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Summary Crosses were performed between homokaryons of Agrocybe aegerita having the same allele at the A incompatibility gene but different B alleles. Heterokaryotic mycelia originating from crosses between two complementary auxotrophs were characterized by their instability on complete medium and extensive anastomosis between hyphae. Diploid mycelia were selected by plating oidia recovered from these heterokaryons onto minimal medium. These mycelia were characterized by the production of larger oidia than those of homokaryons, the release of a brown pigment when growing on complete medium and extensive hyphal anastomoses. Diploids retained the two B incompatibility functions of their homokaryotic parents and gave rise to a diploid/haploid dikaryon when crossed with a compatible homokaryon. Nearly 1% of the oidia recovered from heterokaryons were diploid. These nuclear fusion frequencies as well as the production of brown pigments enabled the identification of diploid strains on complete medium. In this way, crosses between wild prototrophic strains were successfully performed. Somatic recombination was induced following the treatment of diploid mycelia with haploidizing compounds. Selection based on the inability of mycelia to produce the brown pigments on complete medium led to selection of strains homoallelic at the B locus.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure suitable for the extraction and mapping of total proteins from the basidiomycete, Agrocybe aegerita, was developed. A. aegerita mycelia were fragmented either with a Dangoumeau grinder, an X-press bomb or a sonicator and the efficiency of these three disruption methods were compared. The extraction buffer composition was optimized to avoid proteolytic activities. 2D-SDS-PAGE analysis of protein extracts showed that the rate of reproducibility depending on extractions and electrophoretic separations was always greater than 96% for all strains. The differences in efficiency observed between the breaking procedures indicate that the A. aegerita cell wall is more mechanically resistant than that of other basidiomycetes. The efficient action of protease inhibitors (PMSF and SDS) showed that A. aegerita mycelia contains numerous and/or highly active proteases. Reproducibility of protein extraction and separation methods allowed the establishment and the comparison of standard maps. Qualitative and quantitative variations in gene products between a wild dikaryotic strain and 11 homokaryotic strains from its progeny were examined. The genetic diversity, determined by comparing the distribution of proteic variations in 11 homokaryons from the same progeny, was comparable to that observed between co-isogenic homokaryons of another basidiomycete.  相似文献   

Ullrich R  Hofrichter M 《FEBS letters》2005,579(27):6247-6250
The mushroom Agrocybe aegerita secretes a peroxidase (AaP) that catalyzes halogenations and hydroxylations. Phenol was brominated to 2- and 4-bromophenol (ratio 1:4) and chlorinated to a lesser extent to 2-chlorophenol. The purified enzyme was found to oxidize toluene via benzyl alcohol and benzaldehyde into benzoic acid. A second fraction of toluene was hydroxylated to give p-cresol as well as o-cresol and methyl-p-benzoquinone. The UV-Vis absorption spectrum of purified AaP showed high similarity to a resting state cytochrome P450 with the Soret band at 420 nm and additional maxima at 278, 358, 541 and 571 nm; the AaP CO-complex had a distinct absorption maximum at 445 nm that is characteristic for heme-thiolate proteins. AaP regioselectively hydroxylated naphthalene to 1-naphthol and traces of 2-naphthol (ratio 36:1). H2O2 was necessarily required for AaP function and hence the hydroxylations catalyzed by AaP can be designated as peroxygenation and the enzyme as an extracellular peroxygenase.  相似文献   

The degradation and utilization of solid waste (SW) from anaerobic digestion of poultry litter by Agrocybe aegerita was evaluated through mushroom production, loss of organic matter (LOM), lignocellulolytic enzymes activity, lignocellulose degradation and mushroom nutrients content. Among the substrate combinations (SCs) tested, substrates composed of 10–20% SW, 70–80% wheat straw and 10% millet was found to produce the highest mushroom yield (770.5 and 642.9 g per 1.5 kg of substrate). LOM in all SCs tested varied between 8.8 and 48.2%. A. aegerita appears to degrade macromolecule components (0.6–21.8% lignin, 33.1–55.2% cellulose and 14–53.9% hemicellulose) during cultivation on the different SCs. Among the seven extracellular enzymes monitored, laccase, peroxidase and CMCase activities were higher before fruiting; while xylanase showed higher activities after fruiting. A source of carbohydrates (e.g., millet) in the substrate is needed in order to obtain yield and biological efficiency comparable to other commercially cultivated exotic mushrooms.  相似文献   

Ten selected wild and commercial strains of Pleurotus ostreatus,Pleurotus eryngii,Pleurotus pulmonarius, Agrocybe aegerita andVolvariella volvacea were cultivated on three agricultural wastes, i.e. wheat straw (WS), cotton waste (CW) and peanut shells (PS). All species demonstrated significantly higher colonization rates on WS and CW than on PS. WS supported faster growth of A. aegerita and Pleurotus spp., whereas V. volvacea performed better on CW. Comparison of growth rates on composted and non-composted WS and CW substrates revealed that in the latter case faster colonization was achieved, particularly for Pleurotus spp. However, one commercial strain of V. volvacea presented higher growth rates when the composted CW medium was used. Furthermore, earliness in the fructification of P. ostreatus, P. pulmonarius and V. volvacea strains was promoted in CW substrates, while WS favoured earliness of P. eryngii and A. aegerita. Similarly, high sporophore yields were obtained by P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius on both wastes, whereas WS enhanced yield and basidioma size of P. eryngii and A. aegerita strains and CW production of V. volvacea. The substrates cellulose:lignin ratios were found to be positively correlated to mycelial growth rates and to mushroom yield of P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius; in addition, positive correlation was also detected for carbon:nitrogen ratio and mushroom yield in P. eryngii and A. aegerita and between cellulose content and mushroom yield for V. volvacea strains.  相似文献   

Three progenies of sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) were analysed to correlate self-(in)compatibility status with S-RNase phenotype in this allotetraploid hybrid of sweet and ground cherry. Self-(in)compatibility was assessed in the field and by monitoring pollen tube growth after selfing. The S-RNase phenotypes were determined by isoelectric focusing of stylar proteins and staining for RNase activity and, for the parents, confirmed by PCR. Seedling phenotypes were generally consistent with disomic segregation of S-RNase alleles. The genetic arrangements of the parents were deduced to be ‘Köröser’ (self-incompatible) S 1 S 4 .S B S D , ‘Schattenmorelle’ (self-compatible) S 6 S 13 .S B S B , and clone 43.87 (self-compatible) S 4 S 13 .S B S B , where “.” separates the two homoeologous genomes. The presence of S 4 and S 6 alleles at the same locus led to self-incompatibility, whereas S 13 and S B at homoeologous loci led to self-compatibility. The failure of certain heteroallelic genotypes in the three crosses or in the self-incompatible seedlings indicates that S 4 and S 6 are dominant to S B . However, the success of S 13 S B pollen on styles expressing corresponding S-RNases indicates competitive interaction or lack of pollen-S components. In general, the universal compatibility of S 13 S B pollen may explain the frequent occurrence of S 13 and S B together in sour cherry cultivars. Alleles S B and S D , that are presumed to derive from ground cherry, and S 13 , presumably from sweet cherry, were sequenced. Our findings contribute to an understanding of inheritance of self-(in)compatibility, facilitate screening of progenies for self-compatibility and provide a basis for studying molecular interactions in heteroallelic pollen.  相似文献   

Summary The expressed activity in pollen and stigma was determined for both S alleles of sixteen S-alíele heterozygous genotypes and for one of the two S alleles of two additional heterozygotes. Activities were measured using pollen tube penetration and seed set data from reciprocal crosses between each S-allele heterozygote and its two corresponding S-allele homozygotes.In pollen the S-allele activities ranged from zero to 100% inhibition of pollen tube penetration and seed set, and in the stigma they ranged from 8 to 100% inhibition. Of the sixty-eight S-allele activities measured, thirty-three (48%) were 90 to 100% inhibition, nine (13%) were 80 to 89% inhibition and one to five were within each ten-unit range below 80% inhibition.In an S-allele heterozygote, each subset of two S alleles had an activity for each allele in both pollen and stigma which was highly repeatable among duplicate pollinations within and among successive years. Each subset of two S alleles had a specific S-allele interaction in the pollen, and the same or another specific interaction in the stigma. In pairings with six other S alleles, allele S 2 had four calculated levels of activity in pollen that ranged from 88 to 94%, and five levels in the stigmas between 15 and 94%. When paired in a heterozygote, alleles S 3 and S 5 had activities ranging between 42 and 59%, representing mutual weakening of S-allele activity. Also, heterozygote S 15 S 3 had pollen activities, respectively, of 25 and 6%, i.e. mutual weakening in the pollen.These results indicate that in heterozygous combination with a series of other S alleles, each S-allele may have activity in pollen and also in stigma that potentially is between zero and 100% inhibition. They further indicate that the defined sexual-organ X S-allele-interaction Types I, II, III and IV are extremes; all intermediate variations including complete weakening of both alleles are possible. Recessiveness is weakening of the activity of but one of the two S alleles. The pollen tube penetrations into the style and seed set were highly correlated.Department of Plant Breeding and Biometry Paper No. 683  相似文献   

To evaluate the importance of searching new naturally occurring strains to raise yields in mushroom production, eight wild and four commercial strains of Agrocybe cylindracea were cultivated on wheat straw. The highest biological efficiencies (BE) (54.5-72.4%) were obtained with three wild and two commercial strains when cultured on non-supplemented wheat straw. Rolled oats or soybean flour supplementation were tested using three selected strains, increasing BEs up to 1.2, 0.5 and 0.7-fold, respectively. This effect of supplementation was stronger in the Asiatic wild strain, yielding up to 41.1 and 30% more than the two other strains with rolled oats and soybean flour, respectively. The Asiatic wild strain cultivated with soybean flour supplementation achieved an average biological efficiency of 179%, to our knowledge, the highest reported for this species. These results show the importance of searching for new naturally occurring strains in combination with supplemented wheat straw substrate for raising yields in A. cylindracea cultivation.  相似文献   

Segregation for self-fertility has been studied in progenies from the crosses of self-sterile (SS) plants with interline hybrids obtained by a diallel scheme of pollinations between seven self-fertile (SF) lines (nos. 2–8) and with F1 (SS plant x SF line) hybrids. All the offspring families from the SS plant x F1 (SS plant x SF line) crosses demonstrated a 1SF1SS segregation. The crosses of SS plants with some interline hybrids gave only self-fertile plants, whereas the crosses with other interline hybrids gave a segregation of 3SF:1SS expected in the case of digenic segregation. The data obtained permitted us to identify three different S loci (S1, S2, S5) and to estimate the genotypes of self-fertile lines for their Sf alleles: lines 5, 6, 7 and 8 are S1f/S1f S2n/S2n S5m/S5m, line 4 is S1n/S1n S2f/S2f S5m/S5m, and lines 2 and 3 are S1n/S1n S2m/S2m S5f/S5f(Sn, Sm designate active alleles of the incompatibility genes). The identification of the particular S gene which is presented by the Sf allele in each line has been made on the basis of our data concerning the linkage of the Sf mutation with isozyme markers of particular rye chromosomes, which is reported in an accompanying paper.  相似文献   

We studied mitochondrial transmission in the homobasidiomycete Agrocybe aegerita during plasmogamy, vegetative growth, and basidiocarp differentiation. Plasmogamy between homokaryons from progeny of three wild-type strains resulted in bidirectional nuclear migration, and the dikaryotization speed was dependent on the nuclear genotype of the recipient homokaryon. Little mitochondrial migration accompanied the nuclear migration. A total of 75% of the dikaryons from the fusion lines had both parental mitochondrial haplotypes (mixed dikaryons), and 25% had only a single haplotype (homoplasmic dikaryons); with some matings, there was a strong bias in favor of one parental haplotype. We demonstrated the heteroplasmic nature of mixed dikaryons by (i) isolating and subculturing apical cells in micromanipulation experiments and (ii) identifying recombinant mitochondrial genomes. This heteroplasmy is consistent with the previously reported suggestion that there is recombination between mitochondrial alleles in A. aegerita. Conversion of heteroplasmons into homoplasmons occurred (i) during long-term storage, (ii) in mycelia regenerated from isolated apical cells, and (iii) during basidiocarp differentiation. Homokaryons that readily accepted foreign nuclei were the most efficient homokaryons in maintaining their mitochondrial haplotype during plasmogamy, long-term storage, and basidiocarp differentiation. This suggests that the mechanism responsible for the nonrandom retention or elimination of a given haplotype may be related to the nuclear genotype or the mitochondrial haplotype or both.  相似文献   

【背景】茶树菇遗传育种工作是茶树菇产业持续发展的保障和关键,原生质体的制备及单核体菌株的获得可为茶树菇遗传育种工作的开展提供技术支持。【目的】获得茶树菇原生质体的再生特性、单核化特性及其交配型,为开展茶树菇的杂交育种、融合育种、诱变育种、遗传转化和功能基因挖掘等奠定基础。【方法】以茶树菇保藏菌种Aa11的菌丝为材料,采用甘露醇溶液和溶壁酶溶液直接处理平板菌丝制备茶树菇原生质体,而后对原生质体进行分离和再生培养。通过原生质体单核菌丝体两两单单对峙培养,观察对峙培养过程中的菌落形态变化。【结果】当接种块数量为7、酶解温度为33-34℃、酶解时间为60-80 min时,原生质体数量为107个/mL。茶树菇原生质体在涂布平板7 d后肉眼才可见明显的再生菌落形成,在再生培养基上再生率为0.71%,单核化率为41.1%;再生异核体和再生单核体在形成再生菌落时有时间差,从第7天开始往后连续3 d的再生菌落均为异核体菌株,往后第4天开始陆续出现单核体菌落,之后时间内的菌落均为单核体菌株。试验共得到290个原生质体单核体,分为A1B1和A2B2两种亲本交配型,A1B1和A2B2二者的比例为138:152...  相似文献   

The S incompatibility system of apple was confirmed through the application of the gene Got-1 for glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase as a marker for the S locus. The 11S alleles proposed by Kobel et al. (1939) were confirmed through anomalous segregations for Got-1 observed in 14 semi-compatible crosses and regular segregations observed in 2 fully compatible crosses. The S allele genotypes of Idared (S 3 S 7), Cox (S 5 S 9) and Fiesta (S 3 S 5) were determined and found to fall within the original series. By associating parental incompatibility genotypes with the segregation of Got-1 alleles, we were able to deduce the coupling of S and Got-1 alleles in 9 varieties.  相似文献   

Mating type allele distribution and phenotypic variability were investigated in field populations of Laccaria bicolor. Sporophores associated with Norway spruce (Picea abies), colonized by natural sources of inoculum and growing in a seed orchard, were sampled to obtain dikaryotic strains and assay their phenotypic variability for traits important to the symbiosis. Basid-iospores were also collected for mating type analysis of different mycelia. Four sporophore mating types were identified containing seven A and five B factors. Out-breeding efficiency was estimated at 73.8% and the population was slightly inbred. Crosses with previously characterized L. bicolor strains from two nearby populations identified in total six sporophore mating types and ten A and nine B factors, for an estimated outbreeding efficiency (85.7%) similar to previous studies of more spatially disparate Laccaria spp. populations. Dikaryotic strains were tested for mycelial growth rate, as a measure of their competitive ability, on agar media containing a soluble (NaH2PO4), or an insoluble (CaHPO4) phosphate source. Their ability to solubilize the latter was also tested to assess their relative capacity to access insoluble, inorganic phosphate. In most cases, significant variation was detected among strains from the same site for all variables. On three sites (VC4, VC5 and VC7), each determined previously to possess a uniform mycelial genotype, phenotypic variability was likely due to epigenetic variation among different strains of the same genotype. Possible evidence for dikaryon-monokaryon crosses was observed in vivo on one sample site (VC2) where adjacent mycelia shared two mating factors. The phenotypic variability of different mycelial genotypes reflected their genetic variability observed as mating type allele diversity and underlined the importance of basidiospore dispersal in introducing new genotypes into the population. The reproductive strategies of L. bicolor are discussed and compared to those of other basidiomycete species.  相似文献   

Summary Starch gel electrophoresis with two different buffer systems and several substrates and inhibitors have been used to study the electrophoretic variability of esterases in leaves of cultivars of Triticum aestivum. Each one of the buffer systems showed different levels of variability, according to the electrophoretic patterns. At the same time green and etiolated leaves showed different patterns in each buffer system. The variability was dependent upon the developmental stage of the leaves. According to the results from chromosomal location, the genes controlling esterases in green leaves were located in homoeology group 3, while the genes controlling esterases in etiolated leaves were in homoeology group 6. But both esterase isozymes showed a similar electrophoretic migration and a similar reponse to substrates and inhibitors. The possible origin of both sets of genes due to an interchromosomal duplication is discussed.  相似文献   

The partitioning of genetic variability within and between twelve British populations of the anemophilous aquaticPotamogeton coloratus Hornem. was investigated by isozyme analysis. Low levels of variability as measured by P, A and H were found. Calculation of Wright's F statistics revealed a high mean value of the overall inbreeding coefficient, (FIT = 0.939), which was attributed both to high levels of genetic subdivision among populations (mean FST = 0.702) and to a high frequency of inbreeding or clonal growth within them (mean FIS = 0.796). Only two populations are polymorphic; both inhabit sites with a long post-glacial history as wetlands. Populations of recent origin, as well as some of older vintage, contain only a single multi-locus isozyme genotype, homozygous at all loci except for IDH. A genetic bottleneck following the Devensian glaciation is discussed as a possible cause of the pattern of variation. Evidence for a duplicated IDH locus is presented.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of Agrocybe cylindracea lectin was determined from the peptides obtained by chemical cleavages and enzymatic hydrolyses. The sequence shows 19.1% and 36.8% identity with those of human galectin-1 and Coprinus lectin-1, a fungal galectin, respectively. Seven residues, which are commonly found in carbohydrate recognizing domain (CRD) of galectins, were conserved. However, several insertions in the sequence, compared with those of human galectin-1 and Coprinus lectin-1, suggest that -strands S2, F3, and S4 and the loop structures between -strands F2 & S3 and F5 & S2 are different from those of galectins reported so far.  相似文献   

The black-spotted tokay gecko and red-spotted tokay gecko have different distribution areas and are significantly different in appearance but are classified into the same species Gekko gecko. Twelve microsatellite loci were isolated, characterized and evaluated from wild black-spotted tokay geckos for the first time. Of them, nine loci were successfully amplified in red-spotted tokay geckos using multiplex polymerase chain reactions (PCRs). A total of 208 different alleles were observed in the 70 wild black-spotted and red-spotted tokays, and the average number of alleles per locus was 17.3. The average values for observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity and polymorphism information content were 0.762, 0.891 and 0.871, respectively, which showed that the wild G. gecko population had a high level of genetic variability. Both black-spotted tokays and red-spotted tokays showed a significant (P < 0.001) deficit of heterozygotes. The red-spotted tokay (HE = 0.881, A = 16.4) had a higher level of genetic variability than black-spotted tokay (HE = 0.804, A = 10.7). The pairwise FST (P < 0.001) estimates of the two types of tokay were 0.143, which indicated that there was a significant level of genetic differentiation between the two.  相似文献   

为了解茶树菇(Agrocybe aegerita)种质资源的遗传多样性和筛选优良的茶树菇新品种,采用菌株拮抗试验方法观察了92株茶树菇菌株间拮抗反应及其类型,ISSR-PCR(inter-simple sequence repeat-PCR)分子标记方法对92株茶树菇菌株的遗传多样性进行了综合分析。拮抗试验将92株茶树菇菌株分为27组;筛选出的20条ISSR引物共扩增出317条清晰条带,多态性条带平均比率为82.60%;在遗传相似系数为0.742时,ISSR分子标记分析可将92株茶树菇划分为6大类群,拮抗试验和ISSR分子标记分析的结果基本一致。通过对比农艺性状分析,初步筛选出滇农5、滇农14、茶5-800、白茶、闽农5及滇农8作为工厂化生产茶树菇菌种。结果表明茶树菇的遗传多样性丰富,结合栽培出菇试验可为茶树菇品种选育和杂交育种的亲本选择提供参考。  相似文献   

Bouteloua gracilis (blue grama grass) native populations have been shown to be highly variable, however the genetic basis of this variability has not been well established. Determining the extent of genetic variability within and among plant populations have important repercussions for the management and conservation of species, and in particular for those subjected to intensive use such as forage plants. Using RAPD, this study was undertaken to investigate the genetic variability of four B. gracilis native populations developed in three grasslands and one shrubland at the southernmost part of the North American Graminetum in México. Significant differences in grass aboveground production were found among the study sites, while considerable genetic variation within each of the four blue grama populations evaluated was detected. The molecular analysis, based on 55 individuals, revealed a total of 108 scorable repeatable bands, with 99 of them being polymorphic (overall polymorphism= 91.7%). Within every population each individual was genetically distinct and no population-specific bands (fixed marker differences) were identified. Pair-wise Φ ST comparisons indicated that the four blue grama populations examined were significantly different in their genetic constitution (P<0.001). AMOVA revealed that most of the genetic variation detected in Bouteloua gracilis was explained by intra- (88.53%), rather than by inter-population (11.47%) differences. UPGMA based on the Φ ST values indicated that the blue grama population collected from the shrubland displayed the RAPD profiles that most differed among the study sites. Possible causes of these results could reside on intensive grazing reducing, and proper management conserving, the forage production and genetic diversity of blue grama native populations. Our results are consistent with previous studies analyzing population genetic variation in outcrossing grasses and, in particular, with ecological and cytological evidence for a high genetic variability in native populations of B. gracilis. The implications of our findings and prospective studies to be undertaken using molecular tools in the study of blue grama biology and ecology are discussed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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