 1942 until the present time, I have never ceased to struggle with this problem (Mayr 1992b, p. 9). ... indeed, I pride myself on having changed my mind on frequent occasions (Mayr 1982a, p. 9).  相似文献   

Ernst Mayr’s typological/population distinction is a conceptual thread that runs throughout much of his work in systematics, evolutionary biology, and the history and philosophy of biology. Mayr himself claims that typological thinking originated in the philosophy of Plato and that population thinking was first introduced by Charles Darwin and field naturalists. A more proximate origin of the typological/population thinking, however, is found in Mayr’s own work on species. This paper traces the antecedents of the typological/population distinction by detailing Mayr’s changing views of species between 1942 and 1955. During this period, Mayr struggles to refine the biological species concept in the face of tensions that exist between studying species locally and studying them as geographically distributed collections of variable populations. The typological/population distinction is first formulated in 1955, when Mayr generalizes from the type concept versus the population concept in taxonomy to typological versus population thinking in biology more generally. Mayr’s appeal to the more general distinction between typological and population thinking coincides with the waning status of natural history and evolutionary biology that occurs in the early 1950s and the distinction plays an important role in Mayr’s efforts to legitimate the natural historical sciences.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss about the utility of the species concept as real definition, particularly the Mayr concept. We propose a method for the logical separation of taxa based in the statements of the logical mathematics and the application of the sets theory to the concepts in systematic. We attempt to provide an objective methodology for the interpretation of natural groups in biology including the species as a basic group in evolution. We introduce the concept of the hypothetical ancestor as a mathematical possibility derived from the use of matrix calculations for non square matrix.  相似文献   

I construe the question ‘Are species sets?’ as a question about whether species can be conceived of as sets, as the term ‘set’ is understood by contemporary logicians. The question is distinct from the question ‘Are species classes?’: The conception of classes invoked by Hull and others differs from the logician's conception of a set. I argue that species can be conceived of as sets, insofar as one could identify a set with any given species and that identification would satisfy three desiderata: the set would be a set of organisms, the identification would be apposite, and the identification would permit the formulation of statements about species in set-theoretic terms. One cannot, however, identify a species with any given set. Understanding the claim that species are sets in this way enables one to understand better the dispute between some who accept the claim (e.g., Kitcher 1984, 1987) and some who apparently reject it (e.g., Mayr 1987).  相似文献   

Historians and philosophers of science agree that Darwin had an understanding of species which led to a workable theory of their origins. To Darwin species did not differ essentially from ‘varieties’ within species, but were distinguishable in that they had developed gaps in formerly continuous morphological variation. Similar ideas can be defended today after updating them with modern population genetics. Why then, in the 1930s and 1940s, did Dobzhansky, Mayr and others argue that Darwin failed to understand species and speciation? Mayr and Dobzhansky argued that reproductively isolated species were more distinct and ‘real’ than Darwin had proposed. Believing species to be inherently cohesive, Mayr inferred that speciation normally required geographic isolation, an argument that he believed, incorrectly, Darwin had failed to appreciate. Also, before the sociobiology revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, biologists often argued that traits beneficial to whole populations would spread. Reproductive isolation was thus seen as an adaptive trait to prevent disintegration of species. Finally, molecular genetic markers did not exist, and so a presumed biological function of species, reproductive isolation, seemed to delimit cryptic species better than character-based criteria like Darwin’s. Today, abundant genetic markers are available and widely used to delimit species, for example using assignment tests: genetics has replaced a Darwinian reliance on morphology for detecting gaps between species. In the 150th anniversary of The Origin of Species, we appear to be returning to more Darwinian views on species, and to a fuller appreciation of what Darwin meant.  相似文献   

In 1992, in a special paper in the American Journal of Botany, Ernst Mayr attempted to ‘prove’ the biological species concept (BSC) worked as well in plants as it did in animals by analyzing the flora of the Concord region of northern Massachusetts. He concluded that there were minimal difficulties when applying the BSC for the plants of this particular area, and concluded that botanists were misguided in not accepting the BSC. He suggested that what he called ‘typological’ thinking was prevalent in the taxonomic community, and that this was a factor in botanical resistance to the BSC. Typology, as defined by Mayr in his 1992 foray into botany, is to a certain extent a straw‐man and, by the late 20th Century, no longer a way of thinking in widespread use in the taxonomic community in any organismal group. Here, I examine his analysis in the light of current interest in plant diversity. Species can be characterized as hypotheses about the distribution of variation in nature, subject to test with new data of many kinds. Species concepts like the BSC, although of interest philosophically and to researchers looking at mechanisms of speciation, may actually get in the way of achieving a baseline understanding of the diversity of life on Earth. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 17–25.  相似文献   

成都地区居室庭院蚂蚁种类调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005~2008年对成都地区居室庭院环境中的蚂蚁种类进行了调查,共发现3个亚科12属的蚂蚁26种,其中,切叶蚁亚科Myrmicinae的蚂蚁无论种类和数量在成都地区都占绝对优势,优势种为印度大头蚁Pheidole indica Mayr和史氏盘腹蚁Aphaenogaster smythiesi Forel.居室庭院蚂蚁在成都地区的分布以印度大头蚁Pheidole indica Mayr、史氏盘腹蚁Aphaenogaster smythiesi Forel和亮立毛蚁Paratrechina vividula Nylander的分布最广.  相似文献   

We commonly read or hear that Charles Darwin successfully convinced the world about evolution and natural selection, but did not answer the question posed by his most famous book, ‘On the Origin of Species …’. Since the 1940s, Ernst Mayr has been one of the people who argued for this point of view, claiming that Darwin was not able to answer the question of speciation because he failed to define species properly. Mayr undoubtedly had an important and largely positive influence on the study of evolution by stimulating much evolutionary work, and also by promoting a ‘polytypic species concept’ in which multiple, geographically separated forms may be considered as subspecies within a larger species entity. However, Mayr became seduced by the symmetry of a pair of interlocking ideas: (1) that coexistence of divergent populations was not possible without reproductive isolation and (2) reproductive isolation could not evolve in populations that coexist. These beliefs led Mayr in 1942 to reject evidence of the importance of intermediate stages in speciation, particularly introgression between hybridizing species, which demonstrates that complete reproductive isolation is not necessary, and the existence of ecological races, which shows that ecological divergence can be maintained below the level of species, in the face of gene flow. Mayr's train of thought led him to the view that Darwin misunderstood species, and that species were fundamentally different from subspecific varieties in nature. Julian Huxley, reviewing similar data at the same time, came to the opposite conclusion, and argued that these were the intermediate stages of speciation expected under Darwinism. Mayr's arguments were, however, more convincing than Huxley's, and this caused a delay in the acceptance of a more balanced view of speciation for many decades. It is only now, with new molecular evidence, that we are beginning to appreciate more fully the expected Darwinian intermediates between coexisting species. © The Author. Journal compilation © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 3–16.  相似文献   

Ant species found as syninclusions with aphids in Rovno and Saxonian ambers are listed for the first time. In a collection of 143 pieces of Rovno amber with worker ants, aphids were found in only one syninclusion with Ctenobethylus goepperti (Mayr). In a collection of Saxonian amber, 53 aphids of the genus Germaraphis were found in 152 amber pieces with ant workers; five syninclusions with aphids contained 19 specimens of C. goepperti; two syninclusions contained ten specimens of Lasius schiefferdeckeri Mayr; and three syninclusions contained one specimen each: one Camponotus mengei Mayr, one Anonichomyrma constricta (Mayr), and one Formica flori Mayr. Considering that the Rovno and Saxonian collections are nearly equal in the number of amber pieces, the fundamental difference in the number of syninclusions is striking. The number of C. goepperti in syninclusions is disproportionately high; the proportion of syninclusions with aphids and C. goepperti is 1.6 times that of all inclusions of workers of this species. They are found in 31% of examined inclusions of workers in the collection of the Saxonian amber, but in 50% of syninclusions of the entire collection. This strongly suggests that C. goepperti and Germaraphis formed an association during their lifetime.  相似文献   

【目的】为了探索形态测量学方法在蚁科昆虫分类中的应用价值和我国厚结猛蚁属Pachycondyla种间的系统发育关系,对国内保存有标本的厚结猛蚁属13种进行了形态测量学研究。【方法】选取厚结猛蚁属13种各9个个体进行测量,以体长(TL)、头长(HL)、头宽(HW)、触角柄节长(SL)、前胸背板宽(PW)性状特征及头长宽比(CI)、触角柄节比(SI)共12个度量特征为变量,进行主成分分析和聚类分析。【结果】研究表明,3个主成分在头长、头宽、头长宽比及触角柄节比有较高的载荷值,差异显著。聚类结果显示,13种厚结猛蚁聚成4支:第1支(短背厚结猛蚁P.brevidorsa(Xu)、拟黑厚结猛蚁P.melanaria(Emery)、红足厚结猛蚁P.rufipes(Jerdon)和列氏厚结猛蚁P.leeuwenhoeki(Forel))与第2支(片突厚结猛蚁P.lobocarena Xu、郑氏厚结猛蚁P.zhengi Xu和敏捷厚结猛蚁P.astute Smith)的相似度最高,亲缘关系最近;与第3支(多毛厚结猛蚁P.pilosior(Wheeler)、安南厚结猛蚁P.annamita(Andrè)、邵氏厚结猛蚁P.sauteri(Forel)和爪哇厚结猛蚁P.javana(Mayr))的相似度次之,亲缘关系较远;与第4支(中华厚结猛蚁P.chinensis(Emery)和黄足厚结猛蚁P.luteipes(Mayr))相似度最低,亲缘关系最远。聚类关系与传统分类的结果基本一致:中华厚结猛蚁与黄足厚结猛蚁外部形态特征相似,聚为一支;郑氏厚结猛蚁、敏捷厚结猛蚁、邵氏厚结猛蚁、爪哇厚结猛蚁与片突厚结猛蚁外部形态特征相似,聚为另一支,亲缘关系较近。【结论】研究结果证明形态测量学方法具有很好的应用价值,适用于蚁科昆虫分类研究。  相似文献   

Abstract Holcothorax Mayr is revised and three Palaearctic species, testaceipes (Ratzeburg), nepticulae Mayr and vellutatus sp.n., are recognized. A key to species is provided and details of host relationships are presented.  相似文献   

In laboratory studies, the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), and the odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile (Say), avoided aromatic cedar mulch as a nesting substrate. Both ant species were killed when confined with fresh aromatic cedar mulch in sealed containers. However, when confined with cedar mulch that had been aged outdoors for up to 140 d, mortality of L. humile was complete regardless of mulch age, whereas T. sessile mortality declined significantly over the mulch-aging period. Argentine ant susceptibility to aromatic cedar mulch was also greater than that of the odorous house ant when colonies were restricted to mulch in open trays. In addition, commercial aromatic cedar oil was lethal to both ant species. Our results suggest that aromatic cedar mulch may serve as an effective component of a comprehensive urban ant management program.  相似文献   

Uberlandia, MG, Brazil, underwent an accelerated process of urbanization with a population growth of 3,54% each year, higher than the national average. One of the problems emergent from urbanization is the use of different habitats for a great variety of insects. The objective of this study was to identify species of house-invading ants that occur in the urban area of Uberlandia. The occurrence of the house-invading species in regard to the time of urbanization, neighborhood infrastructure, age and maintenance of private houses was also assessed. The ants were collected using bait-traps in 120 residences from 12 neighborhoods which were put in three groups. Fourteen species of ants were catalogued, with Camponotus (Mayr), Monomorium (Mayr) and Tapinoma (Foerster) being the most frequent genera. Only Camponotus vittatus (Forel), Monomorium pharaonis (L.), Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius) and Brachymyrmex sp. (Mayr) were collected in all three groups. The relation between the ants collected and the age and maintenance of the private houses showed that Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille) was most frequent (60%) in poorly preserved or precarious constructions. Whereas, C. vittatus and Camonotus melanoticus (Emery) occurred in all categories of maintenance. Overall, C. vittatus which had not been found in any previously published survey of urban ants, was the most frequent species in urban areas of the Cerrado.  相似文献   

In the past decade, Houston, Texas has been virtually overrun by an unidentified ant species, the sudden appearance and enormous population sizes and densities of which have received national media attention. The Rasberry Crazy Ant, as it has become known due to its uncertain species status, has since spread to neighboring states and is still a major concern to pest control officials. Previous attempts at identifying this species have resulted in widely different conclusions in regards to its native range, source, and biology. We identify this highly invasive pest species as Nylanderia fulva (Mayr) using morphometric data measured from 14 characters, molecular sequence data consisting of 4,669 aligned nucleotide sites from six independent loci and comparison with type specimens. This identification will allow for the study and control of this emerging pest species to proceed unencumbered by taxonomic uncertainty. We also show that N. fulva has a much wider distribution than previously thought and has most likely invaded all of the Gulf Coast states.  相似文献   

Cytospora spp. and associated teleomorphic species (Ascomycota, Diaporthales, Valsaceae) are among the most common and widespread canker- and dieback-causing fungi on trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants worldwide. From specimens collected all over Iran a total of 114 isolates were morphologically identified, representing 20 Cytospora, one Leucostoma and five Valsa species from 38 plant species. Nine of the identified taxa were new records for Iran, and many new hosts were identified. The phylogenetic relationships of the Iranian strains, along with sequences of 13 reference strains from GenBank, were inferred from ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 nuclear rDNA sequences. Parsimony analysis established five distinct major clades and 12 subclades, which represented accepted species and genera. Some of these subclades corresponded to morphologically based taxonomic concepts of single Cytospora species, while others contained more than one morphospecies. Teleomorphic states were present in six subclades, and most clustered with the corresponding anamorphs. This suggests that morphological and phylogenetic species concepts overlap and that in most cases they are meaningful for correct species identification.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper examines the systematic relationships of four Chinese species of Pristomyrmex Mayr, i.e. P. brevispinosus Emery, P. formosae Forel, P, pungens Mayr, P. hamatus sp. nov. A key based on worker caste is provided for the known Chinese species. The new species, P. hamutw sp. nov., collected in the tropical rain forest of southern Yunnan Province is close to P. pungens Mayr, but inner margin of mandible with a distinct tooth, in dorsal view apices of propodeal spines curved inward and hook-like, in profile view domum of ditrunk roundly convex, petiolar node broad and with dorsum relatively straight. The type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection, Faculty of Resources, Southwest Forestry College, Kunming, yunnan Province, China.  相似文献   

N中国棱胸蚁属系统分类研究(膜翅目:蚁科)(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究中国棱胸蚁属PristomyrmexMayr蚂蚁 4种 :短刺棱胸蚁 ,P .brevispinosusEmery ,台湾棱胸蚁P .formosaeForel,双针棱胸蚁P .pungensMayr,弯钩棱胸蚁P .hamatussp .nov .。编制了工蚁分种检索表。描述了采于云南省南部勐腊热带雨林内一新种弯钩棱胸蚁P .hamatussp .nov .该新种与双针棱胸蚁P .pungensMayr接近 ,但上颚内缘具 1个明显的齿 ,背面观并胸腹节刺内弯呈钩状 ,侧面观胸部背面圆形隆起 ,腹柄结宽且背面较直。模式标本标本保存在西南林学院资源学院。  相似文献   

H Bharti  R Kumar 《ZooKeys》2012,(207):11-35
Two new species of Tetramorium Mayr, namely Tetramorium shivalikensesp. n. and Tetramorium triangulatumsp. n. are described. Tetramorium triangulatumsp. n. belongs to the inglebyi-species group and is described based on worker, queen and male caste, while Tetramorium shivalikensesp. n. belongs to the ciliatum-species group and is described based on worker caste only. Three species viz., Tetramorium caldarium (Roger), Tetramorium tonganum Mayr and Tetramorium urbanii Bolton represent first records from India. The male caste is described for the first time in the case of Tetramorium tonganum. Among these, Tetramorium caldarium is a tramp species which extends its limit to India as well. A revised key to the Indian ants of this genus is also provided herewith.  相似文献   

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