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Biological electron transfer is an efficient process even though the distances between the redox moieties are often quite large. It is therefore of great interest to gain an understanding of the physical basis of the rates and driving forces of these reactions. The structural relaxation of the protein that occurs upon change in redox state gives rise to the reorganizational energy, which is important in the rates and the driving forces of the proteins involved. To determine the structural relaxation in a redox protein, we have developed methods to hold a redox protein in its final oxidation state during crystallization while maintaining the same pH and salt conditions of the crystallization of the protein in its initial oxidation state. Based on 1.5 A resolution crystal structures and molecular dynamics simulations of oxidized and reduced rubredoxins (Rd) from Clostridium pasteurianum (Cp), the structural rearrangements upon reduction suggest specific mechanisms by which electron transfer reactions of rubredoxin should be facilitated. First, expansion of the [Fe-S] cluster and concomitant contraction of the NH...S hydrogen bonds lead to greater electrostatic stabilization of the extra negative charge. Second, a gating mechanism caused by the conformational change of Leucine 41, a nonpolar side chain, allows transient penetration of water molecules, which greatly increases the polarity of the redox site environment and also provides a source of protons. Our method of producing crystals of Cp Rd from a reducing solution leads to a distribution of water molecules not observed in the crystal structure of the reduced Rd from Pyrococcus furiosus. How general this correlation is among redox proteins must be determined in future work. The combination of our high-resolution crystal structures and molecular dynamics simulations provides a molecular picture of the structural rearrangement that occurs upon reduction in Cp rubredoxin.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation of the protein contribution to the redox potential of the iron–sulfur protein rubredoxin is presented. Structures of the oxidized and reduced forms of the protein were obtained by energy minimizing the oxidized crystal structure of Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin with appropriate charges and parameters. By including 102 crystal waters, structures close to the original crystal structure were obtained (rms difference of 1.16 Å), even with extensive minimization, thus allowing accurate calculations of comparative energies. Our calculations indicate an energy change of about –60 kcal/mol (2.58 eV) in the protein alone upon reduction. This energy change was due to both the change in charge of the redox site and the subsequent relaxation of the protein. An energy minimization procedure for the relaxation gives rms differences between the oxidized and reduced states of about 0.2 Å. The changes were small and occurred in both the backbone and sidechain mainly near the Fe–S center but contributed about – 16 kcal/mol (0.69 eV) to the total protein contribution. Although the neglect of certain effects such as electronic polarization may make the relaxation energies calculated an upper limit, the results indicate that protein relaxation contributes substantially to the redox potential. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin in the oxidized and reduced forms have been performed. Good agreement between both forms and crystal data has been obtained (rms deviation of backbone atoms of 1.06 and 1.42 Å, respectively), which was due in part to the use of explicit solvent and counterions. The reduced form exhibits an unexpected structural change: the redox site becomes much more solvent-accessible, so that water enters a channel between the surface and the site, but with little actual structural rearrangement (the rms deviation of backbone atoms between the oxidized and reduced is 0.77 Å). The increase in solvent accessibility is also seen, although to a much lesser extent, between the oxidized and reduced crystal structures of Pyrococcus furiosus rubredoxin, but no high resolution crystal or nuclear magnetic resonance solution data exist for reduced C. pasteurianum rubredoxin. The electrostatic potential at the iron site and fluctuations in the potential, which contribute to both the redox and electron transfer properties, have also been evaluated for both the oxidized and the reduced simulations. These results show that the backbone plays a significant role (62–70 kcall/mol/e) and the polar sidechains contribute relatively little (0–4 kcal/mol/e) to the absolute electrostatic potential at the iron of rubredoxin for both forms. However, both groups contribute significantly to the change in redox state by becoming more polarized and more densely packed around the redox site upon reduction. Furthermore, these results show that the solvent becomes much more polarized in the reduced form than in the oxidized form, even excluding the penetrating water. Finally, the simulation indicates that the contribution of the charged side chains to the electrostatic potential is largely canceled by that of the counterions. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tan ML  Kang C  Ichiye T 《Proteins》2006,62(3):708-714
Rubredoxins may be separated into high and low reduction potential classes, with reduction potentials differing by approximately 50 mV. Our previous work showed that a local shift in the polar backbone due to an A(44) versus V(44) side-chain size causes this reduction potential difference. However, this work also indicated that in the low potential Clostridium pasteurianum (Cp) rubredoxin, a V(44) --> A(44) mutation causes larger local backbone flexibility, because the V(44) side-chain present in the wild-type (wt) is no longer present to interlock with neighboring residues to stabilize the subsequent G(45). Since Pyrococcus furiosus (Pf) and other high potential rubredoxins generally have a P(45), it was presumed that a G(45) --> P(45) mutation might stabilize a V(44) --> A(44) mutation in Cp rubredoxin. Here crystal structure analysis, energy minimization, and molecular dynamics (MD) were performed for wt V(44)G(45), single mutant A(44)G(45) and double mutant A(44)P(45) Cp, and for wt A(44)P(45) Pf rubredoxins. The local structural, dynamical, and electrostatic properties of Cp gradually approach wt Pf in the order wt Cp to single to double mutant because of greater sequence similarity, as expected. The double mutant A(44)P(45) Cp exhibits increased backbone stability near residue 44 and thus enhances the probability that the backbone dipoles point toward the redox site, which favors an increase in the electrostatic contribution to the reduction potential. It appears that the electrostatic potential of residue 44 and the solvent accessibility to the redox are both determinants for the reduction potentials of homologous rubredoxins. Overall, these results indicate that an A(44) in a rubredoxin may require a P(45) for backbone stability whereas a V(44) can accommodate a G(45), since the valine side-chain can interlock with its neighbors.  相似文献   

The structures of the oxidized and reduced forms of the rubredoxin from the archaebacterium, Pyrococcus furiosus, an organism that grows optimally at 100 degrees C, have been determined by X-ray crystallography to a resolution of 1.8 A. Crystals of this rubredoxin grow in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with room temperature cell dimensions a = 34.6 A, b = 35.5 A, and c = 44.4 A. Initial phases were determined by the method of molecular replacement using the oxidized form of the rubredoxin from the mesophilic eubacterium, Clostridium pasteurianum, as a starting model. The oxidized and reduced models of P. furiosus rubredoxin each contain 414 nonhydrogen protein atoms comprising 53 residues. The model of the oxidized form contains 61 solvent H2O oxygen atoms and has been refined with X-PLOR and TNT to a final R = 0.178 with root mean square (rms) deviations from ideality in bond distances and bond angles of 0.014 A and 2.06 degrees, respectively. The model of the reduced form contains 37 solvent H2O oxygen atoms and has been refined to R = 0.193 with rms deviations from ideality in bond lengths of 0.012 A and in bond angles of 1.95 degrees. The overall structure of P. furiosus rubredoxin is similar to the structures of mesophilic rubredoxins, with the exception of a more extensive hydrogen-bonding network in the beta-sheet region and multiple electrostatic interactions (salt bridge, hydrogen bonds) of the Glu 14 side chain with groups on three other residues (the amino-terminal nitrogen of Ala 1; the indole nitrogen of Trp 3; and the amide nitrogen group of Phe 29). The influence of these and other features upon the thermostability of the P. furiosus protein is discussed.  相似文献   

One-hundred-and-seventy-nine sequences of Fe2S2 ferredoxins and ferredoxin precursors were identified in and retrieved from currently available protein and cDNA databases. On the basis of their cluster-binding patterns, these sequences were divided into three groups: those containing the CX4CX2CXnC pattern (plant-type ferredoxins), those with the CX5CX2CXnC pattern (adrenodoxins), and those with a different pattern. These three groups contain, respectively, 139, 36, and 4 sequences. After excluding ferredoxin precursors in the first group, two subgroups were identified, again based on their cluster-binding patterns: 88 sequences had the CX4CX2CX29C pattern, and 29 had the CX4CX2CXmC (m not equal 29) pattern. The structures of the 88 ferredoxins with the CX4CX2CX29C pattern were modeled based on the available experimental structures of nine proteins within this same group. The modeling procedure was tested by building structural models for the ferredoxins with known structures. The models resulted, on average, in being within 1 A of the backbone root-mean-square deviation from the corresponding experimental structures. In addition, these structural models were shown to be of high quality by using assessment procedures based on energetic and stereochemical parameters. Thus, these models formed a reliable structural database for this group of ferredoxins, which is meaningful within the framework of current structural genomics efforts. From the analysis of the structural database generated it was observed that the secondary structural elements and the overall three-dimensional structures are maintained throughout the superfamily. In particular, the residues in the hydrophobic core of the protein were found to be either absolutely conserved or conservatively substituted. In addition, certain solvent-accessible charged groups, as well as hydrophobic groups, were found to be conserved to the same degree as the core residues. The patterns of conservation of exposed residues identified the regions of the protein that are critical for its function in electron transfer. An extensive analysis of protein-protein interactions is now possible. Some conserved interactions between residues have been identified and related to structural and/or functional features. All this information could not be obtained from the analyses of the primary sequences alone. Finally, the analysis of the sequences of the related subgroup featuring the CX4CX2CXmC (m not equal 29) cluster-binding pattern in the light of the structural and functional insights provided by the inspection of the mentioned structural database affords some hints on the functional features of ferredoxins belonging to this subgroup.  相似文献   

By the addition of actithiazic acid, or acidomycin (ACM), to culture media, the accumulation of desthiobiotin by various microorganisms was enhanced from two-fold to about seventyfold, while that of biotin was markedly reduced. Especially, Bacillus sphaericus accumulated 350 μg per ml of biotin-vitamers assayed with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. ACM was not incorporated into the desthiobiotin molecule by resting cells of B. sphaericus. The amount of biotin-vitamers assayed with S. cerevisiae which was synthesized from pimelic acid by the resting cells grown with ACM was twice as great as that synthesized by the cells grown without ACM. From these results, the mechanism of the controlling action of ACM on biotin biosynthesis was discussed.  相似文献   

Blue copper proteins are type-I copper-containing redox proteins whose role is to shuttle electrons from an electron donor to an electron acceptor in bacteria and plants. A large amount of experimental data is available on blue copper proteins; however, their functional characterization is hindered by the complexity of redox processes in biological systems. We describe here the application of a semiquantitative method based on a comparative analysis of molecular interaction fields to gain insights into the recognition properties of blue copper proteins. Molecular electrostatic and hydrophobic potentials were computed and compared for a set of 33 experimentally-determined structures of proteins from seven blue copper subfamilies, and the results were quantified by means of similarity indices. The analysis provides a classification of the blue copper proteins and shows that (I) comparison of the molecular electrostatic potentials provides useful information complementary to that highlighted by sequence analysis; (2) similarities in recognition properties can be detected for proteins belonging to different subfamilies, such as amicyanins and pseudoazurins, that may be isofunctional proteins; (3) dissimilarities in interaction properties, consistent with experimentally different binding specificities, may be observed between proteins belonging to the same subfamily, such as cyanobacterial and eukaryotic plastocyanins; (4) proteins with low sequence identity, such as azurins and pseudoazurins, can have sufficient similarity to bind to similar electron donors and acceptors while having different binding specificity profiles.  相似文献   

Crowley PB  Carrondo MA 《Proteins》2004,55(3):603-612
Interprotein electron transfer is characterized by protein interactions on the millisecond time scale. Such transient encounters are ensured by extremely high rates of complex dissociation. Computational analysis of the available crystal structures of redox protein complexes reveals features of the binding site that favor fast dissociation. In particular, the complex interface is shown to have low geometric complementarity and poor packing. These features are consistent with the necessity for fast dissociation since the absence of close packing facilitates solvation of the interface and disruption of the complex.  相似文献   

Versatile peroxidases (VP), a recently described family of ligninolytic peroxidases, show a hybrid molecular architecture combining different oxidation sites connected to the heme cofactor. High-resolution crystal structures as well as homology models of VP isoenzymes from the fungus Pleurotus eryngii revealed three possibilities for long-range electron transfer for the oxidation of high redox potential aromatic compounds. The possible pathways would start either at Trp164 or His232 of isoenzyme VPL, and at His82 or Trp170 of isoenzyme VPS1. These residues are exposed, and less than 11 A apart from the heme. With the purpose of investigating their functionality, two single mutations (W164S and H232F) and one double mutation (W164S/P76H) were introduced in VPL that: (i) removed the two pathways in this isoenzyme; and (ii) incorporated the absent putative pathway. Analysis of the variants showed that Trp164 is required for oxidation of two high redox potential model substrates (veratryl alcohol and Reactive Black 5), whereas the two other pathways (starting at His232 and His82) are not involved in long-range electron transfer (LRET). None of the mutations affected Mn2+ oxidation, which would take place at the opposite side of the enzyme. Substitution of Trp164 by His also resulted in an inactive variant, indicating that an indole side-chain is required for activity. It is proposed that substrate oxidation occurs via a protein-based radical. For the first time in a ligninolytic peroxidase such an intermediate species could be detected by low-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance of H2O2-activated VP, and was found to exist at Trp164 as a neutral radical. The H2O2-activated VP was self-reduced in the absence of reducing substrates. Trp164 is also involved in this reaction, which in the W164S variant was blocked at the level of compound II. When analyzing VP crystal structures close to atomic resolution, no hydroxylation of the Trp164 Cbeta atom was observed (even after addition of several equivalents of H2O2). This is in contrast to lignin peroxidase Trp171. Analysis of the crystal structures of both peroxidases showed differences in the environment of the protein radical-forming residue that could affect its reactivity. These variations would also explain differences found for the oxidation of some high redox potential aromatic substrates.  相似文献   

A cluster of highly conserved leucine side chains from residues 9, 68, 85, 94, and 98 is located in the hydrophobic heme pocket of cytochrome c. The contributions of two of these, Leu 85 and Leu 94, have been studied using a protein structure-function-mutagenesis approach to probe their roles in the maintenance of overall structural integrity and electron transfer activity. Structural studies of the L85C, L85F, L85M, and L94S mutant proteins show that, in each case, the overall fold of cytochrome c is retained, but that localized conformational shifts are required to accommodate the introduced side chains. In particular, the side chains of Cys 85 and Phe 85 form energetically favorable interactions with Phe 82, whereas Met 85 takes on a more remote conformation to prevent an unfavorable interaction with the phenyl ring of Phe 82. In the case of the L94S mutant protein, the new polar group introduced is found to form hydrogen bonds to nearby carbonyl groups. In all proteins with substitutions at Leu 85, the hydrophobic nature of the heme pocket is preserved and no significant decrease in heme reduction potential is observed. Despite earlier predictions that Leu 85 is an important determinant in cytochrome c electron transfer partner complexation, our studies show this is unlikely to be the case because the considerable surface contour perturbations made by substitutions at this residue do not correspondingly translate into significant changes in electron transfer rates. For the L94S mutant protein, the substitution of a polar hydroxyl group directly into the hydrophobic heme pocket has a larger effect on heme reduction potential, but this is mitigated by two factors. First, the side chain of Ser 94 is rotated away from the heme group and, second, the side chain of Leu 98 shifts into a portion of the new space available, partially shielding the heme group. The Leu 94 Ser substitution does not perturb the highly conserved interface formed by the nearly perpendicular packing of the N- and C-terminal helices of cytochrome c, ruling this out as the cause of this mutant protein becoming thermally labile and having a lower functional activity. Our results show these effects are most likely attributable to disruption of the heme pocket region. Much of the ability of cytochrome c to absorb the introduction of mutations at Leu 85 and Leu 94 appears to be a consequence of the conformational flexibility afforded by the leucine cluster in this region as well as the presence of a nearby internal cavity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three Escherichia coli mutants defective in formate-dependent nitrite reduction (Nrf activity) were characterised. Two of the mutants, JCB354 and JCB356, synthesized all five c-type cytochromes previously characterised in anaerobic cultures of E. coli. The third mutant, JCB355, was defective for both cytochrome b and cytochrome c synthesis, but only during anaerobic growth. The insertion sites of the transposon in strains JCB354 and JCB356 mapped to the menFDBCE operon; the hemN gene was disrupted in strain JCB355. The mutation in strain JCB354 was complemented by a plasmid encoding only menD; strain JCB356 was complemented by a plasmid encoding only menBCE. A mutant defective in the methyltransferase activity involved in both ubiquinone synthesis and conversion of demethylmenaquinone to menaquinone expressed the same Nrf activity as the parental strain. The effects of men, ubiA and ubiE mutations on other cytochrome-c-dependent electron transfer pathways were also determined. The combined data establish that menaquinones are essential for cytochrome-c-dependent trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (Tor) and Nrf activity, but that either menaquinone or ubiquinone, but not demethylmenaquinone, can transfer electrons to a third cytochrome-c-dependent electron transfer chain, the periplasmic nitrate reductase. Received: 9 December 1996 / Accepted: 11 June 1997  相似文献   

Cyclic voltammetry has been used to study the effects of interactions between horse cytochrome c and solid-supported planar lipid membranes, comprised of either egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) or PC plus 20 mol.% cardiolipin (CL), on the redox potential and the electrochemical electron transfer rate between the protein and a semiconductor electrode. Experiments were performed over a wide range of cytochrome c concentrations (0–440 M) at low (20 mM) and medium (160 mM) ionic strengths. Three types of electrochemical behavior were observed, which varied as a function of the experimental conditions. At very low cytochrome c concentration (0.1 M), and under conditions where electrostatic forces dominated the protein–lipid membrane interaction (i.e., low ionic strength with membranes containing CL), a redox potential (265 mV) and an electrochemical electron transfer rate constant (0.09s –1)were obtained which compare well with those measured in other laboratories using a variety of different chemical modifications of the working electrode. Two other electrochemical signals (not reported with chemically modified electrodes) were also observed to occur at higher cytochrome c concentrations with this membrane system, as well as with two other systems (membranes containing CL under medium ionic strength conditions, and PC only at low ionic strength). These involved positive shifts of the cytochrome c redox potential (by 40 and 60 mV) and large decreases in the electron transfer rate (to 0.03 and 0.003 s–1). The observations can be rationalized in terms of a structural model of the cytochrome c–membrane interaction, in which association involves both electrostatic and hydrophobic forces and results in varying degrees of insertion of the protein into the hydrophobic interior of the membrane.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bc(1) is an integral membrane protein complex essential for cellular respiration and photosynthesis; it couples electron transfer from quinol to cytochrome c to proton translocation across the membrane. Specific bc(1) inhibitors have not only played crucial roles in elucidating the mechanism of bc(1) function but have also provided leads for the development of novel antibiotics. Crystal structures of bovine bc(1) in complex with the specific Q(o) site inhibitors azoxystrobin, MOAS, myxothiazol, stigmatellin and 5-undecyl-6-hydroxy-4,7-dioxobenzothiazole were determined. Interactions, conformational changes and possible mechanisms of resistance, specific to each inhibitor, were defined. Residues and secondary structure elements that are capable of discriminating different classes of Q(o) site inhibitors were identified for the cytochrome b subunit. Directions in the displacement of the cd1 helix of cytochrome b subunit in response to various Q(o) site inhibitors were correlated to the binary conformational switch of the extrinsic domain of the iron-sulfur protein subunit. The new structural information, together with structures previously determined, provide a basis that, combined with biophysical and mutational data, suggest a modification to the existing classification of bc(1) inhibitors. bc(1) inhibitors are grouped into three classes: class P inhibitors bind to the Q(o) site, class N inhibitors bind to the Q(i) site and the class PN inhibitors target both sites. Class P contains two subgroups, Pm and Pf, that are distinct by their ability to induce mobile or fixed conformation of iron-sulfur protein.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment on 73 proteins belonging to glycosyl hydrolase family 1 reveals the occurrence of a segment (83-124) in the enzyme sequences from hyperthermophilic archaea bacteria, which is absent in all the mesophilic members of the family. The alignment of the known three-dimensional structures of hyperthermophilic glycosidases with the known ones from mesophilic organisms shows a similar spatial organizations of beta-glycosidases except for this sequence segment whose structure is located on the external surface of each of four identical subunits, where it overlaps two alpha-helices. Site-directed mutagenesis substituting N97 or S101 with a cysteine residue in the sequence of beta-glycosidase from hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus caused some changes in the structural and dynamic properties as observed by circular dichroism in far- and near-UV light, as well as by frequency domain fluorometry, with a simultaneous loss of thermostability. The results led us to hypothesize an important role of the sequence segment present only in hyperthermophilic beta-glycosidases, in the thermal adaptation of archaea beta-glycosidases. The thermostabilization mechanism could occur as a consequence of numerous favorable ionic interactions of the 83-124 sequence with the other part of protein matrix that becomes more rigid and less accessible to the insult of thermal-activated solvent molecules.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of the native cytochrome c(2) from Rhodopseudomonas palustris and of its ammonia complex have been obtained at pH 4.4 and pH 8.5, respectively. The structure of the native form has been refined in the oxidized state at 1.70 A and in the reduced state at 1.95 A resolution. These are the first high-resolution crystal structures in both oxidation states of a cytochrome c(2) with relatively high redox potential (+350 mV). The differences between the two oxidation states of the native form, including the position of internal water molecules, are small. The unusual six-residue insertion Gly82-Ala87, which precedes the heme binding Met93, forms an isolated 3(10)-helix secondary structural element not previously observed in other c-type cytochromes. Furthermore, this cytochrome shows an external methionine residue involved in a strained folding near the exposed edge of the heme. The structural comparison of the present cytochrome c(2) with other c-type cytochromes has revealed that the presence of such a residue, with torsion angles phi and psi of approximately -140 and -130 degrees, respectively, is a typical feature of this family of proteins. The refined crystal structure of the ammonia complex, obtained at 1.15 A resolution, shows that the sulphur atom of the Met93 axial ligand does not coordinate the heme iron atom, but is replaced by an exogenous ammonia molecule. This is the only example so far reported of an X-ray structure with the heme iron coordinated by an ammonia molecule. The detachment of Met93 is accompanied by a very localized change in backbone conformation, involving mainly the residues Lys92, Met93, and Thr94. Previous studies under typical denaturing conditions, including high-pH values and the presence of exogenous ligands, have shown that the detachment of the Met axial ligand is a basic step in the folding/unfolding process of c-type cytochromes. The ammonia adduct represents a structural model for this important step of the unfolding pathway. Factors proposed to be important for the methionine dissociation are the strength of the H-bond between the Met93 and Tyr66 residues that stabilizes the native form, and the presence in this bacterial cytochrome c(2) of the rare six-residue insertion in the helix 3(10) conformation that increases Met loop flexibility.  相似文献   

Basic winged bean agglutinin binds A-blood group substance with higher affinity and B-blood group substance with lesser affinity. It does not bind the O substance. The crystal structures of the lectin, complexed with A-reactive and B-reactive di and tri saccharides, have been determined. In addition, the complexes of the lectin with fucosylated A-trisaccharides and B-trisaccharides and with a variant of the A-trisaccharide have been modeled. These structures and models provide valuable insights into the structural basis of blood group specificities. All the four carbohydrate binding loops of the lectin contribute to the primary combining site while the loop of variable length contributes to the secondary binding site. In a significant advance to the current understanding, the interactions at the secondary binding site also contribute substantially, albeit in a subtle manner, to determine the blood group specificity. Compared with the interactions of the B-trisaccharide with the lectin, the third sugar residue of the A-reactive trisacharide forms an additional hydrogen bond with a lysine residue in the variable loop. In the former, the formation of such a hydrogen bond is prevented by a shift in the orientation of third sugar resulting from an internal hydrogen bond in it. The formation of this bond is also facilitated by an interaction dependent change in the rotamer conformation of the lysyl residue of the variable loop. Thus, the difference in the interactions at the secondary site is generated by coordinated movements in the ligand as well as the protein. A comparison of the crystal structure and the model of the complex involving the variant of the A-trisaccharide results in the delineation of the relative contributions of the interactions at the primary and the secondary sites in determining blood group specificity.  相似文献   

Ouyang N  Gao YG  Hu HY  Xia ZX 《Proteins》2006,65(4):1021-1031
CcmG, also designated DsbE, functions as a periplasmic protein thiol:disulfide oxidoreductase and is required for cytochrome c maturation. Here we report the crystal structures of Escherichia coli CcmG and its two mutants, P144A and the N-terminal fifty seven-residue deletion mutant, and two additional deletion mutants were studied by circular dichroism. Structural comparison of E. coli CcmG with its deletion mutants reveals that the N-terminal beta-sheet is essential for maintaining the folding topology and consequently maintaining the active-site structure of CcmG. Pro144 and Glu145 are key residues of the fingerprint region of CcmG. Pro144 is in cis-configuration, and it makes van der Waals interactions with the active-site disulfide Cys80-Cys83 and forms a C--H...O hydrogen bond with Thr82, helping stabilize the active-site structure. Glu145 forms a salt-bridge and hydrogen-bond network with other residues of the fingerprint region and with Arg158, further stabilizing the active-site structure. The cis-configuration of Pro144 makes the backbone nitrogen and oxygen of Ala143 exposed to solvent, favorable for interacting with binding partners. The key role of cis-Pro144 is verified by the P144A mutant, which contains trans-Ala144 and displays redox property changes. Structural comparison of E. coli CcmG with the recently reported structure of CcmG in complex with the N-terminal domain of DsbD reveals that Tyr141 undergoes conformational changes upon binding DsbD. A cis-proline located at the N-terminus of the first beta-strand of the betabetaalpha motif of the thioredoxin-like domain is a conserved structural feature of the thioredoxin superfamily.  相似文献   

Transfer of electron from quinol to cytochrome c is an integral part of catalytic cycle of cytochrome bc1. It is a multi-step reaction involving: i) electron transfer from quinol bound at the catalytic Qo site to the Rieske iron-sulfur ([2Fe-2S]) cluster, ii) large-scale movement of a domain containing [2Fe-2S] cluster (ISP-HD) towards cytochrome c1, iii) reduction of cytochrome c1 by reduced [2Fe-2S] cluster, iv) reduction of cytochrome c by cytochrome c1.In this work, to examine this multi-step reaction we introduced various types of barriers for electron transfer within the chain of [2Fe-2S] cluster, cytochrome c1 and cytochrome c. The barriers included: impediment in the motion of ISP-HD, uphill electron transfer from [2Fe-2S] cluster to heme c1 of cytochrome c1, and impediment in the catalytic quinol oxidation. The barriers were introduced separately or in various combinations and their effects on enzymatic activity of cytochrome bc1 were compared. This analysis revealed significant degree of functional flexibility allowing the cofactor chains to accommodate certain structural and/or redox potential changes without losing overall electron and proton transfers capabilities. In some cases inhibitory effects compensated one another to improve/restore the function. The results support an equilibrium model in which a random oscillation of ISP-HD between the Qo site and cytochrome c1 helps maintaining redox equilibrium between all cofactors of the chain. We propose a new concept in which independence of the dynamics of the Qo site substrate and the motion of ISP-HD is one of the elements supporting this equilibrium and also is a potential factor limiting the overall catalytic rate.  相似文献   

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