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The homologous genomic region that contains two paralogous genes,Adh andAdh-dup, was compared in severalDrosophila species. Sequences were analyzed as follows: a) At the nucleotide level, Ka and Ks values were determined for each pair of species. Ka-Adh and Ka-Adh-dup are not significantly different. However, Ks-Adh values are significantly lower than Ks-Adh-dup, which are more variable. In agreement with other reports, lower Ks values forAdh correlate with a high level of gene expression and relatively high percentage of G+C content in the third codon position, while the opposite applies toAdh-dup. b) At the protein level, amino acid comparisons reveal conserved regions shared by ADH and ADH-DUP, which have been assigned to known functional domains. Key residues for dehydrogenasic function are also found in ADH-DUP, thus pointing to a dehydrogenase activity for ADH-DUP, albeit very different from that of ADH.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of the Adh region of the genome of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A small region of the genome of Drosophila melanogaster has been cloned in a series of overlapping phage. A length of 165 X 10(3) base-pairs of contiguous DNA that spans polytene chromosome region 35A4 to 35B1 and includes the structural gene for alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) as well as at least two other genes, outspread (osp) and no-ocelli (noc), has been characterized by mapping chromosome aberrations to the DNA. The relationship between osp and Adh is surprising: of nine osp alleles associated with chromosome breakpoints, five map distal (i.e. 5') to Adh and four map proximal (i.e. 3') to this gene. None affects the expression of Adh. As defined by these and other breakpoints, the osp gene spans at least 52 X 10(3) base-pairs and overlaps the Adh gene. The noc gene, as defined by the mapping of nearly 30 breakpoints, is at least 50 X 10(3) base-pairs in size. Alleles of noc and noc- deletions show either of two kinds of interaction with the recessive lethality of l(2)br29ScoR+1, a lethal that maps immediately distal to noc. One class of noc allele is viable when heterozygous with ScoR+1, while the other class is lethal or semi-lethal. Both classes, however, are homozygous or hemizygous viable. The locations of these two classes of noc allele on the DNA fall into two clusters, with those that are viable with ScoR+1 located proximal to those that are not. The physical boundary between these classes lies at a site just distal to that of the breakpoint of the inversion associated with ScoR+1 itself.  相似文献   

Kern AD  Jones CD  Begun DJ 《Genetics》2002,162(4):1753-1761
Selective fixation of beneficial mutations reduces levels of linked, neutral variation. The magnitude of this "hitchhiking effect" is determined by the strength of selection and the recombination rate between selected and neutral sites. Thus, depending on the values of these parameters and the frequency with which directional selection occurs, the genomic scale over which directional selection reduces levels of linked variation may vary widely. Here we present a permutation-based analysis of nucleotide polymorphisms and fixations in Drosophila simulans. We show evidence of pervasive small-scale hitchhiking effects in this lineage. Furthermore, our results reveal that different types of fixations are associated with different levels of linked variation.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms represent a type of cellular regulation common to most eukaryotes. Analysis of the genetic basis of this phenomenon is beginning to provide information about how clocks function at the molecular level. Surprisingly, the first two cloned 'clock genes', one from a fruit fly and one from a fungus, share some common characteristics both genetically and in the nature of the proteins they encode. In related work, the recent identification and molecular analysis of clock-controlled genes is revealing how biological clocks control gene expression, and may pave the way for the isolation of novel 'clock genes' in the future.  相似文献   

Individuals of an alcohol dehydrogenase-negative strain of Drosophila melanogaster designated Adh n5 are resistant to ethanol poisoning at low but not at high temperatures. The basis for this behavior is that Adh n5 flies contain a mutant form of alcohol dehydrogenase which is less heat stable than that of wild-type flies. The mutation in Adh n5 maps at, or very close to, the presumptive structural locus and is not complemented by any of 11 other alcohol dehydrogenase-null mutants.This research was supported by Grant No. GM 18254 from the National Institutes of Health and Grant No. M55.2217 from the National Cancer Institute.Publication No. 768 from the Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins University.  相似文献   

Positive and negative selection on indel variation may explain the correlation between intron length and recombination levels in natural populations of Drosophila. A nucleotide sequence analysis of the 3.5 kilobase sequence of the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) region from 139 Drosophila pseudoobscura strains and one D. miranda strain was used to determine whether positive or negative selection acts on indel variation in a gene that experiences high levels of recombination. A total of 30 deletion and 36 insertion polymorphisms were segregating within D. pseudoobscura populations and no indels were fixed between D. pseudoobscura and its two sibling species D. miranda and D. persimilis. The ratio of Tajima's D to its theoretical minimum value (D(min)) was proposed as a metric to assess the heterogeneity in D among D. pseudoobscura loci when the number of segregating sites differs among loci. The magnitude of the D/D(min) ratio was found to increase as the rate of population expansion increases, allowing one to assess which loci have an excess of rare variants due to population expansion versus purifying selection. D. pseudoobscura populations appear to have had modest increases in size accounting for some of the observed excess of rare variants. The D/D(min) ratio rejected a neutral model for deletion polymorphisms. Linkage disequilibrium among pairs of indels was greater than between pairs of segregating nucleotides. These results suggest that purifying selection removes deletion variation from intron sequences, but not insertion polymorphisms. Genome rearrangement and size-dependent intron evolution are proposed as mechanisms that limit runaway intron expansion.  相似文献   

To study the rate and pattern of nucleotide substitution in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), we cloned and sequenced a 975-bp segment of mtDNA from Drosophila melanogaster, D. simulans, and D. mauritiana containing the genes for three transfer RNAs and parts of two protein- coding genes, ND2 and COI. Statistical analysis of synonymous substitutions revealed a predominance of transitions over transversions among the three species, a finding differing from previous results obtained from a comparison of D. melanogaster and D. yakuba. The number of transitions observed was nearly the same for each species comparison, including D. yakuba, despite the differences in divergence times. However, transversions seemed to increase steadily with increasing divergence time. By contrast, nonsynonymous substitutions in the ND2 gene showed a predominance of transversions over transitions. Most transversions were between A and T and seemed to be due to some kind of mutational bias to which the A + T-rich mtDNA of Drosophila species may be subject. The overall rate of nucleotide substitution in Drosophila mtDNA appears to be slightly faster (approximately 1.4 times) than that of the Adh gene. This contrasts with the result obtained for mammals, in which the mtDNA evolves approximately 10 times faster than single-copy nuclear DNA. We have also shown that the start codon of the COI gene is GTGA in D. simulans and GTAA in D. mauritiana. These codons are different from that of D. melanogaster (ATAA).   相似文献   

Southern analysis of the Adh region of 212 Drosophila melanogaster lines collected from the Tahbilk winery revealed linkage disequilibrium between a 37-bp insertion [designated delta 2 by Kreitman (1983)] and the fast electrophoretic variant of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH-F). Among these lines 34% contained the insert and encoded ADH-F, 33.5% encoded ADH-F and did not have the insert, and 32.5% encoded the slow electrophoretic variant of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH-S). Strong linkage association between this insert and ADH-F is evident worldwide. Twenty-nine of the second chromosome lines were characterized for ADH protein quantity by using radial immunodiffusion. ADH quantity was estimated in both larvae and adult males raised in the presence and absence of alcohol supplement to each of two different food media. Analyses of variance indicated higher levels of ADH protein in larvae from lines with the insert (all ADH-F), compared with those without (both ADH-F and ADH-S), independent of either dietary alcohol or media type. No such difference in ADH quantity between insert- and noninsert-containing ADH-F lines was detected in adults, although the expected higher levels occurred in ADH-F lines compared with ADH-S lines. Given the high levels of linkage disequilibrium in the Adh region, these data suggest that either polymorphic nucleotide-site variants positively associated with delta 2 on the second chromosome or delta 2 itself increases larval levels of ADH protein.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the Adh and Adhr genes of Drosophila kuntzei were derived from combined overlapping sequences of clones isolated from a genomic library and from cloned PCR and inverse-PCR fragments. Only a proximal promoter was detected upstream of the Adh gene, indicating that D. kuntzei Adh is regulated by a one-promoter system. Further upstream of the Adh structural gene, an adult enhancer region (AAE) was found that contains most of the regulatory sequences described for AAEs of other Drosophila species. Analysis of the ADH protein showed an amino acid change from valine to threonine in the active site at position 189 which is also found in D. funebris but is otherwise unique among DROSOPHILA: This difference alone may be responsible for the very low ADH activity found in this species and may cause a difference in substrate usage pattern. Codon bias in Adh and Adhr was comparable and found to be very low compared with other species. Phylogenetic analysis showed that D. kuntzei is closest related to D. funebris and D. immigrans. The time of divergence between D. kuntzei and D. funebris was estimated to be 14.2-20.2 Myr and that between D. kuntzei-D. funebris and D. immigrans to be 30.8-44.0 Myr. An analysis of the genetic variation in the Adh gene and upstream sequences of four European strains showed that this gene was highly variable. Overall nucleotide diversity (pi) was 0.0139, which is two times higher than that in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the A+T-rich region of the maII type of mtDNA in D. mauritiana. The nucleotide sequence was found to contain 3,206 bp. Three types of conserved element, i.e., type I element, type II element, and T-stretch, were included in this sequence, as reported for D. melanogaster. Comparison between the two species revealed that the type I elements were less conserved than the type II elements. However, each of these type I elements contained a G-stretch within a loop of a putative stem-loop-forming sequence, which has also been observed in D. melanogaster. Moreover, in both type I and type II repeat arrays, the elements closest to the T-stretch diverged the most, due to nucleotide substitution and/or the insertion of short repeats. Sequence comparison of the two complete sequences of the A+T-rich region of D. melanogaster and the maII type of D. mauritiana, as well as comparison of partial sequences in other types of mtDNA within the melanogaster complex, suggested that the A+T-rich region in this complex has been maintained by concerted evolution after the duplication of two types of element, i.e., type I and type II.  相似文献   

A contiguous sequence of nearly 3 Mb from the genome of Drosophila melanogaster has been sequenced from a series of overlapping P1 and BAC clones. This region covers 69 chromosome polytene bands on chromosome arm 2L, including the genetically well-characterized "Adh region." A computational analysis of the sequence predicts 218 protein-coding genes, 11 tRNAs, and 17 transposable element sequences. At least 38 of the protein-coding genes are arranged in clusters of from 2 to 6 closely related genes, suggesting extensive tandem duplication. The gene density is one protein-coding gene every 13 kb; the transposable element density is one element every 171 kb. Of 73 genes in this region identified by genetic analysis, 49 have been located on the sequence; P-element insertions have been mapped to 43 genes. Ninety-five (44%) of the known and predicted genes match a Drosophila EST, and 144 (66%) have clear similarities to proteins in other organisms. Genes known to have mutant phenotypes are more likely to be represented in cDNA libraries, and far more likely to have products similar to proteins of other organisms, than are genes with no known mutant phenotype. Over 650 chromosome aberration breakpoints map to this chromosome region, and their nonrandom distribution on the genetic map reflects variation in gene spacing on the DNA. This is the first large-scale analysis of the genome of D. melanogaster at the sequence level. In addition to the direct results obtained, this analysis has allowed us to develop and test methods that will be needed to interpret the complete sequence of the genome of this species.Before beginning a Hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it. Milne 1926  相似文献   

In order to determine evolutionary changes in gene regulation and the nucleotide substitution pattern in a multigene family, the amylase multigenes were characterized in Drosophila kikkawai and its sibling species. The nucleotide substitution pattern was investigated. Drosophila kikkawai has four amylase genes. The Amy1 and Amy2 genes are a head-to-head duplication in the middle of the B arm of the second chromosome, while the Amy3 and Amy4 genes are a tail-to-tail duplication near the centromere of the same chromosome. In the sibling species of D. kikkawai (Drosophila bocki, Drosophila leontia, and Drosophila lini), sequencing of the Amy1, Amy2, Amy3, and Amy4 genes revealed that the Amy1 and Amy2 gene group diverged from Amy3 and Amy4 after duplication. In the Amy1 and Amy2 genes, the divergent evolution occurred in the flanking regions; in contrast, the coding regions have evolved in concerted fashion. The electrophoretic pattern of AMY isozymes was also examined. In D. kikkawai and its siblings, two or three electrophoretically different isozymes are encoded by the Amy1 and Amy2 genes (S isozyme) and by the Amy3 and Amy4 genes (F (M) isozymes). The S and F (M) isozymes show different patterns of band intensity when larvae and flies were fed in different media. Amy1 and Amy2, which encode the S isozyme, are more strikingly regulated than Amy3 and Amy4, which encode the F (M) isozyme. The GC content and codon usage bias were higher for the Amy1 and Amy2 genes than for the Amy3 and Amy4 genes. Although the ratio of synonymous and replacement substitutions within the Amy1 and Amy2 gene group was not significantly different from that within the Amy3 and Amy4 gene group, the synonymous substitution rate in the lineage of Amy1 and Amy2 was lower than that of Amy3 and Amy4. In conclusion, after the first duplication but before speciation of four species, the synonymous substitution rate between the two lineages and the electrophoretic pattern of the isozymes encoded by them changed, although we do not know whether there was any evolutionary relationship between the two.  相似文献   

An analysis of the molecular properties of the major alcohol dehydrogenase (E.C. allozyme variants found segregating in natural populations of D. melanogaster is presented. Our results indicate: (1) ADH-S enzyme has generally lower Michaelis-Menten constants than those of ADH-F; (2) ADH-S and ADH-F enzymes display opposite interactions for both co-factor and substrate; and (3) higher levels of ADH are associated with the Adh-fast genotype. The possible adaptive significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Members of species of the mulleri and hydei subgroups of the repleta group of Drosophila have duplicate Adh genes. The Adh regions of D. mojavensis, D. mulleri, and D. hydei contain three genes--a pseudogene, Adh-2, and Adh-1--arranged 5' to 3'. To understand the evolution of the triplicate Adh structure, we have cloned and sequenced the Adh locus of D. mettleri. This region consists of a 5' pseudogene and a 3' functional Adh gene. On the basis of the structure and nucleotide sequence comparisons of Adh genes of D. mettleri and other species, we propose that an initial duplication of the ancestral Adh gene generated two Adh genes arranged in tandem. The more 5' Adh gene became a pseudogene, while the more 3' gene remained functional through all the developmental stages. A second duplication of this 3' gene resulted in Adh regions with three genes--a pseudogene, Adh-2, and Adh-1.  相似文献   

Examining the pattern of nucleotide substitution for the control region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in humans and chimpanzees, we developed a new mathematical method for estimating the number of transitional and transversional substitutions per site, as well as the total number of nucleotide substitutions. In this method, excess transitions, unequal nucleotide frequencies, and variation of substitution rate among different sites are all taken into account. Application of this method to human and chimpanzee data suggested that the transition/transversion ratio for the entire control region was approximately 15 and nearly the same for the two species. The 95% confidence interval of the age of the common ancestral mtDNA was estimated to be 80,000-480,000 years in humans and 0.57-2.72 Myr in common chimpanzees.   相似文献   

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