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《Acta Oecologica》2001,22(5-6):253-257
Demographic structure and life history traits of the common goby Pomatoschistus microps were investigated in a brackish water lagoon of the Rhône River delta (Mediterranean Sea, southern France). The size frequency distribution and gonadosomatic index indicated that three different age groups occurred and reproduced successively in the lagoon, resulting in a long spawning period from March to September and a high investment in reproduction. This high investment in reproduction, which contrasts with that found in other mostly northern European populations, probably relates to the unpredictability of the gobyˈs environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The vegetation dynamics in two former braided channels of the Rhône River was studied at two time scales in order to test the following hypothesis: fluctuations would occur within seasons (flood disturbances, hydrological fluctuations, phenology) while successions would occur between years. The vegetation was surveyed in 1983, 1988 and 1989 during summer for the interannual investigation, and in spring 1989, summer 1989, winter 1989 and spring 1990 for the seasonal investigation. Terrestrialization, which was observed within the same period in other braided former channels of that river, did not happen here despite the 1989 drought. However, a vegetation zone situated in the upstream part one channel seems to represent some successional trend, resulting in the establishment of Nasturtium officinale and the increasing abundance of Chara vulgaris. In disagreement with the tested hypothesis, only fluctuations are observed at the two temporal scales in the other vegetation zones. The amplitude of cyclic trajectories observed in the seasonal study depends of the degree of hydraulic disturbances (floods, drought) that affects each vegetation zone. The channel that is closer to the river is maintained at a steady state by the periodical inputs of kinetic energy during river overflows and fast floods; the disturbances wash away fine deposits and rejuvenate the vegetation mosaic. In the other former channel that is less disturbed by floods and is characterized by a thick layer of fine sediments, the groundwater inputs from numerous limnocrene springs carry away organic matter and slow down ecological successions.Abbreviations C.A. Correspondence Analysis  相似文献   

Pseudorasbora parva (Pisces, Cyprinidae) is an invasive species from eastern Asia. Known in France since 1983, it has only been observed since 1993 in the Rh?ne delta where large populations occur. 203 specimens of that fish species have been examined for L3-larvae of Anguillicola crassus. 35% of the fish were found to be infected.  相似文献   

Long-term changes in composition, structure and biodiversity (i.e. taxonomic richness, diversity index, species traits and habitat-affinity) of interstitial assemblages were studied in two floodplain systems: a restored backwater and an artificial drainage canal. Before restoration, the backwater, affected by both terrestrialisation and eutrophication, was weakly populated by a low diversified fauna dominated by walkers, macrofauna, detritivores, and stygoxenes (i.e. taxa that occur incidentally in ground waters) that reproduce biparentally and lack parental care. This backwater displayed an upstream–downstream gradient in response to restoration works. Upstream, the dredging of fine organic sediments favoured inputs of nutrient-poor groundwater and exchanges between groundwater and surface water that induced an increase in taxonomic richness (in both herbivores and stygoxenes). Downstream the deposition of fine sediment that was suspended in the water column by restoration work enhanced colmation that induced a decrease in herbivore and swimming taxa, and an increase in mesofaunal taxa, whilst phreatobites (i.e. taxa specialized to interstitial life) remained absent from the system. The drainage canal that was artificially hollowed-out to lower the surrounding water table, harbors mixed assemblages of epigean (i.e. taxa of surface-water habitats) and hypogean (i.e. taxa of groundwater habitats) taxa. The upstream part, which is weakly influenced by surface waters, was colonized by phreatobites as oligotrophic conditions increased. The intermediate part, which is fed by surface water and where mesotrophic conditions occurred as habitats progressively matured and diversified, showed diversification of its fauna. The downstream part of the drainage canal displayed the reverse dynamic – this suggests a reduction in groundwater supply due to the clogging of sediment interstices fine sediments, the deposition of which is linked to the Rossillon backwater restoration works.  相似文献   

Fauvet  Guillaume  Claret  Cécile  Marmonier  Pierre 《Hydrobiologia》2001,464(1-3):121-131
An enclosure study was conducted in Ranger Lake in south-central Ontario, Canada from 4 July to 5 August 1997 to determine predation effects of the larvae of the phantom midge fly Chaoboruson the zooplankton community. Zooplankton assemblages were established in 12 enclosures (2 m in diameter, 7.5 m deep). Three densities of fourth-instar Chaoborus trivittatus (0 l–1, 0.1 l–1 and 0.5 l–1) were introduced as predator treatments to the enclosures. Temperature, dissolved oxygen and zooplankton community composition were monitored for six weeks. To determine if the zooplankton community composition changed, a repeated measures multivariate analysis was performed on percent biomass of Bosmina and calanoid copepods. There were no significant differences in mean taxon percent biomass among predator treatments. There were significant differences in mean taxon percent biomass between water layers (epilimnion and metalimnion). There were also significant differences in lengths of Bosmina and calanoid copepods among predator treatments at the end of the experiment. Crop content analysis of C. trivittatusshowed that Bosmina constituted 88–98% of the prey items found in the crops. These results demonstrate that the use of deep enclosures, a Chaoborus species which vertically migrates, and lower natural densities of Chaoborus may provide prey with an important natural refuge from predation and so allow a more accurate determination of the predation impact of Chaoborus trivittatusin temperate lakes where fish control Chaoborus densities.  相似文献   

E. Chauvet  A. Fabre 《Hydrobiologia》1990,192(2-3):183-190
Water contents of suspended matter, algal pigments, particulate organic carbon and particulate phosphorus were measured in the rivers Garonne (2 sites) and Ariège (1 site) throughout an annual cycle. The general trend of the parameters was similar at the three sites. Depending on the sites, the period of algal growth (chlorophyll a + phaeopigments > 25 µg l–1), lasted from two to six weeks in August–September. The algal peaks reached 50 to 90 µg 1–1 of total pigments. High contents of particulate organic carbon (> 2 mg 1–1) occurred at the end of summer (coinciding with algal growth), and during the November and May floods. In summer 50–75 % of the suspended matter was organic, in spring this was 10 times less. The high linear correlation between particulate organic carbon and pigment contents (r = 0.87; P = 0.0001) suggested an algal origin of at least part of the particulate carbon. Algal carbon was minor in the annual fluxes of particulate carbon (25 to 39% depending on the sites), but relatively high in comparison with other rivers. The mean particulate phosphorus content calculated over the year was 24 µg l–1 ; it varied from 15 µg l–1 during the high water period to 28 µg 1–1 during the low water period. Likewise the percentage of particulate phosphorus in the suspended matter varied from 0.17 to 0.40. A negative linear correlation existed between particulate phosphorus content and specific discharge (r = – 0.46; P = 0.0001).The very marked seasonal trend of the parameters and the interactions led us to differentiate two modes of the rivers' functioning: a hydrologic phase and a biological phase. The hydrologic phase (high water) was dominated by the processes of erosion and transfer over the whole catchment area and the flood plain, while the biological phase was characterized by a high primary production in the river bed.  相似文献   

To study the population dynamics of Crangon crangon in the Vaccarès lagoon in the Camargue (Rh?ne delta), the age of brown shrimp was determined using the method of Tiews (1954). This method consists in counting the number of segments of the outer branch of the first antenna. This number is correlated with the number of moults already accomplished by the shrimp. The duration of the intermoult depends on water temperature. Adapting this model to our environmental data, we determined the age of the brown shrimp. Hatching of larvae occurs in the sea in May, and juveniles enter the lagoon from June to September. Our results showed that Crangon crangon in the Vaccarès lagoon reached sexual maturity between 6 and 11 months, and individuals are 1 year old when they leave the lagoon. A few adults from the previous year (1+) migrate back to the lagoon the following year, but these older individuals represent only a very small part of the population, and have only been observed occasionally. The Vaccarès brown shrimp population can therefore be considered as annual, in contrast to northern European populations.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe present work relates to identification and a deep molecular characterization of circulating Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) strains in the Rhône-Alpes region, France from 2000 to 2010. It aimed to provide with a first snapshot of MTBC genetic diversity in conjunction with bacterial drug resistance, type of disease and available demographic and epidemiologic characteristics over an eleven-year period, in the south-east of France.MethodsMycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) strains isolated in the Rhône-Alpes region, France (n = 2257, 1 isolate per patient) between 2000 and 2010 were analyzed by spoligotyping. MIRU-VNTR typing was applied on n = 1698 strains (with full results available for 974 strains). The data obtained were compared with the SITVIT2 database, followed by detailed genotyping, phylogenetic, and epidemiologic analyses in correlation with anonymized data on available demographic, and epidemiologic characteristics, and location of disease (pulmonary or extrapulmonary TB).ResultsThe most predominant spoligotyping clusters were SIT53/T1 (n = 346, 15.3%) > SIT50/H3 (n = 166, 7.35%) > SIT42/LAM9 (n = 125, 5.5%) > SIT1/Beijing (n = 72, 3.2%) > SIT47/H1 (n = 71, 3.1%). Evolutionary-recent strains belonging to the Principal Genetic Group (PGG) 2/3, or Euro-American lineages (T, LAM, Haarlem, X, S) were predominant and represented 1768 or 78.33% of all isolates. For strains having drug resistance information (n = 1119), any drug resistance accounted for 14.83% cases vs. 1.52% for multidrug resistance (MDR); and was significantly more associated with age group 21–40 years (p-value<0.001). Extra-pulmonary TB was more common among female patients while pulmonary TB predominated among men (p-value<0.001; OR = 2.16 95%CI [1.69; 2.77]). Also, BOV and CAS lineages were significantly well represented in patients affected by extra-pulmonary TB (p-value<0.001). The origin was known for 927/2257 patients: 376 (40.6%) being French-born vs. 551 (59.4%) Foreign-born. French patients were significantly older (mean age: 58.42 yrs 95%CI [56.04; 60.80]) than Foreign-born patients (mean age: 42.38 yrs. 95%CI [40.75; 44.0]).ConclusionThe study underlined the importance of imported TB cases on the genetic diversity and epidemiologic characteristics of circulating MTBC strains in Rhône-Alpes region, France over a large time-period. It helps better understand intricate relationships between certain lineages and geographic origin of the patients, and pinpoints genotypic and phylogenetic specificities of prevailing MTBC strains. Lastly, it also demonstrated a slow decline in isolation of M. africanum lineage in this region between 2000 and 2010.  相似文献   

Environmental variables and macroinvertebrate communities are studied in two sites of the Lower Rhône River, the main channel and a lateral, occasionally connected dike field. Environmental variables and faunistic communities allow discrimination the two compartments. The environmental and faunistic differences the two sites change over time. The physical and chemical differences are significantly correlated with water discharge of the main channel. The faunistic ones are significantly correlated with the temperature of the dike field water. The connections between the main channel and the dike field could be very important to maintain a high heterogeneity of the habitat, and for recolonization of the main channel after a perturbation.  相似文献   

M. -H. Moncel 《Human Evolution》2000,15(3-4):157-174
Excavations at Payre, between 1990 and 1998, yielded lithic artefacts and bones in four levels. Men came during the isotopic stage 5 interglacial (Eemian) and isotopic stages 6 and 7. Sites of this age are not many in this part of the Rhône valley and this cave is an important element for the oldest Middle Palaeolithic and its diversity. The men lived in the cave before/after departure of bears and hyenas or wolves, probably for short occupations. Sedimentological, palynological, palaeontological and geochronological studies carry much informations about human life in this cave. The artefacts belong to the Lower Middle Palaeolithic culture, which shows originalities as compared to the South-West of France and also sites of the South-East for example Orgnac 3 dating to isotopic stage 9. The South-East of France shows more and more its important place in the knowledge of the Mousterians and could become in future a rich country for informations.  相似文献   

Daufresne M  Bady P  Fruget JF 《Oecologia》2007,151(3):544-559
We assessed the temporal changes in and the relationships between the structures of the macroinvertebrate communities and the environmental conditions of the French Rhône River (the river from Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean Sea) over the last 20 years (1985–2004). Multisite environmental and biological datasets were analysed using multiple CO-inertia analysis (MCOA) and Procrustean analysis. Changes in environmental conditions were mainly marked by an improvement in water quality between 1985 and 1991 and by an increase in water temperature from 1985 onwards due to climate change. Improvement in water quality seemed to delay changes in community structures under global warming. We then observed trends in community structures coupled with high temperatures and a decrease in oxygen content. Interestingly, we observed both gradual changes and rapid switches in community states. These shifts seemed coupled to extreme hydroclimatic events (i.e. pulse disturbances). Floods and the 2003 heatwave enhanced the development of eurytolerant and invasive taxa which were probably able to take advantage of gradual warming environmental conditions. Despite various site-specific “press” constraints (e.g. hydropower schemes, nuclear power plants), similar changes in community structures were observed along the French Rhône River. Such consistency in temporal processes at large geographical scales underlined the strength of hydroclimatic constraints on community dynamics compared to specific local disturbances. Finally, community structures did not show any sign of recovery, and their relative sensitivities to extreme hydroclimatic events seemed to increase with time. Thus, our results suggest that global changes may reduce the resilience of current community states.  相似文献   

B. Czeczuga  A. Skalski 《Hydrobiologia》1973,42(2-3):355-362
The presence of carotenoids in the Niphargus tatrensis Wrzesniowski and Niphargus aquilex schellenbergi Karaban has been investigated. In extracts separated by means of column and thin-layer chromatography, the following carotenoids were identified:
  1. in Niphargus tatrensis: β-carotene, astaxanthin ester, rubixanthin, celaxanthin and astaxanthin.
  2. in Niphargus aquilex schellenbergi: cantha-xanthin, astaxanthin ester, isozeaxanthin (only from Jeker), 4-keto-4′-hydroxy-β-carotene (only from Terzietebronbos), rubixanthin, celaxanthin and astaxanthin.
It was not possible to identifity the sexth fractions.  相似文献   

Two unusual specimens of the grenadier genus Coryphaenoides were collected by the deep-submersible vehicle Johnson Sea-Link off the Galápagos. Unlike any other member of the genus, the snout in these specimens was rounded, non-protruding, naked anteriorly and ventrally, with no tubercular scales marking the terminal and lateral angles. They are herein described as Coryphaenoides gypsochilus. Additional specimens of grenadiers were procured by the Johnson Sea-Link, including the second and third specimens of Nezumia ventralis and the first record of Caelorinchus canus from these waters. Three species and one subspecies of Galápagos grenadiers are endemic.  相似文献   

Oxynoemacheilus cemali sp. nov. is described from the Çoruh River drainage in the eastern Black Sea basin. One molecular marker (coI), 25 morphometric and four meristic characters were analysed. Oxynoemacheilus cemali is distinguished from O. kosswigi, O. banarescui, O. samanticus and O. angorae in the Black Sea basin by having a suborbital groove in males, an axillary lobe at the pelvic-fin base, no dorsal adipose crest on the caudal peduncle, a slightly-forked caudal fin and 7–15 dark grey dorsal saddles. Morever, Oxynoemacheilus cemali is distinguished by commonly having 9–15 irregularly-shaped dark-grey bars on the flank posterior to the dorsal-fin origin or, rarely having a mottled pattern or 4–6 irregularly shaped dark-grey bars on the flank posterior to the dorsal-fin origin. Oxynoemacheilus cemali is also distinguished from the closely related species O. araxensis and O. cyri, distributed outside the Black Sea basin, by having 15 and 31 diagnostic nucleotide substitutions in the coI barcode region, respectively.  相似文献   

Mean biomass (153-1) and production (P) of fish in two small tributaries of the Paraná River (Paraná, Brazil) were 61 kg ha–1 and 48 kg ha–1 yr–1 in the Caracu River and 29 kg ha–1 and 26 kg ha–1 yr–1 in the Agua do Rancho River, respectively. Matrix correlation analysis revealed high positive correlations of both 153-2 and P to maximum depth and hiding places and, at a lower level of significance, to mean depth, pH and oxygen level. Lower 153-3 and P values were found in the Agua do Rancho River, whose valley has retained a more natural character, rich canopy and scarcity of macrophytes, but also lower conductivity and nitrogen and phosphate levels than those in the Caracu River.Address for correspondence  相似文献   

Knowledge of the effects of flooding on plant survival is relevant for the efficiency of management and conservation programs. Schinus terebinthifolius is a tree of economic and ecological importance that is common in northeast Brazil. Flooding tolerance and genetic variation were investigated in two riparian populations of S. terebinthifolius distributed along two different ecological regions of the Tibagi River basin. Flooding tolerance was evaluated through the investigation of young plants, submitted to different flooding intensities to examine the morphological and anatomical responses to this stress. The growth rate of S. terebinthifolius was not affected by flooding, but total submersion proved to be lethal for 100% of the plants. Morphological alterations such as hypertrophied lenticels were observed in both populations and lenticel openings were significantly higher in plants from one population. Genetic analysis using DNA samples obtained from both populations showed a moderate degree of genetic variation between populations (13.7%); most of the variation was found within populations (86.3%). These results show that for conservation purposes and management of degraded areas, both populations should be preserved and could be used in programs that intend to recompose riparian forests.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to perform comparative histological analyses of the ontogenetic development of two fish species endemic to the São Francisco River in Brazil: Prochilodus argenteus and Lophiosilurus alexandri. Histological analyses were performed every 24 h from the moment of hatching until 14 days post-hatching (dph) for the observation of larval development and until 39 dph for the observation of gonadal development. Whole larvae were fixed in Bouin's solution and the histological slides were stained with haematoxylin–eosin. Lophiosilurus alexandri larvae had a larger body size compared with P. argenteus larvae since hatching. Lophiosilurus alexandri larvae had mouth opening and pigmentation of the eyes upon hatching, whereas these events were observed at 1 dph in P. argenteus larvae. The visualisation and the inflation of the swim bladder occurred at 1 and 3 dph, respectively, in the P. argenteus, whereas these events occurred at 2 and 8 dph, respectively, in L. alexandri. Yolk granules were absorbed at 4 dph in P. argenteus and the 10 dph in L. alexandri. At 7 dph, the digestive tube was more differentiated in L. alexandri than P. argenteus and at 14 dph, the digestive system of both species had features of their eating habits: broad stomach and short intestine in L. alexandri, typical of carnivorous habits; stomach with a mechanical function and long intestine in P. argenteus, typical of detritivorous habits. The epithelial lining tissue, formed by a single layer of cells in the newly hatched larvae (0 dph), differentiated throughout the study, exhibiting scales in P. argenteus and numerous club cells in the middle epithelial region of L. alexandri at 39 dph. Undifferentiated gonads with somatic cells and primordial germ cells were observed at 39 dph, with caudal-cranial migration since 1 dph in both species. The anatomic changes during the ontogeny of P. argenteus and L. alexandri larvae are directly associated with the evolutionary history of each species, which explains their feeding habits, behaviour and distribution in the environment: Prochilodus argenteus is detritivorous and actively swims in the water column, whereas L. alexandri is carnivorous and inhabits bottom regions. At 39 dph neither species exhibited sexual differentiation.  相似文献   

Vascular plants in salt marshes strongly influence processes of heavy metal accumulation. Many studies have focused on this issue; however, there is a lack of information regarding the effects of plants on the distribution of certain poorly studied metals, such as Co, Cr, and Ni. The aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate the capability of Spartina densiflora Brongn. and Spartina maritima (Curtis) Fernald, to accumulate Co, Cr, and Ni and influence the sediment composition around their roots, investigating whether the observed behavior can change with different levels of sediment pollution. Concentrations of Co, Cr, and Ni were determined in tissues of S. densiflora and S. maritima and in sediments and rhizosediments from the Odiel and Tinto marshes (SW Spain), one of the estuaries most polluted by heavy metals in the world. Concentrations of Co, Cr, and Ni in the belowground tissues of both Spartina species were higher than those in aboveground tissues in all sites sampled. Both species showed potential for phytostabilization of Co, possibly by promoting the formation of high amounts of Fe-oxides in the rhizosphere, which can act to retain the metal within the sediment around the roots. In addition, both Spartina species were found to accumulate Co in their roots, thereby avoiding the translocation of this metal to photosynthetic tissues. At the Tinto marsh, there were no differences recorded in metal levels between sediments and rhizosediments of both species, a fact that could be explained by the extremely high background levels of metals at this site, which may impair the ability of the plant to alter the chemistry of the sediment in contact with the roots. The potential for the immobilization of a large amount of Co in the soil, exhibited by S. densiflora and S. maritima, indicates that both species could be highly useful in the phytostabilization of Co contaminated environments.  相似文献   

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