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The Lim1 gene has essential functions during several stages of kidney development. In particular, a tissue-specific knockout in the early metanephric mesenchyme results in the formation of the earliest nephron precursor, the renal vesicle, but failure of this structure to progress to the next stage, the comma-shaped body. To better understand the molecular nature of this developmental arrest, we used a laser capture microdissection-microarray strategy to examine the perturbed gene expression pattern of the mutant renal vesicles. Among the genes found differently expressed were Chrdl2, an inhibitor of BMP signaling, the proapoptotic factor Bmf, as well as myob5, an atypical myosin that modulates chemokine signaling, and pdgfrl, which is important in epithelial folding. Of particular interest, the microarray data indicated that the Dkk1 gene, which encodes an inhibitor of Wnt signaling, was downregulated ninefold in mutants. This was confirmed by in situ hybridizations. It is interesting to note that Lim1 and Dkk1 mutant mice have striking similarities in phenoytpe. These results suggest that the Dkk1 gene might be a key downstream effector of Lim1 function.  相似文献   

The nephric duct plays a central role in orchestrating the development of the mammalian urogenital system. Lim 1 is a homeobox gene required for head and urogenital development in the mouse but most Lim 1-deficient embryos die by embryonic day 10. To determine the role of Lim 1 in the development of the nephric duct, we conditionally removed Lim 1 in the nephric epithelium just after the nephric duct begins to form using a floxed allele of Lim 1 and Pax2-cre transgenic mice. We report that Lim 1 conditional knockout mice have renal hypoplasia and hydronephrosis. Developmental studies revealed that the caudal portion of the nephric duct did not reach the urogenital sinus at embryonic day 10.5, formation of the ureteric bud was delayed, the ureteric bud was smaller and branching of the ureteric bud reduced. We also found that the nephric duct was generally not maintained and extension of the Müllerian duct inhibited. Molecular analysis indicated that Pax2 was expressed normally but the expression of Wnt9b and E-cadherin in the nephric duct was markedly altered. These results suggest that Lim 1 influences nephric duct extension and ureteric bud outgrowth by regulating and or maintaining the differentiation of the nephric epithelium.  相似文献   

肖春  胡火珍  莫显明 《遗传》2013,35(4):449-458
后生动物复杂的体内结构和器官结构多以网络状的管道系统出现。中空的管腔作为这个系统的重要结构单元承担了运输物质、区分器官不同部位功能、分隔机体和外环境等诸多重要的生理功能。管腔的发育障碍将致使相关器官形态发生畸形、功能紊乱。管腔型器官形态发生易被直接观察以及各种相关突变鱼和荧光转基因鱼的出现, 使得斑马鱼(Danio rerio)成为管道器官研究的优秀模式动物。斑马鱼血管、神经管、小肠、胰腺外分泌腺、前肾管等几种重要的器官的形态发生都伴随着典型的腔道发育过程, 是研究管腔形成的重要器官模型。管腔形成由胞外信号诱导、细胞极性化、胞内物质定向运输、腔内液体形成和胞内细胞骨架重构等相关管腔细胞内外发生的结构功能变化过程所构成, 而这些结构与功能的变化过程是通过精确而复杂的分子调控网络来实现, 最终形成管道器官。文章对斑马鱼4种典型管腔型器官的空腔形态发生过程进行了综述, 并总结了此过程中的分子机制, 为今后的相关研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

Proximal-distal leg development in Drosophila involves a battery of genes expressed and required in specific proximal-distal (PD) domains of the appendage. Here we report the characterisation of a new gene of this type, dlim1, a member of the Lhx family of genes whose proteins contain two Lim domains and a homeodomain. We show that the Lhx gene apterous (ap) is also required for PD leg development, and we study the functional interactions between ap, dlim1 and other PD genes during leg development. Our results show that a regulatory network formed by ap and dlim1 plus the homeobox genes aristaless and Bar specifies distal leg cell fates in Drosophila.  相似文献   

vsx1 is a homeobox gene encoding a paired-type homeodomain and a CVC domain that was originally cloned from an adult goldfish retinal library. We previously reported the spatiotemporal expression pattern of vsx1in the adult and developing retina of zebrafish and goldfish, and we suggested that vsx1 plays a role in determining the cell fate and maintenance of retinal interneurons. Other related genes encoding a CVC domain, such as vsx2 (alx) and chx10, are expressed both within and outside the retina during development. In this study, we report the cloning of zebrafish vsx1 and its developmental expression in both retinal and nonretinal regions of the CNS in zebrafish embryos. vsx1expression was detected in a subset of hindbrain and spinal cord neurons before it was expressed in the retina. At about the same time that retinal expression began, the level of vsx1 was decreased in the spinal cord. The expression of vsx1 was progressively restricted, and eventually it was detected only in the inner nuclear layer (INL) of the developing retina. The combined expression patterns of teleost vsx1 and vsx2 (alx) during early zebrafish development encompasses the expression pattern observed for murine Chx10, and indicates a partitioning of function for CVC genes in lower vertebrates. Dev. Genet. 23:128–141, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

During Drosophila leg development, the distal-most compartment (pretarsus) and its immediate neighbour (tarsal segment 5) are specified by a pretarsus-specific homeobox gene, aristaless, and tarsal-segment-specific Bar homeobox genes, respectively; the pretarsus/tarsal-segment boundary is formed by antagonistic interactions between Bar and pretarsus-specific genes that include aristaless (Kojima, T., Sato, M. and Saigo, K. (2000) Development 127, 769-778). Here, we show that Drosophila Lim1, a homologue of vertebrate Lim1 encoding a LIM-homeodomain protein, is involved in pretarsus specification and boundary formation through its activation of aristaless. Ectopic expression of Lim1 caused aristaless misexpression, while aristaless expression was significantly reduced in Lim1-null mutant clones. Pretarsus Lim1 expression was negatively regulated by Bar and abolished in leg discs lacking aristaless activity, which was associated with strong Bar misexpression in the presumptive pretarsus. No Lim1 misexpression occurred upon aristaless misexpression. The concerted function of Lim1 and aristaless was required to maintain Fasciclin 2 expression in border cells and form a smooth pretarsus/tarsal-segment boundary. Lim1 was also required for femur, coxa and antennal development.  相似文献   

Using cDNA microarrays, we have conducted a systematic characterization of global gene expression in v-raf or v-raf/v-myc transformed rat liver epithelial (RLE) cell lines exhibiting both non-metastatic and metastatic phenotypes. Seven transformed cell lines were compared with the non-transformed parental RLE cell. The hierarchical clustering analysis of gene expression profiles revealed two groups reflecting the in vivo metastatic potential of the cells. Surprisingly, one non-metastatic cell line T1 was co-clustered with metastatic cell lines, suggesting that T1 underwent significant genetic changes. The T1 cell line was further compared against all the metastatic cell lines in order to reveal the critical genes required for metastatic conversion but not expressed in the T1. These data demonstrated that expression of genes involved in apoptosis and immune cell homing were altered in all metastatic cell lines. Survival of both intravasated cells in circulation systems and extravasated cells in a new tissue environment might be critical for the final step in the metastatic process. Our study provides gene expression signatures consistent with two critical events in the metastatic process, namely, the acquisition of early homing capacity and increased survival potential of the tumor cells.  相似文献   

Hhex is required for early development of the liver. A null mutation of Hhex results in a failure to form the liver bud and embryonic lethality. Therefore, Hhex null mice are not informative as to whether this gene is required during later stages of hepatobiliary morphogenesis. To address this question, we derived Hhex conditional null mice using the Cre-loxP system and two different Cre transgenics (Foxa3-Cre and Alfp-Cre). Deletion of Hhex in the hepatic diverticulum (Foxa3-Cre;Hhex(d2,3/-)) led to embryonic lethality and resulted in a small and cystic liver with loss of Hnf4alpha and Hnf6 expression in early hepatoblasts. In addition, the gall bladder was absent and the extrahepatic bile duct could not be identified. Loss of Hhex in the embryonic liver (Alfp-Cre;Hhex(d2,3/-)) caused irregular development of intrahepatic bile ducts and an absence of Hnf1beta in many (cystic) biliary epithelial cells, which resulted in a slow, progressive form of polycystic liver disease in adult mice. Thus, we have shown that Hhex is required during multiple stages of hepatobiliary development. The altered expression of Hnf4alpha, Hnf6 and Hnf1beta in Hhex conditional null mice suggests that Hhex is an essential component of the genetic networks regulating hepatoblast differentiation and intrahepatic bile duct morphogenesis.  相似文献   

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