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1. A series of experiments was conducted to measure the impact of plant genotype, plant growth rate, and intraspecific competition on the oviposition preference and offspring performance of the host races of Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae), a fly that forms galls on Solidago altissima and Solidago gigantea (Asteraceae). Previous research has shown that both host races prefer to oviposit on their own host plant where survival is much higher than on the alternate host plant. In this study, neither host race showed any relationship between oviposition preference and offspring performance in choosing among plants of their natal host species. 2. The larval survival of both host races differed among plant genotypes when each host race oviposited on its natal host species. In one experiment, altissima host race females showed a preference among plant genotypes that was not correlated with offspring performance on those genotypes. In all other experiments, neither the altissima nor gigantea host race demonstrated a preference for specific host plant genotypes. 3. Eurosta solidaginis had a preference for ovipositing on rapidly growing ramets in all experiments, however larval survival was not correlated with ramet growth rate at the time of oviposition. 4. Eurosta solidaginis suffered high mortality from intraspecific competition in the early larval stage. There was little evidence, however, that females avoided ovipositing on ramets that had been attacked previously. This led to an aggregated distribution of eggs among ramets and strong intraspecific competition. 5. There was no interaction among plant genotype, plant growth rate, or intraspecific competition in determining oviposition preference or offspring performance.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the oviposition preference and larval performance of Helicoverpa armigera under laboratory conditions to determine if the oviposition preference of individual females on maize, cowpea and cotton correlates with offspring performance on the leaves of the same host plants. The host-plant preference hierarchy of females did not correlate with their offspring performance. Female moths chose host plants that contributed less to their offspring fitness. Plant effects accounted for the largest amount of variation in offspring performance, while the effects of female (family) was low. The offspring of most females (80%, n  = 10) were broadly similar, but 20% (two out of 10), showed marked difference in their offspring performance across the host-plant species. Similarly, there was no relation between larval feeding preference and performance. However, like most laboratory experiments, our experi-mental design does not allow the evaluation of ecological factors (for example, natural enemies, host abundance, etc.) that can play an important role in larval performance in the field. Overall, the results highlight the importance of carrying out preference performance analysis on the individual or family level, rather than pooling individuals to obtain average population data.  相似文献   

The effects of patch quality on the foraging behaviour of an anthocorid predator Orius sauteri (Poppius) were compared between sexes. Prior experience in patches was also studied to determine whether this was a factor affecting oviposition decisions. Patch quality affected patch residence time differently for the two sexes; females stayed much longer in a patch with prey (60 Thrips palmi larvae) than a patch without prey, while males did not remain in any patch for extended periods. Most of the females remained in or moved to patches with prey, whereas males dispersed, irrespective of patch quality. Both females released in patches with prey and females released in patches without prey deposited more eggs per hour in patches with prey than in patches without prey. Females released in patches without prey laid eggs in patches with prey at higher rates than did females released in patches with prey. Causes for the sex difference in patch residence time and allocation are discussed in relation to optimal foraging theory. The significance of selective oviposition and the role of experience in oviposition decisions within heterogeneous environments are also discussed.  相似文献   

1. Hydroperiod duration has been identified as the main factor determining the faunal composition and structure of aquatic communities in temporary habitats. It is hypothesised that desiccation will positively affect mosquito oviposition habitat selection during the post-drought period due to the lack of antagonists. 2. An experiment was carried out in outdoor mesocosms to assess whether desiccation events have post-drought effects on community richness and mosquito oviposition. Three different treatments were randomly assigned to the mesocosms: (i) eight mesocosms were left dried for a week and then reflooded; (ii) eight mesocosms stayed dry for 4 weeks before they were reflooded; (iii) eight mesocosms were maintained at a constant water volume of 30 litres during the entire experiment as controls. Mosquito oviposition and invertebrate community richness were monitored in every mesocosm, along with environmental parameters [water temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids (TSS) and chlorophyll a concentration]. 3. Post-drought mosquito oviposition and larval abundance were higher in the short-drought and long-drought pools than in the control. Desiccation negatively affected the biomass of the filter feeder invertebrates in both desiccation treatments. Chlorophyll a concentrations were higher in the long-drought pools than in controls. The negative impact of desiccation on zooplankton led to a post-drought increase in algae, associated with an increase in mosquito oviposition. 4. Despite immediate negative effect on mosquitoes, pulsed disturbances can benefit mosquitoes as they favour oviposition during the post-disturbance recovery period due to a lower abundance of mosquito antagonists and higher food resources for their offspring.  相似文献   

Abstract  In Queensland, three tomato ( Lycopersicon lycopersicum ) cultivars, Grosse Lisse, Roma and Cherry, are infested by Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt). In this study, we examined if there was a correlation between oviposition preference and offspring performance of B. tryoni among the three tomato cultivars. We also investigated host plant traits that may explain any variation in preference and performance. Choice and no-choice experiments were carried out under laboratory conditions. A positive correlation between oviposition preference and offspring performance of B. tryoni was observed in the three tomato cultivars. Grosse Lisse and Roma cultivars were highly preferred by B. tryoni over Cherry cultivar. Performance (measured as proportion of eggs developing to the pupal stage) was significantly higher in Grosse Lisse and Roma cultivars than in Cherry cultivar. The pericarp toughness of Cherry cultivar appears responsible for its low rate of infestation, while the presence of 2-butanol and 1,4-butanediamine in Roma and Grosse Lisse, respectively, may partly be responsible for the high oviposition preference shown by B. tryoni towards these cultivars.  相似文献   

1. Theory predicts that natural selection should favour females that are able to correctly assess the risk of predation and then use that information to avoid high‐risk oviposition sites to reduce the risk of offspring predation. Despite the potential significance of such behaviour on individual fitness, population dynamics and community structure, relatively few studies of oviposition behaviour connected to the risk of predation have been carried out. 2. However, some recent studies suggest that oviposition site selection in response to risk of predation may be a common phenomenon, at least among amphibians and mosquitoes. A vast majority of previous studies have, however, neglected to investigate how the offspring are affected, in terms of fitness related parameters, by the maternal oviposition site choice. 3. In an outdoor artificial pond experiment we tested the oviposition site selection of female aquatic beetles (Hydroporus spp.) in relation to the presence or absence of a predatory fish (Perca fluviatilis). In addition, we monitored how the oviposition site selection affected the behaviour, growth and food resource of the progeny. 4. We show that free‐flying females of the aquatic beetles Hydroporus incognitus and H. nigrita prefer to oviposit in waters without fish compared with waters with fish. Larval activity of Hydroporus spp. was unaffected by fish presence. Our results indicate that beetle larvae from females that do lay eggs in waters with fish show increased growth compared with larvae in waters without fish. We explain this difference in growth by a higher per‐capita food supply in the presence of a fish predator. This finding may have important implications for our understanding of how the variance of oviposition site selection in a population is sustained.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) has been commonly reported between predators and parasitoids used as biological control agents as predators consuming parasitoids within their hosts. However, the effect of parasitoid–mummy consumption on the fitness of the predator and subsequent oviposition site selection have not been well studied. In our study, we conducted two laboratory experiments to examine the influence of Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) mummies as prey on fitness and subsequently oviposition site selection of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Results indicate that when H. axyridis was reared on A. gifuensis mummies only, its larval development was prolonged, and body weight of the 4th instar larvae and newly emerged adults, and fecundity decreased. Moreover, H. axyridis did not exhibit oviposition preference on plants infested with unparasitized aphids or aphids parasitized for shorter than 9 days. However, compared with plants with mummies (parasitized ≥9 days), H. axyridis laid more eggs on plants with unparasitized aphids. In contrast, H. axyridis previously fed with A. gifuensis mummies did not show a significant oviposition preference between plants with unparasitized aphids and those with mummies (parasitized ≥9 days). Overall, our results suggest that mummy consumption reduced the fitness of H. axyridis. Although H. axyridis avoided laying eggs on plants with A. gifuensis mummies, prior feeding experience on A. gifuensis mummies could alter the oviposition site preference. Thus, in biological control practice, prior feeding experience of H. axyridis should be carefully considered for reduction of IGP and increase of fitness of H. axyridis on A. gifuensis.  相似文献   

The effect of different bean varieties on the performance of the bruchid beetle Zabrotes subfasciatus Boheman (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), was determined by using wild and cultivated seeds of the genus Phaseolus. Results showed that the quality of the host plant affected the performance and the oviposition behavior of female beetles. Overall, bruchid performance was higher on cultivated seeds than on wild seeds. It was also found that the oviposition behavior and the performance of their offspring differed between females that originated from wild versus cultivated seeds. We also demonstrated the importance of a genetic component in bruchid performance: longevity, fecundity, larval development, adult size, and the sex ratio of the progeny varied according to their maternal lineage (‘familyrsquo;). For example, on the same host type, some females laid twice as many eggs as females from other ‘familiesrsquo;, and the sex ratio among the offspring correlated with that of their mother. Thus, the performance and behavior of Z. subfasciatus are not only affected by environmen tal factors such as the quality of the seeds on which they develop, but also have a genetic basis which can counterbalance a less suitable quality of the host plant. For a crop pest such as Z. subfasciatus, its ability to survive and adapt on host plants of differing quality may be an important attribute to consider for pest management.  相似文献   

Summary In a study on intraspecific host plant acceptability, Liriomyza trifolii females that had previously been exposed to plants of high nitrogen content, showed a feeding and oviposition preference for plants of high nitrogen (Minkenberg and Fredrix 1989). Females showed a preference to feed and oviposit on the high middle leaves within plants. It was hypothesized that the preference between plants was related to a better performance of females and offspring on high nitrogen plants compared to low nitrogen plants. Different nitrogen dosages were applied to tomato plants, resulting in plants containing 3.4, 3.9, 4.6 or 4.9% leaf nitrogen. L. trifolii females responded to increased leaf nitrogen with significantly increased feeding and fecundity, longer oviposition periods, and higher feeding and oviposition rates. Their offspring on the same plants showed reduced developmental time, lower mortality and increased pupal size. Consequently, intrinsic rate of increase was positively linearly related to leaf nitrogen. Size of L. trifolii females appeared to be independent of fecundity, longevity and developmental time. Pupal length of males increased with increasing developmental time. These results indicate that L. trifolii is well adapted in its intraspecific host plant selection, because the ability to distinguish between plants with differences in leaf nitrogen content will directly lead to an increase in their fecundity, longevity and overall fitness. The implications of leaf nitrogen as a significant factor in the behavior and population dynamics of L. trifolii are discussed.  相似文献   

Habitat manipulation and increasing biodiversity are important approaches that enhance biological control of pests, but it is important to evaluate the relative benefits of specific plant species when designing conservation programs. Orius insidiosus Say (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) is an important predator of thrips and aphids that also feeds on plants. It is the target of conservation biological control programs. Despite O. insidiosus' relevance, little is known about the effects of plant subsidies on predator performance or nutritional status. Here, we examined the influence of restricting the pollen and nectar resources of five plant species (alyssum, buckwheat, phacelia, fava bean, and chamomile), and how increasing plant diversity affects O. insidiosus fecundity, survival, and nutritional status. Plant species varied in their suitability for O. insidiosus, which was driven in part by the availability of the pollen or nectar resources. Offering plants as a mixture did not improve fecundity; however, the plant least preferred for oviposition under no‐choice tests (fava bean) became the preferred egg‐laying site when the plants were offered in combination. We conclude that the benefits obtained by O. insidiosus vary among plant species, and that increasing plant diversity can have unpredicted, positive effects on insect fitness.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Previous studies which attempt to relate oviposition by female monarchs, Danaus plexippus (L.), to the cardiac glycosides of their milkweed host plants are reviewed and found to be defective.
2. Here we followed ovipositing females in the field and recorded their oviposition behaviour on individual Asclepias fruticosa (L.) plants. The cardenolide glycoside and per cent nitrogen of each of these plants and also of a control set of plants was recorded.
3. Milkweeds accepted by females, on which egg laying took place, had significantly lower mean cardenolide levels compared with rejected plants and a control sets of plants.
4. Most oviposition ( c. 70%) took place on plants with intermediate cardenolide (CG) levels (=200–300 μg/0.1 g DW).
5. The mean CG level in A.fruticosa was 345 μg/0.1 g DW (SD = 138, n =122, range 119–719).
6. There was no relationship between monarch oviposition behaviour and plant per cent nitrogen.  相似文献   

1 The tri‐voltine moth Prays oleae Bern. spends its larval stages on the native olive tree (Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris Brot. and five cultivars, Oleaceae) mining the leaves, the flowers and the fruits in each generation; it seldom switches to other native or introduced confamilial plant species. 2 In this study the pattern of oviposition of the olive moth was examined in olive fields and natural vegetation, in relation to in situ recruitment as an outcome of processes such as density dependence or risk spreading. 3 Larval body size (width of epicranial sclerites) was also examined and compared between host substrates, years and morphological, physiological, ecological and nutritional attributes of the host. 4 The factors influencing the oviposition pattern of the olive moth such as the carbon/nitrogen ratio, number of flowers, branch length and previous leaf damage were ranked differently in different cultivars. 5 ‘Hot spots’, i.e. olive trees or parts of trees receiving a high egg load, were found to be the result of in situ recruitment. 6 Physiological mortality among first instar larvae was significantly negatively correlated with the number of oviposited upon leaves; suggesting that the adult selects for oviposition the best available substrate. 7 As adult moths selected leaves with minimal probability of abscission for oviposition, leaf abscission was not a major mortality factor, although first instar larvae reduced leaf longevity. 8 Host quality did not affect all larval stages in the same way. 9 The more nutritionally poor the substrate, the longer the duration of the larval stage feeding on it. The phenological timing of the insect life stages very closely tracks the phenological phases of its host plant, primarily focusing on the most nutritious host stage in terms of larval performance.  相似文献   

The preference–performance relationship in plant–insect interactions is a central theme in evolutionary ecology. Among many insects, eggs are vulnerable and larvae have limited mobility, making the choice of an appropriate oviposition site one of the most important decisions for a female. We investigated the evolution of oviposition preferences in Drosophila melanogaster Meigen and Drosophila simulans Sturtevant by artificially selecting for the preference for 2 natural resources, grape and quince. The main finding of our study is the differential responses of D. melanogaster and D. simulans. Although preferences evolved in the experimental populations of D. melanogaster, responses were not consistent with the selection regimes applied. In contrast, responses in D. simulans were consistent with expectations, demonstrating that this species has selectable genetic variation for the trait. Furthermore, crosses between D. simulans divergent lines showed that the genetic factors involved in grape preference appear to be largely recessive. In summary, our artificial selection study suggests that D. melanogaster and D. simulans possess different genetic architectures for this trait.  相似文献   

The relationship between the oviposition site preferences of predators in the face of intraguild competitors has received little attention, but it likely shapes the reproductive ecology of predatory species. In this study, oviposition intensity and the within-plant distribution of Orius insidiosus (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) and Nabis americoferus (Heteroptera: Nabidae) eggs on Phaseolus vulgaris plants was studied when the two species were present independently or in combination. Both predators laid more eggs in the presence of the other species relative to when they were only exposed to conspecifics. When only exposed to conspecifics, O. insidiosus preferred to lay eggs on leaves and petioles on the upper half of the plant, whereas N. americoferus laid eggs mostly on the petioles and petiolules equally throughout the height of the plant. But when both species were present, O. insidiosus preferred to lay eggs on the leaf, whereas N. americoferus altered their behavior to lay an even greater proportion of their eggs on the petioles and petiolules. They altered their preferences for different plant strata too: N. americoferus laid more eggs on the upper quarter of the plant when O. insidiosus was present, and O. insidiosus was marginally more likely to lay eggs lower on the plant in the presence of N. americoferus. This study indicates that these two Cimicomorpha can detect the presence of one another, and that they adjust their reproductive decisions, presumably to avoid potential competitive interactions.  相似文献   

1 The degree of discrimination shown by a herbivore when selecting oviposition sites has been suggested as a key factor to understanding herbivore population dynamics. Chrysophtharta bimaculata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a primary pest of Tasmanian eucalypt forests and can cause severe defoliation. Previous work suggests that females show discrimination when selecting oviposition sites. Our aim was to test the degree of oviposition discrimination exhibited by C. bimaculata with regards to leaf toughness, a character that is critical to neonate survival. 2 We conducted an experiment examining the leaf toughness critical for neonate survival and found that significant larval mortality occurs above a toughness of 46.9 g. We also determined that the maximum toughness of leaves upon which larvae established in the field was 48.2 g, supporting the laboratory result. 3 Field surveys showed that although the majority of eggs were laid on leaves suitable for larval establishment, many eggs were laid on unsuitable, tougher leaves. However, all eggs were normally placed within 20 cm of suitable leaves and glasshouse trials demonstrated the neonates could move this distance without mortality occurring. 4 We conclude that egg batch distribution and larval performance of C. bimaculata will influence the population dynamics of C. bimaculata in two ways. Firstly, the availability of expanding/newly expanding leaves of eucalypt hosts will determine larval carrying capacity. Secondly, at a more localized level, the deposition of large numbers of egg batches on both suitable and unsuitable leaves followed by successful neonate migration increases the risk of resource depletion and poor larval development.  相似文献   

In 2007, an invasive paropsine beetle, Paropsisterna nr. gloriosa Blackburn, caused severe defoliation of Eucalyptus in mixed‐species foliage plantations in south‐west Ireland. At many of the plantations, Eucalyptus parvula L.A.S. Johnson & K.D. Hill was the most heavily damaged species while Eucalyptus pulverulenta Sims was generally resistant to the beetle. However, at the most heavily damaged site beetles moved to feed on E. pulvarulenta presumably during periods when suitable foliage (new leaves) of E. parvula had been severely depleted. The present study examines factors underlying shifts in oviposition from the preferred to non‐preferred host. In choice and no‐choice experiments, P. nr. gloriosa laid more eggs directly on new E. parvula foliage compared with new E. pulverulenta foliage. However, in choice experiments where new E. parvula foliage was unavailable (but old foliage available), more eggs were laid on new E. pulverulenta foliage. The potential for prior feeding damage to stimulate or deter oviposition on either host was also examined. Prior damage to new and old E. parvula leaves increased egg‐laying directly on the damaged foliage; however, prior damage to E. pulverulenta may have inhibited oviposition. The results suggest that in mixed‐species plantations, facilitation of oviposition on preferred hosts through prior feeding damage helps maintain the relative resistance of E. pulverulenta against P. nr. gloriosa, even under high beetle densities. However, the vulnerability of E. pulverulenta will increase where suitable age‐classes of preferred‐host foliage are severely depleted or unavailable.  相似文献   

The effects of natal experience on the oviposition behaviour of adult female mosquitoes were investigated in the laboratory using Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae). 'Treatment' mosquitoes were exposed to a dilute repellent (inducing stimulus) in their breeding water (aquatic stages) and/or in the air (adults) during various combinations of life stages [larval only (L regime); larval and pupal (LP regime); larval, pupal and emergent adult (LPE regime); larval, pupal, emergent adult and adult (LPEA regime); pupal, emergent adult and adult (PEA regime); adult only (A regime)]. 'Control' mosquitoes were raised in an identical manner, but were not exposed to the inducing stimulus. The oviposition behaviour of treatment and control females was assessed in an oviposition assay that presented a choice of water with or without the inducing stimulus. Of the 435 mosquitoes tested in the experiment, 176 were non-distributors (i.e. laid all of their eggs in only one of the choices). Treatment females (distributors plus non-distributors) reared in the presence of the inducing stimulus throughout their lives (LPEA regime) showed a significant preference for the oviposition option containing the inducing stimulus (24/36 females) compared with corresponding controls (5/39 females). Distributors reared under the LPEA and PEA regimes also showed this preference (6/6 treatment vs. 2/29 control females, and 13/18 treatment vs. 7/23 control females, respectively). Females that had been exposed to the inducing stimulus as either immatures or adults only showed no preference for, and some showed an aversion to, the treatment oviposition option. This is interpreted as evidence for a natal habitat preference induction (NHPI) in this species, albeit one that requires extensive reinforcement in the adult stage. This adult experience-reinforced NHPI (AER-NHPI) is discussed in terms of its adaptive significance for container breeders, the possible timing mechanism and sensory basis of induction and potential practical consequences.  相似文献   

通过研究幻紫斑蝶(Euploea core Cramer)成虫对6种寄主植物和2种非寄主植物的产卵选择,以及用5种寄主植物饲养下幻紫斑蝶的发育、存活和繁殖情况,为幻紫斑蝶人工规模化养殖提供理论依据。幻紫斑蝶成虫优先选择聚果榕,其次选择古钩藤和马利筋进行产卵;用黄花夹竹桃饲养的幻紫斑蝶发育历期最长,用马利筋饲养的幻紫斑蝶发育历期最短;用古钩藤、爬森藤和马利筋饲养的幻紫斑蝶蛹的质量、体长和头宽均大于其它两种寄主植物;用古钩藤、爬森藤和聚果榕饲养的幻紫斑蝶存活率较高,而黄花夹竹桃最低;用古钩藤饲养的幻紫斑蝶成虫产卵量、交配频率和卵孵化率均最高,其次为爬森藤。因此,聚果榕、古钩藤和马利筋可作为幻紫斑蝶成虫产卵的优势寄主,古钩藤和爬森藤可作为饲养幻紫斑蝶的优势寄主。  相似文献   

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