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A. E. Hershey 《Oecologia》1987,73(2):236-241
Summary In laboratory experiments, I studied differential susceptibility of four co-occurring species of chironomids to a predatory damselfly. The chironomids differed in foraging behavior and could be ranked according to the amount of time they spent outside of their tubes. In choice experiments, the predator consistently selected the prey which spent more time out of the tube, and time out of tube was a significant predictor of the predation rate coefficient. Electivity indices, calculated from field samples and diet analyses of the predator, supported the laboratory results. The data suggest that exposure to predators in a heterogeneous prey community is largely determined by tubedwelling behavior.  相似文献   

The predator avoidance behaviour of a free-ranging group of buffy-headed marmosets,Callithrix flaviceps, was recorded in detail during the course of a long-term study of behavioural ecology at the Fazenda Montes Claros, southeastern Brazil. Four distinct patterns of predator avoidance behaviour, each with specific vocalisations, were recognised and are described here. The selection and use of sleeping sites by the study group are also described. An analysis of the records indicates that these small monkeys are generally most vulnerable to predation by aerial raptors. Variations in the frequency of alarm calls also indicate that the marmosets tend to be more vigilant at higher levels in the forest and when the leaf cover is less extensive. The implications of group size and social structure for both the evolution and the efficacy of the anti-predator behaviour of marmosets are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Damselfly larvae may autotomize and regenerate any of their 3 caudal lamellae. At least one missing or regenerating lamella was evident in 50.1% of field collected Ischnura posita larvae. Lamellae loss during molting is very infrequent (1 out of 117 recorded molts). Laboratory trials indicate that conspecifics remove lamellae and that this process is density dependent. The percentage of larvae losing lamellae during 24 h trials ranged from 73.5 at the highest density tested to 17.3 at the lowest density. I. posita larvae are cannibalistic. The presence of lamellae reduces an individual's chance of being cannibalized. More than twice as many final instar lamellae-less larvae were cannibalized during 24 h trials than analogous individuals having 3 lamellae at experimental initiation. Costs are also associated with lamellae autotomy. 1) Although individuals without lamellae can swim they are more reluctant to release from a wooden stalk and swim when threatened (9% release) than are larvae with lamellae (29% release). Since swimming is part of their repertoire of anti-predator behaviors this behavioral shift should be detrimental. 2) Caudal lamellae function in O2 uptake. Trials were conducted with larvae having and not having lamellae in an experimental horizontal oxygen gradient system. Relative to larvae without lamellae, those with lamellae preferred deeper depths at PO2 values greater than 70 torr. Many lamellae-less larvae distributed themselves at the water surface throughout the range of PO2 values tested. Differential depth distribution between larvae with and without lamellae is highly significant (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

Summary We examined predator avoidance behavior of the freshwater snailPhysella (=Physa) virgata in response to the crayfishProcambarus simulans. In both laboratory and field enclosure experiments snails crawled above the waterline for 2 h or longer, then returned to the water.Physella virgata react to chemical signals given off by crayfish actively foraging on conspecific snails; they do not react to inactive crayfish. Low dissolved oxygen, crowding, and disturbance of the sediments did not elicit crawlout behavior. Crawling above the waterline, by reducing the probability of encounter between vulnerable, thin-shelled snails and crayfish, is an adaptive response to predation.  相似文献   

Hypotheses for joining a mixed-species bird flock consider each species as a single unit. In sexually dichromatic birds, differential conspicuousness between the sexes may result in differences in vigilance for predators. Aspects of the predator avoidance and foraging enhancement hypotheses for the selective value of joining a mixed-species flock were assessed for the strongly sexually dichromatic Hawaii akepa (Loxops coccineus coccineus). There was support for the primary predictions of the predator avoidance hypothesis: vigilance levels decreased with increasing group size, and with membership in a flock, but only for brightly colored adult males. There was little support for the hypothesis that the primary benefit of joining a mixed-species flock is to enhance foraging efficiency through local enhancement.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence seems to show that emotional and reflex reactions to feared situations are mediated by the amygdala. It might therefore seem plausible to expect that amygdala-coded fear should also influence decisions when animals make choices about instrumental actions. However, there is not good evidence of this. In particular, it appears, though the literature is conflicted, that once learning is complete, the amygdala may often not be involved in instrumental avoidance behaviours. It is therefore of interest that we have found in rats living for extended periods in a semi-naturalistic ‘closed economy’, where they were given random shocks in regions that had to be entered to obtain food, choices about feeding behaviour were in fact influenced by amygdala-coded fear, in spite of the null effect of amygdalar lesions on fear of dangerous location per se. We suggest that avoidance of highly motivated voluntary behaviour does depend in part on fear signals originating in the amygdala. Such signalling may be one role of well-known projections from amygdala to cortico-striate circuitry.  相似文献   

The foraging decisions of animals are often influenced by risk of predation and by the renewal of resources. For example, seed-eating gerbils on sand dunes in the Negev Desert of Israel prefer to forage in the bush microhabitat and during darker hours due to risk of predation. Also, daily renewal of seed resource patches and timing of nightly foraging activity in a depleting environment play important roles in species coexistence. We examined how these factors influence the timing of gerbil foraging by quantifying foraging activity in seed resource patches that we experimentally renewed hourly during the night. As in previous work, gerbils showed strong preference for the safe bush microhabitat and foraged less in response to high levels of illumination from natural moon light and from artificial sources. We demonstrate here for the first time that gerbils also responded to temporal and spatial heterogeneity in predatory risk through their timing of activity over the course of each night. Typically, gerbils concentrated their activity early in the night, but this changed with moon phase and in response to added illumination. These results can be understood in terms of the nature of patch exploitation by gerbils and the role played by the marginal value of energy in determining the cost of predation. They further show the dynamic nature of gerbil foraging decisions, with animals altering foraging efforts in response to time, microhabital, moon phase, illumination, and resource availability.  相似文献   

J. R. Holomuzki 《Oecologia》1986,71(1):142-148
Summary Survivorship and growth of larval tiger salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, in the White Mountains of east-central Arizona were compared in six microhabitats using field enclosures during summers, 1983–85. Microhabitats were vegetated and nonvegetated shallows, surface, middle, and bottom horizontal layers of limnetic areas, and the vertical limnetic water column. Initial enclosure densities (0.025 larvae per 1) were identical among microhabitats. Three enclosures were placed in each microhabitat in two ponds. Larval survivorship and growth were usually greatest in vegetated shallows in lowest in middle and bottom limnetic enclosures, despite several population dieoffs. Lower fitness, as reflected in survivorship and growth, in these latter enclosures was correlated with lower food levels, temperatures, and oxygen concentrations in deeper limnetic areas. Relative fitness varied greatly between years while food levels, temperatures, and oxygen concentrations within microhabitats remained relatively constant indicating additional factors affected fitness. Disparities in fitness between microhabitats apparently affect habitat use patterns of larvae.  相似文献   

Animals of many species tend to target their foraging attemptstoward particular microhabitats within their habitat. Althoughthese preferences are critical determinants of the foragingniche and have important ecological and evolutionary implications,we know little about how they develop. Here, we use detailedlongitudinal data from meerkats (Suricata suricatta) to examinehow individual learning and the use of social information affectthe development of foraging microhabitat preferences. Despiteliving in an open, arid environment, adult meerkats frequentlyforaged at the base of vegetation. Young pups seldom did so,but their foraging microhabitat choices became increasinglyadult-like as they grew older. Learning about profitable microhabitatsmay have been promoted in part by positive reinforcement fromprey capture. Foraging may also have become increasingly targetedtoward suitable locations as pups grew older because they spentmore time searching before embarking on foraging bouts. Thedevelopment of microhabitat preferences might also have beeninfluenced by social cues. Foraging in close proximity to adultsmay increase the probability that pups would dig in similarmicrohabitats. Also, pups often dug in holes created by olderindividuals, whereas adults never dug in existing holes. Foragingin existing holes was no more profitable to pups than creatingtheir own foraging hole but could provide pups with importantinformational benefits. The integration of personal and socialinformation is likely to be a common feature in the developmentof the foraging niche in generalist species.  相似文献   

1. Scientists tasked with collecting taxon richness and assemblage variation data for conservation purposes have identified biomonitoring studies as potential sources of information. This approach assumes that biodiversity patterns revealed by biomonitoring reflect those of the wider community, an assumption not thoroughly tested in riverine ecosystems. 2. We compared patterns of taxon richness and assemblage variation in an important biomonitoring group (Trichoptera) with a group with high conservation significance (Odonata) at 34 sites across three fifth‐order catchments. We also explored the effect of abundance on observed patterns by rarefying the larval Trichoptera data set. 3. Our results indicate that Trichoptera do not fully reflect site‐scale taxon richness or assemblage variation in Odonata. The magnitude of odonate assemblage variation was much greater than that of Trichoptera for one of the catchments. Odonata and Trichoptera richness was moderately correlated in two catchments, while assemblage variation was strongly correlated in another pair of catchments. However, comparisons based on rarefied data eliminated differences in the magnitude of assemblage variation and strengthened correlations in richness and assemblage variation, suggesting the lack of congruence in these measures might be due to differences in abundance among groups. Further, incomplete taxonomy may mask additional assemblage variation, particularly in Trichoptera. 4. Conservation planning in riverine ecosystems based on proxies derived from biomonitoring data should proceed cautiously until we understand how well the resulting information reflects biodiversity patterns in under‐sampled taxa and habitats. Future studies of biodiversity congruence should consider both richness and assemblage variation as each provides valuable information for conservation‐related decisions. The taxonomic resolution and relative abundance of comparison groups can potentially impact the strength, direction and statistical significance of patterns. Researchers should employ species‐level taxonomy and account for differences in abundance among groups through rarefaction where at all possible and DNA‐based taxonomy methods can support this.  相似文献   

Habitat selection by juvenile lemon sharks,Negaprion brevirostris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synopsis We surgically implanted ultrasonic transmitters in 38 lemon sharks,Negaprion brevirostris, and manually tracked the sharks for 1–153 days. This yielded 2281 positional fixes recorded at 15-min intervals. We used these positional data with availability data of four environmental variables (water depth, temperature, salinity, and bottom type), sampled at 213 stations along 15 transects, to examine usage of habitat. All sharks used contours of water depth, water temperature, and bottom type disproportionately to the availability of these variables in the study site. Specifically, juvenile lemon sharks selected shallower, warmer water with an underlying rocky or sandy substrate, perhaps for predator avoidance. This is the first report on habitat selection by any elasmobranch.  相似文献   

Predators of pollinators can influence pollination services and plant fitness via both consumptive (reducing pollinator density) and non-consumptive (altering pollinator behaviour) effects. However, a better knowledge of the mechanisms underlying behaviourally mediated indirect effects of predators is necessary to properly understand their role in community dynamics. We used the tripartite relationship between bumblebees, predatory crab spiders and flowers to ask whether behaviourally mediated effects are localized to flowers harbouring predators, or whether bees extend their avoidance to entire plant species. In a tightly controlled laboratory environment, bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) were exposed to a random mixture of equally rewarding yellow and white artificial flowers, but foraging on yellow flowers was very risky: bees had a 25 per cent chance of receiving a simulated predation attempt by ‘robotic’ crab spiders. As bees learnt to avoid ‘dangerous’ flowers, their foraging preferences changed and they began to visit fewer yellow flowers than expected by chance. Bees avoided spider-free yellow flowers as well as dangerous yellow flowers when spiders were more difficult to detect (the colour of yellow spiders was indistinguishable from that of yellow flowers). Therefore, this interaction between bee learning and predator crypsis could lead flower species harbouring cryptic predators to suffer from reduced reproductive success.  相似文献   

Predator avoidance in mummichog larvae from a polluted habitat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous work has shown that adult mummichogs ( Fundulus heteroclitus ) from a polluted site (Piles Creek, PC, New Jersey) were more vulnerable to predation by blue crabs than fish from a more pristine site (Tuckerton, TK, New Jersey). The present study was conducted to compare the spontaneous activity, swimming performance and predator avoidance of fish of the two populations at early life stages. When raised in synthetic salt water, both newly hatched and 1–month-old mummichog larvae from TK had greater spontaneous activity, swimming performance, and stamina than those from PC. In comparison to TK, PC larvae were less vulnerable to predation by yearling mummichogs at 1 week old, but were more vulnerable at 1 month old. Variation in behaviour and swimming ability of TK and PC larvae accounted for the differences in vulnerability to predation. TK larvae employed greater swimming and irregular movement, which was more successful for survival of older larger larvae. In contrast, PC larvae hid, often remaining motionless, which was advantageous for survival of young smaller larvae. Contaminants had been assumed responsible for the behavioural differences in the PC population. However, since differences were seen in larvae raised in synthetic salt water, it is possible that maternally transferred neurotoxicants (possibly delayed effects) and/or inherent factors also play a role.  相似文献   

Erich Glück 《Oecologia》1986,71(1):149-155
Summary During the breeding season Goldfinches (Carduelis carduelis L.) feed on milky ripe seeds of about 20 food plants. Individual Goldfinches joining a flock reduce the time spent vigilant with increasing flock size. Therefore birds feeding in flocks get an increased intake of kernels per time unit. This was measured for five different food plants (Dactylis glomerata (Gramineae), Knautia arvensis (Dipsacaceae), Senecio vulgaris, Taraxacum officinale, Tragopogon pratensis (Compositae)). In large-sized flocks, birds fed up to 2.3 times more kernels, than when feeding solitarily. In addition, visibility in the vegetation leads to a further increase of kernel intake. Thus feeding under good conditions as in recently mown areas, can raise kernel intake to the seven fold per time unit as compared to solitary feeding. The maximum ingestion rate of kernels was 98 per min which implies a head up-and-down movement every 0.6 s. The calculated energy intake of birds per time unit is lowest in Senecio and highest in Tragopogon. Thus the birds, when feeding on Tragopogon in larger flocks, can gain an energy intake 16 times higher than that reached when feeding on Senecio, despite of a higher kernel intake rate. The energy intake individual Goldfinches gain at the particular plant species is markedly increased with flock sizes up to eight birds, with larger flocks the intake increases only slightly.  相似文献   

Summary The migratory and foraging behavior of individually marked bighorn ewes (Ovis canadensis) was studied to test the hypothesis that forage quality determined seasonal range selection. Forage quality was monitored through analysis of fecal crude protein. Ewes in the study population utilized two distinct ranges differing in elevation and possibly predation risk. Pregnant ewes migrated in May from the low-elevation winter range to lambing areas at higher elevation, before plant growth had started there. In so doing, they moved from a range of high-quality forage to one of low-quality forage, apparently to avoid predation on newborn lambs. Non-pregnant adult ewes migrated later. Most yearling ewes (which are not pregnant) migrated with the adult ewes to the lambing areas, but returned to the winter range within a few days, then migrated again to high-elevation areas in June. Forage quality was higher at high elevation from mid-June at least through July, but forage availability appeared to be lower than in the winter range. Seasonal range selection is likely determined by a combination of nutritional and antipredator constraints. The antipredator strategy of bighorn ewes does not always allow them to utilize the range with the best forage.  相似文献   

We used the giving-up density (GUD) method and direct observation to study the combined effects of travel distance and microhabitat on foraging behavior of the midday gerbil (Meriones meridianus), which often acts as a central place forager. We provided animals with artificial seed trays in which dry and unhusked pumpkin seeds were mixed with fine sand. Gerbils practiced an eat-and-carry strategy in patches of bush microhabitat that were far from central places (BF patches), and tended to carry all seeds back in the other three treatments. Resource protection, predation risk avoidance and the balance between future and present value of food items may contribute to the eat-and-carry strategy. When distance was held constant, GUDs in open patches were higher than in bush patches, which was consistent with most studies. When microhabitat was held constant, GUDs in nearer patches were normally lower than in farther patches. In most cases, gerbils preferred to carry more seeds back rather than consume them immediately. We concluded that this tendency was due to the gerbils balancing the factors of future value and present value, and individual fitness and inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that, (1) Drosophila melanogaster larvae utilize a variety of pupal microhabitats in an orchard, (2) variation in larval foraging path length, pupation distance from the food and pupal microhabitat preference (on or off the fruit) is genetically based and, (3) variation in these behaviours can be maintained in a spatially heterogenous environment since there is a reversal in pupation site suitability in wet and dry pupal microhabitats. Differences in path length in both laboratory and natural populations can be attributed to genes on the second pair of chromosomes and is under simple genetic control, whereas differences in pupal height are polygenically inherited (the second pair of chromosomes influences pupal height three times more than the third pair). Pupae collected from on-fruit sites had shorter foraging path lengths and lower pupal heights than off-fruit populations. Populations from the orchard maintained their field pupal microhabitat preferences even after 1 year of rearing them in the laboratory. Larvae with the sitter larval phenotype (short path lengths and low pupal heights tended to pupate more on-fruit than those with the rover phenotype (long path lengths and high pupal heights). To determined if these genetically based differences in microhabitat preference contributed to fitness, larval pupation behaviour was studied in a “field assay” (dish with fruit on soil) with soil water content varied. At low soil water contents, pupal survivorship was significantly better on the fruit whereas, at high soil water contents, survivorship was better in the soil. There was a reversal in which microhabitat (dry or wet) was a better site for pupation. In the field environment where soil water content fluctuates in space and time, such a reversal would explain the maintenance of genetic variation for these larval behaviours. Another selective agent acting on D. melanogaster larvae in our orchard is parasitization by Asobara tabida. This parasitoid parasitizes larvae with high locomotory scores (e.g. rovers) significantly more than those with low scores (sitters). This study relates laboratory phenotypes to field phenotypes thereby linking the ecological, behavioural and genetic components of larval habitat selection in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

The effect of energy budget on risk-sensitive foraging was assessedin a laboratory experiment using starlings (Sturnus vulgaris).Subjects chose between two options offering the same mean amountof food per trial, but differing in variance: a "fixed" optiongave 5 units food in every trial, and a "variable" option gave2 or 11 units food with probabilities 2/3 and 1/3, respectively.We manipulated energy budgets by controlling the cumulativeamount of food received by each bird at the end of a day. Inone treatment (positive budget) individuals were allowed toeat at the level of their own ad-libitum daily consumption,while for the other (negative budget), food was rationed toprovoke a steady drop in body weight during the experimentalperiod. No subject was allowed to drop below 80% of its ad libitumbody weight. Contrary to predictions from the "energy budgetrule" and contrary to reported results of some other studies, starlingssignificantly preferred the "fixed" option irrespective of energybudget conditions. Our results support the view that persistentrisk aversion for food amounts and risk proneness for food delaysare the norm, and shifts in risk attitude according to energybudget are exceptions. Several algorithms, which may have evolvedto maximize energetic pay off between variable food sources,can produce this trend as a side effect. We discuss two of thesealgorithms: (1) maximization of local (per trial) rate as opposedto global rate of gains, with longer handling time for largerrewards, and (2) choosing larger rewards and smaller delayssubject to Weber's law in the memory for the parameters of eachfood supply.  相似文献   

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