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Establishment of Leucaena leucocephala was poor at Ibadan (Transition forest-savanna zone) and Fashola (savanna zone, 70 km north of Ibadan) in southwestern Nigeria as a result of low soil fertility and the presence of only a few native rhizobia capable of nodulating it. Inoculation with L. leucocephala at these two locations in 1982 resulted in striking responses with Rhizobium strains IRc 1045 and IRc 1050 isolated from L. leucocephala grown in Nigeria. The persistence of inoculated effective Rhizobium strains after inoculation is desirable since it removes the need for reinoculation. Because of the perennial nature of L. leucocephala and its use in long-term alley farming experiments, we examined the persistence of inoculated rhizobial strains after inoculation, and their ability to sustain N2-fixation and biomass production at Ibadan. In 1992, ten years after Rhizobium introduction, uninoculated, L. leucocephala fixed about 150 kg N ha-1 yr-1 or about 41% of total plant N compared to 180 kg N ha-1 yr-1 or 43% measured in 1982. Serological typing of the nodules using the Enzyme-Linked-Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) and intrinsic resistance to the streptomycin test revealed that most of the nodules (96%) formed on L. leucocephala in 1992 were by Rhizobium strains IRc 1045 and IRc 1050, which were inoculated in 1982. Nodules were absent on uninoculated L. leucocephala grown on the adjacent field with no history of L. leucocephala cultivation. We conclude that the N2 fixed by Rhizobium strains IRc 1045 and IRc 1050 persisted for many years in the absence of L. leucocephala and sustained effectively fixed N2 which growth and yield of L. leucocephala after several years, thus encouraging a possible low-input alley farming system by smallholder farmers in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Moawad  H.  Badr El-Din  S. M. S.  Khalafallah  M. A. 《Plant and Soil》1988,112(1):137-141
The nitrogen contribution from the shoot and root system of symbiotically grown leucaena was evaluated in a field experiment on an Alfisol at IITA in Southern Nigeria. Maize in plots that received prunings from inoculated leucaena contained more N and grain yield was increased by 1.9 t.ha.–1. Large quantities of nitrogen were harvested with leucaena prunings (300 kg N ha–1 in six months) but the efficiency of utilization of this nitrogen by maize was low compared to inorganic N fertilizer (ammonium sulphate) at 80 kg N ha–1. Maize yield data indicated that nitrogen in leucaena prunigs was 34 and 45% as efficient as 80 kg N ha–1 of (NH4)2SO4 for uninoculated and inoculated plants with Rhizobium IRc 1045, respectively. In plots where the prunings were removed, the leaf litter and decaying roots and nodules contributed N equivalent of 32 kg ha–1. Twenty-five kg ha–1 was the inorganic N equivalent from nitrogen fixed symbiotically by leucaena when inoculated with Rhizobium strain IRc 1045. Application of prunings from inoculated leucaena resulted in higher soil ogranic C, total N, pH and available NO3.  相似文献   

A field experiment conducted at Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, during three successive seasons showed that with the 120-day-duration variety Ratna two dual crops ofAzolla pinnata R. Brown (Bangkok isolate) could be achieved 25 and 50 days after transplanting (DAT) by inoculating 2.0 t ha−1 of fresh Azolla 10 and 30 DAT respectively. One basal crop of Azolla could also be grown using the same inoculum 20 days before transplanting (DBT) in fallow rice fields. The three crops of Azolla grown—once before transplanting and twice after transplanting—gave an average total biomass of 38–63 and 43–64 t ha−1 fresh Azolla containing 64–90 and 76–94 kg N ha−1 respectively in the square and rectangular spacings. Two crops of Azolla grown only as a dual crop, on the other hand, gave 26–39 and 29–41 t ha−1 fresh Azolla which contained 44–61 and 43–59 kg N ha−1 respectively. Growth and yield of rice were significantly higher in Azolla basal plus Azolla dual twice incorporated treatments than in the Azolla dual twice incorporation, Azolla basal plus 30 kg N ha−1 urea and 60 kg N ha−1 urea treatments. Azolla basal plus 30 kg N ha−1 urea and 60 kg N ha−1 urea showed similar yields but Azolla dual twice incorporation was significantly lower than those. The different spacing with same plant populations did not affect growth and yield significantly, whereas Azolla growth during dual cropping was 8.3 and 64% more in the rectangular spacing than in the square spacing in Azolla basal plus Azolla dual twice incorporation and Azolla dual twice incorporation treatments.  相似文献   

Leucaena leucocephala failed to nodulate effectively with promiscuous indigenous rhizobia with which Mucuna pruriens nodulated effectively. Mucuna pruriens was adequately established and well nodulated due to the presence of favourable climatic and edaphic factors which enhanced its establishment in the humid/moist savanna zone of Nigeria. The microsymbiont for M. pruriens seems to thrive more in an alkaline rhizosphere. Introduction of M. pruriens into the farming system in Nigeria may serve as a low input agricultural system, which is not only sustainable but also economically viable.  相似文献   

Pot and field experiments carried out at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and at Fashola, Southwestern Nigeria, examined the effect of inoculation and N, P and micronutrients on nodulation and growth ofLeucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit. In pot studies all parameters measured, except the percentage of nitrogen in shoots, were improved by inoculation, nitrogen and phosphorus. Micronutrients increased only nitrogen and allantoin contents. Interactions between inoculation and P, N and micronutrients on nodulation and growth of leucaena were observed. The effect of inoculation and fertilization with phosphorus or micronutrients was further investigated in field experiments. Establishment of uninoculated and unfertilized leucaena was poor at both locations due to low soil fertility and the presence of only a few native leucaena rhizobia. At one site, only inoculated plants were nodulated, while at the other, all plants produced nodules. Shoot dry weight, total nitrogen and phosphorus of inoculated plants were statistically equal to nitrogen-fertilized plants. Uninoculated plants were stunted. Generally, micronutrients did not influence nodulation, total nitrogen or growth of leucaena. They had only a positive effect on nitrogenase activity. Phosphorus increased total nitrogen and phosphorus uptake and plant growth. A 75% increase in shoot dry weight was obtained when 80 kg P ha–1 was applied to inoculated leucaena with Rhizobium strain IRc 1045. Inoculated plants contained more allantoins than uninoculated ones but no significant correlation was found between these compounds and other parameters of N fixation.  相似文献   

The effect of tree row species on the distribution of soil inorganic N and the biomass growth and N uptake of trees and crops was investigated beneath a Grevillea robustaA. Cunn. ex R. Br. (grevillea) tree row and Senna spectabilisDC. (senna) hedgerow grown with Zea mays L. (maize) and a sole maize crop, during one cropping season. The hypothesis was that a tree with a large nutrient uptake would have a greater competitive effect upon coexisting plants than a tree that takes up less and internally cycles nutrients. The field study was conducted on a kaolinitic Oxisol in the sub-humid highlands of western Kenya. Soil nitrate and ammonium were measured to 300 cm depth and 525 cm distance from the tree rows, before and after maize cropping. Ammonium concentrations were small and did not change significantly during the cropping season. There was > 8 mg nitrate kg–1 in the upper 60 cm and at 90–180 cm depth at the start of the season, except within 300 cm of the senna hedgerow where concentrations were smaller. During the season, nitrate in the grevillea-maize system only decreased in the upper 60 cm, whereas nitrate decreased at almost every depth and distance from the senna hedgerow. Inorganic N (nitrate plus ammonium) decreased by 94 kg ha–1 in the senna-maize system and 33 kg ha–1 in the grevillea-maize system.The aboveground N content of the trees increased by 23 kg ha–1 for grevillea and 39 kg ha–1 for senna. Nitrogen uptake by maize was 85 kg ha–1 when grown with grevillea and 65 kg ha–1 with senna. Assuming a mineralisation input of 50 kg N ha–1season–1, the decrease in inorganic soil N approximately equalled plant N uptake in the grevillea-maize system, but exceeded that in the senna-maize system. Pruning and litter fall removed about 14 kg N ha–1 a–1 from grevillea, and > 75 kg N ha–1 a–1 from senna. The removal of pruned material from an agroforestry system may lead to nutrient mining and a decline in productivity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the role of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase of symbionts in nodulation and growth of Leucaena leucocephala. The acdS genes encoding ACC deaminase were cloned from Rhizobium sp. strain TAL1145 and Sinorhizobium sp. BL3 in multicopy plasmids, and transferred to TAL1145. The BL3-acdS gene greatly enhanced ACC deaminase activity in TAL1145 compared to the native acdS gene. The transconjugants of TAL1145 containing the native or BL3 acdS gene could grow in minimal media containing 1.5mM ACC, whereas BL3 could tolerate up to 3mM ACC. The TAL1145 acdS gene was inducible by mimosine and not by ACC, while the BL3 acdS gene was highly inducible by ACC and not by mimosine. The transconjugants of TAL1145 containing the native- and BL3-acdS genes formed nodules with greater number and sizes, and produced higher root mass on L. leucocephala than by TAL1145. This study shows that the introduction of multiple copies of the acdS gene increased ACC deaminase activities of TAL1145 and enhanced its symbiotic efficiency on L. leucocephala.  相似文献   

为了研究引进树种对干热河谷环境的适应性,以生长于干热河谷野外环境中的新银合欢(Leucaena leucocephala)为研究对象,研究分析了其在湿季(7月)和干季(11月)的光合生理特征和叶绿素荧光特征。结果表明:(1)在P_n-C_i响应曲线中,当C_i150μmol/mol,干季的净光合速率(Net photosynthetic rate,P_n)高于湿季,而当C_i150μmol/mol,干季的P_n低于湿季;(2)相较于湿季,干季的初始羧化效率(Initial carboxylation efficiency,CE)、光合能力(Photosynthetic capacity,A_(max))、CO_2补偿点(CO_2 compensation point,Γ)、光呼吸速率(Photorespiration rate,R_p)、最大羧化速率(Maximum carboxylation rate,V_(cmax))、最大电子传递速率(Maximum electron transport rate,J_(max))、磷酸丙糖利用率(Triose phosphates utilization rate,TPU)、J_(max)/V_(cmax)、气孔限制值(Stomatal limitation,L_s)和叶片饱和水汽压差(Vapor pressure deficit,VPD)均显著下降(P0.05),而暗呼吸速率(Dark respiration rate,R_d)、胞间CO_2浓度(Intercellular CO_2 concentration,C_i)、气孔导度(Stomatal conductance,G_s)、蒸腾速率(Transpiration rate,T_r)、饱和光下最大净光合速率(Light-saturated net photosynthetic rate,P_(nmax))和水分利用效率(Water use efficiency,WUE)则显著上升(P0.05);(3)干季的PSII实际光化学效率(Actual photochemical efficiency of PSII,Ф_(PSII)),光化学猝灭系数(Photochemical fluorescence quenching,qP),电子传递效率(Electron transport rate,ETR)较湿季出现显著下降(P0.05),非光化学猝灭系数(Non-photochemical fluorescence quenching,NPQ)显著增加(P0.05);(4)叶绿素荧光参数的Ф_(PSII)、NPQ、ETR与各光合生理指标相关性较强。在干热河谷地区,气孔限制是影响新银合欢湿季光合速率的主要因素;而非气孔限制是影响其干季光合速率的主要因素。  相似文献   

香榧主产区林地土壤养分空间异质性及其肥力评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取浙江省香榧(Torreya grandis cv.Merrillii)主产区为研究对象,系统采集表层土壤(0—20 cm)样品121个,基于地统计学及Moran′s I等空间分析方法揭示土壤养分的空间异质性,估算了香榧林地土壤综合肥力并分析其影响因素。结果表明:研究区土壤pH较低,有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量较高,平均含量分别为4.91、30.60 g/kg、136.77 mg/kg、15.02 mg/kg、153.42 mg/kg;基于半方差函数分析得出,土壤pH和养分要素属于中等空间相关性,其中pH的变程最小为3.29 km,有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾的变程分别为8.52、5.84、8.82、6.49 km;克里格空间插值和局部Moran′s I指数结果揭示土壤pH、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾均存在明显的空间分布格局和局部空间聚集现象,土壤有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾低值区主要分布在诸暨市和东阳市,高值区主要分布在柯桥区和嵊州市,而pH的空间分布格局与之相反;诸暨市和东阳市部分地区土壤综合肥力指数较低,而其他区域的土壤肥力水平较高。总体上,浙江省香榧主产区土壤酸化以及养分失衡现象较为严重,尤其是速效钾含量过高。从相关性分析结果来看,环境变量对香榧林地土壤养分的影响较小,而林龄对土壤pH和养分的影响较大。可见,研究区土壤养分受人为活动影响明显。因此,需根据实际情况,改善林农的施肥管理方式,调整施肥数量和结构并开展土壤酸性改良,因地制宜制定区域施肥规划。  相似文献   

M. Habte  R. L. Fox 《Plant and Soil》1993,151(2):219-226
Five tropical soils were either not inoculated or inoculated with the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus aggregatum. The degree to which VAM effectiveness was expressed in the soils was evaluated prior and after solution P status was adjusted for optimal VAM activity. VAM effectiveness determined by monitoring P concentrations of pinnules of Leucaena leucocephala leaves as a function of time and as dry matter yield determined at the time of harvest, indicated that in three of the soils VAM effectiveness was either very restricted or altogether unexpressed irrespective of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (VAMF) inoculation if soil solution P was not optimized for VAM effectiveness. After P optimization, effectiveness was significantly increased by VAMF inoculation although in four of the soils, densities of indigenous VAMF propagules greatly exceeded that attained by the inoculum after it was mixed with soil. Mycorrhizal fungal inoculation effects varied from soil to soil, depending on the extent to which the effectiveness of indigenous and introduced endophytes was enhanced by P optimization and the similarity of inherent soil solution P concentrations to the range known to be optimum for VAM effectiveness. Of the indicator variables monitored, VAMF colonization was least sensitive to treatment effects followed by shoot P concentration measured at the time of harvest.Contribution from Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Journal series No. 3781.Contribution from Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Journal series No. 3781.  相似文献   

The amount of nitrogen fixed byLeucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit was assessed on an Alfisol at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture located in southwestern Nigeria. Estimated by the difference method, nitrogen fixation of leucaena inoculated with Rhizobium strain IRc 1045 was 133 kg ha–1 in six months. Inoculation with Rhizobium strain IRc 1050 gave a lower nitrogen fixation of 76 kg ha–1. Fertilization with 40 and 80 kg N ha–1 inhibited nitrogen fixation by 43–76% and 49–71%, respectively. Estimates with the15N dilution method gave nitrogen fixation of 134 kg ha–1 in six months when leucaena was inoculated with Rhizobium strain IRc 1045 and 98 kg ha–1 for leucaena inoculated with Rhizobium strain IRc 1050. This nitrogen fixation represented 34–39% of the plant nitrogen. Inoculated leucaena derived 5–6% of its nitrogen from applied fertilizer and 56–54% from soil.  相似文献   

新银合欢篱对紫色土坡地土壤有机碳固持的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤有机碳的固持对保持土壤肥力以及缓解全球温室效应具有重要意义。本研究通过田间定位试验,探讨了新银合欢(Leucaena Leucocephala)篱对10和15的紫色土农耕地(玉米地)和经济林地(油桃地)表层(0-20cm)土壤有机碳积累的影响。结果表明:种植3年的新银合欢篱的10和15农耕地、10经济林地土壤有机碳密度分别比相应的无植物篱的对照地提高41.53%、43.29%、32.15%。经济林处理土壤有机碳含量、有机碳密度、呼吸强度显著大于农耕地处理;10比15农耕地更有利于土壤有机碳、呼吸速率及微生物量碳提高;农耕地比经济林地更利于微生物生物量维持。各处理下坡比上坡更利于土壤有机碳蓄积,且土壤呼吸强度提高,但土壤微生物商基本相同。不同处理下,土壤有机碳与土壤理化性质相关性各不相同:定植新银合欢篱的10和15农耕地、10经济林地土壤有机碳与有机质含量、土壤微生物碳有极显著的相关性,与全钾呈正相关,与pH负相关;定植新银合欢篱的10和15农耕地呼吸强度与有机碳相关关系均达到了极显著性,10经济林地呼吸强度与有机碳显著相关;土壤微生物指标变化与有机碳的变化趋势一致,能反映土壤质量变化。阐明定植新银合欢篱利于土壤有机碳固持,且能增强土壤微生物活性,提高土壤质量。  相似文献   

The effects of available soil N and P and the effect of simulated browsing (leave removal) on foliar condensed tannin (CT) concentration were tested on young Colophospermum mopane (J. Kirk ex Benth) J. Leonard (Mopane) plants. Although clear differences in growth occurred between different levels of soil N, no differences in foliar CT concentration were found. Changes in available soil P and physical damage did not affect the plant growth or chemical composition. The complete absence of response of CT concentration to physical damage and soil nutrients may be related to the age of the trees in this study. It is proposed that existing theories on the interaction between soil properties and carbon based defences in trees are expanded, to include the potential responses of young trees to different soil nutrient levels.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of five methods of Rhizobium inoculum application on nodulation and nitrogen fixation in Leucaena leucocephala seedlings cultivated for 6 months in the greenhouse. Plants inoculated with alginate beads were significantly more developed and more nodulated than plants inoculated with the other methodologies used.  相似文献   

Effects and interactions of varying CaSO4 and NaCl levels on growth and nitrogen fixation ofLeucaena leucocephala K8 were examined. Leucaena was grown in nutrient solution at four levels of CaSO4 (0.5, 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 mM) and NaCl (1, 25, 50 and 100 mM) in randomized blocks with five replications. While NaCl significantly reduced plant growth, additions of CaSO4 increased plant height, leaf number, and biomass of salt treated plants. For the nonsaline treatments, high CaSO4 levels slightly depressed growth, which contradicts suggestions that Leucaena has a high calcium requirement. A significant calcium/sodium interaction was not seen for nodule number or weight. Nodule number was significantly depressed by 100 mM NaCl and nodule weight of the salt stressed plants significantly increased as CaSO4 concentration increased from 0.5 to 2.5 mM. Effects of NaCl and CaSO4 on nitrogen content of plant parts were inconclusive. The promotion of Leucaena salinity tolerance by addition of CaSO4 may be attributed to the effect of calcium in maintaing the selective permeability of membranes.  相似文献   

Pruning of hedgerow trees is an important management practice for the successful establishment of an alley cropping system. Although pruning affects biomass production, only meager evidence of this management on distribution of nutrients among the different plant organs after tree regrowth is available. This study examined the effect of pruning on the distribution and use efficiency of N and P in a N2 fixing leguminous tree species, Gliricidia sepium, and two non-N2 fixing leguminous tree species, Senna siamea and S. spectabilis, grown in a field on an Alfisol (low in P) at Fashola (Guinea Savanna Zone), Southwestern Nigeria. Four P rates, 0, 20, 40 and 80 kg P ha–1 as single superphosphate were used and management treatments included pruned versus unpruned plants. The 15N isotope dilution technique was used to measure N2 fixation in G. sepium. Partitioning of total P among different plant organs was influenced by plant species and pruning management, but was not affected by P application rates. The distribution of total P in the various plant organs followed that of dry matter yield while N partitioning had a different pattern. Pruned plants distributed about 118% more total P to branches and had a higher physiological P use efficiency (PPUE) than unpruned plants. Leaves were the biggest sink for total N and N allocation in the other plant organs was influenced by plant species and pruning management, G. sepium had relatively more of its total N and P partitioned into roots (about double that of the non-N2 fixing trees) but had a lower PPUE. Unpruned and pruned G. sepium derived 35 and 54% respectively of their total N from atmospheric N2, with about 54% of the fixed N2 being allocated to leaves and roots. Results showed that N and P pools turned over in the branches during plant regrowth after pruning but the causative factors associated with this phenomenon were not clear.  相似文献   

任寅榜  吕茂奎  江军  谢锦升 《生态学报》2018,38(7):2288-2298
林下植被是生态系统的重要组分。通过对比分析红壤侵蚀区植被恢复过程中,林下有无芒萁覆盖地的土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC,Dissolved Organic Carbon)含量及其与地下根系生物量、地上植被淋溶液DOC含量的关系。结果表明:林下植被芒萁覆盖增加了地上叶片和地下根系生物量,土壤DOC含量及储量也显著增加(P0.05),芒萁覆盖对表层土壤(0—20cm)DOC的影响大于深层土壤(20—100cm)(P0.05);相关分析结果表明,林下芒萁覆盖地土壤DOC储量与细根生物量的垂直变化呈显著的正相关关系(P0.05),且随植被恢复年限的增加相关性显著增加,地下根系的垂直分布直接影响各土层DOC储量。不同植被恢复时期,林下芒萁覆盖地土壤DOC与鲜叶(马尾松+芒萁)和枯落物(马尾松+芒萁)淋溶液DOC均呈显著的正相关关系(P0.01),而林下裸露地土壤DOC仅与鲜叶(马尾松)淋溶液DOC呈显著的相关性(P0.01),林下芒萁覆盖地相对于裸露地枯落物淋溶液对土壤DOC储量的影响大于鲜叶。植被恢复过程中芒萁覆盖地土壤微生物生物量碳和微生物熵显著高于林下裸露地。因此,在植被恢复进程中,芒萁能够提供更多底物参与土壤物质与养分循环,对土壤DOC的贡献较大,为侵蚀区马尾松林恢复提供了重要的养分再吸收来源;同时芒萁覆盖增加了微生物活性,促进了微生物对土壤DOC的同化作用,提高了微生物碳源的利用率,对土壤有机碳的积累起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

A pot study was conducted to measure the extent of and determine the factors controlling fine root and nodule shedding following coppicing of Sesbania sesban and Leucaena leucocephala. Fine (<2 mm) root biomass decreased below pre-cutting values, but the decreases were not statistically significant in either species. Living (white) nodule biomass decreased and dead (brown) nodule biomass increased significantly two weeks after cutting in both species. These changes were relatively greater in Sesbania than in Leucaena. In the uncut treatments of both species, fine root and nodule biomass were correlated with leaf biomass, and in the cut treatments, root and nodule biomass returned to near this apparent equilibrium by two weeks after cutting. Stem growth rate per unit leaf area was not different between cut and uncut treatments, nor was it correlated with root:leaf ratios in either species. Leucaena allocated a greater fraction of its total biomass below-ground, and a greater fraction of its below-ground biomass to coarse (>2 mm) roots than Sesbania. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that relatively lower allocation to below-ground storage tissue is the cause for Sesbania's relatively greater sensitivity to cutting.  相似文献   

Arjen Biere 《Plant and Soil》1996,182(2):313-327
Plant species from unproductive or adverse habitats are often characterized by a low potential relative growth rate (RGR). Although it is generally assumed that this is the result of selection for specific trait combinations that are associated with a low rate of net biomass accumulation, few studies have directly investigated the selective (dis-)advantage of specific growth parameters under a set of different environmental conditions. Aim of the present study was to quantify the impact of inherent differences in growth parameters among phenotypes of a single plant species, Lychnis flos-cuculi, on their performance under different soil nutrient conditions. Growth analysis revealed significant variation in RGR among progeny families from a diallel cross between eight genotypes originating from a single population. Differences in RGR were due to variation in both leaf area ratio (LAR) and in net assimilation rate (NAR). A genetic trade-off was observed between these two components of growth, i.e. progeny families with high investment in leaf area had a lower rate of net biomass accumulation per unit leaf area. The degree of plasticity in RGR to nutrient conditions did not differ among progeny families. Inherent differences in growth parameters among progeny families had a significant impact on their yield in competition with Anthoxanthum odoratum and Taraxacum hollandicum. In nutrient-rich conditions, progeny families with an inherently high leaf weight ratio (LWR) achieved higher yield in competition, but variation in this trait could not explain differences in competitive yield under nutrient-poor conditions. Inherent differences in growth parameters among progeny families were poorly correlated with differences in survival and average rosette biomass (a good predictor of fecundity) among these progeny families sown in four field sites along a natural gradient of soil fertility. In the more productive sites none of the growth parameters was significantly correlated with rosette biomass, but in the least productive site progeny families with an inherently high specific leaf area (SLA) tended to produce smaller rosettes than low-SLA families. These results are consistent with the view that a selective advantage may accrue from either high or low values of individual RGR components, depending on habitat conditions, and that the selective advantage of low trait values in nutrient-poor environments may results in indirect selection for low RGR in these habitats.  相似文献   

Rhizobium sp. strain TAL1145 can catabolize mimosine, a toxic amino acid produced by the tree-legume leucaena. The mid and pyd genes involved in mimosine degradation in TAL1145 are located in two clusters within a 25-kb region in the chromosome, which was cloned in plasmid pUHR263. A 5.5-kb EcoRI fragment, located between the mid and pyd genes in pUHR263, was characterized by sequencing and transposon-insertion mutagenesis and six open reading frames (ORF) were identified. Based on high homologies with other known proteins and conserved signature domains, ORF1 and ORF2 were identified as fba and fbp genes, encoding fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBA) and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBP), respectively. The fba mutant showed a slightly reduced growth rate compared to TAL1145 while the fbp mutant did not show any growth defects. Both mutants could catabolize mimosine and formed normal nitrogen-fixing nodules on leucaena, suggesting that these genes are not involved in mimosine degradation and symbiosis.  相似文献   

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