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T lymphocyte growth is regulated by the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1). Mice deficient in p27(Kip1) have increased proliferative responses to multiple cytokines, including IL-2, IL-4, and IL-12, but not to anti-CD3. In the absence of p27(Kip1), T cells proliferate faster than control cells, as evidenced by increased [(3)H]thymidine uptake, increased cell growth and division, and an increased number of cells in S phase. Importantly, this regulation is specific for p27(Kip1) in T cells, because hyperproliferation of T cells from mice deficient in p21(Cip1/Waf1) was not observed. In vivo, there is an expansion of activated/memory CD4(+) cells in p27(Kip1)-deficient mice before and after immunization. Furthermore, Ag-stimulated spleen cells from immunized p27(Kip1)-deficient mice demonstrated increased proliferative responses to IL-2 and increased secretion of IFN-gamma. Although IL-4 stimulated proliferative responses are diminished in Stat6-deficient T cells, activated T cells from mice doubly deficient in both p27(Kip1) and Stat6 recover normal proliferative responses to IL-4. Together, these data firmly support a role for p27(Kip1) as a negative regulator of cytokine-stimulated T cell growth.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor p27 block the cell in G(0)/G(1) until mitogenic signals activate G(1) cyclins and initiate proliferation. Post-translational regulation of p27 by different phosphorylation events is critical in allowing cells to proceed through the cell cycle. We now demonstrate that the arginine-directed kinase, Mirk/dyrk1B, is maximally active in G(0) in NIH3T3 cells, when it stabilizes p27 by phosphorylating it at Ser-10. The phospho-mimetic mutant p27-S10D was more stable, and the non-phosphorylatable mutant p27-S10A was less stable than wild-type when expressed in G(0)-arrested cells. Following phosphorylation by Mirk, p27 remains a functional CDK inhibitor, capable of binding to CDK2. Mirk did not induce the translocation of p27 from the nucleus in G(0), but instead co-localized with nuclear p27. Depletion of Mirk by RNA interference decreased the phosphorylation of p27 at Ser-10 and the stability of endogenous p27. RNA(i) to Mirk increased cell entry from G(0) into G(1) as shown by increased expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen and decreased expression of p27. These data suggest a model in which Mirk increases the amount of nuclear p27 by stabilizing it during G(0) when Mirk is most abundant. Mitogen stimulation then causes cells to enter G(1), reduces Mirk levels (Deng, X., Ewton, D., Pawlikowski, B., Maimone, M., and Friedman, E. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 41347-41354), and initiates the translocation of p27 to the cytoplasm. In addition, depletion of Mirk by RNA(i) in postmitotic C2C12 myoblasts decreased protein but not mRNA levels of p27, suggesting that stabilization of p27 by Mirk also occurs during differentiation.  相似文献   

Cks1 is an activator of the SCF(Skp2) ubiquitin ligase complex that targets the cell cycle inhibitor p27(Kip1) for degradation. The loss of Cks1 results in p27(Kip1) accumulation and decreased proliferation and inhibits tumorigenesis. We identify here a function of Cks1 in mammalian cell cycle regulation that is independent of p27(Kip1). Specifically, Cks1(-/-); p27(Kip1-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts retain defects in the G(1)-S phase transition that are coupled with decreased Cdk2-associated kinase activity and defects in proliferation that are associated with Cks1 loss. Furthermore, concomitant loss of Cks1 does not rescue the tumor suppressor function of p27(Kip1) that is manifest in various organs of p27(Kip1-/-) mice. In contrast, defects in mitotic entry and premature senescence manifest in Cks1(-/-) cells are p27(Kip1) dependent. Collectively, these findings establish p27(Kip1)-independent functions of Cks1 in regulating the G(1)-S transition.  相似文献   

p27Kip1 controls cell proliferation by binding to and regulating the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks). Here we show that Cdk inhibition and p27 stability are regulated through direct phosphorylation by tyrosine kinases. A conserved tyrosine residue (Y88) in the Cdk-binding domain of p27 can be phosphorylated by the Src-family kinase Lyn and the oncogene product BCR-ABL. Y88 phosphorylation does not prevent p27 binding to cyclin A/Cdk2. Instead, it causes phosphorylated Y88 and the entire inhibitory 3(10)-helix of p27 to be ejected from the Cdk2 active site, thus restoring partial Cdk activity. Importantly, this allows Y88-phosphorylated p27 to be efficiently phosphorylated on threonine 187 by Cdk2 which in turn promotes its SCF-Skp2-dependent degradation. This direct link between transforming tyrosine kinases and p27 may provide an explanation for Cdk kinase activities observed in p27 complexes and for premature p27 elimination in cells that have been transformed by activated tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

The cellular mechanisms regulating intestinal differentiation are poorly understood. Sodium butyrate (NaBT), a short-chain fatty acid, increases p27 Kip1 expression and induces cell cycle arrest associated with intestinal cell differentiation. Here, we show that treatment of intestinal-derived cells with NaBT induced G0/G1 arrest and intestinal alkaline phosphatase, a marker of differentiation, activity and mRNA expression; this induction was attenuated by inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3). Moreover, treatment with NaBT increased the nuclear, but not the cytosolic, expression and activity of GSK-3beta. NaBT decreased cyclin-dependent kinase CDK2 activity and induced p27 Kip1 expression; inhibition of GSK-3 rescued NaBT-inhibited CDK2 activity and blocked NaBT-induced p27 Kip1 expression in the nucleus but not in the cytoplasm. In addition, we demonstrate that NaBT decreased the expression of S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 (Skp2), and this decrease was attenuated by GSK-3 inhibition. Furthermore, NaBT increased p27 Kip1 binding to CDK2, which was completely abolished by GSK-3 inhibition. Overexpression of an active form of GSK-3beta reduced Skp2 expression, increased p27 Kip1 in the nucleus and increased p27 Kip1 binding to CDK2. Our results suggest that GSK-3 not only regulates nuclear p27 Kip1 expression through the downregulation of nuclear Skp2 expression but also functions to regulate p27 Kip1 assembly with CDK2, thereby playing a critical role in the G0/G1 arrest associated with intestinal cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Progression through the G1/S transition commits cells to synthesize DNA. Cyclin dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) is the major kinase that allows progression through G1/S phase and subsequent replication events. p27 is a CDK inhibitor (CKI) that binds to CDK2 to prevent premature activation of this kinase. Speedy (Spy1), a novel cell cycle regulatory protein, has been found to prematurely activate CDK2 when microinjected into Xenopus oocytes and when expressed in mammalian cells. To determine the mechanism underlying Spy1-induced proliferation in mammalian cell cycle regulation, we used human Spy1 as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify interacting proteins. One of the proteins isolated was p27; this novel interaction was confirmed both in vitro, using bacterially expressed and in vitro translated proteins, and in vivo, through the examination of endogenous and transfected proteins in mammalian cells. We demonstrate that Spy1 expression can overcome a p27-induced cell cycle arrest to allow for DNA synthesis and CDK2 histone H1 kinase activity. In addition, we utilized p27-null cells to demonstrate that the proliferative effect of Spy1 depends on the presence of endogenous p27. Our data suggest that Spy1 associates with p27 to promote cell cycle progression through the G1/S transition.  相似文献   

Subunit 6 of the COP9 signalosome complex, CSN6, is known to be critical to the regulation of the MDM2-p53 axis for cell proliferation and anti-apoptosis, but its many targets remain unclear. Here we show that p57Kip2 is a target of CSN6, and that CSN6 is a negative regulator of p57Kip2. CSN6 associates with p57Kip2, and its overexpression can decrease the steady-state expression of p57Kip2; accordingly, CSN6 deficiency leads to p57Kip2 stabilization. Mechanistic studies show that CSN6 associates with p57Kip2 and Skp2, a component of the E3 ligase, which, in turn, facilitates Skp2-mediated protein ubiquitination of p57Kip2. Loss of Skp2 compromised CSN6-mediated p57Kip2 destabilization, suggesting collaboration between Skp2 and CSN6 in degradation of p57Kip2. CSN6’s negative impact on p57Kip2 elevation translates into cell growth promotion, cell cycle deregulation and potentiated transformational activity. Significantly, univariate Kaplan-Meier analysis of tumor samples demonstrates that high CSN6 expression or low p57 expression is associated with poor overall survival. These data suggest that CSN6 is an important negative regulator of p57Kip2, and that overexpression of CSN6 in many types of cancer could lead to decreased expression of p57Kip2 and result in promoted cancer cell growth.  相似文献   

Subunit 6 of the COP9 signalosome complex, CSN6, is known to be critical to the regulation of the MDM2-p53 axis for cell proliferation and anti-apoptosis, but its many targets remain unclear. Here we show that p57Kip2 is a target of CSN6, and that CSN6 is a negative regulator of p57Kip2. CSN6 associates with p57Kip2, and its overexpression can decrease the steady-state expression of p57Kip2; accordingly, CSN6 deficiency leads to p57Kip2 stabilization. Mechanistic studies show that CSN6 associates with p57Kip2 and Skp2, a component of the E3 ligase, which, in turn, facilitates Skp2-mediated protein ubiquitination of p57Kip2. Loss of Skp2 compromised CSN6-mediated p57Kip2 destabilization, suggesting collaboration between Skp2 and CSN6 in degradation of p57Kip2. CSN6’s negative impact on p57Kip2 elevation translates into cell growth promotion, cell cycle deregulation and potentiated transformational activity. Significantly, univariate Kaplan-Meier analysis of tumor samples demonstrates that high CSN6 expression or low p57 expression is associated with poor overall survival. These data suggest that CSN6 is an important negative regulator of p57Kip2, and that overexpression of CSN6 in many types of cancer could lead to decreased expression of p57Kip2 and result in promoted cancer cell growth.  相似文献   

p45SKP2 promotes p27Kip1 degradation and induces S phase in quiescent cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The F-box protein p45SKP2 is the substrate-targeting subunit of the ubiquitin-protein ligase SCFSKP2 and is frequently overexpressed in transformed cells. Here we report that expression of p45SKP2 in untransformed fibroblasts activates DNA synthesis in cells that would otherwise growth-arrest. Expression of p45SKP2 in quiescent fibroblasts promotes p27Kip1 degradation, allows the generation of cyclin-A-dependent kinase activity and induces S phase. Coexpression of a degradation-resistant p27Kip1 mutant suppresses p45SKP2-induced cyclin-A-kinase activation and S-phase entry. We propose that p45SKP2 is important in the progression from quiescence to S phase and that the ability of p45SKP2 to promote p27Kip1 degradation is a key aspect of its S-phase-inducing function. In transformed cells, p45SKP2 may contribute to deregulated initiation of DNA replication by interfering with p27Kip1 function.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 (MKK1), a dual-specificity tyrosine/threonine protein kinase, has been shown to be phosphorylated and activated by the raf oncogene product as part of the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade. Here we report the phosphorylation and inactivation of MKK1 by phosphorylation on threonine 286 and threonine 292. MKK1 contains a consensus phosphorylation site for p34cdc2, a serine/threonine protein kinase that regulates the cell division cycle, at Thr-286 and a related site at Thr-292. p34cdc2 catalyzes the in vitro phosphorylation of MKK1 on both of these threonine residues and inactivates MKK1 enzymatic activity. Both sites are phosphorylated in vivo as well. The data presented in this report provide evidence that MKK1 is negatively regulated by threonine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The incidence and death rate of prostate cancer is increasing rapidly. In addition, the low sensitivity of prostate cancer to chemotherapy makes it difficult to treat this condition. The serine/threonine kinase Pim-1 plays an important role in cell cycle progression and apoptosis inhibition, resulting in prostate tumorigenesis. Therefore, Pim-1 inhibition has been expected to be an attractive target for developing new anti-cancer drugs. However, no small compounds targeting Pim-1 have progressed to clinical use because of their lack of specificity. Here, we have reported a new cell-permeable Pim-1 inhibitory p27(Kip1) peptide that could interfere with the binding of Pim-1 to its substrates and act as an anti-cancer drug. The peptide could bind to Pim-1 and inhibit phosphorylation of endogenous p27(Kip1) and Bad by Pim-1. Treatment of prostate cancer with the peptide induces G(1) arrest and subsequently apoptosis in vitro. However, the peptide showed almost no growth inhibitory or apoptosis-inducing effects in normal cells. The peptide could inhibit tumor growth in in vivo prostate cancer xenograft models. Moreover, the peptide treatment could overcome resistance to taxol, one of the first line chemotherapeutic agents for prostate cancer, and a combination of the peptide with taxol synergistically inhibited prostate cancer growth in vivo. These results indicate that a Pim-1 inhibitory p27(Kip1) peptide could be developed as an anti-cancer drug against prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Many tumorigenic processes affect cell-cycle progression by their effects on the levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1) [1,2]. The phosphorylation- and ubiquitination-dependent proteolysis of p27 is implicated in control of the G1-S transition in the cell cycle [3-6]. To determine the factors that control p27 stability, we established a cell-free extract assay that recapitulates the degradation of p27. Phosphorylation of p27 at Thr187 was essential for its degradation. Degradation was also dependent on SCF(Skp2), a protein complex implicated in targeting phosphorylated proteins for ubiquitination [7-10]. Immunodepletion of components of the complex - Cul-1, Skp1, or Skp2 - from the extract abolished p27 degradation, while addition of purified SCF(Skp2) to Skp2- depleted extract restored the capacity to degrade p27. A specific association was observed between Skp2 and a p27 carboxy-terminal peptide containing phosphorylated Thr187, but not between Skp2 and the non-phosphorylated peptide. Skp2-dependent associations between Skp1 or Cul-1 and the p27 phosphopeptide were also detected. Isolated SCF(Skp2) contained an E3 ubiquitin ligase activity towards p27. Our data thus suggest that SCF(Skp2) specifically targets p27 for degradation during cell-cycle progression.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1) is a critical regulator of T cell proliferation. To further examine the relationship of T cell proliferation and differentiation, we examined the ability of T cells deficient in p27(Kip1) to differentiate into Th subsets. We observed increased Th2 differentiation in p27(Kip1)-deficient cultures. In addition to increases in CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, there is a similar increase in gamma delta T cells in p27(Kip1)-deficient mice compared with wild-type mice. The increase in Th2 differentiation is correlated to an increase of IL-4 secretion by CD4(+)DX5(+)TCR alpha beta(+)CD62L(low) T cells but not to increased expansion of differentiating Th2 cells. While STAT4- and STAT6-deficient T cells have diminished proliferative responses to IL-12 and IL-4, respectively, proliferative responses are increased in T cells doubly deficient in p27(Kip1) and STAT4 or STAT6. In contrast, the increased proliferation and differentiative capacity of p27(Kip1)-deficient T cells has no effect on the ability of STAT4/p27(Kip1)- or STAT6/p27(Kip1)-deficient CD4(+) cells to differentiate into Th1 or Th2 cells, respectively. Thus, while p27(Kip1) regulates the expansion and homeostasis of several T cell subsets, it does not affect the differentiation of Th subsets.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids inhibit cell proliferation by inducing cell cycle lengthening. In this report, we have analyzed, in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes, the involvement of p27Kip1 in this slowing of proliferation. Following dexamethasone (DXM) treatment, p27Kip1 expression and regulation varied differently with the level of lymphocyte stimulation. In quiescent cells, DXM inhibited p27Kip1 protein expression by decreasing its rate of synthesis, whereas its half-life and mRNA steady state remained constant. In contrast, in stimulated lymphocytes, DXM increased p27Kip1 expression by enhancing its mRNA steady state. This increase is not only a consequence of the DXM-induced interleukin 2 inhibition: we also found an increase in p27Kip1 mRNA stability that was not observed in quiescent lymphocytes. Cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) complexes immunoprecipitated with p27Kip1 are differentially modified by DXM addition: (a) G1 kinasic complexes (cyclin D/CDK4 or CDK6) associated with p27Kip1 are strongly decreased by DXM, (b) S-phase complexes (CDK2/cyclin E and A) remained stable or increased, and (c) the association of p27Kip1 with the phosphorylated forms of CDK1 is increased by DXM. In addition, CDK2 kinase activity was decreased in DXM-treated cells: we suggest that p27Kip1 might participate in inhibiting its catalytic activity. These results indicated that, in normal lymphoid cells, p27Kip1 may be involved in DXM antiproliferative effects. The increase of p27Kip1 expression and a decrease in G1 mitogenic factors, together with the redistribution of p27Kip1 to S/G2-M regulatory complexes, may explain the lengthening of G1 and S/G2 after DXM treatment in lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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