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I compared the effectiveness of sympatric brown howlers (Alouatta guariba) and muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides) as seed dispersers in terms of quantitative and qualitative attributes. I hypothesized that differences in feeding and behavioral patterns between these large‐bodied folivorous/frugivorous primates would lead to dissimilarities in their effectiveness as endozoochoric seed dispersal agents. The study was carried out in a semideciduous forest fragment of Fazenda Barreiro Rico, southeastern Brazil. Through behavioral sampling of frugivory and defecation events as well as analyses of fecal samples, I determined that A. guariba dispersed fewer species and produced a lower proportion of dung with intact seeds than B. arachnoides. There was no difference between the number of seeds in fecal samples of A. guariba and B. arachnoides. These primates affected to a similar degree both germination percentage and latency to germination of seeds they ingested or removed the pulp from. Howlers and muriquis were also similar in carrying seeds away from the parent trees. Contrary to muriquis, howlers defecated seeds under the canopy of conspecific lianas, where seeds are expected to suffer high mortality rates, and voided seeds predominantly in a clumped pattern. B. arachnoides was a more effective seed disperser when compared to A. guariba in some attributes evaluated, but not in others. Given the interspecific variation in recruitment patterns of tropical plants and the loss of frugivorous bird species at the study site, the differences between howlers and muriquis in their abilities as seed dispersers may crucially influence the composition and maintenance of seedling diversity.  相似文献   

I investigated the diet and feeding ecology of two social groups of woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii) in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador between April 1995 and March 1996. Woolly monkeys in Yasuní were predominantly frugivorous, with fruits comprising ca. 77% of the yearly diet; the next most common food type in the diet was insect and other animal prey. The fruit diet of woolly monkeys in Yasuní is the most diverse yet recorded for any ateline primate, including spider monkeys (Ateles), which are often regarded as ripe fruit specialists: 208 distinct morphospecies of fruits were consumed by woolly monkeys either during the study or during several preceding months of pilot work. Nonetheless, close to one-third of the yearly diet came from just 3 plant genera—Inga, Ficus, and Spondias—and only 20 genera each contributed to 1% of the diet. For one study group, the proportion of ripe fruit in the diet each month was correlated with the habitat-wide availability of this resource, a pattern evidenced by several other ateline species. However, the relationship was not apparent in the second study group. The modal party size for feeding bouts on all food types was a single monkey, and, contrary to reports for other atelines, neither feeding party size nor the total number of feeding minutes that groups spent in food patches was well predicted by patch size. Both results highlight the independent nature of woolly monkey foraging. Given that woolly monkeys and closely-related spider monkeys focus so heavily on ripe fruits, their very different patterns of social organization are intriguing and raise the question of just how their ecological strategies differ. Two important differences appear to be in the use of animal prey and in the phytochemical composition of the ripe fruits that they consume: spider monkeys rarely forage for animal prey, and woolly monkeys seldom consume the lipid-rich fruits that are an important part of spider monkey diets.  相似文献   

Studies of interspecific competition and niche separation have formed some of the seminal works of ecology. I conducted an 18-mo study comparing the feeding ecologies of 2 sympatric, closely-related ripe-fruit specialists, Humboldt's woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii), and the white-bellied spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth belzebuth) in Amazonian Ecuador. Woolly monkeys in the terra firme forest live at roughly triple the density of spider monkeys (31 versus 11.5 animals/km2). Woolly monkeys spend 17% of their time foraging, while spider monkeys spend only 1% of their time foraging. Spider monkeys alone fed on soil and termitaria, which are rich in phosphorus. Woolly monkeys are not hard-fruit specialists. Their fruit diet is significantly more diverse than that of spider monkeys. Dietary overlap between the 2 species is high, yet each specializes to some degree on a different set of fruit resources. Woolly monkeys visit more food sources per unit of time, feed lower in the canopy, visit more small food patches, and prey on more seeds. Spider monkeys feed on fewer, richer food sources and are more than twice as likely to return to a particular fruit source than woolly monkeys are. Spider monkeys maximize fruit pulp intake, carrying more intact seeds in their guts, while woolly monkeys minimize seed bulk swallowed through more careful food processing. Surprisingly, several preferred spider monkey foods with high fat content and large seeds are avoided by woolly monkeys. I outline the different ecological dimensions involved in niche separation between the 2 species and discuss the possible impetus for their evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

A 2-year field study of the frugivorous diet of a howling monkey troop, in a tropical rain forest in French Guiana, shows that they disperse by endozoochory ≥95% of plant species from which they eat ripe fruit. Passage through the digestive tract of howlers does not significantly modify the germination success of most plant species samples. Their low digestion rate (X = 20 hr 40 min) is the ultimate cause of a bimodal defecation rhythm that results in the concentration of 60% of defecations being deposited under sleeping sites. The distance of seed dispersal can reach more than 550 m from parent trees,with a mean of 260 m. Although howling monkeys consume fruits differing in morphological characteristics, they are particularly able to disseminate seeds of species whose fruits have a hard and indehiscent external coat or large seeds or both. In French Guiana, they may be especially important dispersers of the Sapotaceae with fruits that simultaneously present both characteristics.  相似文献   

Ateline monkeys, the largest primates in the Neotropics, may disperse more than one million seeds/km2/d at sites where they are abundant, but it is unclear whether a reduction in their populations can alter plant diversity patterns. The species richness and composition of regenerating plants as a proxy of future plant communities were studied by comparing 16 sites with different ateline abundance in three countries in northwestern South America. A total of 3658 plots included 94,340 regenerating plants, which were assigned to species or morphospecies. Paired t‐tests comparing sites in the same region but with different densities of atelines, and regression analyses showed a consistent positive relationship between ateline density and plant diversity. These results were due to the larger number of stems per area and higher evenness at sites with more atelines, suggesting higher recruitment rates for dispersed seeds. Differences were also found in plant composition, as canopy, endozoochorous, and medium seed size plants were consistently more abundant in sites with more ateline monkeys than in sites with less atelines. The findings of this study suggest that these primates play a key role in plant regeneration. In order to maintain the diversity and plant composition of tropical forests for future generations, conservation of these large frugivores and other key game species is imperative.  相似文献   

Seed predation by howler monkeys is poorly documented. Here we report the seed predation onCariniana estrellensis (Lecythidaceae) fruits by the black howler monkeyAlouatta caraya in south-east Brazil during an intense dry season. This observation suggests that even non-specialized seed predators such as howlers can use seeds in critical periods of dry season.  相似文献   

Seed size is an important plant fitness trait that can influence several steps between fruiting and the establishment of a plant’s offspring. Seed size varies considerably within many plant species, yet the relevance of the trait for intra-specific fruit choice by primates has received little attention. Primates may select certain seed sizes within a species for a number of reasons, e.g. to decrease indigestible seed load or increase pulp intake per fruit. Olive baboons (Papio anubis, Cercopithecidae) are known to select seed size in unripe and mature pods of Parkia biglobosa (Mimosaceae) differentially, so that pods with small seeds, and an intermediate seed number, contribute most to dispersal by baboons. We tested whether olive baboons likewise select for smaller ripe seeds within each of nine additional fruit species whose fruit pulp baboons commonly consume, and for larger seeds in one species in which baboons feed on the seeds. Species differed in fruit type and seed number per fruit. For five of these species, baboons dispersed seeds that were significantly smaller than seeds extracted manually from randomly collected fresh fruits. In contrast, for three species, baboons swallowed seeds that were significantly longer and/or wider than seeds from fresh fruits. In two species, sizes of ingested seeds and seeds from fresh fruits did not differ significantly. Baboons frequently spat out seeds of Drypetes floribunda (Euphorbiaceae) but not those of other plant species having seeds of equal size. Oral processing of D. floribunda seeds depended on seed size: seeds that were spat out were significantly larger and swallowed seeds smaller, than seeds from randomly collected fresh fruits. We argue that seed size selection in baboons is influenced, among other traits, by the amount of pulp rewarded per fruit relative to seed load, which is likely to vary with fruit and seed shape.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe seed dispersal patterns of woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagothricha) in terms of dispersal quantity and two factors related to dispersal quality: germination rates of dispersed seeds and the distance of dispersal to parental trees. The possible influence of retention time, travel distance, seed size, activity patterns, and fruit abundance on dispersal distance was also analyzed. Observations on activity, diet, daily movements, and seed dispersal were made on focal individuals of a group of woolly monkeys at a tropical rain forest in Tinigua National Park (Colombia). Sixty hours of focal samples per month were completed during 1 year. A total of 753 depositions were collected during the study. Each dropping contained seeds from an average of 2.68 different species (range 0 to 9). Collected depositions contained an underestimated total of 50,168 seeds (>1 mm). Given a population density of 30 individuals/km2, the woolly monkeys in the study area disperse more than 25,000 seeds/km2/day. These seeds belong to 112 different plant species. Germination rates of dispersed seeds are usually similar or higher than those of non-swallowed seeds. It was possible to determine dispersal distance in 264 cases when the focal animal was continuously followed from ingestion at the parental tree to deposition. Only 1% of these depositions landed in close proximity (<15 m) of the parental tree. It was very common that the droppings were deposited between 100 and 500 m from the parent tree, and up to 1.5 km. Higher retention times and longer travel distances were not correlated with increased dispersal distance. Two main reasons for this result were the prolonged and variable passage rates (avg=11.2 hr+/-6.5 SD.) and the circuitous routes of monkeys in this forest.  相似文献   

Ellen Andresen 《Biotropica》1999,31(1):145-158
Primary seed dispersal by two species of monkeys and the effects of rodents and dung beetles on the fate of dispersed seeds are described for a rain forest in southeastern Perú. During the six-month study period (June–November 1992) spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus) dispersed the seeds of 71 plant species, whereas howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) dispersed seeds of 14 species. Spider and howler monkeys also differed greatly in their ranging behavior and defecation patterns, and as a consequence, produced different seed rain patterns. Monkey defecations were visited by 27 species of dung beetles (Scarabaeidae). Dung beetles buried 41 percent of the seeds in the dung, but the number of seeds buried varied greatly, according to seed size. Removal rates of unburied seeds by rodents varied between 63–97 percent after 30 d for 8 plant species. The presence of fecal material increased the percentage of seeds removed by seed predators, but this effect became insignificant with time. Although seed predators found some seeds buried in dung balls (mimicking burial by dung beetles), depth of burial significantly affected the fate of these seeds. Less than 35 percent of Brosimum lactescens seeds buried inside dung balls at a depth of 1 cm remained undiscovered by rodents, whereas at least 75 percent of the seeds escaped rodent detection at a depth of 3 cm and 96 percent escaped at 5 cm. Both dung beetles and rodents greatly affected the fate of seeds dispersed by monkeys. It is thus important to consider postdispersal factors affecting the fate of seeds when assessing the effectiveness of frugivores as seed dispersers.  相似文献   

Isolated-bout method to estimate the retention times and dispersal distances was applied to the seed dispersal by red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) and Humboldts woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha) in a lowland tropical forest at La Macarena, on the border of the Macarena and Tinigua National Parks, the Department of Meta, Colombia. Continuous observations were made on the feeding and ranging behavior of well-habituated troops of howler monkeys and woolly monkeys as well as continuous collection of monkeys feces. We selected out the isolated-bout as a feeding bout on the specific species that was only once recorded within 48 h before the seeds of that species appeared in the feces of monkeys. In that case, the seeds were strongly suggested to come from that isolated bout. Then retention times, route seed dispersal distances and direct seed dispersal distances were estimated. Howler monkeys, which are regarded as generalist herbivores, showed longer retention times and dispersal distances along monkeys route than did woolly monkeys, which are specialist frugivores. However, the direct distances that seeds were carried from the mother tree were not significantly greater for howler monkeys than for woolly monkeys. This shows that both retention time and movement patterns by the monkeys, especially the total ranging area, influence the direct distance that seeds are carried from the mother tree.  相似文献   

I studied gray woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha cana)in an undisturbed central Amazonian terra firme forest, near the headwaters of the Urucu river, Tefé, Amazonas, Brazil (5°50’S, 65°16’W). I report the diet and feeding ecology of a group of 39–41 individuals, based on systematic feeding observations obtained during 11 months. Woolly monkeys are primarily frugivorous; mature fruits and young seeds account for 83 and 7% of 3298 feeding records, respectively. On a seasonal basis, however, they relied heavily on young foliage (16%), seed-pod exudates (6%), and flowers (3%), particularly during the greatest annual period of ripe fruit scarcity, as determined by a phenological survey. Animals represent only 0.1% of their year-round diet, and they spent little time capturing arthropods and other prey items. Although at least 225 plant species, belonging to 116 genera and 48 families, are in their diet, the three top-ranking families (Moraceae, Sapotaceae, and Leguminosae) account for 43% of their food species and 63% of the time they spent feeding on a year-round basis. I compare the feeding ecology and diet of L. 1. canain the Urucu and other taxa of Lagothrixin upper Amazonia — the last large-bodied Neotropical primates to be studied — to those of other ateline genera: Atelesand Brachyteles. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

The ability of weeds to form a seed bank is important for their population dynamics and management because it provides a refuge enabling reinvasion after established target plants have died. However, knowledge of the differential seed behaviour of individual species over multiple years and varying environmental conditions is surprisingly rare but necessary for effective control of diverse weed populations. We established a seed burial experiment in alpine habitats differing in management regime (i.e., forest, hay meadow and pasture) to determine whether seeds of the unpalatable perennial weeds, Veratrum album (white hellebore) and Gentiana lutea (yellow gentian) were able to delay germination and remain viable over 3 years. Our study shows that both species formed a short-term persistent seed bank; in the third-year, the soil seed banks of both species were nearly depleted, having declined to <5% of their original size. Both species had strikingly different germination strategies: G. lutea seeds mainly germinated in their first-year, whilst the majority of V. album seeds germinated in their second-year. The fraction of dormant G. lutea seeds increased with seed age, indicating that seeds remained viable after forgoing germination in the previous year. Habitat-specific differences in seed germination increased with seed age, with germination fractions being lowest in moist hay meadows. This suggests that the negative effects of anoxic conditions became more pronounced as seeds aged in hay meadows. Conversely, seed dormancy was equal among habitats. The absence of a long-term persistent seed bank has important implications for the management of both nuisance and endangered-plant populations. In the case of V. album and G. lutea, re-colonization of habitats from the seed bank is unlikely after established plants have been removed.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata yakui) via cheek-pouch was studied in a warm temperate evergreen forest on Yakushima Island. Plant list was compiled based on a study during 1986–1995, of which troops of monkeys have been habituated without artificial feeding. We followed the well-habituated monkeys in 1993 and 1994 to observe the feeding behavior and their treatments of fruits and seeds, and collected seeds dispersed by monkeys to record the distance carried from the mother trees. We checked the difference of germination ratio between seeds dispersed via cheek-pouch and seeds taken from mother trees by sowing experiments. Seeds and acorns of 22 species were observed to be dispersed via cheek-pouch of monkeys. Among them, three species with acorns were never dispersed via feces, and 15 species with drupes were seldom dispersed via feces. Plant species of which seeds are dispersed only via cheek-pouch had larger seeds than those of dispersed both via cheek-pouch and via feces, and typically had only one or two seeds in a fruit. As for one of cheek-pouch dispersal species,Persea thunbergii, the mean distance when seeds were carried from the mother trees via cheek-pouch was 19.7 m, and the maximum distance was as long as 105 m although more than 80% of seeds were dispersed within 30 m from mother trees. And 82% of seeds dispersed via cheek-pouch germinated. The easy separation of seeds from other parts of the fruit seems to facilitate cheek-pouch dispersal more than dispersal via feces. Cheek-pouch dispersal by monkeys has possibly enhanced the natural selection for larger seeds which bring forth larger seedlings with high shade-tolerance. In conclusion, cheek-pouch dispersal by monkeys is quite an important mode for trees in the mature stand in a warm temperate evergreen forest on Yakushima Island.  相似文献   

Liu H  Platt SG  Borg CK 《Oecologia》2004,138(4):539-546
Seed dispersal by animals is one of the most important plant-animal mutualisms, but saurochory, the dispersal of seeds by reptiles, has received little attention. We investigated the role of the Florida box turtle (Terrapene carolina bauri) as a seed dispersal agent in pine rockland forests of the lower Florida Keys and examined the effect of turtle digestion on seed germination. We obtained seeds of 11 species with fleshy fruits and 2 species with non-fleshy fruits (a grass and legume) from the feces of 145 box turtles collected on Key Deer National Wildlife Refuge from 1999 to 2000. We planted the seeds of nine species and germination percentage (percentage of seeds that germinated during the experiment) varied from 10% to 80%. Comparative germination experiments were conducted with Thrinax morrissii, Serenoa repens, and Byrsonima lucida. We compared the germination percentage and germination rate (number of days from planting to seedling emergence) of seeds from three treatments (seeds recovered from feces, control seeds with pulp, and control seeds without pulp) and continued these experiments for up to 2 years. Passage through the box turtle digestive tract greatly enhanced the germination percentage and germination rate of S. repens, but decreased the germination percentage of B. lucida and T. morrissii, and decreased germination rate for T. morrissii. Subsequent destructive seed viability tests revealed that many ungerminated T. morrissii seeds remained viable, suggesting long-term seed dormancy may occur, even after passage through the turtle digestive system. In addition, the proportion of ungerminated seeds which remained viable was greater for seeds recovered from turtle feces than from control seeds with pulp. Furthermore, removal of fleshy pulp either manually or by the turtle digestive system may allow T. morrissii to escape insect predation.  相似文献   

Investigations of coevolutionary relationships between plants and the animals that disperse their seeds suggest that disperser-plant interactions are likely shaped by diffuse, rather than species-to-species, coevolution. We studied the role of dietary plasticity in shaping the potential for diffuse coevolution by comparing dietary fruit preferences and seed dispersal by 3 species of spider monkeys (Ateles spp.) in 4 moist forests in Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Surinam. In all forests, spider monkeys were highly frugivorous and preyed upon seeds of few species. We estimated dietary use of fruiting taxa based on absolute consumption and preference, which accounts for resource availability. Of the 59 genera that comprised the 20 most frequently consumed genera summed in each forest, only 3—Brosimum (Moraceae), Cecropia (Cecropiaceae) and Virola (Myristicaceae)—ranked within the top 20 at every forest. Most genera were within the 20 most frequently consumed at only 1 or 2 forests. Based on preferences, only 4 genera ranked in the 20 most-preferred in all 4 forests: Brosimum, Cecropia, Ficus (Moracae), and Virola. Patterns in fruit consumption and preference at the familial level were similar in that only 2 families—Myristicaceae and Moraceae—were in the 10 most-consumed or most-preferred in all 4 forests. Interforest variation in plant specific composition and abundances and supra-annual fruiting phenologies, combined with dietary flexibility of Ateles spp., may partly explain these patterns. Our results suggest that variation in plant community structure strongly influences dietary preferences, and hence, seed dispersal by spider monkeys. Thus, diffuse coevolution in spider monkey-plant relationships may be limited to few taxa at the generic and familial levels.  相似文献   

The role in seed dispersal played by the pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) inhabiting Wamba, Republic of Zaïre, was studied. Germination was tested for seeds of 17 plant species recovered from the feces of pygmy chimpanzees at Wamba. The fecal seeds of 13 species germinated, and in six of the species the germination rate for the fecal seeds was higher than that of control seeds. Although five other species showed a higher germination rate in the control seeds than in the fecal seeds, the remaining two species revealed no difference in germination rate between the fecal and control seeds. There was no great difference in germination velocity between the fecal and control seeds of the same species. For comparison, seeds of four plant species collected from the feces of common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and gibbons (Hylobates lar) in captivity in Okinawa were tested for their germinability. In this test, although the seeds had passed through the digestive tract, their germinability demonstrated little change. Based on the behavioral characteristics of the pygmy chimpanzee at Wamba and observations of the captive primates on Okinawa, it seems that pygmy chimpanzees may play an important role in the seed dispersal of fruit plant species at Wamba.  相似文献   

Most tropical plants produce fleshy fruits that are dispersed primarily by vertebrate frugivores. Behavioral disparities among vertebrate seed dispersers could influence patterns of seed distribution and thus forest structure. This study investigated the relative importance of arboreal seed dispersers and seed predators on the initial stage of forest organization–seed deposition. We asked the following questions: (1) To what degree do arboreal seed dispersers influence the species richness and abundance of the seed rain? and (2) Based on the plant species and strata of the forest for which they provide dispersal services, do arboreal seed dispersers represent similar or distinct functional groups? To answer these questions, seed rain was sampled for 12 months in the Dja Reserve, Cameroon. Seed traps representing five percent of the crown area were erected below the canopies of 90 trees belonging to nine focal tree species: 3 dispersed by monkeys, 3 dispersed by large frugivorous birds, and 3 wind‐dispersed species. Seeds disseminated by arboreal seed dispersers accounted for ca 12 percent of the seeds and 68 percent of the seed species identified in seed traps. Monkeys dispersed more than twice the number of seed species than large frugivorous birds, but birds dispersed more individual seeds. We identified two distinct functional dispersal groups, one composed of large frugivorous birds and one composed of monkeys, drop dispersers, and seed predators. These groups dispersed plants found in different canopy strata and exhibited low overlap in the seed species they disseminated. We conclude it is unlikely that seed dispersal services provided by monkeys could be compensated for by frugivorous birds in the event of their extirpation from Afrotropical forests.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal is considered a key process determining spatial structure and dynamics of plant populations, and has crucial implications for forest regeneration. We evaluated the effectiveness of spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) as seed dispersers in continuous and fragmented habitats to test if this interaction is altered in forest fragments. We documented fruit and seed handling, defecation patterns, diversity and composition of seeds in feces, and seed germination of defecated and control seeds in the Lacandona rainforest, Mexico. For most species contributing to 80% of total fruit feeding time, monkeys swallowed and spat seeds, but swallowing was the most frequent seed handling category in continuous and fragmented forests. However, the proportion of feeding records of swallowed seeds was higher in continuous forest (0.59) than in fragments (0.46), whereas the opposite was true for proportion of dropped seeds (0.16 vs. 0.31). This pattern was reflected in the number of fecal samples containing seeds, which was greater in continuous (95.5%) than in fragmented forests (82.5%). Seeds in fecal samples included a total of 71 species from 23 plant families. The numbers of defecated seed species were similar between forest conditions, and in both cases most seeds (>86%) were undamaged. Defecated seeds showed greater germination percentages than control seeds in all of the five species evaluated. Although we identified some differences in seed handling and the percentage of feces with seeds between continuous forest and fragments, our results indicate that, in general terms, spider monkeys are effective seed dispersers in both forest conditions.  相似文献   

All howler monkey species ( Alouatta spp.) have a folivorous–frugivorous diet. Howler monkeys are reported to be seed dispersers in several areas, including black howlers ( Alouatta caraya ), which are important seed dispersers in northern Argentinean forests. The goal of this work was to study the three-way interaction between insects, seeds, and black howlers, and assess the functional significance of this tri-trophic interaction for seed dispersal. I determined through direct observation that fruits of species with a high proportion of insect infestation were important components of howler monkey diet. Ocotea diospyrifolia seeds from fresh faeces of black howlers contained dead larvae, but seeds were still able to germinate. Seeds in which larvae had reached an advanced stage of development did not germinate. Larvae of infested Eugenia punicifolia fruits were killed by digestion when they occurred in the pulp early in the fruiting season, but were dispersed alive with seeds later in the season. Banara arguta fruits contained both healthy and infested seeds; infested seeds were destroyed during digestion, while healthy seeds were dispersed. Black howlers' ingestion of infested fruits could result in the: (1) killing of larvae and dispersion of healthy seeds; (2) spread of larvae; or (3) destruction of infested seeds. This will depend on the relationship between the time at which fruit is consumed by black howlers, the time at which insect infestation occurs, and also probably on the hardness of the seed coat and the seed–insect size ratio.  相似文献   

Researchers consider predation rates by terrestrial animals to be lower in the case of arboreal primates, particularly among large-bodied species. We recorded the consumption of black-and-gold howlers (Alouatta caraya) by cougars (Puma concolor) as evidence of predation on an island of the upper Paraná River. We collected and processed fecal samples of the felid in 2004 and 2005. We identified items in the laboratory by comparison with museum specimens. We considered each species in a fecal sample as a single occurrence. Based on analysis of the cuticle scale pattern, we identified the felid as cougar. Howlers occurred in 4 out of the 8 fecal samples (40% of the occurrences). In addition to howlers, we also recorded 5 occurrences of agouti (Dasyprocta azarae; 50%) and a small unidentified sigmodontine rodent (10%). The abundance of howlers and the low forest canopy in a successional vegetation might have facilitated the predation of the large primates by a primarily terrestrial predator. The versatility of cougars is corroborated by the consumption of prey species that were abundant in the region and that were available in different forest strata, such as howlers and agoutis.  相似文献   

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