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Polymorphism of the S-locus glycoprotein (SLG) and S-locus receptor kinase (SRK) genes in Raphanus sativus was analyzed by PCR-RFLP using SLG- and SRK-specific primers. Twenty four inbred lines of R. sativus could be grouped into nine S haplotypes. DNA fragments of SLG alleles specifically amplified from five S haplotypes by PCR with Class-I SLG-specific primers showed different profiles upon polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis after digestion with restriction endonucleases. The five R. sativus SLG alleles were determined for their nucleotide sequences of DNA fragments. Comparison of the amino-acid sequences with a reported Brassica SLG (S6) showed 77-84% homology. Deduced amino-acid sequences showed 12-conserved cystein residues and three hypervariable regions which are characteristic of Brassicsa SLG. A DNA fragment was also amplified by PCR from two of each S haplotype with Class-II SLG-specific primers, and showed polymorphism when cleaved with restriction endonucleases. The nucleotide sequences of amplified DNA fragments of the Class-II SLG revealed about 60% similarity with those of the Class-I SLG. It is concluded that there exist both Class I and Class II S alleles in R. sativus, as in Brassica campestris and Brassica oleracea. PCR using SRK-specific primers amplified a DNA fragment of about 1.0 kb from seven of each S haplotype out of 24 tested. These DNA fragments showed high polymorphism in polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis after digestion with restriction endonucleases. Nucleotide sequences of the DNA fragments amplified from the seven S haplotypes showed that the fourth and the fifth exons of SRK are highly conserved, and that there is high variation in the fifth intron, the sixth intron and seventh exon of the SRK which may be responsible for the polymorphic band patterns in PCR-RFLP analysis. The PCR-RFLP method has proven useful for the identification of S alleles in inbred lines and for listing S haplotypes in R. sativus. Phylogenic analysis of the SLG and SRK sequences from Raphanus and Brassica revealed that the Raphanus SLGs and SRKs did not form an independent cluster, but were dispersed in the tree, clustering together with Brassica SLGs and SRKs. Furthermore, SLGs and SRKs from Raphanus were both grouped into Class-I or Class-II S haplotypes. Therefore, these results suggest that the diversification of the SLG and SRK alleles occurred prior to the differentiation of the two genera Brassica and Raphanus.  相似文献   

In Brassica, two self-incompatibility genes, encoding SLG (S locus glycoprotein) and SRK (S-receptor kinase), are located at the S locus and expressed in the stigma. Recent molecular analysis has revealed that the S locus is highly polymorphic and contains several genes, i.e., SLG, SRK, the as-yet-unidentified pollen S gene(s), and other linked genes. In the present study, we searched for expressed sequences in a 76-kb SLG/SRK region of the S(9) haplotype of Brassica campestris (syn. rapa) and identified 10 genes in addition to the four previously identified (SLG(9), SRK(9), SAE1, and SLL2) in this haplotype. This gene density (1 gene/5.4 kb) suggests that the S locus is embedded in a gene-rich region of the genome. The average G + C content in this region is 32.6%. An En/Spm-type transposon-like element was found downstream of SLG(9). Among the genes we identified that had not previously been found to be linked to the S locus were genes encoding a small cysteine-rich protein, a J-domain protein, and an antisilencing protein (ASF1) homologue. The small cysteine-rich protein was similar to a pollen coat protein, named PCP-A1, which had previously been shown to bind SLG.  相似文献   

The S locus receptor kinase (SRK) gene is one of two S locus genes required for the self-incompatibility response in Brassica. We have identified the product of the SRK6 gene in B. oleracea stigmas and have shown that it has characteristics of an integral membrane protein. When expressed in transgenic tobacco, SRK6 is glycosylated and targeted to the plasma membrane. These results provide definitive biochemical evidence for the existence in plants of a plasma membrane-localized transmembrane protein kinase with a known cell-cell recognition function. The timing of SRK expression in stigmas follows a time course similar to that previously described for another S locus-linked gene, the S locus glycoprotein (SLG) gene, and correlates with the ability of stigmas to mount a self-incompatibility response. Based on SRK6 promoter studies, the site of gene expression overlaps with that of SLG and exhibits predominant expression in the stigmatic papillar cells. Although reporter gene studies indicated that the SRK promoter was active in pollen, SRK protein was not detected in pollen, suggesting that SRK functions as a cell surface receptor exclusively in the papillar cells of the stigma.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility (SI) in Brassicaceae is genetically controlled by the S locus complex in which S locus glycoprotein (SLG) and S receptor kinase (SRK) genes have been identified, and these two genes encoding stigma proteins are believed to play important roles in SI recognition reaction. Here we introduced the SLG43 gene of Brassica rapa into a self-incompatible cultivar, Osome, of B. rapa, and examined the effect of this transgene on the SI behavior of the transgenic plants. Preliminary pollination experiments demonstrated that Osome carried S52 and S60, and both were codominant in stigma, but S52 was dominant to S60 in pollen. S43 was found to be recessive to S52 and codominant with S60 in stigma. The nucleotide sequence of SLG43 was more similar to that of SLG52 (87.8% identity) than to that of SLG60 (74.8% identity). Three of the ten primary transformants (designated No. 1 to No. 10) were either completely (No. 9) or partially (No. 6 and No. 7) self-compatible; the SI phenotype of the stigma was changed from S52S60 to S60, but the SI phenotype of the pollen was not altered. In these three plants, the mRNA and protein levels of both SLG43 and SLG52 were reduced, whereas those of SLG60 were not. All the plants in the selfed progeny of No. 9 and No. 6 regained SI and they produced a normal level of SLG52. These results suggest that the alteration of the SI phenotype of the stigma in the transformants Nos. 6, 7, and 9 was the result of specific co-suppression between the SLG43 transgene and the endogenous SLG52 gene. Three of the transformants (Nos. 5, 8 and 10) produced SLG43 protein, but their SI phenotype was not altered. The S60 homozygotes in the selfed progeny of No. 10 which produced the highest level of SLG43 were studied because S43 was codominant with S60 in the stigma. They produced SLG43 at approximately the same level as did S43S60 heterozygotes, but did not show S43 haplotype specificity at the stigma side. We conclude that SLG is necessary for the expression of the S haplotype specificity in the stigma but the introduction of SLG alone is not sufficient for conferring a novel S haplotype specificity to the stigma.  相似文献   

Brassica self-incompatibility (SI) is controlled by SLG and SRK expressed in the stigma and by SP11/SCR expressed in the anther. We determined the sequences of the S domains of 36 SRK alleles, 13 SLG alleles, and 14 SP11 alleles from Brassica oleracea and B. rapa. We found three S haplotypes lacking SLG genes in B. rapa, confirming that SLG is not essential for the SI recognition system. Together with reported sequences, the nucleotide diversities per synonymous and nonsynonymous site (pi(S) and pi(N)) at the SRK, SLG, and SP11 loci within B. oleracea were computed. The ratios of pi(N):pi(S) for SP11 and the hypervariable region of SRK were significantly >1, suggesting operation of diversifying selection to maintain the diversity of these regions. In the phylogenetic trees of 12 SP11 sequences and their linked SRK alleles, the tree topology was not significantly different between SP11 and SRK, suggesting a tight linkage of male and female SI determinants during the evolutionary course of these haplotypes. Genetic exchanges between SLG and SRK seem to be frequent; three such recent exchanges were detected. The evolution of S haplotypes and the effect of gene conversion on self-incompatibility are discussed.  相似文献   

 DNA polymorphism of the S-locus receptor kinase gene (SRK) participating in self-incompatibility in Brassica was analyzed by PCR-RFLP and nucleotide sequencing. In the screening of primers for specific amplification of polymorphic DNA fragments of SRK, the best combination was that of a forward primer (PK1) having the nucleotide sequence of the second exon of S6 SRK and a reverse primer (PK4) having the complementary nucleotide sequence of the fifth exon of S6 SRK. PCR using this primer pair amplified DNA fragments of 0.9–1.0 kb from 36 S haplotypes out of 42 tested. These DNA fragments showed high polymorphism in polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis after digestion with restriction endonuclease(s): 25 types were found in a double digestion with MboI and AfaI. Nucleotide sequencing of the DNA fragments amplified from five S haplotypes showed that the third, fourth, and fifth exons of SRK are highly conserved, and that there are high variations of the second and third introns of SRK, which produced polymorphism of the band pattern in PCR-RFLPs. Another forward primer (PK5) having the nucleotide sequence of the second exon, which is derived from S2 SRK, amplified DNA fragments of almost the same region of SRK from 27 S haplotypes in combination with PK4. Although SRK alleles of the class-II S haplotypes were not amplified, all of the class-I S-haplotypes were amplified with a primer mixture of PK1, PK4 and PK5. The DNA fragments of both SRK alleles in S heterozygotes, or a 1 : 1 mixture of the genomic DNA of different S homozygotes, were amplified without exception, suggesting the usefulness of these primers for the identification of S heterozygotes. The DNA fragment sizes obtained by digestion with restriction endonucleases served as markers for the identification of S haplotypes. Received: 15 December 1996 / Accepted: 14 February 1997  相似文献   

Recognition of self-pollen during the self-incompatibility response in Brassica oleracea is mediated by the binding of a secreted peptide (the S locus cysteine-rich protein) to the S locus receptor kinase (SRK), a member of the plant receptor kinase (PRK) superfamily. Here, we describe the characterization of three proteins that interact with the cytosolic kinase domain of SRK. A B. oleracea homolog of Arabidopsis kinase-associated protein phosphatase was shown to interact with and dephosphorylate SRK and was itself phosphorylated by SRK. Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) two-hybrid screens identified two additional interactors, calmodulin and a sorting nexin, both of which have been implicated in receptor kinase down-regulation in animals. A calmodulin-binding site was identified in sub-domain VIa of the SRK kinase domain. The binding site is conserved and functional in several other members of the PRK family. The sorting nexin also interacted with diverse members of the PRK family, suggesting that all three of the interacting proteins described here may play a general role in signal transduction by this family of proteins.  相似文献   

Serotonin S2, benzodiazepine, and muscarinic receptors showed different regional distributions in the human brain but were present in all cortical areas. The laminar distributions of [3H]ketanserin, [3H]diazepam, and [3H]quinuclidinylbenzilate were investigated in the temporal cortex and revealed a high density in the IIIrd and IVth layers. Dopamine D2 receptors were not detected in the cortex.  相似文献   

N-Ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline (EEDQ) treatment, both in vitro and in vivo, results in an irreversible blockade of cortical S2 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptors. Incubation of rat cortical homogenates with EEDQ in vitro results in a concentration-dependent (EC50 approximately 5 microM) and time-dependent decrease in the Bmax of [3H]ketanserin-labeled S2 serotonin receptors. Extensive washing of the homogenate following in vitro or in vivo EEDQ treatment does not result in an increase in the amount of [3H]ketanserin binding, indicating that EEDQ acts to modify irreversibly cortical S2 serotonin receptors. That the modification of S2 receptor binding by EEDQ occurs at the recognition site of the receptor is indicated by the finding that coincubation with the S2 receptor antagonist ketanserin, but not the D2 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine (dopamine) receptor antagonist domperidone, selectively protects against the irreversible blockade of S2 serotonin receptors. Peripheral administration of EEDQ results in a dose-dependent reduction in cortical S2 serotonin receptors with maximal effects (approximately 90% reduction) observed following 10 mg/kg (i.p.). Seven days following peripheral administration of EEDQ there is a recovery of S2 serotonin receptors back to 74% of the original receptor population. These data demonstrate that EEDQ in vitro and in vivo acts as an irreversible antagonist of S2 serotonin receptors and that it can be used to investigate the recovery rate of these receptors.  相似文献   

A genomic library from an S 29/S 29 self-incompatible genotype of Brassica oleracea was screened with a probe carrying part of the catalytic domain of a Brassica S-receptor kinase (SRK)-like gene. Six positive phage clones with varying hybridisation intensities (K1 to K6) were purified and characterised. A 650–700 by region corresponding to the probe was excised from each clone and sequenced. DNA and predicted protein sequence comparisons based on a multiple alignment identified K5 as a pseudogene, whereas the others could encode functional proteins. K3 was found to have lost an intron from its genomic sequence. The six genes display different degrees of sequence similarity and form two distinct clusters in a dendrogram. The 98% similarity between K4 and K6, which extends across intron sequences, suggests that these might be very recently diverged alleles or daughters of a duplication. In addition, K2 showed a comparably high similarity to the probe. Clones K1, K3 and K5 cross-hybridised with an SLG 29 cDNA probe, indicating the presence of upstream receptor domains homologous to the Brassica SLG gene. This suggests that the previously reported S sequence complexity may be ascribed to a large receptor kinase gene family.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility (SI) promotes outbreeding in flowering plants, and in Brassica SI is genetically controlled by the S locus. Self-incompatible Brassica and self-fertile Arabidopsis belong to the same crucifer family. In addition, a comparative analysis reveals a high degree of microsynteny between the B. campestris S locus and its homologous region in Arabidopsis– with the notable exception that the Brassica SI genes, SLG and SRK, are missing. Brassica ARC1 encodes a component of the SRK signal transduction pathway leading to self-pollen rejection, and no closely related ARC1 homolog has been identified in Arabidopsis. The purpose of the research reported here was to introduce Brassica SI components into Arabidopsis in an attempt to compensate for the missing genes and to investigate whether the SI phenotype can be transferred. Inserts of approximately 40 kb from the fosmid clones F20 and F22, which span the B. napus W1 SLG-SRK region, were cloned into the plant transformation vector pBIBAC2. Transgenic plants were generated that expressed the Brassica SI genes in the flower buds. In addition, the endogenous, SLG-like, gene AtS1 was not co-suppressed by the Brassica SLG transgene. No SI phenotype was observed among the T1 BIBAC2-F20 and BIBAC2-F22 transgenic plants. When the ARC1 gene was transformed into BIBAC2-F20 or BIBAC2-F22 plants, the resulting BIBAC2-F20-ARC1 and BIBAC2-F22-ARC1 plants still set seeds normally, and no rejection response was observed when self-incompatible B. napus W1 pollen was placed on BIBAC2-F20-ARC1 or BIBAC2-F22-ARC1 Arabidopsis stigmas. Taken together, our results suggest that complementing Arabidopsis genome with Brassica SLG, SRK and ARC1 genes is unlikely to be sufficient to transfer the SI phenotype. Received: 11 November 1999 / Accepted: 14 February 2000  相似文献   

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