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The unfolding-refolding transition of horse muscle phosphoglycerate kinase induced by guanidine hydrochloride was studied under equilibrium conditions using four different signals: fluorescence intensity at 336 nm, UV difference absorbance at 286 and 292 nm, ellipticity at 220 nm, and enzyme activity. From the following arguments, we found that the process deviates from a two-state model and intermediates are significantly populated even at equilibrium: (1) the noncoincidence of the transition curves and (2) the asymmetry of the transition curve obtained from CD measurements. From these different data and the thermodynamic analysis, it was suggested that the two domains of the horse muscle phosphoglycerate kinase refold independently of one another with different equilibrium constants, the most favorable constant referring to the folding of the C-terminal domain which contains all tryptophans.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the unfolding and refolding of horse muscle phosphoglycerate kinase were studied with three different signals: fluorescence emission intensity at 336 nm (excitation at 292 nm), ellipticity at 220 nm, and enzyme activity. The results corroborate the conclusion on the existence of intermediates in the folding pathway obtained from equilibrium studies. Kinetic studies showed at least two phases of refolding, as revealed by fluorescence as well as by circular dichroism measurements. During the fast phase, an intermediate was formed with a fluorescence intensity higher than that of the native protein, but devoid of enzyme activity. The fluorescence emission spectrum of this intermediate was determined. Only the slow phase was detected for the unfolding process; it was not attributable to proline isomerization. Several models were assumed, and simulated kinetics derived from these models were compared with the experimental results. A plausible one accounting for most of the data is proposed.  相似文献   

The antineoplastic compound N2-methyl-9-hydroxyellipticinium (9-OH-NME) is able to bind to different biological molecules after an oxidative activation by horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide. In this study, the efficient covalent binding in vitro of 9-OH-NME onto RNA and poly A is described. The phenomenon is analyzed by different HPLC methods and the yield of binding is determined using [3H]9-OH-NME. For an initial ratio drug per nucleotide of 0.07, the rb obtained (ratio of drug bound per nucleotide) of 0.026 for RNA and 0.044 for poly A, which represent respectively a yield of 40% and 60% for the drug fixation onto these macromolecules. These facts demonstrate the high electrophilicity of para-quinone-imine derivatives in ellipticinium series.  相似文献   

J E Scheffler  M Cohn 《Biochemistry》1986,25(13):3788-3796
A photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) study of yeast and horse muscle phosphoglycerate kinase with flavin dyes was undertaken to identify the histidine, tryptophan, and tyrosine resonances in the aromatic region of the simplified 1H NMR spectra of these enzymes and to investigate the effect of substrates on the resonances observable by CIDNP. Identification of the CIDNP-enhanced resonances with respect to the type of amino acid residue has been achieved since only tyrosine yields emission peaks and the dye 8-aminoriboflavin enhances tryptophan but not histidine. By use of the known amino acid sequences and structures derived from X-ray crystallographic studies of the enzymes from the two species, assignment of the specific residues in the protein sequences giving rise to the CIDNP spectra was partially achieved. In addition, flavin dye accessibility was used to probe any changes in enzyme structure induced by substrate binding. The nine resonance peaks observed in the CIDNP spectrum of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase have been assigned tentatively to five residues: histidines-53 and -151, tryptophan-310, and tyrosines-48 and -195. The accessibility of a tyrosine to photoexcited flavin is reduced in the presence of MgATP. Since the tyrosine residues are located some distance from the MgATP binding site of the catalytic center, it is proposed either that this change is due to a distant conformational change or that a second metal-ATP site inferred from other studies lies close to one of the tyrosines. Horse muscle phosphoglycerate kinase exhibits seven resonances by CIDNP NMR.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Measurements of the relaxation rate of water protons (PRR) have been used to study the interaction of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase with the manganous complexes of a number of nucleotides. The results indicate that phosphoglycerate kinase belongs to the same class of enzymes as creatine kinase, adenylate kinase, formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase, and arginine kinase, with maximal binding of metal ion to tne enzyme in the presence of the nucleotide substrate. However, an analysis of titration curves for a number of nucleoside diphosphates (ADP, IDP, GDP) showed that there is a substantial synergism in binding of the metal ion and nucleotide to the enzyme in the ternary complex. The metal-substrate binds to the enzyme approximately two orders of magnitude more tightly than the free nucleotide; Other evidence for an atypical binding scheme for Mn(II)-nucleoside diphosphates was obtained by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies; the EPR spectrum for the bound Mn(II) in the enzyme-MnADP complex differed substantially from those obtained for other kinases. An identical EPR spectrum is observed with the MnADP complex with the rabbit muscle enzyme as with the yeast enzyme. In contrast, the dissociation constant for the enzyme-MnATP complex is approximately fourfold lower than that for enzyme-ATP, and there are no substantial changes in the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of MnATP2- when the complex is bound to phosphoglycerate kinase. A small but significant change in the PRR of water is observed on addition of 3-phosphoglycerate (but not 2-phosphoglycerate) to the MnADP-enzyme complex. However, addition of 3-phosphoglycerate to enzyme-MnADP did not influence the EPR spectrum of the enzyme-bound Mn(II).  相似文献   

Porcine muscle adenylate kinase with a molecular weight of 22,000 has 2 histidine, 5 phenylalanine, 7 tyrosine, and no tryptophan residues. The effect of pH, substrate, and the paramagnetic manganous ion on the proton magnetic resonance spectrum of the enzyme, particularly the aromatic region, has been investigated at 220 MHz. The well resolved C2 proton peaks of the 2 histidine residues have been individually assigned to His-36 and His-189 by comparison with the spectrum of the carp muscle enzyme which has only one C2 proton peak and only 1 histidine residue, 36. The chemical shift of the peak designated C2-H of His-36 in the porcine enzyme has a normal titration curve with a pKalpha = 6.3 but the peak for His-189 is not titratable in the pH range 5.8 to 8.1. The pKalpha of the single His-36 of the carp enzyme is similar to that of His-36 of the porcine enzyme. Changes in pH, particularly at low pH, also affect the chemical shifts of the tyrosine residues. Occupation of either the monophosphate site by AMP or the triphosphate site by ATP or GTP causes a downfield shift of the C2-H of His-36, and the equilibrium mixture causes an even greater shift, but no shift in the C2-H of His-189. The substrates also induce changes in the chemical shifts in the phenylalanine-tyrosine region of the spectrum. Tentative assignments of the highest and lowest field peaks in this region have been made based on the three-dimensional structure determined by x-ray crystallography. On the basis of these assignments, it is concluded that Phe-183 is unperturbed by substrate binding but that Tyr-153 or -154 at the hinge of the molecule, are perturbed. The C2-H of adenine and C8-H of adenine or guanine of the bound substrates were also observed; those of AMP are unperturbed but C2-H of ATO is shifted downfield and the C8-H of ATP and GTP are shifted upfield. The paramagnetic manganous ion had no effect on the spectrum at Mn(II) to enzyme ratios below 1:10; above this ratio, a general broadening was observed...  相似文献   

We report the purification and crystallization of phosphoglycerate kinase from Thermus caldophilus (Tca). The enzyme crystallizes in the P2(1)2(1)2(1) space group (cell dimensions a = 65.1, b = 71.3, c = 80.2 A), with one molecule in the asymmetric unit. A complete set of diffraction data was collected from an orthorhombic crystal up to 1.8 A resolution.  相似文献   

Exchange-inert beta, gamma-bidentate Cr(H2O)x(NH3)y ATP complexes inactivate yeast phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) by forming a coordination complex at the enzyme active site. The observed inactivation rates ranged from 0.019 min-1 to 0.118 min-1 for Cr(NH3)4ATP and Cr(H2O)4ATP, respectively. Incorporation of one mol of Cr-ATP to the enzyme was sufficient for complete inactivation of the enzyme. The presence of Mg-ATP protected the enzyme against inactivation by Cr-ATP. The other substrate 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA), when present, reduced the observed inactivation rates. The reduction of the k(obs) by 3-PGA was proportional to the number of NH3 ligands present in the coordination sphere of Cr3+ in the Cr-ATP complex, suggesting that in the ternary enzyme-Cr-ATP-3-PGA complex 3-PGA may be coordinated to the metal ion. When the effector sulfate ion was present, the presence of 3-PGA did not cause any further effects on the observed inactivation rates. This suggests that bound substrates are in a different arrangement at the active site when sulfate is present and therefore 3-PGA may not need to displace a ligand from Cr3+. Additionally, PGK exhibited a stereoselectivity for the binding of Cr(H2O)4ATP. delta diastereomer of Cr(H2O)4ATP yielded an order of magnitude smaller Ki value compared to the value observed with the lambda isomer. The recovery of enzyme activity was observed over a period of a few hours upon removal of excess Cr-ATP. The presence of substrates and/or effector ion sulfate did not alter the observed reactivation rate. There was no difference in the reactivation rates of the enzyme which was inactivated with Cr(H2O)4ATP or Cr(NH3)4ATP with and without 3-PGA. Increasing the ligand exchange rates of Cr3+ of Cr-ATP by increasing the pH value of the recovery medium from 5.9 to 6.8 increased the rate of recovery by a factor of 8. The pH dependence of the reactivation indicated that one hydroxyl group is involved in the recovery of the enzyme activity in enzyme CrATP and enzyme.CrATP.3-PGA complexes.  相似文献   

Electrophoresis of phosphoglycerate kinase   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
A technique for the visualization of phosphoglycerate kinase on starch gel after electrophoresis is described. Three bands of activity were found in hemolysates prepared from normal red cells. When ATP, a substrate of the enzyme, was incorporated into the gel, only a single band was found. This suggested that ATP complexed with the enzyme and/or produced configurational changes. Incidentally, it was found that ATP markedly altered the electrophoretic mobility of hemoglobin. Red cells of 92 Caucasian males, 121 Caucasian females, 114 Negro males, 10 Negro females, 4 Oriental males, and 4 Oriental females were examined. No evidence of an electrophoretic polymorphism of this enzyme was found. Patterns of activity similar to those found in red cells were found in liver, heart, kidney, and skeletal muscle.This work was supported, in part, by Public Health Service Grant No. 07449 from the National Heart Institute, NIH. Presented, in part, at the annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Austin, Texas, October 12, 1968.  相似文献   

A salt link buried in the domain interface of phosphoglycerate kinase has been implicated as being important in controlling the conformational transition from the open, or substrate-binding, to the closed, or catalytically competent, form of the enzyme. The residues contributing to the salt link are remote from the active site, but are connected to the substrate-binding sites through strands of beta-sheet. It has been suggested that these residues may also mediate sulphate and anion activation. These assumptions have been tested by examining the properties of a site-directed mutant (histidine-388----glutamine-388). The expression and overall structural integrity of the mutant, produced in yeast from a multicopy plasmid, remains essentially unaltered from the wild-type enzyme. However, the mutant enzyme has a kcat. reduced by 5-fold. The Km for ATP is lowered by 3-fold, and the Km for 3-phosphoglycerate is unaffected. The effects of sulphate on activity over a wide range of substrate concentrations appear to be the same for both the mutant and wild-type enzymes. These results lead to a reappraisal of the mechanistic role of the inter-domain histidine-glutamate interaction, as well as a refinement of the kinetic model of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Phosphoglycerate kinase 2 (PGK2) is an isozyme of the glycolytic pathway that provides ATP required for sperm motility. It is encoded by an autosomal retrogene that is expressed only during spermatogenesis, concomitant with the inactivation of the X-linked Pgk1 gene. PGK2 from the mouse, Mus musculus, has been overexpressed from a plasmid in bacteria and purified. It was crystallized in three forms: as the apoenzyme, as a complex with 3-phosphoglycerate (3PG), and as a complex with 3PG and ATP. The crystal structures were solved to 2.7, 2.0, and 2.7 A resolutions, respectively. The overall fold is nearly identical with previously solved mammalian PGK1 molecules. The apoenzyme is in the "open" form; that is the N-terminal domain that can bind 3PG and the C-terminal domain that binds ATP are too far apart for the substrates to interact. Binding 3PG causes a 13 degree rotation that partially closes the structure and causes helix 13, which is disordered in the unliganded structure, to stabilize. Binding ATP leaves the protein in the open configuration but also causes helix 13 to be ordered. Sequence alignment suggests that the active site of PGK2 is essentially identical to that of the cytoplasmic PGK1, but significant differences accumulate on a side of the C-terminal domain away from the active site. These changes may mediate the binding of this isoform to other proteins within the sperm flagellum, while still allowing the hinging action between the domains that is essential to catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Crystalline enzyme.substrate complexes of asparate aminotransferase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Crystalline complexes of cytoplasmic aspartate aminotransferase of pig heart with the substrates L-glutamate and L-aspartate, and with other amino acids, have been prepared and polarized light absorption spectra have been measured. Striking differences in the directions of polarization of the absorption bands are seen. A complete half-transamination of pyridoxal phosphate to pyridoxamine phosphate by aspartate or by cysteine sulfinate can be demonstrated in the crystal as can the accumulation of a quinonoid intermediate with erythro-beta-hydroxyaspartate. X-ray diffraction studies show that the crystals with erythro-beta-hydroxyaspartate and alpha-methylaspartate are isomorphous with those of both alpha and beta subforms of the native enzyme.  相似文献   

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