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Nakamura  Ryosuke  Watanabe  Tetsuhiro  Onoda  Yusuke 《Ecosystems》2023,26(5):1061-1076
Ecosystems - Silicon is an essential or beneficial element in many organisms. Silicon uptake by vegetation strongly influences terrestrial silicon dynamics; however, little is known about the...  相似文献   



Knowledge about how change the importance of soil seed bank and relationship between seed mass and abundance during vegetation succession is crucial for understanding vegetation dynamics. Many studies have been conducted, but their ecological mechanisms of community assembly are not fully understood.


We examined the seasonal dynamics of the vegetation and soil seed bank as well as seed size distribution along a successional gradient. We also explored the potential role of the soil seed bank in plant community regeneration, the relationship between seed mass and species abundance, and the relative importance of deterministic and stochastic processes along a successional gradient.

Principal Findings

Species richness of seed bank increased (shallow layer and the total) and seed density decreased (each layer and the total) significantly with succession. Species richness and seed density differed significantly between different seasons and among soil depths. Seed mass showed a significant negative relationship with relative abundance in the earliest successional stage, but the relationships were not significant in later stages. Seed mass showed no relationship with relative abundance in the whole successional series in seed bank. Results were similar for both July 2005 and April 2006.


The seed mass and abundance relationship was determined by a complex interaction between small and larger seeded species and environmental factors. Both stochastic processes and deterministic processes were important determinants of the structure of the earliest stage. The importance of seed bank decreased with succession. The restoration of abandoned farmed and grazed meadows to the species-rich subalpine meadow in Tibetan Plateau can be successfully achieved from the soil seed bank. However, at least 20 years are required to fully restore an abandoned agricultural meadow to a natural mature subalpine meadow.  相似文献   

Global warming is causing increases in surface temperatures and has the potential to influence the structure of soil microbial and faunal communities. However, little is known about how warming interacts with other ecosystem drivers, such as plant functional groups or changes associated with succession, to affect the soil community and thereby alter ecosystem functioning. We investigated how experimental warming and the removal of plant functional groups along a post-fire boreal forest successional gradient impacted soil microbial and nematode communities. Our results showed that warming altered soil microbial communities and favored bacterial-based microbial communities, but these effects were mediated by mosses and shrubs, and often varied with successional stage. Meanwhile, the nematode community was generally unaffected by warming and was positively affected by the presence of mosses and shrubs, with these effects mostly independent of successional stage. These results highlight that different groups of soil organisms may respond dissimilarly to interactions between warming and changes to plant functional groups, with likely consequences for ecosystem functioning that may vary with successional stage. Due to the ubiquitous presence of shrubs and mosses in boreal forests, the effects observed in this study are likely to be significant over a large proportion of the terrestrial land surface. Our results demonstrate that it is crucial to consider interactive effects between warming, plant functional groups, and successional stage when predicting soil community responses to global climate change in forested ecosystems.  相似文献   

Physiology and Growth of Wheat Across a Subambient Carbon Dioxide Gradient   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Two cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), 'Yaqui 54' and'Seri M82', were grown along a gradient of daytime carbon dioxideconcentrations ([CO2]) from near 350-200 µmol CO2 mol-1air in a 38 m long controlled environment chamber. Carbon dioxidefluxes and evapotranspiration were measured for stands (plantsand soil) in five consecutive 7·6-m lengths of the chamberto determined potential effects of the glacial/interglacialincrease in atmospheric [CO2] on C3 plants. Growth rates andleaf areas of individual plants and net assimilation per unitleaf area and daily (24-h) net CO2 accumulation of wheat standsrose with increasing [CO2]. Daytime net assimilation (PD, mmolCO2 m-2 soil surface area) and water use efficiency of wheatstands increased and the daily total of photosynthetic photonflux density required by stands for positive CO2 accumulation(light compensation point) declined at higher [CO2]. Nighttimerespiration (RN, mmol CO2 m-2 soil surface) of wheat, measuredat 369-397 µmol mol-1 CO2, apparently was not alteredby growth at different daytime [CO2], but RN /PD of stands declinedlinearly as daytime [CO2] and PD increased. The responses ofwheat to [CO2], if representative of other C3 species, suggestthat the 75-100% increase in [CO2] since glaciation and the30% increase since 1800 reduced the minimum light and waterrequirements for growth and increased the productivity of C3plants.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Atmospheric carbon dioxide, carbon accumulation, evapotranspiration, light compensation point, net assimilation, respiration, Triticum aestivum, water use efficiency, wheat  相似文献   

Knowledge of the recovery of insect communities after forest disturbance in tropical Africa is very limited. Here, fruit‐feeding butterflies in a tropical rain forest at Kibale National Park, Uganda, were used as a model system to uncover how, and how fast, insect communities recover after forest disturbance. We trapped butterflies monthly along a successional gradient for one year. Traps were placed in intact primary forest compartments, heavily logged forest compartments with and without arboricide treatment approximately 43 years ago, and in conifer‐clearcut compartments, ranging from 9 to 19 years of age. The species richness, total abundance, diversity, dominance, and similarity of the community composition of butterflies in the eight compartments were compared with uni‐ and multivariate statistics. A total of 16,728 individuals representing 88 species were trapped during the study. Butterfly species richness, abundance, and diversity did not show an increasing trend along the successional gradient but species richness and abundance peaked at intermediate stages. There was monthly variation in species richness, abundance, diversity and composition. Butterfly community structure differed significantly among the eight successional stages and only a marginal directional change along the successional gradient emerged. The greatest number of indicator species and intact forest interior specialists were found in one of the primary forests. Our results show that forest disturbance has a long‐term impact on the recovery of butterfly species composition, emphasizing the value of intact primary forests for butterfly conservation.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Carbon cycle perturbations in high-latitude ecosystems associated with rapid warming can have implications for the global climate. Belowground biomass is an important component of the...  相似文献   

Smith  Kenneth R.  Waring  Bonnie G. 《Ecosystems》2019,22(4):742-753
Ecosystems - Dryland (semiarid and arid) ecosystems are responsible for most of the interannual variation in atmospheric CO2 concentrations and contain a considerable fraction of the globe’s...  相似文献   

Losses of soil base cations due to acid rain have been implicated in declines of red spruce and sugar maple in the northeastern USA. We studied fine root and aboveground biomass and production in five northern hardwood and three conifer stands differing in soil Ca status at Sleepers River, VT; Hubbard Brook, NH; and Cone Pond, NH. Neither aboveground biomass and production nor belowground biomass were related to soil Ca or Ca:Al ratios across this gradient. Hardwood stands had 37% higher aboveground biomass (P = 0.03) and 44% higher leaf litter production (P < 0.01) than the conifer stands, on average. Fine root biomass (<2 mm in diameter) in the upper 35 cm of the soil, including the forest floor, was very similar in hardwoods and conifers (5.92 and 5.93 Mg ha−1). The turnover coefficient (TC) of fine roots smaller than 1 mm ranged from 0.62 to 1.86 y−1 and increased significantly with soil exchangeable Ca (P = 0.03). As a result, calculated fine root production was clearly higher in sites with higher soil Ca (P = 0.02). Fine root production (biomass times turnover) ranged from 1.2 to 3.7 Mg ha−1 y−1 for hardwood stands and from 0.9 to 2.3 Mg ha−1 y−1 for conifer stands. The relationship we observed between soil Ca availability and root production suggests that cation depletion might lead to reduced carbon allocation to roots in these ecosystems.  相似文献   

The fungal and bacterial activity was determined in 20 northern European peatlands ranging from ombrotrophic bogs to eutrophic fens with key differences in degree of humification, pH, dry bulk density, carbon (C) content and vegetation communities using the selective inhibition (SI) technique. These peatlands were partly disturbed and the respective water tables lowered below the surface layer. Basal respiration ranged from 24 to 128 µg CO2-C g?1 dry peat d?1. Bacterial contributions to CO2 production were high in most peatlands and showed the following pattern: eutrophic >> transitional ≥ mesotrophic >> ombrotrophic peatland types. The fungal-to-bacterial (F:B) ratios varied substantially within peatland type, and this was mainly attributed to differences in peat botanical compositions and chemistry. The computed mean Inhibitor Additivity Ratio (IAR) was quite close to 1 to suggest that the SI techniques can be used to partition eukaryotic and prokaryotic activity in wide range of peatlands. Overall, basal respiration, microbial biomass-C, fungal and bacterial activities varied across the studied peatland types, and such differences could have consequences for C- and nutrient-cycling as well as how bogs and fens will respond to environmental changes.  相似文献   

Soil labile organic carbon and soil enzymes play important roles in the carbon cycle of coastal wetlands that have high organic carbon accumulation rates. Soils under three vegetations (Phragmites australis, Spartina alterniflora, and Scirpusm mariqueter) as well as bare mudflat in Hangzhou Bay wetland of China were collected seasonally. Seasonal dynamics and correlations of soil labile organic carbon fractions and soil enzyme activities were analyzed. The results showed that there were significant differences among vegetation types in the contents of soil organic carbon (SOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), excepting for that of microbial biomass carbon (MBC). The P. australis soil was with the highest content of both SOC (7.86 g kg-1) and DOC (306 mg kg-1), while the S. mariqueter soil was with the lowest content of SOC (6.83 g kg-1), and the bare mudflat was with the lowest content of DOC (270 mg kg-1). Soil enzyme activities were significantly different among vegetation types except for urease. The P. australis had the highest annual average activity of alkaline phosphomonoesterase (21.4 mg kg-1 h-1), and the S. alterniflora had the highest annual average activities of β-glycosidase (4.10 mg kg-1 h-1) and invertase (9.81mg g-1 24h-1); however, the bare mudflat had the lowest activities of alkaline phosphomonoesterase (16.2 mg kg-1 h-1), β-glycosidase (2.87 mg kg-1 h-1), and invertase (8.02 mg g-1 24h-1). Analysis also showed that the soil labile organic carbon fractions and soil enzyme activities had distinct seasonal dynamics. In addition, the soil MBC content was significantly correlated with the activities of urease and β-glucosidase. The DOC content was significantly correlated with the activities of urease, alkaline phosphomonoesterase, and invertase. The results indicated that vegetation type is an important factor influencing the spatial-temporal variation of soil enzyme activities and labile organic carbon in coastal wetlands.  相似文献   

The composition of plant communities everywhere now likely comprises alien as well as native species, and those aliens that become invasive have wide-ranging impacts on the structure and function of recipient ecosystems. These impacts include perturbations to soil carbon (C) cycling, but the direction and magnitude of impacts are species and climate dependent, making it difficult to generalize whether a specific invader will promote losses or gains in soil C stocks. Generalizations of a specific invader??s impacts are necessary; however, because the range of an invader can encompass thousands of square kilometers, meaning their effects can have broad, regional consequences. To quantify broad-scale and context-dependent impacts of a specific invader, multi-site investigations that capture and measure local and regional environmental heterogeneity are necessary. Using this approach, we show that a widespread grass invader of forest understories is associated with declines in soil C during infilling (spreading within the invaded range). Across the 36 study sites, total soil C stocks declined (P?=?0.113) by approximately 12% (estimated mean?±?SD, uninvaded: 2,429?±?512.9 vs. invaded: 2,140?±?520.7?g?C?m?2). The decline in total soil C is driven by a significant (P?=?0.047) reduction in the native-derived, mineral-associated soil C fraction. This fraction, whose mass and slow turnover makes it an important C store, is approximately 15% lower in invaded (estimated mean?±?SD: 1,560?±?400.4?g?C?m?2) than uninvaded plots (1,826?±?398.1?g?C?m?2). Notably, declines in this C fraction are only apparent at 21 of the sites, reflecting how environmental heterogeneity in other variables (specifically pH, soil moisture, and clay content) are important to quantify to determine invader impacts across a region. The 26% decline in microbial biomass with invasion (P?=?0.011; estimated mean?±?SD, uninvaded: 10.05?±?1.79 vs. invaded: 7.40?±?1.80?g?C?m?2) is also dependent on site characteristics (pH), and reductions are greater where the invader occurs at higher densities. Reductions in microbial biomass and soil C with invasion suggest that grass invasion will alter soil C cycling and decrease forest-C stores across the study region, although invader effects at a specific-site will be dependent on environmental context.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) is a potentially significant vector of N loss from forest ecosystems that has been characterized as an “N leak.” Although the term “leak” suggests a lack of regulation, it is clear DON losses are a function of biological and physicochemical processes that influence its production and retention across the landscape. In this study, we investigated how soil processes that influence DON cycling impact ecosystem patterns of DON loss in five northern hardwood forests that spanned a gradient of N availability, tree species composition, and moisture–edaphic characteristics. We collected soil leachate from the forest floor and at 15 and 100 cm soil depths and related solution chemistry to its physical environment. We found that DON losses were a function of ecosystem N status and increased modestly with soil N stock. We also found a unimodal pattern of DOC/DON losses across the gradient driven by low DOC/DON in the lowest N availability stand, likely due to the interaction between strongly sorbing DOM inputs from C-rich, oak-derived leaf litter with highly sorptive soils. We suggest DOM losses from forests depend on interactions between soil solution input chemistry from the forest floor, which reflects changes in tree species composition across the landscape, and soil sorptive processes where organic compounds are dynamically exchanged between solid and dissolved phases. These results emphasize the need to understand how fine-scale processes can interact to shape ecosystem patterns of DOM loss.  相似文献   

A minimal food web model was constructed comprising one grazing and one detritus food chain coupled by nutrient cycling and generalist carnivores to investigate how prey preference by carnivores may affect the strength of trophic cascades across a gradient of nutrient enrichment. The equilibrium or mean abundance of each food web component and the magnitude of the carnivore effect on lower trophic levels were calculated for different values of the prey preference and nutrient input parameters. Our model predicts that nutrient enrichment increases the mean abundances of carnivores, autotrophs and detritus, but the magnitude of this effect is dependent on the prey preference term. On the other hand, herbivores and detritivores are relatively unaffected by enrichment but are strongly affected by carnivore preference. Carnivores have a negative effect on herbivores and a positive effect on autotrophs and detritus, whereas the effect on detritivores can be both positive and negative. At high preference for herbivores, carnivores have a positive effect on detritivores, because the positive effect of increased detritus availability due to reduced herbivore grazing outweighs the negative effect of predation. At high preference for detritivores, the balance is changed in the other direction. We argue that in systems where authochtonous primary production is the major source of detritus, herbivores can control the rates of detritus production and have indirect effects on detritivores, which may feed back into effects on herbivores through their shared enemies. This positive feedback is probably one mechanism affecting the resilience of alternative stable states in shallow lakes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Author Contributions  J.L.A. conceived the model and the study, J.R. wrote the Matlab programs and ran the simulations and J.L.A. wrote most of the paper.  相似文献   

We investigated how conversion from conventional agriculture to organic management affected the structure and biogeochemical function of soil microbial communities. We hypothesized the following. (1) Changing agricultural management practices will alter soil microbial community structure driven by increasing microbial diversity in organic management. (2) Organically managed soil microbial communities will mineralize more N and will also mineralize more N in response to substrate addition than conventionally managed soil communities. (3) Microbial communities under organic management will be more efficient and respire less added C. Soils from organically and conventionally managed agroecosystems were incubated with and without glucose (13C) additions at constant soil moisture. We extracted soil genomic DNA before and after incubation for TRFLP community fingerprinting of soil bacteria and fungi. We measured soil C and N pools before and after incubation, and we tracked total C respired and N mineralized at several points during the incubation. Twenty years of organic management altered soil bacterial and fungal community structure compared to continuous conventional management with the bacterial differences caused primarily by a large increase in diversity. Organically managed soils mineralized twice as much NO3 ? as conventionally managed ones (44 vs. 23 μg N/g soil, respectively) and increased mineralization when labile C was added. There was no difference in respiration, but organically managed soils had larger pools of C suggesting greater efficiency in terms of respiration per unit soil C. These results indicate that the organic management induced a change in community composition resulting in a more diverse community with enhanced activity towards labile substrates and greater capacity to mineralize N.  相似文献   

A central goal of ecosystem ecology is to understand how the cycling of nutrients and the growth of organisms are linked. Ecologists have repeatedly observed that nutrient mineralization and plant production are closely coupled in time in many terrestrial ecosystems. Typically, mineralization rates of limiting nutrients, particularly of nitrogen, during the growing season determine nutrient availability while pools of mineral nutrients remain low and relatively constant. Although several previous reports suggest nitrogen mineralization has the potential to vary seasonally and out of phase with plant production, such a phenomenon has been poorly documented. Here we report results from a semiarid savanna ecosystem characterized by distinct temporal asynchrony in rates of soil nitrogen cycling and plant production. Periods of positive plant growth following the onset of rains coincide with periods of low N turnover rates, whereas higher rates occur late in the wet season following plant senescence and throughout dry seasons. Plant uptake from the substantial mineral N pool present early in the growing season is sufficient to explain most of the N allocation to aboveground plant biomass during the growing season, even in the absence of any wet-season mineralization. The mineral N pool is subsequently recharged by late wet- and dry-season mineralization, plus urine inputs at sites with high levels of ungulate activity. These findings suggest fundamental changes in the quality of substrates available to decomposers over a seasonal cycle, with significant implications for the partitioning of limiting nutrients by plant species, the seasonal pattern of nutrient limitations of aboveground production, and the effective use of N fertilizers in semiarid ecosystems.  相似文献   

Slow rates of plant production and decomposition in ombrotrophic bogs are believed to be partially the result of low nutrient availability. To test the effect of nutrient availability on decomposition, carbon dioxide (CO2) flux dynamics, microbial biomass, and nutrients, we added nitrogen (N) with phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), to prevent limitation of the latter 2 nutrients, over 2 growing seasons to plots at Mer Bleue peatland, Ontario, Canada. After the first growing season, increasing N fertilization (with constant P and K) decreased in vitro CO2 production potential and increased microbial biomass measured with a chloroform fumigation-extraction technique in the upper peat profile, while by the end of the second season, CO2 production potential was increased in response to N plus PK treatment, presumably due to more easily decomposable newly formed plant material. In situ CO2 fluxes measured using chamber-techniques over the second year corroborated this presumption, with greater photosynthetic CO2 uptake and ecosystem respiration (ER) during high N plus PK treatments. The more efficient microbial community, with slower CO2 production potential and larger biomass, after the first year was characterized by larger fungal biomass measured with signature phospholipid fatty acids. The majority of N was likely quickly sequestered by the vegetation and transferred to dissolved organic forms and microbial biomass in the upper parts of the peat profile, while additional P relative to controls was distributed throughout the profile, implying that the vegetation at the site was N limited. However, in situ CO2 flux data suggested the possibility of P or NPK limitation. We hypothesize that nutrient deposition may lead to enhanced C uptake by altering the microbial community and decomposition, however this pattern disappears through subsequent changes in the vegetation and production of more readily decomposable plant tissues.  相似文献   

The large organic carbon (C) pools found in noncultivated grassland soils suggest that historically these ecosystems have had high rates of C sequestration. Changes in the soil C pool over time are a function of alterations in C input and output rates. Across the Great Plains and at individual sites through time, inputs of C (via aboveground production) are correlated with precipitation; however, regional trends in C outputs and the sensitivity of these C fluxes to annual variability in precipitation are less well known. To address the role of precipitation in controlling grassland C fluxes, and thereby soil C sequestration rates, we measured aboveground and belowground net primary production (ANPP-C and BNPP-C), soil respiration (SR-C), and litter decomposition rates for 2 years, a relatively dry year followed by a year of average precipitation, at five sites spanning a precipitation gradient in the Great Plains. ANPP-C, SR-C, and litter decomposition increased from shortgrass steppe (36, 454, and 24 g C m–2 y–1) to tallgrass prairie (180, 1221, and 208 g C m–2 y–1 for ANPP-C, SR-C, and litter decomposition, respectively). No significant regional trend in BNPP-C was found. Increasing precipitation between years increased rates of ANPP-C, BNPP-C, SR-C, and litter decomposition at most sites. However, regional patterns of the sensitivity of ANPP-C, BNPP-C, SR-C, and litter decomposition to between-year differences in precipitation varied. BNPP-C was more sensitive to between-year differences in precipitation than were the other C fluxes, and shortgrass steppe was more responsive than were mixed grass and tallgrass prairie.  相似文献   

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