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We constructed a sex allocation model for parasitic wasps to explain the wide variation in their sex ratio, considering the effects of local mate competition, partial dispersal of progeny before mating, and heterogeneity in host quality among patches. We conducted an experiment to compare with the predictions of our model. We considered the following situations. First, the hosts are distributed in discrete patches: a number of female wasps visit and oviposit in each patch. Second, all the progeny do not mate within the natal patch; some of them disperse to take part in population-wide random mating. We calculated ES sex ratios in cases where there are two kinds of patches: good ones and poor ones. We examined the dependency of ES sex ratios on several parameters, i.e., 1) the probability that a daughter mates in her natal patch, 2) the ratio of the female fitness of the good patch to that of the poor patch, 3) the proportion of poor patches, and 4) the number of foundresses in a patch. The result of our experiment showed the same tendency as the calculation in case where the LMC effect is high in each patch. We briefly discuss a possible selection pressure for dispersal of progeny, with special reference to the mating structure of parasitic wasps.  相似文献   

Summary Many parasitoid wasps are known to adjust sex ratio in response to either local mate competition (LMC) or host quality. Nevertheless, few studies have investigated the combined effects of these two factors on sex allocation. The sex allocation pattern inLariophagus distinguendus, a parasitoid of granary weevil larvae, is contrasted to the expectations of Werren's (1984) model combining LMC and host quality. Several predictions of the model are confirmed, but others are not. Sex ratio on both large and small hosts declines with proportion of small hosts attacked in a manner consistent with the model. However, when only one host size is parasitized, sex ratio is not independent of that host size, as predicted by the model. Various possibilities for the deviation between expected and observed are discussed. A partial LMC/host quality model is developed which allows for some matings outside the natal patch, and predictions of this model conform more closely to the pattern observed inL. distinguendus. Finally, the application of parasitoid studies to basic questions in evolutionary ecology is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In panmictic populations, optimal sex allocation is, under theassumptions of Fisher's model, not influenced by the probabilityof offspring developmental mortality, or by differences in mortalitybetween the sexes. In contrast, when mating opportunities areconfined to siblings, developmental mortality can influenceoptimal sex allocation. Many animal species have both localmating and developmental mortality. We show that when developmentalmortality is random for individual offspring, optimal sex allocationis influenced by mortality among males but not among females.Male mortality increases the allocation to males, but this shouldnever be male biased, even under extreme male mortality. Thisresult applies both when mothers are able to control the sexof individual offspring precisely, and when sex is allocatedwith binomial probability. The influence of mortality becomesprogressively larger when the variance of the distribution ofmortality over clutches diminishes. The reduction in fitnessis greater than the proportion of mortality, especially at smallclutch sizes, and mortality reduces the advantage of producingprecise sex ratios, and of local mate competition in general.  相似文献   

Sex ratio patterns in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis are frequently cited in support of a major group of evolutionary sex ratio models referred to as local mate competition (LMC) models. It has been shown repeatedly that, as predicted by LMC models, females generally oviposit a greater proportion of sons in previously parasitized hosts than in unparasitized hosts. However, this sex ratio pattern is also a prediction of another group of sex ratio models, the host quality models. Here I test a prediction of LMC models that is not also a prediction of host quality models: a female should produce a greater proportion of sons when she parasitizes a host previously parasitized by a conspecific female than when she parasitizes a host previously parasitized by herself. Females made this predicted distinction between self- and conspecifically-parasitized hosts under some conditions. There was no evidence that a female recognizes a self-parasitized host when her exposure to the host is interrupted by exposure to an unparasitized host, or that a female can distinguish between hosts parasitized by sisters versus nonsisters.  相似文献   

Summary Experimental work of Nadel and Luck (1992) on a chalcidoid wasp provides a confirmation of sex ratio theory under local mate competition.  相似文献   

Epidinocarsis lopezi is used as a biological control agent against the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti, a serious pest of cassava in Africa. The efficiency of parasitoid mass-rearing is maximized when maximum numbers of healthy female wasps are obtained, since only female parasitoids attack the mealybugs.Highly variable sex ratios are often found in parasitic Hymenoptera. Local mate competition (LMC) is one of the evolutionary models which provide predictions about sex allocation. In this paper we show that E. lopezi does not respond to parasitoid density with a change in sex ratio. We also show that in the field, no local mating structure exists, and that mating is random. Therefore, a shift in sex ratio in response to parasitoid density as predicted by LMC theory would not be adaptive. E. lopezi also does not change its sex allocation when ovipositing in already parasitized hosts. Hence host-size distribution and differential mortality are the only factors that can influence sex ratio in mass-rearings.
Résumé E. lopezi est utilisé dans la lutte biologique contre Phenacoccus manihoti, important ravageur du manioc en Afrique. Puisque seules les femelles du parasitoïde attaquent la cochenille, l'efficacité de l'élevage de masse de l'entomophage sera optimale quand le maximum de femelles saines sera obtenu.Les rapports des sexes des hyménoptères parasites varient très souvent. La compétition sexuelle locale (LMC) constitue l'un des modèles qui fournissent des prédictions de la distribution des sexes. Cette note montre que la proportion des sexes de E. lopezi n'est pas modifiée par la densité du parasitoïde. Par ailleurs, les accouplements s'effectuent au hasard dans la nature et il n'y a pas de structure locale d'accouplement. Par conséquent, le biais, prévu par la théorie du LMC, et introduit par la densité du parasitoïde dans la distribution des sexes, n'a pas de valeur adaptative. E. lopezi ne modifie pas non plus la distribution du sexe de ses descendants quant il pond dans de hôtes déjà parasités. Ainsi, la répartition en taille des hôtes et la mortalité différentielle sont les seuls facteurs qui influent sur la proportion des sexes dans les élevages de masse.

1. Parasitic wasps with structured populations are generally assumed to follow the local mate competition (LMC) model: females lay only the minimal number of sons necessary to inseminate all daughters in the emergence patch, and increase this number when faced with additional broods from unrelated females. After emergence, daughters mate with local males before dispersing for host location and oviposition. The main predictions from the model have been verified for many species. 2. Conflicting evidence exists on the status of the egg parasitoids Trichogramma regarding their on‐patch versus off‐patch mating. Although the life‐history traits of several species indicate that mating must occur on the emergence patch, recent data suggest that mating could occur outside the natal patch. 3. In this study, we measured the level of off‐patch mating in the egg parasitoid Trichogramma euproctidis using two isofemale lines in a greenhouse experiment. The impact of the sex ratio on the level of off‐patch mating was also tested. 4. The overall off‐patch mating proportion was 40.5% with a range between 0 and 85.7%, and was influenced by the sex ratio on the emergence patch: the more males available at emergence, the less off‐patch mating occurring. 5. The mating structure of this species can be described as partial LMC.  相似文献   

M. R. Strand 《Oecologia》1988,77(2):219-224
Summary The sex allocation behavior of the solitary egg parasitoid Telenomus heliothidis Ashmead was investigated by examining the response of females reared in isolation and under crowded conditions. Females reared in isolation adjusted their sex ratio with foundress and host number per patch in accordance with the predictions of local mate competition (LMC) theory. However, females did not shift their sex ratio in response to conspecifics foraging on the same host patch or to contact with previously parasitized hosts. Instead, shifts were associated with encounter rate and a sequence of oviposition. Females maintained under crowded conditions responded to host patches much differently. One-day-old females which had lived under crowded conditions for 24 h produced sex ratios similar to those of continuously isolated females. However, females reared under crowded conditions for 7 days consistently produced unbiased sex ratios, and exhibited a different sequence of oviposition. This shift appeared to be due directly to crowding rather than age, oviposition experience or sperm depletion since the effect could be reversed by subsequent isolation.  相似文献   

Hymenopteran parasitoids change their sex ratio following different factors. One of these factors is the exploitation of a host patch by several females. The Local Mate Competition (LMC) model ( Hamilton, 1967 ) states that when there are many foundresses on a patch, they should lay a higher sex ratio. The impact of both intra‐ and interspecific competition on sex allocation was measured in two egg parasitoids, Trichogramma minutum Riley and T. pintoi Voegele (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), by comparing the sex ratio deposited by females exploiting host patches alone and in groups. Results showed that the sex ratio deposited by both species was higher when in groups, as predicted by the LMC model. When the sex ratio produced was compared between females either alone or in interspecific groups, T. minutum females deposited the same sex ratio, while T. pintoi produced more sons when in interspecific groups than when alone. These results are discussed following their natural habitat and their discrimination abilities.  相似文献   

In many species, mating takes place in temporary patches where only a small number of females produce offspring. In this situation Local Mate Competition (LMC) theory predicts that the optimal sex ratio (defined as proportion males) should become increasingly female biased as the number of females contributing offspring to a patch decreases. However, in a large number of these species, some mating is also likely to occur away from the natal patch (termed partial LMC). In this case the degree of LMC is reduced, and theory predicts a relatively less female biased sex ratio. We tested these two predictions with field data from 17 species of New World non-pollinating fig wasps representing three genera. We present a model which suggests that the average number of females ovipositing in a fruit (i.e. patch) is positively correlated with the proportion of fruit of a given tree species in which that species of wasp occurs. Across species, the overall sex ratio was positively correlated with the proportion of fruit in which that species occurs. Furthermore, the males of some species are wingless, and in these species all mating must take place before females disperse from their natal fruit. In contrast, the males of other species are winged, and in these species mating may also take place away from the natal fruit. Species with winged males had less female biased sex ratios than species with wingless males that occurred in a similar proportion of fruit. Finally, the correlation between sex ratio and the proportion of fruit in which a species occurs was also observed within species when comparing between the fruit crops of different trees. This suggests that individual females facultatively adjust the sex ratio of their offspring in response to variable LMC.  相似文献   

Female-biased sex ratio in local mate competition has been well studied both theoretically and experimentally. However, some experimental data show more female-biased sex ratios than the theoretical predictions by Hamilton [1967. Science 156, 477-488] and its descendants. Here we consider the following two effects: (1) lethal male-male combat and (2) time-dependent control (or schedule) of sex ratio. The former is denoted by a male mortality being an increasing function of the number of males. The optimal schedule is analytically obtained as an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) by using Pontrjagin's maximum principle. As a result, an ESS is a schedule where only males are produced first, then the proportion of females are gradually increased, and finally only females are produced. Total sex ratio (sex ratio averaged over the whole reproduction period) is more female-biased than the Hamilton's result if and only if the two effects work together. The bias is stronger when lethal male combat is severer or a reproduction period is longer. When male-male combat is very severe, the sex ratio can be extraordinary female-biased (less than 5%). The model assumptions and the results generally agree with experimental data on Melittobia wasps in which extraordinary female-biased sex ratio is observed. Our study might provide a new basis for the evolution of female-biased sex ratios in local mate competition.  相似文献   

When a small number of females contribute offspring to a discrete mating group, sex allocation (Local Mate Competition: LMC) theory predicts that females should bias their offspring sex ratio towards daughters, which avoids the fitness costs of their sons competing with each other. Conversely, when a large number of females contribute offspring to a patch, they are expected to invest equally in sons and daughters. Furthermore, sex ratios of species that regularly experience variable foundress numbers are closer to those predicted by LMC theory than species that encounter less variable foundress number scenarios. Due to their patterns of resource use, female Callosobruchus maculatus are likely to experience a broad range of foundress number scenarios. We carried out three experiments to test whether female C. maculatus adjust their sex ratios in response to foundress number and two other indicators of LMC: ovipositing on pre-parasitised patches and ovipositing with sisters. We did not find any evidence of the predicted sex ratio adjustment, but we did find evidence of kin biased behaviour.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory asserts that females are well adapted to sense signals indicating the quality of potential mates. One crucial male quality parameter is functional fertility (i.e. the success of ejaculates in fertilizing eggs). The phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis (PLFH) predicts that functional fertility of males is reflected by phenotypic traits that influence female mate choice. Here, we show for Nasonia vitripennis, a parasitic wasp with haplodiploid sex determination and female-biased sex ratios, that females use olfactory cues to discriminate against sperm-limited males. We found sperm limitation in newly emerged and multiply mated males (seven or more previous matings) as indicated by a higher proportion of sons in the offspring fathered by these males. Sperm limitation correlated with clearly reduced pheromone titres. In behavioural bioassays, females oriented towards higher doses of the synthetic pheromone and were attracted more often to scent marks of males with a full sperm load than to those of sperm-limited males. Our data support the PLFH and suggest that N. vitripennis females are able to decrease the risk of getting constrained to produce suboptimal offspring sex ratios by orienting towards gradients of the male sex pheromone.  相似文献   

To study the coexistence of sexual and gynogenetic forms, we examined the population structure of a gynogenetic complex of the Japanese crucian carp, Carassius auratus Temminck et Schlegel, during the April–June reproductive season by collecting 1225 mature fish that migrated from Lake Suwa to a tributary river for spawning. There were more sexual fish (about 80%) than gynogenetic fish in this complex, and the operational sex ratio in the sexual form was female biased (males were about 20%). Mean standard length and body weight of sexual females were larger than those of sexual males. Sex ratio was male biased in smaller fish (standard length, <8.5 cm) but female biased in larger fish (standard length, ≥8.5 cm). We determined age by scale ring marks; the average age of sexual females was higher than that of males, but there was no significant difference in the average age between sexual and gynogenetic females. Sex ratio in the sexual form was more female biased for old than for young fish, and the mean size of sexual females was larger than that of males of the same age. The clear female-biased sex ratio and age difference between sexual females and males can be explained either by (1) higher mortality of males or by (2) female-biased sex allocation. The latter process reduces the disadvantage of sex and contributes to the coexistence of sexual and gynogenetic forms. Received: November 24, 2000 / Accepted: March 6, 2001  相似文献   

We constructed a sex allocation model for local mate competition considering the asymmetry of competitive abilities among sons. This model assumes two females of a parasitoid wasp oviposit on the same host in sequential order. The evolutionarily stable strategy will be in either Stackelberg or Nash equilibrium, depending on whether the females can recognize their opponent's sex ratio or not, respectively. The Nash equilibrium predicts the second female produce more males than the first. If the second female is able to know and respond to the strategy of the first (a Stackelberg equilibrium), the first will decide an optimal sex ratio assuming that the second reply to it. Under such an assumption, our model predicts that not producing sons is adaptive for the second female when the sons she produces have low competitive ability. Males of parasitoid wasps Melittobia spp. are engaged in lethal male-male combat, indicating large asymmetry in mating success among sons. If females have the ability to recognize their opponent's sex ratio, our model suggests that the severe lethal male-male combat may be one factor explaining their extremely female-biased sex ratio that is unexplainable by pre-existent models.  相似文献   

1. Parasitic Hymenoptera reproduce by arrhenotokous parthenogenesis, and females of these species are able to control their progeny sex ratios. In structured populations of parasitic Hymenoptera, primary sex ratios are often highly biased toward females. However, sex ratio can be adjusted to the quality of encountered patches or hosts or be modified by differential developmental mortality.
2. In this paper, the effects were evaluated of the quality of encountered hosts and developmental mortality on the sex ratio in Anaphes victus , a solitary egg parasitoid whose first instar larvae present a sexual dimorphism and where superparasitism is regulated by larval fights between first instar larvae.
3. The results showed that a female-biased sex ratio is allocated to unparasitized hosts. In the presence of parasitized hosts, the second (superparasitizing) female produced a significantly higher sex ratio than the first female but the tertiary sex ratio (sex ratio at emergence) was not significantly different from the sex ratio produced with unparasitized hosts. The increase in the primary sex ratio produced by the second female was mostly compensated by the higher mortality of male larvae.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts an influence of mating group size on sex allocation in simultaneous hermaphrodites. We experimentally manipulated the social situation during reproduction in a simultaneous hermaphrodite parasite, the tapeworm Schistocephalus solidus, by placing worms as singles, pairs or triplets into an in vitro system that replaces the final host. We then determined the reproductive allocation patterns after 24 h (i.e. before the start of egg release) and after 72 h (i.e. around the peak of egg release rate) using stereology. After 24 h, sex allocation strongly depended on worm volume (which is determined in the second intermediate host), but was not significantly affected by the social situation experienced during reproduction. After 72 h, worms in groups had less vesicular sperm (i.e. sperm to be used in future inseminations) than singles. They also stored significantly more received sperm in their seminal receptacles than singles, suggesting that more sperm had been transferred in groups. Moreover, worms in triplets stored significantly more received sperm than worms in pairs, suggesting that they either mated more often and/or transferred more sperm per mating. This suggests a behavioural response to the increased risk of sperm competition in triplets. We further discuss the relative importance of sex allocation decisions at different life‐history stages.  相似文献   

What explains variation in the strength of sexual selection across species, populations or differences between the sexes? Here, we show that unifying two well‐known lines of thinking provides the necessary conceptual framework to account for variation in sexual selection. The Bateman gradient and the operational sex ratio (OSR) are incomplete in complementary ways: the former describes the fitness gain per mating and the latter the potential difficulty of achieving it. We combine this insight with an analysis of the scope for sexually selected traits to spread despite naturally selected costs. We explain why the OSR sometimes does not affect the strength of sexual selection. An explanation of sexual selection becomes more logical when a long ‘dry time’ (‘time out’, recovery after mating due to e.g. parental care) is understood to reduce the expected time to the next mating when in the mating pool (i.e. available to mate again). This implies weaker selection to shorten the wait. An integrative view of sexual selection combines an understanding of the origin of OSR biases with how they are reflected in the Bateman gradient, and how this can produce selection for mate acquisition traits despite naturally selected costs.  相似文献   

Sex ratio theory provides a powerful source of testable predictions about sex allocation strategies. Although studies of invertebrates generally support predictions derived from the sex ratio theory, evidence for adaptive sex ratio biasing in vertebrates remains contentious. This may be due to the fact that most studies of vertebrates have focused on facultative adjustment in relation to maternal condition, rather than processes that might produce uniform sex biases across individuals. Here, we examine the effects of local resource enhancement (LRE) and local resource competition (LRC) on birth sex ratios (BSRs). We also examine the effects of sex differences in the costs of rearing male and female offspring on BSRs. We present data from 102 primate species and show that BSRs are skewed in favour of the dispersing sex in species that do not breed cooperatively, as predicted by the LRC model. In accordance with the LRE model, BSRs are generally skewed in favour of the more beneficial sex in cooperatively breeding primate species. There is no evidence that BSRs reflect the extent of sexual size dimorphism, an indirect measure of the costs of rearing male and female offspring. These analyses suggest that adaptive processes may play an important role in the evolution of BSRs in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Sex ratio manipulation by ovipositing females was surveyed in 3 solitary ectoparastic wasp species,Dinarmus basalis (Pteromalidae),Anisopteromalus calanrae (Pteromalidae), andHeterospilus prosopidis (Braconidae), that parasitize azuki bean weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis (L) (Coleoptera: Buruchidae)) larvae within azuki beans (Vigna angularis). Variables were local mate competition (LMC) and host quality (HQ). We used host age as a measure of host quality (from 9-to 16-day-old hosts), changed the number of ovipositing females to control the level of local mate competition (1 female and 10 females), and examined oviposition patterns of the wasps. The offspring sex ratios (proportion of females) of the 3 wasp species respond qualitatively same to HQ and LMC. The common qualitative tendency among the 3 species is an increase of sex ratios increase with host age. In the process of changing the sex ratio (9–13-day-old) 3 wasp species respond only to HQ. In the hosts that end development in size (14–16-day-old) wasps respond to LMC. The response of sex ratio change to LMC in the old host ageclasses are different among the 3 species. In the situation that there exists LMC (10 females) sex ratios are the same among the 3 wasps. However, the sex ratios in no LMC (single female) are heterogeneous among the 3 wasps.  相似文献   

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