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Data are presented for the joint segregation of the gene combinations: Dm-2/Dm-3, Dm-3/Dm-6, Dm-2/Dm-6 and Dm-6/Dm-8, following inoculation with five races of B. lactucae. It is postulated that Dm-2, 3 and 6 comprise a tight linkage group but that Dm-6 and Dm-8 are not linked as has been proposed previously. Information on the reaction of some resistant lettuce cultivars to certain B. lactucae races and some new postulated host genotypes is also presented.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the segregation of resistance to five British races and two Dutch races of Bremia lactucae in the F2 progenies of crosses involving seven resistant and several susceptible lettuce cultivars. These data and also those previously published by other workers are considered in relation to the systematic model proposed by Crute & Johnson (1976) to explain the genetics of race specific resistance to B. lactucae in lettuce. It is shown that, with minor modifications, the model accommodates almost all of the previously published data and correctly predicts the new data, except for one set which cannot at present be interpreted. It is concluded that genetic evidence exists for the presence, among various cultivars of lettuce, of at least four and possibly five different dominant resistance genes of major effect designated Dm2, Dm3, Dm4, Dm6 and Dm8; and of a pair of dominant genes with complementary effect designated Dm7/1 and Dm7/2. The resistance conferred by these genes is specified in relation to five British races, five Dutch, three Israeli and one United States race of the fungus. Resistance genotypes are proposed for cultivars Avoncrisp, Avondefiance, Calmar, Great Lakes 659, Kares, Meikoningen, Mildura, Proeftuins Blackpool, Solito, Valverde, Ventura and the USDA line PI 164937.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the segregation of resistance to four races of Bremia lactucae in the F2 progenies of crosses involving 15 resistant and various susceptible lettuce cultivars. Most of these data and those recently published by other workers fit the systematic model for the genetics of race specific resistance to B. lactucae proposed by Crute & Johnson(1976). Seven different dominant resistance genes of major effect were found. There was also evidence of a pair of dominant genes with complementary effect, one of which may sometimes be effective on its own. Two of the genes may be linked and another may have two different alleles for resistance at the same locus. The resistance conferred by these genes is specified in relation to two British, two Dutch and four French races of the fungus. Resistance genotypes are proposed for 16 cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary The genetics of specific resistance was studied in F2 populations which segregated for either one or two resistance genes. The resistance factors 1, 11 and 14 which had not previously been characterized genetically segregated as single dominant genes (Dm). Resistance was determined by three linkage groups; R 1/14, 2, 3, and 6 in the first, R 5/8, and 10 in the second and R 4, 7 and 11 in the third. Cultivars of lettuce commonly used in the differential series to detect virulence to R3 and R10, were demonstrated to carry two tightly linked resistance genes. Implications of this linkage arrangement to the manipulation and characterization of these resistance genes are discussed.  相似文献   

Incomplete specific resistance to Bremia lactucae in lettuce   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The complementary pair of dominant genes. Dm 7/1 and Dm 7/2 and the single dominant gene Dm 6 for specific resistance in Bremia lactucae in lettuce, condition incomplete resistance to non-virulent (incompatible) isolates of B. lactucae in both seedling and mature tissue. This incomplete resistance is characterised by a marked reduction in spotophore production compared with fully susceptible (compatible) race/cultivar combinations and by macroscopically visible hypersenstive cell necrosis. The incomplete resistance. In seedling the resistance conditioned by genes giving more complete resistance. In seedlings the resistance conditioned by genes Dm 7/1 and 7/2 was incomplete in outdoor 'crisp' lettuce genotypes and the resistance conditioned by gene Dm 6 was only completely expressed at 20°C.  相似文献   

In the absence of effective major genes the importance of interactions between cultivar genotype, isolate genotype and environment was investigated in experiments using seedlings of eight lettuce cultivars inoculated with three isolates of Bremia lactucae and grown under a number of different environmental conditions. The outcome of the cultivar-isolate association was measured using four criteria and the data were examined by analysis of variance and correlation. The relative susceptibility of cultivars was generally independent of environment and there was no evidence that isolates were adapted to particular cultivars. Although significant cultivar X isolate interactions were found in individual experiments they were not consistent between experiments, even where these were conducted under apparently identical conditions. Variation resulted from either cultivar X environment or isolate X environment interaction with the environment always the dominant variable.  相似文献   

Summary Bremia lactucae produced oospores in the decayed stem tissue of infected lettuce plants. These oospores caused cotyledon and first leaf infections ofBremia lactucae when added to the rooting medium of lettuce seedlings grown under sterile conditions.  相似文献   

Three ways of measuring race non-specific resistance to Bremia lactucae in lettuce were studied to determine the most important components of this form of resistance. Tests were conducted on leaf discs from 4–6 wk-old plants that were quantitatively inoculated and incubated under controlled conditions. Observations were made of disease intensity, latent period and production of conidia. Inoculum concentration markedly influenced disease intensity and latent period. Cv. Iceberg exhibited race non-specific resistance and this was characterised by a longer latent period, a lower disease intensity and reduced production of conidia compared to the susceptible control cv. Cobham Green. On older, intact plants, the differences in latent period and disease intensity between cultivars were even greater. Production of conidia was a particularly good criterion for discriminating levels of resistance.  相似文献   

In laboratory tests on young lettuce plants, the protection provided by sprays of zineb wettable powder against artificial inoculations with Bremia lactucae was less than that obtained with tank-mix zineb, and with several other dithiocarbamates and related fungicides. Experiments on autumn lettuce in the field also showed that tank-mix zineb was more effective than the wettable powder. On winter lettuce in frames, however, zineb wettable powder gave control similar to or better than that given by any of the other materials tested. Infection in most of these outdoor experiments was not heavy. None of the fungicides gave very high control or markedly increased the number of hearted or marketable plants. When zineb wettable powder was sprayed on autumn lettuce at the rate of 2 lb./acre it gave similar disease reductions whether applied in low, medium or high volumes of water.  相似文献   

Lactuca sativa (lettuce) is susceptible to Bremia lactucae (downy mildew). In cultivated and wild Lactuca species, Dm genes have been identified that confer race-specific resistance. However, these genes were soon rendered ineffective by adaptation of the pathogen. Lactuca saligna (wild lettuce) is resistant to all downy mildew races and can be considered as a non-host. Therefore, L. saligna might be an alternative source for a more-durable resistance to downy mildew in lettuce. In order to analyze this resistance, we have developed an F(2) population based on a resistant L. saligna x susceptible L. sativa cross. This F(2) population was fingerprinted with AFLP markers and tested for resistance to two Bremia races NL14 and NL16. The F(2) population showed a wide and continuous range of resistance levels from completely resistant to completely susceptible. By comparison of disease tests, we observed a quantitative resistance against both Bremia races as well as a race-specific resistance to Bremia race NL16 and not to NL14. QTL mapping revealed a qualitative gene ( R39) involved in the race-specific resistance and three QTLs ( RBQ1, RBQ2 and RBQ3) involved in the quantitative resistance. The qualitative gene R39 is a dominant gene that gives nearly complete resistance to race NL16 in L. saligna CGN 5271 and therefore it showed features similar to Dm genes. The three QTLs explained 51% of the quantitative resistance against NL14, which indicated that probably only the major QTLs have been detected in this F(2) population. The perspectives for breeding for durable resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

The genetic map of Bremia lactucae was expanded utilizing 97 F(1) progeny derived from a cross between Finnish and Californian isolates (SF5xC82P24). Genetic maps were constructed for each parent utilizing 7 avirulence genes, 83 RFLP markers, and 347 AFLP markers, and a consensus map was constructed from the complete data set. The framework map for SF5 contained 24 linkage groups distributed over 835cM; the map for C82P24 contained 21 linkage groups distributed over 606cM. The consensus map contained 12 linkage groups with markers from both parents and 24 parent-specific groups. Six avirulence genes mapped to different linkage groups; four were located at the ends of linkage groups. The closest linkages between molecular markers and avirulence genes were 3cM to Avr4 and 1cM to Avr7. Mating type seemed to be determined by a single locus, where the heterozygote determined the B(2) type and the homozygous recessive genotype determined the B(1) type.  相似文献   

Virulence surveys of Swedish Bremia lactucae populations confirmed that the virulence factors vl to v12 were present in high or very high frequencies. Virulence associated with recently defined new resistance genes was also present. Laboratory tests of lettuce cultivars and Lactuca accessions using different Bremia isolates and field tests with natural inoculum showed that previously undetected virulence factors were present. Due to a lack of highly effective genes for specific resistance and the frequent sexual recombination of virulence genes it is suggested that any future breeding programmes concentrate on non-specific resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Sequence characterized amplified regions (SCARs) were derived from eight random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers linked to disease resistance genes in lettuce. SCARs are PCR-based markers that represent single, genetically defined loci that are identified by PCR amplification of genomic DNA with pairs of specific oligonucleotide primers; they may contain high-copy, dispersed genomic sequences within the amplified region. Amplified RAPD products were cloned and sequenced. The sequence was used to design 24-mer oligonucleotide primers for each end. All pairs of SCAR primers resulted in the amplification of single major bands the same size as the RAPD fragment cloned. Polymorphism was either retained as the presence or absence of amplification of the band or appeared as length polymorphisms that converted dominant RAPD loci into codominant SCAR markers. This study provided information on the molecular basis of RAPD markers. The amplified fragment contained no obvious repeated sequences beyond the primer sequence. Five out of eight pairs of SCAR primers amplified an alternate allele from both parents of the mapping population; therefore, the original RAPD polymorphism was likely due to mismatch at the primer sites.  相似文献   


Key message

The nonhost resistance of wild lettuce to lettuce downy mildew seems explained by four components of a putative set of epistatic genes.


The commonplace observation that plants are immune to most potential pathogens is known as nonhost resistance (NHR). The genetic basis of NHR is poorly understood. Inheritance studies of NHR require crosses of nonhost species with a host, but these crosses are usually unsuccessful. The plant-pathosystem of lettuce and downy mildew, Bremia lactucae, provides a rare opportunity to study the inheritance of NHR, because the nonhost wild lettuce species Lactuca saligna is sufficiently cross-compatible with the cultivated host Lactuca sativa. Our previous studies on NHR in one L. saligna accession led to the hypothesis that multi-locus epistatic interactions might explain NHR. Here, we studied NHR at the species level in nine accessions. Besides the commonly used approach of studying a target trait from a wild donor species in a cultivar genetic background, we also explored the opposite, complementary approach of cultivar introgression in a wild species background. This bidirectional approach encompassed (1) nonhost into host introgression: identification of L. saligna derived chromosome regions that were overrepresented in highly resistant BC1 plants (F1?×?L. sativa), (2) host into nonhost introgression: identification of L. sativa derived chromosome regions that were overrepresented in BC1 inbred lines (F1?×?L. saligna) with relatively high infection levels. We demonstrated that NHR is based on resistance factors from L. saligna and the genetic dose for NHR differs between accessions. NHR seemed explained by combinations of epistatic genes on three or four chromosome segments, of which one chromosome segment was validated by the host into nonhost approach.

Summary Previously undetected race-specific resistance to Bremia lactucae (downy mildew) was located in many lettuce cultivars hitherto considered to be universally susceptible to this disease. This resistance factor(s) may also be widely distributed in other cultivars known to carry combinations of already recognised factors R1 to R11. Specific virulence to match this resistance is almost invariably present in pathogen collections. This situation may be either a relic of the evolutionary history of the B. lactucaeL. sativa asssociation or may reflect a rare mutation in B. lactucae for avirulence on all but a few specialised L. sativa genotypes.  相似文献   

Changes in primary metabolism of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L. (cv. Cobham Green), induced by compatible interaction with the biotrophic oomycete pathogen Bremia lactucae Regel (race BL 16), under two intensities of illumination in the presence and absence of exogenous cytokinins were studied by chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. Thirteen days post-inoculation leaf discs infected by B. lactucae exhibited impairments of photosynthesis associated with biotrophic infections, including: reductions in photosynthetic pigment contents and the maximum quantum yield of photosystem II photochemistry (FV/FM), inhibition of electron transport (ΦPSII) and increased non-photochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching (NPQ). Detected changes in photosynthetic parameters correlated with the leaf area colonized by the pathogen’s intercellular hyphae. Applications of two cytokinins, benzylaminopurine and meta-topolin, previously shown to suppress B. lactucae sporulation if applied 24 h prior to inoculation at a concentration of 200 μM, retarded the pathogen’s asexual reproduction with no apparent negative effects on the host’s photosynthetic apparatus. However, long-lasting treatment of healthy tissues with this high concentration of exogenous cytokinin led to effects parallel to pathogenesis: reductions in photosynthetic pigment contents accompanied by inhibition of photosystem II photochemistry and electron transport. These effects of both prolonged exposure to cytokinins and the pathogenesis were weaker in discs exposed to the lower photosynthetic photon flux density. The role of cytokinins in plant-biotrophic pathogen interactions and their potential as disease control agents are discussed.  相似文献   

We have mapped the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring resistance to sorghum downy mildew (Peronosclerospora sorghi; SDM) and Rajasthan downy mildew (P. heteropogoni; RDM), two species of DM prevalent throughout India. QTL mapping was carried out on a backcross population of 151 individuals derived from a cross between CM139 (susceptible parent) and NAI116 (highly resistant to both SDM and RDM). Heritability estimates were 0.74 for SDM and 0.67 for RDM. Composite interval mapping combined with a linkage map constructed with 80 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers resulted in the identification of three QTLs (one each on chromosomes 2, 3 and 6) for SDM resistance and two QTLs (one each on chromosomes 3 and 6) for RDM resistance, all of which were contributed by NAI116. The significance of the major QTL on chromosome 6 (bin 6.05) that confers resistance to diverse DMs in tropical Asia, including SDM and RDM in India, was also verified. The results confirmed that some common QTLs contribute to both SDM and RDM resistance, while additional loci might specifically govern resistance to SDM. The QTL information generated in this study provide information that will aid in undertaking an integrated breeding strategy for the transfer of resistance to SDM and RDM in maize lines using marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

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