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Some aquatic oligochaete species, mainly certain naidids and tubificids, are often associated with polluted environments, with high levels of organic matter and oxygen deficit. However, in the stations sampled in the Guadaira river basin, which can be arranged on an axis of organic pollution, the main aquatic oligochaete species (Nais elinguis and Tubifex tubifex) inhabiting these environments do not show a distribution pattern significantly related to the water physico-chemical characteristics measured. Nor, have we registered any association between these species and any kind of microhabitat, defined here: water current, presence of different types of vegetation, substrate coarseness and presence of anoxic sediments. Paranais litoralis is the exception, being related to areas without water current, located at higher altitudes, with high levels of dissolved organic matter and an anoxic substrate made up of fine particles. These results can be explained by the highly fluctuating nature of Mediterranean ecosystems and by the marked generalist character and ubiquity of the oligochaete assemblage species, able to colonize any kind of environment.  相似文献   

Holocene climatic changes along coastal regions from south-east France to south-east Spain were studied using pollen ratios. Comparing modern pollen rain, vegetation and climate along selected transects from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean, we obtained threshold values of two different ratios corresponding to the different climatic conditions along the transects. These pollen ratios and threshold values were employed to characterize the Holocene climatic changes from nine Mediterranean coastal sites. The results were compared with data from marine and continental pollen sequences distributed in the western Mediterranean basin, and with additional regional data independent of human activity: lake-level fluctuations, alpine glacier advance and retreat chronology, 14C anomaly and cooling phases in Eastern France and Central Europe. The role of anthropogenic activities and climate on the changes in vegetation is discussed. Six major changes in vegetation cover were identified. They correspond to aridification phases that occurred around 9500–9000 yr BP (10 900–9700 cal BP), 7500–7000 yr BP (8400–7600 cal BP), 4500–4000 yr BP (5300–4200 cal BP), 3700–3300 yr BP (4300–3400 cal BP), 2600–1900 yr BP (2850–1730 cal BP) and 1300–1000 yr BP (1300–750 cal BP). These arid episodes were regional responses to more global climatic changes and determined the changes in the vegetation cover. Humans undoubtedly enhanced the vegetation changes, but none the less had to adapt to these new climatic conditions.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that benthic cyanophytes in Mediterraneancalcareous streams can influence the macroinvertebrate community, probablydirectly due to toxicity. A study was therefore planned to establish whetherthis also influenced the results of indices used for the biological monitoringof stream water quality. Two indices (BMWPc based on macroinvertebrates; IBDbased on diatoms) widely used to assess water quality based on the diversity ofmacroinvertebrate and diatom assemblages were calculated for two unpollutedMediterranean calcareous streams in north-east Spain. The toxicity levelsof the cyanophyte communities were quantified by the Microtox test. There was aclear inverse relationship between the dominance of cyanophytes and the valuesobtained for the biological indices. It is recommended that cyanophyte biomassshould be incorporated in some way in the calibration of index values; the useof phycobiliprotein concentration and/or the chlorophyll a:phycobiliproteinratio is proposed.  相似文献   

The cyanobacterial diversity of Sidi Boughaba, a Moroccan coastal lagoon and Ramsar site, was evaluated and its potentially toxic species were isolated and characterised. This study was the first time that cyanobacterial diversity and cyanotoxin production have been characterised in a Moroccan coastal lagoon. Samples collected in June 2004, July 2008 and August 2013 contained 41 species. Three strains of cyanobacteria were isolated, cultured and assessed for their potentially toxic levels of microcystins. Only Microcystis flos-aquae exhibited the presence of microcystins, at a concentration of 823.41 µg g?1 as MC-LR equivalents. MC-RR and MC-WR were also detected. The presence of toxic Microcystis and other potentially toxic strains, especially in periods of bloom proliferations, could pose environmental and health hazards. Cyanotoxin monitoring of this lagoon is highly recommended.  相似文献   

Abstract. The woody and shrubby riparian vegetation of the Mediterranean Region of Spain shows a progressive displacement from the Querco-Fagetea, typical of Central Europe, towards the Nerio-Tamaricetea, which has its maximum expression in North Africa. We studied the occurrence of 107 riparian plant communities on 52 locations in the Segura River Basin (SE Spain) and their presumed relation to variation in rainfall and temperature. On the basis of agglomerative clustering and Redundancy Analysis (RDA) three riparian vegetation complexes were identified and characterized by (a) Central European-related temperate communities, (b) predominantly North African riparian communities and (c) a combination of both community types, respectively. North African communities predominated in the lower stretches of the Segura Basin, probably due to the prevailing semi-arid bioclimate.  相似文献   

A stromatolitic microbial mat extensively covers La Solana streambed, a calcareous Mediterranean stream. This stromatolite shows remarkable biological and physiological diversity. It is mainly composed by cyanobacteria, with Rivularia and Schizothrix as the most abundant taxa. The stromatolite is photosynthetically adaptated to the high irradiances reaching the streambed. Photosynthetically active chlorophyll is present even in the lowest layers of the stromatolite, indicating the presence of well-preserved cyanobacteria in that part. Diffusion of gases and nutrients within the stromatolite can be possible because of the high porosity of the crust. It has been experimentally established that the stromatolite recovers heterotrophic and autotrophic activities in a few hours, after being desiccated for long periods. Recovery after desiccation is indicative of the high resilience of this community to environmental extremes, which are common in Mediterranean climatic regimes. The stromatolitic community is adapted to nutrient limitation, both to low availability of inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen (that constrain growth of primary producers), and to low dissolved organic carbon (mainly affecting heterotrophs). Stromatolitic heterotrophs mainly rely on the organic carbon stored in the crust as the main organic carbon source. These strategies are the direct response of the stromatolite to oligotrophy, and justify the restricted occurrence in stream systems affected by organic pollution.  相似文献   

In this data paper, a dataset of passerine bird communities is described in Sierra Nevada, a Mediterranean high mountain located in southern Spain. The dataset includes occurrence data from bird surveys conducted in four representative ecosystem types of Sierra Nevada from 2008 to 2015. For each visit, bird species numbers as well as distance to the transect line were recorded. A total of 27847 occurrence records were compiled with accompanying measurements on distance to the transect and animal counts. All records are of species in the order Passeriformes. Records of 16 different families and 44 genera were collected. Some of the taxa in the dataset are included in the European Red List. This dataset belongs to the Sierra Nevada Global-Change Observatory (OBSNEV), a long-term research project designed to compile socio-ecological information on the major ecosystem types in order to identify the impacts of global change in this area.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of Spanish brown trout is currently threatened by stocking with exogenous brown trout from Central and Northern Europe. In the Douro River basin 25% of the analysed populations in the present study showed introgression by genes of hatchery origin. The mean introgression estimated by the single locus approach ( S ) varied from 0 to 22% among populations, with a mean value of 3%. The hatchery allele markers were absent in populations where stocking ceased in 1993. However, the introgression effect was observed in all populations stocked until 1998. It seems that cessation of stocking is a good measure for restoring native populations. A thorough review of published and present data of genetic interactions between wild and stocked brown trout in Spanish rivers indicates different levels of introgression between basins. The absence of a clear geographical pattern in the introgression level suggests that ecological interactions and local stocking programmes may play an important role in stocking success. Finally, several guidelines are provided for conservation and management of native brown trout populations in Spanish rivers.  相似文献   

Plankton and benthic invertebrate populations were examined along a 160 km section of the St. Lawrence River between Lake Ontario and Waddington, New York during a period of ice cover. Algal biomass was low in winter with diatoms and cryptomonads the most prominent forms. Zooplankton biomass was about one-tenth the algal standing crop and cyclopoid copepods predominated. Phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass declined downriver providing evidence that most plankton was imported from Lake Ontario. Benthic invertebrate standing crop was greatest near Lake Ontario where molluscs were abundant. The downriver macroinvertebrate community shifted to coarse particle feeders, namely annelids and chironomids. Beds of accumulated detrital material derived primarily from dieback of macrophytes were particularly rich in benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

  • 1 Benthic‐algal distributions in the upper Illinois River basin, IL, U.S.A., were examined in relation to geology, land use, water chemistry and stream habitat using (detrended) (canonical) correspondence analysis, autecological metrics and indicator‐species analysis in order to identify the major environmental gradients influencing community variation.
  • 2 Ionic composition and major nutrient [i.e. nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)] concentration of surface waters, salinity (Na‐Cl type), substratum type and physiognomic form of dominant species were primary factors contributing to variation in benthic‐algal assemblages of the basin. Basin geology was a significant contributing factor, but the explained variance associated with this factor was less than that related to land use.
  • 3 Proportions of algal biomass consisting of cyanophytes, filamentous chlorophytes, halophilic diatoms and diatoms which utilize nitrogen heterotrophically were greater in eutrophic river segments than in less nutrient‐enriched segments. Composition of the benthic flora indicated meso‐eutrophic or eutrophic conditions throughout the basin; there were few diatoms indicative of hypertrophic waters. Shifts in diatom‐assemblage structure in response to nutrient loading provided an incomplete representation of the community‐response curve.
  • 4 A weighted‐averages regression model based on total P and benthic‐algal abundances (all divisions included) yielded a highly significant correlation (r2 = 0.83) between species‐inferred [WA(tol)] and observed total P, with systematic bias (increased deviation of residuals) occurring only at concentrations greater than ~ 1.0 mg L?1 total P. This result indicates that total P regression and calibration models can be predictable for a river basin receiving excessive loadings of phosphorus.

The distribution of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from the Mediterranean Sea was quantitatively analysed. The samples contain 11 cyst species and the vegetative coccoid Thoracosphaera heimii. Cyst abundance increases towards the deeper parts of the basins and is generally higher in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Three major distribution characteristics exist: (1) different assemblages in oceanic and neritic regions, (2) little agreement with the associations of areas studied so far like the Atlantic Ocean, and (3) a unique oceanic assemblage in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. A gradual change in cyst assemblages from the western to the eastern Mediterranean Sea was observed and statistically compared with the main environmental gradients in the upper water column. Temperature, nitrate concentration and possibly salinity appear to be the most important factors controlling cyst production. Three groups containing cysts with similar environmental preferences can be distinguished: (1) an eastern Mediterranean group related to relatively high temperature and salinity but low nitrate concentration, (2) a group of more or less consistently abundant cosmopolitan species tolerating or even preferring relatively low temperature and salinity but high nitrate concentration, and (3) a group containing species that are possibly adapted to neritic environments and have probably been transported from coastal areas into the studied regions. In contrast to other calcareous plankton, calcareous dinoflagellate cysts correlate strongly with the main environmental gradients in the Mediterranean Sea, bearing a high potential for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.  相似文献   

Quantitative finger dermatoglyphics have been analyzed in a Spanish population on the Mediterranean coast, from a sample of 347 individuals (163 males and 184 females) whose four grandparents were born in the studied region (Murcia). From the prints of the sampled individuals, radial, ulnar, and maximal ridge counts have been examined using classical methodology according to the pattern orientation. Kolmogorov test was used to evaluate the normality of the count values. Paired t-test, t-test for two samples, and Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney non-parametric U test were used to explore bimanual and sexual differences. Maximal and radial ridge counts show similar distributions fitting into a normal distribution. Instead, ulnar values show a particular distribution clearly different from normality. The bilateral and sexual differentiation patterns reveal the divergence between the ulnar counts and the maximal and radial values. In comparison to other Iberian populations our results show a particular position of Murcia with the lowest TFRC values in the Spanish variation ranges.  相似文献   

The pre-climax epiphytic communities of forests from the Spanish Mediterranean region (Central Plateau) were studied by numerical and traditional floristic methods. One hundred phytosociological relevés were analyzed through a classical numerical approach based on hard partitions improved by PCoA — Principal Coordinates Analysis — ordinations. Two groups easily related to two different suballiances included in Frullanion dilatatae Lecointe 1975, Ulotenion crispae (Barkman 1958) Lecointe 1975 and Fabronienion pusillae Barkman 1958 were detected. Two new syntaxa within the ass. Ortotrichetum lyellii (Allorge 1922) Lecointe 1975 are proposed. Phytogeography, syntaxonomy and ecology of these communities are discussed.  相似文献   

The stonefly distribution and its relationship with habitat changes, based on stream physico chemical features, were investigated in two Mediterranean river basins (Guadaira and Guadalete, S Spain). Plecopteran nymph distribution varied along an elevation gradient. Both stonefly species richness and species diversity increased with altitude. Stoneflies were able to tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions but were absent from low altitude sites, temporary streams with high salinity values and high water temperature. A total of 13 stonefly species were found in the study area, from which Tyrrhenoleuctra minuta (Klapálek ) and Protonemura sp. were dominant. The most widespread species were Nemoura lacustris and Capnioneura mitis. Three distinct species assemblages were observed according to their distribution patterns, but with similar environmental preferences. Capnioneura petitpierreae and T. minuta showed preferences to low altitude sites, whereas C. mitis and N. lacustris were found throughout all sites. T. minuta and N. lacustris inhabited permanent and temporary sites, while the same species and C. mitis also were found in semipermanent streams. Temporally, most stoneflies were caught during winter (85.9%), especially at the low altitude sites.  相似文献   

In order to maintain small ruminant grazing systems it is necessary to know precisely how they work and what actions can be taken to improve them. The objective of this paper was to characterize, classify, analyse and propose improvements for the dairy goat grazing systems in three countries from the western Mediterranean area: Spain, France and Italy. A multivariate analysis was conducted with 21 indicators obtained from the data collected from 45 farms. As a result of the multivariate analysis, 82.5% of variance was explained by two principal components. The first component included proportion of cultivated pasture area and cultivated pasture area per goat. The second included goats present and forage supply per goat. After conducting a cluster analysis based on these two principal components, farms were classified into four groups. Group 1 was made up of French and Italian farms, which had a smaller territorial base but a high cultivated pasture area per goat, contributing to greater self-sufficiency in feed. However the concentrate per goat was too high in relation to milk production, which was medium. The difference between milk income and feed cost is also medium. Group 2 was basically made up of Italian farms. The farms in this group had the most extensive management systems, with a low use of inputs. However, the milk production was low, meaning that the difference between milk income and feed cost was also low. Group 3 was mainly made up of Spanish farms. On these farms the concentrate supply was excessive and the forage supply was low. The milk production per goat was medium and the difference between milk income and feed cost was small. Group 4 was made up mainly of French farms. The farms of this group had a moderate supply of concentrate although the forage supply was very high. They had a high milk production, which lead to a large difference between milk income and feed cost per goat.The main weaknesses observed are related to feeding management, particularly grazing, and to the goat productivity. In the former case research on the nutritional utilization of rangelands and pastures and correct feed supplementation is to be encouraged. In the latter, the production capacity of the goats present in these systems should be improved, without forgetting the balance between hardiness and general productivity.  相似文献   

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