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Mitochondrial porin facilitates the diffusion of small hydrophilic molecules across the mitochondrial outer membrane. Despite low sequence similarity among porins from different species, a glycine-leucine-lysine (GLK) motif is conserved in mitochondrial and Neisseria porins. To investigate the possible roles of these conserved residues, including their hypothesized participation in ATP binding by the protein, we replaced the lysine residue of the GLK motif of Neurospora crassa porin with glutamic acid through site-directed mutagenesis of the corresponding gene. Although the pores formed by this protein have size and gating characteristics similar to those of the wild-type protein, the channels formed by GLEporin are less anion selective than the wild-type pores. The GLEporin retains the ability to be cross linked to [-32P]ATP, indicating that the GLK sequence is not essential for ATP binding. Furthermore, the pores formed by both GLEporin and the wild-type protein become more cation selective in the presence of ATP. Taken together, these results support structural models that place the GLK motif in a part of the ion-selective -barrel that is not directly involved in ATP binding.  相似文献   

γ-Secretase is a large enzyme complex comprising presenilin, nicastrin, presenilin enhancer 2, and anterior pharynx-defective 1 that mediates the intramembrane proteolysis of a large number of proteins including amyloid precursor protein and Notch. Recently, a novel γ-secretase activating protein (GSAP) was identified that interacts with γ-secretase and the C-terminal fragment of amyloid precursor protein to selectively increase amyloid-β production. In this study we have further characterized the role of endogenous and exogenous GSAP in the regulation of γ-secretase activity and amyloid-β production in vitro. Knockdown of GSAP expression in N2a cells decreased amyloid-β levels. In contrast, overexpression of GSAP in HEK cells expressing amyloid precursor protein or in N2a cells had no overt effect on amyloid-β generation. Likewise, purified recombinant GSAP had no effect on amyloid-β generation in two distinct in vitro γ-secretase assays. In subsequent cellular studies with imatinib, a kinase inhibitor that reportedly prevents the interaction of GSAP with the C-terminal fragment of amyloid precursor protein, a concentration-dependent decrease in amyloid-β levels was observed. However, no interaction between GSAP and the C-terminal fragment of amyloid precursor protein was evident in co-immunoprecipitation studies. In addition, subchronic administration of imatinib to rats had no effect on brain amyloid-β levels. In summary, these findings suggest the roles of GSAP and imatinib in the regulation of γ-secretase activity and amyloid-β generation are uncertain.  相似文献   



Phospholamban (PLN) is an effective inhibitor of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, which transports Ca2+ into the SR lumen, leading to muscle relaxation. A mutation of PLN in which one of the di-arginine residues at positions 13 and 14 was deleted led to a severe, early onset dilated cardiomyopathy. Here we were interested in determining the cellular mechanisms involved in this disease-causing mutation.

Methodology/Principal Finding

Mutations deleting codons for either or both Arg13 or Arg14 resulted in the mislocalization of PLN from the ER. Our data show that PLN is recycled via the retrograde Golgi to ER membrane traffic pathway involving COP-I vesicles, since co-immunoprecipitation assays determined that COP I interactions are dependent on an intact di-arginine motif as PLN RΔ14 did not co-precipitate with COP I containing vesicles. Bioinformatic analysis determined that the di-arginine motif is present in the first 25 residues in a large number of all ER/SR Gene Ontology (GO) annotated proteins. Mutations in the di-arginine motif of the Sigma 1-type opioid receptor, the β-subunit of the signal recognition particle receptor, and Sterol-O-acyltransferase, three proteins identified in our bioinformatic screen also caused mislocalization of these known ER-resident proteins.


We conclude that PLN is enriched in the ER due to COP I-mediated transport that is dependent on its intact di-arginine motif and that the N-terminal di-arginine motif may act as a general ER retrieval sequence.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is a common antiviral defensive mechanism that potentially limits viral reproduction and spread. Many viruses possess apoptosis-suppressing tools. Here, we show that the productive infection of HeLa cells with encephalomyocarditis virus (a cardiovirus) was not accompanied by full-fledged apoptosis (although the activation of caspases was detected late in infection) but rather elicited a strong antiapoptotic state, as evidenced by the resistance of infected cells to viral and nonviral apoptosis inducers. The development of the antiapoptotic state appeared to depend on a function(s) of the viral leader (L) protein, since its mutational inactivation resulted in the efflux of cytochrome c from mitochondria, the early activation of caspases, and the appearance of morphological and biochemical signs of apoptosis in a significant proportion of infected cells. Infection with both wild-type and L-deficient viruses induced the fragmentation of mitochondria, which in the former case was not accompanied with cytochrome c efflux. Although the exact nature of the antiapoptotic function(s) of cardioviruses remains obscure, our results suggested that it includes previously undescribed mechanisms operating upstream and possibly downstream of the mitochondrial level, and that L is involved in the control of these mechanisms. We propose that cardiovirus L belongs to a class of viral proteins, dubbed here security proteins, whose roles consist solely, or largely, in counteracting host antidefenses. Unrelated L proteins of other picornaviruses as well as their highly variable 2A proteins also may be security proteins. These proteins appear to be independent acquisitions in the evolution of picornaviruses, implying multiple cases of functional (though not structural) convergence.Cells that are infected with a virus recognize the invader''s presence by their innate immunity machinery and switch on a variety of defensive mechanisms. The infecting virus, on the other hand, may possess tools capable of interfering with host antiviral responses. The outcome of the infection, both in terms of the efficiency of virus growth and the extent of host pathology, depends on the trade-off between these defensive and counterdefensive measures.Cellular innate immunity involves multiple pathways, and one powerful defense is apoptosis, or the programmed self-sacrifice of the infected cell, potentially limiting viral reproduction and spread (10). However, many viruses are able to suppress this defensive mechanism (14, 37). Remarkably, virus-elicited pathology may be specific for a given type of cells and a given virus. Unraveling the interplay between pathways leading to the death or survival of the infected cells is an important task that may provide clues to understanding viral pathogenesis and, possibly, may indicate new directions for searching for antiviral drugs.Picornaviruses are a family of small nonenveloped animal viruses that includes important human and animal pathogens such as polioviruses, rhinoviruses, hepatitis A virus, foot-and-mouth disease viruses, and many others (89). Their genome is represented by a single-stranded 7.2- to 8-kb RNA molecule of positive polarity encoding about a dozen mature proteins (generated by the limited proteolysis of a single polyprotein precursor), nearly all of which are directly involved in the replication of the viral RNA and formation of virions (1).The first picornavirus demonstrated to interact with the host cell apoptotic machinery by both triggering and suppressing the apoptotic response was poliovirus (95). Since then, a wealth of data has been accumulated that shows that the activation of apoptotic pathways is a widespread, though not universal, response to picornavirus infection. Thus, apoptosis-inducing capacity was reported for coxsackieviruses B3, B4, and B5 (22, 54, 82), enteroviruses 70 and 71 (25, 27, 60, 88), human rhinoviruses 1B, 9, 14, and 16 (32, 92, 100), foot-and-mouth disease virus (53, 76), avian encephalomyelitis virus (62, 63), and hepatitis A virus (16, 43) and was the subject of several recent reviews (15, 102). The antiapoptotic activity of picornaviruses was studied predominantly by using poliovirus (3, 8, 13, 72) and coxsackievirus B3 (21, 36, 85).The present study is focused on the interaction of cardioviruses, which are representatives of a genus in the picornavirus family, with the apoptotic machinery of infected cells. Our interest in this topic stemmed from the fact that these viruses, e.g., encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) and its strain mengovirus (MV), as well as the less-related Theiler''s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV), while sharing major features of genome organization and reproductive strategy with other family members, encode a unique protein that is not found in other picornaviruses. Indeed, the leader (L) protein, a derivative of the N-terminal portion of the viral polyprotein (55), appears to be a major player in controlling the virus-host interaction. On the one hand, it is devoid of any known enzymatic activity, and L-lacking mutants are viable, at least in certain cultured cells (19, 57, 106). On the other hand, the L protein appears to inhibit host translation (35, 106), suppresses interferon production (46, 83, 98), and impairs nucleocytoplasmic traffic (11, 30, 61, 80, 81). It has been hypothesized that cardiovirus L protein also is involved in the interaction with defensive apoptotic machinery.Previous studies have demonstrated that TMEV infection may induce apoptosis, especially in partially restrictive cells (50, 51). EMCV also exerted a similar effect in certain cell lines (87, 103). The reason(s) underlying variability in the apoptosis-inducing effects of cardioviruses remains unexplained. Here, we demonstrate that the productive cardiovirus infection of susceptible HeLa cells resulted in their cytopathic death, which was not accompanied by clear signs of apoptosis. On the contrary, the infected cells acquired an antiapoptotic state, as evidenced by their failure to develop an apoptotic response to viral and nonviral apoptosis inducers. However, the antiapoptotic state failed to develop in cells infected with a mutant virus with inactivated L, and this mutant instead elicited caspase-dependent apoptosis preceded by cytochrome c efflux. These data suggest that the wild-type (wt) L protein is involved, directly or otherwise, in the control of viral antiapoptotic function(s).  相似文献   

The Functional Role of β Subunits in Oligomeric P-Type ATPases   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Na,K-ATPase and gastric and nongastric H,K-ATPases are the only P-type ATPases of higher organisms that are oligomeric and are associated with a subunit, which is obligatory for expression and function of enzymes. Topogenesis studies suggest that subunits have a fundamental and unique role in K+-transporting P-type ATPases in that they facilitate the correct membrane integration and packing of the catalytic subunit of these P-type ATPases, which is necessary for their resistance to cellular degradation, their acquisition of functional properties, and their routing to the cell surface. In addition to this chaperone function, subunits also participate in the determination of intrinsic transport properties of Na,K- and H,K-ATPases. Increasing experimental evidence suggests that assembly is a highly ordered, isoform-specific process, which is mediated by multiple interaction sites that contribute in a coordinate, multistep process to the structural and functional maturation of Na,K- and H,K-ATPases.  相似文献   

We studied O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) modification of contractile proteins in human heart using SDS-PAGE and three detection methods: specific enzymatic conjugation of O-GlcNAc with UDP-N-azidoacetylgalactosamine (UDP-GalNAz) that is then linked to a tetramethylrhodamine fluorescent tag and CTD110.6 and RL2 monoclonal antibodies to O-GlcNAc. All three methods showed that O-GlcNAc modification was predominantly in a group of bands ∼90 kDa that did not correspond to any of the major myofibrillar proteins. MALDI-MS/MS identified the 90-kDa band as the protein ZASP (Z-band alternatively spliced PDZ motif protein), a minor component of the Z-disc (about 1 per 400 α-actinin) important for myofibrillar development and mechanotransduction. This was confirmed by the co-localization of O-GlcNAc and ZASP in Western blotting and by immunofluorescence microscopy. O-GlcNAcylation of ZASP increased in diseased heart, being 49 ± 5% of all O-GlcNAc in donor, 68 ± 9% in end-stage failing heart, and 76 ± 6% in myectomy muscle samples (donor versus myectomy p < 0.05). ZASP is only 22% of all O-GlcNAcylated proteins in mouse heart myofibrils.  相似文献   

The coding regions for the N-domain, and full length peridinin–chlorophyll a apoprotein (full length PCP), were expressed in Escherichia coli. The apoproteins formed inclusion bodies from which the peptides could be released by hot buffer. Both the above constructs were reconstituted by addition of a total pigment extract from native PCP. After purification by ion exchange chromatography, the absorbance, fluorescence excitation and CD spectra resembled those of the native PCP. Energy transfer from peridinin to Chl a was restored and a specific fluorescence activity calculated which was ~86% of that of native PCP. Size exclusion analysis and CD spectra showed that the N-domain PCP dimerized on reconstitution. Chl a could be replaced by Chl b, 3-acetyl Chl a, Chl d and Bchl using the N-domain apo protein. The specific fluorescence activity was the same for constructs with Chl a, 3-acetyl Chl a, and Chl d but significantly reduced for those made with Chl b. Reconstitutions with mixtures of chlorophylls were also made with eg Chl b and Chl d and energy transfer from the higher energy Qy band to the lower was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-sensing receptor (CaSR) regulates Ca2+ homeostasis in the body by monitoring extracellular levels of Ca2+ ([Ca2+]o) and amino acids. Mutations at the hinge region of the N-terminal Venus flytrap domain (VFTD) produce either receptor inactivation (L173P, P221Q) or activation (L173F, P221L) related to hypercalcemic or hypocalcemic disorders. In this paper, we report that both L173P and P221Q markedly impair the functional positive cooperativity of the CaSR as reflected by [Ca2+]o–induced [Ca2+]i oscillations, inositol-1-phosphate (IP1) accumulation and extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2) activity. In contrast, L173F and P221L show enhanced responsiveness of these three functional readouts to [Ca2+]o. Further analysis of the dynamics of the VFTD mutants using computational simulation studies supports disruption in the correlated motions in the loss-of-function CaSR mutants, while these motions are enhanced in the gain-of-function mutants. Wild type (WT) CaSR was modulated by L-Phe in a heterotropic positive cooperative way, achieving an EC50 similar to those of the two activating mutations. The response of the inactivating P221Q mutant to [Ca2+]o was partially rescued by L-Phe, illustrating the capacity of the L-Phe binding site to enhance the positive homotropic cooperativity of CaSR. L-Phe had no effect on the other inactivating mutant. Moreover, our results carried out both in silico and in intact cells indicate that residue Leu173, which is close to residues that are part of the L-Phe-binding pocket, exhibited impaired heterotropic cooperativity in the presence of L-Phe. Thus, Pro221 and Leu173 are important for the positive homo- and heterotropic cooperative regulation elicited by agonist binding.  相似文献   

The novel class of protein kinase C (nPKC) isoform η is expressed in platelets, but not much is known about its activation and function. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of activation and functional implications of nPKCη using pharmacological and gene knock-out approaches. nPKCη was phosphorylated (at Thr-512) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner by 2MeSADP. Pretreatment of platelets with MRS-2179, a P2Y1 receptor antagonist, or YM-254890, a Gq blocker, abolished 2MeSADP-induced phosphorylation of nPKCη. Similarly, ADP failed to activate nPKCη in platelets isolated from P2Y1 and Gq knock-out mice. However, pretreatment of platelets with P2Y12 receptor antagonist, AR-C69331MX did not interfere with ADP-induced nPKCη phosphorylation. In addition, when platelets were activated with 2MeSADP under stirring conditions, although nPKCη was phosphorylated within 30 s by ADP receptors, it was also dephosphorylated by activated integrin αIIbβ3 mediated outside-in signaling. Moreover, in the presence of SC-57101, a αIIbβ3 receptor antagonist, nPKCη dephosphorylation was inhibited. Furthermore, in murine platelets lacking PP1cγ, a catalytic subunit of serine/threonine phosphatase, αIIbβ3 failed to dephosphorylate nPKCη. Thus, we conclude that ADP activates nPKCη via P2Y1 receptor and is subsequently dephosphorylated by PP1γ phosphatase activated by αIIbβ3 integrin. In addition, pretreatment of platelets with η-RACK antagonistic peptides, a specific inhibitor of nPKCη, inhibited ADP-induced thromboxane generation. However, these peptides had no affect on ADP-induced aggregation when thromboxane generation was blocked. In summary, nPKCη positively regulates agonist-induced thromboxane generation with no effects on platelet aggregation.Platelets are the key cellular components in maintaining hemostasis (1). Vascular injury exposes subendothelial collagen that activates platelets to change shape, secrete contents of granules, generate thromboxane, and finally aggregate via activated αIIbβ3 integrin, to prevent further bleeding (2, 3). ADP is a physiological agonist of platelets secreted from dense granules and is involved in feedback activation of platelets and hemostatic plug stabilization (4). It activates two distinct G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) on platelets, P2Y1 and P2Y12, which couple to Gq and Gi, respectively (58). Gq activates phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ), which leads to diacyl glycerol (DAG)2 generation and calcium mobilization (9, 10). On the other hand, Gi is involved in inhibition of cAMP levels and PI 3-kinase activation (4, 6). Synergistic activation of Gq and Gi proteins leads to the activation of the fibrinogen receptor integrin αIIbβ3. Fibrinogen bound to activated integrin αIIbβ3 further initiates feed back signaling (outside-in signaling) in platelets that contributes to the formation of a stable platelet plug (11).Protein kinase Cs (PKCs) are serine/threonine kinases known to regulate various platelet functional responses such as dense granule secretion and integrin αIIbβ3 activation (12, 13). Based on their structure and cofactor requirements, PKCs are divided in to three classes: classical (cofactors: DAG, Ca2+), novel (cofactors: DAG) and atypical (cofactors: PIP3) PKC isoforms (14). All the members of the novel class of PKC isoforms (nPKC), viz. nPKC isoforms δ, θ, η, and ε, are expressed in platelets (15), and they require DAG for activation. Among all the nPKCs, PKCδ (15, 16) and PKCθ (1719) are fairly studied in platelets. Whereas nPKCδ is reported to regulate protease-activated receptor (PAR)-mediated dense granule secretion (15, 20), nPKCθ is activated by outside-in signaling and contributes to platelet spreading on fibrinogen (18). On the other hand, the mechanism of activation and functional role of nPKCη is not addressed as yet.PKCs are cytoplasmic enzymes. The enzyme activity of PKCs is modulated via three mechanisms (14, 21): 1) cofactor binding: upon cell stimulus, cytoplasmic PKCs mobilize to membrane, bind cofactors such as DAG, Ca2+, or PIP3, release autoinhibition, and attain an active conformation exposing catalytic domain of the enzyme. 2) phosphorylations: 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 (PDK1) on the membrane phosphorylates conserved threonine residues on activation loop of catalytic domain; this is followed by autophosphorylations of serine/threonine residues on turn motif and hydrophobic region. These series of phosphorylations maintain an active conformation of the enzyme. 3) RACK binding: PKCs in active conformation bind receptors for activated C kinases (RACKs) and are lead to various subcellular locations to access the substrates (22, 23). Although various leading laboratories have elucidated the activation of PKCs, the mechanism of down-regulation of PKCs is not completely understood.The premise of dynamic cell signaling, which involves protein phosphorylations by kinases and dephosphorylations by phosphatases has gained immense attention over recent years. PP1, PP2A, PP2B, PHLPP are a few of the serine/threonine phosphatases reported to date. Among them PP1 and PP2 phosphatases are known to regulate various platelet functional responses (24, 25). Furthermore, PP1c, is the catalytic unit of PP1 known to constitutively associate with αIIb and is activated upon integrin engagement with fibrinogen and subsequent outside-in signaling (26). Among various PP1 isoforms, recently PP1γ is shown to positively regulate platelet functional responses (27). Thus, in this study we investigated if the above-mentioned phosphatases are involved in down-regulation of nPKCη. Furthermore, reports from other cell systems suggest that nPKCη regulates ERK/JNK pathways (28). In platelets ERK is known to regulate agonist induced thromboxane generation (29, 30). Thus, we also investigated if nPKCη regulates ERK phosphorylation and thereby agonist-induced platelet functional responses.In this study, we evaluated the activation of nPKCη downstream of ADP receptors and its inactivation by an integrin-associated phosphatase PP1γ. We also studied if nPKCη regulates functional responses in platelets and found that this isoform regulates ADP-induced thromboxane generation, but not fibrinogen receptor activation in platelets.  相似文献   

Assembly studies in vitro of deletion mutants of the iron–sulfur protein into the cytochromebc 1 complex revealed that mutants localized in the extramembranous regions of the proteinwere not assembled into the complex in contrast to the efficient assembly of mutants in themembrane-spanning region. Charged amino acids located in the extramembranous 1-4 loopand the 1 helix were mutated and expressed in yeast cells lacking the gene for the iron–sulfurprotein. Mutating the charged amino acid residues H124, E125, R146, K148, and D149 aswell as V132 and W152 resulted in loss of enzymatic activity due to the loss of iron–sulfurprotein suggesting that these amino acids are required to maintain protein stability. By contrast,no loss of iron–sulfur protein accompanied the 30–50% loss of bc 1 complex activity in mutantsof three conserved alanine residues, A86, A90, and A92, suggesting that these residues maybe involved in the proposed movement of the flexible tether of the iron–sulfur proteinduring catalysis.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, are intensively cultured globally. Understanding their requirement for long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) and the biochemistry of the enzymes and biosynthetic pathways required for fatty acid synthesis is important and highly relevant in current aquaculture. Most gnathostome vertebrates have two fatty acid desaturase (fads) genes with known functions in LC-PUFA biosynthesis and termed fads1 and fads2. However, teleost fish have exclusively fads2 genes. In rainbow trout, a fads2 cDNA had been previously cloned and found to encode an enzyme with Δ6 desaturase activity. In the present study, a second fads2 cDNA was cloned from the liver of rainbow trout and termed fads2b. The full-length mRNA contained 1578 nucleotides with an open reading frame of 1365 nucleotides that encoded a 454 amino acid protein with a predicted molecular weight of 52.48 kDa. The predicted Fads2b protein had the characteristic traits of the microsomal Fads family, including an N-terminal cytochrome b5 domain containing the heme-binding motif (HPPG), histidine boxes (HDXGH, HFQHH and QIEHH) and three transmembrane regions. The fads2b was expressed predominantly in the brain, liver, intestine and pyloric caeca. Expression of the fasd2b in yeast generated a protein that was found to specifically convert eicosatetraenoic acid (20:4n-3) to eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3), and therefore functioned as a Δ5 desaturase. Therefore, rainbow trout have two fads2 genes that encode proteins with Δ5 and Δ6 desaturase activities, respectively, which enable this species to perform all the desaturation steps required for the biosynthesis of LC-PUFA from C18 precursors.  相似文献   

Critical Role of Cys168 in Noggin Protein's Biological Function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies have indicated that noggin exerts its neural inducing effect by binding and antagonizing bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4). In order to further clarify the relationship between the structure and the function of noggin, and elucidate the possible mechanism responsible for noggin-BMP4 interaction, we generated three noggin mutants, C168S, C174S and C197S, by using a site-directed mutagenesis method. Ectopic expression of wild-type (WT) noggin, C174S or C197S, in Xenopus animal caps (ACs) by mRNA injection converted the explants (prospective ectoderm) into neural tissue, as indicated by the neural-like morphology and expression of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) in the ACs. In contrast, ACs expressing C168S suffered an epidermal fate similar to the control caps. Similarly, among the three mutants, only C168S lost the dorsalizing function. These studies highlight the critical role played by Cys168 in noggin‘s biological activities. It probably participates in the formation of an intermolecular disulfide bridge.  相似文献   

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